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An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 85(2): 193-197, abr.-jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581601


RESUMEN Mujer adulta mayor, diabética, que ingresó por infección del tracto urinario. Durante su hospitalización refirió dolor muscular y limitación para la deambulación que fue asociada a neuropatía diabética. Por coxartrosis se realizó radiografía simple de cadera y fémur, observándose calcificaciones con forma de «granos de arroz¼ distribuidas en tejidos blandos, tórax y cerebro. Los hallazgos fueron compatibles con cisticercosis muscular y neurocisticercosis y recibió tratamiento sintomático. Se identificó esclerosis de Mönckeberg, que consiste en la calcificación de la capa media de las arterias de pequeño y mediano calibre, que en la paciente fueron las arterias radiales, femorales e iliacas, confirmados con un índice tobillo-brazo de 1,4. También se identificó placas calcificadas en aorta y tronco de la arteria pulmonar, por lo que se inició tratamiento combinado con estatina y antiagregante plaquetario, además del control de comorbilidades, incluyendo el dolor muscular de naturaleza multicausal.

ABSTRACT Elderly diabetic woman admitted for urinary tract infection. During her hospitalization she reported muscle pain and limitation of ambulation associated with diabetic neuropathy. Due to coxarthrosis, simple radiography of the hip and femur was performed, showing calcifications in the shape of "grains of rice" distributed in soft tissues, thorax and brain. The findings were compatible with muscular cysticercosis and neurocysticercosis and he received symptomatic treatment. Mönckeberg's sclerosis was identified, which consists of calcification of the middle layer of small and medium caliber arteries, which in the patient were the radial, femoral and iliac arteries, confirmed with an ankle-brachial index of 1.4. Calcified plaques were also identified in the aorta and trunk of the pulmonary artery, so combined treatment with statin and antiplatelet agents was initiated, in addition to the control of comorbidities, including muscle pain of a multicausal nature.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 43(4): 315-318, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581251


The objective of this study was to carry out a literature review on neurocysticercosis. In this sense, a literature review was performed based on articles published on Bireme and Pubmed in the period 2018­2024. The descriptor was used: "intrasellar cysticercosis." Five studies met the eligibility criteria. Headache was the main symptom observed. The prevalence of the disease by age profile occurred mainly in young adults. The lack of general knowledge and the lack of resources for prevention, diagnosis, and early treatment may be factors that contribute to the persistence of the disease in the population. Furthermore, the lack of resources, such as neuroimaging exams and neurological care, makes it difficult to diagnose and treat the disease; thus, delaying diagnosis contributes to the spread of the infection.

O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre neurocisticercose. Nesse sentido, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura baseada nos artigos publicados na Bireme e Pubmed no período de 2018­2024. Foi utilizado o descritor: "Intrasellar cysticercosis." Cinco estudos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade. Cefaleia foi o principal sintoma observado. A prevalência da doença por perfil etário se deu principalmente em adultos jovens. A falta de conhecimento geral e carência de recursos para prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento precoce podem ser fatores que corroboram para a permanência da doença na população. Ademais, a falta de recursos, como exames de neuroimagem e cuidados neurológicos dificultam o diagnóstico e tratamento da doença, com isso, a demora no diagnóstico contribui para disseminação da infecção.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1565596


La neurocisticercosis es una de las infecciones parasitarias más frecuentes, originada por la larva de la Taenia solium al invadir el sistema nervioso central. Esta patología es endémica de algunos países de África, y está relacionada con hábitos dietéticos, costumbres, higiene y factores socioeconómicos, con mayor incidencia en pacientes escolares y adolescentes, aunque puede presentarse a cualquier edad. Su clínica es variable, unida a criterios epidemiológicos que hacen indispensable al médico de asistencia realizar examen clínico y estudios imagenológicos. Se presenta el caso clínico de una niña de 10 años de edad procedente de Kuito-Bie, Angola, que acude a consulta de neurología, con pérdida de la visión de aproximadamente seis meses de evolución, disminución de la fuerza muscular, episodios de alucinaciones, lenguaje incoherente y convulsiones tónico-clónicas generalizadas de siete días de evolución. Se solicita, de urgencia, una tomografía axial computarizada de cráneo, donde se confirma neurocisticercosis activa, con epilepsia sintomática en el curso de la misma. Los hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos permiten un diagnóstico oportuno y tratamiento eficaz, lo que determina la evolución clínica de la neurocisticercosis en la infancia, según el estadio clínico y la respuesta inmunológica del huésped(AU)

Neurocysticercosis is one of the most frequent parasitic infections caused by the larva of Taenia solium when invading the central nervous system. This pathology is endemic to some African countries, and is related to dietary habits, customs, hygiene and socioeconomic factors, with a higher incidence in school patients and adolescents, although it can occur at any age. Its clinical symptoms are variable, linked to epidemiological criteria that make it essential for the attending physician to perform a clinical examination and imaging studies It is presented the clinical case of a 10-year-old girl from Kuito-Bie, Angola, who attended the neurology clinic with vision loss of approximately 6 months of evolution, decreased muscle strength, episodes of hallucinations, incoherent speech, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures of 7 days of evolution. An emergency computed axial tomography of the skull was requested, where active neurocysticercosis is confirmed, with symptomatic epilepsy in its course. Clinical and imaging findings allow timely diagnosis and effective treatment, which determines the clinical evolution of neurocysticercosis in childhood, depending on the clinical stage and the host's immune response(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Seizures/epidemiology , Epilepsies, Myoclonic/diagnosis , Neurocysticercosis/epidemiology , Taenia solium/parasitology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;82(7): s00441788584, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568861


Abstract Background Arteritis is a complication of neurocysticercosis (NCC), which is not well known and could trigger strokes. The transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) is a noninvasive method for detecting, staging, and monitoring cerebrovascular diseases. Nonetheless, the utility of TCD to evaluate cerebral hemodynamic changes, suggesting vasculitis associated with NCC remains uncertain. Objective To evaluate cerebral hemodynamic changes using TCD in patients with subarachnoid and parenchymal NCC. Methods There were 53 patients with NCC evaluated at a reference hospital for neurological diseases included (29 with subarachnoid and 24 with parenchymal). Participants underwent a clinical interview and serology for cysticercosis and underwent TCD performed within 2 weeks of enrollment. Mean flow velocity, peak systolic velocity, end diastolic velocity, and pulsatility index were recorded. Results Among the participants, there were 23 (43.4%) women, with a median age of 37 years (IQR: 29-48). Cerebral hemodynamic changes suggesting vasculitis were detected in 12 patients (22.64%); the most compromised vessel was the middle cerebral artery in 11 (91.67%) patients. There were more females in the group with sonographic signs of vasculitis (10/12, 83.33% vs. 13/41, 31.71%; p = 0.002), and this was more frequent in the subarachnoid NCC group (9/29, 31.03% vs. 3/24, 12.5%; p = 0.187), although this difference did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion Cerebral hemodynamic changes suggestive of vasculitis are frequent in patients with NCC and can be evaluated using TCD.

Resumen Antecedentes La arteritis es una complicación de la neurocisticercosis (NCC), que no siempre se conoce y podría desencadenar enfermedad cerebrovascular. La ultrasonografía Doppler transcraneal (DTC) es un método no invasivo que sirve para detectar y monitorizar enfermedades cerebrovasculares. No obstante, la utilidad de la DTC para evaluar los cambios hemodinámicos cerebrales que sugieren vasculitis asociada a NCC sigue siendo incierta. Objetivo Evaluar los cambios hemodinámicos cerebrales utilizando DTC en pacientes con NCC subaracnoidea y parenquimal. Métodos Se incluyeron 53 pacientes con NCC (29 con subaracnoidea y 24 con parenquimal) evaluados en un hospital de referencia para enfermedades neurológicas. Los participantes se sometieron a una entrevista clínica y serología para cisticercosis y a una DTC realizada dentro de las 2 semanas posteriores a la inscripción. Se registraron la velocidad media del flujo, la velocidad sistólica máxima, la velocidad diastólica final y el índice de pulsatilidad. Resultados Los participantes incluyeron 23 (43,4%) mujeres con una mediana de edad de 37 años (rango intercuartílico [RIC]: 29-48). Se detectaron cambios hemodinámicos cerebrales sugestivos de vasculitis en 12 pacientes (22,64%); el vaso más comprometido fue la arteria cerebral media, en 11 (91,67%) pacientes. Hubo más mujeres en el grupo con signos ecográficos de vasculitis (10/12, 83,33% versus 13/41, 31,71%; p = 0,002), y esto fue más frecuente en el grupo de NCC subaracnoidea (9/29, 31,03% versus 3/24, 12,5%; p = 0,187), aunque esta diferencia no alcanzó significancia estadística. Conclusión Los cambios hemodinámicos cerebrales sugestivos de vasculitis son frecuentes en pacientes con NCC y pueden evaluarse mediante DTC.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235235


Background and Objective: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a common parasitic disease in the central nervous system (CNS). In India and other less developed countries, the diagnosis of NCC is frequently difficult because several other prevalent disorders can present with similar clinical and neuroimaging pictures. These imaging features are shared by infective conditions such as tuberculoma, fungal granuloma, neoplastic condition such as cerebral metastasis and toxoplasma, and CNS lymphoma in HIV-positive patients. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective and retrospective study with indoor patients of a tertiary care center. The duration of the study was for 18 months. The sample size is 20 cases of NCC and 20 cases of CNS tuberculoma (who pose a diagnostic dilemma. Results: In the present study, 36 indoor patients from the general medicine ward were included in the study. Among 36 patients, 21 were diagnosed as NCC and 15 as CNS tuberculoma. Rest based on various parameters, the results are depicted in tables. Conclusion: NCC is the most common parasitic infection of the brain caused by Taenia solium. NCC is one of the most common leading causes of seizures in India. Disease is more common in people with non-vegetarian diet but vegans also may get infected through the fecal-oral route. A scenario in which a patient presents with a ring-enhancing lesion if posing a diagnostic dilemma between NCC and tuberculoma must be resolved to avoid antitubercular treatment in cases of NCC.

Rev. invest. clín ; Rev. invest. clín;75(4): 203-211, Jul.-Aug. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515324


ABSTRACT Background: In Latin America, epilepsy in the elderly is a neglected issue that has never been studied. The epidemiological transition has significantly altered the demographics of epilepsy, and therefore, we would like to draw attention to this topic. Objective: We require local real-world evidence, as the literature often depicts a different scenario, including pharmacological management. Methods: From 2007 to 2018, we recruited all patients with new-onset geriatric epilepsy (first seizure after the age of 60) tracked from ten Mexican hospitals, adding them to patients with similar characteristics from a previously published study. The diagnosis was confirmed in all patients by a certified neurologist, and they were also studied using a conventional electroencephalogram and imaging workup. Results: A diagnosis of new-onset geriatric epilepsy (Elderly patients was established in 100 cases. No specific cause was found in 26% of patients, while 42% had a stroke and 10% had neurocysticercosis (NCC). Monotherapy was the choice in 83 patients, and phenytoin was the most used drug (50%), followed by carbamazepine (25%). Conclusion: NCC remains a frequent cause of new-onset geriatric epilepsy. This distribution is not seen in the literature, mainly representing patients from wealthy economies. In our setting, financial constraints influence the choice of the drug, and newer antiepileptic drugs should be made more affordable to this population with economic and physical frailty.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231031


Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the commonest parasitic disease of nervous system in humans and single most common cause of acquired seizures in developing countries. In this study, we intended to evaluate the effect of Albendazole therapy in Parenchymal Neurocysticercosis lesion resolution, lesion load reduction and lesion stage evolution observed on serial neuroimaging in patients presenting with seizures. Albendazole was given for 1 month. Patients were followed up and neuroimaging was carried out after a 6-month interval. Temporal changes in lesion profile including lesion load reduction, lesion resolution, lesion stage evolution and seizure recurrences during the interval period were observed. After Albendazole therapy for 6 months, patients were followed up with serial neuroimaging. Lesion resolution was seen in 29.33%, lesion load reduction in 41.33% and calcified lesions in 52% cases.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237988


Neurocysticercosis (NCC)is one of the common parasitic infection of the central nervous system, caused by tenia solium. We present here a case of 19-year-old female presented with partial hanging, on CT brain incidentally found to have asymmetric ectasia of right lateral ventricle, for which MRI was done revealed - intraventricular neurocysticercosis causing obstructive hydrocephalus. Extra parenchymal neurocysticercosis can occur in ventricles, sub arachnoid space, spine and eyes. A recent study reported an overall frequency of subarachnoid cysts in 2%, ventricular cysts in 6%, and hydrocephalus in 16% of NCC cases. It may be associated with any neurological sign and symptom. Focal neurological deficits have been recognized in one-third of symptomatic patients. Motor deficits, involuntary movements, Parkinsonism, language disturbances, sensory deficits may occur in some patients. Psychiatric disorders may mark the evolution of hydrocephalus, As in our case, patient with unilateral hydrocephalus presented with alleged history of hanging , it is important to rule out organic brain diseases in all cases with psychiatry manifestations.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228341


Background: Neurocysticercosis is one of the common cause of acquired epilepsy in childhood. The objective of this study was to study the clinic-demographic profile of children having Neurocysticercosis and to evaluate the potential risk factors for persistent seizures.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted after recruiting 30 children with neurocysticercosis. After detailed history and clinical examination, the neuroimaging findings were studied. Patients were started on standard anti-helmenthic and antiepileptic therapy. A regular follow up was taken with regard seizure recurrence. A neuroimaging was repeated at 6 moths follow up.Results: Among 30 children with neurocysticercosis who presented with first seizure due to neurocysticercosis, focal seizure was the commonest (63.3%) presentation and 23.3% of these presented with status epilepticus. Out of 30 cases, 7 (23.3%) patients had seizure recurrence on follow up. Patients presenting with status epilepticus, neuroimaging showing larger lesions (size more than 10 mm), multiple number of lesions and persistent presence of lesion on the CT scan at a follow up of 6 months were the factors found to have significant positive association with recurrence of seizures on follow up.Conclusions: There are potential clinical and radiological risk factors which are associated with the recurrence or persistence of seizures in patients with neurocysticercosis.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(1): 14-19, ene.-mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429569


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La neurocisticercosis es una infección del sistema nervioso central causada por el estadio larvario del cestodo Taenia solium, y se estima que puede ocasionar hasta 30% de los casos de epilepsia en los países donde esta parasitosis es endémica. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la frecuencia de pacientes que presentaron epilepsia como secuela de neurocisticercosis en un hospital universitario en Popayán. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de neurocisticercosis que ingresaron al Hospital Universitario San José entre enero 2014 y diciembre 2018 que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 50 pacientes, de estos, 40 (80%) reingresaron, encontrándose que 37 (74%) presentaron epilepsia como secuela. Las edades más afectadas fueron la de 41 a 60 años; 48 (96%) provenían del departamento del Cauca en especial de Mercaderes, y 33 (66%) de área rural. El síndrome convulsivo fue la manifestación clínica de ingreso más frecuente. La TAC fue la técnica de imagen de elección. CONCLUSIÓN: El departamento del Cauca se considera como una de las áreas endémicas para neurocisticercosis en Colombia, y la epilepsia secundaria es un secuela común.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Neurocysticercosis is an infection of the central nervous system caused by the larval stage of the cestode Taenia solium, it has been estimated to produce up to 30% of the cases in countries where this parasitosis is endemic. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of patients who presented epilepsy as a sequel of neurocysticercosis in a university hospital in Popayán. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted with all patients with a diagnosis of neurocysticercosis who were admitted to the Hospital Universitario San José between January 2014 and December 2018 who met the inclusion criteria. RESULTS: We found 50 patients, 40 (80%) of which were readmitted and 37 (74%) presented epilepsy as sequela. The most affected age-group was 41 to 60 years; 48 (96%) were from the department of Cauca, especially Mercaderes, and 33 (66%) from rural areas. Convulsive syndrome was the most frequent clinical manifestation on admission. CT was the imaging technique of choice. CONCLUSION: The department of Cauca is considered as an endemic area for neurocysticercosis, and secondary epilepsy was a common consequence.

Neurocysticercosis , Epilepsy , Seizures , Taenia solium , Helminths
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965538


This case report described the diagnosis and treatment of an ethnic Tibetan case with severe neurocysticercosis residing in agricultural areas of Sichuan province.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 406-415, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011288


@#The pathogenesis of chronic parasitic central nervous system (CNS) infections, including granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis (GAE), cerebral toxoplasmosis (CT), and neurocysticercosis (NCC), is primarily due to an inflammatory host reaction to the parasite. Inflammatory cytokines produced by invading T cells, monocytes, and CNS resident cells lead to neuroinflammation which underlie the immunopathology of these infections. Immune molecules, especially cytokines, can therefore emerge as potential biomarker(s) of CNS parasitic infections. In this study, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) samples from suspected patients with parasitic infections were screened for pathogenic free-living amoebae by culture (n=2506) and PCR (n=275). Six proinflammatory cytokines in smear and culture-negative CSF samples from patients with GAE (n = 2), NCC (n = 7), and CT (n = 23) as well as control (n = 7) patients were measured using the Multiplex Suspension assay. None of the CSF samples tested was positive for neurotropic free-living amoebae by culture and only two samples showed Acanthamoeba 18S rRNA by PCR. Of the six cytokines measured, only IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly increased in all three infection groups compared to the control group. In addition, TNFa levels were higher in the GAE and NCC groups and IL-17 in the GAE group compared to controls. The levels of IL-1b and IFNg were very low in all the infection groups and the control group. There was a correlation between CSF cellularity and increased levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNFa in 11 patients. Thus, quantifying inflammatory cytokine levels in CSF might help with understanding the level of neuroinflammation in patients with neurotropic parasitic diseases. Further studies with clinico-microbiological correlation in the form of reduction of cytokine levels with treatment and the correlation with neurological deficits are needed.

Rev. inf. cient ; 101(6)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441976


Introducción: La neurocisticercosis es una infección parasitaria prevenible, producida por los quistes larvarios de la Taenia solium (solitaria), que pueden infectar cualquier parte del cuerpo, en este caso, el cerebro, siendo la forma más grave de la enfermedad y en ocasiones puede ocasionar convulsiones e incluso llegar a ser mortal. Objetivo: Sistematizar la información acerca de esta patología. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica actualizada en bases de datos como PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library y ClinicalKey, así como en revistas de alto impacto en SciELO, Scopus, complementada la información con revisiones sistemáticas, estudios clínicos aleatorizados y enfoques de metaanálisis, en los cuales se indagaron palabras claves para facilitar la búsqueda como: "Neurocisticercosis", "Fisiopatología", "etiología", "manifestaciones clínicas", "prevalencia", "morbimortalidad", "diagnostico", "tratamiento". Desarrollo: La investigación permitió reconocer el arduo trabajo que se precisa en el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad, debido a la dificultad que requiere su tipificación Se destacó la importancia de los estudios de neuroimagen como herramientas para calificar la gravedad de la neurocisticercosis y, de esta manera, escoger el tratamiento adecuado. Se desarrollaron acápites de: epidemiología, etiopatogenia, ciclo de vida, manifestaciones clínicas, clasificación, estadio evolutivo de las lesiones, diagnóstico, criterios diagnósticos, y tratamiento. Conclusiones: Ecuador es considerado como un país endémico para la Taenia solium. Implementar la prevención debe ser un pilar fundamental del ministerio de salud debido a la persistencia de los factores de riesgo para la infección de este parásito y el conjunto de aspectos asociados a la precaria calidad de vida en muchos sitios del país.

Introduction: Neurocysticercosis is a preventable parasitic infection caused by larval cysts of Taenia solium (tapeworm), which can infect any part of the body, including the brain and is the most severe form of the disease, sometimes lead to seizures and even be fatal. Objective: To synthesize information concerning this pathology. Method: An updated bibliographic search was carried out in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and ClinicalKey, as well as in high impact journals like SciELO, and Scopus. The information gathered was complemented with the use of systematic reviews, randomized clinical studies and meta-analysis approaches, in which to facilitate the search process various key words were used: "neurocysticercosis", "pathophysiology", "etiology", "clinical manifestations", "prevalence", "morbimortality", "diagnosis", and "treatment". Development: The research allowed the researchers to recognize the arduous work required for the diagnosis of this disease, assuming as well how difficult is to typify it. The importance of neuroimaging studies as tools to qualify the severity of neurocysticercosis and, thus, to choose the appropriate treatment was highlighted. The following sections were developed: epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, life cycle, clinical manifestations, classification, and evolution of lesions, diagnosis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment. Conclusions: Ecuador is considered an endemic country for Taeniasolium. The implementation of preventive actions should be regarded as a fundamental task of the Ministry of Health due to the permanent surrounding risk factors, which have an influence for getting infection and the set of aspects associated with the precarious quality of life in many parts of the country.

Introdução: A neurocisticercose é uma infecção parasitária evitável, produzida pelos cistos larvais da Taenia solium (tênia solium), que pode infectar qualquer parte do corpo, neste caso, o cérebro, sendo a forma mais grave da doença, podendo por vezes causar convulsões e podem até ser fatais. Objetivo: Sistematizar as informações sobre esta patologia. Método: Foi realizada busca bibliográfica atualizada em bases de dados como PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library e ClinicalKey, bem como em revistas de alto impacto no SciELO, Scopus, complementando as informações com revisões sistemáticas, análises clínicas estudos randomizados e abordagens de meta-análise, em que foram investigadas palavras-chave para facilitar a busca como: "Neurocisticercose", "Fisiopatologia", "etiologia", "manifestações clínicas", "prevalência", "morbidade e mortalidade", "diagnóstico" , "tratamento". Desenvolvimento: A pesquisa permitiu reconhecer o árduo trabalho que é exigido no diagnóstico desta doença, pela dificuldade que a sua tipificação exige, destacou-se a importância dos estudos de neuroimagem como ferramentas para qualificar a gravidade da neurocisticercose e, neste maneira, escolher o tratamento adequado. Foram desenvolvidas seções sobre: epidemiologia, etiopatogenia, ciclo de vida, manifestações clínicas, classificação, estágio evolutivo das lesões, diagnóstico, critérios diagnósticos e tratamento. Conclusões: O Equador é considerado um país endêmico para Taenia solium. A implementação da prevenção deve ser um pilar fundamental do Ministério da Saúde devido à persistência de fatores de risco para infecção por este parasita e ao conjunto de aspectos associados à precária qualidade de vida em muitas partes do país.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220606


Cysticercosis has been reported as the most common illness affecting the central nervous system by cystic stage of Taenia. solium pork tapeworm. It is also referred as food borne zoonotic infection with T.solium larva or cysticercus stage in humans. Cysticercosis which affects central nervous system is called neurocysticercosis (NCC). The clinical manifestation of NCC largely depends on the number, type, size of the cysts, stage of development of cyst and degree of host immune response against the parasite. The present study aimed to assess the burden of Objectives: neurocysticercosis infection by CT imaging and antigen detection by ELISA in the community as well as hospital based patients. Blood samples were collected and antigen detection of cysticercosis by ELISA were done and CT Brain was Methods: done to con?rm the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis among the participants. The overall clinical presentation among Results: 640 subjects showed seizure as the major presentation 446 (69.69%). The overall results of the commercial-Ag-ELISA revealed 61 of 446 sera to be positive for Cysticercus antigen, and thus con?rming 13.68% total prevalence of neurocysticercosis in the study region. High index of exposure to T. solium cysticercosis in the study region of south Indian. An early Conclusion: diagnosis and appropriate treatment management can improve the quality of life of a patient.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(3): 328-335, jul.-sep. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410000


RESUMEN Objetivo . Explorar la viabilidad de desarrollar un modelo de neurocisticercosis (NCC) de oveja mediante infección intracraneal de oncosferas de T. solium. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un modelo de infección experimental de NCC en ovejas. Se inocularon aproximadamente 10 posoncósferas de T. solium cultivadas previamente por 30 días por vía intracraneal en diez ovejas. Las oncósferas, en 0,1 mL de solución salina fisiológica, se inyectaron en el lóbulo parietal a través de una aguja de calibre 18. Resultados. Después de tres meses, en dos ovejas se encontraron granulomas y en una tercera identificó un quiste de 5 mm de diámetro en el ventrículo lateral derecho y la evaluación histológica confirmó que el quiste corresponde a una larva de T. solium. También se utilizó inmunohistoquímica con anticuerpos monoclonales dirigidos contra componentes de membrana y antígenos excretorios/secretorios del quiste de T. solium para confirmar la etiología de los granulomas encontrados. Uno de ellos mostro reactividad ante los anticuerpos monoclonales utilizados, confirmando así que se trató de un cisticerco. Conclusión. Este experimento es la prueba de concepto de que es posible infectar ovejas con cisticercosis por inoculación intracraneal.

ABSTRACT Objective. To explore the feasibility of developing a sheep model of neurocysticercosis (NCC) by intracranial infection with T. solium oncospheres. Materials and methods. We carried out an experimental infection model of NCC in sheep. Approximately 10 T. solium oncospheres previously cultured for 30 days were inoculated intracranially into ten sheep. The oncospheres, in 0.1 mL of physiological saline, were injected into the parietal lobe through an 18-gauge needle. Results. After three months, granulomas were found in two sheep. In a third sheep we identified a 5 mm diameter cyst in the right lateral ventricle and histological evaluation confirmed that the cyst corresponded to a T. solium larva. Immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies directed against membrane components and excretory/secretory antigens of the T. solium cyst was also used to confirm the etiology of the found granulomas. One of them showed reactivity to the monoclonal antibodies used, thus confirming that it was a cysticercus. Conclusion. This experiment is the proof of concept that it is possible to infect sheep with cysticercosis by intracranial inoculation.

Animals , Brain , Cysticercosis , Sheep , Lateral Ventricles , Cysts , Epilepsy , Granuloma
Medisur ; 20(4): 607-616, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405947


RESUMEN Fundamento La afectación cognitiva en pacientes con neurocisticercosis es frecuente, por lo tanto, resulta de gran utilidad contar con instrumentos pronósticos para establecer un mejor manejo de esta. Objetivo proponer una escala predictiva de deterioro cognitivo en pacientes adultos con neurocisticercosis. Métodos estudio con diseño correlacional, prospectivo y transversal, que incluyó 93 pacientes con neurocisticercosis. A través de datos aportados por investigaciones previas, se seleccionaron las variables, las cuales se relacionaron con la aparición de deterioro cognitivo en el análisis bivariado (p<0,05). Como técnica de análisis multivariado, se realizó un escalamiento multidimensional (PROXSCAL) (s-stress < 0,001 y coeficiente de congruencia de Tucker > 0,999). Se determinó el rendimiento pronóstico de cada uno de las variables, mediante la sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos positivo y negativo, con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95 %. Resultados se elaboró una escala con formato dicotómico, que incluyó 7 factores (4 clínicos y 3 tomográficos), con los que se obtuvo una puntuación de 0 a 7 puntos para la predicción de deterioro cognitivo en pacientes adultos con neurocisticercosis, con una probabilidad de: 0-1 punto: 75,3 %; 2-3 puntos: 95 %; ≥ 4 puntos: 96 %. Conclusión El instrumento propuesto presenta una precisión pronóstica aceptable; es sencillo, reproducible y necesita poco tiempo para su aplicación. A pesar de sus limitaciones, pudiera mejorar la calidad de la atención de los pacientes con neurocisticercosis, pues permite orientar el manejo de esta condición.

ABSTRACT Background Cognitive impairment in patients with neurocysticercosis is frequent, therefore, it is very useful to have prognostic instruments to establish a better management of it. Objective to propose a predictive scale of cognitive impairment in adult patients with neurocysticercosis. Methods study with a correlational, prospective and cross-sectional design, which included 93 patients with neurocysticercosis. Through data provided by previous research, the variables were selected, which were related to the appearance of cognitive impairment in the bivariate analysis (p<0.05). As a multivariate analysis technique, a multidimensional scaling (PROXSCAL) was performed (s-stress < 0.001 and Tucker's congruence coefficient > 0.999). The prognostic performance of each of the variables was determined by means of sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values, with their respective 9 5% confidence intervals. Results a scale with a dichotomous format was developed, which included 7 factors (4 clinical and 3 tomographic), with which a score of 0 to 7 points was obtained for the prediction of cognitive impairment in adult patients with neurocysticercosis, with a probability of: 0-1 point: 75.3 %; 2-3 points: 95 %; ≥ 4 points: 96 %. Conclusion The proposed instrument has an acceptable prognostic accuracy; it is simple, reproducible and requires little time for its application. Despite its limitations, it could improve the quality of care for patients with neurocysticercosis, since it allows guiding the management of this condition.

Medisur ; 20(3)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405921


RESUMEN Fundamento: Muchos pacientes con neurocisticercosis manifiestan deterioro cognitivo, con afectaciones importantes en su calidad de vida. Objetivo determinar la correlación entre el estado cognitivo y los hallazgos tomográficos en pacientes con neurocisticercosis. Métodos estudio correlacional, prospectivo y transversal, que incluyó a 93 pacientes con diagnóstico de neurocisticercosis atendidos en dos hospitales ecuatorianos, desde mayo de 2019 a mayo de 2020. Para la valoración cognitiva se utilizó el Mini-Mental State Examination, de Folstein. Se estimó el riesgo relativo y la prueba de Chi cuadrado, considerando significación estadística si p<0,05. Para el análisis multivariado se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística binaria. Resultados entre los hallazgos tomográficos, se destacaron las lesiones mayores de 1 cm (32,2 %), las múltiples (30,1 %), localizadas en la región parietal (34,4 %) y las subaracnoideas (46,2 %). La evaluación cognitiva mostró resultados normales en 74,2 % de los casos, así como demencia leve a moderada en 9,7 % de los pacientes. El área más afectada fue la del lenguaje (54,8 %). La demencia se asoció principalmente con el tamaño de la lesión mayor de un 1 centímetro [RR: 7,35; IC 95 %: 1,62-33,3], seguido del número de lesiones (múltiples o racemosa) y la topografía mixta. En el análisis multivariado estas perdieron la correlación. Conclusión El déficit cognitivo tuvo una prevalencia menor a la descrita en la literatura especializada, y se asoció con variables tomográficas como el tamaño, número y localización de las lesiones; en el análisis multivariado, ninguno de estos factores mantuvo su significación estadística.

ABSTRACT Background Many patients with neurocysticercosis manifest cognitive damage, with important effects on their quality of life. Objective to determine the correlation between cognitive status and tomographic findings in patients with neurocysticercosis. Method correlational, prospective and cross-sectional study, which included 93 patients diagnosed with neurocysticercosis treated in two Ecuadorian hospitals, from May 2019 to May 2020. The Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination was used for cognitive assessment. The relative risk and the Chi square test were estimated, considering statistical significance if p<0.05. For the multivariate analysis, a binary logistic regression model was used. Results among the tomographic findings, lesions greater than 1 cm (32.2%), multiple (30.1%), located in the parietal region (34.4%) and subarachnoid (46.2%) enhance. The cognitive evaluation showed normal results in 74.2% of the cases, as well as mild to moderate dementia in 9.7% of the patients. The most affected area was the language (54.8%). Dementia was mainly associated with lesion size greater than 1 centimeter [RR: 7.35; 95% CI: 1.62-33.3], followed by the number of lesions (multiple or racemose) and the mixed topography. In the multivariate analysis, these lost the correlation. Conclusion The cognitive deficit had a lower prevalence than that described in the specialized literature, and was associated with tomographic variables such as the size, number and location of the lesions; in multivariate analysis, none of these factors maintained their statistical significance.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2022 May; 65(1): 164-175
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223277


Central nervous system (CNS) infections are among the most devastating diseases with high mortality and morbidity. In the pre-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) era, the occurrence of CNS infections was very infrequent. However, in the past four decades or so, with a global increase in the immunocompromised population, the incidence of opportunistic infections of the CNS has changed. This includes a global increase in the incidence of parasitic infections such as Toxoplasma gondii. Infections such as neurocysticercosis and cerebral malaria are quite prevalent in developing countries. Early diagnosis of these infections is crucial for instituting accurate therapy and preventing mortality and morbidity. Despite advances in neuroimaging techniques, laboratory diagnosis remains the mainstay for confirmation of diagnosis. We present an update on the noninvasive tests available for laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections of the CNS.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2022 Apr; 120(4): 62-63
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216517


Human Cysticercosis, a potentially deadly infestation, is the consequence of ingestion of eggs of Taenia solium. Cysticercosis is the most common parasitic infestation of the Central Nervous System, Muscle and Subcutaneous Tissue. About 54% of the patients present with subcutaneous nodules combined with nervous involvement. Cysticercosis is the most common Parasitic Disease of the Central Nervous System in the world but Cysticercosis cutis has been reported much less frequently(less than 2%). Here we are discussing a case of peripheral cysticercosis for which Surgery was done followed by medical treatment. Our patient came with a swelling on the left forearm near cubital fossa duration progressively increasing in size for the past 4 months. Complaints of pain over the swelling. MRI of the swelling was taken which showed a cystic swelling in the subcutaneous plane with a scolex in situ. After ruling out Neurocysticercosis, patient was taken up for excision of the cyst. Histopathology reported positive for cysticercosis with in situ scolex.Postoperative period uneventful and the patient was given a course of albendazole for two weeks. Majority of the patients will be presenting with Neurological Symptoms as Neurocysticercosis. Albendazole is considered as the treatment of choice in most of the cases and is cost effective. An alternate choice is praziquantel which might be given for some patients. Surgical management is preferred for peripheral cyst which is one of the rarest presentation.