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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239711


Background: Ovarian tumors rank as the third leading cause of mortality among female genital tract malignancies. This study examined the histopathological spectrum of ovarian neoplasms based on our center’s 2020 World Health Organization (WHO) classification. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was carried out over 5 years at our tertiary healthcare hospital, including 406 cases of ovarian neoplasms. After proper fixation and gross examination, sections were routinely processed and examined. The histopathological spectrum of ovarian neoplasms was analyzed according to the 2020 WHO classification. Results: Out of the 406 cases studied, 329 (81.03%) were benign, 65 (16.01%) were malignant, and 12 (2.95%) were borderline. The cases included 326 (80.29%) surface epithelial tumors, 58 (14.28%) germ cell tumors, 19 (4.68%) sex cord-stromal tumors, and 2 (0.49%) metastatic tumors. The majority of ovarian tumors (n = 340, 83.74%) occurred in the 20–60 years age group. Conclusion: The study reveals that benign tumors were more prevalent than malignant ones, with serous tumors being the most common among the benign cases. We observed a higher incidence of malignancy in women over the age of 40. Therefore, early and accurate histological diagnosis is crucial for initiating an appropriate management plan.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 603-611, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566020


Introducción. La ileostomía derivativa de protección se realiza con el objetivo de proteger la anastomosis intestinal después de una resección colorrectal. Esta resección intestinal es el procedimiento extendido más frecuentemente realizado en pacientes con cáncer de ovario, con el fin de lograr una citorreducción completa. Conocer las indicaciones, el uso, las técnicas y las complicaciones de las ileostomías es importante para los grupos multidisciplinarios que tratan estas pacientes. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed vía Medline y una revisión narrativa actualizada de los principales hallazgos sobre las indicaciones, las técnicas quirúrgicas, complicaciones y el uso de la ileostomía derivativa en el cáncer de ovario. Resultados. El uso de la ileostomía derivativa en cáncer de ovario sigue siendo un tema controvertido. Hasta la fecha, ni la ileostomía de derivación ni la ileostomía fantasma se han asociado con una reducción en la incidencia de la fuga anastomótica, pero ambas técnicas podrían disminuir su gravedad. Conclusión. La ileostomía de derivación en cáncer de ovario se usa para proteger una anastomosis distal tras una resección intestinal, en caso de fuga anastomótica si no se ha realizado una ostomía previa o en caso de obstrucción intestinal.

Introduction. Protective diverting ileostomy is performed with the aim of protecting the intestinal anastomosis after a colorectal resection. This intestinal resection is the most frequently performed extended procedure in patients with ovarian cancer, in order to achieve complete cytoreduction. Knowing the indications, use, techniques and complications of ileostomies is important for multidisciplinary groups that treat these patients. Methods. We conducted a search in PubMed via Medline and an updated narrative review of the main findings on the indications, surgical techniques, complications and use of diverting ileostomy in ovarian cancer. Results. The use of diverting ileostomy in ovarian cancer remains a controversial issue. To date, neither diverting ileostomy nor ghost ileostomy have been associated with a reduction in the incidence of anastomotic leak, but both techniques could decrease its severity. Conclusion. The diverting ileostomy in ovarian cancer is used to protect a distal anastomosis after intestinal resection, in case of anastomotic leak if a previous ostomy has not been performed or in case of intestinal obstruction.

Humans , Ovarian Neoplasms , Anastomosis, Surgical , Ileostomy , Surgical Wound Dehiscence , Anastomotic Leak
Braz. J. Oncol ; 20: e-20230437, 20240516.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554109


Borderline ovarian tumors typically exhibit indolent behavior and boast a favorable prognosis; however, a subset of patients experiences disease recurrence and progression to low-grade ovarian carcinoma. The complex biology underlying these phenomena has been illuminated through molecular analyses. KRAS and BRAF mutations have emerged as recurrent ?ndings in borderline ovarian tumors. Speci?cally, KRAS mutations have been linked to a higher risk of recurrence and progression to low-grade ovarian carcinoma, while BRAF mutations seem to confer a protective e?ect, inducing a senescent state that mitigates the likelihood of progression. In this comprehensive review, we explore the biology and the molecular pro?le of borderline ovarian tumors, shedding light on recent discoveries that have enriched our comprehension. Additionally, we discuss the current state of borderline ovarian tumors management. Surgery remains the cornerstone of treatment. While cytotoxic therapies role is limited so far, molecular characterization emphasizes the imminent potential for personalized therapeutic approaches.

Os tumores borderline de ovário geralmente exibem comportamento indolente e apresentam prognóstico favorável; no entanto, um subconjunto de pacientes apresenta recorrência da doença e progressão para carcinoma de ovário de baixo grau. A biologia complexa subjacente a estes fenômenos foi iluminada através de análises moleculares. Mutações KRAS e BRAF surgiram como achados recorrentes em tumores borderline de ovário. Especificamente, as mutações KRAS têm sido associadas a um maior risco de recorrência e progressão para carcinoma de ovário de baixo grau, enquanto as mutações BRAF parecem conferir um efeito protetor, induzindo um estado senescente que mitiga a probabilidade de progressão. Nesta revisão abrangente, exploramos a biologia e o perfil molecular dos tumores borderline de ovário, lançando luz sobre descobertas recentes que enriqueceram nossa compreensão. Além disso, discutimos o estado atual do manejo de tumores borderline de ovário. A cirurgia continua sendo o pilar de tratamento. Embora o papel das terapias citotóxicas seja limitado até o momento, a caracterização molecular enfatiza o potencial iminente para abordagens terapêuticas personalizadas.

Ovarian Neoplasms , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures , Urogenital Neoplasms , Varicocele
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(1): 78-83, mar. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568357


Aunque el cistoadenoma mucinoso de ovario tiene un crecimiento benigno, puede crecer hasta tener grandes dimensiones. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 70 años que acudió a consulta por presentar dolor abdominal recurrente y difuso. A la exploración física se palpó una gran masa que ocupaba toda la cavidad abdominal, hasta la apófisis xifoides, redondeada, renitente, de bordes definidos, no dolorosa, no movible. Presencia de edema en miembros inferiores. Durante el acto operatorio se identificó útero miomatoso y quiste gigante de ovario izquierdo, aproximadamente de 40 x 30 cm y 13,6 kg de peso. Se realizó histerectomía total abdominal y salpingooforectomía bilateral. La biopsia confirmó el diagnóstico de cistoadenoma mucinoso benigno de ovario y leiomiomatosis uterina. El posoperatorio transcurrió favorablemente. La incidencia de cistoadenoma gigante de ovario es desconocida, debido a la falta de un concepto estandarizado y las modalidades de imagen avanzadas disponibles en la actualidad(AU)

Although ovarian mucinous cystadenoma has a benign growth, it can grow to be very large. We present the case of a 70-year-old patient who came to the clinic for recurrent and diffuse abdominal pain. On physical examination, a large mass was palpated that occupied the entire abdominal cavity, up to the xiphoid appendix, rounded, retentive, with defined edges, non- painful, non-movable. Presence of edema in lower limbs. During the surgical act, a myomatous uterus and a giant left ovarian cyst measuring approximately 40 x3 0 cm and weighing 13.6 kg were identified. Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were performed. The biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of benign ovarian mucinous cystadenoma and uterine leiomyomatosis. The postoperative period progressed favorably. The incidence of giant ovarian cystadenoma is relatively unknown due to the lack of a standardized concept and currently available advanced imaging modalities(AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Cystadenoma, Mucinous/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(1): 84-90, mar. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568389


Los tumores de células de la granulosa son tumoraciones ováricas infrecuentes. Hay dos tipos histológicos: adulto y juvenil. Los tumores de células de la granulosa juvenil representan el 5 %, y solamente un 3 % ocurre en mayores de 30 años. Ante la sospecha, el diagnóstico definitivo intraoperatorio es complejo dada su rareza y su fácil confusión con otras neoplasias ováricas. El patrón quístico con células de la granulosa inmaduras, con frecuentes mitosis, la ausencia de cuerpos de Call-Exner y el estudio inmunoquístico lo confirman. Su baja prevalencia dificulta su diagnóstico. El estadio de la enfermedad es el factor pronóstico más importante, y resulta imprescindible una completa resección. El papel de la terapia complementaria no está bien establecido, además los estudios disponibles solamente incluyen un número mínimo de casos, que no diferencian mujeres adultas. El adecuado seguimiento para la detección precoz de una posible recidiva tardía supone un reto clínico(AU)

Granulosa cell tumors are rare ovarian tumors. There are two histological types: adult and juvenile. Juvenile granulosa cell tumors account for 5%, with only 3% occurring in people over 30 years of age. Given the suspicion, the definitive intraoperative diagnosis is complex given its rarity and its easy confusion with other ovarian neoplasms. The cystic pattern with immature granulosa cells, with frequent mitosis, the absence of Call-Exner bodies and the immunocystic study confirm this. Its low prevalence makes it difficult to diagnose. The stage of the disease is the most important prognostic factor, and complete resection is essential. The role of complementary therapy is not well established, and the available studies include only a minimal number of cases, which do not differentiate between adult women. Adequate follow-up for the early detection of a possible late recurrence is a clinical challenge(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Granulosa Cell Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Physical Examination
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 85(1): 80-84, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556806


RESUMEN Los tumores de ovario son raros en pediatría. En este grupo, los tumores de células esteroideas representan el 0,1% de los casos y existen escasos reportes en la literatura. Presentamos el caso de una niña de 11 años con síntomas de engrosamiento de la voz, hirsutismo, acné y clitoromegalia. El análisis de laboratorio mostró niveles elevados de testosterona total y libre, niveles normales de 17-hidroxiprogesterona. La evaluación ecográfica reveló un agrandamiento significativo del ovario izquierdo. La paciente fue sometida a salpingooforectomía izquierda. Este hallazgo fue consistente con un tumor de células esteroideas de ovario. A esto le siguió la reducción gradual de los andrógenos y la mejoría clínica. Los tumores de células esteroideas son raros en pediatría, sin embargo, deben considerarse como diagnóstico diferencial al estudiar pacientes con síntomas de hiperandrogenismo.

ABSTRACT Ovarian tumors are rare in pediatrics. In this group, steroid cell tumors represent 0.1% of total cases and there are few reports in the literature. We present the case of an 11-year-old girl who suffered from deeper voice, hirsutism, acne and clitoromegaly. Analysis showed elevated levels of total and free testosterone, normal levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Ultrasound evaluation revealed significant enlargement of the left ovary. The patient underwent left salpingo-oophorectomy. This finding is consistent with an ovarian steroid cell tumor. This is followed by gradual reduction of androgens and clinical improvement. Steroid cell tumors are rare in pediatrics, however, they should be considered as a differential diagnosis when studying patients with symptoms of hyperandrogenism.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232514


Background: The aim of our study is to describe the gross morphology of ovarian specimens and to see if some entities can be distinguished based on their gross morphology.Methods: We did a cross-sectional study of all ovarian specimen received by the department of morbid anatomy and forensic medicine of Obafemi Awolowo university teaching hospitals complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, Nigeria from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2022 (Five-year period). OAUTHC is situated in the southwestern part of Nigeria.Results: We examined 225 right ovarian specimens. Non- neoplastic lesions were the most common lesions of the right ovary accounting for 52 cases followed by malignant tumour accounting for 25 cases. We examined 233 specimens of the left ovary of which 133 were normal. Eighteen (72%) of malignant tumors of the left ovary had cystic cut surfaces. The spectrum of lesions of both ovaries has different average widest diameters with significant overlap in their distribution. Metastatic carcinoma is seen to involve both ovaries and found to mainly have a solid cut surface. We found that the average widest diameter of a normal left ovary is 3.6 cm while that of a normal right ovary is 4.9 cm.Conclusions: The ovarian lesions have different widest diameters and are usually larger than that of a normal ovary. Benign ovarian tumours are generally larger than their malignant counterparts but cannot be distinguished based on size alone. Metastatic carcinoma involved both ovaries and had a predominantly solid-cut surface. The normal left ovaries were smaller than the normal right ovaries.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 70(1): 00013, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1584199


RESUMEN El disgerminoma de ovario es una neoplasia muy infrecuente. Se presenta mayormente en mujeres jóvenes con manifestaciones clínicas inespecíficas, aunque pueden señalar dolor abdominal, sensación de masa y alteraciones menstruales. Se comunica el caso de una paciente joven de 19 años multípara con sensación de masa intraabdominal, de crecimiento progresivo y asociado a dolor de tipo opresivo. En el examen tomográfico se encontró una masa anexial dependiente de ovario, por lo que se le practicó una anexectomía derecha y biopsia por congelación más estadiaje. La evaluación macroscópica evidenció una tumoración de 25 x 20 x 13 cm, que pesaba 5,760 gramos. Mediante evaluación microscópica y estudios de inmunohistoquímica se la diagnosticó como disgerminoma puro. En base al tamaño promedio y antecedentes, fue catalogada como disgerminoma gigante.

ABSTRACT Ovarian dysgerminoma is a very rare neoplasm. It occurs mostly in young women with nonspecific clinical manifestations, although they may express abdominal pain, sensation of mass and menstrual alterations. We report the case of a young multiparous 19-year-old female patient with sensation of intra-abdominal mass, of progressive growth and associated with oppressive pain. On tomographic examination an ovarian-dependent adnexal mass was found, so she underwent a right adnexectomy and freezing biopsy plus staging. Macroscopic evaluation revealed a tumor measuring 25 x 20 x 13 cm, weighing 5,760 grams. By microscopic evaluation and immunohistochemistry studies it was diagnosed as pure dysgerminoma. Based on the average size and history, it was classified as a giant dysgerminoma.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018195


Cisplatin resistance is an important factor in the poor treatment effect of ovarian cancer patients. MicroRNA (miRNA) can regulate cellular structural molecules, DNA repair, cell cycle, apoptosis and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, autophagy, methylation and cancer stem cell, which are involved in the regulation of cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer. Further understanding the mechanism of miRNA regulation of cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer will help find new treatment options to optimize existing treatment plans and improve efficacy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020472


Objective:To explore the effects of an intervention strategy based on dyadic illness management theory on dyadic coping level, supportive care needs, and patients' disease symptoms with chemotherapy-stage ovarian cancer patients and their spouses, and to provide reference for improving their disease coping ability and quality of life.Methods:This study used the method of randomized controlled trial. Seventy pairs of ovarian cancer patients and their spouses who received regular chemotherapy and their spouses from Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Fudan University from July 2022 to June 2023 were selected using convenience sampling method. They were assigned to the control group (36 pairs) and the observation group (36 pairs) by the random number table method. Participants in the control group received routine nursing care and the observation group received the intervention strategy of dyadic illness management theory. Data were collected and compared the differences in dyadic coping levels, care needs, and disease symptoms between two groups of patients and their spouses before intervention (before chemotherapy) and after intervention (after the end of the chemotherapy cycle). SPSS 20.0 software was used for analysis, and t-tests, χ2 tests, and Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to compare the two groups. Results:Finally, 36 pairs were included in the control group and 34 pairs in the observation group. The age of the control group patients was (52.03 ± 9.44) years old, while that of the observation group patients was (53.41 ± 10.14) years old. After the intervention, the total score of dyadic coping level in the patients and their spouses of the observation group were (113.50 ± 8.03), (114.62 ± 10.59) points, respectively, which were higher than (106.64 ± 10.06), (108.78 ± 10.89) points of the control group with significant differences ( t=-3.14, -2.27, both P<0.05); the total score of care needs in the patients and their spouses of the observation group were (89.65 ± 8.29), (95.12 ± 7.25) points, respectively, which were lower than (100.25 ± 10.82), (110.11 ± 7.58) points of the control group with significant differences ( t=4.58, 8.45, both P<0.001); the total score of disease symptoms in the patients of the observation group was (20.09 ± 4.70) points, which was lower than (31.53 ± 6.08) points of the control group with significant differences ( t=8.77, P<0.001). Conclusions:The model of dyadic illness management can improve dyadic coping level and supportive care needs of chemotherapy-stage ovarian cancer patients and their spouses, and alleviate patients′ disease symptoms.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 142-148, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020986


Objective To investigate the effect of muscone on malignant progression of ovarian cancer cells mediated by regulating sonic hedgehog(SHH)mediated autophagy.Methods Survival rates of human ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3 treated with 0,2,4,8,16,and 24 μmol/L muscone were detected,and the optimal cell action concentration of muscone was selected.SKOV3 cells were cultured in vitro,and their transplanted tumor mouse models were constructed.Cells were randomly grouped into the control group,the muskone group,the muskone+chloroquine(CQ,an autophagy inhibitor)group,the muskone+empty group and the muskone+SHH overexpression group.After grouping and treatment with musconeand,CQ,empty plasmid and SHH overexpression plasmid,the tumor volume and weight in transplanted tumor mice were detected.EdU staining,TUNEL staining,cell scratch,Transwell invasion assay,immunoblotting and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR were used to detect proliferation,apoptosis,migration and invasion of SKOV3 cells,the expression of autophagy related proteins(LC3Ⅱ/LC3Ⅰ,Beclin-1)and SHH in SKOV3 cells and transplanted tumor mice in each.Results Compared with the control group,the cell proliferation rate,cell migration rate,number of invasions,tumor volume and weight,and the expression of SHH mRNA and protein in tumor tissue were decreased in the muskone group(P<0.05),and the apoptosis rate,LC3Ⅱ/LC3Ⅰ,Beclin-1 protein in cells and tumor tissue were increased(P<0.05).Compared with the muscone group,the cell proliferation rate,cell migration rate,number of invasion,tumor volume and weight were increased in the muscone+CQ group and the muskone+SHH overexpression group(P<0.05),and the apoptosis rate,LC3Ⅱ/LC3Ⅰ and the expression of Beclin-1 protein in cells and tumor tissue were decreased(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in the above indicators in the muscone+empty group(P>0.05).Conclusion Muscone can promote autophagy of ovarian cancer cells by down-regulating SHH,thereby inhibiting their proliferation,in vivo growth,migration and invasion,promoting their apoptosis,and ultimately inhibiting their malignant progression.

Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi ; Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi;(12): 210-214, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027196


Objective:To investigate the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of ovarian yolk sac tumor (OYST).Methods:The clinicopathological data and follow-up data of 12 patients with OYST admitted to the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from January 2013 to December 2020 were retrospectively analyzed, and the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of OYST patients were summarized.Results:(1) The age of 12 patients with OYST ranged from 11 to 37 years, with a median age of 20 years. At the first visit, all 12 patients had pelvic masses. Reasons for seeing a doctor: 6 cases of abdominal distension and abdominal pain, 4 cases of mass in the lower abdomen, 1 case of vaginal bleeding, and 1 case of appendicitis. International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO) 2014 staging: 4 cases in stage Ⅰa, 2 cases in stage Ⅰc, 1 case in stage Ⅱc, 4 cases in stage Ⅲc, and 1 case in stage Ⅳb. (2) All 12 patients were examined by color Doppler ultrasound before operation, among which 10 cases showed unilateral adnexal masses and 2 cases bilateral adnexal masses. The median maximum diameter of tumor was 16.5 cm (range: 6.0-28.0 cm). The preoperative levels of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) in 12 patients (all >1 210 μg/L) were significantly higher than normal (<25 μg/L). Among the 11 patients with cancer antigen 125 (CA 125) detection results, 9 patients showed elevated serum CA 125 levels. (3) Among the 12 patients, 8 young infertile patients who needed to preserve their reproductive function underwent appendectomy, 3 infertile patients underwent staged surgery for ovarian malignant germ cell tumor, and only one bilateral lesion and infertile patient underwent unsatisfactory staged surgery for ovarian malignant germ cell tumor. Of the 12 patients, 11 patients were given combined chemotherapy regimen of bleomycin, cisplatin, and etoposide (BEP) after operation. One patient without chemotherapy developed metastasis 3 months after operation, and was given BEP chemotherapy, and her condition was controlled. (4) The deadline for follow-up was December 31st, 2022, and the median follow-up time was 60 months (range: 25-115 months). All the 12 patients survived without tumor during the follow-up period, and the median disease-free survival time was 84.5 months (range: 25-115 months). Conclusions:OYST mostly occurs in children and young women. Color Doppler ultrasound examination and serum AFP and CA 125 detection have diagnostic value for OYST. Surgical treatment after diagnosis of OYST includes surgery to preserve reproductive function and timely and standardized chemotherapy after operation. The prognosis of patients is good regardless of stage.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029937


Objective:To explore the clinical application and triage management value of using blood circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) (cysteine dioxygenase type 1 gene, CDO1, and Homeobox protein A9 gene, HOXA9) hypermethylation level to detect and diagnose ovarian cancer.Methods:A case-control study was conducted on patients who went for surgery at Chengdu Womens and Childrens Central Hospital from November 2022 to October 2023. Blood samples were collected before surgery for evaluation of cancer antigen 125 (CA125), human epididymis protein 4 (HE4), risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA) score, and DNA methylation testing. The basic clinical information, biomarkers, and transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) information were collected simultaneously. Information from a total of 151 patients was collected, including 122 cases with benign pathology and 29 ovarian cancer cases. The pathologic diagnosis of ovarian tissue was defined as the gold standard. The multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify high-risk factors for ovarian cancer. The clinical efficacy of DNA methylation detection for ovarian cancer was analyzed using the area under curve (AUC).Results:The results showed that the age, menopausal status, CA125 and HE4 detection, ROMA score, positivity rate of CDO1 gene and HOXA9 gene single or combined testing in ovarian cancer patients were higher than those in the benign group and showed significant differences ( P<0.05). Among these detection protocols, the AUC of CDO1 and HOXA9 dual gene methylation testing for ovarian cancer was the highest at 0.936 (95% CI, 0.878-0.994), with 89.7% (95% CI 73.6%-96.4%) sensitivity and 97.5% (95% CI 93.0%-99.2%) specificity, respectively. The positive detection rate of CDO1 and HOXA9 dual gene methylation in early ovarian cancer FOGO I-II stage is 12/14 higher than other tests. Conclusion:Blood cfDNA methylation detection, a simple, non-invasive, and highly sensitive detection method, is superior to the current ovarian cancer testing in the risk assessment and early detection.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 177-183, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030432


Objective:To explore the differences in tumor-specific growth factors, cellular immune function and efficacy of olaparib and platinum-containing regimen for treatment of platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer patients with BRCA mutation.Methods:A retrospective cohort study was conducted. A total of 100 platinum-sensitive relapsed BRCA-mutant ovarian cancer patients in Baoding Second Central Hospital from September 2017 to March 2020 were retrospectively selected. The clinical data of the patients were analyzed, and they were divided into the olaparib group (treated with olaparib tablets) and the platinum-containing regimen group (treated with paclitaxel and platinum drugs for 6 cycles, followed by olaparib tablets maintenance therapy), with 50 patients in each group. The clinical efficacy, tumor specific growth factor [carbohydrate antigen (CA) 125, CA199, human epididymal protein 4 (HE4)] levels, cellular immune function-related indicators [T-cell subsets (proportions of CD3 + cells and CD4 + cells), CD4 + cells/CD8 + cells ratio (CD4 +/CD8 +)], and quality of life scores before treatment and after 2, 4 and 6 cycles of treatment of the two groups were compared, as well as the safety of the two groups. The data of three years of follow-up were obtained, Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the progression-free survival (PFS) of patients in the two groups, and log-rank test was used for comparison between groups. Results:The age of patients in the olaparib and platinum-containing regimen groups was (53±7) years old and (56±7) years old, respectively. The differences in compositions of patients with different age, body mass index, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status score, primary tumor location, lesion size, pathological stage, pathological type, germline BRCA mutation, and previous chemotherapy response between the two groups were not statistically significant (all P > 0.05). The objective response rate (ORR) [58.0% (29/50) vs. 38.0% (19/50)] and disease control rate (DCR) [80.0% (40/50) vs. 56.0% (28/50)] of the olaparib group after treatment were higher than those of the platinum-containing regimen group, and the differences were statistically significant (both P < 0.05). Serum CA125, CA199 and HE4 levels were gradually decreased in both groups before treatment and after 2, 4 and 6 cycles of treatment (all P < 0.05); serum CA125, CA199 and HE4 levels in the olaparib group after 2, 4 and 6 cycles of treatment were lower than those in the platinum-containing regimen group, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.05). The CD3 + cells ratio, CD4 + cell ratio and CD4 +/CD8 + in the olaparib group gradually increased before treatment and after 2, 4 and 6 cycles of treatment (all P < 0.05), while those in the platinum-containing regimen group all gradually decreased (all P < 0.05); the CD3 + cells ratio, CD4 + cells ratio and CD4 +/CD8 + in the olaparib group were higher than those in the platinum-containing regimen group after 2, 4 and 6 cycles of treatment, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.05). The quality of life scores of both groups increased before treatment and after 2, 4 and 6 cycles of treatment (all P < 0.05), and the quality of life scores of the olaparib group were higher than those of the platinum-containing regimen group after 2, 4 and 6 cycles of treatment, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.05). The incidence of nausea, fatigue and malaise, vomiting, anemia, and diarrhea at all levels in the olaparib group was lower than those in the platinum-containing regimen group (all P < 0.05). By follow-up for 3 years, there was no statistically significant difference in PFS between the olaparib group and the platinum-containing regimen group ( P > 0.05). Conclusions:The efficacy of olaparib treatment in platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer patients with BRCA mutation is superior to platinum-containing regimen, and it can increase the level of T cells, inhibit the expression of tumor-specific growth factors, improve the quality of life, and have a positive effect on improving the safety of treatment.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 199-204, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030435


Objective:To investigate the morphological and biological characteristics of polyploid tumor giant cells (PGCC) produced by ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3 induced by CoCl 2. Methods:Human ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3 was induced-cultured with 300 μmol/L CoCl 2 in the simulated hypoxic environment for 36 h, the live cells continued to be conventionally cultured and passaged, and the cells collected 20 days later were PGCC group; SKOV3 cell line cultured conventionally was the control group. The formation process and morphological characteristics of PGCC were observed by inverted microscope. The expression of tumor stem cell markers OCT4 and CD117 were detected by immunocytochemistry. The adipogenic differentiation and osteogenic differentiation potential of PGCC were detected by using human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell adipogenic differentiation assay kit and human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell osteogenic differentiation assay kit.The cell migration ability of PGCC was detected by scratch assay. PGCC group and control group SKOV3 cells were treated with 1 μmol/L paclitaxel, and the cell morphology of the two groups was observed by microscope at 0, 24 and 48 h to detect the resistance of PGCC to chemotherapy drugs. Results:A small amount of PGCC was observed in SKOV3 cell line cultured in conventional medium under the microscope. CoCl 2 can induce SKOV3 cells to form PGCC, which was nearly round in shape and lacked branching. Its volume was 3 times or more than that of SKOV3 cells, and the nuclei were usually megakaryons or multinucleates, PGCC can produce daughter cells by budding. Immunocytochemical staining showed that OCT4 was positive in some PGCC, but no CD117 was positive. Neither OCT4 nor CD117 was expressed in SKOV3 cells. When cultured with lipid-induced differentiation medium of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, the formation of large vacuoles in the cytoplasm of PGCC was observed at the 3rd cycle, and orange-red, round-like lipid droplets were shown by oil red O staining. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were cultured in osteogenic induction culture medium for 20 days, and alizarin red staining showed that calcium nodules formed significantly in cells of PGCC group compared with the control group. The cell scratch assay results showed that the migration rates of PGCC cultured in serum-free medium [(59±1)%, (66±3)%] were higher than those of the control group [(11±3)%, (14±5)%] at 24 and 48 h after scratch ( t values were 32.20 and 19.55, both P < 0.001). The migration rates of PGCC cultured in 10% serum medium [(92±3)%, (100±0)%] were higher than those of the control group [(20±6)%, (59±9)%] ( t values were 16.19 and 8.00, both P < 0.001). After 1 μmol/L paclitaxel treatment for 48 h, most of the cells in the PGCC group still survived, while most of the SKOV3 cells in the control group died. Conclusions:PGCC produces daughter cells by budding. PGCC has the characteristics of tumor stem cells: it expresses tumor stem cell markers and has the potential for multidirectional differentiation and strong resistance to chemotherapy drugs.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 233-236, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030439


Brain metastasis is an uncommon complication that occurs in the advanced stage of gynecologic malignancies. Brain metastasis tends to be one of the major factors contributing to the poor prognosis of patients. There have been more reports about brain metastasis in cervical, ovarian and endometrial cancers in recent years due to the growth of large databases and improved diagnostic methods. Great attention has been paid to the selection of appropriate therapeutic options to improve the survival of gynecologic malignancies patients with brain metastasis. This article reviews the research progress of brain metastasis in cervical, ovarian and endometrial cancers, aiming to provide better options for treatment of patients with common advanced gynecologic malignancies.

Evid. actual. práct. ambul. (En línea) ; 27(1): e007093, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552247


Introducción. Si bien contamos con recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia en contra de realizar tamizaje de cáncer ovárico con ecografía transvaginal debido a que aumenta el riesgo de resultados falsamente positivos y de cascadas diagnósticas, sin disminuir la mortalidad por esta enfermedad, su solicitud en mujeres sanas es frecuente. Sin embargo, no conocemos la magnitud de la implementación de esta práctica, que constituye un cuidado de bajo valor. Objetivo. Documentar el sobreuso de ecografías transvaginales realizadas en forma ambulatoria en un hospital universitario privado de Argentina. Métodos. Estudio de corte transversal de una muestra aleatoria de ecografías realizadas en forma ambulatoria durante 2017 y 2018. Mediante revisión manual de las historias clínicas, la solicitud de cada ecografía fue clasificada como apropiada cuando algún problema clínico justificaba su realización, o inapropiada cuando había sido realizada con fines de control de salud o por una condición clínica sin indicación de seguimiento ecográfico. Resultados. De un total de 1.997 ecografías analizadas, realizadas a 1.954 mujeres adultas (edad promedio 50 años),1.345 (67,4 %; intervalo de confianza [IC] 95 % 65,2 a 69,4) habían sido solicitadas en el contexto de un control de saludo sin un problema asociado en la historia clínica y otras 54 (8,3 %; IC 95 % 6,3 a 10,7), por condiciones de salud para las que no hay recomendaciones de realizar seguimiento ecográfico. Conclusiones. Esta investigación documentó una alta proporción de sobre utilización de la ecografías transvaginales en nuestra institución. Futuras investigaciones permitirán comprender los motivos que impulsan esta práctica y ayudarán a diseñar intervenciones para disminuir estos cuidados de bajo valor. (AU)

Background. Although we have evidence-based recommendations against screening for ovarian cancer with transvaginalultrasound because it increases the risk of false positive results and diagnostic cascades without reducing mortality from this disease, its request in healthy women is frequent. However, we do not know the magnitude of the implementation of this practice, which constitutes low-value care. Objective. To document the overuse of transvaginal ultrasounds performed on an outpatient basis in a private university hospital in Argentina. Methods. Cross-sectional study of a random sample of outpatient ultrasounds performed during 2017 and 2018. Through a manual review of the medical records, the request for each ultrasound was classified as appropriate when a clinical problem justified its performance or inappropriate when it was carried out for health control purposes or for a clinical condition that had no indication for ultrasound follow-up. Results. Of a total of 1997 ultrasounds analyzed, performed on 1954 adult women (average age 50 years), 1,345 (67.4 %;95 % confidence interval [CI] 65.2 to 69.4) had been requested in the context of a health check-up or without a documented problem in the medical history that would support its performance, and another 54 (8.3 %; 95 % CI 6.3 to 10.7), for health conditions for which there are no treatment recommendations to perform ultrasound follow-up. Conclusions. This research documented a high proportion of overuse of transvaginal ultrasound in our institution. Future research will allow us to understand the reasons that drive this practice and will help design interventions to reduce thislow-value care. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Ovarian Neoplasms/prevention & control , Vagina/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/statistics & numerical data , Medical Overuse/statistics & numerical data , Low-Value Care , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Argentina , Mass Screening , Simple Random Sampling , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electronic Health Records , Medical Overuse/prevention & control
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);39: e399224, 2024. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1581523


Purpose: The limitations in cancer treatment and the inadequacy of classical methods have made it necessary to discover therapeutics in cancer treatment. The cytotoxicity of thymoquinone, which has quite different properties in terms of biological activities, in ovarian cancer cells, and the changes in the expression levels of apoptotic genes (p53/caspase-3 (casp-3)) were investigated. Methods: In the study, thymoquinone (5, 50, 100, 250 and 500 µM and 24, 48, 72 hours) were applied to ovarian adenocarcinoma cancer cell line (OVCAR3), at different concentrations. Cytotoxic effect of thymoquinone on OVCAR-3 cells were analyzed by MTT method, and apoptotic and pro-apoptotic gene expression levels (p53, Casp-3) of thymoquinone in cancer cells were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: Thymoquinone, whose effect has been revealed in many types of cancer, was shown to significantly reduce the viability of OVCAR3 cancer cells depending on the dose and time (p < 0.05). It was also determined that Casp-3 and p53 gene expressions increased in OVCAR3 cells. Conclusions: Considering the in-vitro cytotoxic activity and apoptotic gene expressions of thymoquinone, an important treatment agent, since it is a promising agent for the future of cancer treatment, more comprehensive studies may pave the way for its clinical use.

Ovarian Neoplasms , Apoptosis , Antineoplastic Agents
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;462024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569732


Abstract Objective Management of suspect adnexal masses involves surgery to define the best treatment. Diagnostic choices include a two-stage procedure for histopathology examination (HPE) or intraoperative histological analysis - intraoperative frozen section (IFS) and formalin-fixed and paraffin-soaked tissues (FFPE). Preoperative assessment with ultrasound may also be useful to predict malignancy. We aimed at determining the accuracy of IFS to evaluate adnexal masses stratified by size and morphology having HPE as the diagnostic gold standard. Methods A retrospective chart review of 302 patients undergoing IFS of adnexal masses at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, between January2005 and September2011 was performed. Data were collected regarding sonographic size (≤10cm or >10cm), characteristics of the lesion, and diagnosis established in IFS and HPE. Eight groups were studied: unilocular lesions; septated/cystic lesions; heterogeneous (solid/cystic) lesions; and solid lesions, divided in two main groups according to the size of lesion, ≤10cm or >10cm. Kappa agreement between IFS and HPE was calculated for each group. Results Overall agreement between IFS and HPE was 96.1% for benign tumors, 96.1% for malignant tumors, and 73.3% for borderline tumors. Considering the combination of tumor size and morphology, 100% agreement between IFS and HPE was recorded for unilocular and septated tumors ≤10cm and for solid tumors. Conclusion Stratification of adnexal masses according to size and morphology is a good method for preoperative assessment. We should wait for final HPE for staging decision, regardless of IFS results, in heterogeneous adnexal tumors of any size, solid tumors ≤10cm, and all non-solid tumors >10cm.

Humans , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnosis , Retrospective Studies , Adnexal Diseases , Ultrasonography
Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 69(4): 00005, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565784


RESUMEN Definir el valor de Ca 125 para predecir citorreducción óptima en pacientes con cáncer epitelial de ovario. Estudio observacional, analítico y retrospectivo de 52 pacientes consecutivas intervenidas de cáncer de ovario epitelial en estadio clínico III y IV y que no recibieron quimioterapia preoperatoria, entre enero de 2014 y diciembre del 2018 en el Servicio de Ginecología del Hospital Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Perú. Se determinó sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo, y el área bajo la curva ROC del punto de corte de Ca 125 más adecuado para citorreducción óptima. Las pacientes tuvieron en promedio 58 años de edad, el subtipo histológico seroso fue el más frecuente con 73,1%, el estadio clínico IIIC correspondió a 65,4% de casos y se logró citorreducción óptima en 61,5% de las pacientes. La curva ROC alcanzó 78% con Ca 125 de 716,7 U/mL como el mejor punto de corte de predicción de citorreducción óptima, con sensibilidad de 75%, especificidad 75%, valor predictivo positivo 82,8% y valor predictivo negativo 65,2%. El marcador tumoral Ca 125 resultó útil en la predicción de citorreducción óptima en pacientes intervenidas de cáncer de ovario epitelial, siendo el mejor punto de corte 716,7 U/mL.

ABSTRACT To define the Ca 125 value to predict optimal cytoreduction in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. Observational, analytical and retrospective study of 52 consecutive patients who had surgical intervention for clinical stage III and IV epithelial ovarian cancer and who did not receive preoperative chemotherapy. These patients were attended between January 2014 and December 2018 in the Gynecology Service of the Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo Hospital, Arequipa, Peru. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and the area under the ROC curve of the most appropriate Ca 125 cutoff point for optimal cytoreduction were determined. The patients were on average 58 years old, the serous histologic subtype was the most frequent with 73.1%; clinical stage IIIC corresponded to 65.4% of cases and optimal cytoreduction was achieved in 61.5% of patients. The ROC curve reached 78% with Ca 125 of 716.7 U/mL as the best cut-off point for predicting optimal cytoreduction, with sensitivity of 75%, specificity 75%, positive predictive value 82.8% and negative predictive value 65.2%. The tumor marker Ca 125 was useful in the prediction of optimal cytoreduction in patients who underwent surgery for epithelial ovarian cancer, with the best cut-off point being 716.7 U/mL.