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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-555749


Objective To establish KIF4A 3'UTR esiRNA library and analyze the advantage of method in studying the function of KIF4A in SGC-7901 cells.Methods The GST-fusion protein of Escherichia coli endoribonuclease Ⅲ (GST-RNase Ⅲ) was used to digest the double strand RNA (dsRNA),which was transcribed in vitro from a 502bp template of KIF4A genome (T7-KIF4A 3'UTR).The KIF4A esiRNA library generated from the above method and chemically synthesized KIF4A siRNA were then used to transfect SGC-7901 cells at 10 nmol/L and 20 nmol/L.Real-time quantitative PCR and Western Blot were used to detect the mRNA and protein level of KIF4A,respectively.Results The KIF4A esiRNA library was effectively established from dsRNA digestion using GST-RNase Ⅲ.KIF4A expression was significantly reduced in SGC-7901 cells transfected with KIF4A esiRNA or siRNA.In addition,the inhibitory effect of KIF4A esiRNA was more effective than that of chemically synthesized siRNA.Conclusion KIF4A esiRNA library which was obtained using biological method can more effectively inhibited the expression of KIF4A more effectively in SGC-7901 cells than chemically synthesized siRNA.Therefore,esiRNA library can be used as a new and more effective method in studying the function of KIF4A in SGC-7901 cells.