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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241479


The incorporation of fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) with the concentration of 5, 10, 15 and 20% prepared from fish waste using 1% pepsin enzyme was found beneficial in semolina-based pasta. The In-vitro protein and starch digestibility of the FPH incorporated pasta were studied. Besides, amino acid and fatty acid composition of the pasta were also evaluated. The protein digestibility of the pasta was in the range of 80.32% to 83.76% and digestibility curve was generated by plotting the pH and time. The value of sugar released at 20 min, 60 min and 120 min was recorded and a graph was developed showing readily digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS). The pasta's diverse amino acid profile, including 8 essentials and 9 non-essentials, alongside saturated fats at 39.93%-44.65% and PUFA at 12.49%-16.27%, collectively define its nutritional quality.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236668


One of the main causes of heart-related problems globally is intravascular thrombosis. Microbial fibrinolytic proteases play a very crucial role in the management of thrombosis. Plasminogen activators and plasmin-like proteins, which are fibrinolytic enzymes of microbial origin, hydrolyze thrombin with great efficacy and without causing noticeable side effects. These fibrinolytic enzymes can also be manufactured efficiently and economically in huge quantities within a short period. However, the search for novel fibrinolytic enzymes demands difficult purification procedures, as well as physicochemical and structural-functional properties that provide information about their mode of action. In this study, the strain named Bacillus subtilis AIBL_AMSB2_M7E32, isolated from the Coringa mangrove soils, was shown to produce a fibrinolytic enzyme. The enzyme was purified by a four-step purification process that resulted in a 43.33-fold purification with a specific activity of 6368.20 (U/mg). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the purified enzyme was a protein of about 28 kDa and showed fibrinolytic activity on a zymogram. In vitro assay on blood clots revealed that the purified enzyme could lyse the blood effectively by a percentage of 72.96 ± 0.16a%, indicating that the enzyme could be used as a fibrinolytic agent. Furthermore, an observation for enzyme stability and its in vivo activity studies would be necessary for its application in the market.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235036


Background: In the past decade there has been a gradual shift towards delayed childbearing. The outcomes of these pregnancies often are more complicated, in terms of both maternal and neonatal aspects. This study aimed at ?nding signi?cant associations between the age of these mothers and the obstetrical and neonatal outcomes. This prospective longitudinal study conducted over 19 months was based on patientMethods: interview, semi-structured questionnaire and written medical, labor room records from a tertiary care centre with around 5000 deliveries annually. Patients were recruited at ?rst out-patient/in-patient visit, informed consent obtained and followed up in subsequent visits until delivery. The impact of advanced maternal age on maternal medical, obstetrical and neonatal outcomes were assessed using statistical analysis in SPSS software. Results: During the period of 19 months, there were a total of 202 patients over 35 years with the mean (SD) being 37 years (3.2). Cervical cerclage was more common among elderly primigravidae (p value 0.000). Gestational hypertension was signi?cantly associated(p value 0.0027). Among medical disorders, elderly primigravidae had a signi?cantly higher association of age and UTI (p value 0.003) as well as URTI (p value 0.027). There was a signi?cant association of anemia as well (p value 0.032). Antenatal obstetric complications like IUFD (p value 0.007) and Prematurity (p value 0.043) were signi?cant. Induction of labor (p value 0.028) was more likely than spontaneous onset of labor. Neonatal complications that were signi?cant were prematurity (p value 0.045) and congenital/chromosomal abnormalities (p value 0.027). We found thatConclusion: pregnancy complications were more common among elderly primigravida. The neonatal outcomes also were complicated on account of age.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(5): 732-739, sept. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1578636


Anredera vesicaria is a plant whit high anti-inflammatory activity. The work objective was to establish in vitro propagation of A. vesicaria. Nodal segments were used as explants and two disinfection times in 1% sodium hypochlorite (15 and 20 minutes) were evaluated during in vitro establishment. Combinations of AG3 (2,5 and 5,0 mg/L) and IAA (0,05 and 0,1 mg/L) were evaluated in the multiplication phase and the effect of IBA (0,5 and 1,0 mg /L) and Pectimorf (1,0 and 5,0 mg/L) for in vitro rooting. Acclimatization was carried out in a mixture of soil-cow manure-zeolite. Disinfection was achieved with 1% sodium hypochlorite for 15 minutes and in vitro establishment in the MS (1962) culture medium. High values of multiplication and rooting in vitro were obtained, as well as acclimatization of plants in vitro.

Anredera vesicaria es una planta con elevada actividad antiinflamatoria. El objetivo del trabajo fue establecer la propagación in vitro de A. vesicaria. Como explantes se utilizaron segmentos nodales y se evaluaron dos tiempos de desinfección en hipoclorito de sodio al 1% (15 y 20 minutos) durante el establecimiento in vitro. Se evaluaron combinaciones de AG3 (2,5 y 5,0 mg/L) y AIA (0,05 y 0,1 mg/L) en la fase de multiplicación y el efecto del AIB (0,5 y 1,0 mg/L) y el Pectimorf (1,0 y 5,0 mg/L) en el enraizamiento in vitro. La aclimatización se realizó en una mezcla de suelo-estiércol vacuno-zeolita. Se logró la desinfección con hipoclorito de sodio al 1% durante 15 minutos y el establecimiento in vitro en el medio de cultivo MS (1962). Se obtuvieron altos valores de multiplicación y enraizamiento in vitro, así como de aclimatización de plantas in vitro.

Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/chemical synthesis , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use
European J Med Plants ; 2024 Aug; 35(5): 32-41
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241323


Background: The effectiveness of treating malaria may be jeopardized by artemisinin-resistant parasites. Pharmaceutical companies have been using plants for a very long time to generate the prototype molecules needed to treat Plasmodium infections. Objective: To evaluate anti-plasmodial potency of extracts of Delonix regia and Carica papaya when used in combinations with chloroquine. Methods: The plants were collected from Homa-Bay County in Kenya, dried under shade to a consistent weight, and then milled into a fine powder. Organic solvents were then used for extraction. After phytochemical screening of the extracts was conducted, In vitro tests were done on the extracts against Plasmodium falciparum, with a starting concentration of 100µg/mL. To prepare the test concentration ranges, the extracts were serially diluted 2-fold in growth medium. In a sealed gas chamber, the assay plates were incubated at 370C for 72 hours with 3% O2 and 4% CO2 with N2 as the balance. By comparing each well's absorbance to that of a well that contained the drug-free control, the number of parasites still present at each concentration of the test substance were ascertained. Plotting survival against concentration enabled the determination of the IC50 values by a non-linear dose response curve fitting. Results: In this investigation, the extracts from Delonix regia showed significant synergism (based on IC50 shifts) with CQ for both the ethyl acetate and methanol extracts with the exception of the highest combination dosage. Carica papaya extracts were much improved by the presence of CQ; however, this was not consistently reflected in the corresponding CQ IC50. Conclusion: The results of this study which revealed synergism between the study plants extracts and chloroquine, support the reasons why some traditional healers have started combining medicinal herbs with chloroquine to boost its potency.

J Cancer Res Ther ; 2024 Aug; 20(4): 1150-1156
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238260


Purpose: Determination of the appropriate ablative parameters is the key to the success and safety of microwave ablation (MWA) of lung tumors. The purpose of this study was to provide guidelines and recommendations for the optimal time and power for lung tumor MWA. Material and Methods: MWA using a 2450?MHz system was evaluated in a porcine lung. The independent variables were power (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 W) and time (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 min), and the outcome variable was the volume of ablation. Lung tissues were procured after MWA for measurement and histological evaluation. Analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis, followed by least significant difference (LSD) t?tests where appropriate. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The outcome variable (ablative volume) was significantly affected by time, power, and time/power interaction (P < 0.05). When the total output energy was kept constant, the combination of higher power and shorter time obtained a larger ablative volume, especially in the low? and medium?energy groups (P < 0.01). Conclusions: We propose guidelines for ablative volume based on different time and power variables to provide a reference for clinical applications.

J Biosci ; 2024 Aug; 49: 1-12
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237876


Obesity-related chronic low-grade inflammation plays a central role in the development of insulin resistance. Macrophages are key players in adipose tissue homeostasis, and their phenotypic shift from the anti-inflammatory or alternatively activated (M2) form to the pro-inflammatory, classically activated (M1) form is a hallmark of insulin resistance. However, adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) have been identified as a distinct subpopulation of macrophages in several recent studies. These ATMs, described as metabolically activated macrophages (MMe), differ from M1 and are primarily found in the adipose tissue of obese individuals. In our study, we developed an in vitro model of MMe macrophages to establish a simple and reproducible system to understand their characteristics and role in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance. We examined their characteristics such as inflammatory patterns, surface markers, and metabolic features, and compared them with M1 and M2 macrophages. We found that a cell line-based in vitro model effectively mirrors the characteristics of ATMs, highlighting distinct inflammatory phenotypes, metabolism, surface markers, altered lysosomal activity, and ER stress akin to macrophages in vivo. This model captures the subtle distinctions between MMe and M1, and can be effectively used to study several features of macrophage–adipose interactions of therapeutic importance.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232843


A cornual pregnancy is the most dangerous type of ectopic pregnancy since it can be misdiagnosed easily and has high mortality rate. It is diagnosed when the implantation site is at the junction between the fallopian tube and the uterus. It accounts for 2� of ectopic pregnancies. In a ruptured case, patient usually presents with hypovolemia and shock. For a successful outcome, early diagnosis and management are critical. A 29 years old woman, G3P0A2L0 with 8 weeks 5 days of amenorrhea conceived by IVF-ET with a history of left salpingectomy and right cornual cauterization, presented in emergency with complaints of lower abdominal pain, vomiting, burning micturition and giddiness. Per abdominal examination- soft with mild tenderness. Resuscitation started. All necessary investigations were done. Treatment started considering provisional diagnosis as septic shock following urinary tract infection (UTI). Ultrasound report showed uterus with thickened endometrium with hyperechoic irregular small gestational sac like structure in uterine cavity with hemoperitoneum in pelvis. Emergency laparotomy done considering a diagnosis of hypovolemic shock due to ruptured cornual ectopic pregnancy. Intra-operatively she was found to have hemoperitoneum with left sided ruptured cornual ectopic pregnancy. Early diagnosis is the cornerstone of cornual pregnancy before its rupture and to reduce the chances of maternal mortality. Combination of clinical features, increased serum ?-hCG, high resolution trans-vaginal ultrasonography gives the correct diagnosis in most of the cases. While doing antenatal ultrasonography in the first trimester, high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose cornual ectopic pregnancy. Conservative medical and surgical management is decided on clinical condition of the patient. Our case represents that a history of salpingectomy does not eliminate the potential of ipsilateral ectopic pregnancy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236619


The present study investigates total phenolics, flavonoids, and in vitro antioxidant activities in methanol extracts of roots, stems, leaves, and fruits of medicinal herbs (Phyllanthus fraternus G.L. Webster; Bhui-amla and Solanum nigrum L.; Makoi or black nightshade) of Indo-Gangetic plains of India. The results showed that biochemical attributes of methanol extracts of both the tested plants varied significantly with sites (P < 0.05). Contents of total phenolics and flavonoids and antioxidant properties were found highest in fruits followed by leaf, stem, and least in root of P. fraternus and leaves, fruits, stem, and roots of S. nigrum plants. The present investigation revealed that total phenolic content in fruits of P. fraternus ranged from 26.69 to 61.48 mg GAE/g fw and from 8.89 to 24.69 mg GAE/g fw in leaves of S. nigrum plants, and thus, these plant parts can be promoted for pharmaceutical purposes and health benefits. It is also suggested that the individual phenolic compound in the different parts of tested plants should be analyzed to identify their elite population for their mass cultivation, conservation, and sustainable utilization.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241595


Fusarium wilt of Tomato is considered as one of the most important diseases of Tomato both in eld and greenhouses worldwide. In present research four fungicides [Mn(PA)2(BH)2], [Mn(PA)2(BY)2], [Co(PA)2(BH)2] and [Co(PA)2(BY)2] were evaluated for their efcacy against the disease caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (in vitro). Five different concentrations (100, 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000ppm) were used for assessment of their inhibitory activities against the pathogen through mycelial growth innovation on Tomato. The result of tests revealed a different degree of efcacy of all tested fungicides in reducing disease infestation. Antifungal screening indicates that the complexes show enhanced antifungal activities against the fungal strains as compared with parent compound

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239915


This comprehensive review delves into the intricate world of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and hormonal treatments, exploring their profound psychological effects on women undergoing IVF treatment. The psychological distress of infertility, combined with the demanding nature of ART, has been widely acknowledged, yet a comprehensive examination of the psychological impacts has remained elusive. This study examined the psychological repercussions of hormonal medications used in IVF, addressing the complex interplay of hormones and their effects in each stage of the IVF process. This review followed PRISMA guidelines and included studies from PubMed, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect. A total of nine papers were collected. The findings of this study identified that depression, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, sleep disturbances, and cognitive changes were the most commonly seen medically induced psychological effects among the IVF patients. This review offers a holistic understanding of the psychological intricacies of IVF treatment, highlighting the imperative need for a more comprehensive approach to address the emotional wellbeing of individuals undergoing fertility procedures.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236745


The evaluation of field performance in tissue culture-derived seedlings is essential to determine their suitability for reforestation programs and commercial forestry, as it provides valuable insights into their adaptability to different environmental conditions and management practices. This report provides the first analysis of the growth characteristics of colchicine-induced polyploids of Neolamarckia cadamba. Field planting revealed that octoploid plants grow slower than mixoploid and tetraploid plants, but SPAD results showed that they have better photosynthetic capacity than the other two types. Notably, after 30 months of transplantation, the polyploid clones of N. cadamba exhibited better growth performance than other N. cadamba trees planted in various locations. These novel polyploid clones of N. cadamba could be valuable resources for advanced breeding programs aimed at producing improved clones for planted forest development. By enhancing the adaptability of polyploid N. cadamba clones, they have the potential to reduce the site- specific effects of N. cadamba, ultimately improving tree productivity and adaptation across different planting sites.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 26-36, mayo 29, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563171


Introduction: Microorganism infiltration through the im-plant-abutment interface causes oral health problems such as periimplantitis, leading to implant loss. Materials and Methods: A feasible new method to quantify the Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) infiltration through the implant-abutment interface gap is introduced in the present work. Internal hexagon (IH; n = 10), external hexagon (EH; n = 10), Morse taper (MT; n = 10), and a control for each group (n = 1) were tested. Bacteria suspension was prepared at 1.5x108 CFU/mL (CFU: colony forming units), and the implants were individually submerged up to the connection level, allowing the bacteria to contact it. The abutment was removed, and bacteria count was performed. Results: The implant sets were tested under normal bacterial growth and early and late biofilm growth conditions. Colony-forming units per mL were obtained, and the results were compared among groups. Differences in bacterial count between the MT and EH (p<0.001) and the MT and IH (p<0.001) groups were significantly higher in the MT-type implant. There was a significant increment of bacterial infiltration in the MTs submitted to late biofilm growth conditions. EH and IH connections are more effective in preventing bacterial infiltration independent of the growth condition. Conclusions: The proposed methodology is feasible to evaluate the infiltration of microorganisms through the implant-abutment interface.

Introducción: La infiltración de microorganismos a través de la interfaz implante-pilar provoca problemas de salud bucal como la periimplantitis, que conduce a la pérdida del implante. Materiales y Métodos: En el presente trabajo se presenta un nuevo método factible para cuantificar la infiltración de Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) a través de la brecha de la interfaz implante-pilar. Se probaron el hexágono interno (IH; n = 10), el hexágono externo (EH; n = 10), el cono Morse (MT; n = 10) y un control para cada grupo (n = 1). Se preparó una suspensión de bacterias a 1,5x108 UFC/mL y los implantes se sumergieron individualmente hasta el nivel de conexión, permitiendo que las bacterias entraran en contacto con él. Resultados: Se retiró el pilar y se realizó recuento de bacterias. Los conjuntos de implantes se probaron en condiciones de crecimiento bacteriano normal y de crecimiento temprano y tardío de biopelículas. Se obtuvieron unidades formadoras de colonias por ml y los resultados se compararon entre grupos. Las diferencias en el recuento bacteriano entre los grupos MT y EH (p<0,001) y MT e IH (p<0,001) fueron significativamente mayores en el implante tipo MT. Hubo un incremento significativo de la infiltración bacteriana en los MT sometidos a condiciones tardías de crecimiento de biopelículas. Las conexiones EH e IH son más efectivas para prevenir la infiltración bacteriana independientemente de las condiciones de crecimiento. Conclusión: La metodología propuesta es factible para evaluar la infiltración de microorganismos a través de la interfaz implante-pilar.

Humans , Dental Implants/microbiology , Dental Abutments/microbiology , Dental Leakage/microbiology , Dental Leakage/prevention & control , Streptococcus mutans/isolation & purification , Bacteria , Biofilms
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 160-169, mayo 29, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563437


Objective: To evaluate the influence of opacity and the layering technique on the fluorescence of different composite resins. Materials and Methods: Two opacities (enamel and dentin) and the layering technique (enamel + dentin) of the composite resins: Filtek® Z350 and Palfique LX5 were evaluated in vitro. Composite resin discs were fabricated using a preformed matrix of 10 mm diameter and 0.5 mm thick for the single opacity groups and 10 mm thick for the layering technique groups, using 2 layers of 0.5 mm thickness of each opacity (n = 5). Specimens were analyzed using the Raman spectroscopy method. Data were analyzed using the Kruskall-wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: When evaluating the intensity of fluorescence, no statistically significant difference was found when comparing the layering technique and enamel opacity (p2> 0.05) and an increase in the dentin opacity value for both brands of composite resin. Regarding wavelength, no statistically significant difference was found when comparing the layering technique with enamel opacity and dentin opacity for both Filtek® Z350 and Palfique LX5® composite resins (p2 > 0.05). Conclusions: The fluorescence intensity of the layering technique is similar to enamel opacity for both composite resins. Likewise, the wavelength of the layering technique is similar to the enamel opacity and dentin opacity for both brands.

Objetive: Evaluar la influencia de la opacidad y de la técnica de estratificación en la fluorescencia de diferentes resinas compuestas. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó in vitro 2 opacidades (Esmalte y Dentina) y la técnica de estratificación (Esmalte + Dentina) de las resinas compuestas: Filtek® Z350 y Palfique LX5. Se fabricaron discos de resina compuesta, utilizando una matriz preformada de 10 mm de diámetro y 0,5 mm de grosor para los grupos de opacidad única y 10 mm de grosor para los grupos de técnica estratificada, utilizando 2 capas de 0,5 mm de cada opacidad (n = 5). Los especímenes se analizaron mediante el método de Espectroscopía Raman. Los datos se analizaron utilizando la prueba de Kruskall-wallis y Prueba U de Mann Whitney. Resultado: Al evaluar la intensidad de fluorescencia no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los pares: Técnica estratificada versus Opacidad Esmalte para ambas marcas de resina compuesta Filtek® Z350 y para Palfique LX5® (p2 > 0,05). Para longitud de onda no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los pares: Técnica estratificada versus Opacidad Esmalte y Técnica estratificada VS Opacidad Dentina para ambas resinas compuesta Filtek® Z350 y Palfique LX5® (p2> 0,05). Conclusión: La intensidad de fluorescencia de la técnica estratificada es similar a la opacidad Esmalte para ambas resinas compuestas. De igual manera la longitud de onda de la técnica estratificada es similar a la opacidad Esmalte y opacidad Dentina para ambas marcas.

Humans , Composite Resins/chemistry , Nanotechnology/methods , Spectrum Analysis , In Vitro Techniques
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240064


Background: Breast cancer is notorious for causing mortality and morbidity in most of the cancer patients which is spread to approximately 19.3 million people worldwide. Out of the various drugs available to treat breast cancers, thymoquinone (TMQ) and Paclitaxel (PCT) are known to have significant effects in varied mechanisms. However, only a limited literature is available to prove the activity when given as combined therapy. This opens a new arena for investigations to explore the efficacy of the combined drugs. As a result, a combination of these drugs may be a viable and risk-free treatment option for breast cancer. Aims and Objectives: The present research was designed to evaluate the individual anti-cancer effects of TMQ and PCT to their combined effects on MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines in an effort to enhance the disease’s therapeutic profile. Materials and Methods: Breast cancer (MCF-7) cell lines were cultured and incubated after exposure to the drugs in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium and MTT assay was conducted to determine the cell viability at 540 nm in UV spectroscopy. IC50 individual drugs treated groups TMQ and PCT and combined treatment group (TMQ + PCT) were determined using cell viability graph. Results: Results showed that the IC50 of TMQ was 31.2 ?g/mL, PCT was 57.28 ?g/ml, and TMQ + PCT were 4.20 ?g/mL which proves the significant activity of the combined drug therapy using combination of TMQ and PCT on MCF-7 cell lines. Conclusion: This work enables researchers to investigate the potential for synergism between several anticancer medications to establish effective choices for the treatment of breast cancer with a fewer side effects.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237491


This mini-review theoretically illustrates the in silico methods used in the pharmacy field to enhance drug discovery and development and reduce preclinical studies. It is shown that in silico methods are computational-based approaches that study the structure, properties, and activities of molecules using computer simulations and mathematical algorithms. These results highlight the importance of obtaining data that can affect the prediction of in vivo results. Artificial intelligence and machine learning development enhance in silico methods such as quantitative structureactivity relationship, molecular placement, and physiological-based pharmacokinetics, which are usually used. This approach not only saves time and costs but also offers ease of application. Studies conducted to evaluate the use of in silico methods in areas such as pharmacology, toxicology, and pharmaceuticals are provided as examples. It was concluded that over time, in silico methods usage and development increased due to their ability to predict the in vivo performance of the drug.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237482


Ex situ conservation of Bulgarian endemic species Achillea thracica offers a chance for d?velopment of a new antitumor drug. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anticancer effects of water extracts of ex vitro established A. thracica grown in Bulgaria against fibrosarcoma cells. In our preliminary study, cytotoxicity of hot and cold water extracts was determined using Triticum root elongation test and Allium cepa assay. In vitro cytotoxicity and pro-apoptotic activity of hot extract (HE) were estimated using HT1080 cell line fibrosarcoma cells. Cytotoxicity was determined by the change in the cell number, the cell viability, and the cell population growth. Pro-apoptotic activity was assessed by the score of cell nuclei with morphological changes. The result of the root elongation test showed that the HEs exerted a stronger inhibitory effect in comparison with the cold extracts (CEs). Respectively, EC50 value of the hot water extract is 9.85 g/l and of the CE – 12.71 g/l. The extracts tested at concentration equal to ½ ??50 and EC50 values showed a significant mitodepressive effect on A. cepa meristematic cells. The in vitro tests revealed a significant negative impact on cancer cell viability and a promising pro-apoptotic activity of hot water extract.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239503


Introduction: The immunomodulatory properties of plants are being extensively explored these days as they contain a wide range of bioactive compounds that can treat immunomodulatory disorders. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the efficacy of the standardized polyherbal formulation (Storg-B). The Storg-B combines Psidium guajava, Mangifera indica, and Citrus limon. Methods: The aqueous extract of the Storg B was investigated for DPPH radical scavenging activity to determine antioxidant activity. SD rats were selected for the evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of Storg-B. The haemagglutination and hematology methods were used to evaluate the immunomodulatory studies. For the pharmacokinetic studies, the LC-MS/MS technique is employed to quantify Storg B. Results: The percentage inhibition of DPPH radial IC50 values of standard BHT and Storg-B were 60.52 and 68.35µg/ml, respectively. In the in vivo animal studies, Storg-B showed significant immunomodulatory activity by increasing the primary and secondary antibody titer values by 6.58 and 8.25 mg/mL, respectively, for the SRBC antigen at a dose of 100 mg/kg. There’s also an increase in the neutrophil adhesion percentage at the testing doses. Results of hematological parameters revealed that Storg-B restored all the levels of blood components at a 100 mg/kg dose. A Storg-B showed greater potency in the bioavailability studies. Conclusion: Thus, the Storg-B used as an efficient and secure formulation in the treatment of immune deficiency by improving the immune response.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237051


Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the micro-shear bond strength of a self-adhesive versus conventional low-viscosity composite resins adhered to enamel. Study Design: In vitro study. Place and Duration of Study: Dental Clinic of the Western State University of Paraná, between October 2022 and September 2023. Methodology: In this in vitro study, the crowns of ten bovine incisor teeth were separated from the roots and embedded in polyvinyl chloride cylinders with acrylic resin. The teeth were divided into two groups (n=5) according to the type of low-viscosity composite resin used on the enamel, resulting in a total of fifteen specimens: one group with self-adhesive composite resin and another with conventional composite resin. Specimens measuring 3 × 2 mm were prepared with low-viscosity composite resin and applied to the adhesive areas according to their respective groups. The micro-shear test was carried out after 7 days of immersion in distilled water in a universal mechanical testing machine with a 50 kg load cell. The statistical analysis in this study employed the Shapiro-Wilk test to assess data normality. Due to non-normal distribution, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was utilized for group comparisons (p < 0.001). Supplementary analyses were performed using the Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner (DSCF) test for multiple comparisons (p < 0.001) to detect intergroup differences. Fractures were analyzed using a stereoscopic magnifying glass at 40x magnification. Results: The lowest micro-shear bond strength was observed in the self-adhesive composite resin group, while the highest was observed in the conventional composite resin group. On average, the micro-shear bond strength was higher for the conventional composite resin group compared to the self-adhesive composite resin group (p < 0.001). Most fractures in the conventional composite resin group were mixed, whereas in the Self-Adhesive composite resin group they were predominantly adhesive. Conclusion: Based on this study, it can be concluded that self-adhesive flowable composite resin exhibited lower enamel bond strength values compared to conventional flowable composite resin.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241221


The present investigation is about the measurement of antimicrobial activity (AMA) of polysaccharides isolated from the seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), purslane (Portulaca oleracea), safflower (Carthamu stinctorius),coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and rapeseed (Brassica napus) against Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus), Escherichia coli (E.coli), Bacillus subtilis (B.subtilis) and (MRSA) at different concentrations using agar diffusion method In vitro. Polysaccharides (PSs) were extracted, isolated and purified from different seeds separately. Paper chromatographic analysis of the purified PSs, revealed the presence of different percentages of monosaccharides constituents per each seed PS. In vitro study was performed to evaluate the obtained PSs activities against 4 microbial strains (S. aureus, E. coli, B subtilis and MRSA) using agar diffusion method. PSs showed AMA against S. aureus and E. coli more than that of B subtilis and MRSA at 10% concentration and inhibition zones were estimated. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of PSs against S. aureus, E. coli, B subtilis and MRS were found in the range of 1-5 mg/ml. The result demonstrates the killing effect of PSs against S. aureus, E. coli, B subtilis and MRSA at 10% PS within 24 hours. Inhibition zone diameters exhibited different levels of decreases with the PSs concentrations decreases against S. aureus, E. coli, B. subtilis and MRSA. Inhibition effects of PSs against different microbial strains were found to be depending on PSs concentration. However, the lowest concentration of PSs produced lower inhibitory activity against S. aureus B. subtilis E. coli and MRSA. The results obtained with all PSs showed best AMA against S. aureus and E. coli than the other two microbial strains used in the present study. Results indicated these PSs have AMA against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterium at 10% concentration. The common PSs consider important sources of antimicrobial agents with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 100-500µg/ml for treatment some infectious diseases.