This study aimed to estimate the donkey unit cost of production and to contextualize it with the socio-economic condition of the Brazilian semiarid region. A study model was proposed in which the costs of maintenance and animal production were considered, assuming that the herd already existed on the property and the use of the available facilities. The production cycle of donkeys was estimated at 36 months, with an initial herd of 100 jennies and five jacks. For the estimation of forage production, native pastures to the semi-arid region were considered. The unit cost of production was estimated for donkey US$ 258.00/year. However, when the donkey is integrated into the production unit of the family farming system, this animal should be considered as a production asset (draught, pack, and ridden). In face of the growing demand for donkey hide in the international market, the absence of public policies for the protection and welfare of these animals, and even considering the possibility of integrating them into family farming systems, the following question must be asked: how long before Northeast donkeys are extinct? Estimating the unit cost of donkey production and considering them as an essential production asset in family farming could be a starting point to diminish their abandonment in several communities and the consequences of the exploitation of hides.(AU)
O estudo teve como objetivo estimar o custo de produção do jumento e contextualizar com a condição socioeconômica da região semiárida brasileira. Foi proposto um modelo de estudo no qual foram considerados os custos de manutenção e produção animal, admitindo que o rebanho já existisse na propriedade com utilização das instalações disponíveis. O ciclo de produção do jumento foi estimado em 36 meses, com rebanho inicial de 100 matrizes e cinco reprodutores. Para a estimativa de produção de forragem, foram consideradas pastagens nativas da região semiárida. Foi estimado o custo de produção do jumento em US$ 258,00/ano. Entretanto, quando o jumento está integrado à unidade produtiva do segmento da agricultura familiar, esse animal deve ser considerado como ativo de produção (tração, carga e transporte). Diante da crescente demanda da pele de jumentos no mercado internacional, da ausência de políticas públicas de proteção e bem-estar desses animais, e mesmo considerando a possibilidade de integrá-los ao sistema de agricultura familiar, permanece a pergunta: quanto tempo vai levar até que os jumentos nordestinos sejam extintos? Estimar o custo unitário da produção de jumentos e considerá-los como um ativo essencial de produção na agricultura familiar pode ser um ponto de partida para diminuir seu abandono às consequências da exploração de pele.(AU)
Animals , Equidae , Costs and Cost Analysis , Agriculture , Livestock IndustryABSTRACT
Aim: Microbial community has an integral role in farming, but there is limited understanding of the complex response of microbial populations to organic and conventional farming systems. Therefore, the present study was carried out to study the effect of organic and conventional farming practices on soil microbial population in Haryana. Methodology: Fifty surface soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected from organic and their adjoining conventional farms at 11 districts of Haryana. Soil samples were processed and analyzed for Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillium and phosphorous solubilizing bacterial (PSB) counts for the two types of farming systems. Results: In comparison to conventional farming system, overall, population of PSB (which was 25.71×104 CFU g-1 soil) increased significantly to 36.91×104 CFU g-1 soil (an increase of 43.5%). Similarily, Rhizobium population in organic farming system increased from 29.26×104 CFU g-1 soil to 42.14×104 CFU g-1 soil (an increase of 44.1%). The population of Azotobacter increased significantly from 15.83×104 to 22.01×104 CFU g-1 soil (39.0%), while Azospirillium population increased from 13.66×104 to 20.10×104 CFU g-1 with an increase of 47.1%. Thus, it is clear from the results that organic nutrient sources showed a stimulating influence on the microbial populations of organic farming. Interpretation: Higher microbial population recorded in organic farming in comparison to conventional farming leads to better soil health and increased productivity.
Foi analisado o efeito de dois sistemas silvipastoris nos índices de conforto ambiental e alterações nos parâmetros fisiológicos de bezerros bubalinos criados na Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém-PA (clima Afi), no Período 1 (abril a setembro/2007) e Período 2 (outubro/2007 a março/2008). Foram inseridos onze bezerros no Sistema Silvipastoril 1 (SSP1), que apresentava sombreamento útil nas pastagens de 18 a 21%, e oito no Sistema Silvipastoril 2 (SSP2), sem sombreamento, com lago para banho. Foram mensuradas as variáveis fisiológicas: temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura da pele (TP), e calculados o Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITU) e Índice de Conforto de Benezra (ICB), nos dois períodos experimentais, comparados pelo Teste Tukey (P < 0,05). O ITU apresentou diferença estatística entre horários (P < 0,05) e período do ano (P < 0,05), e oscilou de 73,5 ± 1,3 até 82,2 ± 0,8. A TR apresentou diferença estatística entre horários e períodos do ano (P < 0,05), com amplitude de 38,3 ± 0,26 a 39,3 ± 0,38 °C. A FR apresentou diferença significativa entre horários (P < 0,05), com amplitude de 32,2 ± 9,2 a 56,5 ± 19,0 mov min-1, consideradas acima dos níveis normais, enquanto a TP foi diferente estatisticamente entre períodos e horários (P < 0,05) e variou de 23,6 ± 8,3 a 31,7 ± 5,4 °C. Nos Períodos 1 e 2 e nos dois SSP's, os ICBs estiveram acima do valor ideal, variando de 2,46 ± 0,33 a 3,31 ± 0,62 (SSP1) e 2,42 ± 0,30 a 3,45 ± 0,66 (SSP2).
This aim of the study was evaluating effects of two different silvopastoral systems on environmental comfort and changes in physiological parameters of buffalo calves bred in the Eastern Amazon. The experiment was conducted at Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém-PA, (Afi climate type) in two periods of the year: Period 1 (April to Sep/2007) and Period 2 (Oct/2007 to March/2008). Eleven calves were included in the Silvopastoral System 1 (SSP1), with a useful shaded pasture area of 18 to 21%; and eight calves were included in the Silvopastoral System 2 (SSP2), without shading, but with a lake for swimming. Physiological status of animals bred in the two SSP's were measured (rectal temperature-RT; respiratory frequency-RF and skin temperature-ST). The Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and Benezra´s Animal Comfort Index (ACI) were calculated, in two phases of the year, and were compared by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). THI ranged from 73.5 ± 1.3 to 82.2 ± 0.8. RT was 38.3 ± 0.26 to 39.3 ± 0.38 °C, but within the normal range for buffalo. RF ranged from 32.2 ± 9.2 to 56.5 ± 19.0 mov min-1, above the levels considered normal, and ST ranged from 23.6 ± 8.3 and 31.7 ± 5.4 °C. In both periods of the year and the two SSP's, ACIs were considered higher than ideal, ranging from 2.46 ± 0.33 to 3.31 ± 0.62 (SSP1) and 2.42 ± 0.30 to 3.45 ± 0.66 (SSP2).
Animals , Animal Welfare , Buffaloes/physiology , Heat-Shock ResponseABSTRACT
Testes de múltipla escolha foram realizados para comparar a preferência alimentar de Diabrotica speciosa (Ger.) por folhas de brócolos (Brassica oleraceae L. var.italica) cultivado em sistema natural, convencional e orgânico. No sistema natural de cultivo houve a incorporação de capim elefante Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher cv.Napier (50 ton/ha), composto Bokashi (1,5 ton/ha) e pulverização de EM 4 (Natural 1), ou a incoporação do composto Bokashi (1,5 ton/ha) e pulverização do EM 4 (Natural 2), no sistema convencional houve a incorporação do NPK+borax+N em cobertura, e no sistema orgânico incorporou-se composto orgânico (1 kg/planta). O composto orgânico foi preparado utilizando-se resíduos de milho (Zea mays L.) e soja [Glycine max (L.) Mer.] e esterco de gado. Folhas foram retiradas das plantas das quais foram separados discos, e colocados em gaiolas em testes de múltipla escolha. Os insetos preferiram folhas do sistema convencional. A alimentação nas folhas do sistemas Natural 1, Natural 2 e Orgânico foi 68, 67 e 57 daquela registrada nas folhas do sistema convencional de cultivo
Multiple-choice laboratory tests were achieved to compare feeding preference of Diabrotica speciosa(Ger.) to leaves of broccoli (Brassica oleraceae L. var. italica) from natural, conventional and organicfarming systems. Natural farming systems included incorporation of the elephant grass Pennisetumpurpureum Schumacher cv. Napier (50 ton/ha), Bokashi compost (1.5 ton/ha) and spray of EM 4 (Natural1), or the incorporation of the Bokashi compost (1.5 ton /ha) and spray of EM 4 (Natural 2), and in theconventional, NPK + borax were incorporated in the planting + dressing N and organic compost (1 kg/plant) was incorporated in the organic system. Organic compost was prepared using crop residues ofcorn (Zea mays L.), soybean [Glycine max (L.) Mer.], and cattle manure. Leaf discs were collected andplaced in cages in multiple-choice tests. Beetles preferred mostly broccoli leaves from conventionalfarming system than leaves from Natural (1 and 2) and Organic farming systems. Feeding on leaves fromNatural 1, Natural 2 and Organic farming system were 68, 67 and 57% of the feeding on leaves fromConventional farming system