Resumen Introducción: la organización mundial de la salud estima que 2000 millones de personas padecen anemia, mientras que la pre-diabetes y la diabetes afectan aproximadamente a 352 y 460 millones de personas, respectivamente. La anemia es una complicación frecuente en la diabetes mellitus (DM). Objetivo: evaluar la asociación y probabilidad de alteraciones de la hemoglobina en pre-diabéticos y diabéticos. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, retorspectivo y transversal, la población fue de 1103 pacientes (211 prediabéticos, 223 diabéticos y 669 normoglucémicos), la muestra fue el total de la población que cumplió con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión: adultos normoglucémicos y pre-diabéticos sin presencia de enfermedad aguda o crónica al momento del examen. La asociación entre variables se realizó por medio de la prueba de chi-cuadrado y la probabilidad fue determinada por la prueba de Odds Ratio. Resultados: las mujeres pre-diabéticas tuvieron una probabilidad 1.72 mayor de anemia que mujeres no diabéticas. Los hombres pre-diabéticos tuvieron una probabilidad 2.80 veces mayor de anemia que los no diabéticos. Las mujeres diabéticas tuvieron una probabilidad 2,37 más alta de tener anemia, mientras que los hombres diabéticos tuvieron una probabilidad 4,41 veces más alta que lo hombres no diabéticos de padecer anemia. Conclusiones: pacientes pre-diabéticos tienen mayor probabilidad de anemia que en no diabéticos. Es posible que la hiperglucemia persistente en pre-diabéticos se asocie a cambios en la concentración de esta hemoproteína años antes del desarrollo de diabetes por mecanismos similares, pero de forma incipiente.
Abstract Introduction: The World Health Organization estimates that 2 billion people suffer from anemia, while pre-diabetes and diabetes affect approximately 352 and 460 million people, respectively. Anemia is a frequent complication in diabetes mellitus. Objective: To evaluate the association and probability of hemoglobin alterations in pre-diabetics and diabetics. Methodology: Descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, the population was 1103 patients (211 prediabetics, 223 diabetics and 669 normoglycemics), the sample was the total population that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria: normoglycemic and prediabetic adults without presence of acute or chronic disease at the time of examination. The association between variables was performed using the chi-square test and the probability was determined by the Odds Ratio test. Results: Pre-diabetic women had a 1.72 higher probability of anemia than non-diabetic women. Pre-diabetic men were 2.80 times more likely to have anemia than non-diabetics. Diabetic women were 2.37 times more likely to have anemia, while diabetic men were 4.41 times more likely than non-diabetic men to have anemia. Conclusions: Pre-diabetic patients are more likely to have anemia than non-diabetics. It is possible that persistent hyperglycemia in pre-diabetics is associated with changes in the concentration of this hemoprotein years before the development of diabetes by similar mechanisms, but in an incipient manner.
La hiperglucemia inducida por corticoides es un aumento anormal de la glucosa en sangre debido al uso de glucocorticoides (GC). Su incidencia varía según la dosis, la forma de administración y factores individuales como la edad, el IMC y los antece-dentes familiares de diabetes. Según la ADA, entre el 10% de los pacientes hospita-lizados reciben corticoides, y el 56-86% de estos pueden desarrollar hiperglucemia inducida por corticoides, incluso sin diabetes previa. Los glucocorticoides afectan el metabolismo de carbohidratos al disminuir la absor-ción de glucosa debido a la resistencia a la insulina en el hígado, músculos y otros tejidos periféricos. Los efectos varían según el tipo y la dosis de los glucocorticoides; los de acción intermedia (prednisona) causan principalmente hiperglucemia pos-tprandial, mientras que los de acción prolongada (dexametasona) generan hiperglu-cemia persistente más allá de las 24 horas.En cuanto al tratamiento, los objetivos deben individualizarse según las comorbili-dades, esperanza de vida, adherencia al tratamiento y riesgo de hipoglucemia. Se recomienda un rango objetivo de glucosa de 140 a 180 mg/dL para la mayoría de los pacientes hospitalizados, con ajustes según la condición clínica del paciente, el tipo de glucocorticoide y la dosis recibida. En casos leves, se pueden usar hipogluce-miantes orales como metformina, sulfonilureas, inhibidores de DPP-4 o agonistas del receptor GLP-1. En hiperglucemias más significativas, la insulina es el tratamiento de elección.Esta revisión busca ofrecer una guía completa para el diagnóstico, manejo y trata-miento de estos pacientes, con el objetivo de reducir el riesgo de complicaciones a corto y largo plazo, tanto en el entorno hospitalario como ambulatorio.En conclusión, la identificación de pacientes en riesgo, el monitoreo adecuado de los niveles de glucosa y el ajuste oportuno del tratamiento son fundamentales para minimizar complicaciones y mejorar los resultados clínicos,
Corticosteroid-induced hyperglycemia is an abnormal increase in blood glucose due to the use of glucocorticoids (GCs). Its incidence varies depending on the dose, the method of adminis-tration, and individual factors such as age, BMI, and family history of diabetes. According to the ADA, 10 to 15% of hospitalized patients receive corticosteroids, and 56 to 86% of them may develop corticosteroid-induced hyperglycemia, even without prior diabetes. Glucocorticoids affect carbohydrate metabolism by decreasing glucose absorption due to insulin resistance in the liver, muscle, and other peripheral tissues. The effects vary depending on the type and dose of glucocorticoids; intermediate-acting ones (prednisone) mainly cause postpran-dial hyperglycemia, while long-acting ones (dexamethasone) generate persistent hyperglycemia beyond 24 hours.Regarding treatment, the objectives must be individualized according to comorbidities, life ex-pectancy, adherence to treatment and risk of hypoglycemia. A target glucose range of 140 to 180 mg/dL is recommended for most hospitalized patients, with adjustments based on the patient's clinical condition, type of glucocorticoid, and dose received. In mild cases, oral hypoglycemic agents such as metformin, sulfonylureas, DPP-4 inhibitors, or GLP-1 receptor agonists may be used. In more significant hyperglycemia, insulin is the treatment of choice.This review aims to provide a comprehensive guide for the diagnosis, management and treat-ment of these patients, with the aim of reducing the risk of short- and long-term complications, both in the inpatient and outpatient setting.In conclusion, the identification of patients at risk, adequate control of glucose levels and timely adjustment of treatment are essential to minimize complications and improve clinical outcomes.
Humans , Male , Female , Diabetes Mellitus , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Glucose , Hyperglycemia/diagnosis , Hypoglycemic Agents , Insulin , Tertiary Healthcare , Dexamethasone , Prednisone , Ecuador , Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists , Insulin/therapeutic use , MetforminABSTRACT
In recent years, the price of westernized medication for the treatment of diabetes in developing countries has increased, which has led to an increase in the search for indigenous medicinal plants that have the potential to be utilized for the treatment and management of diabetes. Previous studies have demonstrated that Moringa oleifera Lam., belonging to the Moringaceae family, possesses promising anti-diabetes potency. These properties include its ability to reduce hyperglycemia, the regeneration of ?-cells, and a rise in blood insulin levels. On the other hand, there is a striking lack of evidence concerning its anthological discoveries. In the course of this review, we attempted to compile and analyze research that investigated the efficacy of MO in the treatment of diabetes. A thorough literature search was conducted using the terms "Diabetes," "Diabetes Mellitus," and "MO Lam" in conjunction with the Boolean operator "AND." The search was conducted on various scientific electronic libraries and databases, including Google Scholar, Research Gate, Elsevier, Science Direct, Springer, PubMed, and WHO, among others. The inclusion criteria required that the research be conducted on the effectiveness of MO in treating diabetes, and the abstracts had to be written in English at the very least. Mo extract was found to increase insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and restore insulin levels, in addition to lowering lipid abnormalities and promoting weight normalization, according to an analysis of the data that was extracted. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to defend against oxidative stress, which demonstrates its effectiveness in treating the oxidative stress that is associated with diabetes. Furthermore, the intake of MO extract promoted the regeneration of the pancreatic tissues. There are a variety of phytochemical components found in MO, which have been associated to the plant's ability to inhibit the development of diabetes. The qualities of the plant have the potential to impact metabolic parameters that are linked to diabetes mellitus, hence preventing the development of complications such as neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, and cardiovascular disorders. In the future, research should be conducted with the purpose of determining the optimal dosage of MO that is capable of exerting hypoglycemic effects.
La diabetes mellitus postrasplante (DMPT) es una complicación que se encuentra de forma frecuente y se sucede al trasplante de órganos. Existen factores predisponentes a esta complicación, son varios y pueden estar presentes en el pretrasplante, peritrasplante o ya en el pos trasplante; dentro de estos, se resaltan las terapias inmunosupresoras asociadas. La importancia clínica de DMPT radica en su impacto para la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) y enfermedad renal crónica (ERC). En el presente artículo hacemos una revisión de las intervenciones tradicionales y las nuevas terapias para el manejo y tratamiento de la DMPT.
Post-transplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM) is a frequent complication after organ transplantation. There are several predisposing factors for this complication, which may be present in the pre-transplant, peri-transplant, or already post-transplant; within these, associated immunosuppressive therapies will be highlighted. The clinical importance of DMPT lies in its impact on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). In this article, we review traditional interventions and new therapies for managing and treating PTDM.
Diabetes Mellitus , Organ TransplantationABSTRACT
Introdução:O diabetes mellitus é uma doença metabólica caracterizada pelo controle inadequado dos níveis de glicose no sangue, principalmente um estado crônico de hiperglicemia, causado por diferentes processos patogênicos, levando a complicaçõesdosistema nervoso do diabético queincluem axonopatias, doenças neurodegenerativas, doenças neurovasculares e comprometimento cognitivo geral.Objetivo:Avaliar as complicações clínicas da diabetes tipo 2 em mulheres. Metodologia:Tratou-se de um transversal, do tipo prevalência. Foram usados dois grupos de mulheres, onde todas as mulheres estavam com diagnóstico de diabetes Tipo 2 e idade de 40 e 60 anos, comotratamentooral -G1e com tratamentocominsulinoterapia G2,ambosfornecidospelarede pública Para comparação das variáveis estudadas foi utilizado o método de Mann-Whitney, adotando-se o nível de significância menor que 5% (p, valor ,0,05). Resultados:Aproporçãode pessoas com diabetes no Piauí, com consulta e hemoglobina glicada solicitada no primeiro quadrimestre de 2021, 2022, 2023, foi de18, 16 e 34 percentuais,respectivamenteeem Boa Hora nos mesmos quadrimestres foi 36, 39, 56 percentuais, respectivamente.Osprocedimentoshospitalares-por local de residência -Piauí foi de um total de 1.193e em Boa Hora 24. O grupo de mulheres estudadas mostrou uma diferença significativa para a glicemia em jejum e a Hemoglobina glicada quando comparados os grupos G1 e G2. Quase 100% da amostra estava obesa (IMC > 25), não fumava e não praticava atividade física.Conclusões:Concluiu-se que a as pacientes tiveram um agravamento do adoecimento ao longo dos anos com aumento de medicação. A ausência das boas práticas de promoção de saúde, atividade física e alimentação, podem ter contribuídocom o agravamento. Outrossim há necessidade urgente de uma intervenção para mudança de hábitos na população para que a medicalização seja diminuída para a promoção da saúde (AU).
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by inadequate control of blood glucose levels, mainly a chronic state of hyperglycemia, caused by different pathogenic processes, leading to complications of the nervous system including axonopathies, neurodegenerative diseases,neurovascular diseases and general cognitive impairment.Objective: To evaluate the clinical complications of type 2 diabetes in women.Methodology: This was a cross-sectional, prevalence study.Two groupsof women were used, where all women were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and aged between 40 and 60 years, with oral treatment -G1 and treatment with insulin therapy -G2, both provided by the public network .To compare the variables studied, the Mann-Whitney method was used, adopting a significance level of less than 5% (p, value 0.05).Results:The proportion of people with diabetes in Piauí, with consultation and glycated hemoglobin requested in the first four months of 2021, 2022, 2023, was 18, 16 and34 percentages, respectively and in Boa Hora in the same four months it was 36, 39, 56percentages, respectively.SUS hospital procedures -by place of residence -Piauí was a total of 1,193 and in Boa Hora 24. The group of women studied showed a significant difference in fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin when comparing groups G1 and G2.Almost 100% of the sample was obese (BMI > 25), did not smoke and did not practice physical activity.Conclusions: It was concluded that the patients' illness worsened over the years with increased medication.The absence of good health promotion practices, physical activity and nutrition may have contributed to the worsening.Furthermore, there is an urgent need for intervention to change habits in the population so that medicalization is reduced to promote health (AU).
Introducción: La diabetes mellitus ecaracterizada por un control inadecuado de los niveles de glucosa en sangre, principalmente un estado crónico de hiperglucemia, causado por diferentes procesos patogénicos, derivando en complicaciones del sistema nervioso incluyendo axonopatías, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, enfermedades neurovasculares y deterioro cognitivo general.Objetivo: Evaluar las complicaciones clínicas de la diabetes tipo 2 en mujeres.Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal de prevalencia.Se utilizaron dos grupos de mujeres, donde todas fueron diagnosticadas con diabetes tipo 2 y con edades entre 40 y 60 años, con tratamiento oral -G1 y tratamiento con insulinoterapia -G2, ambos prestados por la red pública.Para comparar las variables estudiadas se utilizó el método de Mann-Whitney, adoptando un nivel de significancia inferior al 5% (p, valor 0,05).Resultados:La proporción de personas con diabetes en Piauí, con consulta y hemoglobina glucosilada solicitada en los primeros cuatro meses de 2021, 2022, 2023, fuede 18, 16 y 34 porcentajes, respectivamente y en Boa Hora en los mismos cuatro meses fue de 36 , 39, 56 porcentajes, respectivamente.Los procedimientos hospitalarios del SUS -por lugar de residencia -en Piauí fueron en total 1.193 y en Boa Hora 24. El grupo de mujeres estudiado presentó diferencia significativa en la glucemia en ayunas y en la hemoglobina glucosilada al comparar los grupos G1 y G2.Casi el 100% de la muestra era obesa (IMC > 25), no fumaba y no practicaba actividad física.Conclusiones:Se concluyó que la enfermedad de los pacientes empeoró con el paso de los años con el aumento de la medicación.La ausencia de buenas prácticas de promoción de la salud, actividad física y nutrición puede haber contribuido al empeoramiento.Además, es urgente intervenir para cambiar los hábitos de la población para promover la salud (AU).
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Neurodegenerative Diseases/pathology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology , Diabetic Neuropathies/pathology , Hyperglycemia , Hyperglycemia/chemically induced , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Diabetes Mellitus/pathologyABSTRACT
Background: The nutritional and phytochemical content of cassava has shown many health benefits. However, the use of cassava for the control of diabetes and dyslipidemia is poorly researched. Hence this study aims to determine the effect of cassava flour fortified with pumpkin leaves on post-prandial blood glucose level. Methods: The research adopted an experimental study design. The fortified cassava flour was produced at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The flour was fortified in the ratio; 90:10 (sample-A), 70:30 (sample-B), and 50:50 (sample-C). The fasting and postprandial plasma of the subjects were taken using Rossmax and Accu Checker. The proximate and micronutrient composition of cassava were analyzed. The data analysis was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics, version 25. Results: The result of the post-prandial effect (min/max) of control, sample A, B, and C, was 57/310 mg/dl, 102/282 mg/dl, 79/188 mg/dl, and 74/160 mg/dl respectively. Sample-B had the highest value in ash, protein, and crude fiber contents. Sample-C had the least protein. The control sample had the least fiber content. sample-A had the highest fat content. However, sample-B had the highest percentage of carbohydrate [96.89±0.03 (sample-B), 84.01±0.19 (sample-C), 83.32±0.02 (Control), and 79.35±0.75 (sample-A)]. The micro-nutrient of the control is lower than other samples with the exception of phosphorus. Sample-A had the highest value of potassium, iron, and calcium. Sample-B had the highest value for magnesium and phosphorus. Conclusions: Sample-C had a lowering effect on the post-prandial blood level of the respondents.
The study aimed to investigate the antioxidant properties of a novel food product, aadun (pudding) from roasted maize-African yam bean-peanut flours as it enhanced the anti-hyperglycemia potentials of the cookies in Wistar rats. Aadun was produced from a blend of roasted maize, African yam bean (AYB), and peanut flour at different ratios (100%; 70:20:10%; 60:30:10%; and 50:40:10%) and labelled WKB 1, WKB 2, WKB3, and WKB 4, respectively, while a commercial sample (100%) was used as a positive control. The aadun was investigated for its proximate composition, titratable acidity, amino acid profile, in vitro antioxidant, in vivo glycemic index, and consumer acceptability. The proximate composition result showed that the protein and fiber content ranges were 11.90�.91% and 2.68�30%, respectively. Its bioactivities were improved, as indicated by its hydrophobic amino acids and biological value (~71.96�.57%), the respective hydroxyl radical scavenging and iron chelation activities of the aadun were 18.30�.90 and 16.40�.9% with sample WKB 3 (60:30:10%; maize:AYB:peanut) and the control sample having the highest and least activities, respectively. The sample WKB 3 had the highest DPPH and highest ferric-reducing properties. The aadun had a low glycemic index (GI) of 34.14�.45%. Most interesting is that the panelists generally accepted all the aadun samples compared to the commercial aadun.
Background: Diabetes is a group of common metabolic disorders that share the characteristic features of hyperglycemia. Ardisia colorata Roxb. leaf extract (AEAC) is reported to be used for the treatment of diabetes. So, the present study is undertaken to evaluate the effect of Ardisia colorata Roxb. leaves on blood sugar by using different hyperglycemic models in Albino rats. Methods: In both the glucose induced hyperglycemia model and streptozotocin induced hyperglycemia model, animals were divided into 4 groups of 6 animals each. 2% gum acacia were taken as control (group 1) and glimepiride 0.2 mg/kg were taken as standard (group 2). Hyperglycemic activity was checked at two different doses i.e., 200 mg/kg (test 1) and 400 mg/kg (test 2) of AEAC (given at group 3 and group 4 respectively) by assessing the decreased in blood sugar level using glucometer by following methods of these two models. The results were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni test. P value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Test 2 showed significant reduction in blood sugar level when compared to control after 1 hour and 2 hours of drug administration in both the models whereas test 1 showed significant reduction only in glucose induced hyperglycemia model. There was significant difference when test 2 was compared to test 1 after 1 hour and 2 hours in both the models. Conclusions: The present studies showed that AEAC leaves produced significant reduction in blood sugar level. It might be suggested that flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and terpenoids were responsible for the hypoglycemic activity of AEAC leaves.
Resumen Introducción: El control y la evaluación de los niveles glucémicos de pacientes en estado críticos es un desafío y una competencia del equipo de enfermería. Por lo que, determinar las consecuencias de esta durante la hospitalización es clave para evidenciar la importancia del oportuno manejo. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la glucemia inestable (hiperglucemia e hipoglucemia), el resultado de la hospitalización y la duración de la estancia de los pacientes en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte prospectivo realizado con 62 pacientes a conveniencia en estado crítico entre marzo y julio de 2017. Se recogieron muestras diarias de sangre para medir la glucemia. Se evaluó la asociación de la glucemia inestable con la duración de la estancia y el resultado de la hospitalización mediante ji al cuadrado de Pearson. El valor de p<0.05 fue considerado significativo. Resultados: De las 62 personas participantes, 50 % eran hombres y 50 % mujeres. La edad media fue de 63.3 años (±21.4 años). La incidencia de glucemia inestable fue del 45.2 % y se asoció con una mayor duración de la estancia en la UCI (p<0.001) y una progresión a la muerte como resultado de la hospitalización (p=0.03). Conclusión: Entre quienes participaron, la glucemia inestable se asoció con una mayor duración de la estancia más prolongada y con progresión hacia la muerte, lo que refuerza la importancia de la actuación de enfermería para prevenir su aparición.
Resumo Introdução: O controle e avaliação dos níveis glicêmicos em pacientes críticos é um desafio e uma competência da equipe de enfermagem. Portanto, determinar as consequências da glicemia instável durante a hospitalização é chave para evidenciar a importância da gestão oportuna. Objetivo: Determinar a associação entre glicemia instável (hiperglicemia e hipoglicemia), os desfechos hospitalares e o tempo de permanência dos pacientes em uma unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Um estudo de coorte prospectivo realizado com 62 pacientes a conveniência em estado crítico entre março e julho de 2017. Foram coletadas amostras diariamente de sangue para medir a glicemia. A associação entre a glicemia instável com o tempo de permanência e o desfecho da hospitalização foi avaliada pelo teste qui-quadrado de Pearson. O valor de p <0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Das 62 pessoas participantes, 50% eram homens e 50% mulheres. A idade média foi de 63,3 anos (±21,4 anos). A incidência de glicemia instável foi de 45,2% e se associou a um tempo de permanência mais prolongado na UTI (p <0,001) e uma progressão para óbito como desfecho da hospitalização (p = 0,03). Conclusão: Entre os participantes, a glicemia instável se associou a um tempo mais longo de permanência e com progressão para óbito, enfatizando a importância da actuação da equipe de enfermagem para prevenir sua ocorrência.
Abstract Introduction: The control and evaluation of glycemic levels in critically ill patients is a challenge and a responsibility of the nursing team; therefore, determining the consequences of this during hospitalization is key to demonstrate the importance of timely management. Objective: To determine the relationship between unstable glycemia (hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia), hospital length of stay, and the hospitalization outcome of patients in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methods: A prospective cohort study conducted with 62 critically ill patients by convenience sampling between March and July 2017. Daily blood samples were collected to measure glycemia. The correlation of unstable glycemia with the hospital length of stay and the hospitalization outcome was assessed using Pearson's chi-square. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Among the 62 patients, 50% were male and 50% were female. The mean age was 63.3 years (±21.4 years). The incidence of unstable glycemia was 45.2% and was associated with a longer ICU stay (p<0.001) and a progression to death as a hospitalization outcome (p=0.03). Conclusion: Among critically ill patients, unstable glycemia was associated with an extended hospital length of stay and a progression to death, emphasizing the importance of nursing intervention to prevent its occurrence.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Critical Care/statistics & numerical data , Diabetes Mellitus/nursing , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Hyperglycemia/nursingABSTRACT
Background: Clerodendrum glandulosum Lindl. is an important ethnomedicinal shrub of Northeast India, used by traditional healers to control various ailments like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc. Objectives: The present study was conducted to explore the anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidative effects of the polyphenol-rich fraction (PRF) of C. glandulosum leaf extract and identification of its major bioactive compounds. Further, an in-silico molecular docking study was also performed to understand the molecular interactions of the identified major compounds with some target proteins associated with diabetic complications. Materials and methods: PRF was purified from the hydromethanolic (80% MeOH) extract of leaves and subjected to assessment of in-vitro antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties. It was also subjected to evaluate the amelio- rative effect during streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced hyperglycemia in Wistar albino rats. An in-silico mo- lecular docking study was also performed to complement the in-vitro/in-vivo studies. Results: Chemical analysis of PRF showed the presence of phenolics like caffeic acid, verbascoside, iso- verbascoside, and apigenin, of which verbascoside (598.14 ± 1.24 mg/g) was found to be the principal com- pound. In-vitro studies showed potent antioxidant (IC50 of DPPH:32.45 ± 2.16 ?g/mL; ABTS:39.08 ± 0.53 ?g/ mL) properties and excellent aldose reductase inhibition potential (IC50 2.18 ± 0.10 ?g/mL). Treatment with PRF showed reduced blood glucose levels and increased plasma insulin levels. The results also indicate an improvement of endogenous antioxidants and suppression of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-?) compa- rable to the standard. Molecular docking studies predicted promising interactions between the identified mol- ecules and the crucial amino acid residues of the enzymes involved in the development of hyperglycemia. Conclusion: This study revealed the antihyperglycemic and antioxidant potential of partially purified fraction PRF of C. glandulosum leaves.
Background: Hyaline membrane disease/RDS is an important cause for newborn morbidity and mortality. Many studies have established an association of infants of diabetic mothers (IDMs) with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) since decades. Modern lifestyle changes have increased the prevalence of obesity in women and thus diabetes in pregnancy. Maintaining strict euglycemia is a double-edged sword in pregnancy which has been affecting the neonatal health and respiratory maturity in particular which has been associated with increased mortality and morbidity.Methods: It was a prospective case control study done over a span of one year.Results: Hyaline membrane disease (RDS) is significantly associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Conclusions: Even our study emphasized the ill effects of gestational diabetes on the respiratory development of baby. Most of the babies are manageable and outcome can be drastically improved by early diagnosis and efficient treatment. Education and anticipation of the complications and prompt referral are the need of the hour in peripheries and advancement of neonatal intensive cares in the referral hospitals is needed.
Introduction. Diabetes and stress hyperglycemia have been related with poorer clinical outcomes in patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 and at risk for severe disease. Objective. To evaluate clinical outcomes in three groups of patients (with diabetes, without diabetes and with stress hyperglycemia) with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Materials and methods. A retrospective cohort study was conducted in Cali (Colombia). We included patients 18 years old or older with a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, managed in the emergency room, hospitalization, or intensive care unit between March 2020 and December 2021. Immunocompromised patients and pregnant women were excluded. Patients were classified into three groups: without diabetes, with diabetes, and with stress hyperglycemia. A comparison between the groups was performed. Results. A total of945 patients were included (59.6% without diabetes, 27% with diabetes, and 13.4% with stress hyperglycemia). Fifty-five-point three percent required intensive care unit management, with a higher need in patients with stress hyperglycemia (89.8%) and diabetes (67.1%), with no difference between these groups (p = 0.249). We identified a higher probability of death in the group with stress hyperglycemia versus the one without diabetes (adjusted OR = 8.12; 95% CI: 5.12-12.88; p < 0.01). Frequency of acute respiratory distress syndrome, need for invasive mechanical ventilation, use of vasopressors and inotropes, need for de novo renal replacement therapy, and mortality was higher in patients with metabolic alterations (diabetes and stress hyperglycemia). Conclusions. Diabetes and stress hyperglycemia were associated with worse clinical outcomes and mortality in patients with COVID-19. These patients should be identified early and considered them high risk at the COVID-19 diagnosis to mitigate adverse outcomes.
Introducción. La diabetes y la hiperglucemia de estrés se han relacionado con peores desenlaces clínicos en pacientes infectados por SARS-CoV-2 y con riesgo de enfermedad grave. Objetivo. Evaluar los resultados clínicos en tres grupos de pacientes (con diabetes, sin diabetes o con hiperglucemia de estrés) con infección por SARS-CoV-2. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo de cohorte en Cali (Colombia). Se incluyeron pacientes de 18 años o más, con diagnóstico de infección por SARS-CoV-2 atendidos en urgencias, hospitalización o unidad de cuidados intensivos entre marzo de 2020 y diciembre de 2021. Se excluyeron los pacientes inmunocomprometidos y las mujeres embarazadas. Los pacientes fueron clasificados en tres grupos: sin diabetes, con diabetes y con hiperglucemia de estrés. Se realizó una comparación entre los grupos. Resultados. Se incluyeron 945 pacientes (59,6 % sin diabetes, 27 % con diabetes y 13,4 % con hiperglucemia de estrés). El 55,3 % requirió manejo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, con mayor necesidad por parte de los pacientes con hiperglucemia de estrés (89,8 %) y diabetes (67,1%), sin diferencia entre estos grupos (p = 0,249). Se observó una mayor probabilidad de muerte en el grupo con hiperglucemia de estrés versus sin diabetes (OR ajustado = 8,12; IC95%: 5,12-12,88; p < 0,01). La frecuencia de síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo, necesidad de ventilación mecánica invasiva, uso de vasopresores e inotrópicos, necesidad de terapia de reemplazo renal de novo y mortalidad fue mayor en pacientes con alteraciones metabólicas (diabetes e hiperglucemia de estrés). Conclusiones. La diabetes y la hiperglucemia de estrés se asociaron a peores resultados clínicos y mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19. Estos pacientes deben ser identificados tempranamente y considerados de alto riesgo al momento del diagnóstico de COVID-19 para mitigar los desenlaces adversos.
Humans , Diabetes Mellitus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Hyperglycemia , Mortality , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
Introduction. Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases worldwide, with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Its prevalence has been increasing, as well as its acute complications, such as hyperglycemic crises. Hyperglycemic crises can present with combined features of diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar state. However, their implications are not fully understood. Objective. To describe the characteristics, outcomes, and complications of the diabetic population with hyperglycemic crises and to value the combined state in the Latin American population. Materials and methods. Retrospective observational study of all hyperglycemic crises treated in the intensive care unit of the Fundación Valle del Lili between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2020. Descriptive analysis and prevalence ratio estimation for deaths were performed using the robust Poisson regression method. Results. There were 317 patients with confirmed hyperglycemic crises, 43 (13.56%) with diabetic ketoacidosis, 9 (2.83%) in hyperosmolar state, and 265 (83.59%) with combined diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar state. Infection was the most frequent triggering cause (52.52%). Fatalities due to ketoacidosis occurred in four patients (9.30%) and combined diabetic ketoacidosis/hyperosmolar state in 22 patients (8.30%); no patient had a hyperosmolar state. Mechanical ventilation was associated with death occurrence (adjusted PR = 1.15; 95 % CI 95 = 1.06 - 1.24). Conclusions. The combined state was the most prevalent presentation of the hyperglycemic crisis, with a mortality rate similar to diabetic ketoacidosis. Invasive mechanical ventilation was associated with a higher occurrence of death.
Introducción. La diabetes mellitus es una de las enfermedades más frecuentes en todo el mundo, con una tasa elevada de morbimortalidad. Su prevalencia ha ido en aumento y, también, sus complicaciones agudas, como las crisis hiperglucémicas. Las crisis hiperglucémicas pueden presentar características combinadas de cetoacidosis diabética y estado hiperosmolar. Aún no se conocen completamente sus implicaciones. Objetivo. Describir las características, los resultados y las complicaciones de la población diabética con crisis hiperglucémicas, y valorar el estado mixto en la población latinoamericana. Materiales y métodos. Se trata de un estudio observacional retrospectivo de pacientes con crisis hiperglucémicas atendidos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Fundación Valle del Lili, entre el 1° de enero de 2015 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y se estimó la razón de prevalencia para muerte mediante el método de regresión de Poisson. Resultados. Se incluyeron 317 pacientes con crisis hiperglucémica confirmada, 43 (13,56 %) con cetoacidosis diabética, 9 (2,83 %) en estado hiperosmolar y 265 (83,59 %) en estado mixto. La causa desencadenante más frecuente fue la infección (52,52 %). Cuatro pacientes fallecieron por cetoacidosis (9,30 %), 22 (8,30 %), por un estado mixto; ninguno se encontraba en estado hiperosmolar. La asistencia respiratoria mecánica se asoció con la muerte (razón de prevalencia ajustada = 1,15; IC95%: 1,06-1,24). Conclusiones. El estado combinado fue la presentación más prevalente de la crisis hiperglucémica, con una tasa de mortalidad similar a la de la cetoacidosis diabética, y la asistencia respiratoria mecánica invasiva se asoció con una mayor ocurrencia de muerte.
Humans , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Diabetes Mellitus , Hyperglycemia , Mortality , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Background: The therapeutic use of gingival mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs) as autologous cells may pose the challenge of alterations inflicted by the hyperglycemic environment. Objective: This study aims to assess the effects of hyperglycemia on the characteristics of GMSCs in diabetics. Materials and Methods: 10 patients who consented and fulfilled the criteria for inclusion and exclusion were recruited and categorized as test (HbA1c > 6.5) and control (HbA1c < 6.0). Gingival explants were obtained from gingival collar of teeth, washed, digested and cultured. The cells were subjected to microscopic observation to assess phenotype characteristics, and flow cytometry and qRT-PCR to assess differentiation potential. Stem cell markers CD90, CD73, CD105, CD34, CD45, HLA DR & HLA ABC, osteogenic differentiation markers RUNX2 & OCN, adipogenic differentiation markers PPARG2 & FABP4 and chondrogenic differentiation markers SOX9 & AGCN were evaluated. Results: Microscopic appearance of spindle shaped cells was found to be comparable in both groups. Flow cytometry results demonstrated comparable expressions with both groups, samples being positive for CD90, CD73, CD105, HLA ABC and negative for CD34, CD45 & HLA DR. There were variations in the expression of markers when assessed for differentiation potentials. Conclusions: The hyperglycemic environment did not manifest any changes in the phenotypic characteristics of GMSCs among diabetics. However, the expression of certain differentiation markers was significantly altered in the diabetic test population included. Further research is being conducted to understand the GMSCs in a hyperglycemic environment with an aim to develop strategies to optimize its clinical implications. Keywords: Gingiva; Mesenchymal stem cells; Diabetes mellitus; Cell Differentiation; Hyperglycemia; Flow cytometry.
Antededentes: El uso terapéutico de células madre mesenquimales gingivales(GMSC) como células autólogas puede plantear el desafío de las alteraciones infligidas por el entorno hiperglucémico. Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los efectos de la hiperglucemia sobre las características de las GMSC en diabéticos. Materiales y Métodos: Se reclutaron y categorizaron 10 pacientes que dieron su consentimiento y cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión como prueba (HbA1c > 6,5) y control (HbA1c < 6,0). Los explantes gingivales se obtuvieron del cuello gingival de los dientes, se lavaron, digirieron y cultivaron. Las células se sometieron a observación microscópica para evaluar las características fenotípicas y a citometría de flujo y qRT-PCR para evaluar el potencial de diferenciación. Se evaluaron los marcadores de células madre CD90, CD73, CD105, CD34, CD45, HLA DR y HLA ABC, marcadores de diferenciación osteogénica RUNX2 y OCN, marcadores de diferenciación adipogénica PPARG2 y FABP4 y marcadores de diferenciación condrogénica SOX9 y AGCN. Resultados: Se encontró que la apariencia microscópica de las células fusiformes era comparable en ambos grupos. Los resultados de la citometría de flujo demostraron expresiones comparables en ambos grupos, siendo las muestras positivas para CD90, CD73, CD105, HLA ABC y negativas para CD34, CD45 y HLA DR. Hubo variaciones en la expresión de los marcadores cuando se evaluaron los potenciales de diferenciación. Conclusiones: El entorno hiperglucémico no manifestó ningún cambio en las características fenotípicas de las GMSC entre los diabéticos. Sin embargo, la expresión de ciertos marcadores de diferenciación se alteró significativamente en la población de prueba de diabetes incluida. Se están realizando más investigaciones para comprender las GMSC en un entorno hiperglucémico con el objetivo de desarrollar estrategias para optimizar sus implicaciones clínicas.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Gingiva , Hyperglycemia , Cell Differentiation , Diabetes Mellitus , Flow Cytometry , India/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a prevalent chronic metabolic disorder worldwide, with Type II DM (T2DM) emerging as the most widespread variant. In Chile, approximately 11% of adults aged 20 to 79 suffer from this condition. Given its high prevalence, dental surgeons should be trained to evaluate risk factors, particularly the potential complications linked to tooth extraction in individuals with T2DM. Objetive: To describe the available scientific evidence on post-exodontia complications associated with hyperglycemia in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: An exploratory systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA-ScR extension protocols using the databases PubMed, EBSCO, Scopus and the Cochrane Library. The search employed the following algorithms: (("Diabetic patient complications" AND "Dental extractions")), (("Diabetes" AND "tooth extraction")), (("Glycemia" AND "Tooth extraction complications"), (("Blood glucose" AND "Tooth extractions"), (("Dental extraction sockets" AND "Diabetics"). Results: Out of a total of 973 articles, 25 were included for this review. Six relevance criteria were considered, revealing safety parameters for conducting extractions in patients with T2DM, with capillary blood glucose levels not exceeding 200 mg/dL for elective extractions and 240 mg/dL for emergency extractions. Conclusions: There is limited evidence correlating threshold values of hyperglycemia with post-extraction complications in patients with T2DM. Most authors agree that the primary concern is not T2DM itself, but hyperglycemia. Furthermore, there is minimal consistency in the recommended care protocols for these patients.
Introducción: La diabetes mellitus (DM) es un trastorno metabólico crónico. A nivel mundial, la DM tipo II (DM2) resulta ser la más frecuente. En Chile, un 11% de la población adulta entre los 20 y 79 años la padece. Su alta prevalencia, requiere de un cirujano dentista preparado para valorar los factores de riesgo, como las posibles complicaciones asociadas a la extracción dental en estos pacientes. Objetivo: Describir la evidencia científica disponible sobre complicaciones post-exodoncia asociadas a hiperglicemia en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo II. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática exploratoria bajo los protocolos de extensión PRISMA-ScR utilizando las bases de datos, PubMed, EBSCO, Scopus y Cochrane Library con los algoritmos de búsqueda (("Diabetic patient complications" AND "Dental extractions")), (("Diabetes"AND "Tooth extraction")), (("Glycemia" AND "tooth extraction complications")), (("Blood glucose" AND "Tooth extractions")), (("Dental extraction sockets"AND "Diabetics")). Resultado: De un total de 973 artículos se incluyeron 25 artículos para esta revisión. Se consideraron 6 criterios de pertinencia, los cuales mostraron parámetros de seguridad para realizar exodoncias, en pacientes con DM2, con la glucemia capilar no mayor a 200mg/dl en caso de ser electiva y 240 mg/dl en exodoncia de urgencias. Conclusión: Existe poca evidencia que correlacione valores absolutos de hiperglucemia y complicaciones post exodoncia en pacientes con DM2. La mayoría de los autores concuerda en que el problema no es la DM2, sino la hiperglucemia. Existe poca uniformidad en los protocolos de atención recomendados para estos pacientes.
Humans , Postoperative Complications , Hyperglycemia/etiology , Surgery, OralABSTRACT
Aims: The study aims to comprehensively analyze diabetic nephropathy's risk factors and treatment patterns, exploring diverse factors for enhanced prevention and personalized management. Study Design: Prospective study design. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted for 5 months at Trust Multispeciality Hospital, Kakinada. Methodology: This retroactive chart analysis of non-critical outpatients folders of Trust Hospital that refers to the mentioned period (11/2022 -04/2023) will use Excel software. Results: A variety of risk factors promote the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy, including elevated glucose levels, high blood pressure, obesity, the long duration of diabetes, and dyslipidemia. These risk factors are modifiable by hyperglycemic agents, anti-hypertensives, and lipid-lowering agents. Most of the people who are prone to diabetic nephropathy are between 40 and 70 years of age. Males are most affected (80%) compared to females (20%). Oral hypoglycemic agents (97%) and calcium channel blockers (50%) play a major role in reducing the progression of diabetic nephropathy by controlling blood pressure and glucose levels in the subject. Obesity is also a notable risk factor for end-stage renal disease patients.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación y el riesgo de hipercolesterolemia en pacientes adultos prediabéticos atendidos en un centro médico del distrito de Villa El Salvador en Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico, prospectivo y transversal, con datos de historias clínicas de consultas médicas de 749 pacientes atendidos en un policlínico del distrito de Villa El Salvador, Lima, Perú. Se incluyó a pacientes adultos asintomáticos que asistieron a evaluaciones de rutina y preventivas. Se excluyó a pacientes con enfermedades endocrino-metabólicas o en tratamiento con fármacos hipoglucemiantes. Las variables de estudio fueron sexo, hipercolesterolemia y prediabetes. El análisis de asociación se realizó por medio de la prueba de chi cuadrado y el riesgo fue evaluado por medio de la oportunidad relativa; asimismo, se realizó el análisis multivariado por medio de regresión logística binaria y se consideró como punto de corte en decisión de significancia estadística el valor alfa igual a 0,05 y un nivel de confianza de 95 %. Resultados: Hubo asociación estadísticamente significativa entre prediabetes e hipercolesterolemia. Las mujeres prediabéticas tuvieron 1,66 veces más riesgo de desarrollar hipercolesterolemia que las mujeres con niveles de glucosa basal normales, mientras que los hombres con prediabetes tuvieron 2,37 veces más riesgo de tener colesterol alto que los hombres con niveles de glucemia basal normales. Conclusiones: La prediabetes se asocia con la hipercolesterolemia, lo cual aumenta su riesgo. Es justificable realizar la medición conjunta del colesterol total en ayunas junto con la medición de la glucosa basal en campañas preventivo-promocionales de salud y en consultas periódicas, así como durante el seguimiento de pacientes con factores de riesgo de diabetes, prediabetes e hipercolesterolemia, a fin de reducir las consecuencias hemodinámicas y cardiovasculares del colesterol elevado en la sangre y el agravamiento de la morbimortalidad conjunta de la hiperglucemia crónica.
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the association and risk of hypercholesterolemia among adult patients with prediabetes treated at a medical center in the district of Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: An analytical, prospective and cross-sectional study conducted with data from medical consultation records of 749 patients treated at a polyclinic in the district of Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Asymptomatic adult patients who had routine and preventive checkups were included in the research. Patients with endocrine and metabolic disorders or being treated with hypoglycemic drugs were excluded. The study variables were sex, hypercholesterolemia and prediabetes. The association analysis was performed using the chi-square test and the risk was evaluated by means of the odds ratio. In addition, the multivariate analysis was conducted through a binary logistic regression, and an alpha value of 0.05 and a confidence level of 95 % were considered as the cut-off point to determine the statistical significance. Results: There was a statistically significant association between prediabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Females with prediabetes were 1.66 times more likely to develop hypercholesterolemia than females with normal baseline glucose levels, while males with prediabetes were 2.37 times more likely to have high cholesterol than males with normal baseline blood glucose levels. Conclusions: Prediabetes is associated with hypercholesterolemia, thus increasing its risk. It is justifiable to carry out the joint measurement of fasting total cholesterol and baseline glucose in disease prevention and health promotion campaigns, regular checkups and follow-up of patients with risk factors for diabetes, prediabetes and hypercholesterolemia. This helps reduce the hemodynamic and cardiovascular consequences of high cholesterol levels and the worsening of the joint morbidity and mortality of chronic hyperglycemia.
RESUMEN Introducción: La diabetes mellitus representa un desafío significativo para la salud pública; las crisis hiperglucémicas son complicaciones serias que pueden resultar en morbilidad o muerte. Objetivo: Establecer factores asociados a las crisis hiperglucémicas (CH) en adultos diabéticos atendidos en un hospital de Lima. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo y analítico de casos y controles en un Hospital General de Lima entre 2015 y 2019. Se seleccionaron 186 historias clínicas (62 casos y 124 controles) mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. El desenlace fueron las CH, definidas como cetoacidosis diabética, el estado hiperosmolar hiperglucémico y el estado mixto. Las variables incluyeron edad, sexo, zona de residencia, seguro de salud, tiempo de enfermedad, comorbilidades, infecciones agudas y adherencia a la medicación. Los datos se analizaron con pruebas de Chi Cuadrado y la prueba exacta de Fisher, calculando Odds Ratios crudos (ORc) y ajustados (ORa). Resultados: En el análisis bivariado los factores que se asociaron con las CH fueron; el sexo (p=0,029), edad (p<0,001), tiempo de enfermedad (p=0,001) y adherencia a la medicación (p<0,001). No se halló relación con las variables residencia, seguro de salud, procesos infecciosos agudos y comorbilidades (p>0,05). En el análisis multivariado los factores asociados a las CH fueron la edad (ORa: 2,85; IC95%: 1,41-5,79; p=0,004) y la no adherencia a la medicación (ORa: 3,87; IC95%: 1,84-8,18; p<0,001). Conclusión: Los factores asociados a las CH son la edad y la no adherencia a la medicación.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Diabetes mellitus represents a significant public health challenge; hyperglycemic crises are serious complications that can result in morbidity or death. Objective: To establish factors associated with hyperglycemic crises (HC) in diabetic adults attended in a hospital in Lima. Methods: An observational, retrospective, and analytical case-control study was conducted in a General Hospital in Lima between 2015 and 2019. A total of 186 medical records (62 cases and 124 controls) were selected through simple random sampling. The outcome was HC, defined as diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, and mixed state. The variables included age, sex, area of residence, health insurance, duration of disease, comorbidities, acute infections, and medication adherence. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square tests and Fisher's exact test, calculating crude (cOR) and adjusted (aOR) Odds Ratios. Results: In the bivariate analysis, factors associated with HC were sex (p=0.029), age (p<0.001), duration of disease (p=0.001), and medication adherence (p<0.001). No relationship was found with variables such as residence, health insurance, acute infectious processes, and comorbidities (p>0.05). In the multivariate analysis, factors associated with HC were age (aOR: 2.85; 95% CI: 1.41-5.79; p=0.004) and non-adherence to medication (aOR: 3.87; 95% CI: 1.84-8.18; p<0.001). Conclusion: Factors associated with HC are age and non-adherence to medication.
RESUMEN Introducción : La hiperglicemia al ingreso hospitalario podría ser una buena herramienta para predecir evolución desfavorable en pacientes con COVID-19. Objetivo : Determinar si la hiperglicemia al ingreso hospitalario constituye un factor pronóstico de evolución desfavorable. Métodos : Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, de cohorte retrospectivo en el Hospital Regional de Moquegua. Se revisaron de manera aleatoria historias clínicas de 640 pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 confirmado durante las primeras dos olas de la pandemia. Las variables incluyeron evolución desfavorable, secuelas respiratorias, ingreso a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), y fallecimiento. La hiperglicemia al ingreso se definió como glicemia >140 mg/dL. Se realizaron análisis bivariados y multivariados utilizando modelos de regresión de Poisson con varianzas robustas para hallar el riesgo relativo crudo y ajustado (RRa) con sus respectivos IC95%. Resultados : El 36,9% tuvo 60 o más años, el 58,9% fue del sexo masculino y el 10,2% tuvo diabetes mellitus. El 34,7% de los pacientes presentaron hiperglicemia al ingreso. La hiperglicemia se asoció significativamente con una evolución desfavorable (RRa = 5,65; IC95%: 3,72-8,62; p < 0,001), secuelas respiratorias (RRa = 1,96; IC95%: 1,74-2,21; p < 0,001), ingreso a UCI (RRa = 3,68; IC95%: 2,03-6,69; p < 0,001), y fallecimiento (RRa = 1,57; IC95%: 1,22-2,02; p = 0,001). Conclusión : La hiperglicemia al ingreso es un factor pronóstico significativo para evolución desfavorable en pacientes con COVID-19. Es esencial monitorear cuidadosamente a estos pacientes.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Hyperglycemia on hospital admission may be a useful tool to predict poor outcomes in COVID-19 patients. Objective: To determine if hyperglycemia on hospital admission constitutes a prognostic factor for poor outcomes. Methods: An observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Hospital Regional de Moquegua. Medical records of 640 randomly selected patients hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 during the first two waves of the pandemic were reviewed. Variables included poor outcomes, respiratory sequelae, admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and death. Hyperglycemia on admission was defined as blood glucose >140 mg/dL. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed using Poisson regression models with robust variances to find the crude and adjusted relative risks (RRa) with their respective 95% confidence intervals (CI95%). Results: Of the patients, 36.9% were 60 years or older, 58.9% were male, and 10.2% had diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia on admission was present in 34.7% of the patients. Hyperglycemia was significantly associated with poor outcomes (RRa = 5.65; CI95%: 3.72-8.62; p < 0.001), respiratory sequelae (RRa = 1.96; CI95%: 1.74-2.21; p < 0.001), ICU admission (RRa = 3.68; CI95%: 2.03-6.69; p < 0.001), and death (RRa = 1.57; CI95%: 1.22-2.02; p = 0.001). Conclusion: Hyperglycemia on admission is a significant prognostic factor for poor outcomes in COVID-19 patients. Careful monitoring of these patients is essential.
The discovery of insulin and the journey of evolution has revolutionized the saga over the last 100 years. Diabetis Millitus (DM) is a worldwide health issue that causes serious disability. The complications like renal failure, amputation, and loss of eyesight are huge social burdens and their economic cost are also enormous. Being a central etiological factor Insulin� is a mode of therapy. There are ranges of conventional to newer insulin. The latest insulin has come through various stages after the advent of recombinant DNA technology. The native insulin molecule is modified via substitution, replacement or addition of some amino acids to form Insulin analogs� (designer insulin) along with a change in biological activity and their pharmacological profile. The more recent inclusion is smart insulin. Other newer insulin is under various phases of a clinical trial. This article highlights a hundred years of anniversary pertinent to insulin along with significant milestones in medical history.