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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235037


Introduction: Head injuries are frequently associated with ophthalmic problems. Ophthalmic ?ndings are often ignored in these patients, which leads to delay in their proper management which may result in permanent visual impairment. Our study aims to evaluate various ocular manifestations in cases of head injury patients, correlate them with the patient's neurological status and to analyze any association between them. Materials and methods: We examined 120 patients with ophthalmological manifestations in closed head injury in the neurosurgery ward in our institute. We applied GCS to grade the severity of head injury. Neuro-ophthalmological signs, like abnormal pupillary reaction and EOM restriction and GCS were then correlated to prognosticate the visual outcome and survival rate of the patients. Patients were managed by a multidisciplinary approach. In 120 patients of ocular involvement with head injury, 90 (75%) were male and 30 (25%) were females inResults : age range of 5-75 years. Young adult male (21-30years) were more vulnerable to head injury. Road traf?c accidents were the most common cause of head injury in 58.33 % leading to soft tissue injuries to the globe and adnexa. The most frequently encountered neuro-ophthalmological manifestation was pupillary involvement as RAPD in 36 (30%) cases followed by EOM affection in 35 (29.17)% cases. PupillaryConclusion : involvement has a signi?cant association with severity of head injury. There was a signi?cant correlation of the GCS, neurological de?cits and the ocular signs with the visual outcome. RAPD being most common and best early indication to post traumatic reduced vision does not have much bearing in the determination of ?nal outcome.

J Cancer Res Ther ; 2024 Aug; 20(4): 1241-1250
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238223


Aims: Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is a serious threat to human health worldwide, while metastasis in the early phase limits therapeutic success and leads to poor survival outcomes. The CXC chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) plays an important role in many cellular movements such as transcriptional modulation, cell skeleton rearrangement, and cell migration, and the change in CXCR4 levels are crucial in various diseases including cancer. In this study, we explored the role of CXCR4 in the migration and invasion of PTC and investigated the potential mechanisms underlying its effects. Subjects and Methods: We analyzed the expression levels of CXCR4 in PTC tissues and cell lines. Would healing migration, Transwell invasion assay in vitro, and tail?vein lung metastasis assay In vivo were performed to evaluated the migration and invasion abilities of PTC cells with stable CXCR4 knockdown or overexpression. Signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT3) signaling pathway?related protein expressions were examined by Western blotting assays. Results: The results showed that CXCR4 was highly expressed in PTC cell lines and PTC tissues. CXCR4 knockdown in PTC cells dampened the migration, invasion, and epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), whereas CXCR4 overexpression enhanced these properties. In vivo, we also found that CXCR4 promoted the metastasis of PTC. Mechanistic studies showed that CXCR4 played these vital roles through the STAT3 signaling pathway. Furthermore, PTC patients with high CXCR4 or p?STAT3 expression correlated with aggressive clinical characteristics such as extrathyroidal extension (ETE), and lymph node metastasis (LNM). Conclusions: We provided evidence that CXCR4 might activate the STAT3 signaling pathway and further promote PTC development. Thus, CXCR4 might be a novel therapeutic target for PTC.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241601


Papillary lesions of the breast are heterogeneous group of intraductal proliferations of epithelial cells with arborescent brovascular cores that have overlapping clinical manifestations and histomorphologic features.(1) But as they have divergent biological behavior these instigate diagnostic challenge to the pathologists. Moreover high rate of discordant interpretation, complexity of the lesions, conicting criteria and simmering controversies pose difculties especially on core needle biopsy material and immunochemistry is necessary and very useful for accurate diagnosis. In this study we present all papillary lesions for 3 years between 2019 and 2021 with special mention on usefulness of immunohistochemistry in diagnosing DCIS and encapsulated malignant lesions.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240580


Introduction: Papillary oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a relatively uncommon subtype of OSCC characterized by its exophytic growth pattern and distinct histological appearance. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection predisposes individuals to an increased risk of oral malignancies, including OSCC, due to the associated immunosuppression. The identification of papillary squamous cell carcinoma alongside incidentally discovered HIV infection highlights the necessity for comprehensive assessment in individuals presenting with oral malignancies, particularly those who are immunocompromised. The incidental detection of HIV infection underscores the imperative for rigorous diagnostic evaluation and the implementation of interdisciplinary management approaches tailored to the specific needs of the patient. Enhanced attention to both oncological and infectious disease aspects is essential for achieving optimal patient care and outcomes in such complex clinical contexts. Case Presentation: A 48-year-old male patient presented with a progressively growing lesion in the left lower jaw and buccal region over the past three months. Remarkably, during examination, incidental findings revealed the presence of HIV infection. Based on the histopathological analysis and correlation with clinical data, the final diagnosis of papillary squamous cell carcinoma was confirmed. Management and Prognosis: Following the incisional biopsy findings, a recommendation for wide surgical excision was made after advanced imaging studies. Additionally, HIV testing, including antigen-antibody titres values, was advised as part of the patient's comprehensive management plan. Clinical Implications: This case underscores the need to consider oral malignancies, such as papillary oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), in HIV-positive individuals due to immunosuppression. Incidental discovery of OSCC in an HIVpositive patient highlights the importance of comprehensive evaluation and tailored management strategies, emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration for optimal patient care. Regular screening for oral malignancies should be integrated into routine healthcare management for HIV-positive individuals.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241262


The rupture of the papillary muscle (PRM) after a myocardial infarction (MI) became rare since the introduction of primary angioplasty. In most cases in literature, it’s reported in the mitral valve. Followed by a PMR of the tricuspid valve (TV), which is extremely rare. We described a case of a 78-year-old patient, who was admitted to the emergency room for a delayed anterior ST elevation myocardial infarction. It was later complicated by papillary muscle rupture after a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the right coronary artery involving a stent. The patient underwent surgical repair of the TV with fatal evolution.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239275


This study presents a rare instance of cervical papillary adenofibroma, a benign biphasic neoplasm originating from glandular and fibrous tissue, occurring in a 43-year-old female patient. Most common site is the endometrium. Papillary adenofibroma arising from the cervix is an infrequent entity. Uterine adenofibromas were first described by Ober in 1959 as a form of mixed mesodermal tumor. Cervical adenofibromas was first described by Abell in 1971. Both the stromal and epithelial components are benign. Grossly, adenofibroma present as a papillary, polypoidal or sessile lesion that may protrude into the endocervical canal with cut surface showing multiple cysts imparting it a spongy appearance. Microscopically, they have a nodular surface with a lobulated papillary configuration. The tumor may recur if incompletely excised. Adenosarcoma and adenomyoma are important differential diagnosis. The clinical presentation, diagnostic procedures, gross appearance, microscopic architecture, and management strategies are elucidated in this case report. Emphasizing the significance of accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment, this case report underscores the importance of recognizing and managing such infrequent cervical tumors. Through this case report, our aim is to contribute to the existing medical literature on cervical papillary adenofibromas, shedding light on its clinical characteristics, diagnostic nuances, and management modalities for the benefit of clinicians and researchers encountering similar cases.

Braz. J. Oncol ; 20: e-20240456, 20240516.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577780


INTRODUCTION: Pan-TRK immunohistochemistry staining can assess the protein expression from NTRK gene fusions. A little is known about its utility in differentiated thyroid cancer samples from children, adolescents, and young adults patients. Objective: Investigate pan-TRK immunohistochemistry sensitivity and specificity in differentiated thyroid cancer samples from children, adolescents, and young adults patients. METHODS: Tumor samples obtained from 79 children, adolescents, and young adults patients (age <21 years) diagnosed with differentiated thyroid cancer between January, 2010 and January, 2021 were retrospectively recruited from four health centers from state of Bahia e Paraíba, Brazil. NTRK gene fusion testing of all archival FFPE tumor samples: pan-TRK immunohistochemistry staining for TRKA, TRKB and TRKC protein expression were performed and then analyzed with RNA-based next-generation sequencing assay to confiC:\Users\yngrid.narciso\Desktop\CLIENTES\SITES\BJO\2024\5 - Maio\2024-05-02\siterm immunohistochemistry pan-TRK result and elucidate fusion partner. RESULTS: Pan-TRK immunohistochemistry: 3 of 79 cases had positive pan-TRK expression: next-generation sequencing; 4 were identified with NTRK gene fusion, pan-TRK immunohistochemistry was negative in all 4 NTRK next-generation sequencing-positive cases. 25 of 79 NTRK next-generation sequencing-negative control cases had concordant negative pan-TRK immunohistochemistry results. Therefore, our rate of false positive pan-TRK immunohistochemistry results was 3/25 (12%). The overall results for pan-TRK immunohistochemistry in our cohort of next-generation sequencing-negative cases was: (i) sensitivity (0%), (ii) specificity (96%), (iii) positive predictive value (94.7%), (iv) negative predictive value (91%). CONCLUSION: Pan-TRK immunohistochemistry was not a tissue-efficient screen for NTRK fusions in differentiated thyroid cancer from children, adolescents, and young adults patients. This is the largest cohort of from children, adolescents, and young adults differentiated thyroid cancer cases stained with pan-TRK immunohistochemistry, and it is the first to detail the sensitivity and specificity of pan-TRK immunohistochemistry regarding the data obtained by targeted RNA-based next-generation sequencing panel in differentiated thyroid cancer.

INTRODUÇÃO: A coloração imuno-histoquímica Pan-TRK pode avaliar a expressão proteica de fusões de genes NTRK. Pouco se sabe sobre sua utilidade em amostras diferenciadas de câncer de tireoide de crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens. Objetivo: Investigar a sensibilidade e especificidade da imuno-histoquímica pan-TRK em amostras diferenciadas de câncer de tireoide de pacientes crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens. MÉTODOS: Amostras tumorais obtidas de 79 pacientes crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens (idade <21 anos) com diagnóstico de câncer diferenciado de tireoide entre janeiro de 2010 e janeiro de 2021 foram recrutadas, retrospectivamente, em quatro centros de saúde dos estados da Bahia e Paraíba, Brasil. Teste de fusão genética NTRK de todas as amostras de tumor FFPE arquivadas: coloração imuno-histoquímica pan-TRK para expressão da proteína TRKA, TRKB e TRKC foi realizada e depois analisada com ensaio de sequenciamento de próxima geração baseado em RNA, para confirmar o resultado imuno-histoquímico pan-TRK e elucidar o parceiro de fusão. RESULTADOS: Imunohistoquímica pan-TRK: 3 de 79 casos tiveram expressão pan-TRK positiva: sequenciamento de próxima geração; 4 foram identificados com fusão do gene NTRK, a imuno-histoquímica pan-TRK foi negativa em todos os 4 casos positivos para sequenciamento de próxima geração de NTRK. 25 dos 79 casos de controle negativo para sequenciamento de próxima geração de NTRK tiveram resultados de imuno-histoquímica pan-TRK negativos concordantes. Portanto, nossa taxa de resultados de imuno-histoquímica pan-TRK falsos positivos foi de 3/25 (12%). Os resultados gerais da imuno-histoquímica pan-TRK em nossa coorte de casos negativos para sequenciamento de próxima geração foram: (i) sensibilidade (0%), (ii) especificidade (96%), (iii) valor preditivo positivo (94,7%), (iv) valor preditivo negativo (91%). CONCLUSÃO: A imuno-histoquímica pan-TRK não foi uma triagem tecidualmente eficiente para fusões de NTRK em pacientes com câncer diferenciado de tireoide em crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens. Esta é a maior coorte de casos de câncer diferenciado de tireoide de crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens corados com imunohistoquímica pan-TRK, e é a primeira a detalhar a sensibilidade e especificidade da imunohistoquímica pan-TRK em relação aos dados obtidos por RNA direcionado baseado em um painel de sequenciamento de próxima geração no câncer diferenciado de tireoide.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Patients , Thyroid Neoplasms , Immunohistochemistry , Neoplasms , Staining and Labeling , Predictive Value of Tests
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239046


Background: The classification and grading of papillary urothelial neoplasm has been a long-standing subject of controversy and various immunohistochemistry markers have been studied, out of which p53 and cytokeratin 20 (CK20) are emerging as useful indicators for neoplastic changes and prognosis in urothelial proliferations. Aim and Objectives: To determine the expression status of p53 and CK20 immune markers in papillary lesions of urinary bladder. Material and Methods: This was a prospective study of 2 years. All lesions favouring papillary lesions were included. Metastatic lesions and recurrent papillary lesions were excluded from the study. For statistical analysis, IBM SPSS-21.1 version software was used and the levels of significance were calculated using Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. Results: A total of 59 papillary lesions of urinary bladder were studied. Males were affected more than females. The commonest lesion noted was high grade non-invasive papillary carcinoma. The combined usage of CK20 and p53 as a dual immune markers showed statistical significance (p = 0.046) in differentiating papillary lesions. Conclusions: The present study concluded that differentiating papillary lesions of urothelium, depending on morphology is challenging and thus staining for CK20 and p53 may be helpful in differentiating the lesions.

J Cancer Res Ther ; 2024 Apr; 20(3): 1071-1073
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238116


Intracystic papillary carcinoma breast is an uncommon breast cancer consisting of 0.5?1.0% of all breast cancers. Papillary carcinoma is further subdivided into intraductal and intracystic papillary carcinoma. Intracystic papillary carcinoma is further divided into pure intracystic papillary carcinoma or associated with in situ carcinoma. The clinical and radiological features of intracystic papillary carcinoma are not specific, hence a high chance of misdiagnosis. Here we report a case of intracystic papillary carcinoma of both breasts which created a diagnostic dilemma.

J Cancer Res Ther ; 2024 Apr; 20(3): 1029-1031
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238104


Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare clonal neoplasm derived from Langerhans?type cells that express CD 1a, langerin, and S 100 on immunohistochemistry. LCH usually involves multiple sites and multiple systems or multiple sites in a single system. Solitary LCH commonly involves the bones (especially the skull), lymph nodes, skin, and lungs. Solitary LCH of the thyroid is an extremely rare disease with a few reported cases in the indexed literature and poses a diagnostic dilemma for both the clinician and pathologist. Histopathology along with ancillary tests forms the gold standard for diagnosis. Surgical resection alone offers a good prognosis once multisystemic involvement has been ruled out. Herein is reported one such case of solitary LCH in a young male patient who remains disease?free after 2 years of follow?up.

Rev. salud pública Parag ; 14(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560420


Introducción: El cáncer de tiroides es una enfermedad frecuente en el mundo, con mayor prevalencia del tipo diferenciado. El diagnóstico temprano y manejo pertinente, individualizado y adaptable puede mejorar su pronóstico. Objetivo: Generar recomendaciones basadas en evidencia sobre el tratamiento y seguimiento de personas adultas con cáncer diferenciado de tiroides (CDT). Metodología: Guía de práctica clínica (GPC) a partir de revisión sistemática de literatura (RSL) y consenso de expertos clínicos. El grupo desarrollador definió el alcance y cuatro preguntas que se resolvieron a través de revisión de evidencia de GPC existentes, RSL, estudios primarios publicadas en español o inglés en diferentes fuentes de información desde 2013. Las preguntas de investigación fueron: 1. ¿Cuáles son las indicaciones de la vigilancia activa?, ¿cómo realizarla?, ¿cuándo y con que periodicidad realizarla? 2. ¿Cuál es el tratamiento y su indicación en pacientes con nódulos tiroideos sospechosos de cáncer? 3. ¿Cómo y cuándo realizar seguimiento de pacientes con CDT de acuerdo con el riesgo dinámico? 4. ¿Cuál es el manejo actual de los pacientes iodo refractarios? Se propusieron recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia, y analizadas y discutidas por el colectivo experto en sesiones asincrónicas. Se evalúo la calidad de la evidencia y las recomendaciones fueron gradadas en fuerte o condicional y a favor o en contra a partir del análisis de la calidad de la evidencia, contexto de implementación (disponibilidad e implementación) y la experticia clínica. En el presente documento se desarrollada la primera pregunta, referente a vigilancia activa. Resultados: 86 recomendaciones fueron propuestas y acordadas por el grupo desarrollador, categorizadas en tratamiento y seguimiento para resolver las preguntas planteadas. 10 de las recomendaciones corresponden a vigilancia activa y se incluyen en el presente documento. Recomendaciones claves incluyen, brindar información completa y oportuna a pacientes, conformación de equipos multidisciplinarios, análisis individualizado del paciente para la decisión de tratamiento, estadificación rutinaria de riesgo dinámico para evaluar la respuesta al tratamiento y ajustarlo, minimización de procedimientos fútiles o que aportan poco a la supervivencia y calidad de vida de los pacientes. Conclusión: Se presentan recomendaciones que esperan incidir en la estandarización de la práctica clínica cotidiana de pacientes con CDT y mejores resultados en salud.

Introduction: Thyroid cancer is a common disease in the world, with a higher prevalence of the differentiated type. Early diagnosis individualized and adaptive management can improve prognosis. Objective: Generate evidence-based recommendations on the treatment and follow-up of adults with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Methodology: Clinical practice guideline (CPG) based on systematic literature review (RSL) and consensus of clinical experts. The development group defined the range and four questions that were resolved through a review of evidence from existing CPGs, RSLs, primary studies published in Spanish or English in various sources of information since 2013. The research questions were: 1. What are the indications for active surveillance? How to carry it out? When and how often to carry it out? 2. What is the treatment and its indication in patients with thyroid nodules suspicious for cancer? 3. How and when to follow up patients with CDT according to dynamic risk? 4. What is the current management of iodine refractory patients? Evidence-based recommendations analyzed and discussed by the expert group in asynchronous sessions were proposed. The quality of the evidence was evaluated, and the recommendations were graded as strong or conditional and in favor or against based on the analysis of the quality of the evidence, implementation context (availability and implementation) and clinical expertise. In this document, is developed the first question, referring to active surveillance. Results: 86 recommendations were proposed and agreed upon by the development group, categorized into treatment and follow-up to solve the questions raised. 10 of the recommendations correspond to active surveillance and are included in this document. Key recommendations include providing complete and timely information to patients, develop of multidisciplinary teams, individualized patient analysis for treatment decisions, routine dynamic risk staging to evaluate response to treatment and adjust it, minimization of futile procedures or that contribute little to the survival and quality of life of patients. Conclusion: Recommendations are presented that longs to influence the standardization of the daily clinical practice of patients with DTC and better health outcomes.

Acta méd. peru ; 41(2): 122-126, abr.-jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581540


RESUMEN La existencia sincrónica del carcinoma papilar y medular es muy infrecuente, y pueden tener una presentación discreta o mixta. Aunque su patogénesis no está del todo clara, actualmente se han propuesto diversas teorías que involucran mutaciones genéticas, factores locales y factores ambientales en su aparición. De acuerdo con sus características histológicas, estas son muy variables, y presentan diferentes patrones estructurales. El abordaje terapéutico difiere en ambos tipos histopatológicos, por lo que es importante saber de la existencia sincrónica de estos tumores.

ABSTRACT The synchronous existence of papillary and medullary carcinoma is infrequent, and they can have a discrete or mixed presentation. About its pathogenesis, it is not entirely clear, however, various theories have currently been proposed where genetic mutations and local and environmental factors involved in its appearance are involved. According to their histological characteristics, these are highly variable, presenting different structural patterns. The therapeutic approach differs in both histopathological types, so it is important to know about the synchronous existence of these tumors.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241990


Introduction: Papillary Carcinoma originating from thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) is very rare, occurring in less than one percent of cases. The diagnosis is often made in these situations following the removal of benign TGDC.We provide a case report that details a case of a thirty-years man who had Sistrunk's surgery for TGDC and was subsequently diagnosed to have Papillary Cancer.It is debatable how to handle these cases; the options include either a periodic monitoring following Sistrunk's Procedure or Complete thyroid gland excision +/- radio-active iodine (RAI) ablation and suppresive hormonal therapy. A thirty-years man came toCase Presentation: our OPD with anterior midline neck swelling which moved upward with deglutition and tongue protrusion.On radiology,distinct cystic lesion was seen. Sistrunk's Procedure was performed and tissue was sent for histo-pathological reporting. A papillary carcinoma foci was identi?ed in the TGDC by histo-pathology. As a follow up and completion treatment, our patient was subjected to complete thyroidectomy. The mostDiscussion: frequent anomalies are TGDC which are encountered in thyroid development. Within TGDC remains, malignancy is present in one to two percent of cases with most being Papillary Carcinoma. TGDC are most common in females with ratio being 3:2.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 98-106, feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528842


SUMMARY: Papillary muscles in the left ventricle present multiple anatomic expressions that are relevant for medical fields focusing on the understanding of clinical events involving these structures. Here, the aim was to perform a morphological characterization of the left ventricle papillary muscles in a sample of Colombian population. In the study were included eighty-two hearts from male individuals who underwent autopsy at the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Bucaramanga, Colombia. In each heart was carefully performed a longitudinal incision on the obtuse margin to visualize the papillary muscles. Data set was registered, and analysis of the continuous and categorical variables was carried out. Single anterior papillary muscle was observed in 74 samples (90.2 %) whereas this represented only 48 specimens (58.5 %) for the posterior papillary muscle (p = 0.3). Mean length and breadth of the anterior muscle were 29.9 ± 4.94 and 11.74 ± 2.75 mm, and those for the posterior muscle were 27.42 ± 7.08 and 10.83 ± 4.08 mm. Truncated apical shape was the most frequent type observed on the papillary muscles, anterior 41 (50 %) and posterior 37 (45.1 %), followed by flat-topped in the anterior 25 (30.5 %) and bifurcated in posterior muscle 14 (17.1 %). A mean of 9.04 ± 2.75 chordae raised from the anterior and 7.50 ± 3.3 from posterior papillary muscle. In our study we observed a higher incidence of single papillary muscles and slightly larger dimensions than information reported in the literature. The anatomic diversity of the papillary muscles should be considered for the correct image interpretation, valve implantation and performance evaluation on myocardial ischemic events.

Los músculos papilares del ventrículo izquierdo presentan múltiples expresiones anatómicas que son relevantes para las áreas médicas que se centran en la comprensión de los eventos clínicos que involucran estas estructuras. El objetivo fue realizar una caracterización morfológica de los músculos papilares del ventrículo izquierdo en una muestra de población colombiana. En el estudio se incluyeron ochenta y dos corazones de individuos masculinos a los que se les realizó autopsia en el Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses de Bucaramanga, Colombia. En cada corazón se realizó cuidadosamente una incisión longitudinal en el margen obtuso para visualizar los músculos papilares. Se registró el conjunto de datos y se realizó el análisis de las variables continuas y categóricas. Se observó un solo músculo papilar anterior en 74 muestras (90,2 %), mientras que este rasgo se presentó en 48 muestras (58,5 %) para el músculo papilar posterior (p = 0,3). La longitud y anchura media del músculo anterior fueron 29,9 ± 4,94 y 11,74 ± 2,75 mm, y las del músculo posterior fueron 27,42 ± 7,08 y 10,83 ± 4,08 mm. La forma apical truncada fue el tipo más frecuente observado en los músculos papilares, anterior 41 (50 %) y posterior 37 (45,1 %), seguido de la forma plana en los 25 anteriores (30,5 %) y bifurcada en el músculo posterior 14 (17,1 %). Una media de 9,04 ± 2,75 cuerdas elevadas desde el músculo papilar anterior y 7,50 ± 3,3 desde posterior. En nuestro estudio observamos una mayor incidencia de músculos papilares únicos y dimensiones ligeramente mayores que la información reportada en la literatura. La diversidad anatómica de los músculos papilares debe ser considerada para la correcta interpretación de imágenes, implantación valvular y evaluación del desempeño en eventos isquémicos miocárdicos.

Humans , Male , Papillary Muscles/anatomy & histology , Heart Ventricles/anatomy & histology , Autopsy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia , Heart/anatomy & histology
Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 88-92, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023603


Objective To investigate the risk factors and independent risk factors associated with papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC)cervical lymph node metastasis,and to assess the predictive efficacy of independent risk factors on metastatic lymph nodes.Methods Clinical and ultrasonographic data of 279 patients with PTC were collected,and the patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of cervical lymph node metastasis based on postoperative pathology,and the relevant characteristics of the two groups were ana-lyzed to explore the risk factors and independent risk factors associated with cervical lymph node metastasis in PTC,and the predictive ef-ficacy of independent risk factors on cervical metastatic lymph nodes was compared by receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves.Results Age,gender and the maximum diameter,border,shape,microcalcifications,and distance from the thyroid capsule of cancer nodes were risk factors for cervical lymph node metastasis in both groups(P<0.05);male,maximum diameter of cancer nodes 10mm,microcalcifications,and distance from the thyroid capsule ≤2mm were independent risk factors for cervical lymph node metastasis in PTC(P<0.05);the AUC of the combination of four independent risk factors was 0.785(95%CI:0.721-0.849,P<0.05),with the highest efficacy in predicting cervical lymph node metastasis.Conclusion Male,maximum diameter of cancer nodes ≥10mm,mi-crocalcifications,and distance from the thyroid capsule ≤2mm were independent risk factors for cervical lymph node metastasis of PTC,and the combination of four independent risk factors could assist in assessing the risk of cervical lymph node metastasis of PTC and improve patient prognosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024267


Objective:To investigate the clinical significance of the combined use of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and BRAF V600E gene mutation detection in the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules. Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on 126 cases of thyroid nodules confirmed by routine histopathology after surgery at Wenzhou Central Hospital between January 2022 and January 2023. The results of preoperative FNAC combined with BRAF V600E gene mutation detection were compared with those obtained from FNAC alone. Results:There was no significant difference in specificity for thyroid nodules between FNAC combined with BRAF V600E gene mutation detection and FNAC alone ( P > 0.05). The sensitivity of FNAC combined with BRAF V600E gene mutation detection was significantly higher than that of FNAC alone [97.6% (82/84) vs. 85.5% (65/76), χ2 = 7.82, P < 0.05]. The overall accuracy of FNAC combined with BRAF V600E gene mutation detection was significantly higher than that of FNAC alone [96.8% (122/126) vs. 85.0% (96/113), χ2 = 10.47, P < 0.05]. Conclusion:The combined application of FNAC and BRAF V600E gene mutation detection holds an exceptional diagnostic value in the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules. This approach not only elevates diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy, but also deserves clinical promotion.

Chinese Journal of Diabetes ; (12): 235-237, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025183


Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists(GLP-1 RAs)can improve the adverse outcomes of diabetes mellitus.It can affect the occurrence and development of thyroid C cell tumors by stimulating the abnormal proliferation of thyroid C cells and release of calcitonin in rodents.This article reviews the research progress of GLP-1 RAs and thyroid tumors.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025419


Objective:To establish an ultrasound prediction model of postoperative recurrence in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC)after complete endoscopic radical surgery.Meth-ods:264 patients with PTC who underwent complete endoscopic radical surgery for the first time in our hospital from February 2017 to March 2020 were retrospectively collected.They were divided in-to recurrence group and non recurrence group according to whether there was recurrence after surgery.The clinical data,nodule diameter,nodule number,internal echo,microcalcification and other ultrasonic data of the two groups were compared.Single factor,Lasso and Logistic regression mod-els were used to analyze the influencing factors of postoperative recurrence of PTC patients,and an nomogram model was established based on the selected indicators.Results:Compared with the non recurrence group,the patients in the recurrence group had larger nodule diameter,irregular nod-ule edge,aspect ratio>1,microcalcification and capsule invasion(P<0.05).Nodular diameter>10 mm,irregular edge,aspect ratio>1,microcalcification and capsule invasion were independent risk factors for postoperative recurrence of PTC patients(P<0.05).The C-index of the constructed nomogram model was 0.756(95%Cl:0.684~0.830),and the AUC of the ROC curve was 0.895(95%Cl:0.866~0.915);The calibration curve results show that the average deviation is 0.027,and the predic-tion probability fits the actual probability well;The clinical decision curve is far away from the extreme curve and has good clinical applicability.Conclusion:The nomogram model based on nodule size,irregular margin,microcalcification,aspect ratio>1,and capsule invasion has good accuracy in pre-dicting the recurrence of PTC patients after complete endoscopic radical surgery,and has certain clinical significance.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026345


Purpose To investigate the value of ultrasound radiomics nomogram in predicting lymph node metastasis(LNM)of papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC).Materials and Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 400 cases of PTC in the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from March 2021 to January 2022 confirmed by surgery and pathology,all of which underwent preoperative ultrasound examination,and were randomly divided into training cohort(n=280)and testing cohort(n=120)in a ratio of 7∶3.The relationship between ultrasound clinical features and LNM was evaluated via univariate analysis and a clinical model was established via multivariable Logistic regression.A total of 3 348 features were extracted from preoperative ultrasound images.Pearson correlation coefficient was used to screen the features,and Logistic regression was used to establish the radiomics model.Clinical risk factors and rad scores were combined to construct the nomogram,and the receiver operating characteristic curves and decision curve analysis were applied to evaluate the predictive efficacy and clinical benefit of each model for LNM of PTC.Results Age,primary lesion size,C-TIRADS and ultrasound-reported LNM were the independent risk factors for LNM(t/χ2=2.938,55.923,30.081,34.639,all P<0.05).The area under the curve of ultrasound radiomics nomogram to predict LNM of PTC in the training cohort and the testing cohort was 0.860 and 0.847,respectively;the combined model in 43%-85%had the highest clinical benefit.Conclusion Ultrasound radiomics nomogram has a certain value in predicting LNM of PTC.

Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging ; (12): 28-33,41, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026346


Purpose To establish a nomogram based on conventional ultrasound combined with contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS)for predicting the probability of cervical central lymph node metastasis(CLNM)in clinical lymph node-negative(CN0)papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC)patients.Materials and Methods A retrospective study was performed on 359 patients with single CN0 PTC,all of whom underwent thyroid surgery and prophylactic central compartment neck dissection in the First Affiliated Hospital of Shihezi University from September 2015 to March 2022.According to the postoperative pathological results,there were 116 cases with CLNM(+)and other 243 cases with CLNM(-).The indicators of gender,age,conventional ultrasound and CEUS were recorded,and multivariate stepwise Logistic regression was performed to screen out risk predictors to construct prediction models for CLNM in CN0 PTC.The receiver operating characteristic curves of prediction models were drawn,and the area under the curve(AUC)was further compared.The preferable prediction model was selected to establish the risk probability nomogram,and the prediction performance and clinical applicability of the nomogram model were assessed.Results Multivariate analysis showed that gender,age,the maximum diameter of nodule,capsule invasion and enhancement pattern on CEUS were risk factors for CLNM in CN0 PTC(all P<0.05).The AUC of prediction model 1 including the above five indicators was 0.753,and the AUC of prediction model 2 excluding CEUS indicator was 0.704.There were statistically significant difference in AUCs between the two models(Z=2.473,P=0.013).Prediction model 1 was selected to construct a risk probability nomogram for predicting CLNM in CN0 PTC.The nomogram had a C-index of 0.753 and showed well consistency on the calibration curve.Clinical decision curve analysis indicated that the nomogram could achieve ideal net benefit when the threshold probability was between 10.7%to 81.5%.Conclusion Gender,age,the maximum diameter of nodule,capsule invasion and enhancement pattern on CEUS may be the risk predictors for CLNM in CN0 PTC.The nomogram model based on the above indicators can predict the probability of CLNM effectively,and the CEUS indicators can substantially improve the prediction performance of the model.