Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato sobre sepsis quirúrgica. Material y método: La presente investigación tiene un diseño de desarrollo observacional, de tipo descriptivo, cohorte transversal, con un enfoque cuantitativo, ya que el nivel de cono-cimiento se verá representado mediante tablas y gráficos para des-cribir la problemática del periodo octubre 2023 febrero 2024. Re-sultados: Se evidencia un alto porcentaje de respuestas incorrectas por cada ítem por parte de los estudiantes. La categoría Nivel de Conocimiento sobre Definición de Sepsis, fue respondida de ma-nera incorrecta con un porcentaje del 83,9%, la categoría Nivel de Conocimiento sobre Diagnóstico de Sepsis obtuvo 51,7% y, por úl-timo, la Nivel de Conocimiento sobre Tratamiento de Sepsis con el 29,2%. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre Sepsis Quirúrgica es malo, debido a que existe una subesti-mación de la gravedad de la sepsis como afección potencialmente mortal, lo que puede traer un impacto negativo en los pacientes[AU]
Objective: Determine the level of knowledge of nursing students at the Technical University of Ambato about surgical sepsis. Mate-rials and methods: This research has an observational, descriptive, transversal development design, with a quantitative approach since the level of knowledge will be represented through tables and gra-phs to describe the problems of the period October 2023-February 2024. Results: A high percentage of incorrect answers for each item by the students is evident. The category Level of Knowledge about Definition of Sepsis was answered incorrectly with a percentage of 83.9%, the category Level of Knowledge about Diagnosis of Sepsis obtained 51.7% and, finally, the category Level of Knowledge about Treatment of Sepsis. Sepsis with 29.2%. Conclusions: The level of knowledge of students about Surgical Sepsis is poor because there is an underestimation of the severity of sepsis as a potentially fatal condition, which can have a negative impact on patients[AU]
Objetivo: Determinar o nível de conhecimento dos estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Técnica de Ambato sobre sepse ci-rúrgica. Material e método: Esta pesquisa possui desenho de coor-te observacional, descritivo, transversal, com abordagem quantita-tiva, uma vez que o nível de conhecimento será representado por meio de tabelas e gráficos para descrever o problema no período de outubro de 2023 a fevereiro de 2024. Resultados: Uma parada. É evidente o percentual de respostas incorretas para cada item por parte dos alunos. A categoria Nível de Conhecimento sobre Defi-nição de Sepse foi respondida incorretamente com percentual de 83,9%, a categoria Nível de Conhecimento sobre Diagnóstico de Sepse obteve 51,7% e por fim, a categoria Nível de Conhecimen-to sobre Tratamento de Sepse com 29,2%. Conclusões: O nível de conhecimento dos estudantes sobre a Sepse Cirúrgica é baixo, pois há uma subestimação da gravidade da sepse como uma condição potencialmente fatal, que pode ter um impacto negativo nos pa-cientes[AU]
Humans , Male , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Sepsis/complications , Sepsis/diagnosis , EcuadorABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose To assess the incidence of the most common intra- and early postoperative complications following RIRS in a large series of patients with kidney stones. Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with kidney stones who underwent RIRS across 21 centers from January 2018 to August 2021, as part of the Global Multicenter Flexible Ureteroscopy Outcome (FLEXOR) Registry. Results Among 6669 patients undergoing RIRS, 4.5% experienced intraoperative pelvicalyceal system bleeding without necessitating blood transfusion. Only 0.1% of patients, required a blood transfusion. The second most frequent intraoperative complication was ureteric injury due to the ureteral access sheath requiring stenting (1.8% of patients). Postoperatively, the most prevalent early complications were fever/infections requiring antibiotics (6.3%), blood transfusions (5.5%), and sepsis necessitating intensive care unit admission (1.3%). In cases of ureteric injury, a notably higher percentage of patients exhibited multiple stones and stone(s) in the lower pole, and these cases were correlated with prolonged lasing and overall surgical time. Hematuria requiring a blood transfusion was associated with an increased prevalence of larger median maximum stone diameters, particularly among patients with stones exceeding 20 mm. Furthermore, these cases exhibited a significant prolongation in surgical time. Sepsis necessitating admission to the intensive care unit was more prevalent among the elderly, concomitant with a significantly larger median maximum stone diameter. Conclusions Our analysis showed that RIRS has a good safety profile but bleeding requiring transfusions, ureteric injury, fever, and sepsis are still the most common complications despite advancements in technology.
Abstract Objective: Studies focusing on bone and joint infections (BJIs) in young infants are rare. Some cases of BJI are accompanied by sepsis. This study aimed to identify the clinical and bacteriological features of sepsis in neonates and young infants with BJIs. Methods: Neonates and infants younger than 3 months diagnosed with BJI in the present institution from 2014 to 2021 were retrospectively reviewed. Patient characteristics, clinical data, and outcomes were documented and compared between those with and without sepsis. Results: Twenty-five patients with a mean age of 34.8 days were included. Nine BJI cases had concomitant sepsis (group A), and 16 had BJI without sepsis (group B). Within group A, staphylococcus aureus was the major pathogenic germ (5 cases, of which 4 were of the methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) type). There was no statistical difference in male-to-female ratio, age, history of hospitalization, anemia, birth asphyxia, peripheral leukocyte counts, C-reactive protein on admission, and sequelae between groups. Univariate analyses indicated a significant difference in the incidence of septic arthritis (SA) combined with osteomyelitis (OM) (88.9% vs 37.5%), congenital deformities (44.4% vs 0%), and mean duration of symptoms (2.83 days vs 9.21 days) in comparisons between groups A and B. Conclusion: Staphylococcus aureus is the main pathogenic bacteria in BJI cases complicated with sepsis in neonates and young infants. Among infants younger than 3 months diagnosed with BJI, those with concurrent SA and OM, MRSA infection, or congenital deformities are more likely to develop sepsis.
Hola (provisto por Infomedic International)
hello (provided by Infomedic International)
La sepsis es un problema global de salud y la progresión hacia el shock séptico se asocia con un incremento marcado de la morbimortalidad. En este escenario, el aumento del lactato plasmático demostró ser un indicador de gravedad y un predictor de mortalidad, y suele interpretarse casi exclusivamente como marcador de baja perfusión tisular. Sin embargo, últimamente se produjo un cambio de paradigma en la exégesis del metabolismo y propiedades biológicas del lactato. En efecto, la adaptación metabólica al estrés, aun con adecuado aporte de oxígeno, puede justificar la elevación del lactato circulante. Asimismo, otras consecuencias fisiopatológicas de la sepsis, como la disfunción mitocondrial, se asocian con el desarrollo de hiperlactatemia sin que necesariamente se acompañen de baja perfusión tisular. Interpretar el origen y la función del lactato puede resultar de suma utilidad clínica en la sepsis, especialmente cuando sus niveles circulantes fundamentan las medidas de reanimación.
Sepsis is a global health problem; progression to septic shock is associated with a marked increase in morbidity and mortality. In this setting, increased plasma lactate levels demonstrated to be an indicator of severity and a predictor of mortality, and are usually interpreted almost exclusively as a marker of low tissue perfusion. However, a recent paradigm shift has occurred in the exegesis of lactate metabolism and its biological properties. Indeed, metabolic adaptation to stress, even with an adequate oxygen supply, may account for high circulating lactate levels. Likewise, other pathophysiological consequences of sepsis, such as mitochondrial dysfunction, are associated with the development of hyperlactatemia, which is not necessarily accompanied by low tissue perfusion. Interpreting the origin and function of lactate may be of great clinical utility in sepsis, especially when circulating lactate levels are the basis for resuscitative measures.
Humans , Shock, Septic , Sepsis/diagnosis , Hyperlactatemia/complications , Hyperlactatemia/etiology , Lactic Acid/metabolismABSTRACT
El dengue es una enfermedad viral transmitida por la picadura del mosquito Aedes aegypti. El comportamiento del dengue en Argentina es epidémico; la mayoría de los casos se observan en los meses de mayor temperatura. Hasta la semana epidemiológica (SE) 20/2023, se registraron en Argentina 106 672 casos; se vieron afectadas 18 de las 24 provincias que conforman el país. Dentro de los principales grupos de riesgo, se incluyen los menores de 2 años. Reconocer los signos, síntomas e identificar los factores de riesgo es fundamental para el manejo de casos con mayor riesgo de gravedad. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 32 días de vida que se internó por síndrome febril sin foco, con diagnósticos diferenciales de meningitis viral y sepsis, evolucionó con leucocitosis, plaquetopenia, hipoalbuminemia, asociado a exantema y edemas. Se llegó al diagnóstico de dengue por la clínica, epidemiologia e IgM positiva.
Dengue fever is a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In Argentina, dengue fever is an epidemic disease; most cases are reported during the hot months.Until epidemiological week (EW) 20/2023, 106 672 cases were reported across 18 of the 24 provinces of Argentina. Children younger than 2 years are among the main groups at risk. Recognizing signs and symptoms and identifying risk factors is fundamental for the management of cases at a higher risk of severity. Here we describe the case of a 32-day-old female patient who was hospitalized due to febrile syndrome without a source, who had a differential diagnosis of viral meningitis and sepsis and progressed to leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia in association with rash and edema. The diagnosis of dengue fever was established based on clinical, epidemiological, and positive IgM data.
Humans , Animals , Female , Infant , Aedes , Dengue/complications , Dengue/diagnosis , Dengue/epidemiology , Argentina , Risk Factors , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a potentially fatal reaction to various forms of tissue damage and infections that cause damage to various organs. Furthermore, the brain is damaged earlier than other organs, resulting in diffuse brain dysfunction. The central clinical symptom of SIRS is delirium and emotional changes are involved in disease development. Although the amygdala is known to play a major role, the mechanisms underlying emotional changes in the early stages of SIRS have not been elucidated. Therefore, changes to dopamine levels in the amygdala were observed using an in vivo model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- induced SIRS to clarify the biochemical mechanisms activated in the early stages of SIRS. Extracellular dopamine was collected from the amygdala of free moving rats via microdialysis and then analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. In addition, emotional changes were assessed with the open field and sucrose preference tests. In the LPS group, dopamine release in the amygdala increased remarkably immediately after LPS administration, peaking at 120 min. Thereafter, dopamine release temporarily decreased, but then significantly increased again after 180 min. The present results suggest that diffuse brain dysfunction in the early stages of SIRS may involve altered dopamine levels in the amygdala.
El síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (SRIS) es una reacción potencialmente fatal a diversas formas de daño tisular e infecciones que causan injuria a varios órganos. Además, el cerebro se daña antes que otros órganos, lo que provoca una disfunción cerebral difusa. El síntoma clínico central del SIRS es el delirio y los cambios emocionales están involucrados en el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Aunque se sabe que la amígdala desempeña un papel importante, no se han dilucidado los mecanismos que subyacen a los cambios emocionales en las primeras etapas del SRIS. Por lo tanto, en el estudio se provocaron cambios en los niveles de dopamina en la amígdala utilizando un modelo in vivo de SRIS inducido por lipopolisacáridos (LPS) para dilucidar los mecanismos bioquímicos activados en las primeras etapas del SRIS. La dopamina extracelular se recogió de la amígdala de ratas en movimiento libre mediante microdiálisis y luego se analizó mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. Además, se evaluaron los cambios emocionales con las pruebas de campo abierto y de preferencia de sacarosa. En el grupo de LPS, la liberación de dopamina en la amígdala aumentó de manera notable inmediatamente después de la administración de LPS, alcanzando un máximo a los 120 minutos. A partir de entonces, la liberación de dopamina disminuyó temporalmente, pero luego volvió a aumentar significativamente después de 180 min. Los resultadosactuales sugieren que la disfunción cerebral difusa en las primeras etapas del SIRS puede implicar niveles alterados de dopamina en la amígdala.
Animals , Male , Rats , Dopamine , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome , Amygdala , Lipopolysaccharides/toxicity , Cytokines , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/chemically inducedABSTRACT
Abstract The imbalance between pro-inflammatory M1 and anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of sepsis-induced acute lung injury (ALI). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) may modulate macrophage polarization toward the M2 phenotype by altering mitochondrial activity. This study aimed to investigate the role of the PGC-1α agonist pioglitazone (PGZ) in modulating sepsis-induced ALI. A mouse model of sepsis-induced ALI was established using cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). An in vitro model was created by stimulating MH-S cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). qRT-PCR was used to measure mRNA levels of M1 markers iNOS and MHC-II and M2 markers Arg1 and CD206 to evaluate macrophage polarization. Western blotting detected expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) PGC-1α, and mitochondrial biogenesis proteins NRF1, NRF2, and mtTFA. To assess mitochondrial content and function, reactive oxygen species levels were detected by dihydroethidium staining, and mitochondrial DNA copy number was measured by qRT-PCR. In the CLP-induced ALI mouse model, lung tissues exhibited reduced PGC-1α expression. PGZ treatment rescued PGC-1α expression and alleviated lung injury, as evidenced by decreased lung wet-to-dry weight ratio, pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β, interleukin-6), and enhanced M2 macrophage polarization. Mechanistic investigations revealed that PGZ activated the PPARγ/PGC-1α/mitochondrial protection pathway to prevent sepsis-induced ALI by inhibiting M1 macrophage polarization. These results may provide new insights and evidence for developing PGZ as a potential ALI therapy.
Presentación del caso. Se trata de un masculino de 49 años, con historia de un trauma abdominal cerrado con un objeto contuso sin alteraciones hemodinámicas. La ecografía focalizada de traumatismos resultó positiva a líquido libre en la cavidad abdominal en tres ventanas. Intervención terapéutica. Fue sometido a múltiples laparotomías exploratorias con lavados de cavidad abdominal posterior a presentar un cuadro de abdomen séptico Björk 4, quien después de 38 días de estancia intrahospitalaria presentó una fístula enteroatmosférica que causaba un déficit nutricional. En una intervención quirúrgica se realizó el cierre de la fístula enteroatmosférica, con el hallazgo de tejido óseo trabecular en cavidad abdominal, correspondiente a osificación heterotópica intraabdominal de formación reciente. Evolución clínica. Luego de la anastomosis del intestino delgado presentó signos de obstrucción intestinal, a causa de esto, se realizó una nueva laparotomía exploratoria, en la que se encontró tejido óseo adherido al mesenterio del intestino delgado que generó una obstrucción completa, se extirpó el material óseo y se logra restablecer el flujo intestinal liberando la obstrucción en el intestino delgado
Case presentation. A 49-year-old male, with a history of blunt abdominal trauma with a blunt object without hemodynamic alterations. The focused trauma ultrasound was positive for free fluid in the abdominal cavity in three windows. Treatment.The patient underwent multiple exploratory laparotomies with peritoneal lavage after presenting a septic abdomen (Björk 4), who after 38 days of intrahospital stay presented an enteroatmospheric fistula that caused a large nutritional deficit. In a surgical intervention, the enteroatmospheric fistula was closed, with the finding of trabecular bone tissue in the abdominal cavity, corresponding to intra-abdominal heterotopic ossification of recent formation. Outcome. After the small intestine anastomosis, he presented signs of intestinal obstruction, because of this, a new exploratory laparotomy was performed, in which bone tissue was found adhered to the mesentery of the small intestine that generated a complete obstruction. The bone material was removed and the intestinal flow was reestablished, freeing the obstruction in the small intestine
Humans , El SalvadorABSTRACT
ObjectiveMolecular docking and animal experiments were employed to explore the protective effect and mechanism of Da Chengqitang (DCQD) on intestinal barrier in septic mice. MethodText mining method was used to screen the active ingredients in DCQD. AutoDock Tools and Discovery Studio were used to study the interactions of active components with the core target proteins [claudin-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, endogenous antimicrobial peptide mCRAMP, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), and myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88)] in sepsis. Fifty C57BL/6 mice were randomized into sham, model, low- and high-dose (4 g∙kg-1 and 8 g∙kg-1) DCQD, and ulinastatin groups (n=10). Before, during, and after the day of modeling surgery, each group was administrated with corresponding drugs. The mice in other groups except the model group were subjected to modeling by cecal ligation and puncture. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used measure the serum level of D-lactic acid to assess intestinal mucosa permeability. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was employed to observe the histopathological changes in the ileum and assess the intestinal mucosal damage and inflammatory infiltration. Western blotting was employed to determine the expression levels of tight junction proteins claudin-1 and occludin in the ileal tissue, which were indicative of the bowel barrier function. The TNF-α and IL-6 levels were measured by ELISA to assess the intestinal inflammation. The expression of mCRAMP in the ileal tissue was observed by immunohistochemistry. The mRNA levels of mCRAMP, TLR4, and MyD88 in mouse ileal tissue were determined by Real-time polymerase chain reaction, on the basis of which the mechanism of DCQD in protecting the intestinal barrier of septic mice was explored. ResultMolecular docking results showed that most of the 10 active ingredients of DCQD that were screened out by text mining could bind to sepsis targets by van der Waals force, hydrogen bonding, and other conjugated systems. The results of animal experiments showed that compared with the model group, low- or high-dose DCQD lowered the D-lactic acid level in the serum (P<0.01), alleviated damage to the ileal tissue and mucosal edema, protected the small intestine villus integrity, reduced inflammatory cell infiltration, promoted the expression of claudin-1 (P<0.01), lowered the IL-6 level (P<0.01), up-regulated the mRNA and protein levels of mCRAMP (P<0.01), and down-regulated the mRNA and protein levels of TLR4 and MyD88 (P<0.01) in the ileal tissue. In addition, high-dose DCQD lowered the TNF-α level and promoted the expression of occludin in the ileum tissue (P<0.01), and low-dose DCQD up-regulated the protein level of occludin in the ileum tissue (P<0.05). ConclusionDCQD has a protective effect on intestinal barrier in septic mice. It can reduce intestinal inflammation, repair intestinal mucosal damage, improve the tight junction protein level, and reduce intestinal mucosal permeability by up-regulating the mRNA and protein levels of mCRAMP and the down-regulating the expression of genes in the TLR4/MyD88 pathway.