In Cantharidin-poisoned rats, nicotinamide-adenine dinucletide dehydrogenase (NADHD) andcytochrome oxidase (CCO) activities of myocardi-um, stomach and intestine were observed in exper-iment histochemically. The result showed thatNADHD and CCO reaction granules were de-creased, stained weakly, and distributed sparselyin myocardium, stomach and intestine of intoxicat-ed rats as compared with the control group. Thus,from the experimental result it was considered thatcantharidin may inhibit the activities of NADHDand CCO in varving degrees.
Based on the histochemical observation ofnicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase(NADHD) and eytochrome oxidase (CCO) activi-ties of myocardium in cantharidine poisoned rats,furthermore, we observed the changes of these en-zymes of the myocardium cytochemically. The re-sult showed that, compared with control group, NADHD and CCO activities were inhibited afteradministration of cantharidin 1 or 2 h, and the in-hibition was found to be more obvious with poison-ing times prolonged, after 24 h, the cristae of mi-tochondria can not be distinguished, and the reac-tion products diffued into stroma to become a ho-mogeneous mass and lost their normal localization.It is indicated that cantharidin might destroy thestructure of mitochondria and interfere the activi-ties of NADHD and CCO of which both are locatedon mitochondria.