La presente investigación pretende evaluar el nivel de cumplimiento de las metas internacionales, que representan el foco principal para la mejora de calidad y seguridad de atención de los pacientes. La seguridad del paciente involucra a todos los estudios, prácticas y acciones promovidas por las instituciones sanitarias para disminuir y eliminar los riesgos de daños innecesarios relacionados con el cuidado de la salud. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal. De fuentes primaria y secundaria, Resultados: se abordaron las metas N° 1 la cual consiste en Identificar a los pacientes correctamente y la meta N° 6 la cual se refiere a Reducir el riesgo de lesiones en pacientes como resultado de caídas. En primer lugar, se destaca el cumplimiento en la identificación correcta del paciente y en segunda instancia la mejora del cumplimiento de medidas de prevención de caídas. Conclusión: Esta proximidad de los valores obtenidos genera un aspecto positivo para mejorar la seguridad de los pacientes y que, si bien el cumplimiento de las metas no es el deseado, es cercano al porcentaje planteado. Lo que en definitiva hace a este estudio un antecedente importante en la mejora continua con vista al futuro cercano[AU]
This research aims to evaluate the level of compliance with international goals, which represent the main focus for improving the quality and safety of patient care. Patient safety involves all studies, practices and actions promoted by health institutions to reduce and eliminate the risks of unnecessary harm related to health care. Methodology: Descriptive, observational and transversal study. From primary and secondary sources, Results: goals No. 1 were addressed, which consists of Identifying patients correctly and goal No. 6, which refers to Reducing the risk of injuries in patients as a result of falls. Firstly, compliance with correct patient identification stands out and secondly, improvement in compliance with fall prevention measures. Conclusion: This proximity of the values obtained generates a positive aspect to improve patient safety and that, although the fulfillment of the goals is not as desired, it is close to the proposed percentage. Which ultimately makes this study an important precedent in continuous improvement for the near future[AU]
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar o nível de cumprimento das metas internacionais, que representam o foco principal para a melhoria da qualidade e segurança do atendimento ao paciente. A segurança do paciente envolve todos os estudos, e ações promovidas pelas instituições de saúde para reduzir e eliminar os riscos de danos desnecessários relacionados à assistência à saúde. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, observacional e transversal. De fontes primárias e secundárias, dependendo do indicador e do objetivo para o qual a medição está sendo realizada. Resultados: Nesta pesquisa serão abordadas as metas nº1, que consiste em Identificar corretamente os pacientes e a meta nº 6, que es Reduzir o risco de lesões nos pacientes em decorrência de quedas. Foi realizado nos dois locais. Em primeiro lugar, destaca-se o cumprimento da correta identificação do paciente e, em segundo lugar, a melhoria no cumprimento das medidas de prevenção de quedas. Conclusão: Essa proximidade dos valores obtidos gera um aspecto positivo para melhorar a segurança do paciente e que, embora o cumprimento das metas não seja o desejado, está próximo do percentual proposto. O que acaba por tornar este estudo um precedente importante na melhoria contínua com vista ao futuro próximo.
Humans , Patient Identification Systems , Quality of Health Care , Accidental Falls/prevention & controlABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Biometrics and forensic osteology play a significant role in human identification, as the morphological uniqueness of every individual enables the differentiation and recognition of skeletal remains. Through meticulous analysis of human remains, it is possible to determine key demographic attributes such as stature, a significant parameter in the forensic identification process. This information is of practical relevance for the identification of individuals in contexts such as disasters, vehicular accidents, terrorist attacks, armed conflicts, and forensic investigations. The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between the hand's middle finger length and stature in a group of Chilean students. A total of 211 students of both sexes from La Araucanía region, Chile, participated in the study. After obtaining informed consent to participate voluntarily in the study, each individual underwent a general anthropometric examination, followed by a specific assessment of the length of the middle finger (MFL) of both hands. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis indicated a significant prediction of stature using the length of the right (R-MFL) and left (L-MFL) middle fingers, F (2, 207) = 79.80, p < 0.001. The equations for estimating stature based on the length of the middle fingers are as follows: for R-MFL, Stature = 91.265 + (8.092 x R-MFL), and for L-MFL, Stature = 83.967 + (8.889 x L-MF). Based on these results, it was found that the length of the middle finger of both hands is predictive of stature.
La biometría y la osteología forense desempeñan un papel relevante en la identificación humana, dado que la singularidad morfológica de cada individuo permite la diferenciación y reconocimiento de restos óseos. Mediante el análisis meticuloso de los restos humanos, es posible determinar atributos demográficos clave como la estatura, un parámetro significativo en el proceso de identificación forense. Esta información posee relevancia práctica para la identificación de personas en contextos de desastres, accidentes vehiculares, ataques terroristas, conflictos armados e investigaciones forenses. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la correlación entre la longitud del dedo medio de la mano con la estatura, en un grupo de estudiantes chilenos. Se evaluaron 211 estudiantes de ambos sexos de la región de La Araucanía, Chile. Tras obtener el consentimiento informado para participar voluntariamente en el estudio, se sometió a cada individuo a un examen antropométrico general, seguido de una evaluación específica de la longitud del dedo medio (MFL) de ambas manos. Los resultados del análisis de las regresiones lineales múltiples indicaron una significativa predicción de estatura utilizando la longitud de los dedos medios derecho (R-MFL) e izquierdo (L-MFL), F (2, 207) = 79.80, p < 0.001. Las ecuaciones para estimar estatura basados en la longitud de los dedos medios son las siguientes: para R-MFL, Stature = 91.265 + (8.092 x R-MFL) y para L-MFL, Stature = 83.967 + (8.889 x L- MF). A partir de estos resultados, se encontró que la longitud del dedo medio de ambos manos es predictora de estatura.
Humans , Male , Female , Body Height , Forensic Anthropology/methods , Fingers/anatomy & histology , Students , Linear Models , Chile , Biometric Identification/methodsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Although almost all studies exclude lip conditions because they would affect furrow patterns, some authors maintain that they should be considered temporary or permanent disabilities, all of which require further research in this context.We present a study in which we associate lip conditions with lip print patterns to associate both morphological elements for fieldwork purposes. Fifty-seven women and 48 men aged between 19 and 38 years who resided in Temuco (Chile) were included. The lip conditions and their prints were recorded, and an analysis, comparison, evaluation, and verification protocol (ACE-V) for lip prints was applied. Of the participants, 27.4 % had healthy lips, while 71.7 % had some type of condition. Although patterns related to temporary and permanent lip conditions were recognized in the lip prints in a non-significant way, the diagnosis of "healthy" or "altered" lip status could be made significantly by a calibrated examiner. Although these conditions do not represent identifying variables without empirical studies to validate them, they can affect the quality of the evaluated lip print; therefore, they should be recognized during the analyses considering the prevalence of these conditions.
Aunque casi todos los estudios excluyen las afecciones labiales pues afectarían los patrones de sus surcos y huellas, algunos autores sostienen que deben ser consideradas alteraciones temporales o permanentes, por lo que se requiere mayor investigación en este aspecto. Se presenta un estudio en el que se asocian afecciones labiales con sus patrones de huellas para evaluar conjuntamente ambos elementos morfológicos con fines de trabajo forense de campo. Se incluyeron 57 mujeres y 48 hombres con edades entre 19 y 38 años residentes en Temuco (Chile). Se registraron las afecciones de los labios y sus huellas, y se aplicó un protocolo de análisis, comparación, evaluación y verificación (ACE-V) para las huellas labiales. De los participantes, el 27,4 % tenía labios sanos, mientras que el 71,7 % presentaba algún tipo de afección. Aunque los patrones relacionados con afecciones labiales temporales y permanentes se reconocieron en las huellas labiales de manera no significativa, un examinador calibrado podría realizar significativamente el diagnóstico de estado labial "sano" o "alterado". Si bien estas condiciones no representan variables de identificación sin estudios empíricos que las validen, pueden afectar la calidad de la impresión labial evaluada; por lo tanto, deben ser reconocidos durante los análisis considerando la prevalencia de estas condiciones.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Forensic Anthropology , Biometric Identification/methods , Lip/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
This communication aims to briefly present the importance of dental charts (odontograms) in the comparative dental analysis for human identification considering the time elapsed between its introduction and the current use in times of rapid technological changes in Dentistry. Future discussions about the rank of importance amongst the different types of dental records are necessary
Esta comunicação tem como objetivo apresentar brevemente a importância dos odontogramas na análise odontológica comparativa para a identificação humana, considerando o tempo decorrido entre sua introdução e o uso atual em tempos de rápidas mudanças tecnológicas na Odontologia. Discussões futuras sobre o grau de importância entre os diferentes tipos de registros odontológicos são necessárias
Disaster victim identification is structured according to international recommendations on the attempt to optimize forensic logistics. The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) establishes primary and secondary methods for human identification. This study aimed to revisit the existing literature to address the forensic importance of tattoos. The scientific literature has shown advances in the forensic analyses of tattoos specially when it comes to the application of especial imaging techniques, namely photography with infrared light to visualize latent tattoo inks and cover-up tattoos, as well as the use of biochemical processing to distinguish components of the tattoo inks. Other relevant aspect is the fields dedicated to tattoo descriptions in software used worldwide for disaster victim identification, namely PlassData. Coding systems have been proposed as well to facilitate communication in the human identification process. The future of forensic analyses of tattoos is promising considering the increase of research in recent years. Forensic practice might benefit from it with more scientific evidence to support the utilization of tattoo analyses in casework
A identificação de vítimas de desastres em massa é estruturada de acordo com recomendações internacionais na tentativa de otimizar a logística forense. A INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) estabelece métodos primários e secundários para identificação humana. Este estudo teve como objetivo revisitar a literatura existente para abordar a importância forense das tatuagens. A literatura científica tem mostrado avanços nas análises forenses de tatuagens, especialmente no que diz respeito à aplicação de técnicas especiais de imaginologia, como a fotografia com luz infravermelha para visualizar tintas latentes de tatuagens e tatuagens de cobertura, bem como a utilização de processamento bioquímico para distinguir componentes das tintas de tatuagem. Outro aspecto relevante são os campos dedicados à descrição de tatuagens em softwares utilizados mundialmente para identificação de vítimas de desastres em massa, como o PlassData. Sistemas de codificação também foram propostos para facilitar a comunicação no processo de identificação humana. O futuro das análises forenses de tatuagens é promissor considerando o aumento das pesquisas nos últimos anos. A prática forense pode beneficiar-se com mais evidências científicas para apoiar a utilização de análises de tatuagens na condução de casos periciais
Dental age estimation is a technical procedure performed to support Court decisions in cases of legal liability, clandestine migration, sexual abuse, and several other applications. This study reports a case of an undocumented individuals that was originally identified by the criminal legal system (without a previous civil identity). In his identity records, a name was given: "Black male, 19" indicating his population affinity (African), sex (male) and age (19 years). His body was found decapitated and referred to the medicolegal institute. The dental examination highlighted the presence of a third molar in the very early stage (») of root formation. Age was estimated using five methods based on dental development (the methods of Schour and Massler [1941], Moorrees et al. [1963], Anderson et al. [1976], London Atlas [2010], and Blenkin and Taylor [2012]). All the methods indicated that the individual was a minor, within the range between 14.5 and 15.5 years. This study highlights the importance of assigning adequate personnel to technical tasks in the police/forensic routine in order to safeguard human rights
A estimativa da idade dentária é um procedimento técnico realizado para apoiar decisões judiciais em casos de responsabilidade legal, migração clandestina, abuso sexual e diversas outras aplicações. Este estudo relata o caso de um indivíduo indocumentado que foi originalmente identificado pelo sistema penal (sem identidade civil prévia). Nos seus registos de identidade foi atribuído um nome: "Homem negro, 19 anos" indicando a sua afinidade populacional (africana), sexo (masculino) e idade (19 anos). Seu corpo foi encontrado decapitado e encaminhado a um Instituto Médico-legal. O exame odontológico evidenciou a presença de um terceiro molar em fase muito inicial (») de formação radicular. A idade foi estimada usando cinco métodos baseados no desenvolvimento dentário (os métodos de Schour e Massler [1941], Moorrees et al. [1963], Anderson et al. [1976], London Atlas [2010] e Blenkin e Taylor [2012]). Todos os métodos indicaram que o indivíduo era menor de idade, na faixa entre 14,5 e 15,5 anos. Este estudo destaca a importância de designar pessoal adequado para tarefas técnicas na rotina policial/forense, a fim de salvaguardar os direitos humanos
Há muito, os conhecimentos odontológicos têm se apresentado como uma ferramenta primordial na determinação da identidade de vítimas de morte violenta, especialmente quando estas se apresentam carbonizadas, putrefeitas, mutiladas ou esqueletizadas, mas também em casos atípicos, como em cadáveres "frescos". Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de relatar o primeiro caso de identificação odontológica utilizando-se o equipamento de tomografia computadorizada do Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Goiânia-GO para obtenção das informações post-mortem (PM) de um cadáver íntegro, que foram confrontadas com os dados da radiografia panorâmica antemortem (AM). Relato de Caso: Um indivíduo vítima de projéteis de arma de fogo foi removido para o IML de Goiânia para os exames de praxe depois de vir a óbito em unidade hospitalar. Apesar de o corpo se apresentar "fresco", a coleta (tomada) de impressões digitais revelou um registro cuja qualidade não permitia a demarcação dos pontos necessários para um confronto papiloscópico. Os supostos familiares, então, apresentaram radiografia panorâmica AM, fato que motivou a equipe pericial a utilizar o recém instalado equipamento de tomografia computadorizada para a obtenção de imagem PM, possibilitando o devido processo de reconciliação (AM x PM), onde foram identificadas diversas similaridades de natureza anatômica e terapêutica que remeteram a uma identificação positiva da vítima. Conclusão: A adoção de abordagens tecnológicas e a alocação de recursos humanos especializados para a identificação humana devem ser prioridades nos serviços de Medicina e Odontologia Legal, visando aumentar a eficiência e precisão no processamento das demandas usuais, bem como para solucionar eventuais desafios técnicos
For a long time, dental knowledge has proven to be a fundamental tool in determining the identity of victims of violent death, especially when they are charred, putrefied, mutilated or skeletonized, but also in atypical cases, such as fresh corpses. In this context, the present work aims to report the first case of odontological identification using the computerized tomography equipment of the Forensic Medical Institute (IML) of Goiânia-GO to obtain post-mortem (PM) information from an intact corpse, which was compared with antemortem (AM) panoramic radiograph data. Case Report: An individual victim of gunshot wounds was taken to the IML of Goiânia for routine examinations after dying in a hospital unit. Although the body was "fresh," fingerprint collection revealed a record whose quality did not allow the necessary points for a papilloscopic confrontation to be marked. The supposed relatives then presented antemortem panoramic radiography, which motivated the forensic team to use the newly installed computerized tomography equipment to obtain PM images, enabling the proper reconciliation process (AM x PM), where several anatomical and therapeutic similarities were identified leading to a positive identification of the victim. Conclusion: The adoption of technological approaches and the allocation of specialized human resources for human identification should be priorities in Forensic Medicine and Odontology services, aiming to increase efficiency and accuracy in processing usual demands, as well as to solve any technical challenges that may arise
En este trabajo se presentan recortes del caso clínico de una joven de 14 años, en tratamiento durante dos años y medio, encuadrado en el consultorio privado. Se abordan los acontecimientos que generaron quiebres en la continuidad de su historia, y cómo, a través del trabajo con los adultos referentes y con la joven, se habilitaron las posibilidades de un rearmado psíquico que apuntó a la subjetivación de su historia, y a posibilitar las condiciones psíquicas para el ingreso a la adolescencia AU
Cet ouvrage présente des coupures d'un cas clinique d'une jeune fille de 14 ans, en traitement depuis deux ans et demi, cadré dans le cabinet privé. Les événements qui ont généré des ruptures dans la continuité de son histoire sont abordés et comment, à travers le travail avec les références adultes et avec la jeune femme, les possibilités d'un réarmement psychique visant à la subjectivation de son histoire ont été activées et ont permis au conditions psychologiques d'entrée à l'adolescence AU
This work presents clippings of a clinical case of a 14-year-old girl, during twoand a half years of treatment, framed in the private office. The events that generated breaks in the continuity of her story are addressed, and how, through work with the adult references and with the young woman, the possibilities of a psychic rearming that aimed at the subjectivation of her story were enabled, and to enable the psychological conditions for entering adolescence AU
Este trabalho apresenta recortes do caso clínico de uma jovem de 14 anos, durante doisanos e meio de tratamento, enquadrado em consultório particular. São abordados os acontecimentos que geraram rupturas na continuidade de sua história e como, por meio do trabalho com as referências adultas e com a jovem, foram viabilizadas as possibilidades de um rearmamento psíquico que visava à subjetivação de sua história, e possibilitar a condições psicológicas para entrar na adolescencia AU
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Social Identification , Interpersonal Psychotherapy/methods , Professional-Family Relations , Family Structure/historyABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the performance of two MALDI-TOF MS systems in the identification of clinically relevant strict anaerobic bacteria. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing was the gold standard method when discrepancies or inconsistencies were observed between platforms. A total of 333 isolates were recovered from clinical samples of different centers in Buenos Aires City between 2016 and 2021. The isolates were identified in duplicate using two MALDI-TOF MS systems, BD Bruker Biotyper (Bruker Daltonics, Bremen, Germany) and Vitek MS (bioMèrieux, Marcy-l'Etoile, France). Using the Vitek MS system, the identification of anaerobic isolates yielded the following percentages: 65.5% (n: 218) at the species or species-complex level, 71.2% (n: 237) at the genus level, 29.4% (n: 98) with no identification and 5.1% (n: 17) with misidentification. Using the Bruker Biotyper system, the identification rates were as follows: 85.3% (n: 284) at the species or species-complex level, 89.7% (n: 299) at the genus level, 14.1% (n: 47) with no identification and 0.6% (n: 2) with misidentification. Differences in the performance of both methods were statistically significant (p-values <0.0001). In conclusion, MALDI-TOF MS systems speed up microbial identification and are particularly effective for slow-growing microorganisms, such as anaerobic bacteria, which are difficult to identify by traditional methods. In this study, the Bruker system showed greater accuracy than the Vitek system. In order to be truly effective, it is essential to update the databases of both systems by increasing the number of each main spectrum profile within the platforms.
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el desempeño de dos sistemas MALDI-TOF MS en la identificación de bacterias anaerobias estrictas de interés clínico. La secuenciación del gen 16S ARNr fue el método de referencia utilizado cuando se observaron discrepancias o inconsistencias entre plataformas. Se recuperaron 333 aislados de muestras clínicas de diferentes centros de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires entre 2016 y 2021. Los aislados se identificaron por duplicado mediante dos sistemas MALDI-TOF MS: el BD Bruker Biotyper (Bruker Daltonics, Bremen, Alemania) y el Vitek MS (bioMèrieux, Marcy-l'Etoile, Francia). A través del sistema Vitek MS, los mismos fueron identificados a nivel de especie o complejo de especies en un 65,5% (n: 218) y de género en un 71,2% (n: 237), mientras que no se identificaron en un 29,4% (n: 98) y fue incorrecta en el 5,1% (n: 17). Mediante el sistema Bruker Biotyper, dichos valores fueron del 85,3% (n: 284), del 89,7% (n: 299), del 14,1% (n: 47) y del 0,6% (n: 2), respectivamente. La diferencia entre ambos métodos fue estadísticamente significativa (p<0,0001). En conclusión, los sistemas MALDI-TOF MS aceleran la identificación microbiana. Son especialmente útiles para los microorganismos de crecimiento lento, como las bacterias anaerobias, que son difíciles de identificar con los métodos tradicionales. El sistema Bruker demostró ser más preciso que el Vitek MS. Para que estos métodos sean realmente efectivos es fundamental actualizar las bases de datos de ambos sistemas e incrementar el número de espectros de referencia dentro de las plataformas.
India's commercial advancement and development depend heavily on agriculture. A common fruit grown in tropical settings is citrus. A professional judgment is required while analyzing an illness because different diseases have slight variati ons in their symptoms. In order to recognize and classify diseases in citrus fruits and leaves, a customized CNN - based approach that links CNN with LSTM was developed in this research. By using a CNN - based method, it is possible to automatically differenti ate from healthier fruits and leaves and those that have diseases such fruit blight, fruit greening, fruit scab, and melanoses. In terms of performance, the proposed approach achieves 96% accuracy, 98% sensitivity, 96% Recall, and an F1 - score of 92% for ci trus fruit and leave identification and classification and the proposed method was compared with KNN, SVM, and CNN and concluded that the proposed CNN - based model is more accurate and effective at identifying illnesses in citrus fruits and leaves.
El avance y desarrollo comercial de India dependen en gran medida de la agricultura. Un tipo de fruta comunmente cultivada en en tornos tropicales es el cítrico. Se requiere un juicio profesional al analizar una enfermedad porque diferentes enfermedades tienen ligeras variaciones en sus síntomas. Para reconocer y clasificar enfermedades en frutas y hojas de cítricos, se desarrolló e n esta investigación un enfoque personalizado basado en CNN que vincula CNN con LSTM. Al utilizar un método basado en CNN, es posible diferenciar automáticamente entre frutas y hojas más saludables y aquellas que tienen enfermedades como la plaga de frutas , el verdor de frutas, la sarna de frutas y las melanosis. En términos de desempeño, el enfoque propuesto alcanza una precisión del 96%, una sensibilidad del 98%, una recuperación del 96% y una puntuación F1 del 92% para la identificación y clasificación d e frutas y hojas de cítricos, y el método propuesto se comparó con KNN, SVM y CNN y se concluyó que el modelo basado en CNN propuesto es más preciso y efectivo para identificar enfermedades en frutas y hojas de cítricos.
Plant Diseases/classification , Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted , Citrus , Neural Networks, Computer , Plant LeavesABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the application value of the MHSeqTyper47 kit in kinship identification.Methods Multiplexed amplification and library preparation were performed for DNA samples from 113 related individuals by using the MHSeqTyper47 kit.The libraries were sequenced on a MiSeq FGx sequencer,and the data were analyzed using MHTyper for microhaplotype genotyping.The kinship indexes were calculated to evaluate the application efficiency of this kit in kinship identification and compared with those of the GlobalFilerTM kit.Results For the MHSeqTyper47 kit,the CPI values in trio identification were 1.43× 1011~6.15×1018.The CPI values in duo identification were 1.02× 105~1.53× 1013.The CFSI values in full sibling identification were 7.73×101~2.59×1016.Trios,duos and full siblings could be completely distinguished from unrelated pairs.The combined efficiency of these two kits in 2nd-degree kinship identification was 0.466 2.Conclusion The application value of MHSeqTyper47 kit is relatively higher in the identification of lst-degree kinships.If jointly used with the GlobalFilerrM kit,2nd-degree kinship identification could be achieved in some cases.
Objective:To preparation TREM2-specific monoclonal antibodies and to evaluation their properties and applica-tions lay a foundation for the development of druggable antibodies against TREM2 targets.Methods:The GST fusion protein containing the extracellular segment of TREM2 was expressed and purified,which was used as antigen to immunize mice.The mouse with high antiserum titer was used to generate specific monoclonal antibodies against TREM2 through cell fusion and monoclonal screening.The specificity and affinity of the monoclonal antibodies and their applications in different immunological experiments were detected.Results:A total of 29 strains of anti-TREM2 monoclonal antibodies were obtained,of which 24 strains could specifically bind to TREM2.The EC50 of antibodies were calculated above nanomolar.These monoclonal antibodies could be used for specific detection of TREM2 in Western blot,immunoprecipitation,flow cytometry and immunofluorescence experiments.Conclusion:Monoclonal anti-bodies against TREM2 with high affinity and specificity are successfully generated,which lay the foundation for the research and the development of antibody drugs targeting TREM2.
The growth of three plague phages from Qinghai Plateau in two Yersinia pestis strains(plague vaccine strains EV76 and 614F)and four non-Yersinia pestis strains(Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PTB3,PTB5,Escherichia coli V517,and Yersinia enterocolitica 52302-2)were detected through a micromethod based on the OmniLogTM microbial identification system and by the drop method,to provide a scientific basis for future ecological studies and classification based on the host range.For plague vaccine strains EV76 and 614F,successful phage infection and subsequent phage growth were observed in the host bacte-rium.Diminished bacterial growth and respiration and a concomitant decrease in color were observed with the OmniLogTM mi-crobial identification system at 33 ℃ for 48 h.Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PTB5 was sensitive to Yersinia pestis phage 476,but Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PST5 was insensitive to phage 087 and 072204.Three strains of non-Yersinia pestis(Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PTB3,Escherichia coli V517,and Yersinia enterocolitica 52302-2)were insensitive to Yersinia pestis pha-ges 087,072204,and 476 showed similar growth curves.The growth of phages 476 and 087,as determined with the drop method,in two Yersinia pestis strains(plague vaccine strains EV76 and 614F)and four non-Yersinia pestis strains(Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PTB3,Escherichia coli V517,and Yersin-ia enterocolitica 52302-2)showed the same results at 37 ℃,on the basis of comparisons with the OmniLogTM microbial i-dentification system;in contrast,phages 072204 did not show plaques on solid medium at 37 ℃ with plague vaccine strains EV76 and 614F.Determination based on the OmniLogTM detection system can be used as an alternative to the traditional determination of the host range,thus providing favorable application val-ue for determining the interaction between the phage and host bacteria.
The ICR(Institute of Cancer Research)mouse infection model was constructed to study the pathogenicity of Sal-monella Telelkebir serotype,and the pathogenic identification of mouse isolates was carried out.Observe the bacterial excretion cycle,evaluate the pathogenicity of Salmonella serotype to mice,and calculate the LD50 by the changes in clinical characteris-tics,histopathology and tissue bacterial load of infected mice;by flight mass spectrometry,biochemical identification,serotype identification,molecular typing and other experiments,compared with human isolates;virulence gene analysis was carried out by PCR experiment and whole genome sequencing.The LD50 of Salmonella Telelkebir is 2.67 × 108 CFU/mL;curling and fluffing may occur 0.5 h after infection;autopsy of dead mice showed that the small intestine was severely congested,with more bubbles and fluid accumulation,cecal necrosis,liver apical degeneration and necrosis,necrotic foci on the surface of the kidney and spleen atrophy;the bacterial load of spleen,kidney,lung,liver and jejunum in mice reached its peak at 3 days after infection,while that of heart at 6 days;the bacterial excretion time of the high-dose group exceeded 100 days;The level of CD3 in tissues increased with increasing dose,with inflammatory cell infiltration,myocardial capillary dilation and hyperemia,large area of vacuoles,degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes,obvious enlargement of splenic sinus,blurred zoning,thickening of glomerular basement membrane,partial exfoliation of ciliated epithelium,atrophy and exfoliation of jejunal villi;PCR and whole genome sequencing revealed Salmonella-related virulence genes such as cdtB,plt A and pltB.This study was the first to successfully establish the ICR mouse model of Salmonella Telelkebir,demonstrating that this serotype of Salmonella has some pathogenicity.
【Objective】 To identify and analyze a case of ABO discrepancy between forward and reverse blood grouping, and to provide reference for the identification of ambiguous blood group in clinical. 【Methods】 ABO and Rh blood group typing, absorption and elution test, and gene sequencing were performed to confirm the ambiguous blood group. 【Results】 The sample was identified by absorption and elution test and molecular biological method to be Ael subtype, and was named ABO*AEL.05/ABO*O.01.01 by ISBT. After family investigation, the proband and her second son share the same characteristic mutation site, and was named ABO*AEL.05/ABO*B.01.01 by ISBT. 【Conclusion】 Multiple blood group serological tests and molecular biology tests help to identify ABO subtypes, thus assuring the safety, scientificity and rationality of clinical blood transfusion.
Aiming at the non-stationarity and temporal characteristics of variable-length electrocardiogram(ECG)signals,an arrhythmia identification algorithm is proposed based on continuous wavelet transform and higher-order statistics.Considering the varying number of data points for each sample in variable-length ECG signals,the RR interval interpolation method is employed for data preprocessing,and the signal is decomposed into different time-frequency components using continuous wavelet transform,which enables the network to better extract both temporal and frequency features from the ECG signals.Regarding the issue of insufficient utilization of temporal information,a temporal mining module is introduced based on higher-order statistics and long short-term memory network to capture and learn long-term dependencies in the ECG signals,thereby facilitating the identification and understanding of specific arrhythmia categories.Extensive experiments conducted on the publicly available MIT-BIH ECG database validate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
Objective:To construct a risk identification model based on dynamic Bayesian network(DBN),and to explore its application value in the operation management of orthopedic equipment in hospital.Methods:Risk factors in orthopedic equipment management were identified based on DBN model,and risk evaluation index set was established to provide early warning and prevention for possible risk factors.12 pieces of orthopedic medical equipment in clinical use in The Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University from January 2020 to February 2022 were selected,the traditional orthopedic equipment quality operation management method(referred to as traditional mode)and the DBN-based risk identification mode(referred to as DBN mode)were adopted for equipment management respectively.The equipment operation effects,risk incidence rates and treatment efficiency of the two modes were compared.Results:The start-up operation efficiency and equipment quality qualification rate of the equipment in DBN mode were(93.54±4.05)%and(97.51±6.68)%,respectively,which were higher than those in the traditional mode;the troubleshooting time and the equipment component damage rate were(7.14±1.64)hours and(0.48±0.11)%,respectively,which were lower than those in the traditional mode,the difference was statistically significant(t=8.862,8.228,32.994,73.047,P<0.05).The function failure rate,parts damage rate,unqualified cleaning and disinfection rate and improper management rate of equipment in 479 equipment usage data,897 operations,300 equipment disinfection records and 500 equipment daily inspection records in the DBN mode were 0.21%(1/479),0.33%(3/897),1.33%(4/30)and 2.0%(10/500),respectively,which were lower than those in the traditional mode,the difference was statistically significant(x2=21.527,12.964,3.485,6.914,P<0.05).The effective rate of 500 cases of orthopedic medical equipment treatment of DBN mode was 97.8%(489/500),which was significantly higher than that of traditional mode,the difference was statistically significant(x2=12.617,P<0.05).Conclusion:The application of risk identification model based on DBN to the management of orthopedic medical equipment in hospital can strengthen the quality of orthopedic equipment management,improve the efficiency of equipment operation and treatment,and prevent and avoid equipment risks.
Objective To isolate endophytic fungi from Angelica sinensis and evaluate the bioactivity of their secondary metabolites.Methods Angelica sinensis and rhizosphere soil were utilized as materials.The tissue homogenization method was employed with six diverse culture media to isolate endophytic fungi.The antibacterial activity of secondary metabolites was gauged using a 96-well plate assay,while UV spectrophotometry was used to evaluate the inhibitory activity of four enzymes.Results A total of 153 fungal strains were isolated and purified from Angelica sinensis roots,stems,leaves,and soil.The samples exhibited specific inhibitory activities against adenosine deaminase(ADA),β-lactamase,xanthine oxidase(XO),and tyrosinase(TYR),with rates of 45.83%,52.78%,51.39%and 55.56%,respectively.Furthermore,1.39%of the samples displayed wide-ranging inhibitory effects against four indicator bacteria.Strain 6B also showcased the lowest inhibitory concentration values of 62.5 and 7.81 μg/mL against Escherichia coli ATCC25922 and ATCC35218,respectively,signifying its potential research significance.Conclusion Angelica sinensis has abundant endophytic fungal resources and is a good source for discovering active compounds,demonstrating certain research value.
AIM To study the neoflavonoids from Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre ex Laness and their anti-hypoxia/reoxygenation injury activities on H9c2 myocardial cells.METHODS The 70%ethanol extract from D.cochinchinensis was isolated and purified by silica gel,Sephadex LH-20 and reverse-preparative HPLC,then the structures of obtained compounds were identified by physicochemical properties and spectral data.The CCK-8 method was used to detect their activities on H9c2 cells and protective effects on hypoxia-reoxygenation injury of H9c2 cells,and their structure-activity relationship was analyzed.RESULTS Twelve compounds were isolated and identified as latifolin(1),5-O-methyllatifolin(2),mimosifoliol(3),5-O-methydalbergiphenol(4),dalbergiphenol(5),cearoin(6),2,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-benzophenone(7),2-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxybenzophenone(8),melannoin(9),2,2′,5-trihydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone(10),dalbergin(11),4-methoxydalbergione(12).The dalbergiphenols and dalbergins had little toxicity to H9c2 cells,and dalbergiphenols had strong activity against hypoxia-reoxygenation injury of H9c2 cells.CONCLUSION Compound 8 is a new natural product.Compounds 4,9 are isolated from this plant for the first time.Dalbergiphenols may be the main neoflavonoids against hypoxia-reoxygenation injury of H9c2 cells.
AIM To study the chemical constituents from Ganoderma angustisporum J.H.Xing,B.K.Cui&Y.C.Dai and their α-glucosidase inhibitory activities.METHODS The ethyl acetate extract from G.angustisporum was isolated and purified by silica gel,ODS,TLC and HPLC,then the structures of obtained compounds were identified by physicochemical properties and spectral data.pNPG method was used to evaluate their α-glucosidase inhibitory activities.RESULTS Seven compounds were isolated and identified as N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester(1),N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester(2),4-hydroxy-17R-methylincisterol(3),6,8-di-O-methylaverufin(4),aversin(5),methyl 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)aceate(6),5-toluene-1,3-diol(7).Compounds 1-2,4-7 showed inhibitory activities of α-glucosidase with IC50 values being(33.80±0.47),(45.45±7.95),(48.80±5.86),(39.48±2.82),(41.47±6.68),(55.38±10.12)μmol/L,and compound 1 showed good inhibitory activity.CONCLUSION Compound 1 is a new natural product.Compounds 2-7 are isolated from genus Ganoderma for the first time.Compounds 1-2,4-7 have α-glucosidase inhibitory activities.