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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911586


Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for patients with pathologic nipple discharge.Methods:A retrospective analysis was made on patients with nipple discharge who underwent breast MRI and surgical excision between Oct 2010 to Oct 2020. Sensitivity, speci?city, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of MRI were calculated.Results:A total of 184 patients fulfilled our selection criteria, including breast cancer in 43 cases (23.4%), intraductal papilloma in 96 cases (52.2%) and other benign diseases in 45 cases (24.5%). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of MRI for intraductal lesions of pathologic nipple discharge were respectively 76.8%, 52.2%, 82.8% and 42.9%. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of MRI for pathologic malignant nipple discharge were respectively 97.7%, 41.1%, 33.6% and 98.3%. Among the 43 cases of breast cancer, 10 cases (23.3%) were occult malignancy with negative ultrasound and mammography and malignant lesions were detected by MRI. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of MRI for occult malignancy were 81.8%, 53.7%, 24.4%, and 97.3%.Conclusion:MRI is a valuable additional diagnostic tool for the evaluation of pathologic nipple discharge, especially when conventional imaging is negative .

Mastology (Impr.) ; 28(1): 11-16, jan.-mar.2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-915892


Objective: To evaluate a not yet described ultrasound finding, the dilation of the intra-papillary portion of the lactiferous duct in patients with or without abnormal nipple discharge Methods: 24 patients with pathological nipple discharge and intrapapillary duct dilation and 1,255 asymptomatic patients (control group) were studied. Results: Just one asymptomatic patient had intrapapillary duct dilation. Among the symptomatic patients, 19 were biopsied: ten with exclusively percutaneous approach, six with exclusively surgical approach, and three with an initial percutaneous and then a surgical approach. There was one invasive carcinoma and two carcinomas in situ (15.8% of the biopsied patients). In 11 patients, a papilloma was found, three of them with atypia. In one patient, ultrasonography identified intrapapillary extension of microcalcifications, and another patient a changed duct diametrically opposite to the duct which had a trigger point. In these two patients, the examination changed the treatment strategy. In two other patients, an extra-papillary finding was identified only after the intrapapillary duct dilation has been encountered. Conclusion: The intrapapillary duct dilation is a new ultrasonography sign that adds sensitivity to the evaluation of the patient with pathological nipple discharge, besides helping to find the lesion and to guide the treatment. Further research is needed to determine its prevalence and its positive and negative predictive values for cancer, atypia and papilloma

Objetivo: Avaliar um achado de ultrassonografia inédito (dilatação intrapapilar do duto lactífero) em pacientes portadoras de fluxo papilar patológico e em pacientes assintomáticas. Métodos: Foram estudadas 24 portadoras de fluxo papilar patológico e dilatação ductal intrapapilar e 1.255 pacientes assintomáticas (grupo controle). Resultados: Apenas uma paciente assintomática apresentou dilatação ductal intrapapilar. Entre as pacientes sintomáticas, 19 foram biopsiadas, 10 com abordagem exclusivamente percutânea, 6 com abordagem exclusivamente cirúrgica e 3 com abordagem inicialmente percutânea e depois cirúrgica. Houve um carcinoma invasor e dois carcinomas in situ (15,8% das pacientes biopsiadas). Em 11 pacientes foi encontrado papiloma, 3 deles com atipias. Em uma paciente a ultrassonografia identificou extensão intrapapilar de microcalcificações e em outra, um duto alterado diametralmente oposto ao duto com sinal do gatilho clínico. Nessas duas pacientes o exame mudou a estratégia de tratamento. Em duas pacientes, um achado extrapapilar só foi identificado após o encontro da dilatação ductal intrapapilar. Conclusão: A dilatação ductal intrapapilar é novo sinal ultrassonográfico que agrega sensibilidade à avaliação da paciente com fluxo papilar patológico, além de ajudar a encontrar a lesão e a orientar o tratamento. São necessárias pesquisas adicionais para determinar sua prevalência e seus valores preditivos positivo e negativo para câncer, atipias e papilomas.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-695589


Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of fiberoptic ductoscopy (FDS) in pathological milky white nipple discharge.Methods The data of 1688 patients with pathological milky white nipple discharge who underwent FDS examination in Chengdu Third People's Hospital from Oct.2011 to Oct.2016 were analyzed retrospectively.Results Among the 1688 cases,the proportion of patients with milky white nipple discharge was 30%,higher than that of the bloody discharge (15%) and yellow liquid (24.5%).The detection rate of lesions in patients with milk nipple discharge was 9.3%,among whom 6.1% was breast cancer.Conclusions FDS should be routinely performed in patients with pathological milky white nipple discharge,as an examination tool to exclude the intra ductal lesion.The disease should be paid more attention by physicians.

Radiol. bras ; Radiol. bras;50(6): 383-388, Nov.-Dec. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-896142


Abstract Nipple discharge is a common symptom in clinical practice, representing the third leading breast complaint, after pain and lumps. It is usually limited and has a benign etiology. The risk of malignancy is higher when the discharge is uniductal, unilateral, spontaneous, persistent, bloody, or serous, as well as when it is accompanied by a breast mass. The most common causes of pathologic nipple discharge are papilloma and ductal ectasia. However, there is a 5% risk of malignancy, mainly ductal carcinoma in situ. The clinical examination is an essential part of the patient evaluation, allowing benign nipple discharge to be distinguished from suspicious nipple discharge, which calls for imaging. Mammography and ultrasound should be used together as first-line imaging methods. However, mammography has low sensitivity in cases of nipple discharge, because, typically, the lesions are small, are retroareolar, and contain no calcifications. Because the reported sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound, it is important to use the correct technique to search for intraductal lesions in the retroareolar region. Recent studies recommend the use of magnetic resonance imaging in cases of suspicious nipple discharge in which the mammography and ultrasound findings are normal. The most common magnetic resonance imaging finding is non-mass enhancement. Surgery is no longer the only solution for patients with suspicious nipple discharge, because short-time follow-up can be safely proposed.

Resumo O derrame papilar é um sintoma frequente na prática clínica, correspondendo à terceira queixa mais comum, sendo precedido apenas por dor e massas palpáveis. A maioria dos derrames papilares é de origem benigna e transitória, sendo definidos como derrames papilares patológicos os que se apresentam uni ou pauciorificiais, espontâneos, persistentes, serosos ou sanguinolentos e associados a alteração palpável. Os derrames patológicos são mais frequentemente causados por papiloma ou ectasia ductal, porém, existe risco de malignidade de cerca de 5%, constituído principalmente por carcinoma ductal in situ. O exame clínico é parte essencial na avaliação da paciente, permitindo diferenciar entre derrames papilares tipicamente benignos e derrames papilares suspeitos, que necessitam de avaliação pelos métodos de imagem. A mamografia e a ultrassonografia devem ser usadas em conjunto como métodos de imagem de primeira linha, porém, a sensibilidade da mamografia nestes casos é baixa, uma vez que as lesões são comumente retroareolares, pequenas e não calcificadas. A sensibilidade e a especificidade da ultrassonografia variam amplamente na literatura, sendo importante o uso de técnicas corretas para a avaliação de lesões intraductais e retroareolares. Recentemente, a ressonância magnética tem sido indicada nos casos de derrame papilar suspeito com mamografia e ultrassonografia normais, sendo o achado mais comum o realce não nodular. A cirurgia não é mais a única solução para as pacientes com derrame papilar suspeito e todos os exames de imagem normais, tendo em vista que um seguimento em curto prazo pode ser proposto de forma segura.

Ultrasonography ; : 310-320, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-731158


Nipple discharge is a common symptom that is alarming for the patient since it can be a presenting symptom of breast cancer. Breast imaging is used to examine women with pathologic nipple discharge in order to detect any lesions that may be present and to assist in the differential diagnosis. The modalities of breast imaging include mammography, breast ultrasonography (US), and magnetic resonance imaging. Breast US is currently considered to be useful for the visualization of ductal structures and intraductal lesions that cause nipple discharge. In this review, we discuss US techniques that assist in the clear visualization of ductal structures and intraductal lesions in patients with nipple discharge. Controversy remains regarding the evaluation and management of patients with nipple discharge, and we summarize the results available in the currently published literature.

Female , Humans , Breast , Breast Diseases , Breast Neoplasms , Diagnosis, Differential , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Mammography , Nipples , Ultrasonography , Ultrasonography, Mammary
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 86(4): 287-290, ago. 2015. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-764087


Introducción: La telorragia es un síntoma poco frecuente en pacientes pediátricos, la causa más frecuente en esta población es la ectasia ductal mamaria (EDM), que es una afección benigna y autolimitada, caracterizada por la dilatación del conducto mamario, fibrosis e inflamación periductal. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de EDM, para facilitar el rápido reconocimiento por parte de los médicos, y evitar estudios y tratamientos agresivos. Caso clínico: Lactante de sexo masculino de 6 meses de edad, sano, alimentado por lactancia materna exclusiva; consultó por un nódulo retroareolar derecho y telorragia unilateral. Se realizó una ecografía Doppler que mostró una lesión multiquística, sugerente de una EDM. Se planteó tratamiento expectante y acudió a control a los 6 meses con excelente evolución. Conclusiones: La EDM es la principal causa de telorragia en niños, corresponde a una afección benigna, y la resolución generalmente es espontánea, antes de los 9 meses. Por lo que su conocimiento es de gran relevancia para el adecuado diagnóstico y manejo de estos pacientes.

Introduction: Bloody nipple discharge is an infrequent symptom during childhood. The most common cause in this population is mammary duct ectasia (MDE), which is a benign and self-limiting condition, that is characterized by dilatation of the mammary ducts, fibrosis and periductal inflammation. Objective: Report of a case of MDE in order to improve physicians’ diagnosis accuracy and avoid aggressive studies and treatments. Case report: Six-months old male healthy infant, exclusively breastfeeded, that visited our clinic with a lump beneath his right nipple and bloody discharge from the same nipple. An ultrasound was performed which showed a multicystic lesion suggestive of MDE. Watchful waiting was decided as treatment, with good evolution after six months of follow up. Conclusions: The MDE is the leading cause of bloody discharge in pediatric population, being a benign condition that resolves spontaneously before nine months. The knowledge of this condition is essential so as to accurately diagnose and treat it.

Humans , Cations/chemistry , Indicators and Reagents/chemistry , Lipids/chemistry , Polyenes/chemistry , RNA, Small Interfering/chemistry , Cell Line, Tumor , Chemistry, Pharmaceutical/methods , Gene Transfer Techniques , Genetic Vectors/genetics , HeLa Cells , Liposomes/chemistry , Luciferases/chemistry , Phospholipids/chemistry , RNA, Small Interfering/genetics , Transfection/methods
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-165759


Papillary neoplasm of breast with myoepithelial hyperplasia is a rare entity. Interpretation of papillary lesions of the breast remains a challenging task because of the wide morphologic spectrum encountered in benign, atypical and malignant subtypes. We present an interesting and rare case of a 37 year old female reported to surgical out-patient department with complaints of lump in right breast for 2 years. Mammogram diagnosis was Intraductal malignancy with Birads score V. Fine needle aspiration cytology of the lesion did not reveal features of malignancy and a diagnosis of papillary neoplasm with myoepithelial hyperplasia was rendered. Excision biopsy of the lump showed multiple papillomatosis with marked myoepithelial hyperplasia. The diagnosis of this entity by Fine needle aspiration cytology is crucial as it is a rare diagnosis and it can mimic malignancy, radiologically and clinically. It is imperative to rule out malignancy in such cases as it changes the treatment plan dramatically.

The Journal of Practical Medicine ; (24): 2010-2013, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-467635


Objective To evaluate the diagnostic efficiency of fiberoptic ductoscope versus galactography for nipple discharge. Methods Literatures on comparing the diagnostic value of galactography with fiberoptic ductoseope (FDS) on the nipple discharge were searched from the Cochrane library, Evidence based medicine (EBM ),PubMed,China Vip database, and 8 studies were intaked. Then the data was analyzed by software Metadisc1.4 and Review Manager5.1. Results There are 1170 patients in the 8 studies. The pooled estimates for sensitivity of FDS and galactography was 82%, 78%, and the pooled estimates for specificity was 51%, 50%, respectively. The weighted AUC (area under curve) was 0.776, 0.705, Q*values was 0.715, 0.657, respectively. The sensitivities and specificity of the 2 methods were not significantly different. The overall diagnostic efficacy of FDS was better than that of galactography. Conclusion FDS is better than galaetography in the diagnostic value of nipple discharge.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-621962


Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics , diagnosis and surgical method of intra-ductal papilloma(IP)of breast without nipple discharge .Methods The clinical data of 84 IP patients(130 le-sions)without nipple discharge admitted from Feb .2011 to Oct.2013 were analyzed retrospectively .Results The age of the 84 patients were mainly ranging from 30 to 50 years old.113(86.92%)lesions were≤10 mm in size, 84(64.42%)lesions had a distance≤20 mm to nipple, 57 accompanied by adenosis , 43 accompanied by fibro-cystic adenosis , 48 accompanied by fibroadenoma , 14 with ductal hyperplasia , and 2 with atypical ductal hyper-plasia.After a follow-up of 3 to 36 months, 5 cases had recurrence , including 4 cases of IP and 1 case of ductal carcinoma in situ.Conclusions IP without nipple discharge has no typical clinical symptoms .Ultrasound exam-ination may have positive findings , but not typical .Preoperative diagnosis is difficult and surgical biopsy is rec-ommended.Multiple and atypical ductal hyperplasia has possibility of recurrence , so follow-up is necessary.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-443749


Objective:To consolidate ten years of clinical experience on the application of breast fiberoptic ductoscopy (FDS) in breast intra-ductal lesion. Methods:The clinical data of 1 368 cases of patients with nipple discharge were retrospectively collected and analyzed. Results:Significant differences were observed in the FDS diagnoses of patients with nipple discharge. The rates of tumor de-tection by FDS diagnosis were significantly higher when bloody and serous nipple discharge was used rather than milky and watery nip-ple discharge. For non-tumor nipple discharge, local drug perfusion via FDS was an effective treatment. A total of 303 patients had tu-mor resection or segmentectomy under localization via FDS, and 44 had segmentectomy after breast duct infusion of methylene blue. The diagnostic rate of localization via FDS (97.0%) was higher than that of breast duct infusion of methylene blue (86.4%). Conclu-sion:FDS is an accurate method for diagnosing patients with nipple discharge. In addition, it is also a good local drug perfusion method for patients with breast inflammatory nipple discharge ductoscopy. For patients with tumorous nipple discharge, localization via FDS can help improve the detection of the lesions, which can be removed by surgery.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-454480


Conventional diagnostic methods used for pathologic nipple discharge (PND) include color ultrasound, mammary mo-lybdenum target X-ray radiography (mammography), nipple cytologic smears, and ductography. Diagnosis of PND through inspection yields indirect signs and has low positive rate. Fiberoptic ductoscopy (FDS) allows direct visualization of intra-ductal lesions, evaluates etiology of PND, and accurately locates intraductal lesions through wire marking. FDS is a valuable test for the early diagnosis of breast cancer and can help identify appropriate location for surgical excision. Interventional treatment for ductal ectasia and inflamma-tion is also efficient. Our study discusses FDS as a novel diagnosis and treatment method for PND patients.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 111(6): 0-0, dic. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-694704


La descarga de sangre a través del pezón (telorragia) es un síntoma muy infrecuente en pediatría. Si bien genera gran preocupación y alarma por su equivocada asociación con el carcinoma de pacientes adultos, en los niños se asocia, en la mayoría de los casos, con una ectasia ductal benigna. Hasta el momento, sólo existen informes o series de casos y, aunque se proponen diferentes teorías, la causa no se conoce con exactitud. Se presentan dos casos con características clínicas y evolución muy similar, en los que el sangrado se resolvió en forma espontánea, uno en cuatro y el otro en seis semanas. Se realiza una revisión del tema y, dado que se trata de un proceso benigno y autolimitado, se sugiere, en ausencia de otros hallazgos en el examen físico, realizar estudios mínimamente invasivos, adoptar una conducta expectante y tranquilizar a la familia en la espera de una resolución espontánea.

Bloody discharge from the nipple (thelorrhagia) is a rare symptom in childhood and is a cause of great concern due to the mistaken association with carcinoma in adults. However, in children thelorrhagia is due to benign mammary duct ectasia in the majority of cases. Up to date, only isolated case reports or case series have been published and, although different theories have been postulated, no definite etiology has been identified. We report two cases with similar clinical features and outcome, in whom bleeding resolved spontaneously 4 and 6 weeks after onset. We present a review of the literature. Based on the benign and self-limiting process and in the absence of other findings on physical examination, we suggest a watch-and-wait approach with minimally invasive studies and reassurance and support for the family as most cases resolve spontaneously.

Humans , Infant , Male , Blood , Breast Diseases/complications , Nipples , Dilatation, Pathologic
Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 812-815, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-443502


Objective To study the value of tumor markers of CA153,CEA and CA125 in nipple discharge of breast intraductal papillary leision on detection of breast carcinoma.Methods 154 cases of breast intraductal papillary leision with nipple discharge were studied.Among them there were 58 cases with breast intraductal papillary carcinoma and 96 cases with intraductal papilloma.The nipple discharged and serum from the 154 cases were collected and CA153,CEA and CA125 levels were measured both in nipple discharge and serum with electrochemiluminescence method,and were compared with the results of ER,PR,HIF-1α and Ki-67 detected by SP method in breast tissue.Results The CA153,CEA and CA125 levels of nipple discharge in intraductal papillary carcinoma [(130.1 1±29.62) U/ml,(89.23±28.94) ng/ml,(41.29±16.61) U/ml]were significantly higher than those of the contrast groups,and had a positive correlation with the Ki-67,HIF-1αand lymphnode metastas (P < 0.05),and negative correlation with the level of ER,PR and Her-2 (P < 0.05).The positive rate of CA153,CEA or CA125 in nipple discharge (62.07 %,46.55 %,55.17 %) were significantly higher than that in serum (P < 0.05).The sensitivity of the combined detection of the three tumor markes both in discharge and serum was 96.55 %,and the negative predictive value was 97.30 %,which were significantly higher than that in other detection (P < 0.05).Conclusions The positive rate of CA153,CEA and CA125 in nipple discharge were significantly higher than that in serum.The dynamic combined detection of CA153,CEA and CA125 both in nipple discharge and in serum could increase the diagnosis rate of breast intraductal papillary carcinoma.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-435646


Objective:Pathological nipple discharge (PND) is commonly associated with benign breast disorders. However, PND lesions can also be malignant and can be the initial or unique presenting symptom of breast cancer. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the clinical factors and the character of PND lesions. Methods:The clinical data of 207 patients with PND as their primary complaint were retrospectively analyzed. Results:Univariate analysis showed that the risk factors for breast cancer usually increase in patients with PND accompanied by a breast lump or breast calcification or those aged over 50 (P0.05). Multivariate analysis indicated that patients aged over 50 with PND accompanied by a breast lump or breast calcification have a higher risk of suffering from breast cancer. Conclusion:The ages of patients with PND accompanied by a breast lump or breast calcification may significantly affect the diagnosis of benign and malignant PND lesions.

Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 23(2): 150-156, mayo-ago. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-645537


A pesar de constituir la ectasia ductal la causa que con mayor frecuencia ocasiona sangrado a través del pezón en neonatos y lactantes, por la rareza de esta entidad, no deja de sorprender y agobiar a quienes la constatan. Se presenta un lactante masculino, de 8 semanas de nacido, cuyos padres acuden a la Consulta de Endocrinología por sangrado por ambos pezones. Ambas mamas, areolas y pezones mostraban características normales, solamente se halló sangrado con la presión, y el resto del examen físico no mostró alteraciones. La ecografía mamaria fue normal y el estudio citológico confirmó el diagnóstico de ectasia ductal primaria. En el paciente el sangrado cedió espontáneamente con resolución completa en varias semanas. Actualmente, con 3años y 8 meses de edad, no ha presentado nuevas manifestaciones. Por la rareza de su presentación en recién nacidos y lactantes, son muy escasos los informes de esta entidad en la literatura médica, y hasta el momento no hemos encontrado otras descripciones de esta infrecuente enfermedad en artículos nacionales cubanos, lo que motivó la presentación de este caso clínico(AU)

Despite the fact that duct ectasia is the most common cause of bloody nipple discharge in neonates and infants, this rare entity still surprises and causes stress on those who observe it. A male 8 weeks-old patient was presented. His parents took him to the endocrinology service because his two nipples were bleeding. His breasts, areolae, and nipples showed normal characteristics, just bleeding when squeezed; the physical exam did not show any alteration. The breast echography was normal and the cytological study confirmed the diagnosis of primary duct ectasia. The bleeding ceased spontaneously and he completely recovered after several weeks. At present, the patient is 3 years and 8 months-old and does not show any new manifestation. Due to the rareness of this illness in neonates and infants, data are very incomplete in medical literature. Other descriptions of this uncommon disease have not been found in the Cuban national literature, so this encouraged us to present this clinical case(AU)

Humans , Male , Infant , Breast Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Dilatation, Pathologic/therapy , Nipples/abnormalities
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-428022


ObjectiveTo determine the role of mammary ductoscopy in the evaluation and intraductal therapy for nipple discharge.MethodsIn this study 3280 patients with nipple discharge underwent mammary ductoscopy. Ductoscopy revealed space occupying lesions in 1018 patients who subsequently underwent surgery; 2260 patients with no-space occupying lesion underwent ductoscopically guided duct lavage.ResultsSpace occupying lesion was often seen in patients with bloody discharge,single duct nipple discharge,discharge in unilateral breast and lesions located in general or levelⅠ - Ⅱ duct.Non-bloody discharge,multiple duct with nipple discharge and bilateral breast involved and lesions at multi-level ducts were common in patients with no-space occupying lesions. Ductoscopically guided duct lavage was curative in 88.72% among 2260 cases undergoing lavage.ConclusionsSpace occupying lesion should be suspected in patients with bloody discharge,single duct nipple discharge and unilateral breast involving lesion and lesions located in the general or level Ⅰ - Ⅱ duct system;Mammary ductoscopy is useful tool in the intraductal therapy for non-space occupying lesions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-622175


Objective To clarify the etiology of pathological nipple discharge.Methods Since 1990,81 patients with pathological niplpie discharge underwent mammary duct incision to identify the lesion.Results 67 patients had intraductal papilloma,5 patients had intraductal papillomatosis,6 patients had duct carcinoma,and 3 patients were not found pathological changes.Conclusions Intraductal papilloma,intraductal papillomatosis,and duct carcinoma might be the exclusive etiology of pathological nipple discharge.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-387721


Objective To investigate the ultrasound diagnostic value for nipple discharge disease by comparison with fiberoptic ductoscopy. Methods Fiberoptic ductoscopy and ultrasonic inspection were performed on fifty-seven patients with spontaneous nipple discharge,and the results were analysed. Results In all patients, 55 cases (96. 49 % ) were abnormal in high-frequency ultrasound inspection:27 mammary duct expansion(47.36%),19 occupying lesion with mammary duct expansion or cyst (33.33%),6 cystic echo ( 10. 52% ) ,3 only solid echopattern (5.26%) ,and 2 nothing found (3.51% ). In ultrasonic inspection,color and pulse Doppler signal were found in 7 cases. On the other hand, 26 galactophoritis (45.61%), 12mammary duct ectasia (21.05 %), 17 intraductal papilloma (29.82%), 2 breast carcinoma (3.50%) were diagnosed by fiberoptic ductoscopy. In all 19 cases with occupying lesion,ultrasonography's sensitivity was 52. 63% ,specificity was 89. 47%, misdiagnosis rate was 10. 50%, rate of missed diagnosis was 47.36%.Conclusions To nipple discharge disease, high-frequency ultrasound has high sensitivity, easy to find abnormal indication,but is not accurate enough in the diagnosis of smaller occupying lesion.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-387179


Objective To evaluate the clinical value of breast localization needle placed via mammary ductoscopy in surgical treatment of patients with intraductal neoplasms. Methods In this study,76 patients with intraductal neoplasms diagnosized by mammary ductoscopy from January 2009 to March 2010 in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University were randomly divided into two groups.For methylene blue group,ducts with the lesion were marked by methylene blue injection before operation.For localization needle group,ducts were marked by localization needle placed via ductoscopy.The operative time,specimen weight,incision length and diagnostic coincidence rate were compared among the two groups. Results Compared to the methylene blue group,the localization needle group had a significantly shorter operative time (31 ± 8 min vs.42 ± 9 min),lighter specimen weight (1.51 ± 1.36 g vs.2.95 ± 2.07 g),and shorter incision (23.2 ± 7.8 mm vs.34.4 ± 7.1 mm).All the breast cancer cases dianosised by mammary ductoscopy were confirmed by postoperative pathology,but the localization needle group had a higher diagnostic coincidence rate than the methylene blue group (94.7% vs. 76.3%). Conclusion Localization needle under mammary ductoscopy is a reliable technique for localizing intraductal neolasms.The surgical excision guided by localization needle is accurate and less traumatic,and should be a routine method marking the tumor involved duct before operation.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-225672


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the removal of an intraductal mass using an ultrasound (US)-guided directional vacuum-assisted device can eliminate symptoms in patients presenting with abnormal nipple discharge. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between March 2004 and October 2006, 36 patients who presented with abnormal nipple discharge, underwent US-guided, 11-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy for a benign intraductal single mass on US. The ability of the procedure to eliminate nipple discharge was evaluated by physical examination during follow-up US. Lesion characteristics, biopsy variables, and histologic features were analyzed to identify factors affecting symptom resolution. RESULTS: Of the 36 lesions, 25 (69%) were intraductal papillomas, 10 (28%) were fibrocystic changes, and one (3%) was a fibroadenoma. The nipple discharge disappeared in 69% (25 of 36) of the women at a mean follow-up time of 25 months (range 12-42 month). There was no difference in the lesion characteristics, biopsy variables, and the histologic features between groups that eliminated the symptom compared those with persistent nipple discharge. CONCLUSION: US-guided directional vacuum-assisted removal of an intraductal mass appears to eliminate nipple discharge in only 69% of patients and thus, it should not be considered as an alternative to surgical excision.

Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Biopsy/methods , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Chi-Square Distribution , Exudates and Transudates/diagnostic imaging , Mammography , Nipples/pathology , Papilloma, Intraductal/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Vacuum