Resumen Introducción: Las enfermedades coronarias son una de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. El tratamiento para la enfermedad coronaria puede ser farmacológico y no farmacológico. Cuando el diagnóstico es reciente, los pacientes inician un proceso adaptativo y con esto hay posibilidad de desarrollar síntomas depresivos. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos y factores asociados al inicio del programa de rehabilitación cardíaca en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria en una institución de salud. Materiales y método: Estudio transversal analítico, en 95 pacientes con enfermedad coronaria que iniciaron el programa de rehabilitación cardíaca. Se analizaron datos sociodemográficos, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y actividad física. Los puntajes de la subescala de síntomas depresivos fueron medidos con DASS-21. Se estimaron prevalencias y razones de prevalencia mediante modelos de regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta, con niveles de confianza del 95%. Resultados: El 70.5% de los pacientes que iniciaron el programa presentaron síntomas depresivos. El régimen de salud (RP: 0.75; IC 95%: 0.60-0.94; p = 0.013), el riesgo cardiovascular (RP: 0.62; IC 95%: 0.50-0.77; p < 0.001) y la esternotomía previa (IC 95%: 1.01-1.62; p = 0.040) son factores asociados para síntomas depresivos en estos pacientes. Conclusiones: Siete de cada diez pacientes con enfermedad coronaria que iniciaron el programa, presentaron síntomas depresivos.
Abstract Introduction: Coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide (1). Treatment for coronary disease is pharmacological and non-pharmacological. When the diagnosis is recent, patients begin an adaptive process and with this the possibility of developing depressive symptoms. Objective: To identify the prevalence of depressive symptoms and factors associated with presenting these symptoms at the beginning of the cardiac rehabilitation program in patients with coronary disease in a health institution. Materials and method: Analytical cross-sectional study in 95 patients with coronary disease who started the cardiac rehabilitation program. Sociodemographic data, cardiovascular risk factors, physical activity, and depressive symptoms subscale scores were measured with the DASS-21. Prevalence and prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson regression models with robust variance, with confidence levels of 95%. Results: 70.5% who started the program presented depressive symptoms. The health regime (PR: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.60-0.94; p = 0.013), cardiovascular risk (PR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.50-0.77; p < 0.001) and the Previous sternotomy (95% CI: 1.01-1.62; p = 0.040) are associated factors for depressive symptoms in these patients. Conclusions: Seven out of ten patients with coronary disease who start the program presented depressive symptoms.
RESUMEN Se estima que la depresión afecta a unos 280 millones de personas a nivel mundial. Entre los factores vinculados con esta condición clínica, se encuentran las relaciones interpersonales, la calidad de vida, la pérdida de autonomía y otros. En épocas recientes, el fútbol profesional ha venido ocupando un lugar cada vez más importante en el desenvolvimiento de la vida pública y social de la población, fenómeno que impone altas expectativas en la conducta y acciones de los deportistas: el fútbol ha pasado a ser así una profesión con muchas exigencias y presiones constantes, dando lugar a que la calidad de vida de sus practicantes en el Perú se pueda ver afectada. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre calidad de vida y depresión en deportistas de la Federación Peruana de Fútbol (FPF) en el período 2019-2020. Materiales y métodos: Diseño de tipo observacional, analítico y retrospectivo. Se trata de un análisis secundario del estudio «Diagnóstico situacional de salud física, mental, nutricional y social de futbolistas¼, en el que se incluye a los deportistas inscritos en todas las categorías de la Primera División de la Federación Peruana de Fútbol. Resultados: De un total de 168 participantes, el 54,8 % (n = 92) muestra una calidad de vida descrita como «pobre¼ y el 17,3 % (n = 29) evidencia síntomas depresivos según la escala CESD-7. En el análisis bivariado, el 21,7 % (n = 20) de deportistas con síntomas depresivos reportó tener baja calidad de vida. Con la regresión de Poisson se encontró que deportistas con síntomas depresivos tenían un deterioro 1,42 veces mayor en su calidad de vida (IC 95 %: 1,05-1,93). Conclusiones: La calidad de vida de una proporción de futbolistas profesionales en el Perú parece estar afectada por manifestaciones depresivas demostrables.
ABSTRACT Currently, depression is estimated to affect 280 million people worldwide. Depression is related to a variety of factors such as interpersonal relationships, quality of life, loss of autonomy, and others. In recent years, football (or soccer) has gained a prominent position in the social life of the Peruvian population, leading to high expectations about the life and behavior of its athletes. Soccer has, thus, turned into a profession with numerous demands and constant pressures, which has impacted negatively the quality of life of Peruvian players. Objective: To determine the association between quality of life and depression in athletes of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) in the period 2019-2020. Methods: An observational, analytical, and retrospective design type of study, this is a secondary analysis of the "Situational Diagnosis of Physical, Mental, Nutritional, and Social Health of Soccer Players" project. It focused on athletes registered in all categories of the first Division of the Peruvian Football Federation. Results: Of a total of 168 participants, 54.8% (n=92) reported an inadequate quality of life, and 17.3% (n=29) had depressive symptoms according to the CESD-7 scale. In the bivariate analysis, 21.7% (n=20) of athletes with depressive symptoms reported a low quality of life. With the Poisson regression, it was found that athletes with depressive symptoms had 1,42 times more deterioration in their quality of life (95% CI 1,05-1,93). Conclusions: The quality of life of a proportion of professional soccer players in Perú, appears to be affected by demonstrable depressive manifestations.
ABSTRACT Background: Violence is an important public health problem and one of the main causes of deaths worldwide. The mental health consequences of surviving intimate partner violence (IPV) include depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Previous studies have identified that there is a relationship between depression and level of disability in female survivors of IPV. Estimating the direct, indirect or total effect of an exposure on an outcome makes it possible to identify mediating effects between a group of variables. Detecting mediation effects is useful for identifying casual pathways that generate a final outcome and provides a rationale for designing interventions to target the mediator, which in turn positively affects the outcome. The objective was to identify the mediating role of depressive symptoms on the relationship between IPV and disability. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 94 women over the age of 18 who were survivors of IPV by men. They were recruited from two public hospitals in Cali and Tuluá in southwest Colombia. An analysis of casual relationships was performed using structural equation modelling that was made up of: four exogenous observed variables (age, current relationship status [in a relationship or single], level of schooling, and history of an impairment), intermediate endogenous variables (violence and depressive symptoms), and the main endogenous variable (disability). The analyses were carried out in Stata14.2. Results: The direct effect of IPV severity on the level of disability was not statistically significant ((3 = 0.09; P = 0.63). However, the indirect effect of IPV severity on disability mediated by depressive symptoms was ((3 = 0.39; P <0.01). The total effect of IPV severity on the level of disability was even greater ((3 = 0.48; P = 0.01). Conclusions: This study found a complete mediating role of depressive symptoms on the relationship between the severity of IPV and the level of disability for the female participants in this study. The results of this research contribute to defining strategies to prevent and address intimate partner violence, depressive symptoms and disability in this population.
RESUMEN Introducción: La violencia es un importante problema de salud pública y una de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. Las consecuencias para la salud mental de sobrevivir a la violencia de la pareja íntima incluyen depresión, ansiedad y trastorno de estrés postraumático. Estudios previos han identificado que existe una relación entre la depresión y el nivel de discapacidad en mujeres sobrevivientes a violencia de pareja íntima. La estimación del efecto directo, indirecto o total de una exposición en un resultado permite identificar efectos mediadores en un grupo de variables. La detección de los efectos de la mediación es útil para identificar vías causales que generan un resultado final y proporciona una justificación para diseñar intervenciones dirigidas al mediador, lo que a su vez afecta positivamente al resultado. El objetivo es identificar el efecto mediador de los síntomas de depresión en la relación entre gravedad de la violencia y el nivel de discapacidad de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de pareja. Métodos: Estudio transversal que incluyó a 94 mujeres de 18 o más años víctimas de violencia de pareja, identificadas en 2 instituciones públicas de salud de Cali y Tuluá, en el suroccidente de Colombia. Se realizó un análisis de rutas causales mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM), en Stata® 14. Resultados: El efecto directo de la gravedad de la violencia en la discapacidad no es significativo ((3 = 0,09; p = 0,63); sin embargo, el efecto indirecto mediado por los síntomas de depresión incrementa su magnitud y es significativo (3 = 0,39; p <0,01). El efecto total es mayor y significativo (3 = 0,48; p = 0,01). Conclusiones: Existe un papel mediador de los síntomas depresivos entre la exposición a violencia de pareja y el nivel de discapacidad en las mujeres del suroccidente colombiano. Así, tratar los síntomas de depresión es fundamental para mejorar la funcionalidad de las mujeres víctimas de la violencia de pareja. Los resultados de esta investigación contribuyen a definir estrategias para prevenir y abordar la violencia de pareja, los síntomas depresivos y la discapacidad en esta población.
Objective To explore the mediating role of cognitive function in the association between literacy level and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people in China. Methods Using the fourth national follow-up data of the China Health and Elderly Care Tracking Survey 2018, 8 124 middle-aged and elderly people aged 45 years and above were included as the study subjects. The PROCESS 4.0 program was used to test the mediating effect of cognitive function between literacy level and depressive symptoms, and the Bootstrap method was used for the mediator variable validation. Results The detection rate of depressive symptoms among middle-aged and elderly people in China was 38.10%. After controlling for gender, place of residence, marital status, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exercise, literacy level was a negative predictor of depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people (β =-0.480, t =-11.248, P<0.001). Cognitive function accounted for 58.75% of the amount of mediating effect between literacy level and depressive symptoms. Conclusion Literacy level and cognitive function are associated with depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people. Literacy level can influence depressive symptoms directly or indirectly through the mediation of cognitive dysfunction.
Objective To investigate the difference of depressive symptoms between adolescents and adults,and to provide possible basis for early detection of adolescent depression.Methods From July 2021 to June 2022,a total of 4 096 patients with"depression"in the psychiatric clinic of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University were selected as the research objects.They were divided into the adolescent group(n=2 439)and adult group(n=1 657)according to their ages,and the results of self-rating depression scale(SDS)and symptom checklist 90(SCL-90)were collected and analyzed.Results There were significant differences in nationality,residence,native place,family history and degree of depression between the two groups(P<0.05).The adolescent group has more severe depressive symptoms,which were mainly manifes-ted in negative ideas,obsessive-compulsive symptoms,hostile and interpersonal relationship,and psychotic symptoms(P<0.05).The adult group showed more obvious in sleep(P<0.05).Conclusion Early inter-vention should be carried out for adolescents'depressive symptoms such as negative thoughts.
Objective An isotemporal substitution model was used to explore the associations between activities including 10 minutes per day of physical activity(PA),sedentary behavior(SB),and sleep(SLP),and depressive symptoms among vocational school students with and without depressive symptoms.Methods Questionnaire survey was conducted on grade one to grade three students attending vocational schools in Shanghai and Jiangsu Province from Dec 2021 to Jan 2022.Fourteen schools were selected using the convenience cluster sampling method.The selected students were categorized into depressive symptoms group and non-depressive symptoms group according to the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D)scores.Results A total of 40 339 questionnaires were collected,of which 10 086 were able to clearly remember the time of physical activity in the past week,and 8 149 were valid after data cleaning.According to the valid questionnaires,5 496 students(67.44%)were in the non-depressive symptoms group and 2 653(32.56%)were in the depressive symptoms group.The mean age of the students were(16.70±1.19)years.In the non-depressive symptoms group,substituting moderate physical activity(MPA)for all the other behaviors was negatively associated with CES-D scores,while substituting vigorous physical activity(VPA)for MPA and SB was positively associated with CES-D scores.In the depressive symptoms group,substituting walking,SB,and SLP with MPA was negatively associated with CES-D scores,respectively.The associations of MPA substituted for walking,SB,and SLP with CES-D scores were much stronger in the depressive symptoms group than in the non-depressive symptoms group.Conclusion The detection rate of depressive symptoms was high among vocational students.Substituting MPA for walking,SB,and SLP were negatively associated with CES-D scores,with a stronger association observed in the depressive symptoms group than in the non-depressive symptoms group.
Objective:To investigate the associated factors of depressive symptoms among patients with neo-plasms.Methods:Nationwide(excluding Hong Kong,Macao,and Taiwan),30 505 residents were selected by a combination of stratified sampling and quota sampling according to the proportion of the seventh national population census.Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9),General Anxiety Disorder-7(GAD-7),self-made questionnaire,and simplified perceived social support scale used to evaluate depressive symptoms,anxiety symptoms,behaviors,and perceived social support among patients with neoplasms.Results:Totally 359(1.2%)patients with self-repor-ted clinically diagnosed neoplasms were included,of which 151(42.1%)patients with malignant neoplasms and 208(57.9%)patients with benign neoplasms.The detection rate of depressive symptoms in patients with neo-plasms was 76.6%.Less than three days of walking for more than 10 minutes per day in the past week(OR=6.63),4-6 days of walking for more than 10 minutes per day in the past week(OR=5.00),the low(OR=4.80)or medium(OR=3.06)overall sleep quality,the lower perceived friend support(OR=4.66),and anxiety symp-toms(OR=1.74)among patients with neoplasms were risk factors for depressive symptoms.Conclusion:Patients with neoplasms generally might be at a high risk of depressive symptoms,especially for those patients with less ex-ercise,poor sleep quality,and low perceived social support.
Objective:To investigate the longitudinal relationship between solution-focused thinking and de-pressive symptoms in college students.Methods:A total of 261 college students were assessed with the Solution-Fo-cused Inventory(SFI)and Self-rating Depression Scale(SDS)in a 3-month interval.Data were analyzed with re-petitive measures analysis of variance and the cross-lagged panel model.Results:The detection rates for depressive symptoms at baseline and 3-month laterwere 39.46%and 47.89%,respectively.The scores of problem disengage-ment showed decrease after 3 months(P<0.01).In the cross-lagged model,the baseline scores of SFI could signif-icantly predict the decrease in scores of SDS after 3 months(β=-0.19,P<0.05),while the baseline scores of SDS could not predict the scores of SFI after 3 months(β=-0.05,P>0.05).Conclusion:The findings suggest that solution-focused thinking may alleviate depressive symptoms.
Objective:To investigate the correlation among physical activity,mild depressive symptoms and frontal alpha power asymmetry in college students.Methods:Seventy college students with mild depressive symp-toms who conformed to the standard of the Self-Rating Scale for Depression(SDS)of 53-62 and 70 normal col-lege students were recruited.The frontal alpha power was measured under quiet and closed-eye state,and the total physical activity(PA)was assessed with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire.Results:The college students with mild depressive symptoms had lower Total PA scores,right frontal alpha power and frontal alpha a-symmetry(FAA)than the normal controls(P<0.001).In college students with mild depressive symptoms,the to-tal PA scores(r=-0.29,P<0.05)and FAA(r=-0.41,P<0.001)were negatively correlated with SDS scores,and the total PA scores were positively correlated with FAA(r=0.34,P<0.01).Conclusion:The college students with mild depressive symptoms may have reduced physical activity and asymmetric right lateralization of frontal alpha power.There is a correlation among depressive symptoms,physical activity and frontal alpha power a-symmetry in college students with mild depressive symptoms.
Objective@#To explore the factors affecting balance ability among middle-aged and elderly people with depressive symptoms, so as to provide the evidence for improving balance ability and prevention of falls.@*Methods@#Based on the 2015 database of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), demographic information, lifestyle and health status were collected from people aged 45 years and older who scored 10 and more on the Self-rating Depression Scale or took antidepressants. The balance ability was assessed by semi-tandem and full-tandem stand tests, which was defined as meeting the standard when both tests were completed. Factors affecting the balance ability among middle-aged and elderly people with depressive symptoms were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#Data were collected from 4 263 participants with an mean age of (60.73±8.53) years, including 1 748 males (41.00%) and 2 515 females (59.00%). There were 1 241 people failed to meet the standard of balance ability test, accounting for 29.11%. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that participants who were at ages of 65 years and older (OR=1.234, 95%CI: 1.071-1.421), were female (OR=1.422, 95%CI: 1.161-1.741), were physically disabled (OR=1.309, 95%CI: 1.127-1.521) and had physical pain (OR=1.170, 95%CI: 1.023-1.340) had higher risks of failing to meet the standard of balance ability test, while participants who took naps (OR=0.856, 95%CI: 0.748-0.980), never smoked (OR=0.641, 95%CI: 0.517-0.793) and had social activities (OR=0.864, 95%CI: 0.755-0.988) had lower risks of failing to meet the standard of balance ability test.@*Conclusion@#The balance ability among middle-aged and elderly people with depressive symptoms was associated with age, gender, napping, smoking, social activities, physical disability and physical pain.
Objective@#To analyze the association between latent class of health-risk behaviors and depressive symptoms among middle school students, so as to provide the evidence for the prevention and intervention of depressive symptoms among middle school students.@*Methods@#Students in two junior high schools, two senior high schools and one vocational high school in Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, were selected using a stratified multi-stage cluster sampling method. Demography and health-risk behaviors were collected using questionnaire surveys, depressive symptoms were investigated using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression-10 Scale, and latent class analysis was conducted for health-risk behaviors. The association between different latent classes and depressive symptoms was analyzed using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#A total of 1 247 students were surveyed, including 641 boys (51.40%) and 606 girls (48.60%). There were 452 junior high school students (36.25%), 532 high school students (42.66%) and 263 vocational high school students (21.09%). Latent class analysis showed that health-risk behaviors in students were classified into three groups, namely healthy behavior group (52.93%), poor diet group (39.94%) and high-risk behavior group (7.14%), and the detection rates of depressive symptoms were 7.12%, 18.88% and 52.81%, respectively, with a statistically significant difference between groups (P<0.05). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that after adjusting for age, gender, native place, only child and living on campus, the poor diet group (OR=3.107, 95%CI: 2.086-4.627) and high-risk behavior group (OR=15.401, 95%CI: 9.031-26.262) had higher risks of depressive symptoms compared with the healthy behavior group.@*Conclusion@#Having high-risk behaviors and poor diet may increase the risk of developing depressive symptoms among middle school students.
Objective@# To evaluate the intervention effectiveness of broken window effect combined with narrative nursing on non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents, so as to provide the basis for NSSI prevention in adolescents.@*Methods@#Totally 134 adolescents with NSSI admitted to Mental Health Center of the Affiliated Hospital of Anhui West Health Vocational College from January 2022 to December 2023 were enrolled and randomly assigned into the control and treatment group. All were given narrative nursing and routine care, and the adolescents in the treatment group were given additional intervention based on broken window effect. The effects were evaluated using Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD), Self-Rating Idea of Suicide Scale (SIOSS), Ottawa Self-injury Inventory-Functions (OSI-F) and Nursing Satisfaction Scale, and the two groups were compared before and after intervention.@*Results@#The treatment and control groups comprised 67 cases each, had a median age of 14.12 (interquartile range, 2.01) years and 14.10 (interquartile range, 1.52) years, included 71.64% and 68.66% girls, and 79.10% and 74.63% junior high school students, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups in terms of gender, age or educational level (all P>0.05). The results of analysis of variance for repeated measures showed that there were interactions between time and group for SDS, HAMD and SIOSS scores (all P<0.05), and the decrease in scores before and after intervention was greater in the treatment group than in the control group. After intervention, the SDS, HAMD, SIOSS score and incidence of suicidal behaviors in the treatment group were all lower than the control group [SDS: (32.54±1.27) vs. (44.25±2.23); HAMD: (10.54±1.83) vs. (18.73±1.89); SIOSS: (10.37±2.20) vs. (15.76±1.62); incidence of suicidal behavior: 14.93% vs. 32.84%; all P<0.05]. The nursing satisfaction rate was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group (98.51% vs. 88.06%, P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#The broken window effect combined with narrative nursing would improve the depressive symptoms in adolescents with NSSI, and reduce the suicidal ideation and self injury.
Objective@#To explore the influencing factors for depressive symptoms in adolescents in China, so as to provide insights into promoting mental health of adolescents.@*Methods@#The 2020 follow-up survey data of China Family Panel Studies were collected, including demographic information, lifestyle, family factors and academic factors of adolescents aged 10-19 years. Depressive symptoms were evaluated using the 8-item Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. The influencing factors for depressive symptoms in adolescents were analyzed using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#A total of 2 777 adolescents were analyzed, including 1 470 males (52.93%) and 1 307 females (47.07%). There were 1 186 adolescents (42.71%) from urban areas and 1 591 adolescents (57.29%) from rural areas, 106 smokers (3.82%), and 459 adolescents (16.53%) with depressive symptoms. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that academic stress (OR=1.268, 95%CI: 1.151-1.396), poor self-rated health (OR=1.255, 95%CI: 1.116-1.411), smoking (OR=1.901, 95%CI: 1.127-3.207), low trust in parents (OR=0.780, 95%CI: 0.729-0.835) and large family size (OR=1.095, 95%CI: 1.035-1.158) were associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms in adolescents.@*Conclusion@#The influencing factors for depressive symptoms in adolescents were academic stress, self-rated health, smoking, trust in parents and family size.
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of laparoscopic surgical treatment of endometriosis on the levels of health-related depression in patients using a validated questionnaire. METHODS: A prospective study was carried out between September 2020 and May 2022 in a private hospital (São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil), which analysed depression using the Beck Depression Inventory-II, on 103 patients undergoing surgical treatment for endometriosis, evaluated preoperatively and 3 and 6 months after the procedure. Patients with unsuccessful clinical treatment for endometriosis and pain level ≥7 on Visual Analog Scale and who agreed to participate in the study were included. Demographic data were acquired by consulting medical records. RESULTS: The average age of the participants was 36±6.3 years; the majority of patients were brown (68.6%), married (66.6%), overweight (55.8%), had had hormonal treatments with progestogens (50.9%), low fertility (50.9%), severe endometriosis (39.3%), endometriosis surgery+myomectomy (29.4%) and one (1%) patient withdrew from the study. There was a statistically significant reduction in mean Beck Depression Inventory between the preoperative period and 6 months after surgery (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: Surgical treatment of endometriosis appears to have a positive impact on the symptoms of depression in the patients evaluated.
Resumo: O aumento do uso de mídias sociais e sua associação com sintomas depressivos, especialmente em jovens adultos, tem gerado a necessidade do entendimento de como ocorre tal associação para subsidiar políticas de redução de danos e agravos. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetivou verificar o efeito mediador da dependência de mídias sociais e da qualidade do sono na associação entre o tempo de uso de mídias sociais e sintomas depressivos em universitários brasileiros. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 2.823 universitários, que forneceram informações referentes ao tempo de uso de mídias sociais, à dependência de mídias sociais, aos sintomas depressivos e à qualidade do sono. A análise de mediação, ajustada por fatores de confusão, foi realizada por meio do software PROCESS para SPSS, para obtenção do efeito total (c), direto (c') e indiretos (EI1, EI2 e EI3). Os resultados identificaram associação entre o tempo de uso de mídias sociais e os sintomas depressivos, mediada pela dependência de mídias sociais (EI1 = 20%) e pela qualidade do sono (EI1 = 40%). Os resultados permitem ampliar o conhecimento acerca dos mecanismos que influenciam mutuamente a relação entre o tempo de uso de mídias sociais e os sintomas depressivos, auxiliando na adoção de estratégias de redução de danos decorrentes do uso excessivo de mídias sociais.
Abstract: Increase in time spent on social media and its association with depressive symptoms, especially among young adults, has generated the need to understand how this association occurs in order to support the development of policies to reduce harm and complications. In view of this fact, this study aimed to assess the mediating effect of social media addiction and sleep quality on the association between time spent on social media and depressive symptoms in Brazilian university students. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 2,823 university students, who provided information regarding time spent on social media, social media addiction, depressive symptoms and sleep quality. The mediation analysis, adjusted for confounding factors, was performed using the PROCESS macro for SPSS to obtain the total (c), direct (c'), and indirect effects (EI1, EI2, and EI3). The results identified an association between time spent on social media and depressive symptoms, mediated by social media addiction (EI1 = 20%) and sleep quality (EI1 = 40%). These findings help expand knowledge about the mechanisms that mutually influence the relationship between time spent on social media and depressive symptoms, supporting the adoption of strategies to reduce harm resulting from excessive social media use.
Resumen: El aumento del uso de las redes sociales y su asociación con síntomas depresivos, especialmente en adultos jóvenes, ha generado la necesidad de comprender cómo se produce esta asociación como una forma de apoyar las políticas de reducción de daños y afecciones. En ese sentido, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar el efecto mediador de la adicción a las redes sociales y de la calidad del sueño en la asociación entre el tiempo de uso de las redes sociales y los síntomas depresivos en estudiantes universitarios brasileños. Se trata de un estudio transversal, realizado con 2.823 estudiantes universitarios, quienes brindaron información respecto al tiempo de uso de las redes sociales, adicción a las redes sociales, síntomas depresivos y calidad del sueño. El análisis de mediación, ajustado por factores de confusión, se realizó por medio del software PROCESS para SPSS, para obtener el efecto total (c), directo (c') e indirectos (EI1, EI2 y EI3). Los resultados identificaron una asociación entre el tiempo de uso de las redes sociales y los síntomas depresivos, mediada por adicción a las redes sociales (EI1 = 20%) y la calidad del sueño (EI1 = 40%). Los resultados permiten ampliar el conocimiento acerca de los mecanismos que influyen mutuamente en la relación entre tiempo de uso de las redes sociales y los síntomas depresivos, ayudando a adoptar estrategias para reducir los daños resultantes del uso excesivo de las redes sociales.
Objective: To investigate the association between depressive symptoms and social support among a representative sample of the Brazilian population aged 50 years or older. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 8,074 participants of the second wave of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study on Aging (ELSI-Brasil). Depressive symptoms were screened with the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D8) instrument, and social support was investigated in its structural and functional dimensions. Sociodemographic variables and health conditions were considered for adjustment in investigating the association between social support and depressive symptoms using the Poisson regression model. Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was estimated at 19.1% (95%CI 16.7-21.7). In the analysis adjusted for possible confounding factors, depressive symptoms were independently associated with negative social support in the items "not married" (prevalence ratio [PR] = 1.24; 95%CI 1.07-1.44), "not having someone to trust" (PR = 1.31; 95%CI 1.10-1.56) and "not having someone to borrow money or an object from, in case of need" (PR = 1.46; 95%CI 1.21-1.75). Conclusion: The present findings highlight the importance of social relations in determining the presence of depressive symptoms and reinforce the need to implement public policies aimed at strengthening social networks to minimize this public health problem.
Resumen Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la inseguridad alimentaria y los síntomas depresivos entre hombres y mujeres de México antes y durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Materiales y método: Estudio transversal con datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2018-19 y de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2021 sobre COVID-19. Utilizando modelos de regresiones logísticas binomiales, se estiman las razones de momios entre hombres y mujeres de presentar síntomas depresivos según la inseguridad alimentaria del hogar ajustando por diversas variables socioeconómicas y de la salud. Resultados: Existe una diferencia significativa de la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos, pero no de la inseguridad alimentaria entre sexos y entre periodos. Los síntomas depresivos y la inseguridad alimentaria se relacionaron antes de y durante la pandemia por COVID-19 entre hombres y mujeres, incluso ajustando por las variables de control sociodemográficas y de la salud. Conclusión: Los síntomas depresivos y la inseguridad alimentaria se relacionan de forman consistente. Es importante estudiar esta asociación en etapas posteriores a la pandemia para determinar si es consistente o se relaciona con las condiciones sociales y económicas impuestas.
Abstract Objective: To analyze the relationship between food insecurity and depressive symptoms among men and women in Mexico before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods and materials: Cross-sectional study with data from the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2018-19 and the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2021 sobre COVID-19. Using binomial logistic regression models, the odds ratios between men and women of presenting depressive symptoms according to household food insecurity are estimated, adjusting for various socioeconomic and health variables. Results: There is a significant difference in the prevalence of depressive symptoms, but not in food insecurity between sexes and between periods. Depressive symptoms and food insecurity were associated before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among men and women, even adjusting for health and sociodemographic control variables. Conclusion: Depressive symptoms and food insecurity are consistently related. It is important to study this association in post-pandemic stages to determine if it is consistent or related to imposed social and economic conditions.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar la asociación entre las conductas del estilo de vida y síntomas de depresión en personas adultas mayores entre septiembre de 2021 y marzo de 2022 en Mexi-cali, Baja California (México). Materiales y métodos: Diseño de tipo transversal. Participaron 103 personas adultas mayores seleccionadas por un muestreo no probabilístico. Se aplicaron instrumentos para evaluar síntomas de depresión, el estado nutricional, actividad física, consumo de tabaco, consumo de alcohol y la presencia de problemas para dormir. Para el análisis de datos se empleó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Se construyó un modelo con las conductas del estilo de vida. La investigación se desarrolló con base en la reglamentación vigente. Resultados: El 34 % presenta riesgo de desnutrición; 92.2 % tiene baja actividad física; 9.7 % consume tabaco; 15 % consume alcohol; 38.8 % reportó presentar problemas para dormir, y 31.1 % presentó síntomas de depresión. Respecto a las conductas del estilo de vida, se encontró que las personas adultas mayores con riesgo de malnutrición o malnutrición tienen 3.182 (p < .5) más riesgo de desarrollar síntomas de depresión en comparación con quienes tienen un estado de peso adecuado. Conclusiones: El riesgo de malnutrición o malnutrición, así como el resto de conductas del estilo de vida, son factores modificables que pueden ser intervenidos por los profesionales de la salud a través de intervenciones multicomponentes, en las que se sumen esfuerzos para establecer programas de atención que apoyen a mejorar la salud física y mental de las personas adultas mayores.
ABSTRACT Objetive: To identify the association between lifestyle behaviors and depressive symptoms in older adults between September 2021 and March 2022 in Mexicali, Baja California (Mexico). Materials and methods: Transversal and inferential design. One hundred three older adults were selected using a non-probability sampling. Instruments were applied to assess symptoms of depression, nutritional status, physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol use, and sleep problems. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. A model was built with lifestyle behaviors. The research was developed based on the regulations in force. Results: 34 % are at risk of malnutrition; 92.2 % have low physical activity; 9.7 % use tobacco; 15 % drink alcohol; 38.8 % reported having trouble sleeping, and 31.1 % identified symptoms of depression. The older adults at risk of malnutrition or malnutrition showed three times more chance (p < .5) of having depression symptoms compared with those with adequate weight status. Conclusions: It is noteworthy that these lifestyle behaviors are modifiable factors that health professionals can intervene with through multicomponent interventions and join efforts to establish care programs that support the improving mental health of older adults.
Abstract Introduction Academic performance in medical students can be influenced by several factors, including those related to mental health and family relationships. Objective To examine the factors affecting academic performance in medical students, specifically considering potential diagnoses of depression. Method A survey was conducted among 747 fourth-year medical students. The survey included questions on sociodemographic variables, mental health, and well-being. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) was utilized, encompassing sections on depression, anxiety, panic, eating habits, alcohol consumption, and the Stress Perception Scale. Academic performance was assessed based on students' Grade Point Average (GPA). Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and a linear regression model were employed for data analysis. Results The study revealed several variables significantly associated with GPA. Age (r = -.388), financial situation (r = .241), relationships with cohabitants (r = .165), and relationships with peers (r = .217) were found to have a correlation with academic performance. Additionally, repeating a course was found to be significantly associated with a person's GPA (r = .518) even after controlling for depression. Discussion and conclusion The findings indicate that robust mental health, a favorable financial situation, and positive interpersonal relationships are crucial for achieving optimal academic performance in medical students. These results emphasize the need to address mental health concerns, promote a supportive social environment, and provide financial assistance to enhance the educational outcomes of medical students.
Resumen Introducción El desempeño académico de los estudiantes de medicina puede verse influenciado por varios factores, entre ellos los relacionados con la salud mental y las relaciones familiares. Objetivo Examinar los factores que afectan el desempeño académico en estudiantes de medicina, considerando específicamente los posibles diagnósticos de depresión. Método Se realizó una encuesta entre 747 estudiantes de cuarto año de la carrera de medicina. La encuesta incluyó preguntas sobre variables sociodemográficas, salud mental y bienestar. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Salud del Paciente (PHQ), que comprende secciones sobre depresión, ansiedad, pánico, hábitos alimentarios, consumo de alcohol y la Escala de Percepción del Estrés. El desempeño académico se evaluó con base en el promedio de calificaciones (GPA) de los estudiantes. Se emplearon estadísticas descriptivas, coeficientes de correlación de Pearson y un modelo de regresión lineal para el análisis de datos. Resultados El estudio reveló varias variables significativamente asociadas con el GPA. Se encontró que la edad (r = -.388), la situación financiera (r = .241), las relaciones con los convivientes (r = .165) y las relaciones con los compañeros (r = .217) tenían correlación con el rendimiento académico. Además, se encontró que repetir un curso estaba significativamente asociado con el GPA de una persona (r = .518) incluso después de controlar la depresión. Discusión y conclusión Los hallazgos indican que una salud mental sólida, una situación financiera favorable y relaciones interpersonales positivas son cruciales para lograr un desempeño académico óptimo en los estudiantes de medicina. Estos resultados enfatizan la necesidad de abordar los problemas de salud mental, promover un entorno social de apoyo y brindar asistencia financiera para mejorar los resultados educativos de los estudiantes de medicina.
Antecedentes: La población sobre 60 años va en aumento y es relevante tener más conocimiento sobre los factores que inciden en su bienestar y salud mental. Objetivo: Este estudio busca comprender la relación entre bienestar, apoyo social y sintomatología depresiva en personas mayores de la provincia de Concepción. Método: 538 adultos mayores fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente de 15 Centros de Salud Primaria de la provincia de Concepción, Chile. Se midieron sus niveles de bienestar (con el Pemberton Happiness Index), de apoyo Social (con la Escala Multidimensional de Percepción de Apoyo Social de Zimet) y de sintomatología depresiva (mediante el Patient Health Questionnaire-9). Resultados: Los adultos mayores mostraron un puntaje elevado (M=8,54; DE = 1,34) en bienestar, sin diferencias por sexo (t(536) = −1,065, p = 0,288 > 0,05). En los análisis de regresión lineal, el apoyo social (β =0,463, p<0,001) y la sintomatología depresiva (β =-1,585, p<0,001) aparecen como influyentes en el bienestar de las personas mayores; y el apoyo social actúa como un factor moderador (β=0,049, p=0,007, IC =0,021; 0,077) en la relación entre sintomatología depresiva y bienestar. Conclusiones: Las personas mayores muestran elevado bienestar. Los resultados refuerzan la relevancia del apoyo social como un factor protector en las personas mayores. Ello corrobora la importancia del fomento de este aspecto en los programas promocionales y preventivos destinados al bienestar y salud mental de adultos mayores.
Background: The population over 60 years of age is increasing. Aim: This research aims to understand the relationship between well-being, social support, and depressive symptoms in older Chilean people. Method: 538 older adults were randomly selected from 15 Primary Health Centers in the province of Concepción, Chile, 341 women and 197 men. Well-being was measured with the Pemberton Happiness Index, Social Support with the Zimet Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Depressive Symptomatology using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Results: Older adults showed a high mean score (M=8.54; SD=1.34) in well-being, with no differences by sex (t(536) = −1.065, p = .288 > .05.) In linear regression analyses, social support (β =0,463, p<0,001) and depressive symptomatology (β =-1,585, p<0,001) influence the well-being of the elderly, and social support acts as a moderating factor (β=0.049, p=0.007, CI =0.021; 0.077) in the relationship between social support and well-being. Conclusions: Older people show high well-being. The results reinforce the relevance of social support as a protective factor for the positive mental health of older adults. This corroborates the importance of including this aspect in promotional and preventive mental health programs for older adults.