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J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 25(4): 201-204, 20231229.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563040


The formation of oral structures occurs due to ectomesenchymal cell proliferation, which will originate an anatomical structure known as peri coronal follicle, which undergoes apoptosis after complete formation of the dental crown, causing its eruption. In some cases, there may be impaction of the tooth as a result of an alteration in the reduced epithelium of the enamel organ, which prevents epithelial self-destruction. These changes may be associated with blood type which, based on scientific findings, can prove a correlation between human diseases and the ABO blood system. Thus, the present research project aims to find out if there is a relationship between the anatomical structure of the peri coronal follicle and the dentigerous cyst, comparing it with the blood typing of the individuals who carry it. The research is descriptive with data collection of cases of peri coronal follicle and dentigerous cyst, sent to the histopathological laboratory of the University of Passo Fundo. The prevalence of the ABO blood system found for the anatomical alteration of the peri coronal follicle was A+ and for the pathological structure of the dentigerous cyst it was O+. The other classes, AB, were presented in a smaller percentage, with B+, B-, A- only in the peri coronal follicle, as well as O-. These results conclude that blood typing can establish a predisposition for odontogenic findings, requiring further research to confirm the clinical diagnosis. (AU)

A formação das estruturas bucais ocorre devido às proliferações celulares ectomesenquimais, o que irão originar uma estrutura anatômica conhecida como folículo pericoronário, a qual sofre apoptose após a formação completa da coroa dentária, ocasionando sua erupção. Em alguns casos, pode haver a impactação do dente por consequência de uma alteração no epitélio reduzido do órgão do esmalte, o que impede a autodestruição epitelial. Essas alterações podem estar associadas ao tipo sanguíneo que, com base em achados científicos, pode-se provar uma correlação entre doenças humanas e o sistema sanguíneo ABO. Assim, o presente projeto de pesquisa tem por objetivo averiguar se há relação entre a estrutura anatômico do folículo pericoronário e o cisto dentígero comparando com a tipagem sanguínea dos indivíduos que o portam. A pesquisa é descritiva com coleta de dados dos casos de folículo pericoronário e cisto dentígero, enviados para o laboratório histopatológico da Universidade de Passo Fundo. A prevalência do sistema sanguíneo ABO encontrada para a alteração anatômico do folículo pericoronário foi A+ e para estrutura patológica do cisto dentígero foi O+. As demais classes, AB, apresentaram-se em menor porcentagem, sendo B+, B-, A- apenas em folículo pericoronário, assim como o-. Tais resultados concluem que a tipagem sanguínea pode estabelecer uma pré-disposição para os achados odontogênicos, sendo necessário maiores pesquisas para confirmação de diagnóstico clínico. (AU)

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004791


【Objective】 To solve the difficulty of RhD blood group typing in a patient with double population(DP) of red blood cells for RhD antigen by serological and genotyping analysis. 【Methods】 Separation of the two populations of red blood cells of the patient was performed using capillary centrifugation method. ABO, RhD and RhCE typing, direct anti-human globulin test (DAT), irregular antibody screening, antibody identification and blood crossmatching of the patient were conducted using the standard serological methods. The hybrid Rhesus zygosity analysis of the RHD gene was performed by PCR-RFLP method. RHD and RHCE genotype of the patients were identified by PCR-SSP method. 【Results】 The patient was B type but with DP of red blood cells for RhD, Rhc and RhE antigens. DAT of the patient was positive and the alloanti-D was detected in serum. The RHD zygosity was D-/D- homozygote. PCR-SSP testing showed the RHD gene deletion (RHD * 01N. 01/01N.01 genotype) and Ccee of RHCE genotype in the patient, which was consistent with RHD zygosity analysis. 【Conclusion】 This is a special case with D-negative phenotype which was wrongly detected as D-positive type after D-positive red blood cells transfusion in emergency. When the DP of red cells for D antigen encountered like this case, the RhD typing can be accurately determined by using RHD genotyping analysis to provide strong evidence to the clinical blood transfusion.

Rev. Assoc. Méd. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 66(1): 01022105, 20220101.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424964


Introdução: As transfusões de hemoderivados não são totalmente isentas de reações adversas, sendo necessário um controle rigoroso das práticas que envolvem as transfusões para reduzir os riscos relacionados. Objetivo: Mensurar as transfusões de hemoderivados realizadas no Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Tubarão/SC e caracterizar o perfil dos pacientes transfundidos e reações adversas relacionadas ao procedimento. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal a partir dos dados referentes aos pacientes internados no Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição que receberam transfusão de hemoterápicos, no período de julho de 2014 a junho de 2015. Resultados: Foram analisadas 6.262 transfusões e 12 reações adversas notificadas relacionadas a essas transfusões. O perfil predominante dos pacientes foi o sexo masculino (56,8%), internados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) (79,8%), e em leitos de enfermaria (37,3%). Os tipos sanguíneos mais prevalentes foram o tipo O e tipo A, os quais, somados, corresponderam a 87% dos pacientes com necessidade de transfusão, e 86,8% dos pacientes tinham fator Rh positivo. A maioria (78,5%) dos pacientes transfundidos recebeu o hemocomponente concentrado de hemácias (CH). O principal sinal pós-transfusão encontrado foi a febre (41,7%). Conclusão: A taxa de reações adversas encontradas foi menor que a média brasileira, sugerindo bom controle transfusional.

Introduction: Blood product transfusions are not completely free from adverse reactions, and rigorous control of practices involving transfusions should be enforced to reduce related risks. Objective: To measure blood product transfusions performed at Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, in Tubarão-SC, and characterize the profile of patients who received transfusions as well as adverse reactions related to this procedure. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study performed with data from hospitalized patients at Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição who received blood product transfusions from July 2004 to June 2015. Results: We analyzed 6,262 transfusions and 12 reports of adverse reactions related to these procedures. Most of the patients were male (56.8%), hospitalized through the Unified Health System (SUS) (79.8%) in general wards (37.3%). The most prevalent blood types were O and A, which together accounted for 87% of patients requiring transfusions; 86.8% of all patients were Rh-positive. Most (78.5%) patients who underwent transfusions received packed red blood cells (PRBC). The main sign observed after transfusions was fever (41.7%). Conclusion: The rate of adverse reactions observed in this study was lower than the Brazilian average, suggesting an adequate management of transfusion procedures.

Transfusion Reaction
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004131


【Objective】 To construct a platelet digital matching information system (PMIS). 【Methods】 The framework of PMIS was designed and the main functions were developed. The information system was connected with the information modules of clinical application, laboratory testing, blood donation service, blood inventory and distribution. Further, the preliminary application of this system will be carried on in clinical. 【Results】 The PMIS had been successfully developed and 5048 blood donors with HLA and HPA genotypes were registered in the system. A total of 306 patients applied for matching and 16.5% of them received compatible platelet reports immediately from the inventory bloods, with the median waiting time of all matching as 3 days, which was significantly shorter than that of the manual method (3.8±3.1 days vs 5.4±5.4 days). 【Conclusion】 The developed PMIS has realized the whole process management of blood donors and patients, which is helpful to improve the platelet matching level.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004258


【Objective】 To analyze the causes and treatments for the incompatible crossmatching between a patient, who underwent the minor ABO mismatches lung transplantation, and the blood donor with ABO-compatible blood. 【Methods】 A patient, who underwent the minor ABO mismatches (donor group O; recipient group A) lung transplantation developed a continuous decrease in Hb for 13 days after surgery, The blood sample of the patient presented major crossmatching incompatibility with the blood donors and the causes of it were analyzed by the recipient′s blood type reviewing, direct antiglobulin test, antibody screening and erythrocyte elution. 【Results】 The patient’s serum reacted with A1 erythrocyte reagent with agglutination strength at ±, and enhanced to 1+ at 4℃ after 10 min incubation.Antibodies were not detected by 10-cell panel and the effects of unexpected antibodies were excluded.The results of direct antiglobulin test and elution test were positive, and eluted anti-A antibody was detected.Combined with the patient′s continuous decline in Hb and elevated total bilirubin, passenger lymphocyte syndrome (PLS) was clinically diagnosed.After the transfusion of 6 U of O-type washed RBCs, the symptoms of anemia were improved and no adverse reactions occurred. 【Conclusion】 PLS may occur after an ABO mismatched solid organ transplantation.Most of the hemolytic symptoms are not obvious and easy to ignore, therefore clinical indicators of direct antiglobulin test results, Hb and total bilirubin should be continuously monitored after transplantation for early detection and timely treatment of PLS to avoid major adverse consequences.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004359


【Objective】 To explore the challenging blood cross-matching and resolution for multiple myeloma (MM) patients in different disease stages. 【Methods】 For a patient who was first diagnosed as MM and scheduled for blood transfusion, his blood was cross matched with donors’ blood by microcolumn gel method and tube test. When the major side of cross-matching was agglutinated, the patient’s plasma was cross matched with donors’ red blood cell (RBC) by polybrene test, then plasma dilution cross matched with donors’ RBC by microcolumn gel method. For a patient who was diagnosed as recurrent refractory MM and scheduled for blood transfusion, his blood was cross matched with donors’ blood by microcolumn gel method. 【Results】 1) Case 1 was a first-visit outpatient. The major side of microcolumn cross-match test was agglutinated with the shape of fine line. The result of tube method also showed agglutination of major sides, and the rouleaux were detected by the microscopy. Then polybrene method and microcolumn gel method (after plasma diluted) were applied for cross-matching again with the above two donors’ blood and showed compatibility. 2) Case 2 was a recurrent refractory MM patient. The major and minor sides of microcolumn cross-match test were both agglutinated with the shape of granular. The patient was treated with anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody. The RBCs, after treated with dithiothreitol (DTT) was used to cross match with patient plasma by microcolumn test, and the result was compatible. 【Conclusion】 Polybrene method and microcolumn gel method after plasma diluted are suitable for blood cross-matching of newly diagnosed MM patients, also for those treated with CD38 monoclonal antibody, as the drug interference with cross-matching can be eliminated by DTT.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004374


【Objective】 To analyze the safety of homotypic transfusion in military donors with negative unexpected antibody. 【Methods】 Blood samples (4 mL/person)of eligible military blood donors from November 2018 to October 2019 in our hospital (also working as forces blood station) were conducted for RBC antigen typing, unexpected antibody screening, direct antiglobulin test and cross-match test using microcolumn gel technology, and the compatibility of homotype blood samples was statistical analyzed. 【Results】 A total of 1 577 samples from eligible military blood donors were collected, including A RhD (+ ), B RhD (+ ), O RhD (+ ) and AB RhD (+ ), accounting for 31.39% (495/1 577), 34.37% (542/1 577), 24.10% (380/1 577) and 10.15% (160/1 577), respectively. Six samples presenting positive unexpected antibodies (0.38%, 6/1 577) were screened out, and a total of 7 141 cross-matching tests were performed on 1 571 unexpected antibody negative samples, including A RhD (+ ) [37.36% (2 668/7 141)], B RhD (+ ) [34.81% (2 486/7 141)], O RhD (+ ) [17.71% (1265/7 141)] and AB RhD (+ ) [10.11% (722/7 141)]. There was only 1 case of incompatible cross-matching presented between other donors and clinical patients, and the direct antiglobulin test was 1+ , therefore suspended red blood cells of the donor were scrapped. 【Conclusion】 There was high compatibility and good security of homotype transfusion of military blood donors with negative unexpected antibody.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003971


【Objective】 To explore the impact of monoclonal anti-CD47(IBI188) on clinical pre-transfusion testing and its solutions, then compare it with monoclonal anti-CD38, so as to develop safe and rational transfusion strategies. 【Methods】 The blood typing, direct antiglobulin testing(DAT) and antibody screening were conducted by standard methods. Red blood cells(RBCs) were treated with fig protease, papain, trypsin and dithiothreitol(DTT) to observe whether the effect of monoclonal anti-CD47 could be eliminated. Cord RBCs and RBCs with different Rh phenotypes were cross-matched; Plasma samples were adsorbed with papain-treated O allogeneic RBCs. 【Results】 ABO reverse typing were affected by monoclonal anti-CD47 treatment, and all serum antibody screening were positive, and their DAT were negative or weakly positive. Neither enzyme nor DTT could weaken the effect of monoclonal anti-CD47 on antibody screening. In saline cross-matching, differences in agglutination intensity were corresponded to differences in CD47 expression on RBCs, but all RBCs agglutinated 2+ to 4+ by polybrene method and anti-human globulin method. Papain treated allogeneic RBCs can remove the monoclonal anti-CD47 in the serum through 3 to 4 rounds of absorption. 【Conclusion】 Monoclonal anti-CD47 interferes with pre-transfusion testing, which can be removed by allogeneic RBCs absorption(not suitable for antibody screening or cross-matching), but not by enzyme or DTT. Blood typing and antibody screening should be conducted before monoclonal anti-CD47 treatment and patients should be transfused with homozygous matched RBCs.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003975


【Objective】 To analyze the blood samples sent by hospitals in Shenzhen to solve ABO cross-match incompatibility during 2011 to 2020, so as to find corresponding solutions to improve the efficacy of blood transfusion. 【Methods】 The clinical data of 1 770 cases of cross-match incompatibility in our laboratory from January 2011 to December 2020 were collected and reviewed. The causes of cross-match incompatibility were analyzed, the types of unexpected antibodies were determined. The overall incidence of antibodies was evaluated by statistical method of classified variables. The safety of blood transfusion was safeguarded by ABO homotype plus cross-matching compatibility. 【Results】 1) The 1 770 samples, presenting cross-matching incompatibility, involved 956 patients. The average number of cross-matching per patient from 2011 to 2015 was 1.32(307/232), which increased from 1.27(103/81) in 2016 to 2.23(286/128) in 2018, and remained stable in 2019 and 2020. 2) Among 956 patients, auto-and/or allo-antibody in plasma were yielded in 90.38%(864/956), including auto-antibody plus alloantibody in 42.26%(404/956), solo auto-antibody in 20.71%(198/956) and solo allo-antibody in 27.41%(262/956). Up to 20 kinds of specific allo-antibodies were detected, belonging to 8 blood groups. Among them, 70.82%(551/778) were Rh blood group, such as anti-E(37.15%)>anti-c(20.95%)>anti-C(5.27%)=anti-e(5.27%)>anti-D(2.19%), followed by MNS [11.40%(112/778)], Kidd [5.66%(44/778)], Leiws [3.21%(25/778)], Duffy [1.80%(14/778)], Diego [1.03%(8/778)], P1 [0.39%(3/778)] and H [0.26%(2/778)]. 3) 86%(37/43) of multiple transfusion recipients, aged below 20 years old, were thalassemia, and 1-4 kinds of allo- and/or auto-antibody were yielded. 【Conclusion】 The cross-matching incompatibility were mainly caused by allo- and/or auto-antibodies, which may be induced by blood transfusion, pregnancy or autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia.Those suspicious blood samples in clinical should be sent to blood group reference laboratory for further determination, in order to ensure the safety and efficacy of blood transfusion.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004394


【Objective】 To explore a simple method to remove the interference of monoclonal anti-CD38 from compatibility testing and evaluate its effectiveness and safety, in order to develop a reasonable clinical transfusion strategy. 【Methods】 Blood phenotype detection, direct antiglobulin testing(DAT) and antibody screening were carried out by standard methods. Antibody screening and cross-matching of serums after monoclonal anti-CD38 treatment were performed by anti-human globulin card with 0.2 mol/L or 0.04 mol/L dithiothreitol(DTT) treated red blood cells. 【Results】 The results showed that 0.04 mol/L DTT treated directly in the anti-human globulin card for 15 min can completely remove the interference of monoclonal anti-CD38 in antibody screening and cross-matching without compromising of the yielding of anti-K, anti-LW, anti-JMH and anti-Lub alloantibodies. However, the titer of IgM antibodies may decrease in different degrees, and antibody screening and cross-matching with saline methods are required to avoid the missed detection of IgM alloantibodies. All 12 patients had no acute or delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions and their routine blood tests showed that the red blood cells transfusion were effective. 【Conclusion】 Based on antibody screening and cross-matching plus saline method, the method of 0.04 mol/L DTT, treated directly in the anti-human globulin card, is safe, effective and simple, which can detect most alloantibodies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004519


【Objective】 To investigate the effect of sample processing at 56℃ for 30 min on routine examination in Department of Blood Transfusion. 【Methods】 A total of 40 cross matched blood samples submitted by clinical departments of our hospital, were collected, and each sample was equally divided into two. Before and after heating at 56℃ for 30 min, the ABO blood group was detected by manual method and card method (gel card and glass beadle card), antibody titer was detected by coagulant method, and cross-matching was conducted by anti-globulin card method. Chi-square test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to compare the differences between the two groups (before and after heating treatment). 【Results】 The blood group detection rates of the experimental group were 100% (40/40), 37.5% (15/40) and 80% (32/40) by manual test tube method, gel card and glass beads card, respectively, P0.05). The matching rate of two groups of samples, cross-matched with corresponding donor samples, was both 100% (40/40) by coagulant method, and 100% (40/40) vs 25% (10/40) respectively by the antiglobulin card method (P<0.01). The other 30 samples in the experimental group presented weak agglutination in the secondary side. 【Conclusion】 The treatment of virus inactivation at 56℃ for 30 min has little effect on blood group identification by test tube method, antibody titer and cross-matching by coagulant method, and reduceds the occupational exposure of staff in Blood Transfusion Department.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004546


【Objective】 To study the application of electronic crossmatching(E-XM) based on Rh typing aimed at reducing the production of alloantibodies in blood recipients. 【Methods】 A total of 22 528 RhD positive patients, admitted to our hospital from Jan 1, 2018 to Mar 31, 2020, required the specific transfusion of leukocyte-depleted suspension red blood cells. Among which, 21 334 reached the priority level Ⅰ and Ⅱ by E-XM and were set as the control group, and 1 194 reached the priority level Ⅲ and were set as the experimental group. ABO and Rh (D, C, c, E and e antigens) blood group systems were serologically tested both in blood recipients and donors, and Rh phenotype database was established based on the blood transfusion management system. The incidence of irregular antibodies against the exposure of new antigens involved with RBC transfusions in the control group and the experimental group was compared. 【Results】 The proportion of antigen C and e was significantly higher than that of c and E. The frequency of DCCee and DCcEe were the highest, while that of Dccee and DCCEE were extremely low. 85.2% and 9.5% of the patients reached priority level Ⅰ and Ⅱ, respectively, and only 5.3% reached priority level Ⅲ. 6 patients(less than 0.001%) in the control group (n=21 334), developed Rh system alloantibodies after blood transfusion, and 24 patients(2.01%) in the experimental group (n=1194) developed Rh alloantibodies against the exposure of antigens after blood transfusion. There were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group (P<0.01). 【Conclusion】 The application of E-XM could minimize the incidence of Rh irregular antibodies after RBC transfusion in patients, which contributes to the safety in clinical blood transfusion.

Laboratory Medicine Online ; : 218-223, 2019.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760515


BACKGROUND: Automated systems are used widely for pre-transfusion tests in blood banks, in an attempt to reduce effort and human error. We evaluated the clinical performance of an automated blood bank system, ORTHO VISION (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Switzerland), for blood cross-matching. METHODS: Saline cross-matching was performed for 93 tests using 56 samples. Coombs cross-matching was performed for 400 tests using 166 samples. Saline cross-matching was compared for the automated ORTHO VISION and manual tube methods. Coombs cross-matching was compared for the automated ORTHO VISION and manual column agglutination technique (CAT) methods. The evaluation of 32 antibody-positive samples using the automated ORTHO VISION and manual CAT methods was compared by performing 97 cross-matching tests. Additionally, the ORTHO VISION efficiency and carryover were evaluated. RESULTS: The concordance rate of the saline cross-matching results between the manual method and automated ORTHO VISION was 100%. The concordance rate of coombs cross-matching results between manual CAT and automated ORTHO VISION was 97.9%. The concordance rate of cross-matching for antibody positive samples between manual CAT and the automated ORTHO VISION was 97.9%. Coombs cross-matching was efficient using ORTHO VISION, whereas saline cross-matching was efficient using the tube manual method. CONCLUSIONS: ORTHO VISION showed reliable results for cross-matching and was more efficient than manual CAT for coombs cross-matching. Thus, ORTHO VISION can be used for pre-transfusion tests in blood banks.

Animals , Cats , Humans , Agglutination , Automation , Blood Banks , Methods
Clinics ; Clinics;74: e652, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001823


OBJECTIVES: Thirty to sixty percent of prepared blood products are not transfused. Blood reserves for surgeries lead to many unused blood products, which increases hospital costs. The aim of this study is to identify the request and use profiles of blood products for elective surgeries in different surgical specialties, the influence of surgery time and demographic, clinical, and laboratory variables on the number of red blood cells (RBCs) used and to calculate the rate of transfused patients (RTP) and cross-matched and transfused (C/T) RBCs. METHODS: Observational and prospective studies. Sociodemographic, clinical and quantitative data on the request and use of blood products were collected. The influence of the data on the use of RBCs was examined by binary logistic regression. Chi-square, one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests were utilized to compare the data among the specialties. RESULTS: In total, 822 procedures were included. Most of the requested blood products were not used, even 24 hours postoperatively. Of the 2,483 RBC units, 314 were transfused, leaving 87.6% unused; however, cardiac, digestive tract, vascular, gynecologic, urologic and thoracic surgery procedures transfused 50%, 25%, 16.5%, 11%, 9.5% and 8.1% of requested RBCs, respectively. The factors that influenced the transfusions were age, time of surgery and cardiac surgeries. The RTP was >10% in 22 surgical types and <1% in 24 surgical types, and 88% of samples presented a C/T ratio >2.5. CONCLUSION: The RTP and C/T ratios can guide RBC requests in the preoperative period. Knowing the standard of use of blood products and developing protocols enables the optimization of reserves, reduction of costs and improvement of care.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Blood Transfusion , Elective Surgical Procedures , Erythrocyte Transfusion/methods , Platelet Count , Time Factors , Prospective Studies , Statistics as Topic , Erythrocyte Transfusion/statistics & numerical data , Erythrocytes , Cardiac Surgical Procedures
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 40(4): 298-304, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-984506


ABSTRACT Background: The selection of compatible human leukocyte antigen platelets has been associated with improved platelet increments. Therefore, an effective strategy would be the selection of donors who are genetically compatible according to the human leukocyte antigen system. Nonetheless, this is costly as it concerns a highly polymorphic system, which requires a large bank of genotyped donors. Methods: This study evaluated the feasibility of virtual crossmatching using EpVix software, which simplifies the identification of compatible donors or donors with acceptable incompatibilities. Results: Forty-three oncohematological patients were evaluated, in 96 platelet transfusion episodes with 16.3% of the patients being found to be refractory to platelet transfusions. Eight alloimmunized, multitransfused patients were selected to evaluate human leukocyte antigen compatibility against a bank of 336 platelet donors. At least partially compatible donors were found for all patients. The number of compatible donors was found to be inversely proportional to the human leukocyte antigen-panel reactive antibody score of each patient. It was noted that five patients with scores of 15% or less had at least 190 compatible donors; four fully compatible donors were found for two other patients with scores greater than 80% and only one patient (score of 93%) did not have a fully compatible donor. However, for this last patient, 40 donors were partially compatible according to the software. Conclusion: The results showed the effectiveness of the use of the EpVix tool to identify potential platelet donors for multitransfused and/or alloimmunized patients, even with a small number of human leukocyte antigen genotyped donors available.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Software , Blood Grouping and Crossmatching , Platelet Transfusion , HLA Antigens
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741502


Blood group determination in dogs is an important factor in transfusion medicine to minimize immediate or delayed adverse reactions after red blood cells transfusion in small animal clinics. Dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA) 1 is the most important blood type due to its high degree of antigenicity causing acute transfusion adverse reactions. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of DEA 1 in various dog breeds in Korea. As a result of testing 592 blood samples from more than 35 dog breeds, DEA 1 blood typing for each breed showed that 57.8% of Malteses, 63.3% of Poodles, 76.2% of Mastiff-like dogs, 72.5% of Pomeranians, 47.7% of Shih Tzus, 70.3% of mixed breeds, 60.0% of Yorkshire Terriers, and 71.4% of Beagles were DEA 1-positive. Miniature Schnauzers and Jindo breeds had a significantly high prevalence (100%) of DEA 1-positive dogs compared to that in other small breed dogs. This is the first report of immunochromatography-detected DEA 1 prevalence in various domestic dog breeds. Although additional studies need clarifying the potential blood transfusion risks in domestic breed dogs with DEA 1, the results of this study may be useful when selecting a blood donor.

Animals , Dogs , Humans , Blood Donors , Blood Group Antigens , Blood Grouping and Crossmatching , Blood Transfusion , Erythrocytes , Chromatography, Affinity , Korea , Prevalence , Transfusion Medicine , Transfusion Reaction
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-147860


BACKGROUND: The appropriate procedures and equipment for the pretransfusion test are fundamental to a safe blood transfusion. The present study aimed to assess the current status of procedures and equipment for pretransfusion tests at small- and medium-sized medical institutions, as well as to use this basic raw data to better manage blood transfusions at these institutions. METHODS: Offline and online questionnaire surveys were performed at institutions that used between 24 and 1,000 units of blood products in 2014. A total of 338 institutions participated, and the survey results were subsequently analyzed. RESULTS: Among 307 institutions where on-site ABO blood typing was performed, 15.0%, 2.1%, and 43.5% did not conduct ABO serum typing, RhD typing, and irregular antibody screening tests, respectively, and 12.8% only conducted the saline phase for crossmatching. Moreover, among 338 institutions, only 66.7% of blood banks had centrifuges, 84.5% had 37℃ incubators, 41.1% had slide view boxes; in addition, 66.1% and 18.6% had refrigerators and deep freezers, respectively, for blood storage. CONCLUSION: Certain small- and medium-sized institutions did not have the essential equipment required to operate as blood banks. Moreover, they also needed to improve their testing procedures. To address these issues, the initiation of systematic training programs and the employment of institutional strategies are necessary to enhance testing procedures and equipment, respectively.

Blood Banks , Blood Grouping and Crossmatching , Blood Transfusion , Education , Employment , Incubators , Korea , Mass Screening
Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 1332-1335, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-502267


Objective To screen and confirm cell fusion by DNA technology of parentage identification based on detecting of short tandem repeats.Methods With 20% polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000,human myeloma cell lines and health individual peripheral blood mononuclear cell were fused.Then selected by hypoxantin,aminopterin,thymidin (HAT) medium,and fusion cell were sub-cloned.Morphology of fusion cells was checked by regular microscope.Concentration of DNA was compared to parental cells.Allele genes,identified by short tandem repeats,of fusion cell line were sequenced and compared with each other.Results The fused cells from myeloma cell line and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) were slightly larger than primary cells,and the proliferation cycle was not changed significantly.DNA concentration of the fused cell DNA was increased by two times.Sequences of short tandem repeats (STR) showed that the fused cell included all original genetic materials of parent cells.Conclusions DNA technology of parentage identification is a convenient and reliable method to screen and confirm fused cell.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 1291-1292, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-504165


Anti-S antibody is rare and irregular antibody in MNS blood group system. One patient was found positive when doing antibody screening experiment before coronary artery bypass grafting. This is the first case of serum IgG-anti-S in our laboratory. S-antibody screening test and irregular antibody identification are important before blood transfusion, which can reduce the transfusion reaction.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-207938


BACKGROUND: Flow cytometric crossmatching (FCXM) is widely used in hospitals performing solid organ transplantation. Pronase treatment of lymphocytes can increase the sensitivity and specificity of B-cell FCXM. However, it can also affect human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression and results of FCXM. We treated lymphocytes with various concentrations of pronase and analysed the effect of the treatment on the FCXM results. METHODS: The peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from 10 renal transplant donors were treated with three different concentrations of pronase (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/mL). The effects of pronase on median fluorescence intensity (MFI) values of AB serum (Fcγ receptor), HLA class I and II, and on the MFI ratio of HLA class I and II were analysed. RESULTS: In B-cell FCXM, the MFI values of AB serum (Fcγ receptor) and HLA class I were significantly decreased by the pronase treatment. The MFI ratio of HLA class II was significantly increased upon treatment with 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/mL pronase (P<0.05, P<0.01, and P<0.01, respectively). In T-cell FCXM, the MFI ratio of HLA class I was significantly decreased by the pronase treatment (all P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: When performing FCXM, it is recommended that B-lymphocytes should be treated with 1.0 or 2.0 mg/mL pronase. In the case of T-lymphocytes, pronase treatment should be adopted with caution.

Humans , B-Lymphocytes , Flow Cytometry , Fluorescence , Leukocytes , Lymphocytes , Organ Transplantation , Pronase , Sensitivity and Specificity , T-Lymphocytes , Tissue Donors , Transplants