Resumen El análisis de los ácidos orgánicos urinarios juega un papel crucial en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes con trastornos metabólicos congénitos. La falta de datos completos, las variaciones en los hábitos alimentarios entre países y el aumento del consumo de alimentos procesados subrayan la necesidad de realizar investigaciones actualizadas. Con el fin de establecer los intervalos de confianza y medianas de ácidos orgánicos urinarios se evaluaron mediante cromatografía gaseosa acoplada a espectrometría de masas, 125 muestras de orina de pacientes sanos, con edades comprendidas entre 2 días y 13 años. Los resultados fueron analizados teniendo en cuenta el grupo etario, y evidenciaron que las concentraciones de la mayoría de los ácidos orgánicos urinarios varían de acuerdo a la edad, lo que enfatiza la importancia de los valores de referencia emparejados con la edad para interpretar los datos de los pacientes. Existen pocos informes en esta área; sin embargo, la comparación de estos resultados con los valores de referencia informados por otros trabajos muestra una concordancia razonable y las pocas disparidades podrían atribuirse a factores genéticos o influencias dietéticas. Se presentan resultados e interpretaciones de niños previamente diagnosticados con trastornos metabólicos y otras afecciones, lo que confirma la confiabilidad de nuestros datos y métodos analíticos. Este estudio proporciona datos de referencia esenciales para los profesionales clínicos, destaca la importancia de los valores de referencia específicos de la edad para diagnosticar y tratar con precisión a pacientes con trastornos metabólicos y sirve como recurso fundamental para futuras investigaciones en este campo.
Abstract Analysis of urinary organic acids plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with congenital metabolic disorders. The lack of complete data, variations in dietary habits between countries, and increasing consumption of processed foods highlight the need for up-to-date research. In order to establish the confidence intervals and medians of urinary organic acids, 125 urine samples from healthy patients, aged between 2 days and 13 years, were evaluated by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The results were analysed taking into account the age group, showing that the concentrations of most urinary organic acids vary according to age, which emphasises the importance of paired age reference values to interpret patient data. There are few reports in this area; however, comparing our results with those reference values reported by other papers demonstrates reasonable agreement, and minor disparities could be attributed to genetic factors or dietary influences. Results and interpretations from children previously diagnosed with metabolic disorders and other conditions are presented, confirming the reliability of our data and analytical methods. This study provides essential reference data for clinicians, highlighting the importance of age-specific reference values to accurately diagnose and treat patients with metabolic disorders and serves as a critical resource for future research in this field.
Resumo A análise dos ácidos orgânicos urinários desempenha um papel crucial no diagnóstico e monitoramento de pacientes com distúrbios metabólicos congênitos. A falta de dados completos, as variações nos hábitos alimentares entre países e o aumento do consumo de alimentos processados destacam a necessidade de realizar pesquisas atualizadas. Para estabelecer os intervalos de confiança e medianas de ácidos orgânicos urinários, 125 amostras de urina de pacientes saudáveis, com idades entre 2 dias e 13 anos, foram avaliadas por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massa. Os resultados foram analisados levando em consideração o grupo etário, evidenciando que as concentrações da maioria dos ácidos orgânicos urinários variam de acordo com a idade, o que destaca a importância dos valores de referência pareados com a idade para interpretar os dados dos pacientes. Há poucos relatos nesta área; no entanto, a comparação destes resultados com os valores de referência informados por outros trabalhos demonstra uma concordância razoável, e as poucas disparidades poderiam ser atribuídas a fatores genéticos ou influências dietéticas. São apresentados resultados e interpretações de crianças previamente diagnosticadas com distúrbios metabólicos e outras condições, o que confirma a confiabilidade de nossos dados e métodos analíticos. Este estudo fornece dados de referência essenciais para profissionais clínicos, enfatizando a importância dos valores de referência específicos da idade para diagnosticar e tratar com precisão pacientes com distúrbios metabólicos, e serve como recurso fundamental para futuras pesquisas nesse campo.
The extraction of geraniol from palmarosa oil using hydrotropic solvents was investigated. Palmarosa oil possesses an appealing rose aroma and properties like anti - inflammatory, antifungal, and antioxidant due to the presence of geraniol. The extraction of geraniol from palmarosa oil by using distillation methods like steam dis tillation and fractional distillation was a laborious process. So hydrotropes were tried for extraction. The geraniol yield and purity depend on parameters like concentration of hydrotrope, solvent volume ratio, and time period. Using the Box Benkhem Desig n (BBD), the extraction process was optimized. One of the major advantages of using hydrotropic solvents is that they were classified as green solvents, and recovery of solvents is also possible. To reduce the extraction time probe sonication is carried ou t. Different hydrotropic solvents with probe sonication are done on palmarosa oil by altering various process parameters to study the separation, yield, and purity.
Se investigó la extracción de geraniol del aceite de palmarosa utilizando solventes hidrotrópicos. El aceite de palmarosa posee un atractivo aroma a rosa y propiedades antiinflamatorias, antifúngicas y antioxidantes debido a la pr esencia de geraniol. La extracción de geraniol del aceite de palmarosa mediante métodos de destilación como la destilación por vapor y la destilación fraccionada ha sido un proceso laborioso. Por lo tanto, se probaron los hidrotropos para la extracción. El rendimiento y la pureza del geraniol dependen de parámetros como la concentración del hidrotropo, la relación de volumen del solvente y el período de tiempo. Se optimizó el proceso de extracción usando el diseño Box Benkhem (BBD). Una de las principales v entajas de usar solventes hidrotrópicos es que se clasifican como solventes verdes y también es posible recuperar los solventes. Para reducir el tiempo de extracción, se lleva a cabo una sonda de ultrasonido. Se realizan diferentes solventes hidrotropos co n sonda de ultrasonido en el aceite de palmarosa alterando varios parámetros del proceso para estudiar la separación, el rendimiento y la pureza.
Plant Oils/chemistry , Cymbopogon/chemistry , Acyclic Monoterpenes/chemistry , Chromatography, GasABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the injection of small amounts of undiluted C3F8 with the traditional gas injection in vitrectomy for macular hole treatment. Methods: This clinical trial included 26 individuals divided into two groups. Group 1 received an intravitreal injection of 0.9-1.0 mL of 100% C3F8, and Group 2 received 15-20 mL of 20% C3F8. Results: The median intraocular gas duration was 31 days in Group 1 and 34 in Group 2. The median letter gains in corrected distance visual acuity for the 26th postoperative week were 20 letters in Group 1 and 12.5 in Group 2. The median intraocular pressure was normal in both groups. Primary anatomical success was 11/13 in both groups. Conclusions: The use of C3F8 gas in a small undiluted volume is an alternative that slightly reduces the duration of the gas without negatively affecting the anatomical and visual response.
Introducción: La asfixia perinatal es un síndrome caracterizado por la suspensión o grave disminución del intercambio gaseoso a nivel de la placenta o de los pulmones. Objetivo: Caracterizar los neonatos con asfixia perinatal durante el trabajo de parto con la introducción de la gasometría de la arteria umbilical. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, de octubre de 2016 a diciembre de 2021. Se trabajó con la totalidad del universo: 75 neonatos asfícticos. Las variables fueron: edad materna, edad gestacional al nacimiento, enfermedades asociadas y dependientes del embarazo, tipo y tiempo de trabajo de parto, características del líquido amniótico, anomalías de la placenta y cordón umbilical, pH de la gasometría de la arteria del cordón, evolución clínica del recién nacido. Los datos se almacenaron y procesaron en una hoja de cálculo de Microsoft Excel, utilizando la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Predominaron pacientes con edad materna menor de 20 años (56 %), y edad gestacional al nacimiento de 28 a 33,6 semanas (77,3 %). La hipertensión arterial fue la comorbilidad más común, así como la preeclampsia, entre las enfermedades dependiente del embarazo (30,7 %); 61,3 % tuvieron parto eutócico, con líquido amniótico claro (65,3 %), placenta previa (38,7 %) y circulares en cordón umbilical (30,7 %). En el 86,7 % el pH de la gasometría fue menor que 7, y el 92 % presentó evolución clínica favorable. Conclusiones: La asfixia perinatal estuvo predominantemente asociada a madres adolescentes, con tiempo gestacional entre 28 y 36 semanas, preeclampsia, placenta previa, circulares del cordón umbilical y predominio de gasometría con pH menor que 7.
Introduction: Perinatal asphyxia is a syndrome characterized by the suspension or severe decrease in gas exchange at the level of the placenta or lungs. Objective: To characterize neonates with perinatal asphyxia during labor with the introduction of umbilical arterial blood gas test. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from October 2016 to December 2021. It dealt with the entire universe, 75 asphyxiated neonates. The variables were: maternal age, gestational age at birth, associated and pregnancy-dependent diseases, type and time of labor, characteristics of the amniotic fluid, anomalies of the placenta and umbilical cord, pH of the cord arterial blood gas test, clinical evolution of the newborn. The data were stored and processed in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, using descriptive statistics. Results: Patients with maternal age below 20 years (56%), and gestational age at birth from 28 to 33.6 weeks (77.3%) predominated. Arterial hypertension was the most common comorbidity, as well as preeclampsia, among pregnancy-dependent diseases (30.7%); 61.3% had eutocic delivery, with clear amniotic fluid (65.3%), previous placenta (38.7%) and umbilical cord circulars (30.7%). In 86.7%, the blood gas pH was less than 7 and 92% had a favorable clinical evolution. Conclusions: Perinatal asphyxia was predominantly associated with adolescent mothers, with gestational time between 28-36 weeks; preeclampsia, placenta previa, umbilical cord circulars, and blood gases pH lower than 7.
O incremento no número de casos refratários aos tratamentos convencionais e a limitação de opções terapêuticas são alguns dos desafios encontrados no tratamento da candidose bucal, apontando para a necessidade de terapias alternativas. A utilização da tecnologia de plasma de forma indireta, pela exposição prévia de líquidos ex situ, tem mostrado resultados promissores, trazendo inúmeras vantagens para a aplicação clínica. Até o momento, pouco se conhece sobre a atividade antifúngica do líquido ativado com plasma (LAP) e não foram detectados relatos sobre sua aplicabilidade no tratamento da candidose bucal. Com base neste cenário, o objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar a atividade do líquido ativado com plasma sobre Candida albicans, principal agente etiológico da candidose bucal. Para tanto, foram determinadas as condições de obtenção do LAP com maior efeito antifúngico frente a C. albicans. O LAP foi gerado em um reator de plasma tipo arco deslizante (gliding arc). Os gases empregados incluíram argônio, ar comprimido seco e suas misturas em diversas concentrações, ajustando-se o fluxo de gás e a potência conforme necessário. Avaliou-se a eficácia antifúngica de diferentes líquidos ativados contra C. albicans, tanto em estado planctônico quanto em biofilmes, visando identificar o mais efetivo. As espécies reativas dos LAP foram caracterizadas utilizando técnicas espectrofotométricas, juntamente com a avaliação dos parâmetros físico-químicos. Os resultados dos ensaios foram submetidos a análise estatística, estabelecendo-se um nível de significância de 5% para a interpretação dos dados. Observou-se que a solução salina 0,9% ativada com plasma de argônio (S1), água destilada ativada com plasma de argônio (D1) e água destilada ativado com a mistura dos gases argônio e ar comprimido (S2) apresentaram a maior atividade antifúngica sobre células planctônicas de C. albicans quando expostas por 30 minutos ao LAP. O grupo D1 apresentou maior ação frente aos biofilmes de 24 e 48 horas e o S1 frente a biofilmes de 48 horas apenas quando exposto por 30 minutos ao LAP. Ambos os LAPs apresentaram ação antifúngica após terem sido congelados e armazenados por 1 dia após a ativação. Os grupos D1 e S1 não apresentaram perfil citotóxico nos ensaios realizados. Pode-se concluir que os LAPs apresentaram ação inibitória sobre células planctônicas e sobre biofilmes de C. albicans, sem citotoxicidade para células de mamíferos, sugerindo seu potencial como adjuvante às terapias para o controle da candidose.(AU)
The increase in the number of cases refractory to conventional treatments and the limitation of therapeutic options is due to some two challenges encountered in the treatment of oral candidiasis, pointing to the need for alternative therapies. The use of plasma technology indirectly, for the exposition of liquids ex situ, has shown promising results, providing numerous advantages for clinical application. Currently, little is known about the antifungal activity of plasma-activated liquid (LAP) and there are no reports on its applicability in oral candidiasis treatment. Based on this scenario, the objective of this project is to validate the application of plasma-activated liquid as an adjuvant in the treatment of oral candidiasis. Therefore, certain conditions for obtaining LAP have greater antifungal effect against Candida albicans. The LAP was generated in a gliding arc type plasma reactor. The gases used include argon, dry compressed and their mixtures in various concentrations, adjusting the gas flow and power as necessary. The antifungal efficacy of different liquids activated against C. albicans is evaluated, both in the planktonic state and in biofilms, aiming to identify the most effective. The relative species of LAP were characterized using spectrophotometric techniques, together with the evaluation of two physical-chemical parameters. The results of two tests were submitted to statistical analysis, establishing a significance level of 5% for the interpretation of the data. It was observed that the groups that presented the greatest antifungal activity in planktonic cells of C. albicans were the groups of 0.9% saline solution activated with argonium plasma (S1), or of distilled water activated with argonium plasma (D1). e or distilled water activated with a mixture of two argon gases and compressed air (S2). The D1 group presented against biofilms of 24 and 48 hours and the S1 against biofilms of only 48 hours. Both LAPs are presented with antifungal coating and have been frozen and stored for 1 day after activation. The groups D1 and S1 do not present a cytotoxic profile in the tests carried out. It can be concluded that the LAPs have antifungal activity on planktonic cells and on biofilms and do not present a toxicity profile for human cells, being potent adjuvants in therapies for or controlling infections caused by C. albicans (AU)
Candida albicans , Plasma GasesABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción : En los inicios de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda ha sido la causa más importante de hospitalización inmediata en los pacientes con COVID-19 que acudían a los servicios de urgencias, siendo mayor la gravedad en pacientes con comorbilidades y factores de riesgo preexistentes; en estos escenarios la hipoxemia ha sido asociada a mortalidad. Nuestro objetivo fue identificar parámetros obtenidos de los gases en sangre arterial (GSA) asocia dos a mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19 al ingreso hospitalario. Métodos : Se estudiaron retrospectivamente muestras de GSA obtenidos respirando aire ambiente (FiO2 21%) procesadas en el laboratorio clínico en un analizador ABL90 flex (Radiometer). Resultados : La alcalosis respiratoria aguda fue el dis turbio ácido base predominante. Considerando aquellos pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria (paO2 < 60 mmHg) se observó hipoxemia "silenciosa" en 11/176 (6%) de los pacientes estudiados. En un análisis multivariado tres parámetros gasométricos al ingreso mostraron asocia ción positiva a mortalidad hospitalaria: paO2 (p = 0.053), índice paO2/pO2e (que expresa la paO2 ajustada a la paO2 esperada para la edad) (p = 0.047) y saturación fraccional de hemoglobina (OxiHb%) (p = 0.028). Discusión : Los GSA generan un aporte clave en la comprensión de la fisiopatología del paciente COVID-19; en la evaluación inicial, seguimiento y pronóstico de esta enfermedad.
Abstract Introduction : At the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, acute respiratory failure has been the most important cause of hospitalization in patients with COVID-19, being more severe in patients with comorbidi ties and risk factors. In these scenarios hypoxemia has been associated with increased mortality. Our objective was to identify parameters obtained from arterial blood gases (ABG) associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19 at hospital admission. Methods : GSA samples obtained by breathing room air (FiO2 21%) processed in the clinical laboratory were retrospectively studied in an ABL90 flex analyzer (Radi ometer). Results : Acute respiratory alkalosis was the predomi nant acid-base disturbance. Considering those patients with respiratory failure (paO2 <60 mmHg), "silent" hypox emia was observed in 11/176 (6%) of studied patients. In a multivariate analysis, three gasometric parameters at admission showed a positive association with hos pital mortality: paO2 (p=0.053), paO2/pO2e index (which expresses the paO2 adjusted to the paO2 expected for age) (p=0.047) and fractional saturation of hemoglobin (OxiHb%) (p=0.028). Discussion : GSA generate a key contribution in un derstanding the pathophysiology of the COVID-19 pa tient: in the initial evaluation, monitoring and prognosis of this disease.
Organizations of all life forms from species to ecosystems are impacted by the global process of Climate Change. Human civilizations are also vulnerable to changing climatic conditions. Scientific evidence shows that anthropogenic activities have resulted in global warming of 1.1 degrees Celsius. This is increasingly impacting nature so also human life everywhere. Despite efforts to adapt to the changing climate extreme events such as heatwaves over land and in the ocean droughts and flooding have caused widespread and pervasive impacts on cities and infrastructure and limit the chances of a livable future for all. In a naturally occurring process of climate change, destructive impacts have become more likely due to human interventions. The extent and magnitude of climate change impacts are larger for each additional fraction of warming than estimated so are the risks projected for the future. The impact involves severe and widespread disruptions to nature and to society, reducing our ability to grow nutritious food or provide clean drinking water. Multiple climate hazards are also occurring simultaneously with often cascading impacts. These impacts are becoming increasingly complex and challenging to manage. How these will affect nature and people depends on the speed and level. After the study of almost 100 review articles on climate change, we have shared an overview of what exactly happening to our environment and what are repercussions the future generation is going to face.
To enhance our comprehension of agriculture's role in addressing climate change, accurate assessment of its capacity for carbon sequestration is crucial. This assessment encompasses multiple considerations, including regional climate patterns, crop choices, soil management practices, and soil types. Climate change poses a significant threat to food and nutritional security on local, national, and global scales. The amplified concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), present immediate challenges. Vulnerable populations, especially those in impoverished conditions, face heightened risk of food insecurity due to the impacts of climate change. Additionally, the conversion of non-agricultural land, like forests, into agricultural use, and human-generated emissions of greenhouse gases from agricultural activities significantly contribute to climate change. The escalating concentration of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, in the atmosphere leads to global warming. Over the last century (1906–2005), the global mean surface temperature has risen by approximately 0.60 to 0.90°C, with the most rapid increase occurring in recent decades. The global average temperature continues to steadily climb and is projected to rise by 2°C by 2100, potentially resulting in significant global economic losses. The increasing concentration of CO2, a major greenhouse gas, is a cause for concern. This rise has fostered enhanced plant growth and productivity due to increased photosynthesis. However, the benefits of heightened photosynthesis are offset by higher temperatures, leading to increased crop respiration rates, greater evapotranspiration, heightened pest infestations, shifts in weed species, and reduced crop durations. This paper reviews the literature on climate change, its potential drivers, its effects on agriculture, and its influence on the physiological and metabolic processes of plants. It also explores potential and reported implications for plant growth, productivity, and mitigation strategies. In recent years, there has been a growing recommendation for the adoption of conservation agriculture as a more sustainable alternative to conventional farming practices. Conservation agriculture not only supports soil health but also enhances agricultural productivity, making it a crucial tool for mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Carbon(C) is the only key to running in this worldly life and without carbon, nothing can be ensured, but the amount and form of C in different spheres of the earth make numerous changes. Changes in the carbon levels cause the lives of all living things. Soil carbon flux directly or indirectly affects the global climate and thus agriculture productivity. To ensuring the human rations, protection is intended for the rising populace worldwide, where the critical challenges in the agriculture sector are inevitable. Improved soil and nutrient supervisions and cultural practices are very imperative to tackling these troubles. Augmenting the productivity of various agro-ecosystems, soil productiveness, and carbon accretion via certain approaches become a must concern towards sustainable food production. “Paddy soils form the huge area of artificial swamplands on the earth, and serves as food basket for the world population also responsible for sequestering soil organic carbon potentially”. Rice accounts for around 9-10 % of the total cropland area globally, and their environmental conditions are responsible for storing organic carbon in soil, methane (CH4) production, and emit nitrous oxide (N2O) in meager amount. The present review signifies the present and future potential agricultural management practices, particularly soil and plant nutrition and their effects on soil organic carbon storage (SOCS) and carbon sequestration (CS) by paddies grown under submerged conditions compared to other crops. Increasing carbon inputs and reducing SOC losses in low land paddy soils need attention as its concern with GHGs that implies direct causes of global climate. As future direction, life-cycle assessments of certain practices in low land paddy soils helps in assessing the carbon footprints and sustaining the crop productivity consequently mitigating climate change. With this view, this review study was taken to the life of carbon in the terrestrial ecosystem and its accumulation in low land paddy soils moderated by cultural and nutrient management practices adapted for rice production in low lands.
Introducción. La producción de alimentos es una de las principales causas de Emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI). Estimar las emisiones GEI de la dieta es el punto de partida para definir dietas saludables y sostenibles con el ambiente. Objetivo. Estimar el total GEI de la dieta de mujeres adolescentes del oriente de Guatemala, así como la contribución de grupos de alimentos a este valor. Materiales y métodos. En el contexto de un estudio de agricultura y nutrición en el oriente de Guatemala, se realizó un análisis secundario de los datos dietéticos (Recordatorio de 24 horas) de 2082 mujeres adolescentes. Los alimentos reportados fueron enlazados con la base de datos SHARP, que contiene estimaciones de GEI para 944 alimentos. La variable de enlace fue un código único armonizado con el sistema de clasificación FoodEx2. Resultados. La dieta es poco diversa, principalmente a base de grupos de alimentos de origen vegetal, con poca presencia de alimentos de origen animal. El GEI de la dieta fue de 2,3 Kg CO2 eq/ per cápita/día, con la mayor contribución de comidas preparadas (26,7%) y panes, tortillas y similares (12,8%). Conclusiones. La dieta de las mujeres adolescentes de áreas rurales de Guatemala tiene un GEI inferior al reportado en otros países de la región para estratos socioeconómicos con mayor consumo de alimentos de origen animal. Este estudio es el punto de partida para sistematizar la metodología para continuar con las estimaciones de GEI en Guatemala(AU)
Introduction. Food production is one of the main causes of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGE). Estimating GHG emissions from the diet is the starting point for defining healthy and environmentally sustainable diets. Objective. Estimate the total GHGE in the diet of adolescent women from eastern Guatemala, as well as the contribution of food groups to this value. Materials and methods. In the context of an agriculture and nutrition study in eastern Guatemala, a secondary analysis of dietary data (24-hour recall) of 2082 adolescent women was performed. The reported foods were linked to the SHARP database, which contains GHGE estimates for 944 foods. The linking variable was a unique code harmonized with the FoodEx2 classification system. Results. The diet is not diverse, mainly based on food groups of plant origin, with little presence of foods of animal origin. The GHG of the diet was 2.3 Kg CO2 eq/per capita/day, with the greatest contribution from prepared foods (26.7%) and breads, tortillas and similar products (12.8%). Conclusions. The diet of adolescent women in rural areas of Guatemala has a lower GHG than that reported in other countries in the region for socioeconomic strata with greater consumption of foods of animal origin. This study is the starting point to systematize the methodology to continue with GHG estimates in Guatemala(AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Diet , Greenhouse GasesABSTRACT
In Asia, seedlings are typically transplanted into puddled soil to cultivate rice (Oryza sativa L.). Due of the manpower, water, and energy requirements of this manufacturing system, it is becoming less lucrative as these resources become more scarce. Additionally, it impairs the soil's physical qualities, negatively impacts the performance of succeeding upland crops, and increases methane emissions. Different issues, such as a declining water table, a manpower shortage during peak seasons, and worsening soil quality, need the use of alternate establishment techniques to maintain both natural resource and rice yield. Due to its low input requirement, ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and ability to adjust to climatic hazards, the direct seeded rice (DSR) technique has gained a lot of attention and popularity in recent years. Dry seed must be sown into a ready seedbed, while pre-germinated seed must be sown into standing water and puddles of soil. Many farmers have switched from transplanted to DSR culture as a result of the introduction of early maturing cultivars, the application of effective fertiliser management techniques, and increased adoption of integrated weed management strategies. In certain industrialised nations, such the USA, Australia, Japan, China, and Korea, DSR technology is heavily mechanised. By switching from conventional rice to DSR, crop water requirements, soil organic matter turnover, improved nutrient management, carbon sequestration, weed management, greenhouse gas emissions, and crop intensification will all be significantly reduced. The transition from PTR to DSR is hampered by a number of factors, including a high weed infestation, the development of weedy rice, an increase in soil-borne diseases (nematodes), nutritional disorders, poor crop establishment, lodging, the prevalence of blast, brown leaf spot, etc. By addressing these limitations, DSR may show to be a very viable, economically and technically viable substitute for PTR.
The gaseous molecules produced endogenously with several physiological functions are called gasotransmitters. Even though initially, they were predominantly thought to be of neuronal origin, recent research has clarified that they have roles far beyond that. Their primary function is maintaining the integrity of the cardiovascular system and many other parts. From the available knowledge, we have just started to learn about their roles in physiological systems that could be translated to pharmacological drug development and therapeutics. Most of the process that remains in the form of preclinical research has to go a long way toward utilizing them in therapeutics. This review addresses the various levels at which they could be potentially exploited as therapeutics and their recent entry into clinical trials.
El espacio de comedores son una forma de garantizar el acceso a alimentos seguros, saludables y medio ambientalmente responsables para los estudiantes universitarios. Objetivo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los estándares del menú, a partir de la evaluación de la calidad nutricional y del impacto en el medio ambiente por los insumos utilizados para su elaboración por un Comedor Universitario (CU) en Uruguay. Materiales y métodos. Se trató de un estudio de caso retrospectivo, relativo al año 2021. Las variables evaluadas fueron a) cantidad total de alimento comprado en kilogramos (kg); b) cantidad en kilocalorías (kcal) e impactos ambientales por: c) generación de residuos; d) huella hídrica (HH); y e) gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). También se realizaron cálculos para evaluar la ecoeficiencia (EE). Resultados. El CU sirvió 33.740 comidas en 2021, de las cuales el 87,1% fueron almuerzos. De los 78 tipos de alimentos comprados, 41 de ellos representaron el 93,17% del total en kilogramos. En la calidad nutricional, menos del 10% se clasificaron como alimentos procesados o ultraprocesados. En la evaluación de aspectos nutricionales e impactos ambientales, los alimentos de origen animal representaron el 26,52% del total en kg y el 69,78% de los HH. Un alimento de origen vegetal tuvo el mayor impacto de GEI debido a su origen. En cuanto a la EE, la valoración general mostró un resultado de 0,0626 para los alimentos de origen animal y 0,3838 para los de origen vegetal. Conclusiones. Corresponde a los servicios de alimentación para colectividades considerar, en la planificación del menú, además de la calidad nutricional y sanitaria de la oferta alimentaria, los impactos ambientales que estas genera(AU)
The canteens are a way to guarantee access to safe, healthy and environmentally responsible food for university students. Objective. The purpose of this research was to characterize the menu standards, based on the evaluation of the nutritional quality and the environmental impact of the inputs used for its preparation by a university canteen in Uruguay. Materials and methods. This was a retrospective case study, relating to the year 2021. The variables evaluated were a) total amount of food purchased in kilograms (kg); b) quantity in kilocalories (kcal) and environmental impacts due to: c) waste generation; d) water footprint (WF); and e) greenhouse gases (GHG). Calculations were also performed to assess eco-efficiency (EE). Results. The university canteen served 33,740 meals in 2021, of which 87.1% were lunches. Of the 78 types of food purchased, 41 of them represented 93.17% of the total in kilograms. In nutritional quality, less than 10% are classified as processed or ultra-processed foods. In the evaluation of nutritional aspects and environmental impacts, foods of animal origin represented 26.52% of the total in kg and 69.78% of WF. A vegetal based food had the highest GHG impact due to its origin. Regarding the EE calculations, the general assessment showed a result of 0.626 for foods of animal origin and 0.3838 for those of vegetable origin. Conclusions. It corresponds to the food services for communities to consider, in the planning of the menu, in addition to the nutritional and sanitary quality of the food offer, the environmental impacts that it generates(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Universities , Food Quality , Environment , Food Hygiene , Food Handling , Food, ProcessedABSTRACT
Este artículo muestra que la experiencia acumulada por la Corte Suprema chilena en juicios sobre responsabilidad civil y ambiental, debiera permitirle abordar los problemas ético-ambientales y jurídicos que el calentamiento global implica, sea previniendo daños mediante la imposición a los principales emisores de gases de efecto invernadero, incluido el Estado, del deber de reducir acelerada y significativamente las emisiones, sea exigiendo y haciendo cumplir la obligación de adaptación al cambio climático mediante la atribución de responsabilidad extracontractual o ambiental.
This article shows that the experience accrued by the Chilean Supreme Court in lawsuits on tort and environmental liability, should allow it to address the ethical-environmental and legal issues that global warming implies, either by preventing harm through the imposition on the major emitters of greenhouse gases, including the State, of the duty to reduce emissions rapidly and significantly, or by demanding and enforcing the obligation to adapt to climate change through the attribution of tort liability or environmental liability.
Esse artigo mostra que a experiência acumulada pela Corte Suprema chilena em julgamentos sobre responsabilidade civil e ambiental, deveria permitir-lhe abordar os problemas ético-ambientais e jurídicos que o aquecimento global implica, seja prevenindo danos mediante a imposição aos principais emissores de gases de efeito estufa, incluindo o Estado, do dever de reduzir acelerada e significativamente as emissões, seja exigindo e fazendo cumprir a obrigação de adaptação à mudança climática mediante a atribuição de responsabilidade extracontratual ou ambiental.
Humans , ChileABSTRACT
RESUMEN Existe un interés global en la detección de gases tóxicos, para la protección del medio ambiente y los seres humanos. Se han desarrollado múltiples estudios enfocados en el uso de sensores de gases basados en óxidos metálicos, como es el óxido de zinc (ZnO), el cual presenta propiedades electrónicas específicas como sensor de gases por ser un semiconductor tipo n y bajo costo de producción. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el uso de nanoestructuras de ZnO, para la fabricación de sensores del gas ácido sulfhídrico (H2S), así como las técnicas de obtención más comunes de dichas estructuras. Las características de las nanoestructuras de óxido de zinc (NE´s-ZnO) varían por efecto del método de obtención, generando diferentes morfologías y tamaño, que impactan en la capacidad de detección de gas (0.5 ppm a 600 ppm) y en el rango de temperatura que se requiere. Los avances en la generación de diversas NE´s-ZnO facilitarán la posibilidad de generar sensores que puedan ser utilizados en detectores portátiles y operen a temperatura ambiente, lo cual es un reto actual.
ABSTRACT There is a global interest in the detection of toxic gases for the protection of the environment and human beings, using low-cost and easy-to-use sensors. Multiple studies have focused on the use of gas detectors based on metal oxides, such as zinc oxide (ZnO), which has specific electronic properties as a gas detector because it is an n-type semiconductor and it has a low production cost. The objective of this work was to analyze the use of ZnO nanostructures for the manufacturing of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas sensors, as well as the most common techniques for obtaining these structures. The characteristics of zinc oxide nanostructures (NE´s-ZnO) vary due to the effect of the obtaining method, generating different morphologies and sizes, which impacts gas detection performance (0.5 ppm up to 600 ppm) and in the temperature range that is required. Advances in the design of various NE's-ZnO will have the possibility of generating sensors that can be used in portable detectors and operate at room temperature, which is a current challenge.
A 62-year-old woman was referred with poor vision following manual small incision cataract surgery. On presentation, the uncorrected distance visual acuity in the involved eye was 3/60, whereas slit-lamp examination revealed a central corneal edema with the peripheral cornea relatively clear. Direct focal examination with a narrow slit upper border and lower margin of detached rolled up Descemet’s membrane (DM) could be visualized. We performed a novel surgical approach, “double-bubble pneumo-descemetopexy.” The surgical procedure included unrolling of DM with “small air bubble” and descemetopexy with “big bubble.” No postoperative complications were observed, and best corrected distance visual acuity improved to 6/9 at 6 weeks. The patient had a clear cornea and maintained BCVA 6/9 during 18 months at follow-up. Double-bubble pneumo-descemetopexy, a more controlled technique, provides a satisfactory anatomical and visual outcome in DMD without the need for endothelial keratoplasty (Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty or DMEK) or penetrating keratoplasty.
RESUMEN Objetivo. Determinar la composición proximal y perfil de ácidos grasos (AG) en larva de Cotinis columbica Burmeister colectada en los municipios de Mogotes y Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se colectaron seis muestras de larva C. columbica Burmeister durante tres meses, proveniente de los municipios de Mogotes y Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia (3 meses x 2=6). Las muestras fueron sometidas a análisis químico proximal y análisis de AG por cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de flama y columna capilar. Resultados. En mogotes se encontraron 21.2 y 23.3% de grasa y proteína respectivamente, mientras que en Garzón se tuvieron valores de 31.1 y 25.9%, no hubo diferencia estadística (p≥0.05). Los análisis cromatográficos determinaron 18 AG, desde el C4:0 hasta el C22:2, c13,16. La prueba t de Student arrojó significancia (p<0.05) sólo en C10:0; a través del tiempo (mayo, junio y julio) los valores fueron más altos en larvas de Garzón. Los contenidos de grupos de ÁG saturados, monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados estuvieron entre 30.20 y 36.92 (% p/p). Conclusiones. La composición proximal y el perfil de ácidos grasos fueron similares, excepto para C10:0, en la grasa de larvas Cotinis columbica Burmeister provenientes de Mogotes y Garzón, Colombia.
ABSTRACT Objetive. To determine the proximal composition and profile of fatty acids (FA) in Cotinis columbica Burmeister larva collected in the municipalities of Mogotes and Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia. Materials and methods. Six samples of C. columbica Burmeister larvae were collected during three months, from the municipalities of Mogotes and Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia (3 months x 2 = 6). The samples were subjected to proximal chemical analysis and AG analysis by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector and capillary column. Results. In mogotes, 21.2 and 23.3% of fat and protein were found, respectively, while in Garzón values of 31.1 and 25.9% were found, there was no statistical difference (p≥0.05). Chromatographic analyzes determined 18 AG, from C4:0 to C22:2, c13.16. The t-student test showed significance (p<0.05) only in C10:0; through time (May, June and July) the values were higher in Garzón larvae. The contents of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated AG groups were between 30.20 and 36.92 (% w/w). Conclusions. The proximal composition and fatty acid profile were similar, except for C10:0, in the fat of Cotinis columbica Burmeister larvae from Mogotes and Garzón, Colombia.
ABSTRACT Salinity is one of the major problems of modern agriculture, affecting physiological, growth and plant production. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a plant widely used in cooking, and in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Salicylic acid can be a strategy to mitigate the harmful effects of saline stress on basil plant. The present study aimed to evaluate plants with, gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and chlorophyll indices of basil (cv. Cinnamon) plants under saline stress and salicylic acid. The experimental design was a randomized block design in a 5x5 incomplete factorial scheme generated through the central composite design. The factors we five electrical conductivities of irrigation water (ECw- 0.5, 1.3, 3.25, 5.2 and 6.0 dS m-1) and five doses of salicylic acid (SA- 0.0, 0.29, 1.0, 1.71 and 2.0 mM), with five replications and two plants per replicate. Growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and chlorophyll indices of O. basilicum cv. Cinnamon were evaluated. Canonical variables analysis and confidence ellipses (p ≤ 0.01) were performed to study the interrelationship between variables and factors. Salicylic acid alleviated the deleterious effects of salt stress on growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll indices of basil.
RESUMEN La salinidad es uno de los mayores problemas de la agricultura moderna, afectando la fisiología, el crecimiento y la producción vegetal. La albahaca (Ocimum basilicum) es una planta muy utilizada en la cocina y en las industrias farmacéutica y cosmética. El ácido salicílico puede ser una estrategia para mitigar los efectos nocivos del estrés salino en las plantas de albahaca. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el crecimiento, intercambio de gases, fluorescencia de clorofila a e índices de clorofila de plantas de albahaca (cv. Cinnamon) bajo estrés salino y ácido salicílico. El diseño experimental fue un diseño de bloques al azar en un esquema factorial incompleto de 5x5 generado a través del diseño compuesto central. Los factores fueron cinco conductividades eléctricas del agua de riego (ECw- 0,5, 1,3, 3,25, 5.2 y 6,0 dS m-1) y cinco dosis de ácido salicílico (SA- 0,0, 0,29, 1,0, 1.71 y 2,0 mM), con cinco repeticiones y dos plantas por réplica. Crecimiento, intercambio de gases, fluorescencia de clorofila a e índices de clorofila de O. basilicum cv. Cinnamon fue evaluado. Se realizaron análisis de variables canónicas y elipses de confianza (p≤ 0.01) para estudiar la interrelación entre variables y factores. El ácido salicílico alivió los efectos nocivos del estrés salino sobre el crecimiento, el intercambio de gases, la fluorescencia de la clorofila y los índices de clorofila de la albahaca.
ABSTRACT Background The values of arterial blood gases (ABG) change with altitude above sea level; empirical verification is essential because ventilatory acclimatization varies with ethnicity and a population's adaptation. Objective The aim of the study was to describe ABG in a healthy population residing at 2,240 meters above sea level, to identify the mean level of alveolar ventilation (PaCO2), and to know whether a progressive increase in PaCO2 occurs with age and the impact of increasing body mass index (BMI). Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study in a referral center for respiratory diseases in Mexico City. Associations among variables with correlation coefficient and regression models of PaO2, SaO2, and P(A-a)O2 as dependent variables as a function of age, BMI, minute ventilation, or breathing frequency were explored. Results Two hundred and seventeen healthy subjects were evaluated with a mean age of 40 ± 15 years, mean of the PaO2 was 71 ± 6 mmHg, SaO2 94% ± 1.6%, PaCO2 30.2 ± 3.4 mmHg, HCO3 20 ± 2 mmol/L, BE-2.9 ± 1.9 mmol/L, and the value of pH was 7.43 ± 0.02. In a linear regression, the main results were PaO2 = 77.5-0.16*age (p < 0.0001) and with aging P(A-a)O2 tended to increase 0.12 mmHg/year. PaCO2 in women increased with age by 0.075 mmHg/year (p = 0.0012, PaCO2 =26.3 + 0.075*age). SaO2 and PaO2 decreased significantly in women with higher BMI 0.14% and 0.52 mmHg per kg/m2, (p = 0.004 and 0.002 respectively). Conclusion Mean PaCO2 was 30.7 mmHg, implying a mean alveolar ventilation of around 30% above that at sea level.
C1 gases including CO, CO2 and CH4, are mainly derived from terrestrial biological activities, industrial waste gas and gasification syngas. Particularly, CO2 and CH4 are two of the most important greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. Bioconversion of C1 gases is not only a promising solution to addressing the problem of waste gases emission, but also a novel route to produce fuels or chemicals. In the past few years, C1-gas-utilizing microorganisms have drawn much attention and a variety of gene-editing technologies have been applied to improve their product yields or to expand product portfolios. This article reviewed the biological characteristics, aerobic or anaerobic metabolic pathways as well as the metabolic products of methanotrophs, autotrophic acetogens, and carboxydotrophic bacteria. In addition, gene-editing technologies (e.g. gene interruption technology using homologous recombination, group Ⅱ intron ClosTron technology, CRISPR/Cas gene editing and phage recombinase-mediated efficient integration of large DNA fragments) and their application in these C1-gas-utilizing microorganisms were also summarized.