RESUMEN La enfermedad de mano, pie y boca es una afección infectocontagiosa recurrente en los niños que viven bajo condiciones sanitarias deficientes, sobre todo en países en vías de desarrollo, donde en los últimos años se ha reportado un incremento sustancial de la enfermedad. El estudio tuvo como objetivo describir y analizar la presencia de esta enfermedad en niños, y se centró en los aspectos teóricos más resaltantes que la caracterizan. Para ello se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura en PubMed, Google Scholar y Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS), mediante operadores lógicos como "EMPB" OR "Coxsackie A16" AND "Children" y "Coxsackievirus Infections" AND "Child". Se identificaron 584 investigaciones en idioma español e inglés publicadas entre el 2010 y el 2022, de las cuales, luego de un proceso de valoración de la calidad científica por listas de comprobación, criterios de calidad y fuerza de recomendación pertinente y método PRISMA, se eligieron 40 artículos, a los que se les adicionaron tres registros de literatura gris, y se seleccionaron 43 registros para el análisis cuantitativo de datos. La enfermedad de mano, pie y boca muestra mayor incidencia en el continente asiático (India, Singapur, Japón y China), donde cada año se producen brotes epidémicos que afectan principalmente a la población infantil. Es producida por varios serotipos como el A5, A7, A10, B1, B2, B3 y B5; sin embargo, los virus coxsackie A16 (CA16) y el enterovirus-71 (EV-71) son los más frecuentes entre los niños. Produce fiebre, exantema papulovesicular en manos, pies y genitales, además de lesiones ulcerosas en la boca; su periodo de incubación es de cuatro a seis días y se transmite por el contacto directo con secreciones, material fecal u objetos contaminados; su diagnóstico es clínico y basado en antecedentes epidemiológicos; y, al no existir tratamiento específico, solo se toman medidas generales para aliviar la clínica y prevenir la deshidratación. En la actualidad, existen brotes y serotipos que producen diversas complicaciones como encefalitis, miocarditis, hepatitis, conjuntivitis hemorrágica aguda, enfermedades entéricas, herpangina, entre otras; por esta razón, se requiere estricta vigilancia epidemiológica de los casos y contactos, así como intervenciones de educación y comunicación en salud que reduzcan los riesgos de propagación e infección.
ABSTRACT Hand, foot and mouth disease is a recurring contagious infection in children living under poor sanitary conditions, especially in developing countries, where a substantial increase in the disease has been reported in recent years. The study aimed to describe and analyze the occurrence of such disease in children, focusing on the most outstanding theoretical aspects that characterize it. For this purpose, a systematic review of the literature was conducted in PubMed, Google Scholar and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) using logical operators such as "EMPB" OR "Coxsackie A16" AND "Children" AND "Coxsackievirus Infections" AND "Child". A total of 584 research studies in Spanish and English published between 2010 and 2022 were identified, from which, after a scientific quality assessment process using checklists, quality criteria and relevant strength of recommendation and the PRISMA method, 40 articles were selected, to which three gray literature records were added, and 43 records were selected for quantitative data analysis. Hand, foot and mouth disease has a higher incidence in the Asian continent (India, Singapore, Japan and China), where epidemic outbreaks occur every year, mainly affecting the child population. It is caused by several serotypes such as A5, A7, A10, B1, B2, B3 and B5; however, Coxsackievirus A16 (CA16) and Enterovirus 71 (EV-71) are the most frequent among children. The disease causes fever, papulovesicular rash on the hands, feet and genitalia, as well as ulcerative lesions in the mouth. Its incubation period is four to six days, and it is transmitted by direct contact with secretions, fecal material or contaminated objects; its diagnosis is clinical and based on the patient's epidemiological history. As there is no specific treatment, only general measures are taken to alleviate the symptoms and prevent dehydration. Currently, there are outbreaks and serotypes that cause various complications such as encephalitis, myocarditis, hepatitis, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, enteric diseases and herpangina, among others. For this reason, strict epidemiological surveillance of cases and contacts is required, along with education and communication interventions that reduce the risks of spread and infection.
Objective@#To investigate the recessive infection rate of healthy children and guardians in different epidemic periods of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Qingdao, analyze the risk factors affecting recessive infection, so as to provide the basis for HFMD prevention and control.@*Methods@#In the nonepidemic period of 2022, the random cluster sampling method was used to selected 546 children and guardians from 4 childcare institutions in Laoshan District and Pingdu City. In the epidemic period of 2023, 690 children and guardians were selected from 6 childcare institutions in Shibei District, Laoshan District and Pingdu District. A questionnair survey was conducted in the epidemic period. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the factors affecting the recessive infection. Dominance analysis was used to explore the relative importance of the risk factors affecting recessive infection.@*Results@#The results showed that the recessive infection rates of healthy children and guardians in the epidemic period were 18.84% and 13.62%, respectively; the recessive infection rates were 9.09% and 4.44% in the nonepidemic period, respectively. The results of multivariate Logistic analysis showed that rural areas (OR=4.71, 95%CI=2.57-8.61) and recessive infection of guardians (OR=18.62, 95%CI=7.45-46.56) were positively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy children (P<0.05). Washing hands (OR=0.09, 95%CI=0.04-0.20), using towels alone (OR=0.17, 95%CI=0.07-0.40), and EV71 vaccination (OR=0.42, 95%CI=0.20-0.87) were negatively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy children (P<0.05). Public toilets (OR=3.02, 95%CI=1.50-6.09) and drying bedding once per quarter (OR=3.89, 95%CI=1.75-8.68) were positively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy guardians. Housing with good lighting (OR=0.31, 95%CI=0.12-0.79), and tableware disinfection (OR=0.31, 95%CI=0.15-0.65) were negatively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy guardians (P<0.05). The results showed that recessive infection of guardians was relatively the most important for healthy children (41.51%), and tableware disinfection was relatively the most important for recessive infection of guardians (28.87%).@*Conclusions@#The recessive infections of HFMD are common among healthy populations in Qingdao, and the recessive infection rate among children during the epidemic period is relatively higher. Guardians play an important role in the recessive infection of healthy children. Therefore, healthy education should be strengthened for key populations, especially to enhance parents awareness of prevention and control to reduce the occurrence of recessive infections of hand, foot and mouth disease in children and guardians.
ObjectiveTo analyze the epidemiological characteristics and etiology of clustered outbreaks of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) in Pudong New Area, Shanghai from 2017 to 2022, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of HFMD in the area. MethodsThe data related to HFMD clustered outbreaks from 2017 to 2022 were obtained from the Pudong New Area HFMD outbreak database. Descriptive analysis was conducted to explore the outbreak scope, seasonal characteristics, distribution of occurrence settings, and etiological composition. ResultsFrom 2017 to 2022, Pudong New Area reported a total of 2 547 HFMD clusters, involving 8 884 cases, with an average of 3.49 cases per event. The majority of events (78.52%) had between 2 and 4 cases. The peak reporting periods for clustered HFMD from 2017 to 2019 and in 2021 were during the summer (May‒July) and autumn (September‒November). The seasonal pattern was less distinct in 2020 and 2022, likely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of clustered outbreaks occurred in childcare facilities (44.64%), followed by households/neighborhood committees (44.21%), with schools accounting for a smaller proportion (12.39%). The etiology revealed the coexistence of multiple enterovirus genotypes, with a positive detection rate of 60.46%, and CoxA6 being the dominant strain. ConclusionHFMD clustered outbreaks in Pudong New Area show fluctuating trends, with significant yearly differences in the number of incidents. The predominant seasons for outbreaks are summer and autumn, with CoxA6 identified as the dominant strain. The implementation of prevention and control measures for COVID-19 significantly reduced the occurrence of HFMD outbreaks. Continuous monitoring and focus on large-scale clustered outbreaks in key institutions are essential for the future.
@#Objective To investigate the diagnostic value and clinical significance of hypersensitive C-reactive protein(hs-CRP),procalcitonin(PCT)combined with interleukin-6(IL-6)in children with severe hand-foot-mouth disease.Methods A total of 62 children hospitalized in our hospital from January 2022 to December 2022 were collected as research objects.According to the severity of infection,they were divided into observation group(severe infection group)with 29 cases and control group(mild infection group)with 33 cases.The differences of general data,total leukocyte count,neutrophil count,lymphocyte count,platelet count,hs-CRP,PCT,IL-6 and creatine kinase isoenzyme(CK-MB)between the two groups and their clinical applications were analyzed and compared.Results The total white blood cell count,neutrophil count,lymphocyte count,hs-CRP,PCT and IL-6 in the observation group were higher than those in the control group,and the difference has statistically significant.Receiver operator characteristic(ROC)curve analysis of hs-CRP predicted the sensitivity and specificity of severe infection of hand-foot-mouth disease were 79.3%and 93.9%(95%CI:0.852-10.985,P<0.05);The sensitivity and specificity of PCT were 93.1%and 84.8%(95%CI:0.907-1,P<0.05);The sensitivity and specificity of IL-6 were 96.6%and 87.9%(95%CI:0.945-1,P<0.05).Conclusions In hand-foot-mouth classification,PCT and IL-6 are highly sensitive.Although hs-CRP is less sensitive than the former,its specificity is higher than the former.Therefore,the combination of hs-CRP,PCT and IL-6 has higher value for hand-foot-mouth classification.
ObjectiveTo provide a basis for human enteroviruses prevention and control by monitoring the enterovirus (EV) and its main virus types. MethodsSamples of hand-foot-and-mouth disease, herpetic angina and fever clinic patients in Dapeng New District of Shenzhen from 2016 to 2022 were tested for EV with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To identify the isolates of EV, VP1 genes of EV were amplified with nested reverse transcription PCR, and then sequenced.A geneticphylogenetic tree was constructed based on the VP1 gene. ResultsAmong the 1 124 suspected hand-foot-and-mouth disease cases, 740 (65.84%) tested EV positive. Coxsackievirus A6 (CVA6) and Coxsackievirus A16 (CVA16) were the main two serotypes with regular cycle trends. Of the 137 suspected herpetic angina cases, 88 (64.23%) were EV positive, with Coxsackievirus A4 (CVA4) and CVA16 as the dominant serotypes. Among 428 respiratory infection specimens, 71 (16.59%) were EV positive. Coxsackievirus A4 (CVA4) was the predominant serotype which caused herpetic angina and respiratory infection. The epidemic EV isolates CVA6 from Shenzhen had a close genetic relationship with isolates in China’s mainland. ConclusionThe main serotypes EV CVA6 and CVA16 which caused hand-foot-and-mouth disease exhibit cyclical trends . The risk of EV transmitted from abroad is low, but their genetic variation and virulence change should be monitored continuously. In addition, the monitoring of dominant isolates CVA4 which cause herpetic angina and respiratory infection should be strengthened.
Objective:To retrospectively analyze the molecular epidemiological features and genetic recombination of coxsackievirus A4 (CVA4) strains isolated in Jiangsu from 2015 to 2022.Methods:Throat or anal swab samples were collected from patients with herpangina or hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). Real-time PCR was used to detect CVA4. A comprehensive and systematic phylogenetic analysis was conducted based on 72 whole genomes and 99 VP1 sequences of CVA4 strains. Several bioinformatics software including DNAStar, MEGA7.0 and Similarity plots3.5.1 was used for analysis of homology, genetic recombination and amino acid variation sites.Results:Four genotypes (A, B, C and D) and five sub-genotypes (C1-C5) of CVA4 were identified based on the VP1 nucleotide sequences. C2 was the predominant sub-genotype causing HFMD. The Jiangsu strains showed high homology with the CVA4 prototype in the P1 region, and higher identity with other strains of enterovirus group A (EV-A) in the P2 and P3 regions. Genetic recombination analysis revealed that the Jiangsu strains had three genetic recombination patterns with other EV-A epidemic strains in the P2, P3 and 3′-UTR regions. These recombination patterns took place during the sustained and widespread circulation of CVA4 in people and increased the transmissibility of CVA4.Conclusions:This study analyzes the phylogenetic and molecular features of 28 whole genomes of Jiangsu CVA4 strains, which helps to better understand the genomic diversity of CVA4. By analyzing the genetic recombination and amino acid mutations in the VP1 region, this study elucidates the evolution and transmission of CVA4, which is conducive to the control and prevention of CVA4 infection.
[Objective]To provide insights into the clinical diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in summer through probing into the theory of heat epidemic and its characteristics formulated by famous doctors in the past dynasties.[Methods]The etiology,pathogenesis and treatment of heat epidemic were analyzed by summarizing the discussions of various doctors from different angles and at different levels,and the differentiation and treatment rules of several common summer infectious diseases were explored on the basis of the application of heat epidemic theory.[Results]The etiology and pathogenesis of heat epidemic can be classified as excessive main Qi,evil abundance and Yin deficiency,transpiration of summer heat and diffuse ptomaine.Its treatment can be roughly divided into interior-clearing and exterior-harmonizing,blood-cooling and orifice-unblocking.On the basis,the article explored the etiology,pathogenesis and treatment of summer infectious diseases,such as hand-foot-and-mouth disease,dengue and Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19),which have certain similarities with heat epidemic.[Conclusion]The theory of heat epidemic,closely related to the syndrome and treatment rules of three types of summer infectious diseases,can be the tentative basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of summer infectious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine.
Objective The long-term epidemiological and etiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Huai’an, Jiangsu were analyzed to provide scientific evidence for the prevention of HFMD. Methods The data of HFMD reports, etiological diagnosis and in Huai’an from 2009 to 2022 were described and analyzed. Results A total of 78 535 cases were reported from 2009 to 2022 , with 14-year average annual incidence rate of 114.71/100 000. Before 2020, the incidence rate of HFMD in Huai’an showed the epidemic intensity increased every other year on the whole, and the average annual incidence rate during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022) (55.69/100 000) was significantly lower than that in previous years (2009-2019) (129.95/100 000). The joinpoint regression analysis showed that the best fitting model from 2009 to 2022 had no joinpoints, APC=AAPC=-1.24%. The overall trend showed a monotonously decreasing trend, but the trend was not statistically significant. The male-to-female distribution ratio was 1.53:1, and the age distribution was mainly under 5 years old, especially in scattered children. The epidemic season was from April to July. The results of etiological surveillance showed that the co-epidemic of Coxsackievirus A16 (CV-A16) and Enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) during the early stages had changed to the co-epidemic of CV-A16 and CV-A6 in the current period. Conclusion The burden of HFMD in Huai’an was large, and the epidemic intensity increased every other year was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The epidemiological features after the COVID-19 pandemic should be further monitored.
Foot and mouth disease is a highly contagious viral disease that poses a significant economic threat to cloven-hoofed animals, including cattle and sheep. The emergence of a novel foot and mouth disease virus-A isolate, FMDV-A-Egy-AHRI-RL385-Ven-2022, in Egypt in 2022 has raised concerns about its potential impact on existing vaccination programs. Given that vaccination is a key strategy for foot and mouth disease virus control, the present study was aimed to assess the cross-protective efficacy of both local and imported inactivated vaccines against this new threat. Through challenge experiments and serum neutralization tests, we observed limited effectiveness of both vaccine types. The calculated r1-values at 28 days post-vaccination indicated a minimal immune response to FMDV-A-Egy-AHRI-RL385-Ven-2022 (0.176 and 0.175 for local and imported vaccines, respectively). Challenge experiments further confirmed these findings, revealing 0percent protection from the local vaccine and only 20percent rotection from imported vaccines by day 7 post-challenge. These results underscore the urgent need to update existing foot and mouth disease virus vaccines in Egypt by incorporating the newly circulating FMDV-A-Egy-AHRI-RL385-Ven-2022 strain. This proactive measure is crucial to prevent future outbreaks and ensure effective disease control(AU)
La fiebre aftosa es una enfermedad vírica muy contagiosa que supone una importante amenaza económica para los animales biungulados, entre ellos el ganado vacuno y ovino. La aparición de un nuevo aislado del virus A de la fiebre aftosa, el FMDV-A-Egy-AHRI-RL385-Ven-2022, en Egipto en 2022 ha suscitado preocupación por su posible impacto en los programas de vacunación existentes. Dado que la vacunación es una estrategia clave para el control del virus de la fiebre aftosa, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la eficacia protectora cruzada de las vacunas inactivadas locales e importadas frente a esta nueva amenaza. Mediante experimentos de desafío y pruebas de seroneutralización, observamos una eficacia limitada de ambos tipos de vacuna. Los valores r1 calculados a los 28 días posvacunación indicaron una respuesta inmunitaria mínima frente a FMDV-A-Egy-AHRI-RL385-Ven-2022 (0,176 y 0,175 para las vacunas local e importada, respectivamente). Los experimentos de provocación confirmaron aún más estos resultados, revelando un 0 por ciento de protección de la vacuna local y sólo un 20 por ciento de protección de las vacunas importadas al séptimo día después de la provocación. Estos resultados subrayan la urgente necesidad de actualizar las vacunas existentes contra el virus de la fiebre aftosa en Egipto incorporando la nueva cepa circulante FMDV-A-Egy-AHRI-RL385-Ven-2022. Esta medida proactiva es crucial para prevenir futuros brotes y garantizar un control eficaz de la enfermedad(AU)
Animals , Disease Outbreaks , Livestock , Foot-and-Mouth Disease/epidemiology , Vaccines , EgyptABSTRACT
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) remains one of the most economically devastating menace in livestock due to its highly contagious nature with multispecies involvement. In the present study, a serological survey to detect antibodies against structural and non-structural protein (NSP) of FMD virus (FMDV) in elephants was conducted. A total of 255 elephant serum samples from 5 different states of India were collected with due permission from the competent authorities. A competitive ELISA using commercial kit PrioCHECK� FMDV NS (Prionics AG, Switzerland) was performed to assess antibodies against FMDV 3ABC non-tructural protein. A total of 2.74% (7/255) animals were found positive indicating their previous exposure to FMDV. The serum samples were also subjected to in-house liquid phase blocking ELISA to assess the level of protective antibody against FMDV serotypes O, A and Asia 1, where none of the animals was found to have protective antibody (log10 titre of ?1.8) against all three serotype strains used in the vaccine formulation. In conclusion, the study gathered a low level of serological evidence of virus activity as well as lack of protective antibody against FMDV in the sampled elephants. Further investigations into the dynamics of anti-FMDV antibodies supplemented with virological examination should be carried out to understand the virus ecology and disease epidemiology. In order to establish absolute freedom from infection, oesophageal-pharyngeal fluid collected from the NSP-positive animals could further be examined for the presence of viral genome by polymerase chain reaction or for virus isolation to understand the carrier status in this species.
Background: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) has been widely spread in Asia and resulted in a high disease burden among children in many countries. It remains a common problem in India, yet its etiology is largely unknown as diagnosis is based on clinical characteristics. Aim and Objectives: To investigate the circulation of strains, clinical, molecular and virological aspects of the disease. Material and Methods: Vesicular lesion and throat swab specimens were referred from eight children for laboratory diagnosis of HFMD. The detection of enteroviruses was performed by nested PCR, virus isolation using HeLa cell line and sequencing of 5?UTR. Results: Coxsackieviruses A6, A10 and B4 were identified by nested PCR, isolated in HeLa cell line and reconfirmed. The phylogenetic analysis of Coxsackieviruses A6, A10 and B4 showed similarity with Beijing-China, Pune-India, and France respectively. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate the co-circulation of Coxsackieviruses A6, A10 and B4. Coxsackievirus B4 was isolated and detected for the first time from Pune, India. Additionally, results emphasize the importance of virus isolation using cell lines for laboratory diagnosis. Point-of-Care testing and vaccine development would be beneficial towards control and prevention of HFMD.
Objective:To analyze the non-enterovirus A71 (non-EVA71) and non-coxsackievirus A16 (non-CVA16) enteroviruses causing hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Kunming and Qujing of Yunnan Province in 2021 by sequencing the VP4/VP2 and VP1 genes and to analyze the phylogenetic characteristics of the VP1 gene of CVA2, aiming to provide reference for the prevention and control of CVA2.Methods:The samples were made and extracted strictly according to the Laboratory Manual for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018 Edition). VP4/VP2 junction regions were firstly amplified and sequenced by MD91/OL68-1 primers. These sequences were firstly edited and then "blasted" on the GenBank to determine the virus serotype. To analyze the phylogenetic characteristics of CVA2, the entire VP1 gene sequences were amplified in two segments using enterovirus species A primers. Virus serotype was again confirmed online by "Enterovirus Genotyping Tool Version 0.1". The sequences of the reference virus genotypes/sub-genotypes were downloaded according to the reference. The phylogenetic trees were constructed by Mega5.2 software and the genetic characteristics were analyzed.Results:A total of 749 non-EVA71 and non-CVA16 enteroviruses were detected in the two areas in 2021. Group A enteroviruses were the main pathogens, with CVA16 as the predominant virus, and a small number of group B enteroviruses were reported. Only five strains of CVA2 were detected with a detection rate of 0.67% (5/749), indicating that CVA2 was a rare pathogen for HFMD in the two areas. The sequencing and serotyping results were consistent using the two genomic regions of VP4/VP2 junction region and VP1 region. Phylogenetic analysis showed that three Kunming strains belonged to genotype A, while two Qujing strains belonged to genotype D.Conclusions:The detection rate of CVA2 in Kunming and Qujing was 0.67% in 2021. CVA2 was a rare pathogen for HFMD in the two regions. Phylogenetic analysis showed genotypes A and D spread in Kunming and Qujing, respectively, but had not caused epidemics. To our knowledge, this was the first report of genotype A of CVA2 in China. Strengthening the laboratory surveillance especially molecular epidemiological surveillance is valuable for the monitor and analysis of transmission source for CVA2.
Objective:To analyze the etiological and epidemiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Xi′an from 2019 to 2021, so as to provide evidence for the prevention and control of HFMD.Methods:Stool specimens and anal swabs were collected from patients with HFMD. Enteroviruses (EVs) including enterovirus 71 (EV71), coxsackievirus A16 (CVA16), CVA6 and CVA10 were detected by RT-PCR. Excel 2007 and SPSS18.0 software were used for data collection and statistical analysis, respectively. The epidemiological data of HFMD cases were analyzed by descriptive epidemiology method. The VP1 gene sequence of the representative strain of each CVA6 genotype was downloaded. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using MEGA X software and the genetic characteristics were analyzed.Results:A total of 1 531 HFMD cases were involved and 1 365 were positive for EVs with a positive rate of 89.16%. The detection rates of EV71, CVA16, CVA6, CVA10 and other EVs were 1.31% (20/1 531), 32.46% (497/1 531), 38.47% (589/1 531), 5.09% (78/1 531) and 11.23% (172/1 531), respectively. There were significant differences in the pathogen composition in HFMD cases of different clinical types (χ 2=46.14, P<0.01) and occupations (χ 2=34.65, P<0.01) as well as in different years (χ 2=462.86, P<0.01). The average age was greater in patients with CVA16 infection than in those with CVA6 or CVA10 infection ( F=6.00, P<0.01). In 2019, the HFMD cases were mainly caused by CVA16, while in 2020 and 2021, the main pathogen was CVA6. Enterovirus-positive cases showed a bimodal distribution with the main peak from May to July and the secondary peak from September to November. CVA16 was the predominant pathogen in spring and summer, and CVA6 was the predominant pathogen in autumn. CVA6 was the dominant pathogen in eight districts and counties of Xi′an; CVA16 was the dominant pathogen in six districts and counties; CVA6 and CVA16 co-circulated in one district. The CVA6 isolates belonged to two evolutionary branches of D3a subtype. Conclusions:CVA6 and CVA16 were the prevalent pathogens of HFMD and CVA6 subtype D3a circulated in Xi′an from 2019 to 2021. The pathogen composition of HFMD cases showed obvious differences in population, time and regional distribution.
Objective To predict and analyze the physicochemical properties, structural characteristics, and antigenic epitopes of viral protein (VP) VP1 of Coxsackievirus A10 (CV-A10) by bioinformatics methods. Methods The physicochemical properties and structural characteristics of CV-A10 VP1 were predicted by ProtParam, SOPMA, SWISS-MODEL, PDBsum, and ProSA-web. The antigenic epitopes of CV-A10 VP1 were predicted and analyzed by DNAstar, ABCpred, Bepipred 2.0, ElliPro, DiscoTope-2.0, NetMHCpan-4.1, NetMHCIIpan-4.0, Consurf, VaxiJen v.2.0, AllerTOP v.2.0, ToxinPred2, and IEDB immunogenicity. Results Bioinformatics analysis showed that CV-A10 VP1 was a basic, unstable, and hydrophilic protein, of which the secondary structure mainly consisted of random coil. The analysis revealed that CV-A10 VP1 had multiple potential B and T cell antigenic epitopes as well as a dominant antigenic epitope based on the potential epitope. Conclusion CV-A10 VP1 has multiple potential sites that induce specific humoral and cellular immunity, providing important support for its experimental identification, molecular epidemiological studies, and vaccine development.
@#ObjectiveTo analyze the genome-wide characteristics of 17 strains of Coxsackievirus A6(CVA6)that cause hand,foot and mouth disease(HFMD)and herpangina(HA)in Yunnan Province in 2018,and understand the genetic differences between different pathogenic CVA6.MethodsA total of 1 909 stool samples clinically diagnosed as HFMD and HA in Kunming Children′s Hospital in 2018 were randomly selected for detection using enterovirus group A universal primers and screening of CVA6 positive samples. The CVA6 whole genome sequence was amplified with CVA6 whole genome primers,spliced by BioEdit splicting software,and analyzed for the whole genome characteristics by BioEdit,MEGA 7.0,Simplot,Heml 1.0 and Phyre2softwares.ResultsA total of 929 CVA6 positive samples were screened,and 17CVA6 complete gene sequences were obtained(9 of which were clinically diagnosed as HFMD and 8 were clinically diagnosed as HA). All 17 CVA6 strains were in type IV clade on the whole phylogenetic tree. No significant recombination occurred in HA and HFMD representative strains,while mutations occurred in non-structural protein 3D region. HFMD and HA representative strains showed differences in VP1 loci S597T,Q705L and Q663L. Online predictive analysis showed that the secondary structure of VP1 was consistent with that of CVA6 with no change.ConclusionThe 17 CVA6 strains causing HFMD and HA had high genomic homology,as well as nucleotide and amino acid differences,which may affect the replication and adaptability of CVA6.
Objective@# To investigate the coverage of enterovirus 71 (EV71) vaccine among children born between 2018 and 2021 in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, so as to provide insights into formulating EV71 vaccination strategy.@*Methods@#Data pertaining to demography and EV71 vaccination among children born between 2018 and 2021 in Ningbo City were obtained from the Zhejiang Immunization Information Management System, and the coverage of vaccination, full-dose vaccination and timely vaccination of EV71 vaccine were analyzed. @*Results@#Totally 416 176 children were born between 2018 and 2021, including 216 977 boys (52.14%) and 199 199 girls (47.86%). The coverage rates of vaccination, full-dose vaccination and timely vaccination was 61.50%, 58.70% and 32.53%, respectively. The coverage rates of vaccination, full-dose vaccination and timely vaccination among local children (71.43%, 70.04% and 40.24%) were higher than those among migrant children (54.05%, 50.18% and 26.73%; P<0.05). The coverage rates of vaccination, full-dose vaccination and timely vaccination among urban children (67.72%, 65.06% and 40.37%) were higher than those among rural children (54.11%, 51.14% and 23.21%; P<0.05). The coverage rates of vaccination were 54.98%, 61.24%, 65.10% and 66.72%, the coverage rates of full-dose vaccination were 52.16%, 58.72%, 62.44% and 63.39%, and the coverage rates of timely vaccination were 22.47%, 25.86%, 39.14% and 48.03% by the born year from 2018 to 2021, all showing increasing trends year by year (P<0.05). @*Conclusion@#The coverage of vaccination, full-dose vaccination and timely vaccination of EV71 vaccine appears a tendency towards a rise among the 2018-2021 birth cohorts in Ningbo City, while the coverage of timely vaccination need to be improved. Health education for EV71 vaccination should be enhanced for rural and migrant children.
Objective@#To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of clusters of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in kindergartens and schools in Jinshan District, Shanghai Municipality from 2016 to 2021, so as to provide insights into improving the prevention and control measurements of HFMD in Jinshan District.@*Methods@#Data of HFMD cases in Jinshan District from 2016 to 2021 were collected through Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information System, and data pertaining to HFMD clusters in kindergartens and schools were also collected. The scale, temporal distribution, regional distribution and distribution of cluster places were descriptively analyzed. @*Results@#Totally 338 HFMD clusters involving 974 cases were identified in kindergartens and schools in Jinshan District from 2016 to 2021, with an average attack rate of 9.89%. The number of cases in each cluster ranged from 2 to 12 cases, with a median number of 2 (interquartile range, 1) cases, and there were 223 clusters involving 2 cases, accounting for 65.98%. The duration of clusters ranged from 1 to 16 days, with a median duration of 4 (interquartile range, 3) days. HFMD peaked from April to June (136 clusters, 40.24%) and from September to December (176 clusters, 52.07%). All the 11 streets and towns (high-tech zones) were reported HFMD clusters, and the three largest number of clusters were reported in Zhujing Town (72 clusters, 21.30%), Shanyang Town (63 clusters, 18.64%) and Tinglin Town (40 clusters, 11.83%). There were 268 HFMD clusters in kindergartens (79.29%) and 70 in schools (20.71%), and the prevalence of HFMD clusters was higher in kindergartens than in schools (35.51% vs. 17.03%; χ2=31.507, P<0.001). @*Conclusions@#HFMD clusters in kindergartens and schools showed seasonal characteristics from 2016 to 2021 in Jinshan District, which predominantly occurred in Zhujing Town, Shanyang Town and Tinglin Town, and kindergartens were the main places.
Objective To explore the effect of temperature on the risk of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) and population susceptibility. Methods The data of HFMD cases in Chengdu from January 1, 2016 to October 31, 2022 were collected, and local meteorological data during the same period were also collected. Distributional lag nonlinear models were developed. The relative risk (RR) of morbidity at different temperatures and different lags was calculated. Differences in the relative risk levels of different populations were analyzed and compared. Results A total of 263 776 cases of HFDM were reported in Chengdu during the study period. The distribution of HFMD was periodic. For the overall population, the short-term average temperature and RR showed a “U”-shaped relationship. When the lag time was 0-7 days, the cumulative RR was 1.59 (95%CI: 1.18-2.14) at the average temperature of -0.5℃ and 2.16 (95%CI: 1.60-2.91) at the average temperature of 34.5℃. The RR values under high and low temperatures decreased with increasing lag period. When the lag time was extended, the average temperature and RR showed an inverted “U”-shaped relationship, with higher RR at moderate temperatures and increasing as the lag period increased. The results of the subgroups showed that the RR of onset among scattered children was higher at high and low temperatures. Conclusion The risk effect of temperature on the onset of HFMD in different populations is variable and changes with the lag period, and the prevention and control measures should be adjusted in a timely and targeted manner.
Objective To investigate etiologic characteristics of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) in a sentinel hospital in Guangzhou from 2017 to 2021, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of HFMD. Methods Descriptive epidemiologic methods were used to analyze the etiologic characteristics of mild cases of HMFD during 2017-2021. Results A total of 1 633 specimens of mild cases of HMFD were collected from 2017 to 2021. The total enterovirus (EV) positive rate was 78.41%, among which the positive rates of the main pathogen Cox A6, Cox A16, Cox A10, and EV71 were 40.83%, 17.68%, 6.13%, and 1.62%, respectively. The total positive rate of enteroviruses and the positive rate of enteroviruses of all types in each year were statistically different (P<0.001). In 2017-2021, the prevalence of HFMD in Guangzhou was mainly Cox A6, followed by Cox A16 which had the highest positive rate in 2018 (24.62%). The positive rate of EV71 decreased year by year. Cox A6 was highly prevalent from June to December every year, while the detection rate of Cox A16 was high from April to August every year. The positive detection rate of EV71 was high from January to May in 2017 and low from 2018 to 2021, with no epidemic peak. Conclusion From 2017 to 2021, the main pathogen of HMFD in Guangzhou is Cox A6, not EV71 or CoxA16, which suggests that it is of great significance to strengthen the monitoring of epidemic trend of HFMD for the prevention and control of HFMD.
Objective@# To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of hand, foot, and-mouth disease (HFMD) among children under 6 years in Wuxing District, Huzhou City from 2013 to 2021, so as to provide insights into HFMC control among children. @* Methods @#The surveillance on HFMD and enterovirus 71 (EV71) vaccination among children under 6 years in Wuxing District, Huzhou City from 2013 to 2021 were captured from China Disease Prevention and Control Information System, and the temporal, human and spatial distributions of HFMD cases and pathogenic detection results were descriptively analyzed.@*Results @#A total of 14 272 HFMD cases under 6 years were reported in Wuxing District from 2013 to 2021, with an average annual incidence rate of 465.75/104. There were 8 313 male children with HFMD (522.39/104 incidence) and 5 959 female children with HFMD (404.55/104 incidence), and higher incidence of HFMD was seen among male children than among female children (χ2=239.228, P<0.001). Most HFMD cases were found among children at ages of 1 to 3 years (10 006 cases, 70.11%), and the incidence of HFMD peaked during the period between May and July and between October and December each year. High incidence of HFMD was seen in Zhili Township (741.50/104), Yangjiabu Street (546.99/104) and Balidian Township (438.68/104). There were 717 laboratory-confirmed HFMD cases (5.02%), including 106 EV71-positive cases (14.78%) and 177 CoxA16-positive cases (24.69%). A total of 56 288 doses of EV71 vaccines were administered in Wuxing District from 2017 to 2021, with an annual average full-dose vaccination rate of 14.87%. The detection of EV71 infection was significantly lower after EV71 vaccination than before vaccination (4.49% vs. 24.93%; χ2=62.932, P<0.001).@* Conclusions @#The incidence of HFMD peaks in summer and winter among children under 6 years in Wuxing District, which predominantly occurs among children at ages of 1 to 3 years. The incidence of HFMD is high in Zhili Township, Yangjiabu Street and Balidian Township, and the number of EV71-positive cases significantly reduces after EV71 vaccination than before vaccination.