The AQ (Adversity Quotient) is a measure of how an individual can respond to life challenges. This paper presents a qualitative study that looks into ways that arti?cial intelligence (AI) can be incorporated into educational systems to improve the AQ of students. To achieve this, primary research was done with educators, AI professionals and students to ?nd out how technology can change education forever by fostering resilience, ?exibility and endurance within learners. Additionally, it looks at the implications of AI- based interventions on long-term learning results as well as societal resilience.
El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la influencia del bienestar espiritual en la gratitud, el perdón y la resiliencia en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Lima. Se utilizó un diseño explicativo con variables latentes. La muestra estuvo conformada por 957 estudiantes universitarios (29.5 % varones y 70.5 % mujeres, de 13 universidades (públicas 22.36 % y privadas 77.64 %) de Lima Metropolitana. Se utilizaron la Escala de Bienestar Espiritual (SWBS), la Escala de Disposición al Perdón (TFS), la Escala de Gratitud (EG) y la Escala Breve de Resiliencia (EBR). Entre los hallazgos se encontró que el modelo estimado con el método DWLS permite señalar que el bienestar espiritual tiene efectos directos sobre el perdón, la gratitud y la resiliencia. A su vez, la covarianza entre perdón y gratitud fue .090 (p > .05), entre perdón y resiliencia de .236 (p < .01), y entre gratitud y resiliencia fue igual a .122 (p < .01). Se discuten las implicancias de los resultados.
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a influência do bem-estar espiritual na gratidão, perdão e resiliência em estudantes universitários da cidade de Lima. Foi utilizado um desenho explicativo com variáveis latentes. A amostra foi composta por 957 estudantes universitários (29,5 % homens e 70,5 % mulheres) de 13 universidades (22,36 % públicas e 77,64 % privadas) de Lima Metropolitana. Foram utilizadas a Escala de Bem-Estar Espiritual (SWBS), a Escala de Disposição ao Perdão (TFS), a Escala de Gratidão (EG) e a Escala Breve de Resiliência (EBR). Entre os achados, encontrou-se que o modelo estimado com o método DWLS permite indicar que o bem-estar espiritual tem efeitos diretos sobre o perdão, gratidão e resiliência. Por sua vez, a covariância entre perdão e gratidão foi de .090 (p > .05), entre perdão e resiliência de .236 (p < .01) e entre gratidão e resiliência foi igual a .122 (p < .01). As implicações dos resultados foram discutidas.
This study aimed to determine the influence of spiritual well-being on gratitude, forgiveness, and resilience in university students in the city of Lima. An explanatory design with latent variables was used. The sample consisted of 957 university students (29.5 % men and 70.5 % women from 13 universities (22.36% public and 77.64 % private)), from Metropolitan Lima. The Spiritual Wellbeing Scale (SWBS), the Trait Forgivingness Scale (TFS), the Gratitude Scale (GS), and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) were used. Among the findings, it was found that the model estimated with the DWLS method allows us to point out that spiritual well-being directly affects forgiveness, gratitude, and resilience. In turn, the covariance between forgiveness and gratitude was .090 (p > .05), the covariance between forgiveness and resilience was .236 (p < .01), and the covariance between gratitude and resilience was equal to .122 (p < .01). The implications of the results have been discussed.
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio consistió en explicar en qué medida la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento influyeron en la salud mental positiva de jóvenes mexicanos universitarios que vivieron la pandemia de COVID-19. La muestra se conformó por 1042 universitarios mexicanos de 18 a 24 años de edad (M = 20.5 DS = 1.9). El 78.4 % son mujeres (817). Se aplicaron en formato online los instrumentos: Mental Health Continuum-Short Form, Escala de Resiliencia, Escala de Afrontamiento y Escala de miedo al COVID-19. Se obtuvo un modelo con índices de bondad de ajuste satisfactorios (X 2 = 532.913, df = 114, X 2 /df = 4.6, SRMR = .053, RMSEA = .059, CFI = .927, p = .001), en el cual la resiliencia y el afrontamiento funcional son factores importantes que influyen en SMP, por lo que son variables que deben considerarse en los programas de intervención psicológica para la promoción de la salud de los jóvenes universitarios.
Abstract The objective of this study was to explain to what extent resilience and coping strategies influenced the positive mental health of young Mexican university students who have experienced the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample was made up of 1.042 Mexican university students between 18 and 24 years of age (M = 20.5 SD = 1.9). 78.4% are women (817). The instruments: Mental Health Continuum-Short Form, Resilience Scale, Coping Scale and Fear of COVID-19 Scale were applied in online format. A model was obtained with satisfactory goodness-of-fit indices (X2 = 532.913, df = 114), resilience and functional coping are important factors that influence SMP, so they are variables that should be considered in psychological intervention programs to promote the health of university students.
RESUMEN El presente artículo tiene como objetivo contrastar las redes de apoyo comunitarias en contextos vulnerables reconociéndolas como expresiones de resiliencia comunitaria en el marco del proyecto -Vulnerabilidad, resiliencia y riesgo de comunidades y cuencas abastecedoras afectadas por fenómenos de deslizamientos y avalanchas- donde se elige dos territorios, ex post y ex ante respectivamente, con factores de riesgo de avenida torrencial. Como resultado, se evidencian dos tipos de redes de apoyo, primero, redes combinadas donde diferentes actores se unen para trabajar en torno a las necesidades de la población y la segunda, redes circunstanciales, que surgen en un momento particular y desaparecen en el momento en que la situación es resuelta. Esta investigación es de carácter cualitativo, busca la comprensión, reconstrucción e interpretación de momentos, hechos, situaciones y acciones desde las voces de los sujetos que vivencian determinados fenómenos, elaborando con ellos un -todo-con-sentido-, de acuerdo con sus historias, trayectorias y subjetividades. Se implementaron técnicas de revisión documental, informes de base comunitaria y entrevistas semiestructuradas, así como la aplicación de instrumentos de identificación y caracterización de actores y redes.
ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to contrast community support networks in vulnerable contexts, recognizing them as expressions of community resilience within the framework of the project "Vulnerability resilience and risk of communities and supply basins affected by landslide and avalanche phenomena" where two territories are chosen, ex-post and ex-ante respectively with risk factors for torrential flooding. As a result, two types of support networks are evident: first, combined networks where different actors come together to work around the needs of the population, and second, circumstantial networks, which emerge at a particular moment and disappear at the moment that the situation is resolved.This qualitative research seeks the understanding, reconstruction, and interpretation of moments, facts, conditions, and actions from the voices of the subjects who experience certain phenomena, creating with them an "everything-with-meaning", according to their stories, trajectories, and subjectivities. Document review techniques, community-based reports, and semi-structured interviews were implemented, as well as the application of identification and characterization instruments of actors and networks.
RESUMO Este artigo tem como objetivo contrastar as redes de apoio comunitário em contextos vulneráveis, reconhecendo-as como expressões da resiliência da comunidade no âmbito do projeto "Vulnerabilidade, resiliência e risco em comunidades e bacias de abastecimento afetadas por deslizamentos de terra e valanches", no qual foram escolhidos dois territórios, ex post e ex ante, respectivamente, com fatores de risco de inundações torrenciais. Como resultado, dois tipos de redes de apoio são evidenciados: primeiro, redes combinadas, em que diferentes atores se unem para trabalhar em torno das necessidades da população, e segundo, redes circunstanciais, que surgem em um determinado momento e desaparecem quando a situação é resolvida. Esta pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, buscando a compreensão, a reconstrução e a interpretação de momentos, fatos, situações e ações a partir das vozes dos sujeitos que vivenciam determinados fenômenos, elaborando com eles um "todo-com-sentido", de acordo com suas histórias, trajetórias e subjetividades. Foram implementadas técnicas de análise documental, relatórios comunitários e entrevistas semiestruturadas, bem como a aplicação de instrumentos para a identificação e caracterização de atores e redes.
El presente trabajo analiza la fiesta andina como proceso ritual resiliente de la comunidad aymara de Colquencha. La palabra "utawi" significa en aymara: nuestra casa, uno de los nombres de la fiesta de la "siembra del Toro". En este evento se representan las prácticas sociales y rituales que permiten a los jóvenes (kusillos) poner en escena, en una actuación teatralizada, las prácticas agropecuarias comunales. La fiesta como acto performativo muestra el cuidado y la crianza de la vida comunal, sus formas y los rituales de agradecimiento a la comunidad cósmica que lo permite. Los kusillos son la figura bisagra entre las prácticas y saberes ancestrales andinos y aquellos imbricados del mundo moderno actual que irrumpe en el imaginario del ayllu. Los kusillos, personajes liminales entre mundo ancestral y moderno, simbolizan el complejo y tenso solapamiento de las interrelaciones comunales actuales aymaras. El proceso resiliente gira entorno a la viuda: la Tora mayora, cuyos acompañantes dan y reciben y son convocados para la fiesta, denominada también: "preste".
This paper analyses the Andean festival as a resilient ritual process of the Aymara community of Colquencha. The word "utawi" means "our house" in Aymara, one of the names of the festival of "sowing the bull". In this event, the social and ritual practices that allow young people (kusillos) to put on stage, in a dramatized performance, the communal agricultural practices are represented. The festival as a performative act shows the care and upbringing of communal life, its forms and the rituals of gratitude to the cosmic community that allows it. The kusillos are the hinge figure between the ancestral Andean practices and knowledge and those intertwined with the current modern world that bursts into the imaginary of the ayllu. The kusillos, liminal characters between the ancestral and modern world, symbolize the complex and tense overlap of current Aymara communal interrelations. The resilient process revolves around the widow: the Tora mayora, whose companions give and receive and are summoned to the party, also called: "preste".
O presente trabalho analisa a festa andina como um processo ritual resiliente da comunidade aimará de Colquencha. A palavra "utawi" significa em aimará: a nossa casa, um dos nomes da festa da "sementeira do touro". Neste evento estão representadas as práticas sociais e rituais que permitem aos jovens (kusillos) encenar, num espetáculo teatral, práticas agrícolas comunitárias. A festa como ato performativo mostra o cuidado e o cultivo da vida comunitária, as suas formas e os rituais de gratidão à comunidade cósmica que a permite. Os kusillos são a figura articulada entre as práticas e os saberes ancestrais andinos e aqueles interligados com o atual mundo moderno que irrompe no imaginário dos ayllu. Os kusillos, personagens liminares entre o mundo ancestral e o moderno, simbolizam a complexa e tensa sobreposição das atuais inter-relações comunais aimarás. O processo resiliente gira em torno da viúva: a maioria da Torah, cujos companheiros dão e recebem e são convocados para a festa, também chamada: "preste".
Resumen Introducción: Cada vez son más los estudios que incluyen la diversidad funcional para comprender los patrones de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, en el departamento del Tolima, se ha investigado poco este aspecto en las comunidades de aves, lo que crea un vacío de conocimiento acerca de esta faceta de la diversidad biológica. Objetivo: Determinar cambios o patrones en la diversidad taxonómica y funcional de la avifauna del Centro Universitario Regional del Norte del Tolima (CURDN) durante un periodo de ocho años. Métodos: Los datos fueron organizados de manera que permitieran determinar cambios en la comunidad de aves a lo largo del tiempo y en diferentes épocas climáticas (alta y baja precipitación). Se emplearon diferentes índices de diversidad taxonómica y funcional (alfa y beta). Para evaluar el efecto de las temporadas climáticas y establecer diferencias entre los años, se utilizó el Escalamiento Multidimensional No Métrico (NMDS) y el Análisis de Similitud no paramétrico (ANOSIM). Resultados: Durante el periodo de estudio, se registraron 2 691 individuos. No se encontraron diferencias en la diversidad alfa, tanto taxonómica como funcional. Sin embargo, los resultados de estas dos facetas de la biodiversidad revelaron patrones opuestos que están estructurando la comunidad de aves. El análisis de partición de la diversidad taxonómica beta reveló un proceso de recambio de especies, mientras que la diversidad beta funcional determinó un anidamiento funcional. Conclusión: La diversidad funcional señaló la posibilidad de que las actividades antropogénicas llevadas a cabo en el CURDN actúan como filtros que estructuran la comunidad de aves. Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de considerar estas dos facetas de la biodiversidad para determinar cambios o patrones de las comunidades de aves durante un amplio periodo de estudio.
Abstract Introduction: More and more studies include functional diversity to understand biodiversity patterns. However, in Tolima department, little research has been conducted on this aspect in bird communities, creating a knowledge gap to this important facet of biodiversity. Objective: To determine changes or patterns in the taxonomic and functional diversity of bird communities at the Centro Universitario Regional del Norte (CURDN) for eight years. Methods: The data were organized to identify changes in the bird community over time and during different climatic periods (high and low precipitation). Several indices of taxonomic and functional diversity (alpha and beta) were used. Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) and Non-Parametric Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) were applied to evaluate the impact of climatic periods and temporal variation. Results: During the sampling, 2 691 individuals were recorded. We found that there was no difference in the taxonomic and functional alpha diversity. However, the results of these two facets of biodiversity revealed opposing patterns that are structuring bird communities. The partitioning analysis of taxonomic beta diversity revealed a process of species turnover, while functional beta diversity revealed functional nestedness. Conclusions: Functional diversity suggested that anthropogenic activities in the CURDN act as filters that structure bird communities. These findings highlight the importance of considering these two facets of biodiversity to determine changes or patterns in bird communities over a long period.
Abstract Introduction: Anxiety, depression and stress are becoming more and more frequent, especially since the COVID-19 health crisis. The main objective of this study was to analyse the predictive power of age, gender, emotional intelligence, and resilience with respect to anxiety, depression, and stress-related symptoms in a Spanish population sample. Method: A total of 427 Spanish participants, between 18 and 83 years of age, were assessed through self-report instruments (TMMS-24; BRCS; BASS-21). Hierarchical regression models (HRM) and non-linear methodologies (qualitative comparative analysis or QCA models) are used. Results: The HRM showed that emotional attention, clarity, and repair significantly predicted anxiety, depression, and stress. Gender also played a significant role, with women showing higher levels of anxiety and stress. Age and resilience were not significant predictors in the HRM. However, the QCA models revealed more nuanced interactions: high depression was linked to young age, high emotional attention, and low emotional clarity and repair. High anxiety was predicted by being female, young, with low emotional regulation, and high emotional attention. High stress was associated with being female, low resilience, and high emotional attention. Conversely, low levels of depression, anxiety, and stress were consistently associated with high resilience and emotional clarity and regulation. Conclusions: We consider these results to be of great interest for gaining a deeper understanding of the interaction between the variables under study. In this way, it will be possible to design more effective interventions that benefit from the maximum knowledge regarding the role of these variables.
Resumen Introducción: La ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés son cada vez más frecuentes, especialmente desde la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19. El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar el poder predictivo de la edad, el sexo, la inteligencia emocional y la resiliencia respecto a los síntomas ansiosos, depresivos y el estrés en una muestra de población española. Método: Un total de 427 participantes españoles, con edades entre 18 y 83 años, fueron evaluados mediante instrumentos de autoinforme (TMMS-24; BRCS; BASS-21). Se utilizan modelos de regresión jerárquica (RLJ) y metodologías no lineales (modelos de análisis comparativo cualitativo o QCA). Resultados: Los RLJ mostraron que la atención emocional, la claridad y la reparación predecían significativamente la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés. El género también desempeñó un papel significativo, ya que las mujeres mostraron mayores niveles de ansiedad y estrés. La edad y la resiliencia no fueron predictores significativos en la HRM. Sin embargo, los modelos QCA revelaron otras interacciones: la depresión estaba relacionada con una menor edad, la atención emocional alta y la claridad y la reparación emocional bajas. La ansiedad elevada se predijo por ser mujer, joven, con baja regulación emocional y alta atención emocional. El estrés elevado se asoció con ser mujer, tener baja resiliencia y una atención emocional elevada. Por el contrario, los niveles bajos de depresión, ansiedad y estrés se asociaron de forma consistente con una alta resiliencia y claridad y regulación emocional. Conclusiones: Consideramos que estos resultados son de gran interés para profundizar en el conocimiento de la interacción entre las variables objeto de estudio. De este modo, será posible diseñar intervenciones más eficaces que se beneficien del máximo conocimiento sobre el papel de estas variables.
Millets, a group of small-seeded grasses, have been cultivated for thousands of years and are an integral part of traditional diets in many regions of the world. The nutritional value, resilience to harsh environmental conditions, and potential for sustainable agriculture, millets have been largely overlooked and underutilized in modern food systems, the nutritional benefits of millets, their role in ensuring food security, and strategies for promoting their cultivation and consumption. Millets are rich in essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and offer numerous health benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, millets are well-suited to climate-resilient agriculture, requiring less water and fertilizer than many other cereal crops. By promoting the cultivation and consumption of millet, policymakers, researchers, and agricultural stakeholders can enhance food security, support small-scale farmers, and promote sustainable food systems and the need for increased investment in millet research, the development of value chains, and consumer education to realize the full potential of millets in addressing global food security challenges.
La investigación tiene como objetivo describir la resiliencia de los estudiantes de odontología, los factores asociados y las consecuencias en sus respectivas actividades académicas. Se realizó una investigación y recopilación de información bibliográfica especializada, en revistas indexadas de repositorios internacionales como Elsevier, PubMed Scielo, entre otras, con artículos publicados desde el 2019 hasta el 2023. La literatura ha demostrado que la resiliencia carece de una definición unánime, y su significado varía según las disciplinas que la estudian. Sin embargo, todas las definiciones hacen referencia a la capacidad de enfrentar adversidades y obtener resultados positivos. La resiliencia en estudiantes de odontología es crucial para equilibrar el crecimiento académico, la calidad del cuidado al paciente y el bienestar personal, lo que conduce a una experiencia educativa más exitosa y satisfactoria en esta profesión. También es importante resaltar que las instituciones educativas son el lugar ideal para promover la resiliencia.
The research aims to describe the resilience of dental students, the associated factors and the consequences in their respective academic activities. A research and compilation of specialised bibliographic information was carried out, in journals indexed in international repositories such as Elsevier, PubMed Scielo, among others, with articles published from 2019 to 2023. The literature has shown that resilience lacks a unanimous definition, and its meaning varies according to the disciplines that study it. However, all definitions refer to the ability to cope with adversity and achieve positive outcomes. Resilience in dental students is crucial to balancing academic growth, quality patient care and personal well-being, leading to a more successful and satisfying educational experience in this profession. It is also important to note that educational institutions are the ideal place to foster resilience.
This short study aimed at investigating the potential correlation between resilience and loneliness among young adults. A sample of 80 individuals aged between 18-26 years old were recruited using a snowball sampling method, online. Participants completed the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) and the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (RULS) to assess their levels of resilience and loneliness, respectively. The analysis was to help cater and contribute to the existing literature on the psychological well-being of young adults by examining the interplay between resilience and loneliness, in the technologically forward yet emotionally stagnated modern world. While the statistical analysis of results indicated non signi?cance, with a negative correlation (-0.212), there is a trend indicating that as the values of loneliness increase, the values of resilience tend to decrease, and vice versa, leaving room for further elaborate studies. The study's design and results provide a foundation for future research in understanding the layered dynamics of mental health among young adults.
Shree Anna, an initiative dedicated to promoting the cultivation and consumption of millets in India, stands at the forefront of efforts to enhance nutrition and sustainability in agriculture. Central to its mission is the creation of the Millets Map of India, which showcases the diverse regions where millets are cultivated across the country. From Karnataka to Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu to Uttar Pradesh, the map highlights the geographical spread of millet cultivation, emphasizing their nutritional value and environmental resilience. Through educational programs, farmer training, and consumer awareness campaigns, Shree Anna aims to underscore the nutritional benefits of millets while advocating for their sustainable cultivation. By fostering market demand and economic opportunities for millet farmers, the initiative seeks to create a more inclusive and resilient agricultural ecosystem. The Millets Map of India serves as a visual testament to the transformative potential of millets in promoting nutrition, sustainability, and food security in India's agricultural landscape.
This study was conducted to explore the self- esteem in relation to self- regulation and resilience among school students. The sample of the study comprised of 100 school students from Patiala. The tools of Dhar and Dhar(2005) for self- esteem , Erickson et al. (2015) for self- regulation and Wagnild and Young (2009) for resilience were used in this research. The results of the study had exhibited that there was significant relationship between self- esteem and self- regulation. Moreover, significant association was found between self- esteem and resilience.
Introduction: Empathy is a complex and multidimensional attribute. Attempts have been made to explain empathic behavior based on other variables. Empirical evidence shows that empathy could be the product of the influence of several factors. One of these factors could be resilience. There is still no developed theory and consistent empirical evidence demonstrating that empathy depends on resilience. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine if resilience can predict empathic behavior. Methodology: This study is non-experimental and ex post facto with a cross-sectional design. Variables. Dependent: Empathy; Independent: Resilience. Population: Medical students belonging to the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana (UNASA), Santa Ana, El Salvador (N=579). The sample (n=465) consisted of students (both sexes). Convenience sampling. Jefferson Scale of Empathy for Healthcare Professionals, student version (JSE-HPS). Trait Resilience Scale (EEA). A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) model was used. Additionally, the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) (>0.95), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) (>0.95), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) (<0.08), and Standardized Root Mean Square (SRMR) (<0.08), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were employed. The significance level employed was α < 0.05. Results: All these results show that both measurement models (empathy and resilience) are adequately represented and are suitable for the structural model. Discussion: Individual resilience is a variable that can predict empathic behavior in medical students belonging to a Faculty of Health Sciences. The results constitute indirect empirical evidence that it is possible to define empathy as a dependent variable and resilience as an independent variable.
Introducción: La empatía es un atributo complejo y multidimensional. Se han realizado intentos para explicar el comportamiento empático basado en otras variables. La evidencia empírica muestra que la empatía podría ser el producto de la influencia de varios factores. Uno de estos factores podría ser la resiliencia. Aún no existe una teoría desarrollada y evidencia empírica consistente que demuestre que la empatía depende de la resiliencia. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si la resiliencia puede predecir el comportamiento empático. Metodología: Este estudio es no experimental y ex post facto con un diseño transversal. Variables. Dependiente: Empatía; Independiente: Resiliencia. Población: Estudiantes de medicina pertenecientes a la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana (UNASA), Santa Ana, El Salvador (N=579). La muestra (n=465) consistió en estudiantes (ambos sexos). Muestreo por conveniencia. Escala de Empatía de Jefferson para Profesionales de la Salud, versión estudiantil (JSE-HPS). Escala de Resiliencia de Rasgo (EEA). Se utilizó un modelo de Modelado de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM). Además, se emplearon el Índice de Ajuste Comparativo (CFI) (>0.95), Índice de Tucker-Lewis (TLI) (>0.95), Error Cuadrático Medio de Aproximación (RMSEA) (<0.08) y Error Cuadrático Medio Estandarizado (SRMR) (<0.08), Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (CFA). El nivel de significancia empleado fue α < 0.05. Resultados: Estos resultados muestran que ambos modelos de medición (empatía y resiliencia) están adecuadamente representados y son adecuados para el modelo estructural. Discusión: Los resultados constituyen evidencia empírica indirecta de que es posible definir la empatía como una variable dependiente y la resiliencia como una variable independiente.
Resumen Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de la resiliencia y el maltrato percibido sobre indicadores de salud mental y satisfacción con la residencia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal con 147 médicos residentes, quienes respondieron el Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), la Escala de Resiliencia de 14 preguntas de Walgnid, así como preguntas relacionadas con la satisfacción con la residencia, la percepción del maltrato recibido y del deterioro de la salud mental. Se realizaron análisis de correlación y regresión logística binaria. El estudio fue avalado por un Comité de Ética en Investigación. Resultados: La resiliencia no se relacionó con ninguna de las variables de interés, por otro lado, los participantes de primero y segundo año que percibieron maltrato tienen una mayor probabilidad de presentar puntuaciones elevadas de estrés y percibir un mayor deterioro de la salud mental. En los estudiantes de segundo y tercer año, la percepción de maltrato predijo de manera negativa la satisfacción con la residencia. No hubo resultados significativos al analizar los resultados de los participantes de cuarto año. Conclusiones: Los resultados del estudio cuestionan el papel de la resiliencia como factor protector de la salud mental frente a circunstancia adversas experimentadas por los médicos residentes durante su formación, y enfatizan el impacto negativo de los malos tratos en los primeros años del proceso formativo de futuros médicos especialistas.
Abstract Objective: This study aims to analyze the influence of resilience and perceived mistreatment on mental health and the satisfaction with the residency Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study carried out with 147 medical residents who answered the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), the Walgnid 14-item Resilience Scale and questions related to satisfaction with the residency, perception of received mistreatment and deterioration in mental health. Correlation and logistic binary regression analyses were made. The study was endorsed by an Ethics in Research Committee. Results: Resilience did not correlate with any of the variables of interest, on the other hand, participants of first and second year who perceived mistreatment had a higher probability of showing high stress and to perceive a greater deterioration in mental health. In students of second and third year, perceived mistreatment negatively predicted the satisfaction with residency. There were no significant results when analyzing participants of fourth year. Conclusions: The results of this study question the role of resiliency as a protective factor for mental health in the face of adverse circumstances experienced by medical residents during their training and emphasize the negative impact of mistreatment in the formative process of future specialists.
Resumen Objetivo: determinar si las variables estilos de enfrentamiento, apoyo social y resiliencia predicen la presencia del trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) en pacientes adultos de una institución de salud pública. Materiales y métodos: Fue una muestra no probabilística intencional conformada por 100 adultos residentes del Estado de México. El 91% de los participantes son mujeres con una edad entre 18 y 60 años (M = 40, D.E.= 11.51). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo a través de las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión: posteriormente se realizó la prueba de normalidad de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, lo que indicó la pertinencia de la prueba Rho de Spearman para determinar la correlación entre las variables; y finalmente se utilizó una regresión lineal múltiple con el método por pasos. Resultados: El 53% de los participantes presentan TEPT. El análisis de regresión indica que la varianza total explicada es del 56%, siendo el análisis cognitivo-reflexivo el factor que explica en mayor medida el TEPT seguido del estilo evasivo, la validación y la reevaluación positiva. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos indican que algunos estilos de enfrentamiento fungen como factores protectores ante el TEPT mientras que otros, tienen una función desadaptativa, por lo que es relevante el diseño de estrategias para la prevención e intervención del trastorno.
Abstract Objective: The objective was to determine whether the variables confrontation, social support and resilience predict the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder in adult patients in a public health institution. Materials and methods: An intentional non-probabilistic sample was employed, consisting of 100 adults residents of the State of Mexico. 91% of the participants are women between 18 and 60 years old (M = 40, S.D. = 11.51). A descriptive analysis was carried out, using central tendency and dispersion measures: the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was subsequently performed, indicating the relevance of the Spearman Rho test to determine the correlation between the variables; finally, a stepwise multiple linear regression was used. Results: 53% of participants have PTSD. The regression analysis indicates that the total variance explained is 56%, being the reflexive cognitive analysis the factor that explains the most PTSD followed by evasive style, validation and positive reevaluation. Conclusions: The findings indicate that some styles of confrontation act as protective factors against PTSD, while others have a maladaptive function, so it is relevant to design strategies for the prevention and intervention of the disorder.
Objective. To determine the predictive role of resilience and hope on adherence to treatment in hemodialysis patients hospitalized in two hospitals affiliated to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (Shiraz, Iran). Methods. This is a descriptive-analytical study that was conducted in 2021-2022 on 120 patients treated in hemodialysis sections in Namazi and Shahid Faqihi teaching hospitals. Sampling was conducted using a stratified random method. Demographic information questionnaires, Connor and Davidson's resilience, Snyder's hope and adherence to kidney patients' treatment questionnaires were used to collect the data. Results. The finds showed that the levels of resilience, hope, and adherence to treatment had hight level. More specifically, it was indicated that the mean and standard deviation for the total resilience score, the hope variable, and adherence to total treatment was 75.45±14.34, 40.43±3.66, and 80.12±18.20, respectively; which have maximum possible scores of 100, 48 and 100. Thus, it can be said that no correlation was observed between resilience and adherence to treatment variables (p>0.05); hope variable and adherence to treatment (p>0.05), and adherence to treatment with hope and resilience variables (p>0.05). However, hope and resilience variables showed a direct and weak correlation with each other (r=0.36, p<0.05); that is, patients who had more hope indicated better resilience as well. Conclusion. Although in this study we found that the resilience and hope variables were not able to predict the treatment adherence, hope and resilience indicated a direct and weak correlation. It is recommended that nurses should pay more attention to hope and resilience of hemodialysis patients in order to promote their health.
Objetivo. Determinar el papel predictivo de la resiliencia y la esperanza en la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes en hemodiálisis internados en dos hospitales afiliados a la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Shiraz (Shiraz, Irán). Métodos. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-analítico que se realizó en 2021-2022 con la participación de 120 pacientes tratados en secciones de hemodiálisis en los hospitales docentes Namazi y Shahid Faqihi. El muestreo se realizó mediante un método aleatorio estratificado. Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron datos demográficos y las escalas de resiliencia de Connor y Davidson, de esperanza de Snyder y de adherencia al tratamiento de pacientes renales. Resultados. Los hallazgos mostraron que los niveles de resiliencia, esperanza y adherencia al tratamiento se encontraban en niveles altos. Más concretamente, se indicó que la media y la desviación estándar para la puntuación total de resiliencia, la variable esperanza y la adherencia al tratamiento total fueron 75.45±14.34, 40,43±3.66 y 80.12±18.20, respectivamente; las cuales tienen como puntajes máximos posibles 100, 48 y 100. No se observó correlación entre las variables: resiliencia y adherencia al tratamiento (p>0.05), esperanza y la adherencia al tratamiento (p>0.05), y adherencia al tratamiento y las variables esperanza y resiliencia (p>0.05). Sin embargo, las variables esperanza y resiliencia mostraron una correlación directa y débil entre sí (r=0.36, p<0.05); es decir, los pacientes que tenían más esperanza indicaron también mejor resiliencia. Conclusión. Aunque en este estudio encontramos que las variables resiliencia y esperanza no fueron capaces de predecir la adherencia al tratamiento, la esperanza y la resiliencia indicaron una correlación directa y débil. Se recomienda que el personal de enfermería preste más atención a la esperanza y la resiliencia de los pacientes en hemodiálisis para promover su salud.
Objetivo. Determinar o papel preditivo da resiliência e da esperança na adesão ao tratamento em pacientes em hemodiálise internados em dois hospitais afiliados à Universidade de Ciências Médicas de Shiraz (Shiraz, Irã). Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-analítico realizado em 2021-2022 com a participação de 120 pacientes atendidos nas seções de hemodiálise dos hospitais universitários Namazi e Shahid Faqihi. A amostragem foi realizada por método aleatório estratificado. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados dados demográficos e as escalas de resiliência de Connor e Davidson, escalas de esperança de Snyder e adesão ao tratamento de pacientes renais. Resultados As descobertas mostraram que os níveis de resiliência, esperança e adesão ao tratamento estavam em níveis elevados. Mais especificamente, foi indicado que a média e o desvio padrão do escore de resiliência total, da variável esperança e da adesão total ao tratamento foram 75.45±14.34, 40.43±3.66 e 80.12±18.20, respectivamente; que possuem as pontuações máximas possíveis de 100, 48 e 100. Não foi observada correlação entre as variáveis: resiliência e adesão ao tratamento (p>0.05), esperança e adesão ao tratamento (p>0.05), e adesão ao tratamento e esperança e variáveis de resiliência (p>0.05). Contudo, as variáveis esperança e resiliência apresentaram correlação direta e fraca entre si (r=0.36, p<0.05); Ou seja, os pacientes mais esperançosos também indicaram melhor resiliência. Conclusão. Embora neste estudo tenhamos constatado que as variáveis resiliência e esperança não foram capazes de predizer a adesão ao tratamento, a esperança e a resiliência indicaram uma correlação direta e fraca. Recomenda-se que a equipe de enfermagem preste mais atenção à esperança e à resiliência dos pacientes em hemodiálise para promover sua saúde.
Humans , Male , Female , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Resilience, Psychological , Hope , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Hemodialysis Units, HospitalABSTRACT
Religiosity has been recognized to play a vital role in physical and mental health all over the globe. Research shreds of evidence provided that religiosity has a positive relationship between psychological wellbeing (DeCaroli, 2014; Ellison et al., 2001) and resilience (DeCaroli, 2014) though some religious groups may induce rates of depression and mental illness (Koenig et al., 1994); females have a higher resilience (Sundar&Archana, 2020) and psychological wellbeing (Bolognini et al., 1996) compared to males as a person having higher levels of religiosity showed better health behavior by improving mental health outcomes (Wong et al., 2006). The study was framed to examine the religiosity correlation to psychological well-being and resilience and any signi?cant gender difference by using (i) the Duke University Religion Index (DUREL; Koenig et al., 1997), (ii) the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS: Diener et al., 1985), and (iii) the Resilience Scale (Wagnild& Young, 1993).200 school students comprising 100 boys and 100 girls, age range between 16 to 19 years of age were randomly selected and other socio-demographic variables were kept under controlled. The study evinced that higher religiosity scored on psychological well-being and resilience in female samples, a signi?cant positive relationship between religiosity, psychological well-being and resilience; and predicted religiosity psychological well-being and resilience among samples. The ?nding explains the important contribution of religiosity to mental health, and may also be taken as the need for religiosity teaching in the school for better psychological wellbeing and resilience for national mental health.
This study aimed to evaluate the behaviour of seeded propagules of Rhirophora racemosa (R. racemosa) on different substrates and under different salinity levels. Three substrates including sand, mud and a mixture of the two were tested together with tree salinity levels (low 5%, moderate 10% and high 25%). R. racemosa seedlings were more likely to emerge and grow under moderate and low salinity conditions. The propagules had significant early growth in mud compared to sand and mud-sand mixture. The combined effect of salt and substrate influenced significantly propagules performance in nursery (p<0.001). High propagules emergence and growth were observed in the combination mud and salt treatments as compared to sand and san-mud mixture substrates. These results provide valuable information for the management and restoration of mangroves, highlighting the optimal environmental conditions for the successful regeneration of this species.
Resumen Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, en un grupo de personas adultas mayores costarricenses. Materiales y métodos: Se contó con un grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69.38) y otro para el análisis de las propiedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69.31). Se utilizó la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, de 25 ítems. Se efectuó un análisis por juicio de personas expertas y un estudio piloto, para establecer la escala por validar; posterior a esto, se realizó el estudio de validación completo. Se aplicaron análisis factoriales y alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: El análisis factorial extrajo dos factores denominados: a) "capacidad de autoeficacia" y b) "capacidad de propósito y sentido de vida". La consistencia interna en el nivel global fue 0.84 (21 ítems); para el primer factor, 0.81, y para el segundo factor, 0.74. Conclusiones: El instrumento es confiable y válido para valorar los niveles de resiliencia desde una óptica integral e interdisciplinaria, en una población de personas adultas mayores con las características similares a las de la muestra estudiada. A futuro, se recomienda realizar análisis cualitativos para delimitar mejor los constructos, con base en las características de la población.
Abstract Purpose: To analyze the psychometric characteristics of the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale Argentine version in a Costa Rican elderly group. Materials and methods: The study had two groups, one for the pilot study (N = 40, X = 69.38), and another for the analysis of the psychometric properties (N = 100, X = 69.31). The 25-item Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale, Argentine version, was used. An analysis by expert judgment and a pilot study were carried out to establish the scale to be validated, after which, the complete validation study was carried out. Factor analyzes and Cronbach's alpha were applied. Results: They were obtained two factors named: a) "selfefficacy capacity", and b) "purpose in life capacity". The global internal consistency was 0.84, for the first factor was 0.81 and for the second factor was 0.74. Conclusions: The scale generated is reliable and valid to assess resilience in an elderly people with similar characteristics to the present study. In the future, it is recommended to carry out qualitative analyzes to better define the constructs based on the characteristics of the population.
Resumo Objetivo: Analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, em um grupo de pessoas idosas costarriquenhas. Materiais e métodos: Um grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69,38) e outro grupo para a análise das propriedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69,31) foram utilizados. A Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, com 25 itens, foi utilizada. Para estabelecer a escala a ser validada, foi realizada uma análise de julgamento por especialistas e um estudo piloto, após o qual foi realizado o estudo de validação completo. A análise fatorial e o alfa de Cronbach foram aplicados. Resultados: A análise fatorial extraiu dois fatores: a) "capacidade de autoeficácia" e b) "capacidade de propósito e significado na vida". A consistência interna ao nível global foi de 0,84 (21 itens); para o primeiro fator foi de 0,81 e para o segundo fator foi de 0,74. Conclusões: O instrumento é confiável e válido para avaliar níveis de resiliência a partir de uma perspectiva holística e interdisciplinar em uma população de idosos com características semelhantes às da amostra estudada. Recomendam-se futuras análises qualitativas para melhor delimitar as construções com base nas características da população.
Resumen La gratitud ha sido considerada como un factor protector de diferentes enfermedades mentales y proporciona a los individuos mayores sentimientos de connotación positiva hacia la vida, lo que favorece al bienestar de las personas, pero poco se ha explorado su relación con la satisfacción con la vida y la resiliencia. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar si existe relación entre la gratitud, la resiliencia y la satisfacción con la vida, y compararlas según el sexo e ingresos económicos en adultos colombianos. Para ello se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, no experimental, con alcance correlacional. Se aplicaron los cuestionarios Cuestionario de Gratitud (G-20), Escala de Resiliencia Connor-Davidson (CD-RISC 10) y Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS) en una muestra de 1099 participantes de nacionalidad colombiana, 123 hombres, 971 mujeres y 5 otros. Sus edades oscilaban entre los 19 y 67 años, y recibían en su mayoría mensualmente entre 400000COP y 900 000 COP (96.06USD-218.07USD). Los resultados mostraron altos niveles de gratitud, resiliencia y satisfacción con la vida, a nivel comparativo no se encontraron diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, los participantes con mayores ingresos económicos presentaron mayores niveles de gratitud y satisfacción con la vida en comparación de aquellos con menores ingresos, y finalmente se hallaron correlaciones fuertes y positivas entre la gratitud, resiliencia y satisfacción con la vida. En conclusión, puede contemplarse a la gratitud como un aspecto favorable para la salud, la calidad de vida y el mejoramiento de otras condiciones psicológicas.
Abstract Gratitude has been considered a protective factor against various mental illnesses, providing individuals with heightened positive feelings towards life, thereby promoting well-being. However, little exploration has been conducted on its relationship with life satisfaction and resilience. Therefore, the objective of this research was to identify whether there is a relationship between gratitude, resilience, and life satisfaction and to compare these factors based on gender and income among Colombian adults. A quantitative, non-experimental study with correlational scope was conducted. The Gratitude Questionnaire (G-20), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC 10), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were administered to a sample of 1099 Colombian partici-pants, including 123 men, 971 women, and 5 others. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 67 years, with the majority earning monthly incomes between 400,000 COP-900,000 COP (96.06 USD-218.07 USD). The results revealed high levels of gratitude, resilience, and life satisfaction. Comparatively, no differences were found between men and women. Participants with higher incomes exhibited greater levels of gratitude and life satisfaction compared to those with lower incomes. Furthermore, strong positive correlations were found between gratitude, resilience, and life satisfaction. In conclusion, gratitude can be considered a favorable aspect for health, quality of life, and the improvement of other psychological conditions