ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the association between modifiable lifestyle behaviors and mental health indicators in Brazilian adolescents. Methods: This cross-sectional study used data from the 2019 National Survey of School Health including 152,860 students. The lifestyle behaviors and mental health indicators were obtained from a self-reported questionnaire. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine the association between lifestyle behaviors and mental health indicators. Results: Infrequent healthy eating (OR 1.22; 95%CI 1.14-1.31), being inactive (OR 1.82; 95%CI 1.65-2.01), smoking (OR 1.24; 95%CI 1.10-1.40), and irregular school attendance (OR 1.31; 95%CI 1.22-1.40) were associated with not having close friends. Additionally, not having close friends was also associated with unhealthy eating (OR 0.86; 95%CI 0.81-0.92) and alcohol consumption (OR 0.81; 95%CI 0.75-0.87). Infrequent healthy eating (OR 1.29; 95%CI 1.24-1.33), frequent unhealthy eating (OR 1.39; 95%CI 1.35-1.43), being inactive (OR 1.12; 95%CI 1.07-1.18), excessive screen time and sitting (OR 1.10; 95%CI 1.07-1.14 and OR 1.68; 95%CI 1.63-1.73, respectively), smoking (OR 1.26; 95%CI 1.19-1.34), alcohol (OR 1.33; 95%CI 1.28-1.37), drugs (OR 1.13; 95%CI 1.05-1.22), and irregular school attendance (OR 1.53; 95%CI 1.48-1.59) were associated with worse self-rated mental health. Conclusions: Various lifestyle behaviors are associated with different indicators of mental health.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre comportamentos modificáveis do estilo de vida e indicadores de saúde mental em adolescentes brasileiros. Métodos: Este estudo transversal utilizou dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar de 2019, incluindo 152.860 alunos. Comportamentos de estilo de vida e indicadores de saúde mental foram obtidos por meio de um questionário autoaplicável. Análises de regressão logística foram utilizadas para examinar a associação entre comportamentos de estilo de vida e indicadores de saúde mental. Resultados: Alimentação saudável infrequente (OR 1,22; IC95% 1,14-1,31), ser inativo (OR 1,82; IC95% 1,65-2,01), tabagismo (OR 1,24; IC95% 1,10-1,40) e frequência escolar inadequada (OR 1,31; IC95% 1,22-1,40) foram associados a não ter amigos próximos. Além disso, não ter amigos próximos também foi associado com alimentação não saudável (OR 0,86; IC95% 0,81-0,92) e consumo de álcool (OR 0,81; IC95% 0,75-0,87). Alimentação saudável infrequente (OR 1,29; IC95% 1,24-1,33), alimentação não saudável frequente (OR 1,39; IC95% 1,35-1,43), ser inativo (OR 1,12; IC95% 1,07-1,18), tempo excessivo em tela e sentado (OR 1,10; IC95% 1,07-1,14 e OR 1,68; IC95% 1,63-1,73, respectivamente), tabagismo (OR 1,26; IC95% 1,19-1,34), álcool (OR 1,33; IC95% 1,28-1,37), drogas (OR 1,13; IC95% 1,05-1,22) e frequência escolar irregular (OR 1,53; IC95% 1,48-1,59) foram associados a uma pior autopercepção de saúde mental. Conclusões: Vários comportamentos de estilo de vida foram associados a diferentes indicadores de saúde mental.
Objetivo: Correlacionar la variable principal sostén del hogar con las variables género, edad, horas de trabajo, horas de sueño y factores de riesgo cardiovascular (índice de masa corporal, hipertensión arterial, dislipemia y diabetes mellitus), en estudiantes de 3º, 4 y 5º año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, transversal realizado en 214 estudiantes, durante el año 2022, utilizándose un cuestionario on-line autoadministrado, estructurado y medición de peso y talla. Resultados: el 76% fueron mujeres; 64%, principal fueron principal sostén del hogar, 57% refirió dormir menos de 6 horas al día, 15 % trabaja más de 41 horas semanales; 67% tuvo respuestas no saludables a la variable estrés, para la variable actividad física este valor ascendió a 71% y el 53,8% presentó exceso de peso. Se encontró asociación significativa entre ser el principal sostén del hogar con exceso de peso, trabajar 41 horas o más semanalmente, dormir menos de 6 horas al día y con la presencia de 3 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Conclusiones: Las condiciones de vida que afrontan los estudiantes que de manera simultánea estudian, trabajan y son principal sostén del hogar pueden generar estrés, el cual es un factor de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares[AU]
Objetive: to correlate the main variable of primary income earner or primary breadwinner with gender, age, working hours, sleep hours, and cardiovascular disease risk factors (body mass index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus) in 3rd, 4th, and 5th-year nursing students at the Nursing Program at the National University of Formosa. Methodology: The study was a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, conducted with 214 students during 2022 using a self-administered structured online questionnaire and measurement of weight and height. Results: 76% were women, 64% were the main breadwinner, 57% reported sleeping less than 6 hours a day, 15% working more than 41 hours per week; 67% had unhealthy responses to the stress variable, this value rose to 71% for the physical activity variable, and 53.8% were overweight. A significant association was found between the main variable of primary breadwinner and being overweight, working 41 or more hours weekly, and the presence of 3 or more cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: The living conditions faced by students who simultaneously study and work, and being the main breadwinner in the household can generate stress, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases[AU]
Objetivo:: correlacionar a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis gênero, idade, horas de trabalho, horas de sono e fatores de risco cardiovascular (índice de massa corporal,hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia e diabetes mellitus) em estudantes do 3º, 4º e 5º ano do curso de graduação em Enfermagem, Universidade Nacional de Formosa. Metodologia: O estudo foi descritivo, correlacional e transversal, realizado em 214 estudantes durante o ano de 2022. Foi utilizado um questionário online autoadministrado e estruturado, e a medição de peso e altura dos estudantes foi realizada. Resultados: 76% dos estudantes eram mulheres; 64% eram o principal sustento econômico do lar; 57% relataram dormir menos de 6 horas por dia, 15% responderam que trabalham mais de 41 horas por semana; em relação aos fatores de risco cardiovascular, 67% tiveram respostas não saudáveis para a variável estresse, para a variável atividade física esse valor aumentou para 71% e 53,8% apresentaram excesso de peso. Foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis excesso de peso, trabalhar 41 horas ou mais por semana, dormir menos de 6 horas al día e a presença de 3 ou mais fatores de risco cardiovascular. Conclusões: As condições de vida enfrentadas pelos estudantes que simultaneamente estudam, trabalham e são o principal sustento do lar podem gerar estresse, que é um fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares[AU]
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , ArgentinaABSTRACT
Background: Hypertension, a major cause of cardiovascular disease, is increasingly common among urban professionals, including school teachers, who face unique stressors and lifestyle challenges. Understanding these factors is essential for developing targeted health interventions. This study aims to determine the prevalence and key determinants of hypertension among government school teachers in Patna. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from November 2021 to October 2022 with 1321 teachers from 325 urban schools in Patna. The sample size was calculated based on a 45.4% estimated hypertension prevalence, with a 3% margin of error and 20% non-response rate. Teachers were selected using stratified sampling with probability proportional to size. Results: Of the 1283 respondents, 61.34% were male and 38.66% female. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 14.1%, higher in males (15.5%) than females (11.9%). Hypertension was significantly associated with frequent fast-food consumption, extra salt intake, tobacco use, stress, and higher BMI (p<0.05), though not with age, gender, physical activity, or depression. Conclusions: Improving dietary habits, reducing tobacco use, and managing BMI among teachers can significantly reduce hypertension. Healthier teachers create a better teaching environment, positively impacting student learning outcomes and enhancing the overall educational experience.
Background: Sedentary lifestyle is among the forerunner causes of major non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and diverse types of cancer, contributing substantially to the global burden of disease. There is a massive increase in the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases, especially atherosclerosis, contribute significantly to diabetes related deaths. Aims and Objectives: The present study was designed to compare the body mass index (BMI), nitric oxide (NO), and lipid profile in physically active and sedentary Type 2 DM patients. Materials and Methods: The study included a total of 70 patients of Type 2 DM. The inclusion criteria were HbA1c ?6.5%, age between 30 and 60 years, and a disease history of 5–10 years. The exclusion criteria were the presence of any other chronic/acute illness, patients having difficulty in walking, patients on any nitrate and nitrite drugs, patients on lipid-lowering drugs, history of alcohol, tobacco, or other substance abuse. Assessment of physical activity was done by International Physical Activity Questionnaire - long form. BMI, NO, and lipid profile were assessed for the two groups. Statistical analysis was carried out using GraphPad Prism 7.0. Groups of data were compared with an analysis of variance followed by the tukey test. A P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: In the physically active group, BMI (P = 0.0345), total cholesterol (P < 0.0001), low-density lipoprotein (P < 0.001), and triglycerides (P < 0.001) were significantly less; while their high-density lipoprotein (P < 0.0001) and NO (P < 0.0001) was significantly more as compared to the sedentary group. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that in patients of type 2 DM, a physically active lifestyle was associated with decreased cardiovascular risk.
Background: Young adults are prone to stress due to various life events. Managing these stressors can be difficult for them, making them cope with these through behavioral changes, the most common being unhealthy and irregular eating habits with a lack of physical activities. Aims and Objectives: This study aims to find the correlation between body mass index (BMI) and perceived stress among young adults. Any gender differences are also evaluated. Materials and Methods: Out of the 300 1st year medical students enrolled, height and weight for BMI and perceived stress scale-10 (PSS-10) scores were obtained for 228 participants as a one-time reading for every participant. Then, the relationship between these values of BMI and PSS was evaluated. Results: Out of the analyzed participants, 46.1% were in the normal BMI category, with 15.8% being underweight. Out of the 38.1% of participants with an above-normal BMI, 2/3rd were found to be obese. Moderate stress was seen in 75% of participants. We found a weak negative correlation between BMI and stress (significant at 0.05). Conclusion: The majority of the youth experience stress at moderate level, which is concerning for society as they indulge in stress eating to cope but end up being obese and more prone to metabolic diseases, thus entering a vicious cycle of obesity, disease, and stress. Hence, activities such as exercise, meditation, and others must be included in daily life to balance physical and mental health.
Introducción: El estado nutricional influye en el riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT), como la osteoporosis, una epidemia silenciosa global, cuya prevalencia aumenta con la edad. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir el estado nutricional y la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) de mujeres mayores de 20 años. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo con muestra de conveniencia de 77 mujeres provenientes de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras, con datos recolectados en 2022-2023. Para evaluar el estado nutricional se utilizó equipo de bioimpedancia eléctrica mBCA514 SECA™ y el Sunlight MiniOmni™ para medir la DMO. Se analizaron los datos con estadística descriptiva,con el programa SPSS versión Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 34,8±7,8 años. Según el Índice de Masa Corporal, la prevalencia de sobrepeso (SP) y obesidad (OB) fue de 33,8% y 23,4%, respectivamente. El 31,2% se estimó con un rango elevado de grasa corporal y el 20,8% un rango alto, según el Índice de Masa Grasa. El 39% se estimó con grasa visceral elevada o alta y el 44,2% no presentó riesgo cardiovascular según la circunferencia de cintura. El Índice de Masa Magra y el ángulo de fase se estimó normal en la mayoría de las mujeres. La proporción de DMO alterada fue 5,1%. Conclusiones: La evaluación de la composición corporal demuestra una alta proporción de SO y OB en las mujeres procedentes de los tres países, confirmando la necesidad de su control fomentando estilos de vida saludables y el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida previniendo las ENT relacionadas
Introduction: Nutritional status influences the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as osteoporosis, a silent global epidemic whose prevalence increases with age. This study aimed to describe the nutritional status and bone mineral density (BMD) of women over 20 years old. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 77 women from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, with data collected in 2022-2023. To evaluate nutritional status, mBCA514 SECA™ electrical bioimpedance equipment was used and the Sunlight MiniOmni™ was used to measure BMD. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, with the SPSS program version The average age was 34.8±7.8 years. According to the Body Mass Index, the prevalence of overweight (SP) and obesity (OB) was 33.8% and 23.4%, respectively. 31.2% were estimated to have an elevated range of body fat and 20.8% a high range, according to the Fat Mass Index. 39% were estimated to have elevated or high visceral fat and only 44.2% did not present cardiovascular risk according to waist circumference. The Lean Mass Index and phase angle were estimated to be normal in most women. The proportion of altered BMD was 5.1%. Conclusions: Body composition assessment demonstrates a high proportion of OW/OB in women from all three countries, confirming the need for control by promoting healthy lifestyles and improving their quality of life by preventing related NCDs
Body Composition , Bone Density , Overweight , ObesityABSTRACT
El síndrome metabólico (SM) se previene controlando sus factores de riesgo, el programa de reforma de vida (PRV) busca el control y regulación de estos. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto del PRV. Materiales y métodos: Investigación aplicativo, longitudinal, prospectivo, diseño longitudinal, inductivo y deductivo, en una población inicial de 104 trabajadores de una universidad del Perú, la población final fue 31 quienes completaron el programa, los factores de riesgo fueron evaluados por un laboratorista clínico, se utilizó fichas de recolección y se procesó con el programa SPSS V.26, prueba de Wilcoxon y T de Student según el criterio de normalidad. Resultados: el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos, promedio antes 235,6 mg/dl y después 196,1 mg/dl, no se evidencio efectos positivos en el resto de los factores de riesgo. En personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV impacto positivamente; antes del PRV 2 personas tenían la glucosa >= a 100 mg/dl y después del PRV 1, en cuanto al perímetro abdominal ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F antes (30), después (19), presión arterial ≥130/85 mmHg antes (06), después (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), después (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), después (24). Con un p valor de 0,004 el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos. Conclusión: En la población en general el PRV disminuye el nivel de triglicéridos; en personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV controla y regula todos los factores SM
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is prevented by controlling its risk factors; the lifestyle reform program (LRP) seeks to control and regulate them. Objective: to evaluate the impact of the LRP. Materials and methods: Applied, longitudinal, prospective, longitudinal, inductive and deductive design, in an initial population of 104 workers of a Peruvian university, the final population was 31 who completed the program, the risk factors were evaluated by a clinical laboratorist, collection cards were used and processed with the SPSS V.26 program, Wilcoxon and Student's t-test according to the normality criterion. Results: the PRV decreases triglyceride levels, average before 235,6 mg/dl and after 196,1 mg/dl; no positive effects were evidenced in the rest of the risk factors. In people with some risk factor the PRV had a positive impact; before the PRV 2 people had glucose >= 100mg/dl and after the PRV 1, regarding abdominal perimeter ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F before (30), after (19), blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg before (06), after (0), triglycerides ≥ 150mg/dl before (30), after (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F before (29), after (24). With a p value of 0,004 the PRV decreases triglyceride levels. Conclusion: In the general population the PRV decreases the triglyceride level; in people with some risk factor the PRV controls and regulates all the SM factors
A síndrome metabólica (SM) é prevenida através do controlo dos seus factores de risco, o programa de reforma do estilo de vida (PRV) visa o seu controlo e regulação. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do PRV. Materiais e métodos: Investigação aplicada, longitudinal, prospetiva, longitudinal, desenho indutivo e dedutivo, numa população inicial de 104 trabalhadores de uma universidade do Peru, a população final foi de 31 que completaram o programa, os factores de risco foram avaliados por um laboratorista clínico, foram utilizadas fichas de recolha e processadas com o programa SPSS V.26, teste de Wilcoxon e teste t de Student de acordo com o critério de normalidade. Resultados: O PRV reduz os níveis de triglicéridos, em média antes 235,6 mg/dl e depois 196,1 mg/dl, não se evidenciando efeitos positivos nos restantes factores de risco. Em pessoas com algum fator de risco o PRV teve um impacto positivo; antes do PRV 2 pessoas tinham glicose >= 100 mg/dl e depois do PRV 1, quanto ao perímetro abdominal ≥90cm M, ≥ 80 cm F antes (30), depois (19), pressão arterial ≥ 130/85 mmHg antes (06), depois (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), depois (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), depois (24). Com um p-value de 0,004 o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos. Conclusão: Na população em geral, o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos; em pessoas com alguns factores de risco, o PRV controla e regula todos os factores da SM
Background: This study examines the impact of lifestyle factors, particularly sleep patterns and stress, on skin health and aging in the Indian population. The findings provide valuable information for health professionals, policy makers and individuals to develop targeted interventions and recommendations to promote healthy skin and combat premature aging. Methods: The study utilized SPSS Software (by IBM) for descriptive and inferential statistical tests, calculating frequencies and percentages of categorical variables. Descriptive statistics summarized participants' characteristics, while the chi-square test was used to investigate associations between socio demographic factors and acne. The total of 510 participants was included in the analysis. Results: To investigate categorical factors associated with skin finding (acne), Chi-square test was used to find the association and where the expected count in cells was less than 5, Fisher Exact test was applied. Statistical significance determined at p<0.05. There was a total of 510 individuals but 7 did not consent to participate so 503 individuals were included in analysis. Conclusions: The use of smartphones has had a big impact on sleep patterns, which are crucial for preserving physiological balance. Sleep disturbances can cause dryness and irritation of skin. A diet high in fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, red grapes are directly linked to promoting skin health. Blue light exposure from smartphones and other electronics can cause hyperpigmentation, premature wrinkles, tanning, and other skin problems. Nomophobia is a phenomenon that we see in this age of reliance on technology, especially cell phones.
Background: Lifestyle plays one of the central roles in determining the overall health of a person, including health-care professionals. Despite their extensive medical knowledge, doctors are susceptible to lifestyle-related diseases due to the demanding nature of their profession. Assessing the lifestyle factors of doctors is essential for promoting healthier habits and mitigating the risk of chronic diseases within the medical community. Aims and Objectives: We aimed to explore the lifestyle factors of doctors working in a medical college in Odisha, India, using the FANTASTIC Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional and observational survey study was conducted over a period of 6 months, involving 152 doctors (75 males and 77 females) aged 30–70 years. Convenience sampling was used, and participants provided written consent. Lifestyle factors such as food intake patterns, physical activity, stress management, and overall health were assessed using the FANTASTIC questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential tests. Results: The majority of doctors were classified as overweight or obese based on body mass index, with a higher prevalence of obesity among females. Most participants demonstrated good or fair lifestyle scores, indicating a positive trend toward healthier habits. However, a significant proportion had low lifestyle scores, particularly among female doctors. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of promoting healthier lifestyle habits among doctors to improve their well-being and enhance patient care. Targeted interventions aimed at improving dietary habits, physical activity levels, and stress management are essential for fostering a culture of health within the medical community.
Background: With rising obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome rates, artificial sweeteners (ASs) have gained popularity as a healthier sugar substitute. However, their long-term effects remain unknown. Studies link them to increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality in adults. On May 15, 2023, the World Health Organization issued a guideline discouraging non-sugar sweetener use for weight control and reducing non-communicable disease risk. Medical students are future doctors who will be responsible for the health of the society for 1 day. This study aims to raise awareness among medical students about the pros and cons of ASs through questionnaires based on the knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors regarding the same. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of undergraduate medical students about the use of ASs. Materials and Methods: A predesigned, pre-validated questionnaire study was conducted among 600 medical undergraduates at Medical College, Kolkata, using Google Forms. The study included 18 questions with six questions in each section of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP). The responses were analyzed as percentages, using Microsoft excel. Results: 55% of undergraduate medical students consider ASs to be different from natural sugar. About 82% acknowledge lower calorie content in ASs. While 27.2% support replacing daily sugar with sweeteners, only 5.1% actually used these sweeteners at home. About 67.8% preferred sugar-free items occasionally. Though medical students, only 59.9% occasionally checked ingredient labels while buying food items. Conclusion: Medical students have diverse knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding ASs. While they recognize the caloric advantage and potential for weight reduction, opinions vary on their impact on insulin resistance, sensory perception, cancer risk, tooth decay, and suitability for pregnant diabetic women. More education and research are needed to improve understanding and establish evidence-based recommendations in clinical practice.
Integral health encompasses the way individuals live, considering their quality of life. An inadequate lifestyle can harm human health, increasing the risk of developing chronic non-communicable diseases, which represent 71% of the causes of death worldwide and 54.7% in Brazil. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to impacts on quality of life, resulting from lifestyle changes, especially among health professionals. This constitutes an important factor in the health-disease relationship and the core of the healthcare approach embraced by Ayurveda. The present study evaluated the role of daily Ayurvedic practices in improving the quality of life of health professionals working in the Family Health Strategy of SUS in Paty do Alferes/RJ, Brazil. Ayurveda practices based on Trayopastamba were introduced to 30 health professionals through lectures and guided activities from July to October 2021, spanning three months. Quality of life was assessed using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire before and after the intervention. An improvement in perceived quality of life was observed in the physical, psychological, and environmental domains (p > 0.05), while the social domain did not show statistically sig- nificant results. The physical domain demonstrated the most substantial score increase (10.95). Conversely, the social domain displayed the smallest rise in scores (5.83). In conclusion, the daily Ayurvedic practices demon- strated the potential to enhance the quality of life in this group, contributing to health promotion in a practical and economically accessible manner.
Background: Physical activity (PA) is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. It has been proven that regular physical activity helps control and prevent noncommunicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and several types of cancer. This study aimed to describe the levels of physical activity among female undergraduate students in Mandya and to assess their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding junk food habits. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done in Government women’s degree college, Mandya district, South Karnataka between November 2023 to December 2023 among female undergraduate students in the institute. Global physical activity questionnaire (GPAQ) has been used to describe their physical activity levels. Descriptive statistics like frequency, proportion, mean and standard deviation has been used. Results: The study was conducted among 170 students. Based on the MET values it is found that majority of them had moderate level of PA 81 (47.6%), while 39(22.9%) had high levels and 50 (29.4%) had low PA levels. Of 170 participants, 43 (25%) had junk food intake once a week, 46 (27%) had twice a week, 81 (48%) had thrice or more per week. The association between PA level and junk food was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusions: The findings of this study help us in understanding the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity practice.
Introduction: Work-related stressors may inluence ability of nurses to engage in regular exercise and maintain positive dietary behavior. Lack of time was considered as the main barrier to being physically active. This supports suggestions that work related stressors like shift work and long working hours may lead to a neglect of physical activity needs in the nursing professionand is associated with other negative health behavior. Objective: To assess relation between Behavioral risk factors and Body Mass Index with Professional Stress among staff nurses of Tertiary care Hospital having Shift duties. Method: Descriptive Cross-sectional study conducted among staff nurses of age group 25 years and above of a Tertiary cares Hospital in Mumbai. The sample size obtained through multi stage sampling was 187. Data was collected with help of pre-tested pre-designed questionnaire by interview method. Professional Stress Scale by David Fontanna (DFPS) was used for evaluating Occupational stress. Results: Mean age of staff nurses was 40.05�.53 years. Mean score of DFPS was 14.65 � 5.52. Out of 187 staff nurses, 65.77% were not in normal BMI range of which maximum were in pre-obese (28.34%) followed by underweight (16.04%) and overweight (16.04%) category. Associations of BMI, dietary habits, physical activity and on continuous medication for chronic diseases with professional stress among staff nurses were statistically signiicant (p<0.005). Conclusion: Behavioral risk factors like Body Mass Index, irregular intake of meals, lack of physical activity, continuous medications have impact on professional stress of staff nurses.
Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre los determinantes sociales de la salud y prevención de infecciones de transmisión sexual en estudiantes de una Institución Educativa del Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, con enfoque cuantitativo, nivel correlacional y diseño no experimental, donde se contó con una muestra de 144 estudiantes, evaluados mediante un instrumento como el cuestionario estructurado, validado y con un nivel alto de confiabilidad. Resultados: Evidenciaron que la prevención de ITS mostró una relación significativa con las dimensiones biológico, estilo de vida y el sistema sanitario, donde el p valor alcanzado fue de 0,000, así como una correlación positiva media, donde los coeficientes obtenidos fueron 0,500, 0.485 y 0,434 respectivamente. Conclusiones: Predominó una relación significativa, así como una correlación positiva considerable entre las variables evaluadas, por lo mismo que se contó con un p valor de 0.000 y un coeficiente de 0,642 correspondientemente
Objective: To establish the relationship between the social determinants of health and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections in students of an educational institution in Peru. Material and method:descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, correlational level and non-experimental design, where there was a sample of 144 students, evaluated using an instrument such as the structured questionnaire, validated and with a high level of reliability. Results:Showed that STI prevention showed a significant relationship with the biological, lifestyle and health system dimensions, where the p value achieved was 0.000, as well as a mean positive correlation, where the coefficients obtained were 0.500, 0.485 and 0.434 respectively. Conclusions: A significant relationship predominated, as well as a considerable positive correlation between the variables evaluated, for the same reason that there was a p value of 0.000 and a coefficient of 0.642 respectively
En Bolivia, la adopción del minimalismo enfrenta obstáculos culturales y sociales importantes, en tal sentido, el estudio estuvo orientado al análisis de la factibilidad de implementación del minimalismo en la cultura boliviana, abordando los desafíos culturales que impiden su adopción. De esta forma se planteó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, no experimental, de corte transversal, en el que se consideró una muestra de 384 personas entre 30 a 70 años, pertenecientes a las ciudades de mayor crecimiento, como Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí, encontrando que los principales desafíos se relacionan con la falta de conocimiento sobre sus beneficios y la presión social para consumir en exceso, se percibe al minimalismo como poco práctico y aburrido. En necesario implementar estrategias de manera gradual para lograr la adopción del minimalismo en el país.
In Bolivia, the adoption of minimalism faces significant cultural and social obstacles. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the feasibility of implementing minimalism in Bolivian culture, addressing the cultural challenges that hinder its adoption. A quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was proposed, considering a sample of 384 individuals aged 30 to 70, from major cities such as Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí. It was found that the main challenges are related to the lack of knowledge about its benefits and social pressure to consume excessively, perceiving minimalism as impractical and boring. It is necessary to implement strategies gradually to achieve the adoption of minimalism in the country.
Na Bolívia, a adoção do minimalismo enfrenta importantes obstáculos culturais e sociais. Nesse sentido, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar a viabilidade da implementação do minimalismo na cultura boliviana, abordando os desafios culturais que impedem sua adoção. Assim, foi proposto um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, não experimental, de corte transversal, que considerou uma amostra de 384 indivíduos com idades entre 30 e 70 anos, provenientes das cidades de maior crescimento, como Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí. Constatou-se que os principais desafios estão relacionados à falta de conhecimento sobre seus benefícios e à pressão social para consumir em excesso, sendo o minimalismo percebido como pouco prático e entediante. É necessário implementar estratégias gradualmente para alcançar a adoção do minimalismo no país.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , ArchitectureABSTRACT
Introduction: Migraine is a debilitating neurological disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of severe headaches, often accompanied by nausea and other autonomic symptoms. It affects a significant portion of the global population, with estimates suggesting a prevalence of approximately 58.2%. Beyond the immediate pain and discomfort, migraine can have a substantial impact on quality of life and productivity. Lifestyle medicine, which emphasizes the power of modifiable lifestyle factors to prevent, manage, and potentially reverse chronic diseases, offers a promising approach to migraine management. Objective This narrative review aims to map recent findings on the potential of lifestyle medicine pillars as effective strategies for managing migraine. Methods: A comprehensive narrative review was conducted using the PubMed database. Articles published within the past 10 years that investigate the intersection of migraine and lifestyle medicine were included. Results: Interventions such as diet, physical exercise, stress management, sleep quality, healthy relationships, and cessation of alcohol and smoking can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. Conclusion: This review highlights the potential of lifestyle medicine strategies to improve the management of migraine. By integrating interventions focused on diet, physical activity, stress management, sleep hygiene, healthy relationships, and substance cessation, migraine sufferers may experience a significant reduction in attack frequency and severity, ultimately leading to an enhanced quality of life
Nervous System DiseasesABSTRACT
Background: Cancer is a major public health concern and its incidence is growing worldwide. Adolescent and young adult (AYA) age group is a bridge between paediatric and adult age groups. AYAs have unique lifestyle patterns that may contribute to cancer risk. The study sought to assess the awareness and educate AYAs of Panjab University, Chandigarh about cancer risk associated lifestyle factors. Methods: This cross-sectional Interventional study was conducted from March -June 2023. A predesigned, pretested, validated questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive and analytical analysis was performed using SPSS, analytical analysis was conducted using Chi square test to find the relationship between different lifestyle factors and demographic characteristics such as age and gender. Results: The study included a total of 360 participants, consisting of 170 (47.2%) males and 190 (52.8%) females, aged between 15 and 39 years, of Panjab University, Chandigarh. Among them, 92.5% had awareness of smoking as risk factor for cancer. However, lower levels of awareness regarding lifestyle behaviours associated with cancer risk, including inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, regular intake of sweets and sugary drinks, following a high-fat diet (28.3%); insufficient physical activity (38.3%) and obesity (36.1%). Conclusions: The current study indicated a disparity in knowledge levels among adolescents and young adults (AYAs) of Panjab University. It is crucial to address the gaps in knowledge and promote healthy behaviours related to cancer prevention through targeted education campaigns among adolescents and young adults.
Background: Examinations are formal tests conducted to assess a student's knowledge. Despite their paramount importance, they can impact students physically and mentally by causing stress and anxiety. Hence, identifying the changes that hamper a student's lifestyle, during examinations, in order to prevent the development of unhealthy behavioral patterns is the goal of this study. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted among undergraduate medical students of Mysuru over a period of 2 months from February 2023 to April 2023 in 120 participants. Data was collected using an online questionnaire, entered into M.S. Excel and analyzed using SPSS software. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for all the categorical variables. Results: 61.7% of the study participants showed extreme examination stress. Only 39.3% consumed 3 balanced meals daily. A complete lack of physical activity was observed in 38.1%. Regular caffeine consumption was noted in 46.4% and 27.4% showed unusual amounts of junk food daily. Irregular sleeping patterns were found in 23.8%, sleeping at odd times beyond 1 am was noted in 59.5% and deficient sleep duration (<6 hours) was observed in 46.6% of the surveyed population. Conclusions: The findings from this survey highlight the significant impact of examinations on the lifestyle-related behaviors of undergraduate students such as high prevalence of extreme examination stress, irregular eating habits, lack of physical activity, and sleep deprivation.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent endocrine-metabolic disorder affecting women of reproductive age, characterized by obesity, oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, and polycystic ovaries. However, there is no universally agreed-upon definition, and its clinical presentation varies. PCOS is linked to insulin resistance and excessive androgen production, often leading to irregular ovulation and elevated testosterone levels. Understanding its global epidemiology is crucial for effective resource allocation in healthcare systems, given its associations with obesity, diabetes type 2, infertility, and cardiovascular disease. While prevalence rates vary worldwide, ranging from 4% to 20%, India has reported rates between 3.7% and 22.5%, with variations attributed to diagnostic criteria discrepancies. Factors contributing to PCOS include genetic, behavioral, and environmental influences. Management typically involves hormonal therapies, lifestyle modifications such as weight loss through diet and exercise, and complementary therapies like acupuncture and Tai Chi. Challenges in hormonal management include the variable response to medications like metformin and the emergence of alternative therapies. Socioeconomic factors influence contraceptive choices and reproductive decisions, impacting PCOS management. Variations in metabolic consequences among different ethnic groups underscore the importance of personalized care. Despite increasing understanding, further research is needed to accurately assess PCOS prevalence and tailor interventions globally, aiming for holistic management to mitigate its impact on women's long-term health.
Background: Hypertension is an elevated blood pressure, it is a serious medical condition that signicantly increases the risk of heart, brain, kidney and other disease. 33% urban and 25% rural Indians are hypertensive. Only about 12% people with hypertension in India have their blood pressure under control. Uncontrolled blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and are responsible for onethird of total deaths in India, by WHO report 2017. Social media has been boomed as a biggest source for information sending and receiving; it provides a good platform for commerce among people belongs to any cultural settings. WhatsApp is an instant messaging app, constructed and launched in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum. It's available free at no nancial cost. Objective: To assess the knowledge regarding lifestyle modication among hypertensive adults in selected areas. To assess the effectiveness of WhatsApp based information versus manual mode of information on knowledge regarding lifestyle modications among hypertensive adults. Study Design & Methodology: Quasi experimental non-randomized control group design. Knowledge of one group will be assessed by giving information by WhatsApp based mode and second group by giving information by manual mode. 100 samples will be selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. Content and construct validity and reliability of the tool will be assessed through experts in the eld, proper statistical measures and pilot study. Their knowledge will be assessed through pre-test with the help of self-structured knowledge questionnaire. Posttest will be conducted after seven days of intervention program. Using descriptive and inferential statistics, collected data will be analyzed. Expected Results: There will be signicant improvement in knowledge score in one group as compare to other, after administration of an intervention program. Limitation: Study will be conducted in selected urban areas of Nagpur district only. Conclusion: This study ndings will contribute to the existing body of knowledge regarding lifestyle modication in Hypertension and explain about the effectiveness of the mode of information i.e WhatsApp based information and manual mode information.