O aplicativo móvel CalcVAN foi desenvolvido para auxiliar os profissionais de saúde para otimizar as doses de vancomicina em pacientes hospitalizados. Porém, é imprescindível avaliar a sua usabilidade antes de disponibilizá-lo para prática clínica. Assim, o objetivo do estudo é avaliar a usabilidade do aplicativo móvel na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de avaliação heurística da usabilidade de um aplicativo móvel. Foram convidados profissionais da área de saúde com expertise no tema de gerenciamento de antimicrobianos e vancomicina. O instrumento validado Smartphone Usability questionnaiRE (SURE) foi utilizado para mensuração da usabilidade por meio de um questionário on-line. Vinte e um especialistas participaram do estudo, com média de idade de 32,6 anos, sendo a maioria de mulheres (n = 14, 66,7%), profissionais farmacêuticos (n = 13, 61,9%), com pós-graduação lato sensu (n = 10, 47,6%), que trabalhavam em hospitais públicos ou privados (n = 15, 71,4%) e com média de experiência em 9,7 anos. Com base na interpretação dos resultados obtidos pelo instrumento SURE, a média de usabilidade geral do CalcVAN foi de 83 pontos, com escore menor de 78 e maior de 90 pontos. O teste de usabilidade foi enquadrado nos dois últimos níveis, 70 e 80, onde os profissionais de saúde passaram a concordar fortemente e totalmente, indicando que o aplicativo móvel apresenta uma usabilidade satisfatória. O CalcVAN atingiu uma usabilidade satisfatória e atende as necessidades e exigências dos profissionais de saúde, mostrando--se eficiente para realizar as funções propostas.
The CalcVAN app was developed to assist healthcare professionals in optimizing vancomycin doses for hospitalized patients. However, the usability test before making it available for clinical practice is essential. Therefore, the study aims to evaluate the usability of the app from the perspective of health professionals. A descriptive study, a heuristic evaluation of the usability of a mobile application was conducted. Healthcare professionals with expertise in antimicrobial management and vancomycin were invited to participate. The validated Smartphone Usability questionnaiRE (SURE) was used to measure usability through an online questionnaire. Twenty-one experts participated in the study, with a mean age of 32.6 years, mostly of them women (n = 14, 66.7%), pharmacists (n = 13, 61.9%), with postgraduate education (n = 10, 47.6%), working in private or public hospitals (n = 15, 71.4%), and a mean experience of 9.7 years. Overall usability score for CalcVAN was 83 points, ranging from a minimum of 78 to a maximum of 90 points. The usability test registered within the last two levels, 70 and 80, with users expressing strongly and fully agreed, indicating that the app demonstrates satisfactory usability. CalcVAN achieved satisfactory usability, fulfilling the needs and requirements of health professionals, proving to be efficient in performing the intended functions.
Humans , Male , Female , AdultABSTRACT
Introduction: Mobile phones are integral to modern life, but excessive use, particularly at night, can lead to disrupt well-being. Limiting mobile phone use before bedtime may improve individual well-being. This study aimed to evaluate whether restricting mobile phone use at bedtime enhances sleep quality, mood, and cognitive function. Methodology: Undergraduate students from a selected engineering college were assessed for bedtime mobile phone use. Sixty-eight students were chosen via simple random sampling. A self-reported questionnaire including the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Positive and Negative Affect Scale, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale evaluated sleep quality, mood, and cognitive function before implementing restrictions. The "Lock My Phone" app was used to enforce these restrictions. Post-intervention assessments were conducted on the 15th and 30th days. Results: Before the intervention, all students reported poor sleep quality, 80.8% had reduced positive affect, 91.1% experienced high negative affect, and only 23.5% had normal cognitive function. Significant improvements were observed in sleep quality, mood, and cognitive function post-restriction (p<0.001). Conclusion: Restricting mobile phone use before bedtime significantly improved sleep quality, mood, and cognitive function among undergraduate students.
Background: In India, the leading cause of mortality for those aged 15–39 in 2016 was reported to be suicide. Despite these alarming statistics, efforts to prevent suicide are nevertheless thwarted by a number of obstacles to getting help. Timely identification is essential to ensuring that people at risk of suicide receive the right care and assistance. The World Health Organization’s mental health action plan advocates employing self-help treatments through electronic and mobile technologies in addition to other steps to promote accessibility to and availability of evidence-based mental health services with encouraging results. With encouraging results, technology has been utilized to give self-help and guided psychological therapies, and it may be employed as a low-intensity and low-cost tactic to reach a bigger population in need of care. Aims and Objectives: The objectives of this study were to study the comparison of mobile application versus conventional teaching techniques for implementation of suicide risk assessment among medical students. Materials and Methods: Study comprises MBBS students. Sample size was calculated to be 138, with 67 in Group A (conventional teaching) and 67 in Group B (mobile teaching). Week 1 and 2 – students were randomly allocated into Group A and B. Both the groups were taught about suicide risk assessment. Results: We found that 87.61% found the mobile application easier to comprehend than the conventional teaching methods. Conclusion: Mobile application learning for implementation of suicide risk assessment in MBBS students is non-inferior to conventional teaching methods.
A saúde bucal é essencial para a qualidade de vida das pessoas vivendo com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (Aids). No entanto, esses indivíduos ainda enfrentam barreiras significativas no acesso ao atendimento odontológico, como estigma, preconceito e falta de preparo de alguns profissionais de saúde. Este trabalho desenvolveu um protótipo de aplicativo móvel para capacitar cirurgiões-dentistas da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no acolhimento e atendimento das pessoas vivendo com HIV / Aids (PVHA) no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O desenvolvimento deste aplicativo móvel, foi conduzido em três etapas: a) revisão bibliográfica para identificar conteúdos relevantes; b) definição de temas como enfrentamento do estigma, comunicação e sigilo; e c) desenvolvimento do protótipo em alta fidelidade na plataforma Marvel, com usabilidade para Android e iOS. A elaboração do aplicativo levou em consideração critérios como confiabilidade das informações, usabilidade, conectividade, complementaridade educativa, avaliações e recomendações. O protótipo segue o modelo de prototipagem de alta fidelidade, com um design acessível e embasado em documentos oficiais. Esses resultados enfatizam a importância dos dispositivos móveis na área da saúde e a necessidade de aprimoramentos na infraestrutura de internet nas instituições de saúde do Brasil, reforçando o papel das tecnologias móveis na educação em saúde e na superação de barreiras no atendimento odontológico às PVHA.
Oral health is essential for the quality of life of people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Nevertheless, these individuals still face significant barriers to accessing dental care, such as stigma, prejudice and a lack of training on the part of some health professionals. This study created a prototype mobile application to train Primary Health Care dentists in receiving and caring for people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) within the Unified Health System. The development of this mobile app was carried out in three stages: a) a literature review to identify relevant content; b) a definition of themes such as confronting stigma, communication and confidentiality; and c) development of the high-fidelity prototype on the Marvel platform, with usability for Android and iOS. The app's development considered criteria, including information reliability, usability, connectivity, educational complementarity, evaluations and recommendations. The prototype follows the high-fidelity prototyping model, with an accessible design based on official documents. These results emphasize the importance of mobile devices in healthcare and the necessity to improve internet infrastructure in Brazilian healthcare institutions, reinforcing the role of mobile technologies in health education and overcoming barriers in dental care for PLWHA.
La salud bucal es esencial para la calidad de vida de las personas que viven con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA). Sin embargo, estas personas aún enfrentan barreras importantes para acceder a la atención dental, como el estigma, los prejuicios y la falta de preparación por parte de algunos profesionales de la salud. Este trabajo desarrolló un prototipo de aplicación móvil para capacitar a cirujanos dentistas de Atención Primaria a la Salud en la acogida y atención de personas que viven con VIH y SIDA (PVVS) en el ámbito del Sistema Único de Salud. El desarrollo de esta aplicación móvil se realizó en tres etapas: a) revisión bibliográfica para identificar contenidos relevantes; b) definición de temas como enfrentamiento al estigma, comunicación y confidencialidad; yc) desarrollo del prototipo de alta fidelidad en la plataforma Marvel, con usabilidad para Android e iOS. El desarrollo de la aplicación tuvo en cuenta criterios como confiabilidad de la información, usabilidad, conectividad, complementariedad educativa, evaluaciones y recomendaciones. El prototipo sigue el modelo de prototipado de alta fidelidad, con un diseño accesible y basado en documentos oficiales. Estos resultados enfatizan la importancia de los dispositivos móviles en el sector de la salud y la necesidad de mejoras en la infraestructura de Internet en las instituciones de salud en Brasil, reforzando el papel de las tecnologías móviles en la educación para la salud y en la superación de barreras en la atención odontológica de las PVVS.
Background & objectives: Malaria remains a complex challenge in India due to its diverse epidemiology, multi-ethnic population, and multiplicity of malaria vectors. While progress has been made in reducing malaria nationally, persistent pockets hinder elimination efforts. These challenges include hidden reservoirs, inadequate healthcare, suboptimal surveillance, non-compliance, and subclinical infections. Shortage of grassroot level and primary care health staff, transportation issues and general inaccessibility and unavailability of healthcare services are additional challenges. Methods: Mobile healthcare vans have been tried and found useful in enhancing healthcare availability in several health conditions in different settings. Nuh district in Haryana, India is a malaria endemic region; it is indeed one of the districts included by India’s NITI Aayog in the Aspirational Districts Programme, a government initiative that focuses on rapidly transforming and developing the most underdeveloped districts in country. With an aim to improve the healthcare seeking behavior of malaria-endemic community of selected villages of Nuh district, we carried out a study using interventions in two villages of the district, that had mobile malaria clinics and toll-free telephone services in enhancing healthcare access. Results: We found that Sangel village had higher literacy rates (60.6%) as compared to 39.4% in Naushera. Simi- larly, the unemployment rate was higher for Naushera. It the mobile malaria clinic was deployed from December 2019 to July 2020 and a total of 269 phone calls were received from both the villages. A similar number of rapid tests and microscopy smears were examined and all were negative for malaria. The febrile patients were referred to the nearest healthcare facility. Interpretation & conclusion: The study shows that the community is open to using these healthcare interventions. These initiatives of mobile malaria clinics and toll-free telephone services can bridge healthcare gaps, especially in malaria-endemic regions, aligning with India’s malaria elimination and equitable healthcare access goals.
Background: Globally, the number of people using mobile phones is estimated to be around 8.1 billion, with the majority being youths. Therefore, our aim was to assess problematic mobile phone use among late adolescents. Methods: We conducted an exploratory mixed-method study among selected schools in Puducherry, South India, from September to October 2019. Two focus group discussions (FGDs) were held among students exhibiting high problematic mobile phone use. Results: A total of 498 students were enrolled, with a mean (SD) age of 14.3 (1.4) years, and more than half were male. Approximately 77% reported using mobile phones, with around 30% spending more than one hour per day on mobile use. Of the total, 23% (95% CI 19.3-26.8) exhibited problematic mobile phone use. Factors significantly associated with problematic use included the student's level of education (APR= 5.6, 95% CI 1.3 – 24.7), parents' occupations (APR= 3.8, 95% CI 1.2 – 12.2), and hours spent on mobile phones (APR= 2.1, 95% CI 1.3 – 3.4). Only 50% were aware that increased mobile phone use is harmful. Qualitative interviews provided significant insights into smartphone dependency and challenges faced by students. Conclusions: There is a pressing need for comprehensive initiatives to promote responsible smartphone use.
Background: Mobile phone because of the ever availability and its mobility application has created a dramatic interest for youth in comparison with other communication technologies. Unfortunately, communication technology has some negative effects also. Constant usage and addiction to cell phones has affected the people physically, psychologically, and socially. Aims and objective were to assess the pattern and impact on health of mobile phone use among students of Government Medical College, Jalaun. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on GMC Jalaun from October to December (3 months). All students of MBBS final year part 1 were selected as sample, so total 98 students were selected in the study. Students were requested to complete a pre-tested self-administered questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using appropriate statistical test. Results: Our study shows that mobile phone use was very high among the medical students and 54.1% of them spending 4-6 hours per day. Most of the students were frequently using mobile phone for taking pictures, videos, playing games, listening to music and internet surfing other than for calling and messaging purpose. Majority of the students used mobile phones at night (62.2%). Majority were suffered from sleep disturbance (52.1%) followed by lack of concentration (47.9%) and behavioural disorder (36.8). Out of total students, 31.6% were having refracting error. Conclusions: Our study showed pattern of mobile phone use among the medical students and it was found that mobile phone use was very high among the medical students.
The positive aspect of technological innovation makes life easier; it may also involve components that impair the quality of life via certain negative effects. Cell phone towers emit high-frequency radio waves, which are a significant environmental pollutant and a serious problem today. The thermogenic effect is primarily linked to the intensity of electromagnetic fields (EMF), measured by the specific absorption rate (SAR). This review work compiled both field and laboratory studies carried out on various parameters such as growth, behaviour, reproduction and development, cancers in human beings, etc. Information on various studies published on the effects of EM radiations and methods employed during EMR studies is enlisted herein. The studies showing the impact on dosimetry, co-exposure, epidemiology, haematology, endocrinology, molecular structure, wildlife, and ecology were considered. Lack of standardization and inconsistent results hindered the ability to generalize the findings.
Resumen: La intención de comportamiento se ha estudiado desde la teoría de la acción razonada para predecir el comportamiento de los individuos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar y validar una escala para medir la intención de uso del comercio móvil, a partir de las variables de la teoría unificada de aceptación y uso de tecnología como impulsores, y las variables riesgo percibido y tradición como inhibidores. El instrumento fue aplicado en línea a 211 consumidores del estado de Baja California, México. Se utilizó el análisis compuesto confirmatorio para verificar la fiabilidad del instrumento, así como la validez convergente, discriminante, nomológica y predictiva. Se obtuvo un instrumento válido y confiable para medir la influencia de las variables expectativa de rendimiento, influencia social, motivación hedónica, riesgo percibido, condiciones facilitadoras y tradición en la intención de uso del comercio móvil. La escala desarrollada satisface los criterios exigibles a un modelo de medición reflectivo.
Abstract: Behavioral intention has been studied from the theory of reasoned action to predict the behavior of individuals. The objective of this research was to develop and validate a scale to measure the intention to use m-commerce, based on the variables of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology as drivers, and the variables of perceived risk and tradition as inhibitors. The instrument was applied on-line to 211 consumers in the state of Baja California, Mexico. Confirmatory composite analysis was used to verify the reliability of the instrument, as well as convergent, discriminant, nomological and predictive validity. A valid and reliable instrument was obtained to measure the influence of the following variables: performance expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, perceived risk, facilitating conditions and tradition on the intention to use m-commerce. The developed scale meets the criteria required for a reflective measurement model.
Fundamento: A medida que aumenta el número de adultos de 60 años y más, urge la necesidad de buscar alternativas para reducir la incidencia del deterioro cognitivo leve amnésico. Un medio prometedor que ha venido mostrando resultados es el uso del Internet y el empleo de las aplicaciones en línea. Objetivo: Identificar la asociación entre el uso de las aplicaciones en línea y el deterioro cognitivo leve amnésico en adultos mayores. Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico, de tipo casos y controles, realizado en el consultorio médico de familia número 1, del área de salud Policlínico Docente Ramón López Peña, provincia Santiago de Cuba, desde julio a diciembre del año 2023. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 182 adultos mayores, con 60 años o más (45 casos y 135 controles). Se estudió la asociación con las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, nivel de escolaridad, aplicaciones en línea usadas y frecuencia de su uso. Resultados: El 64,4 % de los pacientes tenía edades entre 70 a 79 años. El sexo predominante fue el femenino, con un 57,8 %. La educación secundaria tuvo un porcentaje de 53,3 %. El uso muy frecuente de las aplicaciones en línea se mostró solamente en un 17,8 % de los casos. Facebook fue la aplicación más usada por el 84,4 %. Conclusiones: Se identificó una asociación protectora entre las aplicaciones en línea y el deterioro cognitivo leve amnésico en adultos mayores.
Foundation: As the number of older adults aged 60 years and older increases, there is an urgent need to look for alternatives to reduce the incidence of amnestic mild cognitive impairment. A promising means that has been showing results is the use of the Internet and the use of online applications. Objective: To identify the association between the use of online applications and amnestic mild cognitive impairment in older adults. Methods: Analytical observational study, case-control type, carried out in family doctor's office number 1, at the Ramón López Peña Teaching Polyclinic health area, Santiago de Cuba province, from July to December 2023. The studied population were 182 older adults, 60-years or older (45 cases and 135 controls). The association was studied with the following variables: age, sex, level of education, online applications used and frequency of use. Results: 64.4% of the patients were between 70 and 79 years old. Female was the predominant sex, with 57.8%. Secondary education had a percentage of 53.3%. Very frequent use of online applications was shown in only 17.8% of the cases. Facebook was the most used application by 84.4%. Conclusions: A protective association was identified between online applications and amnestic mild cognitive impairment in older adults.
Background: Despite advancements in contemporary detection and treatment, hospital-acquired infections remain a major issue for international health systems. Potential infections can be found on healthcare personnel's mobile phones. Despite the considerable risk of contamination, cell phones are rarely sanitized and are frequently handled without properly washing hands before or after patient examinations and specimen processing. This study aimed to separate, characterize, and quantify the various kinds of bacteria and their susceptibility to antibiotics from the mobile phones of both healthcare and non-healthcare personnel. Methods: Samples were taken aseptically by rolling over the exposed surfaces of the inoculated mobile phones on the agar plates, which were subsequently incubated aerobically. After incubation, the plates were examined for growth. Following accepted microbiological practices, bacteria were discovered and antibiotic sensitivity was assessed. Results: Out of 50 mobile swabs of each category, 58% of samples were culture-positive in healthcare workers (HCW) and 20% in non-healthcare workers. The most common pathogen isolated was Staphylococcus aureus i.e. 23(46%). Out of 23, (5) were MRSA and (18) were MSSA. MRSA isolation, in doctors 2(7.6%), 2(12.5%) in nurses and 1(12.5%) in ward boy. According to our research, healthcare workers' mobile phones have unquestionably been colonized by microorganisms. It can transmit not just messages but also microorganisms that cause illness. Conclusion: Therefore, the study highlights the necessity of reducing the spread of infection via cell phone use by adhering to stringent hand hygiene guidelines and refraining from using cell phones when providing patient care or performing therapeutic operations. Using additional disinfectants or 70% isopropyl alcohol, disinfect it.
Background: Mobile phone usage has dramatically expanded over the past 10 years, especially among students. Because smart mobile phones have nearly all the additional capabilities of personal digital aid, including desktop synchronization, access to email, internet surfing, and third-party applications, they have become an alternative to portable computers. At the same time, excessive use of mobile phones has negatively impacted their perceived health, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, stress, headaches, difficulty focusing, and a negative impact on their academic performance. The present study was conducted in this context to observe the effects of mobile usage among Phase 1 medical undergraduates. Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives are to study the impacts of mobile usage among Phase 1 medical undergraduates and to explore the change in attitudes, evaluate the addiction, and assess the effects of mobile usage among medical undergraduates. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted after obtaining ethics committee approval and consent from 250 phase 1 medical undergraduates from February 2024 to March 2024. Data were collected using a predesigned, pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaire. The analysis was done using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software, version 26.0. Results: Of the 250 undergraduates, the majority (68.4%) were females, and 73.2% were hostlers. Daily time spent on mobile usage was >4 h among 42.4% of undergraduates. Among the undergraduates, 81.2% used mobiles for calling family members, 80.4% for WhatsApp, and 75.6% for study purposes. Self-perception of mobile addiction was reported by 36.5% of undergraduates. Headaches and dry eyes were the most commonly experienced effects due to excessive usage of their mobile devices. Conclusion: Mobile phone addiction is increasing among medical undergraduates, which has to be addressed with proper counseling to prevent further addiction and curtail the adverse effects of mobile addiction.
Background: In the past few years, there is alarming rise in the technology which includes advancement in the speed of internet, development of various online games, introduction of several new applications, and also debut of many social media applications. Because of this today, a lot of people, majorly including the youngsters, are getting addicted to social media which is bearing a negative impact on their academic performance and personal life. Many individuals are so much addicted to this social media that they cannot stay even a single hour without using it, also using mobile phones. The continuous usage of social media leads to increased screen time, and hence leads to prolonged gazing of the screen, which has a negative impact on the vision, can lead to headache, blurring of vision, redness of eyes, dryness of eyes, and sometimes even severe conjunctival irritation. Individuals will be so much glued to the screen that, they hardly change their body posture which may lead to the onset of cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis at a very young age and also using more mobile phone. Aims and Objectives: This study was designed to estimate the prevalence of technology addiction, usage of social media, and dependency on them. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among 150-year medical students. The questionnaire was being prepared using Google forms which included questions on how often do they use the social media and for what purpose they use social media; there were also questions regarding the ill effects the social media is causing on their lifestyle including their academical performances and social connectivity with family members and friends and also on their physical and mental health. The consent from the participants was also taken in the Google forms after ensuring that there is no harm for them while they are a part of this study. Results: The results showed that the majority of the 1st-year medical students are very much addicted to social media; about 94.6% of the study subjects use social media daily. Furthermore, many of them prefer to use Instagram as a major source of entertainment. Conclusion: This study showed that the 1st-year medical students are more addicted to social media, have increased screen time and majority of them spend time in watching more and more reels on Instagram. We can also conclude that the addiction to social media is bringing a lot of health hazards and loss of cognition among students and disturbs their mental health and personal life.
Objetivo: Evidenciar as etapas do desenvolvimento de um aplicativo móvel para enfermeiros intensivistas sobre drogas cardioativas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de desenvolvimento experimental de um aplicativo, realizado no período de setembro de 2019 a março de 2020. Para tal, foi constituído por duas etapas, a saber: metodológica, composta pela seleção e construção do conteúdo por dois pesquisadores, com posterior validação do conteúdo do aplicativo por 16 especialistas das áreas de enfermagem e farmácia; e tecnológica, realizada por um docente e quatro graduandos da área de computação, por meio da Plataforma Google Flutter, resultando no protótipo Cardio Help. Resultados: O aplicativo foi elaborado com 62 telas, sendo 02 (duas) telas principais (identificação do aplicativo; e apresentação dos cardioativos e o ícone de informações); 10(dez) telas secundárias (nome do cardiotônico e menu específico por cardiotônico (classificação/efeitos; uso terapêutico; eventos adversos; detalhes; interações medicamentosas e cuidados). Conclusão: Foram evidenciadas as etapas de desenvolvimento do aplicativo móvel sobre drogas cardioativas para enfermeiros intensivistas, que se apresenta como uma proposta promissora para a tomada de decisão e sobretudo com a finalidade de promover a segurança do paciente. (AU)
Objective: Show the stages of development of a mobile application for intensive care nurses about cardioactive drugs. Methods: This is an experimental development study of an application, carried out from September 2019 to March 2020. For this purpose, it consisted of two stages, namely: methodological, consisting of the selection and construction of the content by two researchers, with subsequent validation of the application's content by 16 specialists from the fields of nursing and pharmacy; and technological, carried out by a professor and four undergraduate students in the field of computing, through the Google Flutter Platform, resulting in the Cardio Help prototype. Results: The application was developed with 62 screens, being 02 (two) main screens (application identification; and presentation of cardioactive drugs and the information icon); 10 (ten) secondary screens (name of the cardiotonic and specific menu by cardiotonic (classification/effects; therapeutic use; adverse events; details; drug interactions and care). Conclusion: The stages of development of the mobile application on cardioactive drugs for nurses were highlighted intensivists, which presents itself as a promising proposal for decision-making and, above all, with the purpose of promoting patient safety. (AU)
Objetivo: Demostrar las etapas de desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para enfermeras de cuidados intensivos sobre fármacos cardioactivos. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio de desarrollo experimental de una aplicación, realizado entre septiembre de 2019 y marzo de 2020. Para ello, consta de dos etapas, a saber: metodológica, consistente en la selección y construcción de contenido por dos investigadores, con posterior validación del contenido de la aplicación por 16 especialistas de los campos de enfermería y farmacia; y tecnológico, realizado por un profesor y cuatro estudiantes de pregrado en el área de informática, a través de la plataforma Google Flutter, dando como resultado el prototipo Cardio Help. Resultados: La aplicación se desarrolló con 62 pantallas, siendo 02 (dos) pantallas principales (identificación de la aplicación; presentación de fármacos cardioactivos y el icono de información); 10 (diez) pantallas secundarias (nombre del cardiotónico y menú específico por cardiotónico (clasificación / efectos; uso terapéutico; eventos adversos; detalles; interacciones farmacológicas y cuidados). Conclusión: Las etapas de desarrollo de la aplicación móvil sobre fármacos cardioactivos para enfermeiras. Se destacaron los intensivistas, que se presenta como una propuesta prometedora para la toma de decisiones y, sobre todo, con el propósito de promover la seguridad del paciente. (AU)
Mobile Applications , Cardiovascular Agents , Nursing , Patient SafetyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Desenvolver um aplicativo móvel de auxílio à captação de materiais recicláveis. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, de desenvolvimento tecnológica centrado no usuário, realizado entre março e dezembro de 2020, a partir de cinco fases sequenciais: reconhecimento do contexto; idealização; prototipação; teste de usabilidade, complementado por um processo de validação e implementação. Participaram dessa produção tecnológica pesquisadores, desenvolvedores e integrantes de uma Associação de Materiais Recicláveis de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Resultados: As três fases iniciais resultaram num protótipo de aplicativo móvel. Na fase do teste de usabilidade verificouse, por meio de simulação intuitiva do protótipo, que o aplicativo é de manejo acessível, rápido e prático, podendo ser acessado por qualquer cidadão que dispõem de celular. Constatou-se, no processo de validação, que o dispositivo possui os requisitos necessários para o adequado funcionamento e interlocução entre doadores e associações receptoras de materiais recicláveis. Está disponível online após obter registro no Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Conclusão: Revela-se que o desenvolvimento centrado no usuário é uma estratégia que amplia a difusão de conhecimento, possibilita a inclusão social e favorece o empoderamento. Como tecnologia social, o dispositivo móvel é capaz de potencializar melhores condições de trabalho e renda às associações de reciclagem. (AU)
Objective: To develop a mobile application to help the collection of recyclable materials. Methods: This is a methodological study, of user-oriented technological production, carried out between March and December 2020, from five phases: context recognition; idealization; prototyping; usability testing, complemented by a process of validation and implementation. Researchers, developers, and members of a Recyclable Materials Association in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, participated in the collaborative production. Results: The three initial phases resulted in a prototype mobile application. In the usability test phase it was verified, through intuitive simulation of the prototype, that the application is accessible, fast and practical, and can be accessed by any citizen with a cell phone. It was verified, in the validation process, that the device has the necessary requirements for the proper functioning and dialogue between donors and associations that receive recyclable materials. It is available online after being registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property. Conclusion: It is revealed that user-centered development is a strategy that expands the dissemination of knowledge, enables social inclusion, and favors empowerment. As a social technology, the mobile device is capable of potentiating better work and income conditions for recycling associations. (AU)
Objetivo: Desarrollar una aplicación móvil para ayudar a capturar materiales reciclables. Métodos: Consiste en un estudio metodológico de producción tecnológica orientada hacia el usuario, ocurrido entre marzo y diciembre de 2020, basado en cinco fases: reconocimiento del contexto; idealización; creación de prototipos; prueba de usabilidad, complementada un proceso de validación e implementación. Participaron en la producción colaborativa investigadores, desarrolladores y miembros de una Asociación de Materiales Reciclables de Santa María, RS, Brasil. Resultados: Las tres fases iniciales resultaron en un prototipo de aplicación móvil. En la fase de prueba de usabilidad, se verificó, por medio de una simulación intuitiva del prototipo, que la aplicación es de uso accesible, rápida y práctica, y puede ser accedida por cualquier ciudadano que disponga de un teléfono celular. Se constató, en el proceso de validación, que el dispositivo cuenta con los requisitos necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento y diálogo entre donantes y asociaciones receptoras de materiales reciclables. Está disponible en línea tras obtener el registro en el Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial. Conclusión: Resulta que el desarrollo centrado en el usuario es una estrategia que amplía la difusión del conocimiento, posibilita la inclusión social y favorece el empoderamiento. Como tecnología social, el dispositivo móvil es capaz de mejorar las condiciones laborales y los ingresos de las asociaciones de reciclaje. (AU)
Mobile Applications , Public Health , Nursing , Recycling , Culturally Appropriate TechnologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: descrever o desenvolvimento de um aplicativo móvel para a identificação de Medicamentos Potencialmente Inapropriados para Idosos em consultas de Enfermagem. Método: o desenvolvimento do aplicativo móvel foi dividido em quatro fases, com a primeira fase consistindo na concepção da ferramenta e a segunda na identificação da necessidade de seu desenvolvimento a partir de revisão integrativa sobre o tema. Na terceira fase foi definido e organizado todo o conteúdo, composto pela lista de Medicamentos Potencialmente Inapropriados para Idosos do Critério de Beers e as Classificações Diagnósticas de Enfermagem e Atenção Primária à Saúde. A quarta fase correspondeu ao delineamento tecnológico, com definição das linguagens de programação, plataformas atendidas, modelo operacional de desenvolvimento de software e de orientação ao usuário final. Resultados: aplicativo com 99 Medicamentos Potencialmente Inapropriados para Idosos, 102 sinais/sintomas e queixas, 68 características definidoras, permitindo a análisea partir de sinais/sintomas ou pela terapia medicamentosa. Informações complementares compuseram o banco de dados, como dicionário de sinais/sintomas, recomendações terapêuticas sobre cada classe medicamentosa, além da causalidade possivelmente não medicamentosa. A ferramenta atende às plataformas Android e IOS, sendo híbrida, desenvolvida por metodologia ágil e Design Centrado no Usuário, e corresponde à versão pré-validação de usabilidade e conteúdo do aplicativo. Conclusão: após as etapas de validação de usabilidade e conteúdo, a ferramenta permitirá a identificação precoce de terapias medicamentosas potencialmente inapropriadas para idosos, além de ser aplicável como ferramenta educacional, fomentando a discussão e o aprendizado dessa temática.(AU)
Objective: to describe the development of a mobile application to identify Potentially Inappropriate Medications for the Elderly in nursing consultations.Method: the development of the mobile application was divided into four phases, with the first phase consisting of designing the tool and the second identifying the need for its development based on an integrative review on the topic. In the third phase, all content was defined and organized, consisting of the list of Potentially Inappropriate Medications for the Elderly according to the Beers Criteria and the Diagnostic Classifications of Nursing and Primary Health Care. The fourth phase corresponded to the technological design, with definition of programming languages, platforms served, operating model for software development and end-user guidance.Results: application with 99 Potentially Inappropriate Medications for the Elderly, 102 signs/symptoms and complaints, 68 defining characteristics, allowing analysis based on signs/symptoms or by drug therapy. Additional information made up the database, such as a dictionary of signs/symptoms, therapeutic recommendations for each medication class, in addition to possibly non-drug causality. The tool serves Android and IOS platforms, being hybrid, developed using agile methodology and User-Centered Design, and corresponds to the pre-validation version of usability and content of the application.Conclusion: after the usability and content validation stages, the tool will allow the early identification of potentially inappropriate drug therapies for the elderly, in addition to being applicable as an educational tool, encouraging discussion and learning on this topic.(AU)
Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Nursing Diagnosis , Drug Utilization Review , Mobile Applications , Potentially Inappropriate Medication List , Health Services AccessibilityABSTRACT
O uso das tecnologias digitais aumentou exponencialmente durante o período pandêmico. Profissionais dos mais diversos ramos se habituaram a trabalhar de forma virtual. Professores adaptaram suas aulas e os alunos aprenderam a aprender virtualmente. No lar,no trabalho, no lazer as pessoas idosas desenvolveram habilidades para o uso de dispositivos móveis, a fim de resolver os problemas e alcançar as praticidades cotidianas. Este artigo objetivou analisar, por meio de produções científicas, as pesquisas relacionadas ao uso de dispositivos móveis por pessoas idosas entre 2017 e 2021. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada no mês de agosto de 2022, por meio das bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual SCIELO, Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), Pubmed, Google Scholar (Google Acadêmico), utilizando os descritores idosos e dispositivos móveis,idosos e smartphonesnos três idiomas, bem comoidosos e celulares nos três idiomas, português, inglês e espanhol.As publicações encontradas oferecem uma visão do uso dos celulares pelas pessoas idosas no período pré-pandemia e pandêmico.(AU)
The use of digital technologies increased exponentially during the pandemic period. Professionals from the most diverse sectors have become accustomed to working virtually. Teachers adapted their classes and students learned to learn virtually. At home, atwork and at leisure, elderly people have developed skills in using mobile devices to solve problems and achieve everyday practicalities. This article aims to analyze, through scientific productions, research related to the use of mobile devices by elderlypeople between 2017 and 2021. A bibliographic research was carried out in August 2022, through the SCIELO Virtual Library databases , Periodical Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), Pubmed, Google Scholar (Google Scholar), using the descriptors elderly and mobile devices, elderly and smartphones in the three languages, as well as elderly and cell phones in the three languages, Portuguese, English and Spanish. The publications reveal a view of the use of cellphones by elderly people in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods.(AU)
Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Aging , Cell Phone , Computers, Handheld , SmartphoneABSTRACT
The present study was conducted by doing survey from 100 respondents regarding various benefits received by customers due to digitalisation of banking services. Through which it was identified that maximum people are aware about the various Digital services provided by the Banks which avail various benefits to them. Along with that reasons were also identified for which customers are opting for Digital Banking services. All the customers have experienced improvement in the facilities provided by Banks Digitally compared to Traditionally. And everyone agrees that they have been benefitted by the Digital Banking services and will definitely recommend it to others. In addition to that by applying Kruskal Wallis test to the data collected it was found out that there is no effect of demographic profile on the opinions of the customers regarding the benefits received due to digitalisation of Banking services.
Background: Pregnancy applications are more prevalent than other fitness and health applications. They also utilize immediate connection to seek expert advice and comfort. Recently, apps have emerged as a fresh method for delivering prenatal information that is easily available at the press of a button, for little to no money, at any time, and anywhere. Method: A total of 50 rural and urban primi gravida mothers were included in the study. Utilization statements and knowledge questionnaire and opinionnaire-Likert scale on perception was used to collect data from sample. Results: The majority of primi gravida mothers in rural areas, 15 (60%) expressed neutrality, 10 (40%) expressed dissatisfaction, in contrast, majority of primi gravida mothers in urban areas, 22, (88.0%) expressed neutrality, 3 (12.0%) expressed satisfaction. Majority of urban primi gravida mothers (20) had average knowledge and the remaining 5 (20%) had bad knowledge, the majority of 24 (96.0%) had poor knowledge and 1 (4%) had average knowledge, in contrast, the majority of rural primi mothers 20 out of 20 had unfavorable perceptions, with 60 (24%) having somewhat positive perceptions and the majority of 19 (76.0%) having unfavorable perceptions. Conclusions: The results showed the urban primi gravida mothers were greatly utilizing mobile based application for maternal and foetal outcome, and rural mothers are not aware of mobile based application for maternal and health services and need to teach on mobile based application so that they utilize all governmental services and schemes.
RESUMEN Introducción. El uso de herramientas digitales para la salud es una práctica extendida. Objetivo. Determinar la validez de contenido y confiabilidad de un instrumento de medición del conocimiento, valoración y usabilidad de un aplicativo móvil de salud y nutrición con base de datos de alimentos nativos del Perú. Métodos. Se diseñó un cuestionario de 8 preguntas que se aplicó en 32 participantes seleccionados aleatoriamente entre los pacientes adultos del Centro de Salud Amistad Perú Corea Bellavista, Callao, que habitualmente utilizan celular con acceso a internet y que usan aplicativos móviles. Resultados. Los ítems dicotómicos de la dimensión conocimiento tuvieron un KR20 de 0,72, en la dimensión valoración se obtuvo un coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,74 y la dimensión usabilidad obtuvo un coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,75. Conclusión. El instrumento demostró una alta confiabilidad en las tres dimensiones, con validez interna y confiabilidad adecuada para su aplicación.
ABSTRACT Introduction. The use of digital tools for health is a widespread practice. Objective. Determine the content validity and reliability of an instrument for measuring knowledge, appreciation, and usability of a mobile health and nutrition application with a database of native foods from Peru. Methods. A questionnaire of 8 questions was designed and applied to 32 participants randomly selected from adult patients at the Amistad Peru Korea Bellavista Health Center, Callao, who usually use cell phones with internet access and who use mobile applications. Results. The dichotomous items of the knowledge dimension had a KR20 of 0.72, in the appraisal dimension a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.74 was obtained and the usability dimension obtained a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.75. Conclusions. The instrument demonstrated high reliability in the three dimensions and has internal validity and adequate reliability to be applied.