Objective: To analyze and describe the pharmacokinetic aspects of vancomycin usage in a cohort of critically ill children and to construct a pharmacokinetic model for this population. Method: We conducted an observational study in a pediatric intensive care unit from September 2017 to March 2019. Children receiving vancomycin with at least one serum measurement were included. Variables with a p-value lower than 0.2 in univariate analysis, and biologically plausible for inducing nephrotoxicity and not correlated with other predictors, were incorporated into logistic regression. Additionally, pharmacokinetic modeling was performed using the PMETRICS® package for patients with creatinine clearance (CLCR) > 30 mL/min. Result: The study included 70 children, with an average vancomycin dose of 60 mg/kg/day. Only eleven children achieved vancomycin levels within the target range (15-20 mg/L). No significant differences in doses/mg/kg/day were observed among children above, within, or below the vancomycin target range. In the multivariate model, children above the recommended serum range had an odds ratio of 4.6 [95% CI 1.4 17.2] for nephrotoxicity. A pharmacokinetic model was proposed using data from 15 children, estimating PK parameters for CLCR and V as 0.94 L/h and 5.71 L, respectively. Conclusion: Nephrotoxicity was associated with vancomycin plasma concentrations equal to or exceeding 15 mg/L. The developed model enhanced understanding of the drug's behavior within this population, potentially aiding clinical practice in dose calculations and estimation of the area under the curve a recommended parameter for vancomycin monitoring.
Objetivo: Analisar e descrever os aspectos farmacocinéticos do uso de vancomicina em uma coorte de crianças sob cuidados intensivos e elaborar um modelo farmacocinético para essa população. Método: Estudo observacional em uma unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica conduzido entre setembro de 2017 a março de 2019. Inclui-se crianças em uso de vancomicina com pelo menos uma mensuração sérica desse antimicrobiano. As variáveis com valor de p < 0,2 na análise univariada e com plausibilidade biológica para propiciar nefrotoxicidade, não correlacionadas com outras preditoras, foram incluídas na regressão logística. Adicionalmente, uma modelagem farmacocinética foi realizada usando o programa PMETRICS® para pacientes com clearance de creatinina (CLCR) > 30 mL/min. Resultado: Foram incluídas 70 crianças no estudo. A dose média de vancomicina foi de 60 mg/kg/dia. Apenas onze crianças apresentaram vancocinemia dentro da faixa alvo (15-20 mg/L). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as doses administradas e a observação de vancocinemia acima, dentro ou abaixo da faixa preconizada. No modelo multivariado, crianças acima da faixa sérica preconizada apresentaram odd ratio de 4,6 [IC 95% 1,4 17,2] para nefrotoxicidade. Um modelo farmacocinético com os dados de 15 crianças foi proposto, no qual os parâmetros de PK estimados para CLCR e Volume de distribuição foram de 0,94 L/h e 5,71 L, respectivamente. Conclusão: A nefrotoxicidade mostrou-se associada às concentrações plasmáticas de vancomicina iguais ou maiores a 15 mg/L. O modelo desenvolvido permitiu entender o comportamento do fármaco nessa população e pode ser útil na prática clínica para o monitoramento do uso de vancomicina.
Humans , Child , Pharmacokinetics , Multivariate AnalysisABSTRACT
Introducción: a pesar de los avances en tratamiento antirretroviral, existe la posibilidad de que personas que viven con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) experimenten falla terapéutica vinculada a múltiples factores que impactan en la respuesta al fármaco. Objetivos: evaluar la utilidad de aplicar un modelo farmacocinético en pacientes con diagnóstico de VIH en tratamiento con dolutegravir para el análisis de las concentraciones plasmáticas experimentales. Adicionalmente, se pretende identificar potenciales interacciones farmacológicas, evaluar adherencia y fallo terapéutico. Material y método: se realizó un estudio piloto transversal y observacional en pacientes VIH tratados con dolutegravir que incluyó la dosificación de la concentración plasmática, evaluación de adherencia mediante el cuestionario simplificado de adherencia a la medicación (SMAQ) y retiro de medicación. Se utilizó un modelo poblacional referenciado en la bibliografía para la predicción de concentraciones de dolutegravir en cada paciente y se compararon con las concentraciones experimentales. Resultados: fueron incluidos en el estudio 21 pacientes. Al cotejar las concentraciones plasmáticas experimentales con la simulación farmacocinética se encontraron diferencias para 12 pacientes, las cuales se explican por posibles interacciones farmacológicas, mala adherencia u otros factores que afectan la farmacocinética. Se detectó 38% de no adherencia de acuerdo con SMAQ y 23% de acuerdo con el retiro de medicación. Conclusiones: se expone el rol potencial de los modelos farmacocinéticos para la interpretación de concentraciones plasmáticas y se genera la necesidad de avanzar en este tipo de estudios para el establecimiento de rango terapéutico y aplicabilidad clínica.
Introduction: Despite advances in antiretroviral treatment, there is a possibility that people living with HIV may experience treatment failure linked to multiple factors that impact drug response. Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of applying a pharmacokinetic model in patients diagnosed with HIV undergoing treatment with dolutegravir for the analysis of experimental plasma concentrations. Additionally, the aim is to identify potential drug interactions, assess adherence, and therapeutic failure. Method: A cross-sectional, observational pilot study was conducted in HIV patients treated with dolutegravir, which included plasma concentration dosing, assessment of adherence using the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire (SMAQ), and medication withdrawal. A population-based model referenced in the literature was used to predict dolutegravir concentrations in each patient and these were compared with experimental concentrations. Results: Twenty-one patients were included in the study. When comparing experimental plasma concentrations with pharmacokinetic simulation, differences were found for 12 patients, which can be explained by possible drug interactions, poor adherence, or other factors affecting pharmacokinetics. Non-adherence was detected in 38% according to the SMAQ and 23% according to medication withdrawal. Conclusions: The potential role of pharmacokinetic models in the interpretation of plasma concentrations is highlighted, emphasizing the need to advance in this type of studies to establish therapeutic ranges and clinical applicability.
Introdução: Apesar dos avanços no tratamento antirretroviral, existe a possibilidade de que pessoas que vivem com HIV experimentem falha terapêutica ligada a múltiplos fatores que impactam na resposta ao medicamento. Objetivos: Avaliar a utilidade da aplicação de um modelo farmacocinético em pacientes com diagnóstico de HIV em tratamento com dolutegravir para análise de concentrações plasmáticas experimentais. Além disso, pretende-se identificar potenciais interações medicamentosas, avaliar a adesão e a falha terapêutica. Método: Um estudo piloto observacional transversal foi conduzido em pacientes HIV tratados com dolutegravir que incluiu dosagem de concentração plasmática, avaliação de adesão usando o questionário simplificado de adesão à medicação (SMAQ) e retirada da medicação. Um modelo populacional referenciado na literatura foi utilizado para prever as concentrações de dolutegravir em cada paciente e compará-las com as concentrações experimentais. Resultados: 21 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. Ao comparar as concentrações plasmáticas experimentais com a simulação farmacocinética, foram encontradas diferenças em 12 pacientes, que são explicadas por possíveis interações medicamentosas, má adesão ou outros fatores que afetam a farmacocinética. Foram detectadas 38% de não adesão segundo o SMAQ e 23% segundo retirada da medicação. Conclusões: Fica exposto o papel potencial dos modelos farmacocinéticos para a interpretação das concentrações plasmáticas e gera-se a necessidade de avançar neste tipo de estudos para estabelecer a faixa terapêutica e a aplicabilidade clínica.
Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Anti-Retroviral Agents/pharmacokinetics , Drug Interactions , Treatment Adherence and ComplianceABSTRACT
Rivaroxaban is a direct factor Xa inhibitor. Its interindividual variability is large and may be connected to the occurrence of adverse drug reactions or drug inefficacy. Pharmacogenetics studies concentrating on the reasons underlying rivaroxaban's inadequate response could help explain the differences in treatment results and medication safety profiles. Against this background, this study evaluated whether polymorphisms in the gene encoding the ABCG2 transporter modify the pharmacokinetic characteristics of rivaroxaban. A total of 117 healthy volunteers participated in two bioequivalence experiments with a single oral dose of 20 mg rivaroxaban, with one group fasting and the other being fed. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry was employed to determine the plasma concentrations of rivaroxaban, and the WinNonlin program was used to calculate the pharmacokinetics parameters. In the fasting group, the rivaroxaban pharmacokinetic parameters of Vd (508.27 vs 334.45 vs 275.59 L) and t1/2 (41.04 vs 16.43 vs 15.47 h) were significantly higher in ABCG2 421 A/A genotype carriers than in ABCG2 421 C/C and 421 C/A genotype carriers (P<0.05). The mean values of Cmax (145.81 vs 176.27 vs 190.19 ng/mL), AUC0-t (1193.81 vs 1374.69 vs 1570.77 ng/mL·h), and Cl (11.82 vs 14.50 vs 13.01 mL/h) for these groups were lower, but this difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). These findings suggested that the ABCG2 421 A/A genotype may impact rivaroxaban parameters after a single dose in healthy subjects. This finding must be validated before it is applied in clinical practice.
Objective To prepare flumazenil sublingual tablets and study its bioavailability. Methods Flumazenil sublingual tablets were prepared by compressing flumazenil inclusion compound with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as the inclusion material. In a double-cycle crossover trial, twelve beagle dogs were randomly divided into two groups, one group receiving flumazenil sublingual tablets and the other receiving flumazenil injections. LC-MS method was developed and validated to determine flumazenil plasma concentration. The pharmacokinetic parameters and bioavailability were calculated using WinNonlin pharmacokinetic software. Results In the pharmacokinetic study, AUClast of flumazenil injection and sublingual tablet was (8.41±2.15) and (8.86±2.83) h·ng·ml−1, respectively; Cmax was (10.96±2.62) and (6.36±2.14) ng/ml, respectively; tmax was (0.18±0.05) and (0.58±0.24) h, respectively. The bioavailability of flumazenil sublingual tablet was 52.68%. Conclusion Clathrates were used to prepare flumazenil sublingual tablets to achieve safe and efficient delivery. LC-MS method was established for the determination of flumazenil plasma concentration, and the advantages were simple, accurate and sensitive.
@#Abstract: To investigate the in vitro release, in vivo pharmacokinetics, and the in vitro-in vivo correlation of progesterone suspension injection, self-made progesterone suspension injection was taken as an example. The in vitro release curves of three different particle sizes of progesterone suspension injections were measured using paddle method and dialysis bag method. The in vivo pharmacokinetic characteristics of self-made progesterone suspension injection was studied on SD rats. The plasma concentration of self-made progesterone preparation was detected after intramuscular injection, and correlated with the in vitro release profiles obtained by the dialysis bag method after processing by Wagner-Nelson method. The results showed that when the in vitro release of three different particle sizes of progesterone suspension injections was measured by the paddle method, more than 85% was rapidly released within 20 min, while 85% cumulative release was reached at 40 h, 84 h and 120 h by dialysis bag method, respectively. The release rate obtained by the dialysis bag method was basically consistent with the in vivo release trend, with a correlation coefficient of >0.95, indicating a strong in vivo and in vitro correlation. This study provides some reference for the establishment of the in vitro and in vivo correlation of long-acting suspension injection.
Objective To explore the pharmacokinetic changes of single dose of fentanyl in rats in a simulated high-altitude and contributing factors.Methods Thirty-six healthy female SD rats(6~8 weeks old,250±20 g)were randomly divided into high-altitude-acute-exposure group(group A),high-altitude-chronic-exposure group(group S)and control group(group C)through random number table,with 12 rats in each group.The group A and S were housed in a low-pressure chamber simulating the high altitude of 5000 m above sea level for 3 and 30 d respectively,and the group C was housed out of the chamber(at an altitude of 300 m).A single dose of fentanyl was administered through the femoral vein to 6 rats randomly selected from each group.Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS)was used to detect blood concentrations of fentanyl and WinNonlin 8.2 software was used to calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters,while blood samples were taken through the femoral artery before and in 1,2,4,8,15,30,60,120 and 180 min after administration.The remaining 6 rats were ultrasonographically assessed for portal vein internal diameter(PVD),peak flow velocity(PVV)and blood flow(PVF),and liver tissues were collected for CYP3A1 protein content assay.Results The blood drug concentrations of fentanyl in the group A and group S were significantly lower than those in the group C at 60,120,and 180 min(P=0.002,P<0.001,P= 0.001).Compared with the group C,the clearance rate(CL)of the group A was increased by 54.06%(P=0.021),and the mean residence time(MRTlast)was shortened by 24.21%(P=0.033);CL of the group S was increased by 50.10%(P=0.041),the area under the concentration-time curve(AUC0-t,AUC0-∞)and MRTlast were reduced by 18.92%(P=0.039),27.54%(P=0.018)and 33.61%(P= 0.004),respectively.PVD and PVF in the group S increased by 10.87%(P=0.006)and 42.50%(P= 0.006)when compared with the group C.The CYP3A1 protein content in the group A was 28.74%,which was higher than that in the group C(P=0.048).Conclusion Fentanyl is cleared significantly faster after a single dose in rats in simulated high-altitude,which may be related to the increased liver blood flow and increased CYP3A1 protein expression in liver.
AIM To prepare the nanosuspensions of naringenin phospholipids complex,and to investigate their in vivo pharmacokinetics.METHODS High-pressure homogenization method was applied to preparing the nanosuspensions of phospholipids complex.With stabilizer type,stabilizer-phospholipids complex consumption ratio,homogeneous pressure and homogeneous frequency as influencing factors,particle size,PDI and Zeta potential as evaluation indices,the formulation was optimized by single factor test.The morphology was observed under transmission electron microscope,after which X-ray powder diffraction analysis was performed,solubility,oil-water partition coefficient,dissociation rate of phospholipids complex and accumulative release rate were determined.Twenty-four rats were randomly assigned into four groups and given intragastric administration of the 0.5%CMC-Na suspensions of naringenin and its phospholipids complex,nanosuspensions and nanosuspensions of phospholipids complex(30 mg/kg),respectively,after which blood collection was made at 0,0.25,0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12 h,HPLC was adopted in the plasma concentration determination of naringenin,and main pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated.RESULTS The optimal formulation was determined to be 50 mg for naringenin consumption,PVP K30+TPGS(1 ∶ 1)as stabilizer,3 ∶ 1 for stabilizer-phospholipids complex consumption ratio,100 MPa for homogeneous pressure,and 10 times for homogeneous frequency,respectively.The obtained spherical-like or oval nanosuspensions of phospholipids complex demonstrated the average particle size,PDI and Zeta potential of(260.53±25.86)nm,0.160±0.024 and(-31.08±1.37)mV,respectively.Naringenin existed in the nanosuspensions of phospholipids complex in an anamorphous state,along with increased solubility,oil-water partition coefficient and dissociation rate of phospholipids complex,and the accumulative release rate reached more than 90%within 4 h.Compared with raw medicine and nanosuspensions,the nanosuspensions of phospholipids complex displayed shortened tmax(P<0.05)and increased Cmax,AUC0-t,AUC0-∞(P<0.05,P<0.01),the relative bioavailability was enhanced to 4.38 times.CONCLUSION The nanosuspensions of phospholipids can enhance naringenin's solubility and dissolution rate,and promote its in vivo absorption.
Objective To evaluate the safety of the low glucoside composites of Epimedii Folium and clarify the pharmacokinetic characteristics of its five low glucosides.Methods Four groups of KM mice were orally administrated of corn oil,1 968,2 625 and 3 500 mg·kg-1 low glucoside composites of Epimedii Folium,respectively.Then,the living conditions,toxic symptoms,and death of the mice were observed for 7 consecutive days.After the mice were dissected,the viscera/body ratio and the viscera/brain ratio were calculated.Besides,the contents of alanine aminotransferase(ALT)and aspartate transaminase(AST)in plasma were determined by ELISA,and the pathological changes of the liver were observed by HE staining.C57BL/6J mice were intravenously or orally administered of baohuoside I,baohuoside II,sagittatoside A,sagittatoside B and sagittatoside C.Then,blood samples were collected at different time points.The plasma concentrations of the five low glucosides were measured by UHPLC-MS/MS.Results When compared with the control group,no significant differences were found in the body mass,viscera/body ratio,viscera/brain ratio,contents of ALT and AST in plasma after oral administration of different doses of low glucoside composites to mice.Moreover,no pathological changes or damages were found in the liver sections.After intravenous injection,the AUC0-t values of baohuoside Ⅰ,baohuoside Ⅱ,sagittatoside A,sagittatoside B and sagittatoside C in mice were 4.82,82.54,276.64,88.77 and 178.02 min·μg·mL-1,respectively.Meanwhile,the t1/2 values were 60.42,115.27,67.63,131.61 and 129.87 min,respectively.After oral administration,the AUC0-t values of the five low glucosides were 31.64,18.59,3.48,2.41 and 2.42 min·μg·mL-1,respectively.The Cmax values were 147.23,86.76,15.58,24.34 and 26.12 ng·mL-1,respectively.The tmax values were 21.00,78.00,78.00,30.00 and 28.00 min,respectively.The bioavailability of baohuosideⅠ,baohuosideⅡ,sagittatoside A sagittatoside B and sagittatoside C were 1.91%,0.51%,0.05%,0.06%and 0.04%,respectively.Conclusion The low glucoside composites of Epimedii Folium has high safety,and no hepatotoxicity were observed at dose of 3 500 mg·kg-1.The 5 low glucosides are quickly absorbed and rapidly eliminated in mice,and all of them have low bioavailability.
OBJECTIVE To study the pharmacokinetics of Esketamine hydrochloride nasal spray in rats and ciliary toxicity to maxillary mucosa of bullfrog. METHODS The plasma concentration of esketamine hydrochloride in rats was determined by LC-MS/ MS after intravenous injection of esketamine hydrochloride solution and nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride; the pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by using Phoenix WinNonlin 8.1.0 software. Using the maxillary mucosa of isolated bullfrog as a model, the morphological changes of maxillary mucosa were investigated, and the duration and recovery of ciliary oscillation were recorded after nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride. RESULTS The peak of blood concentration occurred 2 min after nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride; cmax was (814.58±418.80) ng/mL, AUC0-∞ was (203.75± 92.76) ng·h/mL, and the absolute bioavailability was 60.68%. After nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride, it was observed that the cilia of bullfrog were arranged neatly, the edges were clear, the cilia tissue structure was complete and the cilia moved actively. The cilia movement time was (178.17±13.30) min for the first time, and after the cilia moved again, the ciliary movement time measured again was (24.50±9.19)min with a relative movement percentage of 53.56%. CONCLUSIONS Esketamine hydrochloride nasal spray has a rapid onset of action, high bioavailability, and low ciliary toxicity.
OBJECTIVE To explore in vitro dissolution and in vivo pharmacokinetics of Luteolin solid dispersion in Beagle dogs. METHODS The dissolution of Luteolin solid dispersion was investigated according to the second method (paddle method) of the “dissolution determination method” in the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia (Part Ⅳ). UPLC-MS/MS method was established to determine the concentration of luteolin in the plasma of Beagle dogs. Twelve Beagle dogs were randomly divided into luteolin group and Luteolin solid dispersion group, with 6 dogs in each group. They were given relevant medicine orally at the dose of 10 mg/kg luteolin. Blood was collected before medication (0 h), at 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 min and 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48 h after administration. After protein precipitation with acetonitrile, the blood concentration of luteolin in Beagle dogs was determined by UPLC-MS/MS and the major pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated with non-compartmental models by using DAS 3.2.8 pharmacokinetic software. RESULTS The dissolutions of Luteolin solid dispersion in purified water and 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate solution was significantly higher than those of luteolin; the dissolution rate reached 95% in 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate solution for 120 minutes. The peak concentration (cmax) of luteolin in the Luteolin solid dispersion group of Beagle dogs was 5.62 times higher than the luteolin group, and the relative bioavailability was 348%. Compared with luteolin group, cmax and the area under the drug time curve of luteolin in the Luteolin solid dispersion group of Beagle dogs were significantly increased, while the apparent distribution volume was significantly reduced (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS Luteolin solid dispersion can improve in vitro dissolution and bioavailability of luteolin in Beagle dogs.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common chronic neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood.It is mainly manifested as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that are inconsistent with the development level, which may lead to multiple functional impairments and place heavy burdens on individuals, families, and society.Methylphenidate hydrochloride (MPH) is a first-line treatment drug for ADHD, which is widely used in clinical practice.However, some patients have no response to drug treatment and adverse reactions often cause premature termination of treatment.Introducing the concept of pharmacogenetics into MPH treatment may open new avenues for individualized interventions of ADHD.This paper aims to review the impact of pharmacogenetics on MPH treatment in children with ADHD and to provide references for clinical drug treatment and management.
ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of total alkaloids of Corydalis saxicola on a rat model of lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced depression, as well as the pharmacokinetic characteristics of 8 of its major components. MethodTwenty-four male SD rats were randomly divided into normal group, model group, fluoxetine group(10 mg·kg-1) and total alkaloids of C. saxicola group(210 mg·kg-1), with 6 rats in each group. In addition to the normal group, the rats were injected intraperitoneally with LPS to establish the inflammation model of depression, and the drug administration was started 1 week after modeling, and the administration groups were gavaged according to the corresponding dose, and the normal and model groups were intragastric administration with equal volume of distilled water, and the administration was performed along with the modeling. After two weeks of continuous administration, the effect of total alkaloids of C. saxicola on the behavior of depressed rats were tested by sucrose preference, forced swimming and open field experiments, the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interleukin(IL)-1β and IL-6 in serum of rats were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), the histopathological changes of rat hippocampus were observed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining. After the last administration, blood was collected from orbit according to the set time, and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-QqQ-MS) was established to simultaneously detect the concentrations of dehydrocavidine, tetrahydropalmatine, coptisine, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, berberine, berberrubine and epiberberine in plasma, and drug-time curves were drawn. The pharmacokinetic parameters were analyzed by DAS 2.0 software. ResultCompared with the normal group, the model group exhibited a decrease in sucrose preference rate, total distance traveled in the open field, as well as an increase in swimming immobility time and serum inflammatory factor expression(P<0.01). In contrast, compared with the model group, rats in each administration group showed an increase in sucrose preference rate and total distance traveled in the open field, a decrease in swimming immobility time, and a reduction in serum inflammatory factor expression(P<0.05, P<0.01). Additionally, HE staining results revealed that neurons in the hippocampus of rats from the model group were characterized by loss, disorganization and residual vacuoles, whereas those from the total alkaloids of C.saxicola group displayed an increase in number with orderly arrangement and clear cytoplasm. Pharmacokinetic results showed that the time to peak(tmax) and half-life(t1/2) of the 8 active ingredients were 0.19-2.06 h and 3.71-8.70 h after continuous administration of total alkaloids of C. saxicola. Among them, the area under the curve(AUC0-∞) of tetrahydropalmatine was the highest and the t1/2 was the shortest, and the AUC0-∞ of coptisine, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, berberine, berberrubine and epiberberine were low. The curves of dehydrocavidine, coptisine, palmatine, berberine and epiberberine showed obvious double peak phenomenon. ConclusionTotal alkaloids of C. saxicola can improve the depression-like behavior of rats, inhibit the expression of inflammatory factors in serum, improve the pathological injury of hippocampus, and has the antidepressant effect. Meanwhile, the effective site is absorbed quickly and eliminated slowly in the depressed model rats, and the efficacy is maintained for a long time.
ObjectiveTo identify the chemical components of Houpo Wenzhongtang in vivo and in vitro and to analyze the pharmacokinetic properties of the index components in rats with deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach. MethodThe chemical components of Houpo Wenzhongtang was analyzed and identified by ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS). Six rats were randomly selected from 18 SD rats as the blank group, and the remaining rats were given lard and cold vinegar for a long time to construct a rat model with deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach. After successful modeling, the rats were randomly divided into the model group and Houpu Wenzhongtang group(13.5 g·kg-1, calculated as crude drug). The administration group was given the corresponding dose of Houpu Wenzhongtang by gavage, and the blank group and the model group were given the same amount of distilled water by gavage. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) were used to measure gastrin(GAS) and motilin(MTL) levels in each group. At the same time, plasma samples were collected at different time points after administration, and blood-entry prototype components and metabolites of Houpo Wenzhongtang were analyzed by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS. On this basis, plasma concentrations of magnolol, honokiol, alpinetin and hesperidin in Houpo Wenzhongtang were determined by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole/linear ion trap mass spectrometry(UPLC-QTRAP-MS/MS), and the pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using DAS 2.0 software. ResultA total of 79 chemical components, including 44 flavonoids and 11 lignans, were identified in Houpo Wenzhongtang. Meanwhile, 18 blood-entry prototype components and 27 metabolites were identified, the main metabolic pathways of metabolites were glucuronidation, sulfation, oxidation and hydrolysis, and phase Ⅰ and phase Ⅱ were the two primary forms of metabolism. Pharmacokinetic results showed that among the four index components, the time to peak(tmax) values of magnolol and honokiol were consistent and exhibited similar drug metabolism characteristics, the tmax of alpinetin was the shortest, and the absorption rate was the fastest, which had the earliest peak plasma concentration levels, and hesperidin had the shortest mean residence time(MRT0-t) and the highest metabolic rate in rats. ConclusionThis study clarifies the blood-entry prototype components and their metabolites of Houpo Wenzhongtang in the rat model of deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach, and reveals the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the main active ingredients, which can provide a scientific basis for the study of pharmacodynamic material basis of this formula and its clinical application in treating the syndrome of deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach.
Objective To explore the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics(PK/PD)parameters and influencing factors in patients with augmented renal clearance(ARC)to provide the basis for the rational use of meropenem.Methods Using the method of retrospective study,the patients with increased renal clearance who used meropenem monitored the concentration from January 2018 to December 2021.The PK/PD parameters of meropenem were analyzed,and multiple linear retrospective analyses discussed the influencing factors of meropenem valley concentration.Results A total of 58 patients were included in the study,and the trough concentration was 1.35[0.23,1.86]μg·mL-1,taking 100%fT>MIC as PK/PD target value,the compliance rate was 20.69%.The compliance rate of daily dose<3 g·d-1 was 8.70%,and≥3 g·d-1 was 31.43%,the difference was statistically significant.With MIC of 0.5,1,2,4,and 8 μg·mL-1,PK/PD compliance rates were 62.07%,48.28%,20.69%,8.62%and 0.Respectively.Multiple linear retrospective analyses showed that dose was an independent factor affecting meropenem valley concentration.Conclusion The PK/PD compliance rate of meropenem in patients with augmented renal clearance is low,even if MIC≤0.5 μg·mL-1,the routine dose is difficult to achieve the ideal PK/PD,so the clinical should recognize ARC and perform TDM as soon as possible,and use TDM to guide the medication regimen of meropenem for ARC patients.
Objective To assess the pharmacokinetic characteristics of two types of tofacitinib citrate tablets in healthy individuals and evaluate their bioequivalence and safety.Methods A randomized,two-period,self-crossing design was used with 36 subjects in two groups in both fasting and postprandial conditions.Each group received 5 mg tofacatile citrate tablets of either generic tofacitinib citrate tablets(T)or the reference product(R)per period,and the plasma concentration of tofacatile tablets was detected by LC-MS/MS.Phoenix WinNonlin software was used to calculate pharmacokinetic parameters and evaluate its bioequivalence.Results After single oral administration of test and reference preparations,the main pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows:Cmax values in fasting group were(57.54±13.95)and(59.17±12.31)ng·mL-1,respectively;AUC0,values were(143.83±34.58)and(142.13±33.00)ng·h·mL-1,respectively;AUC0-∞ values were(147.39±35.27)and(146.15±34.64)ng·h·mL-1,respectively;tmax was 0.5 h for both;Cmax values in the postprandial group were(57.16±17.56)and(55.19±21.98)ng·mL-1;AUC0-t values were(165.47±41.63)and(162.04±41.84)ng·h·mL-1;AUC0-∞ values were(171.88±44.15)and(168.05±44.21)ng·h·mL-1;The t max was 1.0 h for both.The 90%confidence intervals for the geometric mean ratios of Cmax,AUC0-t and AUC0-∞ in fasting group and postprandial group were 96.35%(90.11%-103.03%)and 105.91%(95.20%-117.83%),101.02%(98.76%-103.34%)and 102.23%(99.67%-104.86%),100.77%(98.53%-103.06%)and 102.40%(99.81%-105.06%),all within the range of 80.00%-125.00%.Conclusion Both types of generic tofacitinib citrate tablets are bioequivalent and safe in Chinese healthy individuals.
Objective To establish a method of LC-MS/MS for determining cordycepin(Cor)and 3′-deoxyinosine(3′-Deo)concentration in rat plasma,and to study their pharmacokinetics in rats.Methods Protein was precipitated with methanol using 2-chloadenosine(2-Chl)as an internal standard.The chromatography was performed on Kinetex C18(3 mm×100 mm,2.6 μm,Phenomenex,USA)with gradient elution in aqueous(5 mmol·L-1 ammonium acetate)-methanol solution as mobile phase.ESI ion source was used for mass spectrometry,and positive ion multiple reaction monitoring(MRM)was used for scanning detection.The pharmacokinetics of Cor and 3′-Deo after oral administration of Cor(10 mg·kg-1)were studied in rats.Results Cor at 0.5-100 ng·mL-1 and 3′-Deo at 1-200 ng·mL-1 had good linearity,and the lower limits of quantification were 0.5 and 1 ng·mL-1,respectively.After oral administration of Cor in rats,the plasma concentration of Cor was low,which was mainly converted into the metabolite 3′-Deo.The Cmax of Cor and 3′-Deo were(5.4±3.4)and(142.0±50.0)ng·mL-1,and AUC0-360min min were(658.4±459.3)and(18 034.9±4 981.1)ng·min·mL-1,respectively.Conclusion The method is simple,sensi-tive,and accurate,which is suitable for determining Cor and 3′-Deo concentration in plasma and the pharmacokinetic study.
Background and purpose:For patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2)-positive metastatic breast cancer,trastuzumab treatment can prolong the overall survival and significantly improve the prognosis of patients.However,the reference original research trastuzumab(Herceptin?)is more expensive.Biosimilars have comparable efficacy and safety profiles while increasing patient access to treatment.This clinical trial aimed to evaluate the efficacy,pharmacokinetics,safety and immunogenicity of the trastuzumab biosimilar AK-HER2 compared to trastuzumab(Herceptin?)in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.Methods:This multi-center,randomised,double-blind phase Ⅲ clinical trial was conducted in 43 subcenters in China.This study complied with the research protocol,the ethical principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki and the quality management standards for drug clinical trials.It was approved by the hospital's medical ethics committee.The clinical trial registration agency is the State Food and Drug Administration(clinical trial approval number:2015L04224;clinical trial registration number:CTR20170516).Written informed consent was obtained from subjects before enrollment.Enrolled patients were randomly assigned to the AK-HER2 group and the control group,respectively receiving AK-HER2 or trastuzumab(initial loading dose 8 mg/kg,maintenance dose 6 mg/kg,every 3 weeks as a treatment cycle,total treatment time is 16 cycles)in combination with docetaxel(75 mg/m2,treatment duration is at least 9 cycles).The primary endpoint of this clinical trial was the objective response rate(ORR9)between the AK-HER2 group and the control group in the 9th cycle.Secondary efficacy endpoints included ORR16,disease control rate(DCR),clinical benefit rate(CBR),progression-free survival(PFS)and 1-year survival rate.In this study,100 subjects(AK-HER2 group to control group=1:1)were randomly selected for blood sample collection after the 6th cycle of medication,The collection time points were 45 minutes after infusion(the end of administration),4,8,24,72,120,168,336,and 504 hours after the end of administration.After collection,blood samples were analyzed by PK parameter set(PKPS).Other evaluation parameters included safety and immunogenicity assessment.Results:A total of 550 patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer were enrolled in this clinical trial between Sep.2017 and Mar.2021.In the AK-HER2 group(n=237),129 subjects in the experimental group achieved complete response(CR)or partial response(PR),and the ORR9 was 54.4%.There were 134 subjects in the control group(n=241)who achieved CR or PR,and the ORR9 was 55.6%.The ORR9 ratio between the AK-HER2 group and the control group was 97.9%[90%confidence interval(CI):85.4%-112.2%,P=0.784],which was not statistically significant.In all secondary efficacy endpoints,no statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups.We conducted a mean ratio analysis of pharmacokinetics(PK)parameters between the AK-HER2 group and the control group,and the results suggested that the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the two drugs are similar.The incidence of treatment emergent adverse event(TEAE)leading to drug reduction or suspension during trastuzumab treatment was 3.6%(10 cases)in the AK-HER2 group and 8.1%(22 cases)in the control group.There was statistically significant difference between the two groups(P=0.027).The incidence rate was significantly lower in the AK-HER2 group than in the control group,and there was no statistically significant difference among the other groups.The differences in the positive rates of anti-drug antibodies(ADA)and neutralizing antibodies(NAB)between groups were of no statistical significance(P=0.385 and P=0.752).Conclusion:In patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer,AK-HER2 was comparable to the trastuzumab(Herceptin?)in terms of drug efficacy,pharmacokinetics,safety and immunogenicity.
Tralokinumab is a selective interleukin-13 inhibitor developed by LEO Pharma in Denmark. It was granted approval by the US Food and Drug Administration on December 27, 2021, for the treatment of patients aged 18 years or older with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis whose disease is refractory to or cannot be fully controlled by local prescription therapy. This article presents a comprehensive review of the recent research progress in the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis with tralokinumab.
Objective To evaluate the predictive ability and influencing factors of individualized drug administration adjuvant decision-making system Java PK® for Desktop (JPKD) for tacrolimus blood concentration in kidney transplant recipients. Methods The monitoring data of tacrolimus blood concentration from 149 recipients early after kidney transplantation were collected. The trough blood concentration of tacrolimus was predicted by JPKD. The absolute weighted deviation and relative prediction deviation between the actual and predicted concentration were calculated. The influencing factors of the absolute weighted deviation were analyzed by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses, and the predictive values of these influencing factors on the accuracy of software prediction were assessed by delineating the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Results Two hundred and sixty-six samples of tacrolimus blood concentration data were collected from 149 patients. The measured blood concentration of tacrolimus was (6.5±3.0) ng/mL (1.1-16.6 ng/mL), and the predicted value calculated by JPKD was (5.6±2.5) ng/mL (1.4-14.4 ng/mL). The absolute weighted deviation of the calculated data was 28.38%, and the relative prediction deviation was −13.55%. Univariate analysis showed that gender, albumin, changes in hematocrit, cytochrome P450 (CYP)3A5*3 genotype and C3435T genotype were associated with the inaccurate prediction results. Multivariate logistic regression analysis found that CYP3A5*3 genotype of AA and the changes in hematocrit were the independent risk factors affecting the accuracy of tacrolimus blood concentration predicted by JPKD. ROC curve analysis showed that when the changes in hematocrit exceeded 2.25%, the risk of inaccurate software prediction was increased. Conclusions JPKD possesses certain accuracy in predicting the blood concentration of tacrolimus in kidney transplant recipients, which may improve the qualified rate of tacrolimus blood concentration. Nevertheless, CYP3A5*3 genotype and the changes of hematocrit may affect the accuracy of predictions.
Sodium-glucose linked transporter 2 inhibitors(SGLT2i) are novel oral hypoglycaemic agents and are widely used for hypoglycemic therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, but differences in the genetic backgrounds of patients often lead to variable responsiveness to drug therapy. By summarizing the pharmacogenomic studies of SGLT2i, the article found that the genetic variants of UGT1A9, UGT2B4, SLC5A2, ABCB1, PNPLA3 and WFS1 may influence the pharmacokinetics of SGLT2i and the external hypoglycemic effects of SGLT2i in improving non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, weight loss and so on, but there is no clinical evidence that genetic polymorphisms affect the hypoglycemic efficacy of SGLT2i.