Background@#Despite the persistent relevance of mental health in the lives of Filipinos and the long tradition of mental health care in the Philippines, scholarly works on the history of mental illnesses and mental health institutions, particularly during the colonial period, remain scarce.@*Objective@#This paper aimed to explore the various policies implemented by the American colonial government in the Philippines to address issues regarding insanity from 1903 to 1928. @*Methodology@#As a historical inquiry, the paper employed historical analysis in examining sources of data such as archival documents, official reports, bulletins, and statistics produced by the various offices of the American colonial government in the Philippines. @*Results@#Three specific policies were identified – the establishment of the Insane Department at the San Lazaro Hospital in 1904 as a response to the overcrowding and inadequate treatment methods at the Hospicio de San Jose, the Insane Department's adherence to the principles of moral treatment, and enactment of different laws pertinent to insane persons, most notably the Insanity Law of 1912. @*Conclusion@#The historical narrative shows that these policies had been used by the American colonial government to showcase their alleged benevolence and preserve public order. It was also demonstrated that the colonizers ultimately failed to develop the Insane Department as a modern insane asylum, as indicated by persistent problems such as overcrowding, lack of proper facilities, and outdated treatment methods.
Mental DisordersABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar o risco de Alzheimer dos pacientes idosos com diagnóstico de Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 na zona urbana de Mossoró/Rio Grande do Norte. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de coorte retrospectivo de natureza exploratória, observacional e analítica, realizado nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da cidade de Mossoró. Dois instrumentos foram utilizados para a coleta de dados: ficha para aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos; e o Clinical Dementia Rating. Resultados: Encontrou-se diferenças estatísticas entre a classificação do Clinical Dementia Rating com a faixa etária, uso de Glibenclamida, tabagistas e transtornos psíquicos. As menores rendas familiares apresentaram maior classificação de demência. Os idosos que apresentaram maior classificação de risco de demência fazem uso de Glibenclamida, são tabagistas com menores rendas familiares. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se a necessidade de uma avaliação de risco de demência nas consultas aos idosos na atenção primária em saúde, bem como capacitação dos profissionais em alternativas e custo benefício medicamentoso para cada indivíduo. Descritores: Saúde do Idoso; Doença de Alzheimer; Diabetes Mellitus; Demência; Promoção da Saúde. (AU)
Objective: To assess the Alzheimer's risk of elderly patients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the urban area of Mossoró / Rio Grande do Norte. Methods: This is an exploratory, observational and analytical retrospective cohort study carried out in the Basic Health Units in the city of Mossoró. Two instruments were used for data collection: a form for epidemiological and clinical aspects; and Clinical Dementia Rating. Results: Statistical differences were found between the classification of the Clinical Dementia Rating with the age group, use of Glibenclamide, smokers and mental disorders. The lowest family incomes had a higher classification of dementia. The elderly who presented a higher risk of dementia use Glibenclamide, are smokers with lower family income. Conclusion: The need for an assessment of the risk of dementia in consultations with the elderly in primary health care was evidenced, as well as training of professionals in alternatives and cost-effective medication for each individual. (AU)
Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de Alzheimer de pacientes ancianos diagnosticados con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 en el área urbana de Mossoró / Rio Grande do Norte. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, exploratorio, observacional y analítico realizado en las Unidades Básicas de Salud de la ciudad de Mossoró. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron dos instrumentos: un formulario para aspectos epidemiológicos y clínicos; y calificación clínica de demencia. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas entre la clasificación del Clinical Dementia Rating con el grupo de edad, uso de Glibenclamida, fumadores y trastornos mentales. Los ingresos familiares más bajos tenían una clasificación más alta de demencia. Los ancianos que presentan mayor riesgo de demencia utilizan Glibenclamida, son fumadores con menores ingresos familiares. Conclusión: Se evidenció la necesidad de una evaluación del riesgo de demencia en las consultas con los ancianos en la atención primaria de salud, así como la formación de los profesionales en alternativas y medicación costo-efectiva para cada individuo. (AU)
Health of the Elderly , Dementia , Diabetes Mellitus , Alzheimer Disease , Health PromotionABSTRACT
O presente estudo objetivou analisar os fatores associados à sobrecarga e qualidade de vida de cuidadores de idosos com demência a partir das características do idoso e do cuidador. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado na cidade de Maceió, Alagoas. A amostra foi composta por 170 indivíduos, 85 pares cuidador/idoso, sendo os idosos com diagnóstico de síndrome demencial e seus respectivos cuidadores principais. A coleta foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com aplicação de escalas validadas. Foi avaliada a sobrecarga e a qualidade de vida do cuidador, através da escala Zarit Burden Interview e do Whoqol-bref, respectivamente, e o estado cognitivo e capacidade funcional dos idosos com a Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) e o Índice de Katz. Para os cuidadores, predominou o sexo feminino (88,2%), com média de idade de 51,9 (± 12,0), estado civil casado (55,3%), nível educacional acima de nove anos de estudo (77,6%) e renda per capita de até um salário (43,6%). A maior média de qualidade de vida foi encontrada no domínio físico e a menor no ambiental. Encontrou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre a capacidade funcional e a sobrecarga. Correlação inversa estatisticamente significativa foi evidenciada entre sobrecarga e qualidade de vida. Os achados desta pesquisa sugerem que o declínio funcional dos idosos com demência mostrou exercer influência sobre a sobrecarga dos cuidadores principais, onde foi identificado maior sobrecarga com níveis intermediários de demência.(AU)
The present study aimed to analyze the influence of the functional decline of elderly people with dementia related to the burden and the quality of life of their main caregivers. This is a cross-sectional study carried out in the city of Maceió, Alagoas. The sample consisted of 170 individuals, 85 caregiver/elderly pairs, the elderly being diagnosed with dementia syndrome and their respective main caregivers. The data were collected through interviews with the application of validated scales. Caregiver burden and quality of life were assessed using the Zarit Burden Interview and Whoqol-bref scale, respectively, and the cognitive status and functional capacity of the elderly with the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) and the Katz Index. The caregivers were predominately female (88.2%), with a mean age of 51.9 (± 12.0) years old, married marital status (55.3%), educational level above nine years of study (77, 6%) and per capita income of up to one salary (43.6%). The highest average quality of life was found in the physical domain and the lowest in the environmental domain. A statistically significant relationship was found between functional capacity and burden. A statistically significant inverse correlation was found between burden and quality of life. The findings of this research suggest that(AU)
Aged , Caregivers , DementiaABSTRACT
Resumen El objetivo es comprender la aparición y propagación de locuras puerperales en Argentina y Colombia, a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, así como su decadencia o desvanecimiento hacia la década de 1940-1950. Investigación histórico-hermenéutica, según los conceptos de "campo de visibilidad" y "nicho ecológico" de una enfermedad transitoria. No existió correlación entre embarazo, parto y puerperio con el estado delirante que motivaba la internación, atribuido a factores predisponentes y, asimismo, tuvieron una autonomía nosográfica en virtud de etiopatogenias singulares. Al tiempo que empezó a emerger el tipo clínico locura puerperal, se entrecruzaron el campo disciplinar de la obstetricia con el alienismo, con una mayor preponderancia del primero.
Abstract Our goal is to understand the appearance and spread of forms of puerperal insanity in Argentina and Colombia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, as well as their decline or disappearance around the 1940s. This is a historical and hermeneutical study, which uses the concepts of "field of visibility" and "ecological niche" for a transitory disease. There was no correlation between pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium and the state of delirium that led to commitment, which was attributed to predisposing factors; furthermore, forms of puerperal insanity were nosographically distinct due to their unique etiopathogeneses. As clinical cases of puerperal insanity started to emerge, the disciplinary field of obstetrics converged with psychiatry, with the former exerting more weight.
Humans , Female , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Puerperal Disorders/history , Puerperal Infection/history , Mental Disorders/history , Argentina , Puerperal Infection/psychology , Colombia , Parturition/psychologyABSTRACT
Aim: This review article is an attempt to analyse the probable mode of action of Kalyanaka ghrita in psychiatric conditions. Background: Unmada is a term that represents broad classes of mental ailments in Ayurvedic literature. Mental disorders impose an enormous burden on society, accounting for almost one in three years lived with disability globally. According to the WHO, every year, almost one million people die from suicide; a "global" mortality rate of 16 per 1,00,000 or one death every 40 seconds. Kalyanaka ghrita is a time tested and clinically proven polyherbal formulation which is widely and effectively used by Ayurvedic physicians in the management of psychiatric conditions. Results: While analysing the Rasapanchaka (Ayurvedic Principles of Drug-Action), it is found that of the 28 ingredients, 15 drugs are having Tikta rasa, 22 with Laghu guna, 19 with Ushna veerya and 18 with Katu vipaka. Considering Doshaharatwa, 12 drugs are Kaphapittahara. All these properties are against Kapha dosha. Conclusion: Kalyanaka ghrita may be more effective in the management of Kaphaja unmada, among all the 6 varieties of Unmada. Clinical Significance: Analysis of mode of action leads us to the inference that Kalyanaka ghrita may be more effective in the management of Kaphaja unmada, characterised by slow or weak voice and body movements, anorexia, desire for women (sex) and solitude, excessive sleep, vomiting, dribbling of saliva, symptoms pronounced just after intake of food, whitish discoloration of nails constitute Kaphaja unmada, a classical example being depression.
O artigo tem como objetivo investigar a infância que é vivenciada por crianças em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial infanto-juvenil - CAPSIJ, a partir da análise dos registros de uma experiência de estágio. Para tal, a metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso de um CAPSIJ. Traçando um retrato do CAPSij, foi possível evidenciar como se articula o serviço para propor intervenções com as crianças ali atendidas. Por meio da análise do relato das atividades desenvolvidas no local, do fluxo do serviço e do registro das interações com a equipe do local, percebeu-se um modo de cuidado peculiar e em constante construção, possibilitando formas de construção de subjetividade, bem como de apropriação de si mesmo. Diante do exposto no estudo de caso, foi possível concluir que há possibilidades de alteridade para a criança que frequenta o CAPSij desde que considerada a escuta e o devir-criança de cada profissional que atua serviço.(AU)
The article aims to investigate how childhood is experienced by children in a psychosocial care center for children and adolescents - CAPSij, starting at one internship experience. For this, the methodology used was the CAPSij's case study with the exploratory type method. Drawing a portrait of CAPSij, it was possible to show how the service is structured to propose interventions with children who attend it. Through the activities, the flow of the service and interactions with facility staff noticed a peculiar way of care and under constant construction enabling forms of construction of subjectivity, as well as appropriation of itself. Given the above in the case study and literature survey, it was concluded that there are possibilities of alterity for the child who attends CAPSij since considered the listening and the becoming-child of each professional who works in the service.(AU)
Child , Child , Mental Health , Mental Health ServicesABSTRACT
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil e a qualidade de vida de cuidadores familiares de idosos com demência. Para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se o instrumento SF-36 e um questionário sociodemográfico. Foram feitas análises descritivas e correlacionais que mostraram influência da idade, escolaridade, religião, atividades físicas e percepção da dependência sobre a qualidade de vida. Constatou-se que a independência dos idosos e boas condições econômicas são aspectos importantes para a manutenção da qualidade de vida dos cuidadores.
This study aimed to evaluate the profile and quality of life of family caregivers of elderly with demential syndroms. Data were collected using the SF-36 instrument and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Descriptive and correlational analyzes were performed that showed influence of age, schooling, religion, physical activities and perception of dependence on quality of life. It was verified that it is possible to gather that the dependence level of the patient and the good economical condition of the families are important aspects to the maintenance of the caregiver's quality of life.
Eso estúdio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el perfil y la calidad de vida de los cuidadores de la familia de ancianos con demencia. Para la recolicción de los datos se utilizo el instrumento SF-36 y fue utilizado un cuestionario sociodemografico. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y de correlación que mostraron influencia de la edad, la educación, la religión, la actividad física y la percepción de la dependencia en la calidad de vida. Se constato que la independencia y las buenas condiciones económicas son importantes para mantener la calidad de vida de los cuidadores.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Caregivers/psychology , Socioeconomic Factors , Dementia , Correlation of Data , Functional StatusABSTRACT
A ampliação da expectativa de vida culmina com aumento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) como demências e depressão. Através dos instrumentos Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e Teste do Desenho do Relógio (TDR) e da Escala de Depressão geriátrica (EDG), foi encontrado: 11% da amostra com déficit cognitivo importante pelo MEEM; 17,3% com risco de desenvolvimento de quadro demencial pelo TDR; e 28,21% com sintomas depressivos pela EDG.
The expansion of life expectancy culminates with an increase in chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCD) such as dementia and depression. Through the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Clock Drawing Test (TDR) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (EDG), 11% of the sample with significant cognitive deficits were found by MMSE; 17.3% with risk of developing dementia by TDR; and 28.21% with depressive symptoms by EDG.
La ampliación de la expectativa de vida culmina con aumento de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (DCNT) como demencias y depresión. A través de los instrumentos Mini-Examen del Estado Mental (MEEM) y Prueba del Dibujo del Reloj (TDR) y de la Escala de Depresión geriátrica (EDG), se encontró: el 11% de la muestra con déficit cognitivo importante por el MEEM; 17,3% con riesgo de desarrollo de cuadro demencial por el TDR; y 28,21% con síntomas depresivos por EDG.
Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Dementia , Depression , LongevityABSTRACT
El síndrome confusional agudo resulta una manifestación clínica frecuente de las enfermedades agudas o de la toxicidad por fármacos en el anciano, con elevadas morbilidad y mortalidad. Este se origina por discapacidad funcional y se caracteriza por un cambio agudo y fluctuante en el estado mental, con desatención y niveles de conciencia alterados por un periodo inferior a 3 meses, aunque puede prolongarse más tiempo. Se le considera una urgencia médica de causa orgánica demostrable y potencialmente reversible, con un diagnóstico eminentemente clínico. En la presente investigación se describe cómo se manifiesta la confusión aguda en los ancianos, cuáles son los factores predisponentes y desencadenantes en su aparición y cuál tratamiento puede ser adecuado si se diagnostica el cuadro clínico y sus factores causales de manera oportuna
The acute confusional syndrome is a frequent clinical feature of acute diseases or drug toxicity in elderly, with high morbidity and mortality. This originates due to functional disability and is characterized by an acute and fluctuating change in the mental state, with inattentiveness and altered conscience levels during less than 3 months, although it can be prolonged for longer time. It is considered a medical emergency of demonstrable and potentially reversible organic cause, with an essentially clinical diagnosis. In this investigation it is described how the acute confusion is manifested in elderly, which are the predisposing and triggering factors in its emergence and which treatment can be adequate if the clinical pattern and its causal factors are diagnosed in an appropriate way
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Confusion/chemically induced , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/complications , Psychic Symptoms/pharmacology , Mental Health , Communication , Health Services for the AgedABSTRACT
Neste artigo temos como objetivo problematizar a função do arquivista no trabalho de catalogação das obras expressivas da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, localizado em Porto Alegre, RS. Entendemos que, neste procedimento, é possível realizar um exercício de desmontagem do território a partir de escolha ética sobre o modo de narrar e analisar as criações daqueles que foram levados a viver na marginalidade da sociedade, asilados por longo tempo em hospital psiquiátrico. Nesse sentido, nossa intenção segue no contra fluxo dos discursos hegemônicos patologizantes, produzindo outros enunciados sobre o louco e suas linguagens destoantes. Como cartógrafos da memória e do esquecimento, os arquivistas da Oficina de Criatividade lançam-se à experimentação de novas sensibilidades em seu encontro com imagens auráticas. Com o acervo crescendo a cada dia, os arquivistas afirmam o caráter fragmentário da memória e a incompletude característica da contínua consignação de um arquivo inacabável.
Dans cet article, nous cherchons à problématiser le rôle de l'archiviste dans le travail de catalogage des Åuvres expressives de l'Atelier de Créativité de l'Hôpital Psychiatrique São Pedro, situé à la ville de Porto Alegre/RS, au Brésil. Nous comprenons que dans cette procédure, il y a la possibilité d'un exercice de démontage du territoire, soutenu par un choix éthique sur la façon de raconter et d'analyser les créations de ceux qui ont été marginalisés de la société, abrités pendant longtemps dans l'hôpital psychiatrique. En ce sens, notre intention est à contre-courant des discours hégémoniques pathologisants pour produire autres énoncés sur le fou et ses langages dissonants. Comme cartographes de la mémoire e de l'oubli, les archivistes de l'Atelier de Créativité se jettent à l'expérimentation des nouvelles sensibilités dans leur rencontre avec les images auratiques. À la mesure que la collection croît, les archivistes affirment le caractère fragmentaire de la mémoire et l'incomplétude propre de la progressive consignation d'une archive interminable.
En este artículo se pretende analizar el papel del archivero en el trabajo de catalogación de obras expresivas del Taller de Creatividad del Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, ubicado en la ciudad de Porto Alegre, Río Grande do Sul (Brasil). Entendemos que en este procedimiento se puede realizar un ejercicio de desmantelamiento del territorio con base en una decisión ética acerca del modo de narrar y analizar las creaciones de los que fueron llevados a vivir a las márgenes de la sociedad, asilados durante mucho tiempo en un hospital psiquiátrico. En este sentido, nuestra intención se presenta en contraflujo de los discursos hegemónicos patologizantes, con el fin de producir otros enunciados sobre el loco y sus lenguajes disonantes. Como cartógrafos de la memoria y del olvido, los archiveros del Taller de Creatividad se lanzan a probar nuevas sensibilidades en el encuentro con las imágenes auráticas. A medida que la colección crece día a día, los archiveros afirman el carácter fragmentario de la memoria y la incompletud característica de la asignación continua de un archivo sin fin.
In this article we seek to problematize the role of the archivist in the cataloging of creative works produced by the Creativity Atelier at the São Pedro Psychiatric Hospital in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Within this undertaking, we deem it possible to conduct an exercise in the dismantling of a territory instituted on an ethical decision sustained by a mode of narration and analysis of creations produced by individuals relegated to the margins of society, namely those who are institutionalized for lengthy periods of time in a psychiatric hospital. In this sense, our intent goes against the grain of hegemonic pathologizing discourses in order to produce other propositions about the mentally ill and their discordant languages. As cartographers of memory and oblivion, the archivists of the Creativity Atelier invest themselves in experimenting with new sensibilities in their encounter with auratic images. As the number of studies grows every day, the archivists affirm the fragmentary nature of memory and the characteristic incompleteness of the continuous consignment to an interminable archive.
Archives , Art , Mentally Ill Persons/history , Hospitals, Psychiatric/historyABSTRACT
Objetivo: descrever as características sociodemográficas e clínicas de idosos sem declínio cognitivo de instituições de longa permanência. Métodos: Foi aplicado o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e um formulário para investigar aspectos sociodemográficos e clínicos nos idosos sem declínio cognitivo. Os dados foram analisados por meio do SPSS 18.0 e do teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: Houve predomínio de idosos sem declínio cognitivo do sexo masculino (55,7%), solteiros (63,29%), com faixa etária ≥ 75 anos (54,43%), com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (64,56%) e com uso de medicamentos que atuam no sistema cardiovascular (64,56%). Conclusão: É necessário que os idosos institucionalizados sem déficit cognitivo sejam avaliados continuamente para diagnóstico precoce do envelhecimento cognitivo patológico para prevenção de estados demenciais.
Objective: to describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of elderly people without cognitive decline in long-stay institutions. Methods: Mini-examination was applied Mental State and a form to investigate sociodemographic and clinical aspects in elderly people without cognitive decline. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 and Chi-square test. Results: There was a predominance of elderly people without cognitive decline in men (55.7%), single (63.29%), aged ≥ 75 years (54.43%) with systemic hypertension (64.56%) and use of drugs that act on the cardiovascular system (64.56%). Conclusion: It is necessary that the institutionalized elderly without cognitive impairment are continuously evaluated for early diagnosis of pathological cognitive aging to prevent dementia states.
Objetivo: describir las características sociodemográficas y clínicas de las personas mayores sin deterioro cognitivo en instituciones de larga estadía. Métodos: Mini-examen se aplicó Estado Mental y una forma de investigar aspectos sociodemográficos y clínicos en personas mayores sin deterioro cognitivo. Los datos fueron analizados con el programa SPSS 18.0 y la prueba de Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: Hubo un predominio de personas mayores sin deterioro cognitivo en los hombres (55,7%), solo (63,29%), con edades ≥ 75 años (54,43%) con hipertensión sistémica (64,56%) y el uso de fármacos que actúan sobre el sistema cardiovascular (64,56%). Conclusión: Es necesario que el anciano institucionalizado y sin deterioro cognitivo son evaluados de forma continua para el diagnóstico precoz de envejecimiento cognitivo patológico para evitar estados de demencia.
Male , Female , Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged/statistics & numerical data , Cognition Disorders/prevention & control , Cognitive Aging , Cognitive Dysfunction/prevention & control , Health Services for the Aged , Homes for the Aged/statistics & numerical data , BrazilABSTRACT
O envelhecimento populacional tem produzido demandas às famílias, como o cuidado do idoso acometido por alguma doença no domicílio. Esse artigo visa descrever o cuidado de homem cuidador familiar de idosa com doença de Alzheimer. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caso único, realizada com um único homem cuidador de idosa. Os resultados evidenciam que o cuidador dedica-se integralmente ao cuidado da idosa e não recebe orientações de profissionais de saúde para apoiá-lo no desenvolvimento dessa atividade. A decisão de cuidar é influenciada pelo (con)viver de filho e mãe e por não ter outra pessoa disponível, e sua continuidade fudamenta-se no reconhecimento de que outras pessoas também vivenciam situações semelhantes. Emergem sentimentos relacionados a essa atividade, como amor, satisfação, obrigação e convivência com a doença de Alzheimer. Conclui-se que a assunção da responsabilidade pelo cuidado da idosa resulta implicações, como as econômicas, no cotidiano do homem cuidador e da idosa cuidada.
Population aging has brought demands on families, such as home care of the elderly affected by a disease. This paper aims to describe the care by a man who is family caregiver of an elderly with Alzheimer's disease. It is a qualitative research, of single case study, carried out with a man who is caregiver of na elderly woman. The results show that the caregiver fully dedicates to the care to the elderly, and he does not receive guidelines of health professionals to help him in this activity. The decision to take care is influenced by the (co)living of son and mother and because there is no other person available. Its continuity is based on acknowledgment that other people live similar situations. Feelings, like love, satisfaction, obligation and coexistence emerge with Alzheimer's disease. These are influenced by the recognition that other people also experience similar situations. It is concluded that the assumption of responsibility for the care of the elderly causes implications, such as economic, in the daily care of the caregiver and the elderly.
Humans , Aged , Family , Caregivers , Alzheimer Disease , DementiaABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Mental illness has been associated with violent behaviour. Criminal behaviour in the mentally ill population in Colombia has not been well studied. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive study, from a secondary source. An analysis was made of the sociodemographic, clinical, and legal variables of 127 unfit to plead patients. A descriptive analysis of quantitative variables was performed by measures of central tendency, and frequencies and percentages were calculated for the qualitative variables. The software SPSS® version 21.0 was used to analyse the data, and the study was approved by the Research Committee of the CES University. Results: The median age was 34 years, interquartile range 19 years, and 92.1% were men. The primary diagnosis was schizophrenia in 63%, 66.9% consumed alcohol, and 58.3% other drugs at the time they committed the crime. Almost one/third (29.1%) had a criminal record, and the most common type of crime was murder in 44.1% of cases. Around half (50.3%) of the victims had some degree of consanguinity with the patient. Discussion: The study subjects had higher illiteracy and lower educational levels than the Colombian prison population. Schizophrenia was the main diagnosis, and homicide the most prevalent crime, which agrees with the literature where non-indictable patients are responsible for 5-20% of murder cases worldwide. Conclusions: To reduce the gap between the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, should be within the specific actions to prevent violence and criminal behaviour associated with mental illness.
Resumen Introducción: La enfermedad mental se ha asociado con comportamientos violentos. En Colombia poco se ha estudiado la población de enfermos mentales con comportamiento criminal. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo a partir de fuente secundaria. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y legales de 127 pacientes inimputables. Se realizó análisis descriptivo de las variables cuantitativas a través de medidas de tendencia central, y para las variables cualitativas se obtuvieron frecuencias y porcentajes. La información se analizó con el software SPSS versión 21.0. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Investigación de la Universidad CES. Resultados: La mediana de edad fue 34 [intervalo intercuartílico, 19] años; el 92,1% eran varones. El diagnóstico principal fue esquizofrenia en el 63%. En el momento de cometer el crimen, el 66,9% consumía alcohol y el 58,3%, drogas. El 29,1% tenía antecedentes delictivos y el tipo de delito más frecuente (44,1%) fue el homicidio. El 50,3% de las víctimas tenían algún grado de consanguinidad con el paciente. Discusión: En los sujetos del estudio había más analfabetismo y menor nivel educativo que en la población general carcelaria colombiana. La esquizofrenia fue el principal diagnóstico y el homicidio, el delito más prevalente, lo cual coincide con la literatura que refleja que los inimputables son responsables de un 5-20% de los casos de homicidio en el mundo. Conclusiones: Disminuir la brecha para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales, especialmente la esquizofrenia, estaría entre las acciones concretas para prevenir la violencia y la conducta criminal asociada a enfermedad mental.
Humans , Male , Adult , Schizophrenia , Criminal Behavior , Mental Disorders , Research , Violence , Software , Colombia , Consanguinity , Mentally Ill Persons , Literacy , HomicideABSTRACT
Objectives: To evaluate factors related to dangerousness cessation at the end of involuntary commitment based on an analysis of expert reports. In light of the current legal requirement of dangerousness cessation as a pre-requisite for prison or internment release of individuals subjected to the safety measure, we sought elements to reflect on the practice of expert examiners in charge of making this decision. Methods: The authors revised 224 expert psychiatric dangerousness cessation reports released 2011 through 2014 and collected data for a statistical analysis. Results: The following variables were associated with positive risk cessation assessments: no inadequate behavior (according to the assistant professionals), no productive psychotic symptoms, no negative symptoms, presence of insight, presence of a support network, and no psychoactive substance abuse. The following variables were associated with negative dangerousness cessation decisions: early onset of malfunction, lack of insight, negative attitudes, active signs of major mental illness, presence of impulsiveness, poor response to treatment, presence of plans lacking feasibility, exposure to destabilizing factors, lack of personal support, and presence of stress. Conclusions: In this study we were able to identify factors associated with dangerousness in a sample of expert reports. The knowledge of factors linked to a higher risk of recidivism in illegal activities or violent behavior is crucial for decision-making regarding the release of offenders after their legally established period of involuntary commitment.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Forensic Psychiatry , Crime/statistics & numerical data , Dangerous Behavior , Decision Making , Expert Testimony , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed factors affecting feeble-mindedness or insanity following a forensic evaluation for sex offenders, and to present a scientific basis that can provide practical assistance on a responsibility evaluation of sex offenders. METHODS: This study analyzed retrospectively 180 mental appraisals on sex offenders among mental appraisals documented by one psychiatrist from June, 2012 to December, 2015 at the National Forensic Hospital. RESULTS: Of the 180 mental appraisals, 123 people (68.3%) were found to be feeble-minded or insane, and 57 people (31.7%) were considered to be sane, i.e., competent to take responsibility. The two groups were different in IQ, occupational & marital status, victim numbers, psychiatric diagnosis, and sex offender characteristics, such as violence and intrusiveness. After evaluating the influence of variables that showed significant differences between the two groups on a responsibility assessment, sex offenders with fewer invasive sex offenses (OR=1.763, p<0.05), lower IQ (OR=1.031, p<0.01), lower numbers of victims (OR=1.349, p<0.05), and higher number of mental illnesses (OR=0.507, p<0.05) were more likely found to be feeble-minded or insane. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that criminal responsibility may be intact in repeat sex offenders who commit invasive sex crimes, such as rape, and is without intellectual disability compared to other kinds of sex offenders. Subsequent research will be needed to improve the objectivity and reliability of mental appraisals on sex offenders in the future.
Humans , Crime , Criminals , Intellectual Disability , Marital Status , Mental Disorders , Psychiatry , Rape , Retrospective Studies , Sex Offenses , ViolenceABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the hospital's capacity of custody and treatment for resocialization of patients with psychic disorders, under security measure. Methods: An empirical, qualitative, interpretive and cross-sectional study was carried out in a hospital of custody and treatment (HCT) of a city in the southeast region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with 22 administrative, health e security workers, through an interview with a semi-structured instrument and non-participant observation. Data were submitted to Content Analysis and presented in the categories: the hospital of custody and treatment: therapeutic space, in fact?; the HCT as a place of segregation and punishment; and the in(ability) of the legal mental hospitals for resocialization. Results: Some professionals considered the hospital as a treatment space, while others considered it an instrument of punishment. However, the punitive nature of the interventions predominated. From the perspective of the participants, the hospital does not promote the resocialization. Conclusion: In the hospital there are no treatments that attend to the uniqueness of the patients who were under safety measure, therefore, they are not prepared to return to the social life, as it happens in prisons. The institution does not promote the resocialization of the patients.
Objetivo: Analizar la capacidad del hospital de custodia y tratamiento para la resocialización de los pacientes con trastornos mentales en medida de seguridad. Métodos: Estudio empírico, cualitativo, interpretativo y transversal, desarrollado en el Hospital de Custodia y Tratamiento de un municipio del Sudeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil, con 22 trabajadores administrativos, de salud e de seguridad, por medio de entrevista semiestructurada y observación no participante. Los datos fueron sometidos al Análisis de Contenido y presentado en las categorías: Hospital de custodia y tratamiento: espacio terapéutico, de hecho?; El HCT como espacio de segregación y punición; e in(capacidad) del manicomio judicial para la rehabilitación. Resultados: Algunos profesores consideraron el hospital como espacio de tratamiento, otros, instrumento de punición. Para los participantes, no se promueve una resocialización. Conclusión: No hay hospitales que atiendan a la singularidad de los pacientes en medida de seguridad. La institución no promueve una resocialización de los pacientes.
Objetivo: Analisar a capacidade do hospital de custódia e tratamento para a ressocialização de pacientes com transtornos psíquicos, em medida de segurança. Métodos: Estudo empírico, qualitativo, interpretativo e transversal, desenvolvido em um Hospital de custódia e tratamento de um município da região Sudeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil, com 22 trabalhadores administrativos, da saúde e de segurança, por meio de entrevista com instrumento semiestruturado e observação não participante. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e apresentados nas categorias: o hospital de custódia e tratamento: espaço terapêutico, de fato?; o HCT como lugar de segregação e punição; e a in (capacidade) do manicômio judiciário para a ressocialização. Resultados: Alguns profissionais consideraram o hospital como espaço de tratamento, enquanto outros o consideraram instrumento de punição. No entanto, predominou o caráter punitivo das intervenções. Na perspectiva dos participantes, o hospital não promove a ressocialização. Conclusão: No hospital não há tratamentos que atendam à singularidade dos pacientes que estavam em medida de segurança, portanto, estes não são preparados para retornar ao convívio social, assim como ocorre nos presídios. A instituição não investe na ressocialização de seus pacientes.
Humans , Psychiatric Nursing , Mental Health Assistance , Criminals , Insanity Defense , Mental Disorders/nursingABSTRACT
Resumo Abandonada há 38 anos no manicômio judiciário de Alagoas, Josefa da Silva é a mulher mais antiga sobrevivente do regime penal-psiquiátrico no Brasil. Dossiê, processo judicial, entrevistas e fotografias compõem o corpusde análise deste ensaio. O laudo psiquiátrico é a peça-chave para o dobramento médico-penal na loucura criminosa. Doze laudos psiquiátricos ilustram as três metamorfoses do arquivo judiciário: anormalidade, perigo e abandono. A autoridade psiquiátrica sobre a clausura movimentou-se da disciplina para a segurança, e da segurança disciplinar para a asilar-assistencial. No arranjo entre os poderes penal e psiquiátrico, o juiz reconhece a autoridade médica para a verdade da loucura. É a medicina das razões sobre a clausura de Zefinha que se altera nas décadas de produção do arquivo.
Abstract Living in a forensic hospital for the last 38 years, Josefa da Silva is the longest female inhabitant surviving the penal and psychiatric regime in Brazil. This paper analyses dossier, judicial proceedings, interviews and photographs about her. The psychiatric report is the key component of the medical and penal doubling of criminal insanity. Twelve psychiatric reports illustrate three time frames of the court files: abnormality, danger, and abandonment. The psychiatric authority over confinement has moved from discipline to security, and from disciplinary security to social assistance. In the arrangement between the penal and psychiatric powers, the judge recognizes the medical authority over the truth of insanity. It is the medicine of the reasons for Zefinha’s internment that altered over the decades.
Humans , Female , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Commitment of Mentally Ill/history , Insanity Defense/history , Schizophrenia/history , Brazil , Commitment of Mentally Ill/legislation & jurisprudence , Forensic Psychiatry/history , Hospitals, SpecialABSTRACT
La imputabilidad es un término jurídico, el cual se define como la capacidad de una persona de comprender las consecuencias que traerá la realización voluntaria de un acto ilícito, y como tal debe ser responsable y responder por el hecho cometido. El médico legal debe conocer cómo se procede en el ámbito penal en los procesos de las personas imputables pero principalmente poder determinar aquellas condiciones que generarán una abolición o disminución de la imputabilidad de manera que estos sujetos sean candidatos para la obtención de medidas de seguridad curativas que protejan a la sociedad principalmente.
The accountability is a legal term, which is defined as the ability of a person to understand the consequences that will bring the voluntary performance of an unlawful act, and as such should be responsible and accountable for the act committed. The legal physician must know how to proceed on the criminal processes of individuals attributable but mainly to determine the conditions that generate an abolition or reduction of accountability so that these people are candidates for obtaining measures of healing security primarily protect society.
Humans , Costa Rica , Forensic Medicine , Hospitals, Psychiatric , ImputabilityABSTRACT
La relación entre los fenómenos de la locura y del crimen fue un punto estratégico para la constitución de la medicina mental y para la formación de las instituciones de control, castigo y regeneración. El propósito de este artículo es cuestionar si este modelo de intervención psiquiátrica-penal garantiza al loco infractor el respeto a su derecho a la salud, o si es un mecanismo para garantizar el orden social a partir de la clasificación de los individuos considerados peligrosos. La hipóthesis del trabajo es que la peligrosidad es un concepto no científico, marcado por conceptos morales que identifican a la locura como una manifestación de peligro en sí misma. Este estudio es de carácter descriptivo y cualitativo, basado en la revisión bibliográfica y análisis de los datos recogidos por la investigación "La custodia y el tratamiento psiquiátrico en Brasil: Censo 2011?. Se puede concluir que la medida de seguridad se justifica por un dispositivo frágil del punto de vista psiquiátrico y penal - la peligrosidad del individuo - que no es basada en una identificación o cuantificación de factores objetivos, lo que indica una tendencia a adoptar un modelo punitivo centrado en la defensa social a expensas de la rehabilitación del loco delincuente.
: The relationship between the phenomena of insanity and criminality was a strategic point for the constitution of mental medicine psychiatry and for the establishment of institutions of control, punishment and regeneration. The purpose of this paper is to question whether this model of criminal-psychiatric intervention ensures to the insane criminal offender the respect to his/her right to health, or if it is a mechanism for ensuring social order by isolating individuals considered dangerous. The paper's hypothesis is that dangerousness s a nonscientific concept, marked by moral concepts that identify madness as a manifestation of danger in itself. It is a descriptive and qualitative research, based on literature review and analysis of data collected by the survey "The Custody and Psychiatric Treatment in Brazil: 2011 Census?. It is concluded that the security measure is justified by a fragile psychiatric and criminal concept - the dangerousness of the individual which does not provide identification and quantification purposes elements, indicating a tendency to adopt a punitive model focused on social defense at the expense of rehabilitation of the insane criminal offender
ResumoZefinha é a mais longa habitante mulher de um manicômio judiciário no Brasil. Há 39 anos vive em regime de prisão terapêutica por medida de segurança. Este artigo discute como o dever do anonimato pode ser suspenso quando a pesquisa é testemunho único de grave violação de direitos humanos. Minha tese é de que há casos em que nomear é proteger os interesses e os direitos das pessoas envolvidas nas pesquisas.
AbstractZefinha has been living in a forensic hospital for the last 39 years. She is the longest female inhabitant surviving under compulsory psychiatric treatment in Brazil. This paper discusses how the ethical rule of anonymity might be revised in research concerning a unique case involving severe violations of human rights. My argument is that there are cases in which disclosing the names of research participants protects their interests and rights.