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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;88(2): e2024, 2025. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574019


ABSTRACT Langerhans cell histiocytosis comprises a heterogeneous range of clinical manifestations secondary to clonal proliferation of histiocytes, characterized by the accumulation of these cells in various organs and tissues. The ophthalmological component commonly involved is the orbit. Herein, we report a rare case of Langerhans cell histiocytosis with eyelid involvement, which resulted in severe ocular surface complications, which subsequently significantly impacted the patient's quality of life. This case report highlights the fact that despite being rare, Langerhans cell histiocytosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of eyelid lesions. Furthermore, a multidisciplinary approach with a systemic overview is crucial for managing the ocular complications.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 970-976, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569272


SUMMARY: Since machine learning algorithms give more reliable results, they have been used in the field of health in recent years. The orbital variables give very successful results in classifying sex correctly. This research has focused on sex determination using certain variables obtained from the orbital images of the computerized tomography (CT) by using machine learning algorithms (ML). In this study 12 variables determined on 600 orbital images of 300 individuals (150 men and 150 women) were tested with different ML. Decision tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Naive Bayes (NB) algorithms of ML were used for unsupervised learning. Statistical analyses of the variables were conducted with Minitab® 21.2 (64-bit) program. ACC rate of NB, DT, KNN, and LR algorithms was found as % 83 while the ACC rate of LDA and RFC algorithms was determined as % 85. According to Shap analysis, the variable with the highest degree of effect was found as BOW. The study has determined the sex with high accuracy at the ratios of 0.83 and 0.85 through using the variables of the orbital CT images, and the related morphometric data of the population under question was acquired, emphasizing the racial variation.

Dado que los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático dan resultados más fiables, en los últimos años han sido utilizados en el campo de la salud. Las variables orbitales dan resultados muy exitosos a la hora de clasificar correctamente el sexo. Esta investigación se ha centrado en la determinación del sexo utilizando determinadas variables obtenidas a partir de las imágenes orbitales de la tomografía computarizada (TC) mediante el uso de algoritmos de aprendizaje automático (AA). En este estudio se probaron 12 variables determinadas en 600 imágenes orbitales de 300 individuos (150 hombres y 150 mujeres) con diferentes AA. Se utilizaron algoritmos de AA de árbol de decisión (DT), K-Nearest Neighbour, regresión logística (RL), Random Forest (RF), análisis discriminante lineal (ADL) y Naive Bayes (NB) para el aprendizaje no supervisado. Los análisis estadísticos de las variables se realizaron con el programa Minitab® 21.2 (64 bits). La tasa de ACC de los algoritmos NB, DT, KNN y RL se encontró en % 83, mientras que la tasa de ACC de los algoritmos ADL y RFC se determinó en % 85. Según el análisis de Sharp, la variable con el mayor grado de efecto se encontró como BOW. El estudio determinó el sexo con alta precisión en las proporciones de 0,83 y 0,85 mediante el uso de las variables de las imágenes de TC orbitales, y se adquirieron los datos morfométricos relacionados de la población en cuestión, enfatizando la variación racial.

Humans , Male , Female , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Sex Determination by Skeleton , Machine Learning , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Algorithms , Logistic Models , Forensic Anthropology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Rev. sanid. mil ; 78(2): e01, abr.-jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576724


Resumen La mucormicosis es una enfermedad con un elevado porcentaje de mortalidad. Esta enfermedad oportunista, es causada por patógenos de la familia Zygomicota del orden de los mucorales, los cuales afectan de manera considerable, pricipalmente a los pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Presentamos el caso de un paciente abordado en el Hospital Central Militar de México, diagnosticado con mucormicosis rino-órbito-cerebral, con reporte histopatológico de hifas hialinas no septadas de 90 º, referentes al diagnóstico previamente mencionado. Se realizó un abordaje multidisciplinario de la patología con diagnóstico, tratamiento médico y quirúrgico oportuno, logrando una evolución y pronóstico favorable en un padecimiento cuyo desenlace suele ser fatal.

Abstract Mucormycosis is a disease with a high percentage of mortality. This opportunistic disease is caused by pathogens of the Zygomicota family of the order Mucorales, which affect considerably, mainly immunocompromised patients. We present the case of a patient approached at the Hospital Central Militar de México, diagnosed with rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis, with histopathological report of non-septated hyaline hyphae of 90 º, referring to the aforementioned diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach to the pathology was carried out with diagnosis, timely medical and surgical treatment, achieving a favorable evolution and prognosis in a condition whose outcome is usually fatal.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234098


Orbit is a common site for vascular lesions in all age groups, with venous malformations being the most common type. Orbital varices are a rare subset of venous malformation which is a vascular hamartoma that communicate with normal orbital veins. The mainstay of diagnosis and differentiation from other vascular and neoplastic lesions of orbit is demonstration of change in size of lesion on dynamic maneuvers. In this article, we present a case of left orbital venous varix which showed enlargement on Valsalva maneuver. The patient was evaluated using prone MRI technique to demonstrate increase in the size of lesion. Multiple asymptomatic developmental venous anomalies were detected on brain screening, which is a known association.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569876


Introducción: Los abordajes mínimamente invasivos a la órbita constituyen métodos novedosos para el tratamiento quirúrgico de las lesiones orbitarias. Objetivos: Describir los resultados quirúrgicos de los abordajes mínimamente invasivos en pacientes con lesiones orbitarias. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, que incluyó a 33 pacientes del Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras con diagnóstico de lesiones orbitarias, operados mediante abordajes mínimamente invasivos con apoyo endoscópico, con sus diferentes variables: abordajes empleados, resultados posquirúrgicos y complicaciones. Se determinó de forma posoperatoria el grado de resección imagenológica, evaluación visual, estado de la enfermedad y complicaciones. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron frecuencias absolutas y relativas como medidas resumen. Resultados: Existió predominio de abordajes endonasales endoscópicos extendidos a la órbita en el 48, 5 %. Se alcanzó 90,9 % de resección total de las lesiones. Entre las complicaciones: diplopía 6,1 %, enoftalmos, ptosis, infección y hematoma, 3,0 % respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los abordajes mínimamente invasivos a la órbita con apoyo endoscópico constituyen procedimientos seguros, efectivos y con baja tasa de complicaciones.

Introduction: Minimally invasive approaches to the orbit constitute novel methods for the surgical treatment of orbital lesions. Objectives: To describe the surgical results of minimally invasive approaches in patients with orbital lesions. Method: A descriptive retrospective study was carried out, which included 33 patients from the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital with a diagnosis of orbital lesions operated on using minimally invasive approaches with endoscopic support with their different variables: approaches used, post-surgical results and complications. The degree of imaging resection, visual evaluation, disease status, and complications were determined postoperatively. For data analysis, absolute and relative frequencies were used as summary measures. Results: A predominance of endoscopic endonasal approaches extended to the orbit was evident in 48.5%. A 90.9% total resection of the lesions was achieved. Among the complications: diplopia 6.1%, enophthalmos, ptosis, infection and hematoma, 3.0 % respectively. Conclusions: Minimally invasive approaches to the orbit with endoscopic support are safe, effective procedures with a low complication rate.

J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-4, jan.-dez. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554330


Introdução: a região orbitária é bastante suscetível a fraturas, devido a sua posição exposta e a ossos frágeis. As fraturas do tipo blow-out caracterizam-se pela fratura do assoalho orbitário com ou sem herniação de conteúdo para o seio maxilar, gerando consequências funcionais e estéticas. Relato do caso: paciente do sexo feminino, 48 anos de idade, vítima de queda da própria altura, compareceu ao Hospital Geral do Estado da Bahia com queixa de diplopia, apresentando fratura de assoalho de órbita direita. Foi programada uma abordagem transconjuntival e instalação de tela de titânio para reconstrução. Na alta hospitalar, a paciente negou diplopia, não apresentando prejuízos funcionais ou estéticos. Conclusão: o acesso transconjuntival possibilita uma adequada exposição do assoalho de órbita, para colocação de telas, deixando uma cicatriz imperceptível na conjuntiva. Apesar das vantagens, este acesso cirúrgico apresenta maior complexidade técnica, sendo pouco realizado pelos cirurgiões

Introduction: the orbital region is very susceptible to fractures due to its exposed position and fragile bones. Blow-out fractures are characterized by fractures of the orbital floor with or without herniation of contents to the maxillary sinus, generating functional and aesthetic consequences. Case report: a 48-year-old female patient, victim of a fall from her height, presented to the General Hospital of the State of Bahia complaining of diplopia, presenting with a fracture of the floor of the right orbit. A transconjunctival approach and installation of titanium mesh for reconstruction were scheduled. At hospital discharge, the patient denied diplopia, with no functional or aesthetic impairments. Conclusion: the transconjunctival approach allows adequate exposure of the orbital floor for mesh placement, leaving an imperceptible scar on the conjunctiva. Despite the advantages, this surgical approach presents greater technical complexity and is rarely performed by surgeons.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Orbital Fractures , Orbit
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012547


@#Introduction: This study aims to determine the prognostic factors and survival outcomes of patients that underwent this surgery. Method: A retrospective review of 43 patients who underwent exenteration for periocular malignancies over a 14-year period was carried out. Patient demographics, tumour histology, treatment details, surgical margins’ status and post-operative survival were recorded. The survival outcome examined was the overall survival (OS) rate. Cox regression and Kaplan-Meier analysis were used to evaluate post-exenteration survival. Results: In total, 20 females and 23 males with a median age of 62 ± 17.3 years were identified. The most common indication for exenteration was basal cell carcinoma (20.9%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (18.6%), adenocystic carcinoma (14%), malignant melanoma (14%) and sebaceous gland carcinoma (11.6%). The independent predictors for worse OS on multivariate analysis were Chinese ethnicity (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 4.95, p =0.017), sebaceous gland carcinoma (aHR 57.61 p=0.006), adenocystic carcinoma (aHR 45.87, p=0.008), clear surgical margins (aHR 5.41, p=0.025), receiving only chemotherapy (aHR 169.13, p=0.004), and receiving both adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy (aHR 41.51, p=0.010). Conclusion: We recommend targeted public health initiatives for Chinese patients due to their increased mortality risk from peri-ocular malignancies. In addition, we advise comprehensive adjuvant therapy for all patients regardless of whether a clear surgical margin is achieved. Basal cell carcinoma and adenocystic carcinoma may also benefit from genetic research. We advocate more training for ophthalmologists to identify periocular malignancies earlier for better treatment options and increased chances of survival.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;87(4): e2021, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520235


ABSTRACT We present an unusual case of a 13-year-old male pediatric patient with a diagnosis of sphenoid sinus mucocele. The patient suffered a progressive loss of visual acuity over three months followed by a total recovery of his visual acuity after surgery. The patient presented at the emergency room complaining of progressive loss of visual acuity in his left eye which decreased to hand motion over the preceding months. Imaging studies revealed a cystic mass, suggestive of sphenoid sinus mucocele, which was causing compressive optic neuropathy and proptosis. The patient was scheduled for a sphenoidectomy and resection of the mass. Three days after surgery, the patient's visual acuity in the left eye was 20/20, indicating complete recovery from his symptoms. We suggest that the excellent outcome in this patient may be attributable to his age. His ongoing physical development might have been the decisive factor in the recovery of his visual acuity following compressive optic neuropathy secondary to sphenoid sinus mucocele. Further research is needed to verify this proposed explanation.

RESUMO Apresentamos um caso incomum de paciente pediátrico com diagnóstico de mucocele de seio esfenoidal, que apresentou perda progressiva da acuidade visual ao longo de três meses, resultando em recuperação total da acuidade visual após a cirurgia. Paciente do sexo masculino, 13 anos, procurou o pronto-socorro, queixando-se de perda progressiva da acuidade visual do olho esquerdo nos últimos três meses. Exames de imagem revelaram uma massa cística sugestiva de mucocele de seio esfenoidal, causando neuropatia óptica compressiva e proptose. O paciente foi agendado para esfenoidectomia e ressecção da massa. Três dias após a cirurgia, a acuidade visual do paciente no olho esquerdo era de 20/20, apresentando recuperação completa dos sintomas. Diante dos resultados de nosso paciente, sugerimos que a idade do paciente pode ser decisiva na recuperação da acuidade visual de uma neuropatia óptica compressiva secundária à mucocele de seio esfenoidal. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para verificação desses dados.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;87(2): e2022, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533801


ABSTRACT Hepatitis C virus infection may be implicated in 12.7% of ocular adnexal marginal zone lymphomas. We present the first case of an orbital-systemic mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma that responded to hepatitis C virus medical treatment. A 62-year-old male with a right-sided orbital mass was diagnosed with stage IIA orbital marginal zone lymphoma in addition to hepatitis C virus infection based on clinical, imaging, laboratory, and histological examinations. The systemic and orbital responses were achieved 1 year after undergoing hepatitis C virus treatment with glecaprevir/pibrentasvir. The association between the hepatitis C virus infection and orbital-systemic mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma is relevant. Accordingly, patients with orbital mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma should be assessed for hepatitis C virus seroreactivity for therapeutic and prognostic purposes.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;87(6): e2022, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513692


ABSTRACT Orbital decompression is widely performed for the management of proptosis for cosmetic and functional cases of Graves orbitopathy. The main side effects include dry eye, diplopia, and numbness. Blindness after orbital decompression is extremely rare. The mechanisms of vision loss after decompression are not well described in the literature. Considering the devastating effect and rarity of this complication, this study presented two cases of blindness after orbital decompression. In both cases, vision loss was provoked by slight bleeding in the orbital apex.

RESUMO A descompressão orbitária é uma cirurgia amplamente empregada para correção da proptose em casos cosméticos e funcionais da orbitopatia de Graves. Os principais efeitos colaterais induzidos pela descompressão são olho seco, diplopia e parestesias. Amaurose pós descompressão é uma complicação extremamente rara e cujos mecanismos são pouco discutidos na literatura. Considerando o efeito devastador representado pela perda visual e a escassez de relatos dessa complicação, os autores apresentam dois relatos de amaurose após descompressão orbitária. Nos dois casos a perda visual ocorreu devido a sangramento de pequena monta no ápice orbitário.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;87(2): e2021, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527832


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the mechanisms of injury and types of orbital fractures and their relation to concurrent commotio retinae. Methods: This retrospective study evaluated the records of patients with orbital fractures whose diagnoses had been confirmed by computer tomography between July 2017 and September 2019. Patient demographics, the circumstances of injury, ophthalmic examination results, and radiological findings were tabulated. Statistical analysis of the data used two-tailed student's t-tests, chi-squared tests, and odds ratio calculations. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Of the 204 patients with orbital fractures included in this study, 154 (75.5%) were male. The mean age was 42.1 years. Orbital fractures involving one orbital wall (58.8%) were more common than those affecting multiple walls (41.2%). The majority of fractures affected the inferior wall (60.3%), with the medial walls being the next most frequently affected (19.6%). The most common cause of injury was assault (59.3%), and the second most common was falls (24%). Commotio retinae was observed in 20.1% of orbital fracture cases and was most associated with injuries caused by assault (OR=5.22, p<0.001) and least associated with those caused by falls (OR=0.06, p<0.001). Eye movement restrictions were more common in central than peripheral commotio (OR=3.79, p=0.015) and with medial wall fractures than fractures to other orbital walls (OR=7.16, p<0.001). The odds of commotio were not found to be higher in patients with multi-walled orbital fractures than in those with single-walled fractures (p=0.967). Conclusions: In the study population, assault was the most common cause of orbital fractures and resulted in commotio retinae than other causes. Ophthalmologists should be aware of the likelihood of commotio retinae in patients with orbital fractures resulting from assault, regardless of the extent of the patient's injuries.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo visou avaliar os mecanismos da lesão e os tipos de fraturas orbitárias e sua relação com commotio retinae simultânea. Métodos: Este estudo retrospectivo avaliou registros de pacientes com fraturas orbitárias cujos diagnósticos foram confirmados por tomografia computadorizada entre julho de 2017 e setembro de 2019. Foram registrados os dados demográficos, circunstâncias da lesão, os resultados do exame oftalmológico e achados radiológicos. A análise estatística dos dados usou os testes de t-Student bicaudal, qui-quadrado e cálculos de odds ratio. O significado estatístico foi fixada em p<0,05. Resultados: Dos 204 pacientes com fraturas orbitárias incluídos neste estudo, 154 (75,5%) eram sexo masculino (75,5%). A média de idade foi de 42,1 anos. As fraturas orbitárias envolvendo uma parede orbital (58,8%) foram mais comuns do que as que acometeram várias paredes (41,2%). A maioria das fraturas acometeu a parede inferior (60,3%), sendo as paredes mediais as próximas mais frequentemente afetadas (19,6%). A causda mais comum de lesão foi agressão (59,3%), e a segunda mais comum foi queda (24%). A commotio retinae foi observada em 20,1% dos casos de fratura orbital e foi mais associada a lesões causadas por agressão (OR=5,22, p<0,001) e menos associada com aquelas causadas por quedas (OR=0,06, p<0,001). As restrições de movimentos oculares eram mais comuns na comoção central do que na periférica (OR=3,79, p=0,015) e com fraturas da parede medial do que com fraturas de outras paredes orbitais (OR=7,16, p<0,001). As chances de comoção não foram maiores em pacientes com fraturas orbitais de paredes múltiplas do que naqueles com fraturas de parede simples (p=0,967). Conclusões: Na população do estudo, a agressão foi a causa mais comum de fraturas orbitais e resultou em commotio retinae mais grave do que qualquer outra causa. Os oftalmologistas devem estar cientes da probabilidade de commotio retinae em pacientes com fraturas orbitais resultantes de agressão, independentemente da extensão das lesões do paciente.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;87(5): e2022, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527845


ABSTRACT A 42-year-old woman presented with bilateral proptosis, chemosis, leg pain, and vision loss. Orbital, chorioretinal, and multi-organ involvement of Erdheim-Chester disease, a rare non-Langerhans histiocytosis, with a negative BRAF mutation was diagnosed based on clinical, radiological, and pathological findings. Interferon-alpha-2a (IFNα-2a) was started, and her clinical condition improved. However, 4 months later, she had vision loss with a history of IFNα-2a cessation. The same therapy was administered, and her clinical condition improved. The Erdheim-Chester disease is a rare chronic histiocytic proliferative disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach and can be fatal if left untreated because of multisystemic involvements.

RESUMO Uma mulher de 42 anos apresentou proptose bi-lateral, quemose, dor nas pernas e perda de visão. Com base em achados clínicos, radiológicos e patológicos, foi diag-nosticada doença de Erdheim-Chester com acometimento orbitário, coriorretiniano e multiorgânico. Trata-se de uma rara histiocitose não Langerhans negativa para a mutação BRAF. Foi iniciado tratamento com interferon alfa-2a (IFNα-2a) e o quadro clínico melhorou. No entanto, quatro meses depois, a paciente apresentou perda visual após a cessação do IFNα-2a. A mesma terapia foi administrada novamente e sua condição clínica melhorou novamente. A doença de Erdheim-Chester é uma doença proliferativa histiocítica crônica rara que necessita de uma abordagem multidisciplinar e pode ser fatal se não tratada, devido a envolvimentos multissistêmicos.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;87(2): e2023, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557083


ABSTRACT Vascular anomalies comprise a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations related to disturbances in the blood or lymph vessels. They correspond to mainly tumors (especially hemangiomas), characterized by high mitotic activity and proliferation of the vascular endothelium, and malformations, endowed with normal mitotic activity and no hypercellularity or changes in the rate of cell turnover. However, the classifications of these lesions go beyond this dichotomy and consist various systems adapted for and by different clinical subgroups. Thus, the classifications have not reached a consensus and have historically caused confusion regarding the nomenclatures and definitions. Cavernous venous malformations of the orbit, previously called cavernous hemangiomas, are the most common benign vascular orbital lesions in adults. Herein, we have compiled and discussed the various evidences, including clinical, radiological, morphological, and molecular evidence that indicate the non-neoplastic nature of these lesions.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 28(2): 240-246, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558029


Abstract Introduction Many patients suffered from rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in India. Diabetes is a known risk factor of COVID-19 infection and mucormycosis. Objective The present study was done to describe the clinical spectrum and histopathological findings of mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients and their outcomes. Methods A cross-sectional study was done over a period of two and half months. The biopsy samples or scrapings from sinonasal or periorbital tissue of 38 patients were analyzed. Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E stain) slides were evaluated along with Grocott-Gomori methenamine-silver and Periodic acid-Schiff stains to highlight the fungal elements. Results The male to female ratio was 2.5:1, and the mean age of the subjects was 53 years old. A total of 68.4% (n = 26/38) of the patients had diabetes as a comorbidity, 84.2% (n = 32/38) had a history of steroid intake, and 55.3% (n = 21/38) were given supplemental oxygen during their treatment. The common presentations were nasal blockage, discharge, eye pain, headache, and altered mentation. The sites of biopsy were: nasal cavity 76.3% (n = 29/38), periorbital fat/orbit 21.1% (n = 8/38), maxillary sinus 15.8% (n = 6/38) and ethmoid sinus 13.2% (n = 5/38). In 76.3% (n = 29/38) cases, broad, irregular, nonseptate, and right-angle branching hyphae were seen on H&E-stained tissue sections. Conclusion COVID-19 led to various complications in individuals affected by it. Mucormycosis was one such lethal complication. An early diagnosis and prompt treatment is crucial to control the progression of the disease and improve outcomes.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 43(3): 208-211, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571426


Though posttraumatic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea and otorrhea are fairly common, blepharocele and blepharoencephalocele are rare, with only 15 cases reported to date. A 29-year-old female patient presented with a complaint of swelling of the right eyelid that had begun three months before. The patient had sustained a head injury 24 years prior to presentation. Imaging studies revealed the presence of a craniopalpebral CSF fistula. The patient underwent successful surgical repair of the fistula with craniotomy and duroplasty by autologous fascia lata graft. Delayed development of blepharocele 24 years after trauma is unusual, and, to our knowledge, the case herein reported is the first one in the literature.

Embora a rinorreia e a otorreia pós-traumática do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) sejam bastante comuns, a blefarocele e a blefaroencefalocele são raras, com apenas 15 casos relatados até o momento. Paciente do sexo feminino, 29 anos, apresentou queixa de edema em pálpebra direita com início há três meses. O paciente havia sofrido um traumatismo cranioencefálico 24 anos antes da apresentação. Os exames de imagem revelaram a presença de fístula liquórica craniopalpebral. O paciente foi submetido com sucesso ao reparo cirúrgico da fístula com craniotomia e duroplastia com enxerto autólogo de fáscia lata. O atraso no desenvolvimento de blefarocele 24 anos após o trauma é incomum e, até onde sabemos, o caso aqui relatado é o primeiro na literatura.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030026


Objective:To investigate the effect of backfilling on the deformity of lacrimal sulcus and blepharobuccal sulcus after special treatment of the fat from orbital septum of the pouch in the lower intra-palpebral approach.Methods:From November 2019 to September 2022, a total of 42 patients (13 males and 29 females) aged 16-47(23.8±6.9) years with orbital septal fat swelling were treated by the surgical department of Beijing Huangsi Medical Cosmetic Clinic after the removal of orbital fat mass by the intraocular pouch approach. With mild, moderate, and severe lacrimal sulci and blepharobuccal depression deformity, the lower eyelid skin was not relaxed. The naturally herniated orbital septal adipose mass was cut off through the lower eyelid conjunctival incision approach, and then granulated into a 1 ml syringe, which was accurately filled into the depressed area of lacrimal sulci and blepharobuccal sulci according to the depressions marked before surgery.Results:The incisions of all 42 patients healed in the first stage without hematoma and infection, and the subcutaneous ecchymosis of 2 cases was observed by local hot compress 48 h later and the ecchymosis subsided 1 week. Follow-up was performed at 1 month, 2 months and 3 months, respectively. Among them, 35 patients underwent the operation of removing the lower eyelid bag and orbital septum cellulite and backfilling to correct the malformation of lacrimal sulci, and the postoperative effect was satisfactory. The symptoms of puffed eye bags, blepharobuccal sulci and lacrimal sulci depression disappeared, and the wound healed in one stage. 7 patients with eye bags accompanied by lacrimal sulci and blepharobuccal sulci were told before surgery that they might need two fat fillings due to insufficient fat content in the orbital septa and slight indentations. One month later, granular fat was taken from the legs to fill the lacrimal sulci and blepharobuccal sulci with satisfactory results.Conclusions:The treatment after the removal of orbital septum cellulite and the correction of lacrimal sulcus and blepharobuccal sulcus deformity are simple and satisfactory, and worthy of clinical application.

International Eye Science ; (12): 62-66, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003507


The finite element method(FEM)is a widely employed mathematical technique in mechanical research that divides an object into discrete and interacting finite elements. Medically, finite element analysis(FEA)enables the simulation of biomechanical experiments that are challenging to conduct. Orbital surgery poses significant challenges to ophthalmologists due to its inherent difficulty and steep learning curve. FEM enables the simulation and analysis of the mechanical properties of orbital tissue, offering a novel approach for diagnosing and treating orbital-related diseases. With technological advancements, FEM has significantly matured in the diagnosis and treatment of orbital diseases, becoming a popular area of research in orbital biomechanics. This paper reviewed the latest advancements in orbital FEM, encompassing the development of orbital FEA models, simulation of orbital structure, and its application in orbital-related diseases. Additionally, the limitations of FEM and future research directions are also discussed. As a digital tool for auxiliary diagnosis and treatment, orbital FEA will progressively unlock its potential for diagnosing and treating orbital diseases alongside technological advancements.

International Eye Science ; (12): 171-181, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005377


Orbital disorders include conditions originating from the orbital bones, surrounding tissues, and post-orbital septum. They also include systemic ailments affecting the orbit. Different clinical symptoms make up the complex range of orbital disorders. Because these disorders mostly impact the orbital area instead of the intraocular compartment, there is little diagnostic usefulness for typical ophthalmic visual tests. As such, the primary instruments for diagnosing and evaluating orbital illnesses have become ophthalmic imaging modalities, including ocular ultrasonography(B-scan), computed tomography(CT), and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). One way to improve the precision and promptness of diagnosing orbital diseases is to standardize the functioning of widely used imaging equipment and define the radiological features of orbital abnormalities. Such programs are crucial for the care of patients with orbital disorders since they considerably reduce the number of misdiagnoses and missed diagnoses in these individuals. The underlying concepts, operational techniques, and normal and pathological imaging findings associated with common diagnostic tools for orbital illnesses are all thoroughly reviewed in this guideline. The objective is to improve primary healthcare settings' diagnostic competence in the field of orbital pathology and to standardize procedures for diagnosing orbital disorders.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018334


Objective:To analyze the effects of processed Epimedii Folium on endogenous metabolites of mouse melanoma cells (B16 cells) before and after processing based on cell metabolomics; To investigate the changes of processed Epimedii Folium before and after processing.Methods:Ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem four-stage orbital trap mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap-MS) technology was used, and the endogenous small molecules of B16 cells treated with Epimedii Folium and processed Epimedii Folium were analyzed by metabolomics. The differential metabolites between groups were obtained, and relevant metabolic pathways were analyzed based on the MetaboAnalyst 5.0 database.Results:Significant changes were observed in 13 kinds of endogenous metabolites, including alanine, carnitine C3∶0, glutamic acid-1, lactic acid, isoleucine, choline, phosphatidylcholine (34∶2, 36∶2), free fatty acids, citric acid, carnitine C4∶0, lysophosphatidylcholine 16∶0 and malic acid after the intervention of Epimedii Folium and processed Epimedii Folium. And the impact of processed products on differential metabolites was stronger than that of raw products. The main pathways involved were Warburg effect, pyruvate metabolism, malate-aspartic acid shuttle, pyruvaldehyde degradation and so on.Conclusions:Epimedii Folium and processed Epimedii Folium would have certain effects on cellular metabolic pathways. The results may be related to the pharmacological effects and changes in cold and hot properties of Epimedii Folium before and after processing.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022735


In recent years,deep learning,a pivotal subset of artificial intelligence machine learning,has achieved noteworthy advancements in the medical domain.It facilitates precise detection,diagnosis and prognostic assessment of various diseases through the analysis of medical images.Within ophthalmology,deep learning techniques have found wide-spread application in the diagnosis and prediction of thyroid-related eye diseases,orbital blowout fracture,melanoma,bas-al cell carcinoma,orbital abscess,lymphoma,retinoblastoma and other diseases.Leveraging images from computed tomo-graphy,magnetic resonance imaging and even pathological sections,this technology demonstrates a capacity to diagnose,differentiate and stage orbital diseases and ocular tumors with a high level of accuracy comparable to that of expert clini-cians.The promising prospects of this technology are expected to enhance the diagnosis and treatment of related diseases,concurrently reducing the time and cost associated with clinical practices.This review consolidates the latest research pro-gress on the application of artificial intelligence deep learning in orbital diseases and ocular tumors,aiming to furnish clini-cians with up-to-date information and developmental trends in this field,thereby furthering the clinical application and widespread adoption of this technology.