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rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 27(1): e2035, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576989


RESUMEN El hormiguero palmero Myrmecophaga tridactyla es una especie que se encuentra amenazada en la Orinoquía, por la fragmentación del paisaje, el atropellamiento en las vías, los monocultivos de arroz, la palma africana y la actividad de extracción de petróleo. El atropellamiento de animales en las redes viales disminuye la tasa de supervivencia anual de los hormigueros, reduciendo la tasa de crecimiento de la especie a valores nulos, como se observa en algunas áreas. Por otro lado, los animales enfermos o atropellados requieren diagnóstico o tratamiento para recuperar su salud, por lo tanto, el propósito del trabajo fue conocer la hematología y la bioquímica sérica en animales silvestres, aparentemente sanos, rescatados por Cormacarena. Previa restricción y sedación con Zoletil® 50, a la dosis de 4 mg/k de peso vivo, se practicó examen clínico y se recolectó de 5-10 mL de sangre por venopunción, a 21 animales. Posterior a su recuperación se liberaron los individuos. Se presentan los valores hematológicos de referencia para eritrocitos, hemoglobina, hematocrito, plaquetas, leucocitos, neutrófilos, linfocitos, proteínas totales, ALT, AST, BUN, creatinina, calcio, fósforo, potasio, sodio, los cuales, son de importancia en la valoración médico-veterinaria, en los programas de conservación de la especie. Se resalta que los valores en osos palmeros de la región son similares a los descritos en otros trabajos en América.

ABSTRACT The giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla is a species threatened in the Orinoquia region by the fragmentation of the landscape, the running over of the roads, the monocultures of rice, african palm, and the activity of oil extraction. Running over animals on road networks decreases the annual survival rate of giant anteaters from 0.95 to levels of 0.78 reducing the growth rate of the species to null values. On the other hand, sick or run-over animals require diagnosis or treatment to recover their health; in this sense, the work aimed to know the hematology and serum biochemistry in apparently healthy wild animals rescued by Cormacarena. After restriction and sedation with Zoletil ® 50, at a dose of 4 mg/kg of live weight, a clinical examination was performed, and 5-10ml of blood was collected by venipuncture from 21 animals; after recovery, the individuals were released. This work presents the references hematological values of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets, leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes total protein, ALT, AST, BUN, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, which are essential for the veterinary medical assessment for the conservation programs of the species. It is highlighted that the results for palm tree bears in the region are like those described in other works in America.

Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 38(298): e1147, jan.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1556198


A contaminação de superfícies e do ar em cozinhas domésticas representa um grave problema de saúde pública, com microrganismos prejudiciais podendo se alojar em bancadas, utensílios e equipamentos, sendo transferidos através do contato com alimentos crus, resíduos alimentares e sujeira, além de serem dispersos pelo ar, onde os aerossóis podem se espalhar ou se depositar. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de Escherichia coli e Salmonella spp. em superfícies de contato em cozinhas domésticas, bem como a contagem total de microrganismos no ar. Foram coletadas amostras de superfície em seis cozinhas residenciais, utilizando swabs friccionados em maçanetas de geladeira, botões/alças/portas de eletrodomésticos (Airfryer, liquidificador, micro-ondas), portas de armários de mantimentos e gavetas de talheres utilizados no preparo de alimentos. Além disso, a amostragem passiva do ar foi realizada em três períodos de exposição, com os resultados quantificados em Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFC). Os resultados indicaram que 72% das amostras estavam contaminadas com bactérias entéricas, sendo 8,3% especificamente contaminadas com Salmonella spp. e E. coli, principalmente na gaveta de talheres e na porta da geladeira. Ficou evidente a importância da limpeza e desinfecção adequadas dessas superfícies para prevenir a contaminação e garantir a segurança dos alimentos. Observou-se também que as superfícies menos higienizadas apresentavam maior contaminação. Ademais, a legislação local em vigor destaca a qualidade microbiológica do ar, considerada de péssima qualidade neste estudo em comparação com os padrões da literatura. Para prevenir a contaminação de superfícies de contato em cozinhas domésticas, é crucial adotar práticas simples, como lavar as mãos com frequência, manter a limpeza e desinfecção regular das superfícies, separar utensílios e equipamentos usados para alimentos crus e cozidos, e armazenar alimentos adequadamente.(AU)

Contamination of surfaces and air in household kitchens poses a significant public health concern, as harmful microorganisms can adhere to countertops, utensils, and equipment, and can be transferred through contact with raw food, food waste, and dirt, as well as dispersed through the air, where aerosols can spread or settle. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. on contact surfaces in domestic kitchens, along with the total count of microorganisms in the air. Surface samples were collected from six residential kitchens, using swabs rubbed on refrigerator handles, buttons/handles/doors of household appliances (Airfryer, blender, microwave), pantry cabinet doors, and cutlery drawers used in food preparation. Additionally, passive air sampling was conducted in three exposure periods, with results quantified in Colony Forming Units (CFU). The findings revealed that 72% of the samples were contaminated with enteric bacteria, with 8.3% specifically contaminated with Salmonella spp. and E. coli, predominantly in the cutlery drawer and on the refrigerator door. The importance of proper cleaning and disinfection of these surfaces to prevent contamination and ensure food safety became apparent. It was also noted that less sanitized surfaces exhibited greater contamination. Furthermore, current local legislation emphasizes the microbiological quality of the air, which was deemed poor in this study compared to literature standards. To mitigate contamination of touch surfaces in home kitchens, it is imperative to adopt straightforward practices such as frequent handwashing, regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, segregation of utensils and equipment used for raw and cooked foods, and appropriate food storage.(AU)

Air Quality Control , Food Microbiology , Food Supply
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-7, jan.-dez. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554333


Objetivo: estimar a oviposição e distribuição espacial de vetores Aedes durante a estação de inverno e correlacionar essas estimativas com dados climáticos do mesmo período. Métodos: estudo de campo conduzido no município de Barbacena-MG, em 2018. O monitoramento, a coleta de ovos e a estimativa de índices estegômicos de vetores Aedes foram obtidos por meio de ovitrampas. Os Índices de Densidade de Ovos (IDO) e de Positividade de Ovitrampas (IPO%) foram estimados conforme estações climáticas e semanas epidemiológicas. A correlação entre parâmetros meteorológicos (temperatura/pluviometria) e índices estegômicos (IDO/IPO) foi determinada pelo coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados: um total de 1.080 ovitrampas, instaladas em 39 bairros, foi analisado durante 10 semanas epidemiológicas, fornecendo um total de 970 ovos. Nas estações de outono, inverno e primavera, foram obtidos, respectivamente, 421, 470 e 70 ovos. Durante o outono, houve variação do IDO entre 14,2 e 34,2. O IPO manteve-se constante em 4,5%. Durante o inverno, houve variação do IDO entre 0,00 e 47,50 e do IPO entre 0,00% e 8,25%. Houve correlação negativa significativa tanto entre aumento da precipitação mensal e diminuição do número de ovos coletados (rho=-0.673) quanto entre aumento da precipitação mensal e diminuição do IPO (rho=-0.612). O valor geral do IDO e do IPO nas 10 semanas foi, respectivamente, 22,04 e 4,17% e, na estação de inverno, foi, respectivamente, 23,50 e 3,73%. Conclusão: os achados corroboram a presença de ovos e vetores do gênero Aedes mesmo em condições climáticas adversas para essas espécies e sustentam ações de manejo sanitário durante todo o ano.

Objective: to estimate oviposition and spatial distribution of Aedes vectors during the winter season and correlate these estimates with climate data from the same period. Methods: field study conducted in the municipality of Barbacena-MG in 2018. Monitoring, egg collection, and estimation of stegomic indices of Aedes were obtained using ovitraps. The Indices of Egg Density (EDI) and Positive Ovitrap (POI%) were estimated according to climatic seasons and epidemiological weeks. The correlation between meteorological parameters (temperature/rainfall) and stegomic indices (EDI/POI) was determined by the Spearman coefficient. Results: a total of 1,080 ovitraps installed in 39 neighborhoods were analyzed during ten (10) epidemiological weeks, providing a total of 970 eggs. In the autumn, winter, and spring seasons, 421, 470, and 70 eggs were obtained, respectively. During the autumn, there was a variation in EDI between 14.2­34.2. The POI remained constant at 4.5%. During the winter, the EDI varied between 0.00­47.50, and the POI varied between 0.00%­8.25%. There was a significant negative correlation, respectively, between an increase in monthly precipitation and a decrease in the number of eggs collected (rho=-0.673) and between an increase in monthly precipitation and a decrease in POI (rho=-0.612). The overall value of EDI and POI in the ten (10) weeks was 22.04 and 4.17%, and in the winter season, they were 23.50 and 3.73%, respectively. Conclusion: the findings corroborate the presence of eggs and vectors of the genus Aedes even in adverse climatic conditions for these species and support health management actions throughout the year.

Environmental Monitoring , Aedes , Mosquito Control , Dengue , Insect Vectors
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 751-756, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031858


Abstract@#Airborne microorganisms, especially pathogenic microorganisms, are easily transmitted through dust and droplets, leading to various infectious diseases. The study summarizes the status of airborne microbial pollution, potential exposure levels, particle size, and species distribution of microorganisms, discusses the impact of airborne microorganisms on human health, and analyzes specific factors affecting campus air microorganisms from four aspects:climate, anthropogenic factors, time, and space, to provide a scientific basis for formulating effective improvement measures, improving air quality and safeguarding the health of teachers and students.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 283-285, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012521


Objective@#To investigate the quality and influencing factors of direct drinking water in schools in Nanjing City, so as to provide basis for management of school drinking water.@*Methods@#From April to July 2023, direct drinking water equipment from 146 primary and secondary schools were selected from Nanjing City using a stratified random sampling method and tested for colony forming units (CFU) and permanganate index. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the differences between groups, and multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors.@*Results@#The CFU and permanganate levels of school direct drinking water in Nanjing City were 1.00(0.00,15.50)CFU/mL and 0.47(0.26, 0.75)mg/L, respectively. The CFU level increased when the filter replacement time exceeded 3 months and when the water source was piped, while the permanganate index increased when the filter replacement time exceeded 3 months and using activated carbon technology ( Z =-2.21, -3.92, -2.31, -8.45 , P <0.05). The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the replacement time of filter element exceeding 3 months was positively correlated with the CFU level, and the process type involving activated carbon, a laid pipe network and a filter replacement time exceeding 3 months were positively correlated with the permanganate index( β =167.08, 0.32, 0.35, 0.11, P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#There are certain problems with the water quality of primary and secondary school direct drinking water in Nanjing City. Schools should promptly replace the filter and maintain the drinking water equipment to ensure the hygiene and safety of campus water quality.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 431-436, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015137


Objective@#To understand the trend of changes of hygiene status in the teaching environment among primary and secondary schools in Beijing City during 2016-2020, so as to provide basis for further improving the teaching environment and campus hygiene conditions in primary and secondary schools.@*Methods@#A proportional systematic sampling method covered over 50% of schools selected annually in Beijing from 2016 to 2019, and 34% were selected in 2020. Two representative classrooms were selected from each selected school for testing based on their structure and other factors, with 6 196 classrooms supervised, from 2016 to 2020,1 330,1 312,1 384,1 322,848 classrooms were monitored for each year.@*Results@#From 2016 to 2020, the overall lighting qualification rate of classrooms (lighting coefficient 72.8%, window to floor area ratio 41.8%, rear wall reflectance ratio 42.2%, blackboard reflection ratio 37.4%), the overall qualification rate of average blackboard illumination and uniformity (50.6%, 34.9 %), and the overall qualification rate of desk and chair allocation (58.6%) were all below 80%. The overall qualification rate of per capita classroom area (87.5%), blackboard size (83.2%), average desk illumination ( 80.1% ), average desk illumination and uniformity (82.9%), the distance between lamp and desk (99.1%), carbon dioxide ( 86.6% ), temperature (84.9%), and noise (96.6%) were all above 80%. The following indicators, blackboard size, the distance between lamp and desk, average blackboard illumination, lighting coefficient, blackboard reflectance, rear wall reflectance, carbon dioxide, temperature, and noise ( χ 2=78.38, 9.71, 11.76, 320.59, 37.63, 58.45, 236.45, 1 347.56, 101.97), had statistically significance between years. Among those indicators, the qualified rates of blackboard size, blackboard reflectance, lighting coefficient, and noise had been increasing year by year ( χ 2 trend =69.98, 15.82, 240.02, 5.77) ( P <0.05). The qualified rates of per capita classroom area, window to floor area ratio, and blackboard reflection ratio in primary schools (81.6%, 39.8%, 36.3%) were all lower than those in secondary schools (94.9%, 44.5%, 40.3%) ( χ 2=246.32, 12.03, 10.51, P <0.05). The qualified rates of blackboard size, average blackboard illumination, average blackboard illumination and uniformity, and desk and chair allocation (89.3%, 55.6% , 36.0%, and 60.2%) were all higher than those in secondary schools (75.4%, 44.1%, 33.3%, and 56.5%) ( χ 2=209.33, 78.41, 4.44, 8.22) ( P <0.05). The qualified rates of average desk illumination and uniformity, average blackboard illumination, rear wall reflectance ratio, desk and chair allocation, carbon dioxide, temperature, and noise indicators in urban area (82.9%, 84.1% , 51.9%, 45.0%, 60.9%, 91.2%, 89.5%, 97.8%) were all higher than those in suburban area (77.3%, 81.7%, 49.2%, 39.5%, 56.3%, 82.3%, 80.4%, 95.5%) ( χ 2=31.16, 6.28, 4.36, 16.40, 13.39, 105.29, 98.23, 24.66, P <0.05). The qualified rates of the distance between lamp and desk, lighting coefficient, window to floor area ratio, blackboard size, blackboard reflection ratio, average blackboard illumination and uniformity, and per capita classroom area in urban areas (98.8%, 65.2%, 34.3%, 76.7%, 35.9%, 30.1%, 84.6%) were all lower than those in suburban areas (99.4%, 81.4%, 49.8%, 89.7%, 40.2%, 39.6%, 90.3%) ( χ 2=6.80, 171.67, 132.43, 188.46 , 12.45, 60.28, 44.82) ( P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#The main problems in the teaching environment of schools in Beijing are classroom lighting, as well as desk and chair allocation. The findings suggest technical rationality and operability of relevant standard should be considered when under revision, and standard training and supervision management should be strengthened, with the aim of teaching environment improvement.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 780-783, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036307


Objective@#To understand the current situation and regulatory effectiveness of daylighting and artificial lighting in primary and secondary school classrooms in Shanghai, so as to provide a basis for enhancing the visual environment of school classrooms.@*Methods@#From April 2021 to December 2023, the daylighting and artificial lighting conditions of classrooms in 1 735 regular primary and secondary schools currently in operation in Shanghai were monitored, and the qualified rate of each indicator was calculated. The Chisquare test or Fisher exact probability method were used to compare the differences in qualification rates across different educational stages, regions, school type, both before and after the implementation of regulatory measures. The regulatory measures included convene interview, propaganda and education, supervision order, supervisory opinion paper, rectification requests and offenses and punishment.@*Results@#The qualified rate of daylighting and artificial lighting in primary and secondary school classrooms was 30.1%, with a qualified daylighting rate of 85.6% and a qualified artificial lighting rate of 32.9%. There was no statistically significant differences in the qualified rate of daylighting and artificial lighting in primary and secondary schools (32.4%,28.1%;χ2=3.76,P>0.05). However, statistically significant differences were found in the qualified rate of daylighting and artificial lighting in urban and rural school classrooms (32.6%,26.7%), as well as in public and private schools (31.4%, 20.6%) (χ2=6.99,9.92,P<0.05). Following the implementation of regulatory measures, the qualified rate of classroom daylighting and artificial lighting improved from 30.1% to 83.2%, while the respective qualified rates of daylighting and artificial lighting increased from 85.6% to 91.1% and 32.9% to 90.5%. Compared to the preimplementation period, the qualified rate of classroom daylighting and artificial lighting, as well as the respective rates of daylighting and artificial lighting, all showed statistically significant differences after the implementation of regulatory measures (χ2=995.29,25.34,1 219.87,P<0.01).@*Conclusions@#Effective regulatory measures can promote enhanced classroom daylighting and artificial lighting. Attention should be paid to improving classroom artificial lighting, in order to provide students with enhanced visual environment.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 784-787, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036309


Objective@#To evaluate the distribution characteristics and health risk of trichloromethane (TCM) in the drinking water supply of primary and middle schools in rural areas of Tianjin, so as to provide a scientific basis for improving drinking water safety in rural schools.@*Methods@#A total of 60 water samples from 30 rural primary and middle schools in 10 agricultural districts of Tianjin were collected from April to June (dry season) and July to October (wet season) in 2023 with direct selection method. The content of TCM was detected according to the Standard Methods for the Examination of Drinking Water, and a risk assessment method recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency was used to evaluate the health risk of TCM through oral exposure.@*Results@#The concentration of TCM in drinking water was no detection to 54.00 μg/L, with an average of (13.44±14.88) μg/L, and the value was higher during the wet season [12.90(1.40,32.28)μg/L] than the dry season [2.40(1.40,18.13)μg/L] (Z=-2.09, P<0.05). The concentration of TCM for primary and middle schools were [3.38(1.40,20.75) μg/L] and [5.30(1.40,28.23)μg/L] respectively, and there was no statistically significant difference between different types of schools (Z=0.50, P>0.05). The carcinogenic risk through oral exposure ranged from 3.84×10-7 to 2.05×10-5, while the noncarcinogenic risk ranged from (0.00-0.16), all within the acceptable range. Children aged 6 to 9 years old were at the highest risk.@*Conclusions@#TCM has been detected in the drinking water of rural primary and middle schools to a certain extent in Tianjin, and attention should be paid to the potential health risks of oral exposure. The monitoring and management of disinfection byproducts in drinking water should be strengthened to further reduce the risk of exposure to children.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038446


ObjectiveTo investigate and analyze the public health status of escape room-style venues in Yangpu District, Shanghai. MethodsReferring to the hygiene standards and testing methods for public places, an investigation of the current situation and environmental monitoring were conducted in 15 escape room-style venues in Yangpu District, which involved exploring the changes in physical, chemical, and microbial indicators before and after the game. ResultsThe hygiene condition of escape room-style venues in Yangpu District was generally good, with all 19 monitoring indicators not exceeding the indoor standards. The indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) and formaldehyde concentrations increased significantly after the game but did not exceed the standards. ConclusionThe hygiene condition of escape room-style venues in Yangpu District is good. However, potential public health risks were identified in four aspects: site selection and design, length of the game, cross-contamination, and training and management.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE002191, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1527574


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia antimicrobiana de um dispositivo fixo emissor de luz UV-C na desinfecção de diferentes superfícies do ambiente hospitalar e sua eficácia antifúngica na qualidade do ar. Métodos Estudo quase-experimental realizado em uma unidade de internação hospitalar, que utilizou o Bioamostrador de ar Andersen® de seis estágios para análise do ar; e na avaliação das superfícies, utilizaram-se três suspensões de microrganismos (Acinetobacter sp. MDR, Escherichia coli e Klebsiella pneumoniae produtora de KPC) para contaminar o ambiente. Para ambos foram feitas coletas pré (controle) e pós-acionamento da luz UV-C (teste). Resultados Na avaliação do ar houve uma redução importante da contagem de colônias após a luz UV-C e não foram encontrados fungos patogênicos ou toxigênicos em nenhum dos dois momentos. Em relação à desinfecção das superfícies, nenhum crescimento bacteriano foi observado após a intervenção da luz, demonstrando 100% de inativação bacteriana nas condições testadas. Conclusão A utilização da tecnologia com emissão de luz UV-C fixa foi eficaz e pode ser considerada uma intervenção promissora para protocolos de desinfecção de superfícies hospitalares.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la eficacia antimicrobiana de un dispositivo fijo emisor de luz UV-C para la desinfección de diferentes superficies del ambiente hospitalario y su eficacia antifúngica en la calidad del aire. Métodos Estudio cuasi experimental realizado en una unidad de internación hospitalaria, en que se utilizó el biomuestreador de aire Andersen® de seis etapas para el análisis del aire. En el análisis de las superficies, se utilizaron tres suspensiones de microorganismos (Acinetobacter sp. MDR, Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de KPC) para contaminar el ambiente. En ambos se tomó una muestra antes (control) y después de accionar la luz UV-C (prueba). Resultados En el análisis del aire hubo una reducción importante del recuento de colonias después de la luz UV-C y no se encontraron hongos patógenos ni toxigénicos en ninguno de los dos momentos. Con relación a la desinfección de las superficies, no se observó ningún crecimiento bacteriano después de la intervención de la luz, lo que demuestra un 100 % de inactivación bacteriana en las condiciones analizadas. Conclusión El uso de la tecnología con emisión de luz UV-C fija fue eficaz y puede ser considerada una intervención prometedora para protocolos de desinfección de superficies hospitalarias.

Abstract Objective To evaluate a fixed UV-C light emitting device for its antimicrobial effectiveness in the disinfection of distinct surfaces and its antifungal effectiveness on air quality in the hospital environment. Methods This quasi-experimental study was conducted in a hospital inpatient unit, in which a six-stage air Biosampler (Andersen®) was used for air analysis. In the evaluation of surfaces, three suspensions of microorganisms (Acinetobacter sp. multidrug-resistant, Escherichia coli, and KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae) were used to contaminate the environment. In both evaluations, pre- (control) and post-activation of UV-C light (test) collections were made. Results In the air evaluation, an important reduction was observed in the colony count after irradiation with UV-C light, and pathogenic or toxigenic fungi were not found in either of the two moments. Regarding the disinfection of surfaces, no bacterial growth was observed after the application of UV-C light, showing 100% bacterial inactivation under the tested conditions. Conclusion The use of fixed UV-C light emission technology was effective and can be considered a promising intervention for hospital surface disinfection protocols.

Ultraviolet Rays , Disinfection/methods , Infection Control , Air/parasitology , Air Microbiology , Hospitalization , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e23664, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533992


Abstract For places where non-sterile drug production occurs, regulatory bodies recommend monitoring of the environmental bioburden. This procedure provides information regarding possible microbiological risks to which the products may be exposed, so that subsequent action measures may be implemented. The aim of the present work was to quantify and characterize the microorganisms present in Grade D (ISO 8) cleanrooms of a Brazilian pharmaceutical industry, identifying any possible seasonal climatic influences on these environments. Sampling was performed by surface and air monitoring, over 12 months during the year 2019, in rooms that were in operation. For both sampling methods, no statistically significant differences in bacteria and fungi counts were found between months or seasonal periods. Microorganisms that presented higher incidence included Staphylococcus epidermidis (15%) and Micrococcus spp. (13%), common to the human microbiota, and the fungi Cladosporium sp. (23%) and Penicillium sp. (21%), typical of the external environment. The results showed that microbial contamination in the Grade D cleanrooms was within the permissible maximum levels and remained similar throughout the year. Microbiological quality control in the clean areas of the pharmaceutical industry investigated was considered effective, with regular maintenance being necessary to keep bioburden levels controlled.

Bacteria/classification , Environmental Monitoring/instrumentation , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Drug Industry/instrumentation , Environmental Pollution/prevention & control , Microbiota/immunology , Fungi/classification
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979199


Background The incidence of Legionnaires' disease is increasing globally and artificial water environment is becoming a common source of outbreaks. Molecular typing techniques can help prevent and control Legionella. Objective To understand the molecular epidemiological characteristics of Legionella pneumophila in artificial water environment of Shanghai hospitals, and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of Legionnaires' disease. Methods Water samples were collected from artificial water environment in 14 hospitals from May to October each year from 2019 to 2020 in Shanghai. A total of 984 water samples were collected from 8 Grade-A tertiary hospitals and 6 non-Grade-A tertiary hospitals, including 312 samples of cooling water, 72 samples of chilled water, and 600 samples of tap water. The water samples were isolated and serotyped for Legionella pneumophila and preserved, and the positive rate of Legionella pneumophila in the samples was used as an indicator of contamination. The preserved strains were resuscitated and 81 surviving strains were obtained for pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing analysis. Results A total of 124 Legionella pneumophila positive water samples were detected, with a positive rate of 12.60%. The positive rate was higher in the Grade-A tertiary hospitals (16.54%, 87/526) than in the non-Grade-A tertiary hospitals (8.08%, 37/458) (χ2=15.91, P<0.001). The positive rate of cooling water (23.40%) was the highest among different types of water samples, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=61.19, P<0.001). The difference in positive rate of tap water was statistically significant among different hospital departments (χ2=11.37, P<0.05). The positive rate in 2019 (15.06%) was higher than that in 2020 (9.84%) (χ2=6.23, P<0.05). From May to October, August had the highest annual average positive rate (16.46%) and October had the lowest (8.54%), but the difference in positive rates among months was not statistically significant (χ2=5.39, P=0.37). The difference in positive rate among districts was statistically significant (χ2=24.88, P<0.001). A total of 131 strains of Legionella pneumophila were isolated, with serotype 1 (80.15%, 105/131) predominating. Among the 81 surviving strains of Legionella pneumophila subjected to PFGE typing, the band-based similarity coefficients ranged from 41.30% to 100%. Among the 29 PFGE band types (S1-S29) recorded, each band type included 1-10 strains, and S28 was the dominant band type. Four clusters (I-IV) of PFGE band types were identified, accounting for 66.67% (54/81) of all strains and containing 13 band types. Conclusion Legionella pneumophila contamination is present in the artificial water environment of hospitals in Shanghai from 2019 to 2020, and the contamination in tap water deserves attention. The detected serotype of Legionella pneumophila is predominantly type 1, and PFGE typing reveals the presence of genetic polymorphism. Therefore, the monitoring and control of Legionella pneumophila in hospital artificial water environment should be strengthened.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995723


Lead poisoning severely threatens human health with its cumulation and durability in the body. The analysis of lead in blood is vital for screening, diagnosis, treatment, and prognostication of lead poisoning and for indirectly monitoring the level of lead in the environment. Although the detection programs are available throughout our country, the accuracy and comparability of the results cannot meet the expectation. A variety of factors can affect the accuracy of blood lead testing. To promote the application of blood lead analysis in clinical trials and reduce the bias of results, a better reference system for blood lead analysis should be established to evaluate the accuracy of traditional methods, promote the standardization of blood lead analysis and achieve accurate blood lead testing.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 307-310, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964451


Objective@#To evaluate health risks of five heavy metals in drinking water of rural schools in Henan Province, so as to provide scientific basis for drinking water safety in rural schools.@*Methods@#Totally 1 269 drinking water samples were collected and analyzed for five heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr 6+ , Pb, Hg) concentration in 106 cities and counties of Henan Province, and its spatial distribution characteristics were explored by geographic information system (GIS). Risk assessment method recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) was applied to evaluate health risks from five heavy metals through oral ingestion.@*Results@#The qualified rate of As concentration was 100%, and the qualified rates of Cd, Cr 6+ , Pb and Hg were 99.9% , 99.9%, 99.5%, 99.6%. The highest carcinogenic risk was As (3.05×10 -5 ), followed by Cr 6+ (2.73×10 -5 ), and the highest non carcinogenic risk was As (0.158 3), followed by Pb(0.041 7). The carcinogenic risk and non carcinogenic risk were all higher in girls than boys. The carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks were differences in different regions( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Health risks of five heavy metals in drinking water for rural schools in Henan Province were within the acceptable risk level recommended by EPA. As, Cr 6+ and Pb were the main health risk factors in drinking water, and that might impact negatively the healthy growth of primary and middle school students. These should be future efforts of drinking water safety management.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1743-1746, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998906


Objective@#To understand the status of childcare center disinfection around the COVID-19 pandemic, the needs of professional technical support, so as to give advice for improvement measures.@*Methods@#Using multi stage stratified sampling method, one was selected from each area of northern and southern Anhui Province, with 3 counties/districts selected from each city. A total of 54, 58, 60 childcare institutions were selected. A questionnaire survey, as well as on site visits and data check were administered in these childcare centers in Anhui Province were implemented. Information regarding the three stage disinfection work from 2019 to 2022 and technical support needs were collected.@*Results@#A total of 54, 58, 60 childcare centers were investigated in 2019, 2020 and 2021-2022. Most of the childcare centers recorded disinfection work (96.3%, 96.6%, 98.3%), while few of them ( 26.4% , 26.3%, 58.3%) monitored disinfection factor intensity. The implementing rate of disinfection effect evaluation was 68.3% at the stage of normal prevention and control, the highest demand rate for professional technical support was guidance and training ( 95.0% ), and the highest demand rate for training content was disinfectant preparation method (81.7%). There were significant differences in the rate of disinfection tableware room allocation (A: 93.3%, B: 70.0%), and the rate of disinfection effect evaluation among different cities (A: 53.3%, B: 83.3%)( χ 2=6.24, 5.46, P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#From 2019 to 2022, childcare center disinfection has significantly improved, however, disinfection factor intensity monitoring and disinfection effect evaluation are neglected during the stage of normal prevention and control. The demand for professional technical institutions to provide disinfectant preparation method guidance and training is high.It is suggested to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of disinfection and related technical guidance.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e94, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450277


ABSTRACT Objectives. To implement and evaluate the use of wastewater sampling for detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in two coastal districts of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Methods. In General Pueyrredon district, 400 mL of wastewater samples were taken with an automatic sampler for 24 hours, while in Pinamar district, 20 L in total (2.2 L at 20-minute intervals) were taken. Samples were collected once a week. The samples were concentrated based on flocculation using polyaluminum chloride. RNA purification and target gene amplification and detection were performed using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for clinical diagnosis of human nasopharyngeal swabs. Results. In both districts, the presence of SARS-CoV-2 was detected in wastewater. In General Pueyrredon, SARS-CoV-2 was detected in epidemiological week 28, 2020, which was 20 days before the start of an increase in coronavirus virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in the first wave (epidemiological week 31) and 9 weeks before the maximum number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases was recorded. In Pinamar district, the virus genome was detected in epidemiological week 51, 2020 but it was not possible to carry out the sampling again until epidemiological week 4, 2022, when viral circulation was again detected. Conclusions. It was possible to detect SARS-CoV-2 virus genome in wastewater, demonstrating the usefulness of the application of wastewater epidemiology for long-term SARS-CoV-2 detection and monitoring.

RESUMEN Objetivos. Aplicar y evaluar la utilización de muestreos de aguas residuales como método para la detección del coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo de tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2) en dos distritos costeros de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Métodos. Se utilizó un dispositivo de muestreo automático para tomar muestras de 400 mL de las aguas residuales de 24 horas en el distrito de General Pueyrredon, mientras que en el distrito de Pinamar se tomaron muestras de 2,2 L a intervalos de 20 minutos hasta un volumen total de 20 L. Los muestreos se realizaron una vez por semana. Las muestras se concentraron mediante floculación con policloruro de aluminio. La purificación del ARN y la amplificación y detección del gen diana se llevaron a cabo mediante la prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con retrotranscripción para el diagnóstico clínico a partir de hisopados nasofaríngeos. Resultados. Se observó la presencia de SARS-CoV-2 en las aguas residuales de ambos distritos. En General Pueyrredon, el SARS-CoV-2 se halló en la semana epidemiológica 28 del 2020, es decir, 20 días antes del inicio del aumento de casos de enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) registrado en la primera ola (semana epidemiológica 31) y nueve semanas antes de que se alcanzara el número máximo de casos de COVID-19 con confirmación de laboratorio. En el distrito de Pinamar se detectó el genoma viral en la semana epidemiológica 51 del 2020, pero solo se pudo volver a realizar el muestreo en la semana epidemiológica 4 del 2022, en la que se volvió a detectar la circulación del virus. Conclusiones. Se pudo detectar el genoma del virus SARS-CoV-2 en aguas residuales, lo que muestra la utilidad de la aplicación de la epidemiología de aguas residuales como método para la detección y el seguimiento del SARS-CoV-2 a largo plazo.

RESUMO Objetivos. Implementar e avaliar o uso de amostragem de águas residuais na detecção do coronavírus da síndrome respiratória aguda grave 2 (SARS-CoV-2) em dois distritos costeiros da Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Métodos. No distrito de General Pueyrredon, amostras de 400 mL de águas residuais foram coletadas ao longo de 24 horas com um amostrador automático; já no distrito de Pinamar, foram coletados 20 L no total (2,2 L a intervalos de 20 minutos). As amostras foram coletadas uma vez por semana e concentradas por floculação com cloreto de polialumínio. A purificação do RNA e a amplificação e detecção de genes-alvo foram realizadas por meio de reação em cadeia da polimerase com transcrição reversa para diagnóstico clínico de esfregaços nasofaríngeos humanos. Resultados. Detectou-se presença de SARS-CoV-2 em águas residuais dos dois distritos. Em General Pueyrredon, o SARS-CoV-2 foi detectado na semana epidemiológica 28 de 2020, ou seja, 20 dias antes do início de um aumento no número de casos da doença provocada pelo coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19) na primeira onda (semana epidemiológica 31) e 9 semanas antes de se registrar o número máximo de casos de COVID-19 confirmados em laboratório. No distrito de Pinamar, o genoma viral foi detectado na semana epidemiológica 51 de 2020, mas não foi possível realizar a amostragem novamente até a semana epidemiológica 4 de 2022, quando a circulação do vírus foi novamente constatada. Conclusões. Foi possível detectar o genoma do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em águas residuais, demonstrando a utilidade da aplicação da epidemiologia baseada em águas residuais para detectar e monitorar o SARS-CoV-2 em longo prazo.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537063


Los páramos almacenan grandes reservas de carbono orgánico en el suelo (COS), influenciados por las condiciones climáticas y biogeoquímicas, propias del ecosistema; sin embargo, su progresiva conversión hacia cultivos, ganadería o minería incide directamente en las reservas de COS. Con el fin de determinar el efecto que ejerce el cambio de uso de suelo sobre la variabilidad de las reservas de COS, se realizó un monitoreo de COS entre 2013, 2018 y 2020, en el Parque Natural Regional Cortadera. Se estudiaron parcelas permanentes de muestreo (PPM), ubicadas bajo tres diferentes usos del suelo: conservado, en recuperación e intervenido. Se analizaron muestras de carbono orgánico y densidad aparente, a dos profundidades (0-15 cm y 15-30 cm). Se encontró que la PPM en escenario conservado presentó los contenidos más altos de COS, con valores de 290,37; 199,22 y 257,5 tC ha-1, para cada uno de los años en estudio; seguido por la PPM en recuperación, que evidenció valores de COS 215,3 tC ha-1, en el 2020, en contraste con la PPM intervenida, que presentó contenidos mínimos de 15,50; 34,01 y 88,06 tC ha-1. Se observó que los mayores contenidos de COS se encuentran a la profundidad de 15 a 30 cm. Dichos aspectos, resaltan la importancia de avanzar en acciones enfocadas a la protección de ecosistemas estratégicos, considerando las constantes amenazas relacionadas con la transformación del paisaje y, con ello, la posibilidad de proveer funciones y servicios asociados a la captura de carbono y la regulación climática.

The paramos accumulate high stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), influenced by the climatic and biogeochemical conditions of the ecosystem. However, their progressive conversion to crops, livestock, or mining has a direct impact on the SOC stocks. To determine the effect of land use change on the variability of SOC stocks, monitoring of SOC content was conducted between the years 2013, 2018, and 2020 in the Parque Natural Regional Cortadera. Permanent sampling plots (PPS) located under three different land uses were studied: conserved, recovering, and intervened. To do so, samples of soil organic carbon and bulk density at two depths were analyzed (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm). The conserved PPS showed the highest SOC contents, with maximum values of 290.37; 199.22, and 257.5 tC ha-1 for each of the years under study; follow by the recovery PPM that presented COS values of 215.3 tC ha-1 in 2020, in contrast to the intervened PSP that showed minimum contents of 15.50; 34.01 and 88.06 tC ha-1. Furthermore, the highest SOC contents were found at 15-30 cm depth. These factors emphasize the importance of carrying out actions focused on protecting strategic ecosystems such as paramos, taking into account the continuous threats related to the transformation of the landscape and, consequently, the possibility of providing ecosystem functions and services related to carbon capture and climate regulation.

Infectio ; 26(2): 107-112, Jan.-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356255


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la circulación de poliovirus en tres municipios considerados como punto transitorio de migrantes en Colombia. Material y método: Se colectaron muestras de aguas residuales (n=36) de municipios fronterizos, seleccionados por mayor tránsito de migrantes regulares como irregulares, en el periodo comprendido entre el 2017-2019. Las muestras fueron concentradas y cultivadas siguiendo el algoritmo de vigilancia ambiental para la circulación de poliovirus de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La identificación molecular se realizo mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa empleando cebadores específicos de grupo, de serotipo y de cepa vacunal sabin. Resultados y Discusión: Se detectó la presencia de Enterovirus no polio (EVNP) en las muestras ambientales obtenidas y no se hallo circulación de poliovirus deriva dos de la vacuna ni de poliovirus salvaje en los tres municipos evaluados; sin embargo en dos estudios previos publicados por Gonzalez y col con una metodologia similar en el año 2005 y 2015 evaluando las aguas residuales de la ciudad de Armenia-Quindio; se logró identificar la presencia de virus derivado de vacuna, con resultados negativos para la identificación de poliovirus salvaje. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos indican que el sistema de monitoreo de aguas residuales con el fin de determinar la presencia de virus es una herramienta util para realizar vigilancia ambiental.

Abstract Objective: To determine the circulation of poliovirus in three municipalities considered as transitory points for migrants in Colombia. Material and Method: Wastewater samples (n = 36) were collected from border municipalities, selected for greater transit of regular and irregular migrants, in the period between 2017-2019. The samples were concentrated and cultured following the World Health Organization (WHO) environmental surveillance algorithm for poliovirus circulation. Molecular identification was performed by polymerase chain reaction using group-specific, serotype and sabin vaccine strain primers. Results: The presence of non-polio Enterovirus (NPV) was detected in the environmental samples obtained and no circulation of poliovirus derived from the vaccine or wild poliovirus was found in the three evaluated municipalities; However, in two previous studies published by Gonzales et al with a similar methodology in 2005 and 2015 evaluating the wastewater of the city of Armenia-Quindío; It was possible to identify the presence of virus derived from vaccine, with negative results for the identification of wild poliovirus. Conclusions: The findings indicate that the wastewater monitoring system in order to determine the presence of viruses is a useful tool to carry out environmental surveillance.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1100-1103, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936547


Objective@#To understand the current situation of teaching and living environment in primary and secondary schools in Beijing and to provide basis for further intervention.@*Methods@#According to the national plan, an annual average of 92 schools in 16 districts of Beijing were investigated from 2017 to 2020, including school drinking water, canteen, toilet, dormitory management and equipment allocation. Classroom environment of some schools were tested,including the per capita area of classrooms, the agreement rate of desks and chairs distribution, blackboard reflectance, the average illumination and uniformity of desks, the average illumination and uniformity of blackboards, and noise.@*Results@#From 2017 to 2020,most of schools provided water purifiers and direct drinking water, accounting for 85.1% of all investigated schools. The proportion of students canteens in urban schools was increasing,accounting for 90.5% of all schools in 2020. And there was little change in suburban schools,reaching 85.1% in 2020. The proportion of school toilets equipped with soap increased significantly, 92.0% of school toilets were equipped with soap in 2020. The proportion of student dormitories with a per capita area of less than 3 m 2 decreased by year, and all reached the standard in 2020. The qualified rates of various classroom testing indicators, including per capita area in classroom, desk illumination uniformity, and noises, were higher than 80%, while the qualified rates of the blackboard illumination uniformity, desk allotment were lower than 80%.@*Conclusion@#The teaching and living environment in Beijing has improved in recent years, but there are still some problems need to be solved.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 304-307, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920639


Objective@#To analyze the current situation of teaching environmental sanitation in primary and secondary schools in Sichuan Province from 2017 to 2021, and to provide basis for the development of teaching environmental sanitation intervention measures in Sichuan Province.@*Methods@#A total of 7 510 primary and secondary schools were supervised and sampled from 2017 to 2021 according to the unified questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analysis method was used to analyze the monitoring results.@*Results@#The overall pass rate from 2017 to 2021 is only 51.70% (3 883), a total of 2 282 were sampled in 2017 and 1 414 were qualified, with the pass rate was the highest (61.96%),a total of 1 768 were sampled in 2019 and 750 were qualified, with the lowest pass rate (42.42%). The pass rate of different testing items in each year from 2017 to 2021 and the pass rate of the same test item in different years from 2017 to 2021 were statistically significant ( P <0.05). A total of 2 095 samples were inspected in rural areas in five years, and 1 177 were qualified, with the highest pass rate (56.18%). In urban areas, a total of 2 124 samples were inspected in five years, and 1 040 were qualified, with the lowest pass rate (48.96%). In the five year period of primary school, a total of 4 867 schools were sampled, and 2 626 were qualified, with the highest pass rate (53.93%). There were statistically significant differences in the qualification rate of desks and chairs, classroom lighting, blackboard illumination, per capita area of classrooms, and per capita area of student dormitories in different regions ( χ 2=9.87, 17.51, 37.69, 75.43, 11.22, P <0.05), and there were statistically significant differences in the pass rates of classroom lighting, per capita area of classrooms, per capita area of student dormitories, and ventilation of classrooms and student dormitories between different school sections ( χ 2=9.16, 39.37, 79.56 , 31.37, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The teaching environment of primary and secondary schools in Sichuan Province needs to be improved continuously, the qualified rate of classroom lighting and desks and chairs is low, and the investment in weak links should be increased.