Alfredo Ramón Campos (1880-1970), militar, arquitecto, político, docente y escritor uruguayo. Constructor material y doctrinario del Ejército del siglo XX. De joven, participó en las guerras civiles de 1897 y 1904. De adulto en la revolución de 1910 y luego en la de 1935. En 1935 concurre como presidente de la delegación uruguaya a la Comisión Militar Neutral para solucionar lo que no pudo la Sociedad de Naciones en la guerra del Chaco. Asume como Ministro de Defensa en junio 1938, sorteando la llegada del Graf Spee a Montevideo y renunciando un año y medio más tarde por falta de apoyo político con la ley del Servicio Militar Obligatorio. Asume nuevamente el ministerio de Defensa en 1942 culminando un importante número de proyectos. En cada destino militar nos dejó un reglamento y una ley. En cada acontecimiento histórico que participó, nos dejó un relato de los hechos. Abrazó una segunda profesión, docente de secundaria, Facultad de Matemáticas y Arquitectura, socio fundador de la "Sociedad de Arquitectos del Uruguay" y jurado de los principales edificios y monumentos del país en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Construyó más de doscientas obras particulares y estatales, realizó decoraciones y reformas, y sobre todo construyó los edificios para alojamiento de las tropas en el Ejército Nacional, ampliaciones del Hospital Militar y Sanatorio Español. La fortaleza de sus obras hace, que aún se mantengan de pie.
Alfredo Ramón Campos (1880-1970), Uruguayan military man, architect, politician, teacher and writer. Material and doctrinal builder of the Army of the 20th century. As a young man, he participated in the civil wars of 1897 and 1904. As an adult, he participated in the revolution of 1910 and then in the revolution of 1935. In 1935 he was president of the Uruguayan delegation to the Neutral Military Commission to solve what the League of Nations could not in the Chaco War. He became Minister of Defense in June 1938, avoiding the arrival of the Graf Spee to Montevideo and resigned a year and a half later due to lack of political support for the law of Compulsory Military Service. He assumed again the Ministry of Defense in 1942, culminating an important number of projects. In each military assignment he left us a regulation and a law. In each historical event in which he participated, he left us an account of the facts. He embraced a second profession, secondary school teacher, Faculty of Mathematics and Architecture, founding member of the "Society of Architects of Uruguay" and juror of the main buildings of the country in the first half of the twentieth century. He built more than two hundred private and state works, made decorations and reforms, and above all built the buildings for troop housing in the National Army, extensions of the Military Hospital and the Spanish Sanatorium. The strength of his works means that they are still standing.
Alfredo Ramón Campos (1880-1970), oficial militar, arquiteto, político, professor e escritor uruguaio. Construtor de material e doutrina do exército no século XX. Quando jovem, participou das guerras civis de 1897 e 1904. Quando adulto, participou das revoluções de 1910 e 1935. Em 1935, foi presidente da delegação uruguaia na Comissão Militar Neutra para resolver o que a Liga das Nações não conseguiu na Guerra do Chaco. Tornou-se Ministro da Defesa em junho de 1938, evitando a chegada do Graf Spee a Montevidéu e renunciando um ano e meio depois devido à falta de apoio político à lei do Serviço Militar Obrigatório. Ele assumiu novamente o Ministério da Defesa em 1942 e concluiu um grande número de projetos. Em cada missão militar, ele nos deixou um regulamento e uma lei. Em cada evento histórico do qual participou, ele nos deixou um relato dos fatos. Adotou uma segunda profissão: professor de ensino médio, professor de matemática e arquitetura, membro fundador da Sociedad de Arquitectos del Uruguay e jurado dos principais edifícios do país na primeira metade do século XX. Ele construiu mais de duzentos edifícios privados e estatais, realizou decorações e reformas e, acima de tudo, construiu os edifícios para acomodação de tropas no Exército Nacional, extensões do Hospital Militar e do Sanatório Espanhol. A força de suas obras significa que elas ainda estão de pé até hoje.
Humans , Male , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Architecture , Hospitals, Military , Military Personnel , UruguayABSTRACT
Introducción: el objeto del estudio es la población de Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz). Debido a la implantación del Servicio Militar obligatorio en España, el reclutamiento se efectuaba basándose en los censos de los Ayuntamientos, eligiendo a una quinta parte de los mozos sorteables. Objetivo: exponer las causas de exención por parte de los quintos para no realizar el Servicio Militar, durante el siglo XIX. Material y métodos: la investigación en el Archivo Histórico Municipal de Jerez de los Caballeros, así como en publicaciones actuales y de la época, refiriendo las patologías médicas esgrimidas según la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades de Jacques Bertillon. Resultados: los mozos utilizaban toda clase de argumentos, entre ellos patologías médicas, reales o no, para eludir el Servicio Militar, el cual era muy cuestionado en la época, y que suponía muchas veces una sentencia de muerte para el quinto, debido a los frecuentes conflictos militares en los que estuvo envuelta España durante el siglo XIX. Discusión: el sorteo se efectuaba mediante unos bombos de manera pública, pero se podía evitar la realización del Servicio Militar, mediante el pago de una cantidad, o sustituciones, lo que suponía una gran discriminación. Conclusiones: a consecuencia del descontento popular que suponía el Servicio Militar obligatorio, los mozos seleccionados esgrimían toda clase de excusas para eludir su realización, circunstancia que fue aumentado con el correr de los años, y por consecuencia también la cantidad de quintos que lo lograban.
Introduction: the object of the study is the population of Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz). Due to the implementation of the obligatory Military Service in Spain, the recruitment was carried out based on the census of the City Councils, choosing a fifth part of the drawable young men. Objective: to expose the causes of exemption on the part of the fifth for not performing the Military Service, during the 19th century. Material and methods: research in the Municipal Historical Archive of Jerez de los Caballeros, as well as in current and period publications, referring to the medical pathologies used according to Jacques Bertillon's International Classification of Diseases. Results: the young men used all kinds of arguments, among them medical pathologies, real or not, to avoid the Military Service, which was very questioned at the time, and which was often a death sentence for the fifth, due to the frequent military conflicts in which Spain was involved during the 19th century. Discussion: the lottery was carried out by means of a public drawing of lots, but the Military Service could be avoided by paying an amount, or substitutions, which meant a great discrimination. Conclusions: as a consequence of the popular dissatisfaction with the compulsory military service, the selected young men used all kinds of excuses to avoid performing it, a circumstance that increased over the years, and as a consequence, so did the number of young men who did so.
Introdução: o objeto de estudo é a população de Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz). Devido à introdução do serviço militar obrigatório na Espanha, o recrutamento foi realizado com base nos censos dos conselhos municipais, sendo selecionado um quinto dos jovens elegíveis. Objetivo: expor as causas da isenção por parte dos quintos por não prestarem o serviço militar durante o século XIX. Material e métodos: pesquisa no Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Jerez de los Caballeros, bem como em publicações atuais e da época, referentes às patologias médicas utilizadas de acordo com a Classificação Internacional de Doenças de Jacques Bertillon. Resultados: os jovens usaram todos os tipos de argumentos, incluindo patologias médicas, reais ou não, para evitar o serviço militar, que era altamente questionado na época e que muitas vezes significava uma sentença de morte para o quinto, devido aos frequentes conflitos militares nos quais a Espanha estava envolvida durante o século XIX. Discussão: o sorteio era realizado por meio de um sorteio público, mas o serviço militar podia ser evitado mediante o pagamento de uma taxa ou substituições, o que significava uma grande discriminação. Conclusões: como resultado do descontentamento popular com o serviço militar obrigatório, os jovens selecionados usaram todos os tipos de desculpas para não cumpri-lo, uma circunstância que aumentou com o passar dos anos e, consequentemente, também o número de recrutas que o cumpriram.
Humans , Male , History, 19th Century , Personnel Selection , Physical Fitness , Refusal to Participate , Military Personnel , SpainABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the influence of atmospheric pressure changes on the behavior of intraocular pressure of healthy military individuals-students and instructors of the National Navy's Diving & Rescue School at the "ARC BOLÍVAR" naval base-during a simulated immersion in the hyperbaric chamber of the Naval Hospital of Cartagena. Methods: A descriptive exploratory study was performed. The intraocular pressure was measured at different atmospheric pressures during 60-min sessions in the hyperbaric chamber while breathing compressed air. The maximum simulated depth was 60 feet. Participants were students and instructors of the Naval Base's Diving and Rescue Department. Results: A total of 48 eyes from 24 divers were studied, of which 22 (91.7%) were male. The mean age of the participants was 30.6 (SD=5.5) years, ranging from 23 to 40. No participant had a history of glaucoma or ocular hypertension. The mean base intraocular pressure at sea level was 14 mmHg, which decreased to 13.1 mmHg (decreased by 1.2 mmHg) at 60 feet deep (p=0.0012). However, during the safety stop at 30 feet, the mean IOP kept decreasing until reaching 11.9 mmHg (p<0.001). By the end of the session, the mean intraocular pressure reached 13.1 mmHg, which is inferior and statistically significant when compared with the intraocular pressure base mean (p=0.012). Conclusions: In healthy individuals, the intraocular pressure decreases when reaching a depth of 60 feet (2.8 absolute atmosphere pressure) and it decreases even more during ascension at 30 feet. Measurements at both points were significantly different when compared with base intraocular pressure. The final intraocular pressure was lower than the baseline intraocular pressure, suggesting a residual and prolonged effect of the atmospheric pressure on intraocular pressure.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a influência das alterações da pressão atmosférica no comportamento da pressão intraocular de indivíduos militares saudáveis-alunos e instrutores da Escola de Mergulho e Resgate da Marinha Nacional na base naval "ARC BOLÍVAR"-durante uma imersão simulada na câmara hiperbárica do Hospital da Marinha de Cartagena. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo exploratório descritivo. A pressão intraocular foi medida em diferentes pressões atmosféricas durante sessões de 60 minutos na câmara hiperbárica respirando ar comprimido. A profundidade máxima simulada foi de 60 pés. Os participantes eram alunos e instrutores do Departamento de Mergulho e Resgate da Base Naval. Resultados: Quarenta e oito olhos de 24 mergulhadores foram estudados. Vinte e dois participantes (91,7%) eram do sexo masculino. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 30,6 (DP=5,5) anos, variando de 23 a 40. Nenhum participante tinha histórico de glaucoma ou hipertensão ocular. A média de base da pressão intraocular ao nível do mar foi de 14 mmHg, diminuindo para 13,1 mmHg (queda de 1,2 mmHg) a 60 pés de profundidade (p=0,0012). Entretanto, durante a parada de segurança a 30 pés, a pressão intraocular média continuou diminuindo até atingir 11,9 mmHg (p<0,001). Ao final da sessão, a pressão intraocular média atingiu 13,1 mmHg, valor inferior e estatisticamente significativo quando comparada à média de base da pressão intraocular (p=0,012). Conclusões: Em indivíduos saudáveis, a pressão intraocular diminui ao atingir uma profundidade de 60 pés (2,8 de pressão atmosférica absoluta) e diminui ainda mais durante a ascensão a 30 pés. As medidas em ambos os pontos foram significativamente diferentes quando comparadas à pressão intraocular de base. A pressão intraocular final foi menor do que a pressão intraocular de base, sugerindo um efeito residual e prolongado da pressão atmosférica sobre a pressão intraocular.
Objective To explore the causal relationship between family resilience and mental health in military personnel population.Methods A total of 204 military personnel were recruited from an army unit stationed in Western China with cluster convenience sampling.Family Resilience Scale(FRS)and Symptom Checklist 90(SCL-90)were used to survey them twice,in an interval of 4 months.Amos 26.0 was applied to construct a cross-lag model and analyze the data.Results After controlling mental symptoms from the first survey,family resilience in the first measure significantly predicted mental symptoms in the second measure(β=-0.14,P<0.05).After controlling for family resilience from the first survey,mental symptoms in the first measure significantly predicted family resilience in the second measure(β=-0.13,P<0.05).Conclusion The relationship between family resilience and mental health is mutually causal in military personnel,and one predicts the other one.Our findings highlight the key dimensions of the relationship between the two.
Epilepsy is a common neurological disease,has the characteristics of recurrent attacks and long-term treatment,thus bringing great pressure to patients and their families.Therefore,it is particularly important to do a good job of disability assessment.In recent years,with the development of the discipline,academic organizations such as the International League Against Epilepsy(ILAE)and China Association Against Epilepsy(CAAE)have successively updated the definition and diagnostic criteria of epilepsy and seizures.However,some items of epilepsy in the current Criteria for Disability Rating of Military Personnel(Trial)issued by People's Liberation Army(PLA)in 2011 can no longer meet the latest guidelines at home and abroad.Therefore,we suggest that the items related to epilepsy in the Criteria for Disability Rating of Military Personnel(Trial)should be revised to ensure that the disability evaluation being completed fairly and successfully.
Resumo Objetivo analisar as circunstâncias nas quais a Maternidade de Natal funcionou como hospital militar (1941-1950). Método estudo qualitativo, histórico-social, elaborado a partir de fontes documentais e bibliográficas. Os dados foram organizados e analisados conforme a análise temática de conteúdo. Resultados o funcionamento da Maternidade de Natal requereu empenho, articulações e estratégias da Sociedade de Assistência Hospitalar quanto às dificuldades financeiras, cessão do prédio ao Ministério da Guerra, durante II Guerra Mundial, e por fim, a devolução e sua inauguração. Esse contexto transformou o cotidiano de Natal e, assim, o hospital militar cooperou com o curso de enfermeiras do hospital militar, criação da Cruz Vermelha - filial Rio Grande do Norte -, curso de voluntários para rapazes, estágio para médicos oficiais da Reserva do Exército e criação do centro de estudos. Conclusão e implicações para a prática o estudo contribui para a compreensão da assistência à mulher e da história do Rio Grande do Norte. Da idealização da Maternidade de Natal à atualidade, foi possível constatar a evolução do seu perfil, inicialmente assistencial, e hoje é centro de referência à saúde da mulher e da criança, do ensino e na formação profissional em saúde.
Resumen Objetivo analizar las circunstancias en que la Maternidade de Natal funcionó como hospital militar (1941-1950). Método estudio cualitativo, historia social, elaborado con fuentes documentales y bibliográficas. Los datos fueron organizados y analizados según el análisis de contenido temático. Resultados el funcionamiento de la Maternidade de Natal requirió compromiso, coordinación y estrategias de la Sociedad de Asistencia Hospitalaria frente a las dificultades financieras, la transferencia del edificio al Ministerio de la Guerra, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y finalmente, el regreso y su inauguración. Este contexto transformó la vida cotidiana de Natal y, así, el hospital militar colaboró con el curso para enfermeros en el hospital militar, la creación de la Cruz Roja - filial Rio Grande do Norte -, el curso de voluntariado para niños, la pasantía para médicos oficiales de Reserva del Ejército y creación del centro de estudios. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica el estudio contribuye para la comprensión de la asistencia a las mujeres y la historia de Rio Grande do Norte. Desde la idealización de la Maternidade de Natal hasta la actualidad, se pudo observar la evolución de su perfil, inicialmente asistencial, y hoy es un centro de referencia en salud maternoinfantil, educación y formación profesional en salud.
Abstract Objective to analyze the circumstances in which the Maternidade de Natal functioned as a military hospital (1941-1950). Method a qualitative, social history study, elaborated with documentary and bibliographical sources. Data were organized and analyzed according to thematic content analysis. Results the Maternidade de Natal operation required commitment, coordination and strategies from the Hospital Assistance Society regarding financial difficulties, transfer of the building to the Ministry of War, during World War II, and finally, the return and its inauguration. This context transformed the daily life of Natal and, thus, the military hospital cooperated with the course for nurses at the military hospital, creation of the Red Cross - Rio Grande do Norte branch -, volunteer course for boys, internship for official Army Reserve physicians and creation of the study center. Conclusion and implications for practice the study contributes to the understanding of care for women and the history of Rio Grande do Norte. From the idealization of the Maternity de Natal to the present day, it was possible to observe the evolution of its profile, initially providing assistance, and today it is a reference center for women's and children's health, education and professional training in health.
Humans , History, 20th Century , Hospitals, Maternity/history , Hospitals, Military/history , Qualitative Research , World War II , Military Nursing/historyABSTRACT
Purpose: Our study’s goal was to investigate the individuals who took a pre?military examination and were pronounced “unfit for military service,” in terms of etiological grouping, legal blindness, and whether or not the illness could have been prevented. Methods: The files of 174 individuals deemed “unfit for military service” due to eye disease at the State Hospital Ophthalmology Department between January 2018 and January 2022 were retrospectively evaluated. The disorders were classified as refractive error, strabismus, amblyopia?related, congenital, hereditary, infectious/inflammatory, degenerative, and trauma?related pathologies. The reasons for unsuitability for military service were classified according to monocular and binocular legal blindness, preventability, and treatability with early diagnosis. Results: In our study, the reasons associated with refractive error, strabismus, and amblyopia were placed first in the etiology of unsuitability for military service (40.2%). The next most prevalent condition was trauma (19.5%), which was followed by degenerative (18.4%), congenital (10.9%), hereditary (6.9%), and infectious/inflammatory disorders (4.0%). There was a history of penetrating trauma in 79.4% of trauma patients and blunt trauma in 20.6% of patients. When the etiology was evaluated, 19.5% were in preventable and 51.2% were in treatable group with early diagnosis. In our study, legal blindness was detected in 116 patients. Of these patients, 79% had monocular legal blindness and 21% had binocular legal blindness. Conclusion: It is vital to investigate the etiology of visual disorders, control preventable causes, and determine the methods that will provide early diagnosis and treatment of curable causes.
Introducción: Para policías y militares, el acceso a información idónea y veraz siempre ha sido importante; durante la pandemia la necesidad fue aún mayor debido a las labores que les fueron asignadas, como parte de la primera línea frente a la pandemia por la COVID-19. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al miedo por la información recibida durante la pandemia en policías y militares peruanos. Métodos: Estudio transversal con técnicas analíticas, se encuestó a 1 017 policías y militares peruanos durante la pandemia, para ello se usó un test validado para medir la percepción de miedo o preocupación que transmitían los medios de comunicación, se informaron las frecuencias y resultados analíticos. Resultados: Los encuestados percibieron mucho miedo a las redes sociales (22 % muy de acuerdo y 36 % de acuerdo) y la televisión (20 % muy de acuerdo y 32 % de acuerdo). En el modelo multivariado, los militares percibían menos miedo en comparación de los policías (RPa: 0,65; IC95 %: 0,49-0,88; valor p= 0,004), además, internet fue el medio que generó una mayor frecuencia de percepción de miedo entre los encuestados (RPa: 1,65; IC95 %: 1,04-2,61; valor p= 0,032), ajustado por 3 variables. Conclusión: La televisión y las redes sociales son los principales medios que generaron miedo entre los policías y militares; además, el estar asustado estuvo más asociado a informarse por internet.
Introduction: For police and military, access to suitable and truthful information has always been important, during the pandemic the need was even greater due to the tasks assigned to them as part of the front line against the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: To determine the factors associated with fear of pandemic information received by Peruvian police and military personnel. Methods: Cross-sectional study with analytical procedures, 1 017 Peruvian police and military were surveyed, through surveys conducted during the pandemic, a validated test was used to measure the perception of fear or concern transmitted by the media, the frequencies and analytical results were reported. Results: The respondents perceived a lot of fear of social networks (22% strongly agree and 36% agree) and television (20% strongly agree and 32% agree). In the multivariate model, the military perceived less fear compared to the police (aPR: 0.65; CI95%: 0.49-0.88; value p= 0.004), in addition, the Internet was the medium that generated a greater frequency of perception of fear among the respondents (aPR: 1.65; CI95%: 1.04-2.61; value p= 0.032), adjusted for 3 variables. Conclusion: Television and social networks are the main media that generate fear among police and military; in addition, being scared was more associated with being informed through the Internet.
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the educational program based on self-regulation of learning in the level of knowledge about COVID-19 in the soldiers. Methods: Pre-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design with a single group, carried out in 2020. 179 soldiers from Puno, Peru participated. Two expository-participatory sessions and a demonstrative workshop were developed. A valid (Aiken's V = 0.69) and reliable (McDonald's Omega = 0.81) questionnaire was used. The Friedman's test was used to compare the results pre and post-test. Results: The level of knowledge about COVID-19 and in two of its dimensions changed from poor (pre-test) to regular (post-test). However, in the preventive measures dimension, it changed from poor (pre-test) to excellent (post-test). Conclusion: The proposed educational intervention was effective in increasing knowledge about COVID-19 in the soldiers, mainly in terms of preventive measures.
RESUMO Objetivo: determinar a efetividade do programa educacional baseado na autorregulação da aprendizagem a respeito do nível de conhecimento da COVID-19 em militares. Métodos: estudo pré-experimental de desenho pré-teste e pós-teste com um grupo só, realizado em 2020. Participaram 179 militares de Puno, Peru. Duas sessões expositivo-participativas e uma oficina demonstrativa foram desenvolvidas. Foi utilizado um questionário válido (V de Aiken = 0,69) e fiável (Ômega de McDonald = 0,81). O teste de Friedman foi empregado para comparar os resultados em pré e pós-teste. Resultados: o nível de conhecimento sobre a COVID-19 em duas das dimensões mudou de deficiente (pré-teste) para regular (pós-teste). Contudo, na dimensão de medidas preventivas, passou de deficiente (pré-teste) para excelente (pós-teste). Conclusão: a intervenção educacional proposta foi eficaz no aumento do conhecimento da COVID-19 entre os militares, principalmente em termos de medidas preventivas.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad del Programa educativo basado en autorregulación del aprendizaje en el nivel de conocimiento sobre COVID-19 en militares. Métodos: Estudio preexperimental de diseño pretest y postest con un solo grupo, realizado en 2020. Participaron 179 militares de Puno, Perú. Se desarrollaron dos sesiones expositivo-participativas y un taller demostrativo. Se empleó un cuestionario válido (V de Aiken = 0,69) y confiable (Omega de McDonald = 0,81). Se utilizó el test de Friedman para comparar los resultados en pre y postest. Resultados: El nivel de conocimientos sobre COVID-19 y en dos de sus dimensiones cambió de deficiente (pretest) a regular (postest). Sin embargo, en la dimensión medidas preventivas, cambió de deficiente (pretest) a excelente (postest). Conclusión: La intervención educativa propuesta fue efectiva al incrementar los conocimientos sobre COVID-19 en militares, principalmente en cuanto a medidas preventivas.
Objective: To identify the pattern of use of alcohol and other drugs and its related sociodemographic variables in a sample of Brazilian Army soldiers. Materials and method: Cross-sectional study conducted with 229 soldiers from an infantry battalion at the Brazilian Army. Data were collected in 2019 with the application of a sociodemographic and employment instrument, the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), and the Pearson correlation test. Results: The prevalence of alcohol use was present in more than half of the studied sample, followed by tobacco and cannabis sativa. Regarding the pattern of use, alcohol (22.2%), tobacco (31%), and cannabis sativa (9.7%) reported significant results. The sociodemographic variables of the individuals in the sample, their educational level (years of schooling), and economic-related issues were the main variables associated to alcohol and drug use. Conclusions: The consumption of alcohol and other drugs by the military is lower than that identified for the general population in the Brazilian territory. The use of psychoactive substances in the military context is often part of an attempt to deal with stress. Therefore, it is necessary to implement strategies aimed at preventing alcohol and drug use and promoting mental health among this population.
Objetivo: identificar el patrón de consumo de alcohol y otras drogas, y sus variables sociodemográficas relacionadas, dentro de una muestra de soldados del Ejército Brasileño. Materiales y método: estudio transversal realizado con 229 soldados de un batallón de infantería. Los datos fueron recolectados en 2019 mediante la aplicación de un instrumento sociodemográfico y laboral, el Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) y el test de correlación de Pearson. Resultados: la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol estuvo presente en más de la mitad de la muestra estudiada, seguido del consumo de tabaco y de cannabis sativa. En cuanto al patrón de consumo, destacan el alcohol (22,2%), el tabaco (31%) y el cannabis sativa (9,7%). Las variables sociodemográficas de los individuos de la muestra, su nivel de educación (años de estudio) y determinados aspectos económicos fueron las principales variables asociadas al uso de alcohol y otras drogas. Conclusiones: el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas por parte de militares es menor que el reportado para la población general en Brasil. El uso de sustancias psicoactivas en el contexto de la milicia es generalmente un mecanismo para lidiar con el estrés. Por lo tanto, es necesario implementar estrategias para prevenir el uso de alcohol y otras drogas, así como promover la salud mental en esta población.
Objetivo: identificar o padrão de consumo de álcool e outras drogas e as variáveis sociodemográficas relacionadas em uma amostra de militares do Exército brasileiro. Materiais e método: estudo transversal realizado com 229 militares de um batalhão de infantaria. Os dados foram coletados em 2019 com a aplicação de um instrumento sociodemográfico e laboral, o Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involment Screening Test (ASSIST) e o teste de correlação de Pearson. Resultado: a prevalência do uso de álcool mostrou-se presente em mais da metade da amostra estudada, seguido do tabaco e do uso de cannabis sativa. Com relação ao padrão do uso, foi significativo para as substâncias álcool (22,2%), tabaco (31%) e cannabis sativa (9,7%). As variáveis sociodemográficas, o nível educacional (anos de estudos) e as questões econômicas foram as que apresentaram maior relação com o uso de álcool e outras drogas. Conclusões: o consumo de álcool e outras drogas por militares é menor do que o encontrado na população geral em território brasileiro. O uso de substâncias psicoativas no contexto militar, por vezes, faz parte da tentativa de lidar com o estresse vivenciado. Assim, faz-se implementar estratégias de prevenção do uso de álcool e outras drogas, bem como promover a saúde mental dessa população.
Humans , Male , Alcohol Drinking , Mental Health , Substance-Related Disorders , Drug Users , Military PersonnelABSTRACT
Resumen. Las heridas por artefactos explosivos y las secuelas causadas por estos se han convertido en el foco de diversos estudios en el ámbito médico y psicológico, aunque en el entorno neuropsicológico son pocos los hallazgos encontrados, debido a esto la presente investigación surge con el fin de describir el perfil neuropsicológico de un grupo de militares colombianos heridos por artefactos explosivos. Participaron 60 militares colombianos heridos y se les realizó un análisis descriptivo de las funciones neuropsicológicas a partir de la batería Neuropsi Atención y Memoria. Los participantes presentaron un déficit de leve a moderado en la curva de memoria de codificación y evocación; memoria verbal espontánea, memoria por claves y en memoria lógica, igualmente, en procesos ejecutivos de organización de la conducta, capacidad de planeación e inhibición de conductas. De igual forma, se encontró una alteración de moderada a severa en atención sostenida, planificación y codificación visual. Los resultados son discutidos con la literatura existente.
Abstract. Injuries from explosive devices and the sequelae caused by them have become the focus of various studies in the medical and psychological fields, although in the neuropsychological environment there are few findings, due to this the present investigation arises in order to describe the neuropsychological profile of a group of Colombian soldiers injured by explosive devices. Sixty wounded Colombian soldiers participated and a descriptive analysis of the neuropsychological functions was carried out from the Neuropsi Attention and Memory battery. The participants had a mild to moderate deficit in the coding and recall memory curve; Spontaneous verbal memory, memory by keys and in logical memory, likewise, in executive processes of behavior organization, planning capacity and behavior inhibition. Similarly, a moderate to severe alteration was found in sustained attention, planning and visual coding. The results are discussed with the existing literature.
ABSTRACT Introduction: The metabolic syndrome is a condition that predisposes to the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, where the presence of altered blood pressure, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and abdominal obesity is evaluated in order to know the risk of developing this disease. Objective: To evaluate the anthropometric indices that predict the presence of developing metabolic syndrome in Ecuadorian military personnel. Methods: The research work is quantitative, observational and longitudinal with a correlational scope, it was made analyzing the annual medical records of preventive medicine, in the military personnel of the Army Soldiers Training School "Vencedores del Cenepa", during a 3-year cohort from 2019 to 2021. Results: The study shows an overweight military population, with a prevalence of metabolic syndrome: according to Asociación Latinoamericana de Diabetes criteria of 1 %, 1.66 % and 0.76 %, in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively; in contrast, according to Adult Treatment Panel III criteria, with a prevalence of 6.67 %, 6.31 % and 5.70 % in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively. Conclusions: The anthropometric indices, such as the waist-height index, abdominal perimeter and body mass index significantly predict the development of metabolic syndrome in the military personnel of the "Vencedores del Cenepa" Army Soldier Training School.
RESUMEN Introducción: El síndrome metabólico predispone al desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y metabólicas; en este se evalúa la presencia de presión arterial alterada, resistencia a la insulina, hiperglucemia, dislipidemia y obesidad abdominal, para conocer el riesgo de desarrollar esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Evaluar los índices antropométricos que predicen la presencia de síndrome metabólico en desarrollo, en militares ecuatorianos. Métodos: El trabajo de investigación es cuantitativo, observacional y longitudinal con alcance correlacional, se realizó analizando las historias clínicas anuales de medicina preventiva, en el personal militar de la Escuela de Formación de Soldados del Ejército "Vencedores del Cenepa", en una cohorte de 3 años, de 2019 a 2021. Resultados: El estudio muestra una población militar con sobrepeso, con la siguiente prevalencia de síndrome metabólico: según criterios de la Asociación Lationoamericana de Diabetes, de 1 %, 1,66 % y 0,76 %, en los años 2019, 2020 y 2021 respectivamente; en cambio, según criterios del Adult Treatment Panel III, 6,67 %, 6,31 % y 5,70 % en los años 2019, 2020 y 2021 respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los índices antropométricos, como el cintura-altura, perímetro abdominal e índice de masa corporal predicen significativamente el desarrollo del síndrome metabólico en el personal militar de la Escuela de Formación de Soldados del Ejército "Vencedores del Cenepa".
Abstract Background Physical Fitness Tests (PFTs) are part of military routines and are usually administered to applicants for the Brazilian corps member, including the civil police. Objective To identify in the literature, scientific articles aimed at assessing physical fitness of police and military personnel in Brazil, using PFTs. Methods This was a systematic review, using the PRISMA systematization, using the following search keywords "police", "military", "physical fitness test" and " PFT", in English and Portuguese. The databases used were ScienceDirect, PubMed, BVS (Lilacs) and Scielo. Only original works performed with police and military personnel in Brazil were selected, through the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results After the screening process, 11 articles were selected from a total of 1,487. Conclusions The data collected from the selected articles suggest that older age is related to a decrease in physical fitness, and better performance in the tests is related to a lower risk of comorbidities. Although high-intensity training improves physical fitness and anthropometric data, it is associated with injury rates; physically active lifestyle is associated with better flexibility.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Physical Fitness , Police , Exercise Test/methods , Military Personnel , Body Weights and Measures , Brazil , Exercise , Comorbidity , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Military Health , Life StyleABSTRACT
Background and Aims: Helicobacter pylori infection is prevalent and recognized as a major cause of gastrointestinal diseases in the world. Previous studies on the prevalence of H. pylori infection in military personnel have shown some conflicting results. This study aimed to estimate the pooled prevalence of H. pylori infection and evaluate its risk factors in military personnel. Methods: The PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases were searched. We pooled the prevalence of H. pylori infection in military personnel using a random-effect model. Metaregression analysis was used to explore the sources of heterogeneity. Pooled proportion of H. pylori infection with 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated. Results: Sixteen studies were included. Meta-analysis showed that the overall prevalence of H. pylori infection was 32% (95% CI = 31–33) in military personnel. There was a significant heterogeneity. Metaregression analysis showed that study region (P = 0.0004) and publication year (P = 0.023) were the potential sources of heterogeneity. In the subgroup analysis by study region, the highest prevalence was found in Asia (50.2%; 95% CI = 49–51.4). In the subgroup analysis by diagnostic methods for H. pylori, the highest prevalence was found when urea breath test was employed (47.9%; 95% CI = 46.5–49.3). The most common risk factor for H. pylori infection was familial aggregation, followed by living environment and age. Conclusion: H. pylori infection is common in military personnel. In future, we may require appropriate population screening for H. pylori infection by multiple diagnostic tests and increase the knowledge and awareness of the bacterial transmission among military personnel.
RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o tema da identidade profissional da enfermagem militar contido nas produções científicas mundiais. Método: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura de publicações compreendidas entre 2010 e 2021 nas bases indexadoras Medical Literature and Retrivial System on Line, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Web of Science, Embase e Scopus. Aplicou-se a estratégia PICo para estabelecer a questão de pesquisa "Como a Enfermagem Militar vem sendo retratada nos artigos nacionais e internacionais publicados?" e o gerenciador de referências Rayyan QCRI - (Qatar Computing Research Institute) para a seleção das publicações, o que resultou em quatro artigos submetidos à análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin. Resultados: a enfermagem militar teve sua identidade profissional retratada pelos temas: competências na enfermagem militar, papéis das enfermeiras militares e relações de gênero. Conclusão: a identidade profissional da enfermagem militar ainda é pouco discutida na literatura, porém verifica-se um movimento para apontar o empoderamento dessas enfermeiras assim como a forte subordinação ao regime militar e ao profissional médico. Militares do gênero feminino sofrem de modo mais contundente, considerando que são minoria, sem possibilidades de ascender na carreira militar como aqueles do gênero masculino, e também devido ao tipo de organização da qual fazem parte.
RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el tema de la identidad profesional de la enfermería militar contenido en las producciones científicas mundiales. Método: se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura de publicaciones comprendidas entre 2010 y 2021 en las bases indexadoras Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Web of Science, Embase y Scopus. Se aplicó la estrategia PICO para establecer la cuestión de investigación "¿Cómo la Enfermería Militar viene siendo retratada en los artículos nacionales e internacionales publicados?" y el gestor de referencias Rayyan QCRI - (Qatar Computing Research Institute) para la selección de las publicaciones, lo que resultó en cuatro artículos sometidos al análisis de contenido, según Bardin. Resultados: la enfermería militar tuvo su identidad profesional retratada por los temas: competencias en enfermería militar, roles de las enfermeras militares y relaciones de género. Conclusión: la identidad profesional de la enfermería militar aún es poco discutida en la literatura, pero se verifica un movimiento para señalar el empoderamiento de estas enfermeras, así como la fuerte subordinación al régimen militar y al profesional médico. Militares del género femenino sufren de manera más contundente, considerando que son minoría, sin posibilidades de ascender en la carrera militar como aquellos del género masculino, y también debido al tipo de organización que forman parte.
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the professional identity of military nursing comprised of worldwide scientific literature. Method: an integrative literature review of publications from 2010 to 2021 in the Medical Literature and Retrieval System Online, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Web of Science, Embase, and Scopus indexing databases. The PICo strategy was applied to establish the research question "How has Military Nursing been described in published national and international articles?" and the reference manager Rayyan QCRI - (Qatar Computing Research Institute) for the selection of publications, which resulted in four articles submitted to content analysis, according to Bardin. Results: military nursing had its professional identity described by the themes: skills in military nursing, roles of military nurses, and gender relations. Conclusion: the professional identity of military nursing is still little discussed in the literature, but there is an effort to point out the empowerment of these nurses, as well as the strong subordination to the military rule and the medical professional. Female soldiers are under greater struggle, considering that they are a minority, with no possibilities to upgrade in the military career like those of the male gender, and due to the type of organization to which they belong.
Humans , Male , Female , Social Identification , Nursing , Military Nursing , EmpowermentABSTRACT
Abstract Aim: Military personnel needs to develop and maintain the ability to perform specific mechanical actions, under the risk of not fulfilling their assignments and failing in their missions. Considering the importance of being able to evaluate whether the military is ready for their jobs, studies have been conducted to establish assessments based on the requirements of the tasks performed in combat, referred to as Combat Tasks (CTs), giving rise to Simulated Tasks (STs). This study aimed to understand how physical STs have been used among military personnel worldwide. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to identify literature published between 2001 and 2021 that investigated STs. The search criteria for articles (keywords, inclusion, and exclusion) were applied to five databases - PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science - and the PRISMA recommendations were followed. Results: The searches resulted in 2630 documents, in addition to two studies that came from other sources. After the removal of duplicates, 1216 studies were screened by title and abstract, resulting in 71 documents, which were read in full. In the end, 17 studies were selected for the qualitative analysis. Conclusion: From the data obtained, the results highlighted that six countries with well-structured Armed Forces have been investing in research to develop physical assessments based on CTs, showing a paradigm break regarding conventional physical tests, which ultimately prove to be adequate to measure general fitness levels and issues related to health, but are not sufficient to ensure readiness for the performance of specific military activities.
Este artículo tiene por objeto analizar los elementos cuya ponderación podría conducir a una definición operativa de las compañías militares y de seguridad privadas para el derecho internacional humanitario. La metodología empleada para dar alcance a este objetivo consiste en el análisis de fuentes documentales comprendido en la revisión de la normatividad jurídica internacional, la doctrina y la literatura académica de otras ciencias sociales, lo que favorece un debate interdisciplinar para abordar al fenómeno de las compañías militares y de seguridad privadas con el ánimo de complementar la construcción de esta definición operativa a partir de la mayor cantidad posible de perspectivas.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the elements whose weighting could lead to an operational definition of private military and security companies for international humanitarian law. The methodology used to achieve this objective consists of the analysis of documentary sources including the review of international legal norms, doctrine and academic literature from other social sciences, which favors an interdisciplinary debate to address the phenomenon of private military and security companies with the aim of complementing the construction of this operational definition from as many perspectives as possible.
Este artigo visa analisar os elementos cuja ponderação poderia levar a uma definição operacional de empresas militares e de segurança privadas para o direito humanitário internacional. A metodologia utilizada para atingir este objetivo consiste na análise de fontes documentais, incluindo uma revisão das normas jurídicas internacionais, doutrina e literatura acadêmica de outras ciências sociais, o que favorece um debate interdisciplinar para abordar o fenômeno das empresas privadas militares e de segurança com o objetivo de complementar a construção desta definição operacional a partir do maior número possível de perspectivas.
Humans , International Humanitarian Law , Military Personnel , International Law , JurisprudenceABSTRACT
@#Objective To analyze the occupational burnout status and its influencing factors of border guards in the prevention ( - )Methods and control of coronavirus disease COVID 19 . A total of 1 313 border guards who participate in the prevention and control of epidemic diseases were selected as research subjects using the random cluster sampling method. Military Occupational Burnout Scale and Military Occupational Stress Scale were used to investigate the occupational burnout status and Results occupational stress in the research subjects. The median and 25th and 75th percentiles of military occupational ( , ) ( , ), burnout and occupational stress total scores were 9.0 3.0 15.0 and 76.0 70.0 86.0 respectively. About 73.1% of the subjects were suffered from high occupational stress. The results of multiple linear regression analysis indicated that the higher the scores of interpersonal relationship, military special life, work pressure, unclear role and leadership ability factor in P occupational stress, and the lower the score of personal development, the more serious the occupational burnout (all <0.05 ) , after excluding the influence of confounding factors; subjects with panic psychology inconvenience caused by closed , management fear on accountability for poor prevention and no personal hobbies had more serious occupational burnout than ( P ) Conclusion - , subjects without those factors all <0.05 . In the period of COVID 19 prevention the level of occupational burnout and occupational stress of border guards were generally low. The occupational burnout was mainly affected by occupational stress and fear of the epidemic.
Abstract: Objective: to establish the prevalence of dyslipidemia and its relationship with the body mass index, waist-height index and waist circumference in students ofthe highertechnology specialization in military sciences, as well as military personnel who work at the University ofthe Armed Forces of Ecuador - ESPE. Methodology: this was an analytical, non-experimental study with a sample of 495 second-year students of the Superior Technology Specialization in Military Sciences and 196 military personnel who work at ESPE. Results: the study found 8,48 % (n: 42) prevalence of general dyslipidemia in students, differentiated by hypercholesterolemia 1,82 % (n: 9), hypertriglyceridemia 6,26 % (n: 31) and mixed dyslipidemia 0,4% (n: 2). Additionally, it found 58,67 % (n: 115) prevalence of general dyslipidemia in professional military personnel, with hypercholesterolemia 9,18 % (n: 18), hypertriglyceridemia 25,51 % (n: 50) and mixed dyslipidemia 23,98 % (n: 47). Finally, the lower limit to diagnose dyslipidemia for body mass index in students was 25,67 kg/m2, for waist circumference 76,5 cm and for waist height ratio 0,47, and in professional military personnel, body mass index of 26,3 kg/m2, waist circumference of 86 cm and waist height ratio of 0,52. Conclusions: the students and military personnel studied have a significantly low prevalence of dyslipidemia compared to the general student and military personnel population and the values of WC and WHtR were seen to be good predictors of dyslipidemia in military personnel but not in the students.
Resumen: Objetivo: establecer la prevalence de dislipidemia y su relación con el índice de masa corporal, índice cintura-talla y circunferencia de cintura en estudiantes de la especialización tecnológica superior en ciencias militares, así como en personal militar que labora en la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de Ecuador - ESPE. Metodología: este es un estudio analítico, no experimental, con una muestra de 495 estudiantes de segundo año de la Especialización Tecnológica Superior en Ciencias Militares y 196 militares que laboran en la ESPE. Resultados: el estudio encontró un 8,48 % (n: 42) de prevalencia de dislipidemia general en estudiantes, diferenciada por hipercolesterolemia 1,82 % (n: 9), hipertrigliceridemia 6,26 % (n: 31) y dislipidemia mixta 0,4 % (n: 2). Adicionalmente, encontró una prevalencia de dislipidemia general en personal militar profesional de 58,67% (n: 115), con hipercolesterolemia 9,18% (n: 18), hipertrigliceridemia 25,51 % (n: 50) y dislipidemia mixta 23,98 % (n: 47). Finalmente, el límite inferior para diagnosticar dislipidemia para índice de masa corporal en estudiantes fue de 25,67 kg/m2, para circunferencia de cintura 76,5 cm y para índice de altura de cintura 0,47, y en personal militar profesional, índice de masa corporal de 26,5 cm. 3 kg/m2, circunferencia de cintura de 86 cm e índice de altura de cintura de 0,52. Conclusiones: los estudiantes y militares estudiados tienen una prevalencia de dislipidemia significativamente baja en comparación con la población general de estudiantes y militares y los valores de WC y WHtR se consideraron como buenos predictores de dislipidemia en militares, pero no en estudiantes.
Resumo: Objetivo: estabelecer a prevalência de dislipidemia e sua relagáo com o índice de massa corporal, índice cintura-estatura e circunferência da cintura em estudantes da especialiçado tecnológica superior em ciencias militares, bem como militares que trabalham na Universidade das forças Armadas do Equador - ESPE. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo analítico, ñao experimental, com urna amostra de 495 alunos do segundo ano da Especialiçado Tecnológica Superior em Ciencias Militares e 196 militares que atuam na ESPE. Resultados: o estudo encontrou 8,48 % (n: 42) prevaléncia de dislipidemia geral em estudantes, diferenciada por hipercolesterolemia 1,82 % (n: 9), hipertrigliceridemia 6,26 % (n: 31) e dislipidemia mista 0,4% (n: 2). Além disso, encontrou 58,67% (n: 115) prevaléncia de dislipidemia geral em militares profissionais, com hipercolesterolemia 9,18% (n: 18), hipertrigliceridemia 25,51% (n: 50) e dislipidemia mista 23,98 % (n: 47). Por fim, o limite inferior para diagnóstico de dislipidemia para o índice de massa corporal em escolares foi de 25,67 kg/m2, para circunferência da cintura 76,5 cm e razão cintura-estatura 0,47, e em militares profissionais, índice de massa corporal de 26, 3 kg/m2, circunferência da cintura de 86 cm e relagáo altura da cintura de 0,52. Conclusões: os estudantes e militares estudados apresentam urna prevaléncia de dislipidemia significativamente baixa em comparaçáo com a populaçao geral de estudantes e militares e os valores de CC e RCE foram vistos como bons preditores de dislipidemia em militares, mas não em estudantes.
Objetivo: delinear a terapêutica de enfermagem para militares internados em tratamento para transtorno relacionado ao uso de substâncias psicoativas à luz da Teoria das Transições. Método: estudo qualitativo, realizado em 2019, com 11 militares internados em uma unidade psiquiátrica, que responderam a uma entrevista aberta utilizando a técnica Narrativa de Vida. Foram tratados com emprego da técnica de análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa foi submetida e aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética. Resultados: Foram identificados três tipos de transição: situacional, organizacional e saúde-doença. Quanto ao padrão, as transições foram sequenciais, simultâneas e relacionadas. Como indicador de processo se destacou a formação de uma rede de apoio incluindo a família e os profissionais de saúde. Conclusão: a terapêutica de enfermagem envolve a conscientização do militar quanto ao processo de transição, sendo importante a participação da família, a preparação para a transição e a suplementação de papéis durante a internação.
Objective: in the light of Transitions Theory, to outline nursing therapy for inpatient military personnel in treatment for disorders due to psychoactive substance use. Method: this qualitative study was conducted in 2019 with 11 military personnel hospitalized in a psychiatric unit, who responded to an open interview using the Narrative of Life technique. The data were treated using the content analysis technique. The study was submitted to, and approved by, the research ethics committee. Results: three types of transition were identified: situational, organizational and health-disease. In pattern, the transitions were sequential, simultaneous, and related. The salient process indicator was the creation of a support network including the family and health professionals. Conclusion: the nursing therapy involved making the serviceman aware of the transition process, in which the family's participation was important, as was preparation for the transition and role supplementation during hospitalization.
Objetivo: definir la terapia de enfermería para militares hospitalizados en tratamiento por trastornos relacionados con el uso de sustancias psicoactivas a la luz de la Teoría de la Transición. Método: estudio cualitativo, realizado en 2019, junto a 11 militares hospitalizados en una unidad psiquiátrica, quienes respondieron a una entrevista abierta utilizando la técnica Narrativa de Vida. Fueron tratados mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido. La investigación fue presentada y aprobada por el Comité de Ética. Resultados: Se identificaron tres tipos de transición: situacional, organizacional y salud-enfermedad. En cuanto al patrón, las transiciones fueron secuenciales, simultáneas y relacionadas. Como indicador de proceso, resaltó la conformación de una red de apoyo, incluyendo a la familia y los profesionales de la salud. Conclusión: la terapia de enfermería involucra la concientización militar en cuanto al proceso de transición, siendo importante la participación de la familia, la preparación para la transición y la suplementación de roles durante la hospitalización.