Background : Lipid Peroxidation (LPO) plays a major initiative factor of cataractogenesis in both age-related or senile cataract and Diabetic cataract. Recently, 8-isoprostaglandin F2? (8-iso-PGF2?) is a reliable biomarker of in-vivo LPO and used as potential indicator of oxidative stress. However, serum 8-iso-PGF2? concentration and its association with glycemic control (HbA1c) in the pathogenesis of diabetic cataract subjects are still unknown. Objectives : The present study was designed to estimate 8-iso-PGF2? and antioxidant enzymes levels in serum of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients with senile cataract compared to healthy individuals without cataract as control. To assess the magnitude of the association between 8-iso-PGF2? and glycemic status in diabetic cataract. Materials and Methods : 60 Diabetic Senile Cataracts (DSC) and 60 healthy individuals without cataract in the age group between 45-75 years of both genders. 8-iso-PGF2?, Superoxide Dismutase [Cu-Zn] (SOD3) and Catalase (CAT) concentration were estimated in serum by ELISA method. Results : The mean concentration of 8-iso-PGF2? was significantly increased (541.6±142.7 pg/ml, p<0.001) and mean concentration of SOD3 (102.1±32.8 ng/ml, p=0.007) and Catalase (1005±274.5 IU/ml, p<0.001) were significantly decreased in serum of diabetic senile cataract when compared to healthy individuals without cataract (control). A negative correlation between serum 8-iso-PGF2? and SOD3 and positive correlation between serum 8- iso-PGF2? and fasting blood glucose were observed in Diabetic Senile Cataracts. Conclusion : The present findings indicate that increased 8-iso-PGF2? is associated with oxidative stress which plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of cataract in diabetic patients
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados da facotrabeculectomia em seguimento igual ou superior a 5 anos. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, de intervenção e analítico realizado no centro cirúrgico da clínica de olhos de Juazeiro do Norte com pacientes operados no período de 2006 a 2013. Foram envolvidos na investigação 34 olhos de 29 pacientes com catarata senil e glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto submetidos à facotrabeculectomia. Foi criado um escore de risco de dano glaucomatoso variando de 0 a 5 ao avaliar pressão intraocular, escavação do disco óptico, número de drogas hipotensoras utilizadas para o tratamento do glaucoma e a idade do paciente em anos. A amostra foi de conveniência e pareada. Foi utilizado o teste de Wilcoxon pareado para a verificação de diferenças entre médias. Foi aceito p< 0,05 para a rejeição da hipótese de nulidade. O estudo foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética da plataforma Brasil e segue a resolução 466 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Resultados: A média da acuidade visual foi significantemente maior após o seguimento de 5 anos (média pré-operatória 0,42 +/- 0,23 ver-sus média pós-operatória 0,62 +/- 0,29 - p=0,0031). A média dos escores de risco para dano glaucomatoso após 5 anos de seguimento foi significativamente menor quando comparado ao pré-operatório (media pré-operatória: 9,47 +/- 1,61 versus média pós-operatória 6,55 +/- 2,21) p < 0,0001, considerado extremamente significante. Conclusão: A facotrabeculectomia foi significantemente efetiva na melhora da acuidade visual e na redução do risco de dano glau-comatoso após seguimento pós-operatório igual ou superior a 5 anos.
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the results of phacotrabeculectomy in a follow-up of five years or more. Methods: Retrospective, interventional and analytical study that was carried out in the surgical center of clínica de olhos do juazeiro with patients operated on from 2006 to 2013. 34 eyes of 29 patients with senile cataract and primary open-angle glaucoma, who underwent phacotrabeculectomy were involved in the investigation. A risk score for glaucomatous dam-age ranging from 0 to 5 when evaluating intraocular pressure, excavation of the optic disc, number of hypotensive drugs used to treat glaucoma and the patient's age in years. The sample was of convenience and paired. The paired Wilcoxon test was used to verify differences be-tween means. P <0.05 was accepted for the rejection of the null hypothesis. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Brazil platform and follows the principles of resolu-tion 466 of the National Health Council. Results: The mean visual acuity was significantly higher after a five-year follow-up (preoperative average 0.42 +/- 0.23 versus postoperative average 0.62 +/- 0.29 - p = 0.0031). The average risk score for glaucomatous damage after five years of follow-up was significantly lower when compared to the preoperative (preoperative mean: 9.47 +/- 1.61 versus postoperative mean 6.55 +/- 2, 21) p <0.0001, considered extremely significant. Conclusion: Phacotrabeculectomy was significantly effective in improving visual acuity and reducing the risk of glaucomatous damage after a five-year postoperative follow-up.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cataract/complications , Trabeculectomy/methods , Glaucoma, Open-Angle/surgery , Phacoemulsification/methods , Visual Acuity , Visual Fields , Glaucoma, Open-Angle/complications , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Combined Modality Therapy , Intraocular PressureABSTRACT
@#AIM: To compare pain level and inflammation between preoperative topical Diclofenac 0.1% and Nepafenac 0.1% in patients undergoing cataract surgery.<p>METHODS: This research was designed as prospective randomized clinical trial and conducted in June to August 2017 at Dr. Yap Eye Hospital. There were 56 subjects underwent phacoemulsification operation(single operator)and diagnosed as senile cataract and no adverse events were found. Subjects were divided into 2 groups according to preoperative eye drop medication, namely Diclofenac group and Nepafenac group. Participants and phaco-surgeon were blind regarding to the treatment. Inflammation parameters(at 1, 7 and 14d follow up)such as pain, conjunctiva hyperemic, blepharospasm, flare and cell in anterior chamber level as the primary outcome, whereas density and morphology of corneal endothelial cells as the secondary outcome.<p>RESULTS: There were no statistically difference in conjunctiva hyperemic and blepharospasm level between 2 groups at 1d(<i>P</i>=0.284, effect size=0.29, 95% <i>CI</i>=-0.09 to 0.31; <i>P</i>=0.254, effect size=0.31, 95% <i>CI</i>=-0.13 to 0.49, respectively)and 7d(<i>P</i>=1.000 and <i>P</i>=0.556, effect size=0.18, 95% <i>CI</i>=-0.08 to 0.16, respectively)postoperatively. The pain scores(during surgery, 1d and 14d postoperative)in Nepafenac group was statistically lower than Diclofenac group(<i>P</i>=0.006, effect size=0.77, 95% <i>CI</i>=0.24 to 1.34; <i>P</i>=0.045, effect size=0.39, 95% <i>CI</i>=-0.10 to 0.62; and <i>P</i>=0.014, effect size=0.69, 95%<i> CI</i>=-0.06 to 0.50, respectively). The degree of flare and cell in Nepafenac group was lower at the 1d after phacoemulsification(<i>P</i>=0.029, effect size=0.59, 95% <i>CI</i>=0.02 to 0.36). Reduction of corneal endothelial density between 2 groups were not statistically significant, however the reduction of hexagonal cell percentage at 7d after phacoemulsification was lower than Nepafenac group(<i>P</i>=0.042, effect size=-0.55, 95% <i>CI</i>=-2.33 to -0.03).<p>CONCLUSION: The pain and flare-cell levels in Nepafenac group was lower when compared with Diclofenac group.
Background: The aim was to estimate the Serum Malondialdehyde (MDA) in the various morphological types and clinical stages of Age Related (Senile) Cataract, a common cause of curable blindness, especially in India.Methods: This was a study of estimation of serum Malondialdehyde (MDA) in 100 patients of Age Related (Senile) cataract with 80 cases of Senile Cortical type (40 cases of Posterior subcapsular and 40 cases of Mature) and 20 cases of Senile Nuclear type (10 cases of early Grades of I and II and 10 cases of Advanced Grades of III and IV) and in 20 cases of normal controls in the age group of 45 to 70 years.Results: Serum MDA (nmol/ml) values of the Mean with SD were 3.34±0.93 (Range 2.02-4.65) in normal controls, 4.38±1.01 (Range 2.4 - 6.7) in senile cataract, 4.39±1.02 ((Range 2.4-6.7) in Senile Cortical Cataract with 3.82±0.73 (Range 2.4-5.1) in its Posterior Subcapsular stage and 4.96 ± 0.88 (Range 3.3-6.7) in its mature stage and 4.3±0.99 (Range 2.4-6.2) in Senile Nuclear cataract with 3.68±0.66 (Range 2.4-4.7) in its early Grades of I and II and 4.86±0.94 (Range 3.8-6.2) in its Advanced Grades of III and IV.Conclusions: The present study showed a significant increased concentration of Serum MDA in Senile cataract especially in the advanced later clinical stages or grades of maturity than in the earlier clinical stages or grades of immaturity of senile cortical or nuclear compared to normal controls. And there was no statistically significant difference between the morphological types of Age related (Senile) cataract i.e. Cortical Cataract compared to Nuclear Cataract.
Background: The present study was aimed to study alterations in serum levels of calcium and phosphorus levels in senile cataract patients.Methods: 25 senile cataract patients in age group of 50 to 80 years and 25 control group were included in the study. Serum Calcium and Phosphorus levels were determined by Orthocresolphthalein, Fiske SubbaRow method respectivelyResults: Significantly increased levels of serum calcium in cataract patients (11.58�65 mg/dl) were found as compared to controls (8.53�45mg/dl) (p<0.0001). Serum phosphorus concentration in cataract patients (5.28�46 mg/dl) were significantly increased when compared to controls (3.02�23mg/dl) (p<0.0001).Conclusions: Presence of G-protein receptors in lens leads to the release of intracellular calcium. As total calcium in the lens increases, we hypothesize that higher intercellular calcium concentrations, coupled with decreased Ca2+-ATPase activity and greater membrane permeability could lead to elevated free intracellular calcium levels causing cataract. So, abnormal elevation of serum calcium and phosphorus can be used as a marker for prevention of age-related human cataract.
AIM: To compare the difference in corneal endothelial cell density and morphology after phacoemulsification using Ringer lactate ( RL ) and balanced salt solution ( BSS) irrigating solutions.?METHODS: The prospective randomized controlled trial study was conducted between February 2017 and April 2017 in Dr. YAP Eye Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There were a total of 52 subjects ( 52 eyes ) who were senile cataract patients further grouped into two, 26 patients undergoing the phacoemulsification procedure using RL irrigating solution and the other 26 patients with BSS irrigating solution, both conducted by one operator. On the 1, 7, and 28d post operative, an evaluation was done to measure the density and corneal endothelial cell morphology, as well as the variable of inflammation in the two groups.? RESULTS: Fifty - two eyes had undergone phacoemulsification with posterior intraocular lens implantation. Both groups were evaluated for the endothelial cell reduction and corneal endothelial cell morphology change, along with post - operative inflammation. On the 28d post-operative, endothelial cell reduction in the BSS group ( 173. 96 cell/mm2 , 8. 12%) was lower than the RL group (253.20 cell/mm2, 10.25%), percentage of corneal endothelial cell variation coefficient increase in the BSS group ( 2. 92%, 8. 36%) was lower compared to the RL group (3. 42%, 9. 96%), decrease of hexagonal cells of corneal endothelium cells presentation percentage in the BSS group (4. 30%, 8. 17%) was lower compared to the RL group (4. 84%, 8. 97%), and the percentage increase of central corneal thickness in the BSS group (4. 69 μm, 0. 89%) was almost equal to the RL group (4. 53 μm, 0. 90%). All of the results regarding difference in density and corneal cell endothelium morphology between the two groups did not reveal any statistically significant difference (P>0. 05). Inflammatory variable in the two groups were even.? CONCLUSION: BSS and RL were equal in their capability of maintaining endothelial cell loss and endothelial cell morphologic change in senile cataract patients after phacoemulsification.
·AIM: To explore the effect of different incision phacoemulsification on corneal endothelial function and tear film function in senile cataract (SC) patients. ·METHODS: Totally 90 SC patients (90 eyes) admitted to our hospital were randomly divided into the 2. 2mm group ( n = 47, 47 eyes, 2. 2mm corneal micro - incision phacoemulsification) and the 3. 0mm group ( n= 43, 43 eyes, 3. 0 mm clear corneal micro - incision phacoemulsification). The indexes of corneal endothelial function and tear film function were compared between the two groups before and after operation. ·RESULTS: There was no statistical difference on the average phacoemulsification time (APT), mean effective phacoemulsification time( EPT ),average phacoemulsification energy ( AVE) and preoperative and postoperative intraocular pressure between the two groups (P>0. 05). There were statistical differences on the tear break-up time (BUT), basal tear secretion test (ST-Ⅱ), corneal sodium fluorescein staining (SCSF) score, corneal endothelial cell count, central corneal thickness and the variation coefficient of corneal endothelial cells between the two groups (P<0. 05). At 1wk and 1mo after operation, the BUT in the two groups was significantly lower than that before operation (P<0. 05) while the ST-Ⅱ was significantly higher than that before operation ( P< 0. 05), and the SCSF first increased and then decreased (P < 0. 05 ), and corneal endothelial cell count was significantly lower than that before operation (P<0. 05), and the central corneal thickness and the variation coefficient of corneal endothelial cells significantly increased (P<0. 05). The changed degrees of BUT, ST-Ⅱ, SCSF score, corneal endothelial cell count, central corneal thickness and corneal endothelial cell variation coefficient in the 2. 2mm group were less than those in the 3. 0mm group (P<0. 05). ·CONCLUSION: Phacoemulsification for SC patients can cause some damage in corneal endothelial function and tear film function, and 2. 2mm corneal micro-incision have less damage and faster early recovery.
Objective The clinical effect of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in the treatment of senile cataract.Methods120 cases of senile cataract patients in September 2014 ~2016 year in December in our hospital, were randomly divided into two groups: the observation group after phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation, the control group was treated with small incision non phacoemulsification extracapsular cataract extraction.In the comparison of two groups.ResultsAfter treatment, the observation group was 0.5~0.9 the proportion of 51.7%, visual acuity>1 the proportion of 6.7% were significantly higher than control group (P<0.05);the complication rate of observation group was 43.3% lower than the control group 61.7%, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).ConclusionPhacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation in senile cataract patients can effectively improve patients' visual acuity, control the occurrence of complications, and the prognosis is good.
·Cataract refers to the degenerative changes in lens quality caused by various causes of reduced transparency or color change. Surgical treatment is the main treatment modality at present. Among them, phacoemulsification has become the main surgical treatment for cataract because of its advantages such as short operation time, small incision and quicker healing. Today, cataract surgery has gradually shift to refractive surgery, and is no longer simply as cataract surgery. But after cataract phacoemulsification, the symptoms and visual quality are different. The main causes include refractive error, postoperative dry eyes and postoperative corneal astigmatism. This article reviews the factors that influence the visual quality of cataract phacoemulsification and its future trends.
Aim: The study was to analyze mean serum sodium and potassium levels in cataract patients and agematched individuals without cataract. Methods and Materials: It was a prospective case-control study. Individuals more than 50 years of age who attended our ophthalmic center in the year 2007-2010 were grouped into those having cataract and those without cataract. Mean serum sodium and potassium levels in the cataract groups were calculated and compared with the control group. Statistical software SPSS14 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Mean serum sodium levels in cataract group was 135.1 meqv/l and 133 meqv/l in the control group. Mean potassium was 3.96 meqv/l in the case study group and 3.97 meqv/l in controls. Mean sodium levels among cases were significantly higher than control group. No difference was seen in the PSC group and control. The difference in mean potassium among the two groups was statistically insignificant. Conclusion: Diets with high sodium contents are a risk factor for senile cataract formation and dietary modifications can possibly reduce the rate of progression cataract.
Abstract Introduction: During aging there is a close relationship between visual deficits, imbalance and falls, and eye surgery can be an efficient treatment option for elderly persons. Objective: Evaluate the influence of visual conditions on patients suffering from senile cataract with increasing imbalance. Method: A descriptive and analytical study using a quantitative longitudinal cohort technique was conducted. The study included 30 individuals who were evaluated before and 30 and 60 days after surgery. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), International Falls Efficacy Scale adapted for Brazil (FES-I) and a medical history questionnaire were used to collect data. Statistical analysis involved the Chi-squared, Student's t and Mann-Whitney tests. Values of p<0.05 were considered significant. Results: The SPPB found that of 15 elderly women, 13 (87%) achieved moderate performance of the lower limbs while the performance of two (13%) remained poor, after 60 postoperative days. The FES-I revealed that three (20%) elderly persons were mildly worried about falls 60 days post-surgery. Of the 15 elderly male subjects evaluated by BBS, before and at 30 and 60 days after surgery, one (7%), managed to maintain some balance but needed assistance; while 14 (93%) maintained good balance. The SPPB found that the performance of five elderly persons (33%) was moderate and that of nine (67%) was good. Conclusion: Senile cataract surgery had positive preventative effects on lower limb performance, balance and fear of falling among the elderly studied, preventing the falls and fractures that are common during aging.
Resumo Introdução: Com o envelhecimento, existe uma relação estreita entre deficit visuais, desequilíbrios e quedas, sendo a cirurgia ocular uma alternativa eficiente para idosos. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência das condições visuais em pacientes com catarata senil em relação aos desequilíbrios corporais. Método: Estudo descritivo e analítico realizado por meio de pesquisa quantitativa de coorte longitudinal. Participaram do estudo 30 idosos, 15 homens e 15 mulheres, os quais foram avaliados antes da cirurgia de catarata, 30 e 60 dias após a intervenção. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados, o Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM), a Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg (EEB), o Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), a Escala Internacional de Eficácia de Quedas adaptada ao Brasil (FES-I-Brasil) e questionário de anamnese. A análise estatística empregou o teste Qui-quadrado, teste t Student e teste Mann-Whitney. Foram considerados significantes valores de p<0,05. Resultados: Das 15 idosas, pelo SPPB, em 60 dias de pós-operatório, 13 (87%) conseguiram desempenho moderado e duas (13%) mantiveram baixo desempenho de membros inferiores (MMII). Pelo teste FES-I-Brasil, em 60 dias pós-cirúrgico, três (20%) idosas mantiveram leve preocupação com as quedas. Dos 15 idosos avaliados pela EEB, antes e após 30 e 60 dias de cirurgia, um (7%) conseguiu manter algum equilíbrio, mas necessitando assistência; e 14 (93%) idosos mantiveram bom equilíbrio. Pelo teste SPPB, após 60 dias de cirurgia, cinco idosos (33%) tiveram desempenho moderado e nove (67%) obtiveram bom resultado. Conclusão: A cirurgia de catarata senil possibilitou melhora no desempenho funcional de MMII, no equilíbrio e medo de quedas nos idosos investigados prevenindo caimentos e fraturas, comuns no envelhecimento.
Objective To explore the standard clinical pathway and stratified cost insurance in patients with senile cataract operation. Methods Patients treatment by senile cataract phacoemulsification combined with IOL implantation were selected as research subjects by cluster sample from two hospitals from 2013 to 2014 . Patients were divided into different groups according to the year, chronic diseases, preoperative waiting time. The difference of hospitalization expenses and hospitalization time were compared. Different levels of hospital costs were established by CHAID decision tree used hospitalization cost as target variable. Results The waiting time for operation was 2 days, the total hospitalized time was 5 days and these can be used as reference time in clinical pathway. Patients uninsured or with long waiting time for operation had longer hospitalized time. Chronic disease, terms of payment and waiting time before operation were point factors that effect the hierarchical of decision tree. Conclusion The new standard of clinical path need to adjust constantly. Distinguish different patients condition and pay different clinical path costs.
Cataract is the leading cause of low vision and blindness in the world. Most cataracts are related to aging because the life expectancy of population becomes increased in the world.However, the research ofthe types of cataracts has been studied in Mongolia, it is not investigating correlation between in the types of cataracts and the result of biochemistry, therefore it was the background of our research. To determine the correlation among the mongolians aged 50 and older for compare some biochemical results of blood and types of the senile cataract.Total 80 patients with cataract and aged over 50 were case-based selected for the study from November 2010 to November 2011 at the Department of Ophthalmology ofFirstCentral Hospital of Mongolia. There had been collected according to the questionnaire of risks, and records of biochemical examination. Eye examinations had been performed lenses evaluated with the biomicroscope and determined the lens opacities rightly to Lens Opacities Classification Systems-III (LOCS III, the international standard classification). And we used SPSS 16.0, The mean age of all participants was 70 (±9.36) years and 56.2% were female, 43.8% males. The study shows that cataract types: nuclear was 48.8%, cortical 10%, posterior subcapsular (PSC) 41.2%. The hypertriglyceridemia (≥2.26 mmol/L) was associated with PSC (p = 0.025). There was no statistically significant association between blood glucose and cholesterol level and senile cataract. Nuclear cataract was the most common type of senile cataracts in Mongolia. It was same that hypertriglyceridemia was related to PSC developing in comparison of some studies, which conducted in some nations.
Objective To study the effect of purslane decoction on oxidative stress products and soluble protein of senile cataract patients tears.Methods 120 cases of cataract patients (160 eyes) were selected, according to different drugs were randomly assigned to two groups.The control group were treated with Imidacloprid sinnock sodium drops eye drops, 1 drop each time, 4 times per day,the patients in the experimental group on the basis of the control group with Portulaca oleracea decoction 100 mL, for three consecutive months.SOD, MDA, soluble protein level and visual improvement were compared after the end of treatment.Results Compared with control group, the visual acuity of the experimental group was higher(P<0.05), MDA was lower, SOD was higher(P<0.05), soluble protein content was higher(P<0.05).Conclusion Portulaca oleracea decoction can apparently improve the cataract patients with tear of SOD, MDA, soluble protein level and improve visual acuity.
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal desde julio hasta diciembre de 2012 para caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a 155 pacientes mayores de 50 años con catarata senil, atendidos en Centro de Diagnóstico Integral "El Peñón", perteneciente al municipio de Cumana en el estado venezolano de Sucre. Entre los principales factores de riesgo encontrados en ese grupo, sobresalieron: predominio de las mujeres (51,0%) y de las edades por encima de 75 años (43,9%), contaminación ambiental por el humo en todos, hábito de fumar en 71,6%, exposición prolongada al sol en 63,2%, así como alto consumo de esteroides y diuréticos (14,8 y 11,0%, respectivamente).
A descriptive and cross sectional study was carried out from July to December, 2012 to characterize clinically and epidemically 155 patients older than 50 years with senile cataract, assisted in "El Peñón" Center for Comprehensive Diagnosis, belonging to Cumana municipality in the Venezuelan state of Sucre. Among the main risk factors in this group, there were: prevalence of women (51.0%) and of ages above 75 years (43.9%), environmental pollution due to smoke in all cases, smoking habit in 71.6%, prolonged exposure to the sun in 63.2%, as well as high consumption of steroids and diuretics (14.8 and 11.0%, respectively).
Cataract , Smoking , Steroids , Aged , DiureticsABSTRACT
Introducción: la catarata es la afección ocular más frecuente en todo el mundo, y representa 47,8 % de todas las causas de ceguera. Así, el progresivo envejecimiento de la población ha aumentado su prevalencia, y actualmente el único tratamiento eficaz y reparador es el quirúrgico. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes operados de catarata por la técnica de Blumenthal. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal y retrospectivo en los 149 afectados de catarata, que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente durante el primer semestre del 2013 en el Centro Oftalmológico del Estado Apure, en Venezuela. Resultados: en la serie predominaron el grupo etario de 60-69 años (41,6 %) y el sexo masculino (61,7 %); igualmente, se observó una primacía de la catarata senil (67,1 %), así como de la retinopatía diabética (26,1 %) y la miopía (22,9 %) como antecedentes patológicos oculares, y de la hipertensión arterial (44,2 %) y la diabetes mellitus como enfermedades sistémicas. La ruptura de la cápsula posterior (51,8 %) y su opacidad (45,6 %) constituyeron las complicaciones preponderantes, mientras que la agudeza visual más frecuente antes de la intervención fue de 0,1-0,3 (55,0 %) y posterior al procedimiento resultó de 0,8-1,0 y de 0,4-0,7 (54,0 y 30,0 %, respectivamente). Conclusiones: se apreció una concordancia entre lo obtenido en esta investigación y lo notificado en la bibliografía nacional e internacional en cuanto a las variables clinicoepidemiológicas descritas.
Introduction: cataract is the most frequent ocular disorder in the whole world, and it represents 47.8% of all the causes of blindness. Thus, the progressive aging of the population has increased its prevalence, and at present the only effective and repairing treatment is the surgical one. Objective: to characterize the operated patients through the Blumenthal technique. Methods: a longitudinal and retrospective descriptive study was carried out in the 149 patients affected with cataract who were surgically treated during the first semester of 2013 in the Ophthalmological Center of Apure State, Venezuela. Results: the group 60-69 years (41.6%) and the male sex (61.7%) prevailed in the series; likewise, a primacy of the senile cataract was observed (67.1%), as well as of diabetic retinopathy (26.1%) and myopia (22.9%) as ocular pathological history, and of hypertension (44.2%) and diabetes mellitus as systemic diseases. The rupture of the posterior capsule (51.8%) and its opacity (45.6%) constituted the predominant complications, while the most frequent visual acuity before the surgery was of 0.1-0.3 (55.0%) and after the procedure it was 0.8-1.0 and 0.4-0.7 (54.0 and 30.0%, respectively). Conclusions: a concordance was observed between what was obtained in this investigation and what was notified in the national and international as for the clinical and epidemiological variables described.
Cataract , Cataract Extraction , Diabetic RetinopathyABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperiemental, de intervención terapéutica, en 95 pacientes operados de catarata mediante la técnica de Blumenthal e implante del lente intraocular en el Hospital "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde abril de 2012 hasta marzo de 2013, a fin de caracterizarles según variables de interés para la investigación (edad, sexo, convivencia y agudeza visual antes y después de la cirugía), así como estimar la magnitud de la modificación de la calidad de vida según aspectos psicosociales y físicos. En la casuística predominaron las féminas de 60-69 años y las personas que viven acompañadas. Luego de la cirugía se logró una recuperación visual satisfactoria y, de hecho, una mejor la calidad de vida.
A quasi-experimental study, of therapeutic intervention was carried out in 95 operated patients for cataract by means of the Blumenthal technique and implant of intraocular lens in "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from April, 2012 to March, 2013, in order to characterize them according to variables of interest for the investigation (age, sex, coexistence and visual acuity before and after the surgery), as well as to estimate the magnitude of the life quality modification according to psychosocial and physical aspects. Females from 60-69 year and people who live accompanied by others prevailed in the case material. After the surgery a satisfactory visual recovery was achieved and, in fact, a better life quality.
Background: This study aims to assess the quality of life and the time trade off-utility value of the first eye cataract surgery and the second eye cataract surgery in Lombok Island-Indonesia. Methods: This was an epidemiologic survey study on community of cataract surgery. Evaluations of quality of life (QoL) and time trade-off (TTO) were performed using questionnaire prior and three weeks after cataract surgeries who had either first (group A) or second eye cataract surgery (group B). Personal data was noted especially on self-care, mobility, socially, and mentally status. Data was analyzed by chi-square test for categorical data and unpaired t-test or Mann-Whitney test for numeric data. Results: A total of 77 subjects was included in this study, there were 50 subjects in group A and 27 subjects in group B. Elements of QoL were improved after surgeries including self care, mobility, social, and mental status in both groups (p < 0.001). The modified TTO was accepted in 35 subjects in group A and 22 subjects in group B. Quality of life was improved in 46 patients in group A, there was further improvement in 22 patients in group B. The degree of patient’s expectation was good in 87% of all subjects. Conclusion: Second- eye cataract surgery showed further improvement in QoL despite better outcome of the first- eye cataract surgery. The outcome of cataract surgery conducted was relevant to the patient’s expectation.
Cataract , Cataract Extraction , Quality of LifeABSTRACT
Objetivo: determinar los resultados de la aplicación de la técnica quirúrgica de Blumenthal en el tratamiento de la catarata senil. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo en el Centro Oftalmológico Machala-Cuba, en Ecuador, durante el año 2010. El universo estuvo constituido por 800 ojos con diagnóstico de catarata senil. Se seleccionó una muestra de 200 ojos mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. En la recogida de los datos se expusieron todas las variables de interés de la investigación como edad y sexo, agudeza visual preoperatoria y posoperatoria, técnica anestésica empleada, percepción del dolor y complicaciones transoperatorias más frecuentes. Los datos fueron procesados y analizados mediante técnicas estadísticas descriptivas y porcentuales. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino y el grupo de edad de 80 años o más. El mayor porcentaje de los pacientes refirió percepción leve del dolor con el uso de la anestesia epibulbar. Se observaron pocas complicaciones y una buena agudeza visual posquirúrgica. Conclusiones: la aplicación de la técnica de Blumenthal tiene buenos resultados en los pacientes operados de catarata senil
Objective: to determine the results in the application of Blumenthal surgical technique in treating senile cataract.Methods: a prospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was performed in Machala-Cuba Ophthalmologic Center in Ecuador in 2010. The universe of study was 800 eyes diagnosed with senile cataract and, finally a sample of 200 eyes was selected by means of simple random analysis. The data collection covered all the variants of interest in the study such as age, sex, preoperative and postoperative visual acuity, anesthetic technique, pain perception, and the most frequent trans-operative complications. Data were then processed and analyzed through summary and percentage statistics.Results: females and 80 year-old patients and older predominated. A high number of patients mentioned feeling little pain when using epibulbar anesthesia for the surgery. Few complications and better visual acuity in the post-operative period were observed.Conclusions: the use of Blumenthal surgical technique has positive visual results in patients operated on from senile cataract