Background: Bevacizumab together with 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin inhibit microvascular growth of tumor blood vessels and tumor proliferation. Few reports state the effect of these therapeutic schemes on salivary glands. Materials and Methods: Food consumption, body weight and salivary amylase activity were assessed in the submandibular gland of rats. Adult male Wistar rats, of three months old with 350/400 grams body weight, under 12-hour light/dark cycles respectively, were divided into the following experimental groups: G1) Control group, G2) 5-Fluorouracil and leucovorin calcium treated group, G3) Bevacizumab treated group, G4) Oxaliplatin treated group, G5) Bevacizumab, oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin calcium treated group and G6) Drug-free paired feeding treated group. Assessment of treatment effect was performed by one-way ANOVA. A value of p<0.05 was set for statistical significance. Results: Salivary amylase activity in gland homogenate was G1: 137.9 ± 4.64, G2: 60.95±4.64, G3: 120.93 ± 4.96, G4: 26.17 ±4.64, G5: 10.77 ±4.64 and G6: 82.87 ±4.64 U/mg protein (mean ± S.D.) Amylase activity in the G1 group was higher relative to the other experimental groups p<0.0001. Conclusions: The drugs 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin altered salivary amylase activity by serous granules of the submandibular gland interpreted as a mechanism of impaired acinar function. Bevacizumab administered in isolation did not alter salivary amylase activity compared to the control group. While the lower intake of the matched feeding group affected salivary amylase activity compared to the control group, the effect was significantly greater in animals treated with the oncology drugs used in the present animal model.
Antecedentes: Bevacizumab, junto con 5-fluorouracilo y oxaliplatino, inhiben el crecimiento microvascular de los vasos sanguíneos tumorales y la proliferación tumoral. Pocos reportes establecen el efecto de estos esquemas terapéuticos sobre las glándulas salivales. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron el consumo de alimentos, el peso corporal y la actividad de amilasa salival en la glándula submandibular de ratas Wistar macho adultas, de tres meses de edad con 350/400 gramos de peso corporal, bajo ciclos de luz/oscuridad de 12 horas respectivamente, se dividieron en los siguientes grupos experimentales: G1) Grupo control, G2) Grupo tratado con 5-Fluorouracilo y Leucovorina cálcica. , G3) Grupo tratado con bevacizumab, G4) Grupo tratado con oxaliplatino, G5) Grupo tratado con bevacizumab, oxaliplatino, 5-fluorouracilo y leucovorina cálcica y G6) Grupo tratado con alimentación emparejada sin fármacos. La evaluación del efecto del tratamiento se realizó mediante ANOVA unidireccional. Se estableció un valor de p<0,05 para significación estadística. Resultado: La actividad de amilasa salival en homogeneizado de glándula fue G1: 137,9 ± 4,64, G2: 60,95 ± 4,64, G3: 120,93 ± 4,96, G4: 26,17 ± 4,64, G5: 10,77 ± 4,64 y G6: 82,87 ± 4,64 U/mg de proteína (media ± S.E.). La actividad de amilasa en el grupo G1 fue mayor en relación con los otros grupos experimentales p<0,0001. Conclusión: Los fármacos 5-fluorouracilo y oxaliplatino alteraron la actividad de la amilasa salival mediante gránulos serosos de la glándula submandibular interpretados como un mecanismo de deterioro de la función acinar. Bevacizumab administrado de forma aislada no alteró la actividad de la amilasa salival en comparación con el grupo de control. Mientras que la menor ingesta del grupo de alimentación combinada afectó la actividad de la amilasa salival en comparación con el grupo de control, el efecto fue significativamente mayor en los animales tratados con los medicamentos oncológicos utilizados en el grupo. modelo animal actual.
Animals , Rats , Submandibular Gland/drug effects , Cytostatic Agents/administration & dosage , Bevacizumab/administration & dosage , Fluorouracil/administration & dosage , Oxaliplatin/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives To review and discuss the role of an elimination diet in food-allergic children, emphasizing nutritional aspects for a better practical approach. Sources Non-systematic review of the literature. Findings Under an elimination diet, food-allergic patients may suffer from growth impairment or obesity and compromised quality of life. Disease phenotype, age, type, number of foods excluded, comorbidities, eating difficulties, economic status, and food availability must be considered for an appropriate diet prescription. Diet quality encompasses diversity and degree of food processing, which may alter immune regulation. Conclusions A friendly food elimination diet prescription depends on a multidisciplinary approach beyond macro and micronutrients.
Objective To investigate the dietary intakes of postoperative patients with digestive malignant tumor during their recovery at home and explores the correlation of the intakes with the food nutritional knowledge of their primary family care-givers.Methods A total of 108 primary caregivers of prospective patients with digestive malignant tumors were selected for a sur-vey conducted at home from October 2022 to March 2023 in Guangzhou,from two tertiary hospitals.In this cross-sectional study,this paper investigated these caregivers using its general information questionnaire,a nutritional knowledge-attitude-behavior ques-tionnaire,and a simple dietary self-assessment tool(SDSAT).Results The SDSAT score of the patients was collected(4.16±1.22).Significant differences were observed among patients with various tumor types in terms of the recovery time at home after surgery.The total score of family primary caregivers'nutritional knowledge,attitude,and behavior was(47.64±6.97).Pearson's correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation between the knowledge of dietary guidelines and the patient's dietary intakes during home stay(r=0.285,P<0.05).Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that caregivers'knowledge of dieta-ry guidelines significantly influenced the dietary intake of the prospective patients.Conclusion It is essential to regularly monitor the dietary intake of prospective patients at home.Medical personnel can concentrate on intervening with the patient's caregivers and encouraging them to participate in nutrition management together.This approach can improve the quality of family care and the nutritional status of the patients.
Introducción. La calidad de los carbohidratos consumidos juega un papel importante en la prevención de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT). Objetivo. Analizar el índice de calidad de los carbohidratos (ICC) en la población urbana costarricense y su relación con las variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas y la calidad y la diversidad de la dieta. Materiales y métodos. Los datos provienen del Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud, en una muestra representativa de 798 personas entre 15 y 65 años que residen en zonas urbanas de Costa Rica (2014- 2015). En una visita domiciliaria se administró un cuestionario para recolectar los datos sociodemográficos y se pesó y midió a los participantes. El consumo dietético se obtuvo mediante dos recordatorios de 24 horas en días no consecutivos. El ICC se calculó mediante el consumo de fibra, el índice glicémico, la relación carbohidratos sólidos/líquidos y la relación granos enteros/granos totales. Se comparó el ICC según el sexo, el grupo de edad, el nivel socioeconómico, el estado nutricional, la circunferencia de cintura y la calidad y diversidad de la dieta de los participantes. Resultados. El ICC se asoció positivamente con un mayor consumo de energía, carbohidratos totales, proteínas, grasas, colesterol, frutas, vegetales y leguminosas (p<0,001). Un mayor ICC se asoció positivamente con un mayor porcentaje de adecuación de micronutrientes y mayor índice de diversidad y calidad de la dieta (p<0,001), así como con un menor índice de masa corporal y una menor circunferencia de cintura al ajustar por sexo y edad (p<0,005). Conclusiones. El presente estudio demostró que un mayor ICC se asocia significativamente con mejores indicadores dietéticos e índice de masa corporal, por lo que resulta fundamental establecer en Costa Rica pautas dietéticas que permitan aumentar la calidad de los carbohidratos de la dieta con el fin de contribuir en la prevención de las ECNT(AU)
Introduction. The carbohydrate quality index (CQI) plays an important role in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) and adequate macro and micronutrient intake. Objective. To analyze the carbohydrate quality index (CCI) in the Costa Rican urban population and its relationship with sociodemographic and anthropometric variables and the quality and diversity of the diet. Materials and methods. Data come from the Latin American Nutrition and Health Study (ELANS), in a representative sample of 798 people between 15 and 65 years of age who reside in urban areas of Costa Rica (2014-2015). During a home visit, a questionnaire was administered to collect sociodemographic data, and participants were measured and weighed. Dietary intake was obtained through two 24-hour recalls in non- consecutive days. The CQI was calculated using fiber intake, glycemic index, liquid/solid carbohydrate ratio, and whole grain/total grains. CCI was then compared according to sex, age-group, socioeconomic level, nutritional status and diet quality and diet diversity. Results. The CQI was positively associated with energy intake, total carbohydrates, proteins, fats, cholesterol, fruits, vegetables, and legumes (p<0,001). Also, CQI was associated with a higher percentage of micronutrient adequacy and diet quality and diversity (p<0,001), as well as with a lower body mass index and lower waist circumference when adjusting for sex and age (p<0,005). Conclusions. The present study showed that higher CQI is associated with better dietary and body mass index, which shows that it is essential to establish dietary guidelines for public health in Costa Rica that allows increasing the quality of carbohydrates in the diet to contribute to the prevention of chronic NCD(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Introducción. Las preparaciones tradicionales típicas incluyen ingredientes mínimamente procesados, provenientes de la agricultura local, raíces y tradiciones de un territorio. A nivel mundial la población ha cambiado sus patrones dietéticos, incorporando alimentos ultraprocesados impactando la salud poblacional y planetaria. Objetivo. Identificar la sostenibilidad y la prevalencia de consumo de preparaciones tradicionales típicas chilenas en hogares de una región de la zona centro-sur de Chile. Materiales y Métodos. Diseño transversal descriptivo, con una muestra de 104 hogares mediante muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se identificó la sostenibilidad de 34 preparaciones tradicionales típicas chilenas, aplicando el sistema NOVA de clasificación de los alimentos según grado y tipo de procesamiento. Las preparaciones se clasificaron en sostenibles (>60% de ingredientes del grupo 1), medianamente sostenibles (50-60%) y no sostenibles (<50%). El estudio contó con la aprobación del Comité de Bioética de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. El análisis de datos consideró frecuencias, porcentajes e IC95% en STATA 17.0. Resultados. El 64% de las preparaciones fueron clasificadas como sostenibles, el 23% medianamente sostenibles y un 13% como no sostenibles. Las preparaciones sostenibles son las más consumidas por los hogares, especialmente aquellas que incluyen legumbres. Las preparaciones no sostenibles consumidas en los hogares se basan en harina refinada, manteca vegetal hidrogenado y/o aceites. Conclusiones. La sostenibilidad de las preparaciones tradicionales típicas chilenas depende de sus ingredientes. Las preparaciones sostenibles son las más consumidas por los hogares de esta región, y se basan en alimentos naturales o poco procesados(AU)
Introduction. Typical traditional preparations include minimally processed ingredients from local agriculture, roots and traditions of a territory. Globally, the population has changed its dietary patterns, incorporating ultra-processed foods, impacting population and planetary health. Objective. To identify the sustainability and prevalence of consumption of typical Chilean traditional preparations in households in central-southern Chile. Materials and Methods. Descriptive cross-sectional design, with a sample of 104 households using non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The sustainability of 34 typical Chilean traditional preparations was identif ied, applying the NOVA food classif ication system according to degree and type of processing. The preparations were classif ied as sustainable (>60% of group 1 ingredients), moderately sustainable (50- 60%) and non-sustainable (<50%). The Bioethics Committee of the Universidad del Bío-Bío approved the study. Data analysis considered f requencies, percentages and 95%CI in STATA 17.0. Results. 64% of the preparations were classif ied as sustainable, 23% moderately sustainable, and 13% non-sustainable. Sustainable preparations are the most consumed by households, especially those that include pulses. Unsustainable preparations households consume are based on ref ined flour, hydrogenated vegetable shortening and/or oils. Conclusions. The sustainability of typical Chilean traditional preparations depends on their ingredients. Sustainable preparations are the most consumed by households in this region and are based on natural or minimally processed foods(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Nutritional Transition , Food , Food Preferences , Food, Processed , Whole Foods , Plant Tubers , Regional Food , FabaceaeABSTRACT
Objetivos: Describir la prevalencia del riesgo de deficiencia o exceso en la ingesta de nutrientes y el patrón de consumo de alimentos de acuerdo con las recomendaciones establecidas por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social y el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo en mujeres sanas que fueron atendidas en dos hospitales del oriente antioqueño, con seguridad alimentaria y nutricional (SAN) según la Escala Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Seguridad Alimentaria (ELCSA), en el primer trimestre de lactancia, evaluadas entre los años 2021 y 2022. La fuente de información fue la historia clínica. Se midieron las características sociodemográficas, clínicas, antropométricas y la ingesta dietética y de micronutrientes. Se empleó estadística descriptiva. Se presenta la prevalencia de déficit o exceso de ingesta calórica y el índice de relación de consumo (IRC). Se utilizaron los software EVINDI v5, PC-SIDE v1.0, Stata 16.1 y Jasp 0.16.4. Resultados: Se incluyeron 30 mujeres lactantes. La prevalencia de riesgo de deficiencia en la ingesta usual de energía fue 43 % y exceso 16 %; el riesgo de deficiencia proteica fue 98 %. El consumo superior al valor de referencia para grasa saturada fue 86 % y carbohidratos simples 72 %. El patrón de consumo se caracterizó por superar las recomendaciones para azúcares (IRC = 1,29), leche y derivados (IRC = 1,09), cereales, raíces, plátanos y tubérculos (IRC = 1,04). No cumplieron las recomendaciones en la ingesta de grasas (IRC = 0,70), carnes, huevos, leguminosas, frutos secos y semillas (IRC = 0,49), frutas y verduras (IRC = 0,41). Conclusiones: El patrón alimentario identificado dista de las guías nacionales, lo que limita el consumo de macro y micronutrientes, y contribuye al círculo intergeneracional de la malnutrición. Es fundamental realizar nuevas investigaciones en el país para identificar otros patrones de consumo e impulsar acciones de política al respecto.
Objectives: To describe the prevalence of the risk of under or overnutrition and the food intake pattern vis á vis the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Colombian Family Welfare Institute. Material and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in healthy women receiving care in two hospitals of eastern Antioquia, with food and nutrition security in accordance with the Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale (ELCSA), in the first trimester of breastfeeding, assessed between 2021 and 2022. The clinical record was used as the source of information. The sociodemographic, clinical, anthropometric characteristics, as well as dietary and micronutrient intake, were measured. Descriptive statistics were used. The prevalence of deficient or excessive energy intake and the food consumption score (FCS) are presented. The EVINDI v5, PC-SIDE v1.0, Stata 16.1 and Jasp 0.16.4 software packages were used. Results: Overall, 30 breastfeeding women were included. The prevalence of the risk of deficient energy intake was 43 %, while the risk of excessive intake was 16 % and the risk of protein deficiency was 98 %. Intake exceeding the reference value for saturated fats was 86 %, and 72 % for simple carbohydrates. The consumption pattern was characterized by exceeding the recommendations for sugars (FCS = 1.29), milk and dairy products (FCS = 1.09), grains, roots, plantains and tubers (FCS = 1.04). Recommendations for the intake of fats (FCS = 0.70), meats, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds (FCS = 0.49), fruits and vegetables (FCS = 0.41) were not met. Conclusions: The food intake pattern identified is far from meeting the national guidelines, limiting macro and micronutrient intake and contributing to the intergenerational malnutrition cycle. Additional research in the country is essential in order to identify other intake patterns and drive political action.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , InfantABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: The nutritional quality of diet may influence the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). This study compared the Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ) of various dietary components between colorectal cancer patients and healthy controls. Methods: A total of 480 participants were enrolled in the study (160 patients with colorectal cancer as a case group and 320 healthy control). An analysis was conducted on the general characteristics of the participants, their medical histories, anthropometric indicators, physical activity, alcohol consumption, reproductive history, smoking and food intake. A valid food frequency questionnaire was used to assess nutrient intake and INQ was calculated from daily nutrient intake. Results: A Significant inverse association was found between CRC and INQ for vitamins A (OR=0.01, CI: 0.01-0.01), K (OR=0.04, CI: 0.01-0.15), and B12 (OR=0.71, CI: 0.51-0.98), B5 (OR=0.43, CI: 0.00-0.01), zinc (OR=0.35, CI: 0.13-0.95), and phosphorus (OR=0.17, 0.19-0.94). The association between the INQ of vitamin B12 and zinc with colorectal cancer was disappeared after age adjustment. There was a significant negative association between CRC with the INQ of vitamins A, K, B5, phosphorus, and calcium after further adjustments for gender, BMI, menopausal status, and total energy intake. Conclusion: CRC is significantly associated with INQ for some micronutrients. INQ can be considered as an indicator to assess clinical nutritional problems.
RESUMO Contexto: A qualidade nutricional da dieta pode influenciar o risco de câncer colorretal (CCR). Este estudo comparou o Índice de Valor Nutricional (INQ) de vários componentes dietéticos entre pacientes com CCR e controles saudáveis. Métodos: Um total de 480 participantes foram inscritos no estudo (160 pacientes com CCR como um grupo de casos e 320 controles saudáveis). Uma análise foi conduzida sobre as características gerais dos participantes, seus históricos médicos, indicadores antropométricos, atividade física, consumo de álcool, histórico reprodutivo, tabagismo e ingestão de alimentos. Um questionário de frequência alimentar válido foi usado para avaliar a ingestão de nutrientes e o INQ foi calculado a partir da ingestão diária de nutrientes. Resultados: Associação significativa entre CCR e INQ para as vitaminas A (OR=0,00, IC: 0,00-0,01), K (OR=0,04, IC: 0,01-0,15), B12 (OR=0,71, IC: 0,51-0,98) houve uma associação negativa), B5 (OR=0,43, IC: 0,00-0,01), zinco (OR=0,35, IC: 0,13-0,95), fósforo (OR=0,17, IC: 0,19-0,94). A associação entre o INQ da vitamina B12, zinco e CCR desapareceu após o ajuste pela idade. Houve uma associação negativa significativa entre CCR e INQ de cálcio, e outros resultados não mudaram após ajustes adicionais para idade, gênero, Índice de Massa Corporal, estado de menopausa e ingestão total de energia. Conclusão: CCR está significativamente associado ao INQ para alguns micronutrientes. O INQ pode ser usado como um indicador para avaliar problemas nutricionais clínicos.
@#Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the livelihood of Malaysians and gardening activities have contributed positively to the diet quality. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with diet quality among adults in AU2 Keramat, Kuala Lumpur. Methods: The cross-sectional study involved adults aged 18 to 59 via convenience sampling. The socio-demographic, physical activity level and involvement status in gardening were obtained through a questionnaire, while food intake was from a single-day 24-hour diet recall. The diet quality was determined through Malaysian Healthy Eating Index (MHEI) and dietary misreporting was calculated using the Goldberg cut-off method. Results: A total of 117 respondents (65.8% females, 35.2% males) with a mean age of 40.98 were involved in this study. Findings showed that most respondents did not engage in gardening activities (72.6%) and the prevalence of poor diet quality in this study was 89.7%, with a mean score of 44.51. The older respondents (r= 0.20, p= 0.034) and community gardeners (t= -2.63, p= 0.011) had a significantly higher diet quality but not home gardeners (t= 0.12, p= 0.902). The respondents involved in gardening activity also had a significantly higher fruit serving intake, Mann-Whitney U= 1045.00, p= 0.036) and lower total fat intake (t= 2.27, p= 0.025). Conclusion: The diet quality of the respondents remains poor but community gardeners had significantly higher diet quality and fruit intake while lower total fat intake. Interventions need to be developed to address the persistent poor diet quality of adults in the community.
@#Introduction: Ability to taste 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) predicts both taste sensitivity and food preferences, with PROP tasters being more sensitive to sweet taste in foods, which may lead to less intake of sugary foods. However, when obesity progresses, the individual’s sense of taste and eating patterns may change. The aim of this study was to evaluate if PROP taster status affected habitual sweet food consumption and nutritional intake in obese and non-obese people. Methods: A total of 88 obese and 92 non-obese Malay male and female participants aged 20-45 years were classified into PROP non-tasters, medium tasters, or supertasters by using PROP filter paper screening procedure. Sweet food consumption was assessed using food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), while dietary intake was measured by using 3-day food diary. Data were analysed using General Linear Model (GLM) Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) to compare for differences and associations among variables. Results: Overall, there was no significant association between body mass index groups and PROP taster status (p>0.05). No significant differences were found on any habitual sweet food intake and dietary intake according to PROP taster status in both obese and non-obese participants (p>0.05). However, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in fruit intake according to PROP taster status among obese participants. Conclusion: The findings suggest that PROP taster status does not play a role in nutrient intakes among obese and non-obese individuals.
@#Introduction: Evidence showed considerable variability of health risk factors within different socioeconomic groups. This study aimed to characterise dietary intakes by total household income among a sample of Malaysian pre-adolescents in urban Kuala Lumpur. Methods: Baseline data of 243 healthy, pre-adolescent children between 9 and 11 years old including socio-demographic background (gender, ethnicity, and total household monthly income), anthropometry (body weight and height), and 7-day diet histories were collected. Secondary analysis was performed on dietary intakes to quantify food groups based on the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines and NOVA classification systems besides nutrients. Differences and associations between total monthly household income categories with anthropometry and dietary intakes were tested using independent t-test/Mann-Whitney U (depending on normality) and chi-square tests, respectively. Results: Most children in this study population had dietary intakes below the recommended serving sizes for five food groups, except meat/poultry (195.2±107.2%) and fish (110.1±106.3%) and consumed about 32% of energy from ultra-processed foods (NOVA food group 4). While there was no difference in dietary intake between the bottom 40% with the middle 40% and high 20% household income groups, the percentage of energy contributed by NOVA food group 4 (processed fats/oils, condiments, and sauces) was higher in the bottom 40% households (p=0.024). Conclusion: Most pre-adolescent children in this study, regardless of household income, did not meet dietary recommendations and ate diets comprised of less nutritious foods. Comprehensive approaches that aim to improve dietary patterns and reduce the risk of diet-related chronic diseases are warranted.
@#Introduction: Nutritional requirements of pregnant women differ considerably from those of non-pregnant women. Nutritional status during pregnancy is critical to maintain health, including oral health, and to promote growth and development of the baby. This study assessed dietary pattern, nutrient intake, and oral symptoms among pregnant women. Methods: Seventy-one women with singleton pregnancy attending a public healthcare centre in Malaysia participated in this cross-sectional study. Dietary pattern and nutrient intake of the women were assessed using food frequency questionnaire and 3-day 24-hour diet recall, respectively. Information on sociodemographic and obstetric profiles, and oral symptoms were obtained from self-administered questionnaire. Results: White rice, chicken, green leafy vegetables, granulated sugar, and salt were foods most consumed. Intakes of iron, folate, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, iodine, zinc, and fluoride for most respondents were below Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI). Cavitated tooth (46.5%), bleeding gums (35.2%), pain upon eating and drinking (23.9%), and bad breath (23.9%) were common oral symptoms reported. Significant association was found between complaint of brown, yellow, and white spots on tooth surface with vitamin A intake, and between complaint of bleeding gums with zinc intake. Conclusion: Intake of most nutrients by most respondents in this study was below the RNI. Oral symptoms were common and a few were associated with nutrient intakes.
Lockdown and social distancing due to COVID-19 affected the mental health and lifestyle of the population. However, there is insufficient evidence of alterations in eating behavior. Our study seeks to describe the relationship between eating behavior and eating habits among Chilean adults during the confinement period. A sample of 760 Chilean subjects was analyzed, who answered surveys using Google Forms, considering demographic characteristics, social distancing, dietary habits and EB. More than half of the participants consider that their dietary intake increased during confinement. Changes in dietary intake were analyzed according to food group, and a decrease in the consumption of fish, fruits and dairy products was observed, while legumes, processed foods and soft drinks showed an increase, which represents risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. When analyzing eating behavior, a greater difficulty in stopping eating was observed when faced with external stimuli; increased intake associated with complex emotional situations, and when isolating the group that decreased their intake of unhealthy foods, a greater ability to limit their intake for weight control was reported. Our results are similar to other studies, and they reinforce that confinement is related to eating behavior, leading to changes in eating habits, which indicates that, at the public health level, post-pandemic nutritional strategies, should be focused on regulating eating behavior in order to guide habits towards healthy eating.
El confinamiento y distanciamiento social debido al COVID-19 afectó la salud mental y hábitos de vida de la población. Sin embargo, no existe suficiente evidencia de alteraciones en la conducta alimentaria (CA). Nuestro estudio busca establecer la relación entre la conducta alimentaria y los hábitos alimentarios en adultos chilenos durante el periodo de confinamiento. Se analizó una muestra de 760 sujetos chilenos, quienes contestaron encuestas mediante Google Forms, considerando características demográficas, distanciamiento social, hábitos dietéticos y (CA). Más de la mitad de los participantes considera que su ingesta alimentaria aumentó durante el confinamiento. Se analizó los cambios en ingesta según grupo de alimentos, y se observó una disminución en la ingesta de pescados, frutas y lácteos, mientras que legumbres, alimentos procesados y bebidas azucaradas presentaron un aumento, lo cual representa factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Al analizar la CA se observó una mayor dificultad para dejar de comer frente a estímulos externos, aumento de la ingesta asociado a situaciones emocionales complejas, y al aislar al grupo que disminuyó su ingesta de alimentos no saludables se reportó una mayor capacidad para limitar la ingesta para el control del peso. Nuestros resultados son similares con otros estudios, y refuerzan que el confinamiento se relaciona con la CA, conduciendo a cambios en los hábitos de alimentación, lo cual nos indica que, a nivel de salud pública, las estrategias nutricionales post-pandemia, deben estar enfocadas en regular la CA con el objetivo de guiar los hábitos a una alimentación saludable.
Resumen Introducción: El consumo de vegetales y frutas a nivel global está por debajo de lo recomendado, incidiendo sobre la prevalencia de obesidad y enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles a corto y largo plazo. Además de factores ambientales, las prácticas maternas influyen sobre los patrones alimentarios de hijos e hijas. Métodos: Se aplicaron cuestionarios a 727 madres con hijos/hijas de 7 meses a 7 años de edad, en 12 Centros de Atención Primaria de Salud en las ciudades capitales de Tucumán, Santiago del Estero y Jujuy, Argentina. La ingesta de vegetales y frutas se evaluó mediante el Cuestionario de Dieta para Niños (CDQ por sus siglas en inglés) y se evaluó su asociación con prácticas maternas en 3 dominios conceptuales, rol modélico, accesibilidad, y socialización de esos alimentos en el hogar. Con regresión simple se analizaron 11 prácticas en forma separada, y con regresión multivariada una variable compuesta por la sumatoria de las 11 prácticas. Resultados: El 86% de niños/niñas tenía un bajo consumo de vegetales y frutas. Cada una de las 11 prácticas alimentarias mostró una asociación significativa con el consumo (beta 0.6 a 1.8). Sin embargo, la sumatoria de las distintas prácticas, su utilización en forma combinada, mostró un mayor efecto (beta 3.9). Cercanía a locales de venta y costo también estaban asociados significativamente con el consumo. Conclusión: Los resultados informan sobre estrategias para promover el consumo de vegetales y frutas, que pueden aplicarse en el contexto del hogar no requieren de recursos complejos y pueden in corporarse a programas de educación para la salud a nivel comunitario.
Abstract Introduction: Global consumption of vegetables and fruits is currently below recommendations, im pacting the prevalence of obesity and non-communicable diseases. In addition to environmental factors, mothers' feeding practices influence children's eating patterns. Methods: Questionnaires were conducted with mothers of children 7 months to 7 years of age (n = 727), in 12 Primary Health Care Centers in the capital cities of three Argentine provinces. Fruit and vegetable consumption was evaluated with the Children's Dietary Questionnaire (CDQ). We tested the association with maternal feeding practices distributed across three domains: role model ing, accessibility, and socialization of the products in the home. We tested 11 practices separately and a vari able summing the 11 practices. Results: The majority of children (86%) had low fruit and vegetable intake. In regression models, each of the 11 practices showed a significant association with children's fruit and vegetable intake (beta 0,6-1,8). However, the variable testing the sum of the 11 practices showed a larger association parameter with intake, even in multiple regression (beta 3,9). Proximity of sale points and cost of products also showed a significant association with intake. Conclusion: Results provide information on home based strategies to promote children's fruit and vegetable intake that do not require complex resources and can be incorporated into community health education programs.
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Children with cow's milk allergy may be at nutritional risk due to the lower intake of nutrients, such as protein, calcium, and vitamin A, which are present in cow's milk. The objective was to evaluate children's diets with Children with cow's milk allergy compared with healthy controls as well as to compare the intake of proteins and amino acids from the diet followed by Children with cow's milk allergy who consume special infant formula or plant-based dairy alternatives with Children with cow's milk allergy who do not consume special infant formula or plant-based dairy alternatives. METHODS: Through a cross-sectional controlled study, the dietary intake of 57 children (27 with immunoglobulin E-mediated Children with cow's milk allergy and 30 healthy controls) was evaluated. Using 24-h nutritional recalls, the total energy intake value, macronutrients, and amino acids were calculated. RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was found between the Children with cow's milk allergy group and healthy controls for the intake of proteins and amino acids. However, the Children with cow's milk allergy do not consume special infant formula or plant-based dairy alternatives group had a lower protein (g/kg) and branched-chain amino acid (mg/kg) intake than the Children with cow's milk allergy consume special infant formula or plant-based dairy alternatives group. CONCLUSIONS: The Children with cow's milk allergy group achieved the recommendations for the intake of proteins and amino acids compared to the healthy control group. However, the Children with cow's milk allergy do not consume special infant formula or plant-based dairy alternatives group had a lower intake of protein (g/kg) and branched-chain amino acid (mg/kg) than the Children with cow's milk allergy consume special infant formula or plant-based dairy alternatives group.
Prevalence of obesity is increasing in both developed and developing countries. India is also facing a double burden of malnutrition as already existing malnutrition and increasing prevalence of obesity. Evidence suggests that prevalence of obesity is more in women as compared to men due to consumption of pre-packed energy-dense food, hormonal change during pregnancy and menopause. Obese females are more prone to life style diseases and abdominal obesity increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and is strongly related to poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Obesity’s impact can be seen in the life cycle of women. It not only impacts the physical health of women but on her psychological, social, reproductive and social well-being which hampers her overall health. To address obesity various programmes and interventions have already been formulated by the Government of India. Need is to address the issue of obesity at every stage of women’s life cycle and this can be done by adding some interventions in already existing programmes.
El inicio de buenos hábitos alimenticios en el aspecto nutricional contribuye en el desarrollo del niño escolar, evitando con ello, la anemia la cual se estima que posee un impacto a nivel mundial de 600 millones de niños que padecen de esta enfermedad según datos registrados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Con este estudio se busca demostrar los hábitos alimenticios, calidad nutricional y concentración de hierro sérico en estudiantes con anemia por deficiencia de hierro en el Cantón Jipijapa en Ecuador. La metodología empleada en el análisis del estudio fue de tipo descriptiva observacional, de corte transversal. Para ello, se aplicó un muestreo no probabilístico voluntario, se contó con la participación de 63 escolares del Cantón con previa autorización. Entre los resultados se encontraron que en los 63 escolares predomina el consumo diario (76,4%) en los hábitos alimenticios, mientras tanto que en la calidad nutricional se observó poco saludable (24 y 37 ME) en ciertos alimentos necesarios para el consumo estudiantiles en los rangos establecido, en la anemia se obtuvo un resultado de (10,2%) de escolares con anemia, mientras que para la deficiencia de hierro el (11,1%) de los niños. Se concluye que en los escolares es prevalente los malos hábitos alimenticios, sin embargo, hay casos en los que escolares muestran anemia con deficiencia de hierro y escolares sin anemia con déficit del mismo lo que es elemental las practicas alimenticia tanto en los hábitos como en la calidad nutricional.
The initiation of good nutritional eating habits contributes to the development of school children, thus avoiding anemia, which is estimated to have a worldwide impact of 600 million children suffering from this disease according to data recorded by the World Health Organization. This study seeks to demonstrate the dietary habits, nutritional quality and serum iron concentration in students with iron deficiency anemia in the Jipijapa Canton in Ecuador. The methodology used in the analysis of the study was descriptive observational, cross-sectional. For this purpose, a voluntary non-probabilistic sampling was applied, with the participation of 63 schoolchildren from the Canton with previous authorization. Among the results, it was found that in the 63 schoolchildren there was a predominance of daily consumption (76.4%) in eating habits, while in nutritional quality, unhealthy was observed (24 and 37 ME) in certain foods necessary for student consumption in the established ranges, in anemia a result of (10.2%) of schoolchildren with anemia was obtained, while for iron deficiency (11.1%) of the children. It is concluded that bad eating habits are prevalent in schoolchildren, however, there are cases in which schoolchildren show anemia with iron deficiency and schoolchildren without anemia with iron deficiency, which is elementary in the nutritional habits as well as in the nutritional quality.
O início de bons hábitos alimentares no aspecto nutricional contribui para o desenvolvimento das crianças em idade escolar, evitando assim a anemia, que se estima ter um impacto mundial de 600 milhões de crianças que sofrem desta doença, segundo dados registrados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Este estudo procura demonstrar os hábitos alimentares, qualidade nutricional e concentração sérica de ferro em estudantes com anemia ferropriva no Cantão de Jipijapa, no Equador. A metodologia utilizada na análise do estudo foi descritiva, observacional e transversal. Para este fim, foi aplicada uma amostragem voluntária não-probabilística, com a participação de 63 crianças escolares do cantão com autorização prévia. Entre os resultados, verificou-se que nas 63 crianças em idade escolar havia uma predominância do consumo diário (76,4%) nos hábitos alimentares, enquanto que na qualidade nutricional, observou-se uma deficiência alimentar pouco saudável (24 e 37 EM) em certos alimentos necessários para o consumo dos alunos nas faixas estabelecidas, na anemia foi obtido um resultado de (10,2%) das crianças em idade escolar com anemia, enquanto que na deficiência de ferro (11,1%) das crianças foram encontradas deficiências. Conclui-se que os maus hábitos alimentares são predominantes em crianças em idade escolar, porém, há casos em que as crianças em idade escolar apresentam anemia com deficiência de ferro e crianças em idade escolar sem anemia com deficiência de ferro, razão pela qual é essencial melhorar as práticas alimentares tanto em termos de hábitos alimentares quanto de qualidade nutricional.
Feeding Behavior , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Iron DeficienciesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background Malnutrition is common in liver cirrhosis patients that is correlated with early complications, morbidity and mortality. Objective The purpose of the study was to assess nutritional status, impact of nutritional screening and intervention in liver cirrhosis patients by evaluating their actual energy and protein intake during hospital stay. Methods A cross sectional study was conducted wherein all patients' nutritional status was defined by Subjective Global Assessment tool. Adequate energy and protein supply were planned and executed by using individualized nutritional plan for patients with dietitian's collaboration. Anthropometric measurements included height, weight, body mass index, mid upper arm circumference, hand grip strength and triceps skin-fold thickness. Biochemical tests included haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, volume and concentration, albumin and liver function tests. To record the daily food intake, a 24-hour dietary recall was used. Results Overall 83 patients (mean age 55) were included, among them 46% of patients were moderately malnourished, 12% were normal, while 42% of cirrhotic patients were severely depleted according to Subjective Global Assessment. The mean intake of calories and protein was improved during stay in hospital after nutritional intervention and critical monitoring (P<0.05). Anthropometric measurements at baseline and discharge showed significant differences (P <0.05) in weight, body mass index, triceps skin fold thickness and mid upper arm circumference values, but not in hand grip strength that was associated with malnourishment among patients. Conclusion Providing individualized nutritional intervention and its monitoring by qualified dietitians during hospital stay helps to improve intake in patients that prevent further risk of malnutrition and related complications.
RESUMO Contexto A desnutrição é comum em pacientes com cirrose hepática e está correlacionada com complicações precoces, morbidade e mortalidade. Objetivo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional, o impacto da triagem nutricional e a intervenção em pacientes com cirrose hepática, avaliando sua ingestão real de energia e proteína durante a internação hospitalar. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo transversal em que o estado nutricional de todos os pacientes foi definido pela ferramenta de Avaliação Global Subjetiva. O fornecimento adequado de energia e proteína foi planejado e executado por meio de plano nutricional individualizado para pacientes com colaboração de nutricionista. As medidas antropométricas incluíram: altura, peso, índice de massa corporal, circunferência do braço médio, força de aderência da mão e espessura da dobra da pele tríceps. Os testes bioquímicos incluíram: hemoglobina, volume e concentração da hemoglobina corpuscular média, albumina e testes de função hepática. Para registrar a ingestão diária de alimentos, foi utilizado um recall dietético de 24 horas. Resultados Ao todo foram incluídos 83 pacientes (média de 55 anos), entre eles 46% dos pacientes estavam moderadamente desnutridos, 12% estavam normais, enquanto 42% dos pacientes cirróticos estavam severamente depletados de acordo com a Avaliação Global Subjetiva. A ingestão média de calorias e proteínas foi melhorada durante a internação hospitalar após intervenção nutricional e monitoramento crítico (P<0,05). As medidas antropométricas na linha de base e descarga apresentaram diferenças significativas (P< 0,05) em peso, índice de massa corporal, espessura da dobra da pele do tríceps e valores médios de circunferência do braço, mas não na força de aderência da mão que estava associada à desnutrição entre os pacientes. Conclusão Proporcionar intervenção nutricional individualizada e seu acompanhamento por nutricionistas qualificados durante a internação hospitalar ajuda a melhorar a ingestão em pacientes que previnem maior risco de desnutrição e complicações relacionadas.
@#Introduction: Previous studies have established an association between 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) taster and dietary intake. However, those studies mostly emphasised on macronutrients. The present study examined the dietary intake, including macro- and micronutrients, and caries experience among university students according to their PROP taster status. Methods: A total of 158 university students participated in this study. PROP taster status was determined using filter paper method. Dietary intake was collected using 24-hour diet recall method. Oral health examination was conducted to determine dental caries experience. Results: The results showed that majority of subjects were supertasters. No significant differences (p>0.05) were found in the macronutrient intakes among supertasters, medium tasters, and non-tasters. Significant differences (p<0.05) were found in the intakes of micronutrients, namely pantothenic acid, vitamin D, magnesium, manganese, and fluoride. There were no significant differences among group tasters in the dental caries experience scores of decayed (D), missing (M), and filled (F) teeth. Conclusion: In general, this study indicated that all group tasters had no difference in macronutrients intake and caries experience, but supertasters had significantly lower intakes of some micronutrients as compared to non-tasters and medium tasters. This suggested that PROP taster status could have some influence on micronutrient intakes.
Background Magnesium is an important nutrient, and participates in most metabolic processes. Many studies show an association between dietary magnesium intakes and nutrition-related diseases such as diabetes. However, the data of dietary magnesium intakes and secular trends among the whole life cycle of Chinese residents are not available. Objective To investigate the dietary magnesium intakes and associated secular trends over the past three decades in residents of all ages and China, to identify the high-risk residents of magnesium deficiency and plan nutritional interventions, and provide basic data support for the revision of dietary magnesium reference intake. Method The data came from the 10 rounds of the "China Health and Nutrition Survey" from 1991 to 2018, and the participants with complete sociodemographic and dietary data wereselected. The median intakes, insufficient rates, and secular trends of dietary magnesium intakes were analyzed in different survey years. Analysis of multiple linear regression was used to analyze the annual change characteristics of dietary magnesium intakes controlling gender, age, education, urban-rural stratum, and north-south region. Wilcoxon trend test was used to analyze the secular trends of dietary magnesium intakes in different characteristic groups. The trends of insufficient rate were analyzed by Cochran-Armitage trend test among different characteristic groups. Results A total of 127169 residents were included in the present study. The medians of dietary magnesium intakes in 1991, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2015, and 2018 were 283.70, 283.38, 304.26, 285.50, 283.64, 275.49, 267.92, 242.93, 240.51, and 238.89 mg·d−1, respectively, showing a significant downward trend (F=2931.81, P<0.001). Dietary magnesium intakes showed significant differences in gender, age, education level, income level, urban-rural stratum, and north-south region in almost all survey years, except that there was no significant difference among different income groups in 1991. Insufficient rate of dietary magnesium intake showed a significant upward trend (Z=62.62, P<0.001), approximate 60% of Chinese residents consumed insufficient magnesium. The insufficient rate was 53.94% for male and 65.35% for female, and the insufficient rate in the 14-17 age group was as high as 71.29%. Conclusion The dietary magnesium intake shows a significant downward trend and insufficient intake of dietary magnesium is prevalent among Chinese population. It is necessary to observe the high-risk population and conduct relevant nutritional interventions, as well as to further assess the recommended intake of magnesium.
ABSTRACT Objective The aim of the study was to investigate if there is an association between dietary patterns and bone mineral content among Brazilian adults. Methods This is a cross-sectional, population-based study. Bone health was assessed using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. The dietary pattern was obtained using a food frequency questionnaire. An exploratory factor analysis obtained the dietary patterns. Linear regression was used for the multivariate analysis. The research was conducted with adult individuals (20-59 years old) of both sexes residing in the city of Viçosa, MG, Brazil (n=572). Results Two distinct dietary patterns were identified: a "meats and alcoholic drinks" pattern, composed of condiments, alcoholic drinks, dough-based foods, and savory snacks; and a "local traditional" pattern, composed of eggs, beans, trooper's beans, margarine, butter, olive oil, coffee and tea, cereals, and tubers (factor loadings ≥0.20). Having verified the associations considering the confounding factors, we identified that the bone mineral content for males was positively associated with the "local traditional" dietary pattern (β=0.058; 95% CI: 0.003-0.112; p=0.036), and for females an inverse association with the "meats and alcoholic drinks" pattern was found (β=-0.057; 95% CI: -0.110 -0.003; p=0.037). Conclusion We identified a positive association between the local traditional dietary pattern and bone health.
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar se há associação entre padrões alimentares e conteúdo mineral ósseo em adultos brasileiros. Métodos Este é um estudo transversal de base populacional. A saúde óssea de indivíduos adultos (20-59 anos) de ambos os sexos, residentes na cidade de Viçosa, MG, Brasil, (n=572) foi avaliada por meio da absorciometria de raios-X de dupla energia. O padrão alimentar foi obtido através de um questionário de frequência alimentar; a análise fatorial exploratória foi aplicada para obter os padrões alimentares e a regressão linear foi usada para a análise multivariada. Resultados Foram identificados dois padrões alimentares distintos: um padrão "carne e bebidas alcóolicas", composto por condimentos, bebidas alcoólicas, alimentos à base de massa e salgadinhos, e um padrão "local tradicional", composto de ovos, feijões, feijão tropeiro, margarina, manteiga, azeite, café e chá, cereais e tubérculos (cargas fatoriais ≥0,20). Verificadas as associações considerando os fatores de confusão, identificou-se que o conteúdo mineral ósseo para o sexo masculino se associou positivamente ao padrão alimentar "local tradicional" (β=0,058; 95% CI: 0,003-0,112; p=0,036), e para o sexo feminino foi encontrada associação inversa com o padrão "carne e bebidas alcóolicas" (β=-0,057; 95% CI: -0,110 -0,003; p=0,037). Conclusão Uma associação positiva entre o padrão alimentar "local tradicional" e a saúde óssea foi identificada.