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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 74-80, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561376


Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato sobre sepsis quirúrgica. Material y método: La presente investigación tiene un diseño de desarrollo observacional, de tipo descriptivo, cohorte transversal, con un enfoque cuantitativo, ya que el nivel de cono-cimiento se verá representado mediante tablas y gráficos para des-cribir la problemática del periodo octubre 2023 febrero 2024. Re-sultados: Se evidencia un alto porcentaje de respuestas incorrectas por cada ítem por parte de los estudiantes. La categoría Nivel de Conocimiento sobre Definición de Sepsis, fue respondida de ma-nera incorrecta con un porcentaje del 83,9%, la categoría Nivel de Conocimiento sobre Diagnóstico de Sepsis obtuvo 51,7% y, por úl-timo, la Nivel de Conocimiento sobre Tratamiento de Sepsis con el 29,2%. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre Sepsis Quirúrgica es malo, debido a que existe una subesti-mación de la gravedad de la sepsis como afección potencialmente mortal, lo que puede traer un impacto negativo en los pacientes[AU]

Objective: Determine the level of knowledge of nursing students at the Technical University of Ambato about surgical sepsis. Mate-rials and methods: This research has an observational, descriptive, transversal development design, with a quantitative approach since the level of knowledge will be represented through tables and gra-phs to describe the problems of the period October 2023-February 2024. Results: A high percentage of incorrect answers for each item by the students is evident. The category Level of Knowledge about Definition of Sepsis was answered incorrectly with a percentage of 83.9%, the category Level of Knowledge about Diagnosis of Sepsis obtained 51.7% and, finally, the category Level of Knowledge about Treatment of Sepsis. Sepsis with 29.2%. Conclusions: The level of knowledge of students about Surgical Sepsis is poor because there is an underestimation of the severity of sepsis as a potentially fatal condition, which can have a negative impact on patients[AU]

Objetivo: Determinar o nível de conhecimento dos estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Técnica de Ambato sobre sepse ci-rúrgica. Material e método: Esta pesquisa possui desenho de coor-te observacional, descritivo, transversal, com abordagem quantita-tiva, uma vez que o nível de conhecimento será representado por meio de tabelas e gráficos para descrever o problema no período de outubro de 2023 a fevereiro de 2024. Resultados: Uma parada. É evidente o percentual de respostas incorretas para cada item por parte dos alunos. A categoria Nível de Conhecimento sobre Defi-nição de Sepse foi respondida incorretamente com percentual de 83,9%, a categoria Nível de Conhecimento sobre Diagnóstico de Sepse obteve 51,7% e por fim, a categoria Nível de Conhecimen-to sobre Tratamento de Sepse com 29,2%. Conclusões: O nível de conhecimento dos estudantes sobre a Sepse Cirúrgica é baixo, pois há uma subestimação da gravidade da sepse como uma condição potencialmente fatal, que pode ter um impacto negativo nos pa-cientes[AU]

Humans , Male , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Sepsis/complications , Sepsis/diagnosis , Ecuador
Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 17-23, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561178


Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato sobre la desinfección terminal del área quirúrgica. Metodología: Esta investigación es cuantitativa, con enfoque descriptivo de cohorte transversal ya que el nivel de conocimiento se ha representado mediante tablas y gráficos para describir la problemática del periodo octubre 2023-febrero 2024. Resultados: Se evidencia el alto porcentaje de respuestas incorrectas por cada ítem por parte de los estudiantes. La categoría desinfección fue respondida de manera incorrecta con un porcentaje del 26%, la categoría proceso de desinfección con el 55,6%, la categoría aplicación del DAN con el 45.8%, la categoría desinfectante del DAN con el 36,2% y, por último, la categoría riesgo y prevención del DAN con el 29,2%. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre desinfección es bajo, porque no están lo suficientemente motivados o interesados en el tema de desinfección[AU]

Determine the level of knowledge of nursing students at the Technical University of Ambato about terminal disinfection of the surgical area.Methodology:This research is quantitative, with a descriptive cross-sectional cohort approach and the level of knowledge has been represented through tables and graphs to describe the problems of the period October 2023-February 2024.Results:A high percentage of incorrect answers for each item by the students is evident. The disinfection category was answered incorrectly with a percentage of 26%, the disinfection process category with 55.6%, the DAN application category with 45.8%, the disinfectant category with 36.2% and, finally, the DAN risk and prevention category. with 29.2%. Conclusions:The level of knowledge of students about disinfection is low, because they are not sufficiently motivated or interested in the topic of disinfection[AU]

Determinar o nível de conhecimento dos estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Técnica de Ambato sobre desinfecção terminal da área cirúrgica. Metodologia:Esta pesquisa é quantitativa, com abordagem descritiva de coorte transversal e o nível de conhecimento foi representado por meio de tabelas e gráficos para descrever os problemas do período outubro de 2023 a fevereiro de 2024.Resultados: Evidencia-se um alto percentual de respostas incorretas para cada item por parte dos alunos. A categoria desinfecção foi respondida incorretamente com um percentual de 26%, a categoria processo de desinfecção com 55,6%, a categoria aplicação DAN com 45,8%, a categoria desinfetante com 36,2% e, por último, a categoria risco e prevenção DAN. com 29,2%.Conclusões:O nível de conhecimento dos alunos sobre desinfecção é baixo, porque não estão suficientemente motivados ou interessados no tema da desinfecção[AU]

Humans , Adult , Operating Rooms , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Infection Control , Disinfectants
Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 44-53, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561260


Objetivo: Correlacionar la variable principal sostén del hogar con las variables género, edad, horas de trabajo, horas de sueño y factores de riesgo cardiovascular (índice de masa corporal, hipertensión arterial, dislipemia y diabetes mellitus), en estudiantes de 3º, 4 y 5º año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, transversal realizado en 214 estudiantes, durante el año 2022, utilizándose un cuestionario on-line autoadministrado, estructurado y medición de peso y talla. Resultados: el 76% fueron mujeres; 64%, principal fueron principal sostén del hogar, 57% refirió dormir menos de 6 horas al día, 15 % trabaja más de 41 horas semanales; 67% tuvo respuestas no saludables a la variable estrés, para la variable actividad física este valor ascendió a 71% y el 53,8% presentó exceso de peso. Se encontró asociación significativa entre ser el principal sostén del hogar con exceso de peso, trabajar 41 horas o más semanalmente, dormir menos de 6 horas al día y con la presencia de 3 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Conclusiones: Las condiciones de vida que afrontan los estudiantes que de manera simultánea estudian, trabajan y son principal sostén del hogar pueden generar estrés, el cual es un factor de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares[AU]

Objetive: to correlate the main variable of primary income earner or primary breadwinner with gender, age, working hours, sleep hours, and cardiovascular disease risk factors (body mass index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus) in 3rd, 4th, and 5th-year nursing students at the Nursing Program at the National University of Formosa. Methodology: The study was a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, conducted with 214 students during 2022 using a self-administered structured online questionnaire and measurement of weight and height. Results: 76% were women, 64% were the main breadwinner, 57% reported sleeping less than 6 hours a day, 15% working more than 41 hours per week; 67% had unhealthy responses to the stress variable, this value rose to 71% for the physical activity variable, and 53.8% were overweight. A significant association was found between the main variable of primary breadwinner and being overweight, working 41 or more hours weekly, and the presence of 3 or more cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: The living conditions faced by students who simultaneously study and work, and being the main breadwinner in the household can generate stress, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases[AU]

Objetivo:: correlacionar a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis gênero, idade, horas de trabalho, horas de sono e fatores de risco cardiovascular (índice de massa corporal,hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia e diabetes mellitus) em estudantes do 3º, 4º e 5º ano do curso de graduação em Enfermagem, Universidade Nacional de Formosa. Metodologia: O estudo foi descritivo, correlacional e transversal, realizado em 214 estudantes durante o ano de 2022. Foi utilizado um questionário online autoadministrado e estruturado, e a medição de peso e altura dos estudantes foi realizada. Resultados: 76% dos estudantes eram mulheres; 64% eram o principal sustento econômico do lar; 57% relataram dormir menos de 6 horas por dia, 15% responderam que trabalham mais de 41 horas por semana; em relação aos fatores de risco cardiovascular, 67% tiveram respostas não saudáveis para a variável estresse, para a variável atividade física esse valor aumentou para 71% e 53,8% apresentaram excesso de peso. Foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis excesso de peso, trabalhar 41 horas ou mais por semana, dormir menos de 6 horas al día e a presença de 3 ou mais fatores de risco cardiovascular. Conclusões: As condições de vida enfrentadas pelos estudantes que simultaneamente estudam, trabalham e são o principal sustento do lar podem gerar estresse, que é um fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares[AU]

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Argentina
Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 13(2)dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1569163


Objetivo: Determinar las habilidades y conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) de los ingresantes a la carrera de Licenciatura en Enfermería de una institución superior pública de Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y cuantitativo. Se implementó un instrumento conformado por 59 preguntas con opciones de respuesta cerrada orientado a valorar las competencias digitales en los ingresantes a la carrera. Resultados: Participaron 386 ingresantes, mayormente de género femenino (85.49 %), del primer ciclo (74.35 %) y con 20 años o menos de edad (47.15 %). El 98.19 % tenía acceso a internet, el 79.27 % tiene computadora y más del 80 % tiene un amplio uso de redes sociales (WhatsApp, Instagram) y correo electrónico. Los ingresantes se autoevaluaron competentes en el programa MS Word, mientras que en MS Excel se declararon menos competentes. Hay desconocimiento y bajo desarrollo de habilidades para generar contenido, y un amplio despliegue de habilidades para buscar y descargar información de la web. La edad, el género, el tiempo diario de uso de internet y el ciclo de ingreso mostraron relación con el dominio de las herramientas digitales aplicadas a la educación. Conclusiones: Se identificó un desarrollo intermedio de competencias digitales aplicadas a la educación, lo que podría ameritar el diseño de programas que nivelen estas habilidades durante el proceso de ingreso o durante la formación.

Objetivo: determinar habilidades e conhecimentos sobre as tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) dos calouros no curso de bacharelado em enfermagem em uma instituição pública de ensino superior na cidade de Bahía Blanca, província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Metodologia: estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal e quantitativo. Foi utilizado um instrumento composto por 59 perguntas com opções de resposta fechada para avaliar as competências digitais dos calouros do curso. Resultados: Participaram 386 estudantes, em sua maioria do gênero feminino (85,49 %), do primeiro ciclo estudantil (74,35 %) e com idade igual ou inferior a 20 anos (47,15 %). 98,19 % tinham acesso à internet, 79,27 % tinham computador e mais de 80 % usavam amplamente as redes sociais (WhatsApp, Instagram) e o e-mail. Os calouros se auto-avaliaram competentes no programa MS Word, enquanto no MS Excel se declararam menos competentes. Há desconhecimento e baixo desenvolvimento de habilidades para gerar conteúdo e uma ampla demonstração de habilidades para pesquisar e baixar informações da web. A idade, o gênero, o tempo diário de uso da Internet e o ciclo de ingresso estudantil mostraram relação com o domínio das ferramentas digitais aplicadas à educação. Conclusões: Foi identificado um desenvolvimento intermediário de competências digitais aplicadas à educação, o que poderia demandar a concepção de programas que nivelem essas competências durante o processo de admissão ou durante a formação.

Objective: To determine the skills and knowledge about information and communication technologies (ICT) of entrants to the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at a public higher institution in Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, transversal and quantitative study. An instrument was implemented consisting of 59 questions with closed response options aimed at assessing digital competencies in those entering the career. Results: 386 entrants participated, mostly female (85.49 %), from the first cycle (74.35 %) and 20 years old or younger (47.15%). 98.19 % had access to the internet, 79.27 % have a computer and more than 80 % have extensive use of social networks (WhatsApp, Instagram) and email. The entrants evaluated themselves as competent in the MS Word program, while in MS Excel they declared themselves less competent. There is a lack of knowledge and low development of skills to generate content and a wide range of skills to search and download information from the web. Age, gender, daily time of Internet use and entry cycle showed a relationship with the mastery of digital tools applied to education. Conclusions: An intermediate development of digital competencies applied to education was identified, and a high one for the use of social networks. The variables age, gender, daily time of Internet use and entry cycle were related to the knowledge and skills for using ICT applied to education.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Online);29(8): e06042024, ago. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569055


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar a percepção de estudantes e egressos sobre a utilização da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP) na formação do enfermeiro. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que utiliza a modalidade compreensiva e interpretativa proposta pela Hermenêutica-Dialética. Realizaram-se quatro grupos focais com a participação de 17 estudantes e 16 egressos de uma instituição de ensino superior que aplica a ABP na formação de enfermeiros. A análise dos resultados permitiu a definição de cinco categorias temáticas: dificuldade de adaptação em relação ao método; conquista de autonomia sobre o próprio aprendizado; incentivo ao desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico; aprimoramento da comunicação e das relações interpessoais e integração entre teoria e prática. Evidencia-se que a utilização da ABP favorece a aproximação com as proposições das diretrizes curriculares para a formação do enfermeiro por meio do desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências como autonomia, comunicação, relações interpessoais e raciocínio clínico mediante práticas integrais e contextualizadas. Entretanto, os estudantes enfrentam dificuldades com as mudanças observadas ao serem inseridos nela ABP, as quais são superadas no decorrer do processo de implementação.

Abstract This study aimed to analyze students' and graduates' perceptions regarding the use of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in nurse education. This is a qualitative study that employs the comprehensive and interpretative approach proposed by Dialectical Hermeneutics. Four focus groups were conducted with the participation of 17 students and 16 graduates from a higher education institution that implements PBL in nurse education. The analysis of results allowed for the identification of five thematic categories: difficulty in adapting to the method; attainment of autonomy in one's own learning; encouragement of clinical reasoning development; enhancement of communication and interpersonal relationships; and integration between theory and practice. It is evident that the use of PBL promotes alignment with the propositions of curriculum guidelines for nurse education by fostering the development of skills and competencies such as autonomy, communication, interpersonal relationships, and clinical reasoning through comprehensive and contextualized practices. However, students encounter challenges with the changes observed when introduced to PBL, which are overcome during the implementation process.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231332


Background: Flexibility is a range of movement available at a joint. Tightness of muscle is caused by a decline in the ability of muscle to disfigure. Hamstring tightness can lead to low back pain, bad posture, imbalances of muscles and knee pain. According to previously performed studies, prolonged sitting can be a factor that leads to hamstring tightness; therefore, we selected nursing students as a participant in the study who have a daily sitting time of 6-8 hours. Hence objective of the study is to find out the prevalence of hamstring tightness among nursing students. Aim: The study’s aim was to find out if Nursing Students have hamstring tightness due to Prolonged Sitting using a 90-90 SLR test. Study design: Observational study. Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, 145 participants were included by verifying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Consent was taken before evaluation. Hamstring tightness was measured by a 90-90 SLR test. After that, height and weight were measured, and BMI was calculated. After evaluating all participants, prevalence was calculated. Then, it was compared with BMI. Result: 20.68 percent of participants had hamstring tightness. Conclusion: The result indicates that the prevalence of hamstring tightness is low in nursing students.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240110


Background: As future health-care practitioners’, self-medication assumes special importance among MBBS, nursing, and paramedical students. They are the ones who differ from the general population due to their exposure to the disease and drugs. The idea of conducting the present study was due to the scarcity of data regarding knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs among them. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to check KAP regarding OTC drug use among medical and nursing students and also to know the different reasons for self- medication and influences regarding their choice for the same. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was done including medical and nursing students for time duration of 6 months from January to May 2023. A well-designed, pre-validated questionnaire with various items on a Likert scale was distributed to medical and nursing students all over Maharashtra via Google Forms, sharing links through the contacts of the medical and nursing students’ association of Maharashtra. Descriptive statistical analysis was used. Results: A total of 161 students (102 medical, 59 nursing) took part in the present study. Most of the students (84.4%) practiced self-medication. Fever and headache (56.4%), followed by cough and common cold (27.5%), are the most common illness for which students self-medicate. One of the most common reasons students have been found to self-medicate was found to be refusal to spend time seeing a doctor for minor illness (64.5%). Conclusion: There is an extensive habit of self-medication among MBBS and nursing students. Lack of understanding regarding the proper use of medications, their storage, expiry, action to be taken in case of side effects, and increasing the dose of medication when symptoms are not subsiding were some of the significant problems found.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2024 May; 122(5): 33-34
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238860


Background : India is committed to prevent pneumonia related deaths in children which is leading cause of vaccine preventable deaths among children under 5 globally and in India. Aims and Objective : To know awareness about PC vaccine among Medical and Nursing students of civil hospital, Ahmedabad. Materials and Methods : This cross sectional study was conducted on medical and nursing students of civil hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Baseline knowledge of PC Vaccine, side effects of PC Vaccine, was assessed by a self-administered structured questionnaire. Statistical Analysis : Data analysis was done in Microsoft excel and Chi square test was applied. Results : There were 444 respondents and among them 240 (54%) were medical students and 204 (46%) were nursing students, with male female ratio was 95:127. Awareness regarding PC Vaccine integration to national immunization schedule found significantly more in nursing students as compare to medical students, (Chi = 63.4 at P<0.05). Medical students had more knowledge about PC Vaccine as compared to nursing students. (Chi = 0.97 at P <0.05). Conclusion : There is still gap in awareness of PC Vaccine integration to national immunization schedule among Medical students. Field visits among Nursing students have positive effects on awareness of nursing students. Implication : Medical students should visit to this type of field activities to improve their knowledge about ongoing activities like this.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-6, maio. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1579095


Objetivo: Analisar a empatia de estudantes de enfermagem. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com 154 estudantes de enfermagem de uma universidade pública no Nordeste do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em março de 2020, mediante aplicação de questionário sociodemográfico e Quociente de Empatia (versão curta). Resultados: Observou-se associação significativa entre a empatia com o sexo feminino e a idade. Ademais, estudantes que tinham a enfermagem como primeira opção de curso apresentaram maior empatia, ainda que a empatia não tenha seguido padrões de acréscimos e decréscimos sucessivos entre os períodos letivos. Conclusão: Este estudo evidenciou que a empatia de estudantes de enfermagem está relacionada ao sexo, idade e motivação para ingressar no curso. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the empathy of nursing students. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out with 154 nursing students from a public university in Northeast Brazil. Data were collected in March 2020, using a sociodemographic questionnaire and Empathy Quotient (short version). Results: A significant association was observed between empathy towards females and age. Furthermore, students who had nursing as their first-degree option showed a greater empathy, even though empathy did not follow patterns of successive increases and decreases between academic periods. Conclusion: This study showed that the empathy of nursing students is related to gender, age and motivation for enrolling in the degree. (AU)

Objetivo: Analizar la empatía de los estudiantes de enfermería. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado con 154 estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública del Nordeste de Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados en marzo de 2020, mediante un cuestionario sociodemográfico y Coeficiente de Empatía (versión corta). Resultados: Se observó una asociación significativa entre la empatía hacia las mujeres y la edad. Además, los estudiantes que tenían como primera opción de titulación enfermería mostraron una mayor empatía, aunque la empatía no siguió patrones de aumentos y descensos sucesivos entre periodos académicos. Conclusión: Este estudio demostró que la empatía de los estudiantes de enfermería está relacionada con el género, la edad y la motivación para matricularse en la carrera. (AU)

Education , Students, Nursing , Teaching , Nursing , Empathy
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1572977


Objetivo: Narrar a sistematização da experiência de uma ação educativa com universitários da enfermagem sobre o cuidado às pessoas com hepatites virais. Métodos: Sistematização de experiência, de abordagem participativa, que envolveu uma ação educativa problematizadora com 12 estudantes de enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados por observação participante em diários de campo e atas de reuniões, a partir de encontros e discussões; e por preenchimento de questionário aplicado por plataforma lúdica. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados descritivamente e os qualitativos de forma exploratória por análise documental. Resultados: A participação ativa dos estudantes na idealização, o emprego do lúdico e a organização da atividade em módulos foram alguns potencializadores da aprendizagem sobre prevenção, transmissão, diagnóstico e tratamento das hepatites virais. Por outro lado, o excesso de temas abordados em um curto período, a condução de modo remoto e a sobrecarga com outras demandas da graduação foram alguns limitadores da experiência. Conclusão: O emprego de estratégias participativas foi instrumento potencial no ensino-aprendizagem, destacando-se a importância da problematização da realidade, de modo autônomo e emancipatório, para a transformação de saberes e práticas. Vislumbra-se que a estratégia educativa apresentada pode colaborar na qualificação profissional dos enfermeiros com vistas à eliminação das hepatites até 2030. (AU)

Objective: To narrate the systematization of the experience of an educational action with nursing students on the care of people with viral hepatitis. Methods: Systematization of experience, with a participatory approach, which involved a problematizing educational action with 12 nursing students. Data were collected through participant observation in field diaries and meeting minutes, based on meetings and discussions; and by completing a questionnaire administered via a playful platform. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively and qualitative data were analyzed in an exploratory manner using documentary analysis. Results: The active participation of students in the idealization, the use of fun and the organization of the activity into modules were some of the learning enhancers about prevention, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis. On the other hand, the excess of topics covered in a short period, the remote conduction and the overload with other graduation demands were some limitations of the experience. Conclusion: The use of participatory strategies was a potential instrument in teaching-learning, highlighting the importance of problematizing reality, in an autonomous and emancipatory way, for the transformation of knowledge and practices. It is envisaged that the educational strategy presented can contribute to the professional qualification of nurses with a view to eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030. (AU)

Objetivo: Narrar la sistematización de la experiencia de una acción educativa con estudiantes de enfermería sobre la atención a personas con hepatitis viral. Métodos: Sistematización de la experiencia, con enfoque participativo, que implicó una acción educativa problematizadora con 12 estudiantes de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de la observación participante en diarios de campo y actas de reuniones, a partir de reuniones y discusiones; y completando un cuestionario administrado a través de una plataforma lúdica. Los datos cuantitativos se analizaron de forma descriptiva y los datos cualitativos se analizaron de forma exploratoria mediante análisis documental. Resultados: La participación activa de los estudiantes en la idealización, el uso de la diversión y la organización de la actividad en módulos fueron algunos de los potenciadores del aprendizaje sobre prevención, transmisión, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las hepatitis virales. Por otro lado, el exceso de temas tratados en un corto período, la conducción remota y la sobrecarga con otras exigencias de graduación fueron algunas limitaciones de la experiencia. Conclusión: El uso de estrategias participativas fue un instrumento potencial en la enseñanza-aprendizaje, destacando la importancia de problematizar la realidad, de manera autónoma y emancipadora, para la transformación de conocimientos y prácticas. Se prevé que la estrategia educativa presentada pueda contribuir a la calificación profesional de las enfermeras con miras a eliminar las hepatitis virales para 2030. (AU)

Hepatitis, Viral, Human , Students, Nursing , Teaching , Education, Nursing , Health Human Resource Training
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240030


Background: Biomedical waste management (BWM) has become a major challenge among health-care facilities around the world as these facilities continue to generate more than ever biomedical waste due to mounting health-care facilities. Aims and Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices on BWM among I and IV year nursing students. Materials and Methods: A non-experimental, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at Sri Padmavathamma Govt. College of Nursing during October and November 2022 using the total enumeration method. A structured questionnaire was developed after extensive literature review and consultation with subject experts. The questionnaire consisted of a total of 31 questions, which included 12 questions to assess knowledge, 10 questions to assess attitude and 9 questions to assess practices. The collected data were entered in MS Excel spread sheet and analyzed using SPSS20 version software. Descriptive statistics was used to present the study findings. The Chi-square test was applied to assess the associations between knowledge, attitude, and practice scores with study groups (I and IV year students). Results: A total of 180 nursing students participated, including 90 from I year and 90 from IV year. The results showed that 4th-year students had a better knowledge, positive attitude, and awareness with regard to all the aspects of BWM compared to 1st-year students. Conclusion: Further improvement should be made through conducting programs on the knowledge and practices related to BWM in the interest of the environment, public health, and health of the health-care workers.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233986


A critical priority and challenge in nursing education today is caused by the variability of the healthcare environment. This systematic review reported findings on the independent variables that are associated with nursing students' clinical competency. A literature review search was conducted using Mendeley抯 website in 2023 with using keywords such as nursing clinical competency and nursing student. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to appraise and describe the methodological quality. A narrative report was given on the synthesis of the results. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 papers were retained out of 1162 identified research publications. Among 16 papers, the common predictive factors mentioned in the reviewed articles on the clinical competency of nursing students include clinical learning environment, self-efficacy, and self-awareness. Other factors such as clinical training program, type of learning-teaching, learning experiences, and socio-demographics were involved as the significant variables toward clinical competency. There are several other characteristics or predictors of clinical competency that require further investigation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233973


Background: Menstruation is a normal biological process experienced by millions of women around the world each month. Good menstrual hygiene practices can prevent infections among women. During menstruation women are using different sanitary products like reusable cloth pads, commercial sanitary pads, tampons, pads made from wool, reusable tampons, and menstrual cups. The menstrual cup was developed as an alternative of sanitary napkins and eco-friendly sanitary product but due to lack of awareness in India it抯 uses are very limited. Methods: Quasi experimental one group pre-test and post-test research design was used in this research study. A total 201 nursing students of were selected by using purposive sampling technique. After the pretest structured teaching programme regarding knowledge of menstrual cap uses was implemented among nursing students and on 10th day of STP post-test was done by using the same tools. Results: During the pre-test researcher found that majority (81.59%) of nursing students had inadequate knowledge regarding menstrual cups uses. The mean knowledge score was significantly (p<0.05) increases from pre-test (7�06) to post-test (15�36) where mean difference was 8. Conclusions: The study results highlighted that the STP was highly effective in increase the knowledge among nursing students. Educational intervention programs must give importance in Professional Institutions, which will motivate female抯 students to start practice of menstrual cups during menstruation. This is eco-friendly initiative.

Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 193-206, 20240408. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554634


Objective.To investigate the relationship between environmental ethics, spiritual health, and environmental behavior among nursing students . Methods. In this cross-sectional study, 200 iranian students from the Chabahar Nursing School were selected using a simple random sampling method. The data collection tool included a questionnaire on demographic information, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards the environment, environmental ethics, and spiritual health. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized to evaluate the conceptual framework in this study. Results. The mean score for environmental ethics among nursing students was 65.73±10.61 out of 100. Most of the students (47%) had desirable environmental ethics. The knowledge structure (ß=0.46) predicted attitude. The attitude structure also predicted environmental behavior (ß=0.28) and spiritual health (ß=0.31). Ultimately, the results showed that spiritual health and environmental ethics predict environmental behavior directly and indirectly (p<0.001). Conclusion. Spiritual health and environmental ethics were strong predictors of environmental behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only students' spiritual health but also their ethical behaviors to promote environmental protection behaviors in the future.

Objetivo. Investigar la relación entre la ética ambiental, la salud espiritual y el comportamiento ambiental entre los estudiantes de enfermería. Métodos. En este estudio transversal se seleccionaron 200 estudiantes iraníes de la Escuela de Enfermería de Chabahar mediante un método de muestreo aleatorio simple. La herramienta de recogida de datos incluía un cuestionario sobre información demográfica, conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos hacia el medio ambiente, ética medioambiental y salud espiritual. Se utilizó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) para evaluar el marco conceptual de este estudio. Resultados. La puntuación media en ética medioambiental entre los estudiantes de enfermería fue de 65.73±10.61 sobre 100. El 47% de los estudiantes tenían una ética medioambiental deseable. La estructura de conocimientos (0.46) predijo la actitud. La estructura de la actitud también predijo el comportamiento medioambiental (0.28) y la salud espiritual (0.31). En última instancia, los resultados mostraron que la salud espiritual y la ética medioambiental predicen el comportamiento medioambiental directa e indirectamente (p<0.001). Conclusión. La salud espiritual y la ética medioambiental fueron fuertes predictores del comportamiento medioambiental. Por lo tanto, es necesario tener en cuenta no sólo la salud espiritual de los estudiantes, sino también sus comportamientos éticos para promover conductas de protección del medio ambiente en el futuro.

Objetivo. Investigar a relação entre ética ambiental, saúde espiritual e comportamento ambiental entre estudantes de enfermagem. Métodos. Neste estudo transversal, 200 estudantes da Escola de Enfermagem de Chabahar (Irã) foram selecionados usando um método de amostragem aleatória simples. A ferramenta de coleta de dados incluiu um questionário sobre informações demográficas, conhecimento, atitudes e comportamentos em relação ao meio ambiente, ética ambiental e saúde espiritual. A modelagem de equações estruturais por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-SEM) foi usada para avaliar a estrutura conceitual deste estudo. Resultados. A pontuação média sobre ética ambiental entre os estudantes de enfermagem foi de 65.73±10.61 de um total de 100. 47% dos estudantes tinham uma ética ambiental desejável. A estrutura de conhecimento (0.46) previu a atitude. A estrutura da atitude também previu o comportamento ambiental (0.28) e a saúde espiritual (0.31). Por fim, os resultados mostraram que a saúde espiritual e a ética ambiental previram o comportamento ambiental direta e indiretamente (p<0.001). Conclusão. A saúde espiritual e a ética ambiental foram fortes preditores do comportamento ambiental. Portanto, é necessário considerar não apenas a saúde espiritual dos alunos, mas também seus comportamentos éticos, a fim de promover comportamentos de proteção ambiental no futuro.

Humans , Students, Nursing , Behavior , Attitude , Conservation of Natural Resources , Knowledge
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 23(1): 103-110, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575008


Resumen Objetivo: Comprender las vivencias ante la nueva normalidad en universitarios después de la pandemia por COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: Investigación de tipo cualitativa, las unidades de significados fueron construidas con base a los momentos del círculo hermenéuticos de Martin Heidegger, para la selección de los participantes se realizó un muestreo intencionado de 16 universitarios de la licenciatura de enfermería de una universidad pública del estado de Oaxaca, donde se alcanzó la saturación de los datos, la entrevista fenomenológica se llevó a cabo de marzo a mayo del 2023 y fue audio grabada, la investigación cumplió con los criterios de rigor científico para investigación cualitativa. Resultados: Los universitarios expresaron tener problemas de salud mental debido al confinamiento y el distanciamiento social y ante la nueva normalidad ha generado pensamientos y sentimientos negativos debido a la falta de comunicación, identificando la presencia de sus compañeros como negativa, sin embargo, es una nueva oportunidad de volver a comenzar y reconoce experiencias de su vida con ayuda de un profesional de salud. Conclusiones: Es de vital importancia que las instituciones educativas puedan realizar estrategias adecuadas para mejorar la calidad de vida de los universitarios, creando intervenciones apropiadas para atender los problemas psicológicos que los universitarios vivencian.

Abstract Objective: To understand the experiences before the new normal in university students after the pandemic by COVID-19. Materials and methods: Qualitative research, the units of meanings were built based on the moments of Martin Heidegger's hermeneutic circle, for the selection of the participants, an intentional sampling was made of 16 university students of the nursing degree of a public university in the state of Oaxaca, where saturation of the data was reached, the phenomenological interview took place from March to May 2023 and were audiotaped, the research met the criteria of scientific rigor for qualitative research. Results: University students expressed having mental health problems due to confinement and social estrangement and in the face of the new normality has generated negative thoughts and feelings due to lack of communication, identifying the presence of their peers as negative, However, it is a new opportunity to start over and recognize life experiences with the help of a health professional. Conclusions: It is vital that educational institutions be able to develop appropriate strategies to improve the quality of life of university students by creating appropriate interventions to address the psychological problems that university students experience.

Salud UNINORTE ; 40(1): 250-272, ene.-abr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576824


RESUMEN Las técnicas de estudios y los modelos didácticos construyen procesos de enseñanzas sólidos que permiten el desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades, capacidades y destrezas en la formación de los estudiantes de enfermería y su orientación profesoral. Objetivos: Conocer las técnicas de estudios y las intervenciones en un modelo didáctico para los estudiantes de la carrera de Licenciatura en Enfermería. Materiales y método: Se realizó una revisión integrativa de la literatura, con artículos publicados en 2010 hasta 2020, para identificar las técnicas de estudios articuladas a los modelos didácticos y los estilos de aprendizaje. Se consultaron las bases de datos EBSCO, Wiley Online Library, ERIC, DOAJ y SciELO y los datos de selección se graficaron en el flujograma PRISMA. Resultados: Se identificaron 43 estudios que presentaban las técnicas de estudio y los atributos teóricos para el modelo didáctico; las técnicas frecuentes son mapa mental, resumen, ejercicios, y cuadros comparativos; el modelo didáctico fundamenta el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de los enfoques educativos y las características de procesos académicos. Discusión: Las fuentes bibliográficas consultadas muestran cómo las técnicas de estudios articuladas a un modelo didáctico durante el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje provocaron un cambio en la formación de los licenciados de enfermería que reforzará la educación continua con conciencia. Conclusión: La propuesta de un modelo didáctico lleva a implementar medidas eficaces, orientadas al fortalecimiento de los estilos de aprendizaje que transformen el conocimiento permanente y la construcción de nuevos estilos de enseñanza.

ABSTRACT The study techniques and the didactic models build solid teaching processes that allow the development of knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities in the training of nursing students and their teacher orientation. Objectives: To know the study techniques and interventions in a didactic model for undergraduate nursing students. Materials and method: An integrative review of the literature was conducted, with articles published in the years 2010 to 2020, to identify the study techniques articulated to the didactic models and learning styles. The EBSCO, Wiley Online Library, ERIC, DOAJ, and SciELO databases were consulted, and the selection data were plotted in the PRISMA flowchart. Results: 43 studies were identified that presented the study techniques and the theoretical attributes for the didactic model, the frequent techniques are mental map, summary, exercises, and comparative tables, the didactic model bases the teaching-learning process through the educational approaches and the characteristics of academic processes. Discussion: The bibliographic sources consulted show how the techniques of studies articulated to a didactic model during the teaching and learning process provoked a change in the training of nursing graduates that will reinforce continuing education with awareness. Conclusion: The proposal of a didactic model leads to the implementation of effective measures, aimed at strengthening learning styles that transform permanent knowledge and the construction of new teaching styles.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; s.n; 20240000. 107 p. il, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1572752


Introdução: esta pesquisa buscou investigar o exercício acurado do raciocínio diagnóstico seguido da tomada de decisão clínica em estudantes de enfermagem por meio da aplicação de duas tecnologias educacionais, caso clínico escrito e telessimulado. Objetivo geral: avaliar a acurácia do diagnóstico de enfermagem atribuído por estudantes na resolução de caso clínico na modalidade escrita e telessimulada. Objetivos específicos: verificar o julgamento do diagnóstico de enfermagem atribuído por estudantes pela ausência e presença do diagnóstico "Desobstrução Ineficaz de Vias Aéreas", em caso clínico na modalidade escrita e telessimulada; comparar o grau de acurácia do diagnóstico de enfermagem atribuído por estudantes na resolução de caso clínico na modalidade escrita e telessimulada pela aplicação da Escala de Acurácia de Diagnóstico de Enfermagem. Método: pesquisa experimental com desenho cruzado. O experimento foi realizado com 52 estudantes de enfermagem. A partir do diagnóstico de enfermagem "Desobstrução Ineficaz de Vias Aéreas", um caso clínico foi elaborado em conformidade com um estudo de validação clínica diagnóstica, que foi vivenciado pelos estudantes em um caso clínico escrito (Grupo 2) e em um caso clínico telessimulado (Grupo 1). Para verificação do grau de acurácia diagnóstica dos estudantes de enfermagem foi utilizada a Escala de Acurácia de Diagnóstico de Enfermagem. Resultados: observou-se que o Grupo 2 apresentou maior porcentagem de acurácia alta (46,15%) em relação ao Grupo 1 (7,69%). Além disso, uma maior porcentagem dos estudantes do Grupo 2 (53,85%) julgaram ter conhecimento prévio do DE "Desobstrução Ineficaz de Vias Aéreas" em comparação aos do Grupo 1 (26,92%); foi identificada uma tendência à correlação positiva entre a categoria de acurácia diagnóstica e o número de sinais e sintomas relevantes para o diagnóstico de enfermagem, indicando que à medida que aumentou o número de sinais e sintomas referidos, aumentou a acurácia diagnóstica, e vice-versa; foi verificada uma dificuldade de alguns estudantes em identificar pistas; apenas um estudante nomeou corretamente o diagnóstico de enfermagem selecionado. Conclusão: o ensino de enfermagem deve levar em consideração a importância da experiência e do desenvolvimento de habilidades para o aprimoramento do raciocínio diagnóstico. A utilização de tecnologias educacionais, por sua vez, pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para o avanço das estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem nesse campo.

Introduction: this research sought to investigate the accurate exercise of diagnostic reasoning followed by clinical decision-making in nursing students through the application of two educational technologies, written and telesimulated clinical case. Objectives: evaluate the accuracy of the nursing diagnosis given by students in resolving a clinical case in written and telesimulated modes; verify the judgment of the nursing diagnosis attributed by students due to the absence and presence of the diagnosis "Ineffective Airway Clearance", in a clinical case in written and telesimulated mode; compare the degree of accuracy of the nursing diagnosis attributed by students in resolving a clinical case in written and telesimulated modes by applying the Nursing Diagnosis Accuracy Scale. Method: experimental research with crossover design. The experiment was carried out with 52 nursing students. Based on the nursing diagnosis "Ineffective Airway Clearance", a clinical case was prepared in accordance with a clinical diagnostic validation study, which was experienced by the students in a written clinical case (Group 2) and in a telesimulated clinical case (Group 1). To check the degree of diagnostic accuracy of nursing students, the Nursing Diagnostic Accuracy Scale was used. Results: it was observed that Group 2 had a higher percentage of high accuracy (46.15%) compared to Group 1 (7.69%). Furthermore, a higher percentage of students in Group 2 (53.85%) believed they had prior knowledge of the ND "Ineffective Airway Clearance" compared to those in Group 1 (26.92%); a tendency towards a positive correlation was identified between the category of diagnostic accuracy and the number of signs and symptoms relevant to the nursing diagnosis, indicating that as the number of signs and symptoms reported increased, diagnostic accuracy increased, and vice versa; some students found it difficult to identify clues; only one student correctly named the selected nursing diagnosis. Conclusion: nursing education must take into account the importance of experience and skill development for improving diagnostic reasoning. The use of educational technologies, in turn, can be a valuable tool for advancing teaching-learning strategies in this field.

Nursing Diagnosis , Students, Nursing , Dimensional Measurement Accuracy , Data Accuracy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242551


Background: Hand hygiene is a fundamental element of patient safety for the prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) and the spread of anti-microbial resistance. Hand hygiene is the most effective means to reduce nosocomial infection. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of hand hygiene among 3rd year medical and nursing students studying at IGIMS, Patna. Materials and Methods: Study design – This was a cross-sectional study. Tools used– A pre-designed self-administered questionnaire based on Centre for Disease Control and Prevention’s Hand hygiene guidelines. Study period - The duration of the study was 3 months (September–November 2023). Study population – A total of 130 (86 medical students and 44 nursing students) were enrolled in the study. Statistical test - The results obtained were statistically analyzed using the Chi-square test with the help of EPI info data analysis V7.2.0.1, to assess the various parameters of hand hygiene practices. P ? 0.05 was measured to be statistically significant. Results: A total of 130 students participated in this study, we found that the majority (medical – 64.9% and nursing – 57.3%) had moderate knowledge on hand hygiene. However, the overall attitude of the respondents toward hand hygiene was not satisfactory and most of them exhibited poor hand hygiene practice (medical – 29.8% and nursing – 43.1%). Overall satisfaction with facilities available for hand hygiene levels was reported as poor by 48.8% of medical students and 59% of nursing students. Conclusion: There is a necessity to consider the basic knowledge, attitude, and practices of hand hygiene are crucial for all healthcare professionals and the need for conducting regular training program.

Nurs J India ; 2024 Jan; 115(1): 18-22
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239989


Empowerment of nursing students is vital in ensuring positive prospect towards future nursing domain. Empowering nurses early in their learning era ensures building of a competent, knowledgeable, confident nurses pool with excellent decision-making, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Descriptive qualitative research was undertaken among BSc and Diploma nursing students to explore their perception regarding challenges and prospects of empowerment. A focus group discussion was conducted for students selected through purposive sampling technique. Audio-recording of the discussion occurred after participants’ informed consent was obtained. The audio-recorded data was transcribed verbatim and analysed using Braun and Clark’s thematic analysis. Interview notes were also used to gain further insights. The data revealed that nursing students' empowerment is hindered by educational, academic, experiential learning and clinical setting. Perception of empowerment varied among the students. Multilingual patients and prodigious patient load are an asset as well as a liability. Short staffing in hospital ward hinders efficiency, thereby precluding opportunities to disseminate knowledge regarding advanced clinical procedures and practices. Self-motivation, initiation to achieve knowledge, and awareness about facilities available play a huge role in nurses’ empowerment.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233784


Background: Career by choice means that a student chooses a career of their own choice according to their interests and the demands of time. The present study aimed to investigate the preferences of pursuing government jobs or higher education among final-year nursing undergraduates and perceived barriers to pursuing higher education in nursing. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional web-based study was conducted among 207 final-year B.Sc. nursing students from May 2021 to June 2021 at the various All India Institutes of Medical Sciences of India. Data collection was done using total enumerative sampling techniques by self-structured questionnaire. A descriptive statistic was applied to prepare the results. Results: Findings suggested that the government job after graduation was the priority among students (63.3%), and only (30.4%) of students were highly motivated to pursue higher education in nursing. The majority (42.9%) of respondents given a reason to choose a nursing course were not selected in NEET-UG. Further data revealed that the reason for choosing the job over higher education was financial independence. Findings also reported that the student's perspectives towards the nursing profession were a lack of respect as compared to other medical professions, stigma in society, socially less accepted professions, fewer opportunities in research and education, and gender discrimination in the profession. Conclusions: The findings necessitate the need for a sensitization program to develop awareness of the benefits of pursuing higher education. This may change the stigma and improve the social image of the profession.