Aim: A cross-sectional prevalence study was conducted from 2015 to 2018 in Meghalaya state (India) to determine prevalence of bovine brucellosis by serological tests such as Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), Indirect ELISA (iELISA) and Milk Ring Test (MRT). Materials and Methods: Serum samples were collected from 3193 cattle aged 1 year to 12 years and screened for Brucella antibodies using Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and Indirect ELISA (iELISA). The samples were collected from both male and female cattle reared in organized farms and smaller private holdings. Individual milk samples (n=896) from representative dairy cattle were screened for brucellosis using the Milk Ring Test (MRT). Results: The iELISA revealed a serum positivity rate of 9.89% while the RBPT detected a positive rate of 9.33%. The prevalence rate was higher in females (12.32%) compared to males (2.21%). Cattle aged 1-4 showed higher susceptibility (11.66%) than other age groups. Higher prevalence were detected from organized farms maintaining high number of animals (13.09%) compared to smaller private holdings (9.02%). Cattle with a history of abortion and related clinical symptoms also had a higher and significant association with sero-positivity. The MRT indicated a high positivity of 17.29% among sampled dairy cattle. Conclusion: Brucellosis is prevalent in the hilly state of Meghalaya, India. This study insight into the prevalence of bovine brucellosis in the state highlighting potential risk factors for transmission to human. The high prevalence of brucellosis highlights the urgent need for enhanced surveillance and control measures in Meghalaya such as implementing targeted vaccination programs of all eligible female calves and intense information education campaign (IEC) to all the farmers and general public which could significantly reduce the disease's impact.
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a global health challenge, affecting millions of people worldwide. Globally, HBV prevalence is 3.2% and in Nigeria, the rate is 8.1%. Aim: To determine the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen and how certain demographics affect the distribution of the infection. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 392 individuals in three LGA in Rivers State who gave their consents to participate in the project, their samples were taken and aseptically worked on using HBsAg rapid diagnostic kit and then statistically analyzed using SPSS version 28, which gave the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis test. Result: The result based on demographics shows that in the age group analysis, those aged 40-50 have a higher prevalence (8.2%), while females have a lower rate (2.5%) than males (7.1%). No significant differences appear in marital status, education, or age groups. However, the test on occupation reveals a significant difference (P=0.001), with teachers having the lowest prevalence (2.2%) and applicants the highest (15.8%). The significant difference in HBsAg prevalence between males and females (P=0.028) was seen. Conclusion: Having completed this study it has been revealed that only gender and occupation have an impact in HBsAg sero-prevalence, and targeted interventions may be needed, particularly focusing on occupations and sex with higher prevalence rates.
RESUMEN Introducción: la toxoplasmosis es una parasitosis que causa infecciones graves en inmunocomprometidos y recién nacidos. El estado serológico de la madre influye en la posibilidad de transmisión al feto si la infección es contraída durante el embarazo. Es necesario conocer la prevalencia de esta afección en gestantes como primer paso para realizar acciones tendientes a conocer la carga real de la enfermedad y disminuir esta patología. Objetivo: Determinar la seroprevalencia IgG e IgM de toxoplasmosis de gestantes y recién nacidos periodo de enero 2017 a enero 2021. Metodología: se incluyeron las gestantes en su periodo periparto inmediato y recién nacidos hasta la semana de vida extrauterina. Se midió IgG e IgM en sangre periférica por método ECLIA. El tamaño muestral calculado fue de 800 por grupo, para el periodo de estudio. Muestreo no probabilístico de casos consecutivos. Resultados: fueron incluidos 2524 recién nacidos y 2029 gestantes. Las prevalencias de IgG fueron de 97,5 % y 97 % para gestantes y recién nacidos respectivamente, y la IgM: 4,7% y 1,9 % para mujeres y recién nacidos respectivamente. Las tendencias de las seroprevalencias se mantuvieron constantes para IgG para ambos grupos, mientras que la IgM presentó una leve tendencia al aumento. Conclusiones: la seroprevalencia de IgG fue cercana al 100 % en ambas poblaciones, probablemente debido a la transferencia transplacentaria de IgG, sin embargo, se nota un porcentaje pequeño de IgM, probable marcador de infección aguda.
ABSTRACT Introduction: toxoplasmosis is a parasitosis that causes serious infections in immunocompromised patients and newborns. The serological status of the mother influences the possibility of transmission to the fetus if the infection is contracted during pregnancy. It is necessary to know the prevalence of this condition in pregnant women as a first step to carry out actions aimed at knowing the real burden of the disease and reducing this pathology. Objective: determine the IgG and IgM seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and newborns from January 2017 to January 2021. Methodology: pregnant women in their immediate peripartum period and newborns up to one week of extrauterine life were included. IgG and IgM were measured in peripheral blood by the ECLIA method. The calculated sample size was 800 per group, for the study period. Results: 2524 newborns and 2029 pregnant women were included. The prevalence of IgG was 97.5 % and 97 % for pregnant women and newborns, respectively, and IgM: 4.7 % and 1.9% for women and newborns, respectively. The seroprevalence trends remained constant for IgG for both groups, while IgM showed a slight increasing trend. Conclusions: IgG seroprevalence was close to 100% in both populations, probably due to the transplacental transfer of IgG, however, a small percentage of IgM was noted, a probable marker of acute infection.
Background: Serological tests in asymptomatic donors provide may be a source of information on estimate of population- based infection. Serological tests using immunoglobulin G (IgG) can be a useful tool in assessing the disease’s spread if they are carried out serially in a regular manner. We analyzed the pattern in seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) IgG in frequent intervals in an unvaccinated population. Aims and Objectives: This study aimed to study the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic blood donors in the period just before vaccine enrollment in Kerala and assess risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 positivity. Materials and Methods: The study was a cross- sectional study in which SARS-CoV-2 IgG positivity was estimated in blood donors attending Government Medical College, Trivandrum from February 1, 2021, to March 31, 2021. The participants responded to a questionnaire also about their demographic characteristics and risk factors. Data were analyzed in SPSS version 17. Results: The overall seroprevalence of COVID-19 anti-IgG antibody in blood donors was 26.4% (191/724). Periodic prevalence was 21.7% in the first half of February, 25.9% in the second half of February, 47.6% in the first half of March, and 25% in 2nd half of March 2021. Non-O group donors carried a higher risk for COVID seropositivity. Conclusion: The seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 was higher among the blood donors compared to the general population who were asymptomatic but it reflected the pattern in the general population. No specific risk factor among donor characteristics was identified which can predict seropositivity.
Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) have several important similarities including worldwide distribution, hepatotropism, similar modes of transmission, and the ability to induce chronic infections that may lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Coinfection with both HBV and HCV is linked with higher morbidity as well as mortality and impacts health-care resource utilization. Objectives: This study aims to understand the occurrence of HBV, HCV, and its coinfection in a rural tertiary care hospital. Methods: The study was done from March 2022 to August 2022 in the Department of Microbiology of a rural tertiary care hospital. Patients who visited outdoor patient departments or were admitted to indoor patient departments were advised to undergo HBV and HCV tests for screening before any invasive/surgical procedure was included in the study. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and rapid immunochromatographic test were performed for HCV antibody and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Results: A total of 10,765 samples were tested for HBV and HCV. Out of them 483 (4.48%) samples were positive for HCV antibody. HBsAg was positive in 195 (1.81%) samples. Coinfection of both hepatitis B and C was found in 10 (0.09%) cases. HCV antibody was detected in 257 (53.21%) males and HBsAg was detected in 127 (65.13%) male samples. Conclusions: Strict adherence to universal precautions and proper disposal of used material should be implemented to decrease the risk of transmission of HBV and HCV. Immunization with HBV vaccine is recommended. Regular surveillance and precise estimate of the occurrence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HBV/HCV co-infection would be needed to formulate policy decisions and plan communal health interventions.
Background: Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii and is progressively increasing in pregnancy mainly with age and if left undiagnosed and untreated, can result into several adverse pregnancy outcomes. In Uganda, there is a paucity of information about toxoplasmosis in pregnancy. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence and factors associated with toxoplasmosis among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic at a Tertiary hospital in Uganda.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out from July 2022 to October 2022. 165 pregnant women were consecutively enrolled. Data gathered for analysis were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Blood samples were taken and test of Toxoplasma gondii specific IgG and IGM was done using EUROIMMUN ELISA test kits as instructed by manufacturer. Data was analyzed using STATA version 14.2. A bivariate and multivariate analysis were used to show the association between the dependent and independent variables considering p?0.05 at 95% confidence interval.Results: The overall seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy was 16.4%. Age >35 years old (aOR: 8.36; 95% CI: 1.809-38.71; p=0.007), having contact with cats (aOR: 3.55; 95% CI: 1.258-10.01; p=0.017), drinking untreated water (aOR=4.08; 95% CI:1.237-13.46; p=0.021) and HIV status (aOR=8.91; 95% CI: 1.419-56.03; p=0.020) were independently associated with toxoplasmosis infection.Conclusions: The overall seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy was low as compared to the global seroprevalence. There is a need to educate pregnant women about the transmission routes and preventive measures of toxoplasmosis at antenatal care.
Objective: we evaluated the seroprevalence and levels of anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies among medical students and the possible associated factors. Methods: a survey was conducted using the data collected in November 2020 and February 2022 in Fortaleza, Northeast Brazil. A questionnaire was administered, and blood and nasopharyngeal swab samples were collected. The Abbott test was used for the assessment of humoral response to the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins. The total antibodies were detected using a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test (Wodfo). Swab samples were subjected to qualitative detection of viral RNA. Chi-square test and multinomial logistic regression analysis were performed using SPSS and GraphPad Prism. Results: the seroprevalence rate in 2020 was 6.22% (40/643), and no difference in prevalence was observed between the semesters (p=0.520). The seroconversion rate was 51.1%. The seropositivity rates were 48.9% for N antibodies and 100% for S antibodies. The antibody response to N protein was higher in 2022 (p<0.001). Loss of smell was the most prevalent positive symptom (p=0.032). The adherence rate to protection measures was >75%. Most students reported a decrease in family income (63.7%), an increase in anxiety (82.6%), and a negative impact on their mental health (85.7%) regardless of the seroconversion status. The worst indicators of mental health quality were observed in students who attended classes up to the eighth semester (p<0.001). Conclusion: students showed lower immune response than the general population, with excellent adherence to the preventive and control measures. Medical schools played an important role in the formation but not transmission.
Objetivo: avaliamos a soroprevalência e os níveis de anticorpos anti-síndrome respiratória aguda grave coronavírus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) entre estudantes de medicina e os possíveis fatores associados. Métodos: foi realizada uma pesquisa com dados coletados em novembro de 2020 e fevereiro de 2022 em Fortaleza, Nordeste do Brasil. Um questionário foi aplicado e amostras de sangue e swab nasofaríngeo foram coletadas. O teste de Abbott foi utilizado para avaliação da resposta humoral às proteínas spike (S) e nucleocapsídeo (N) do SARS-CoV-2. Os anticorpos totais foram detectados usando um teste de anticorpos SARS-CoV-2 (Wodfo). Amostras de swab foram submetidas à detecção qualitativa de RNA viral. O teste qui-quadrado e a análise de regressão logística multinomial foram realizados utilizando SPSS e GraphPad Prism. Resultados: a taxa de soroprevalência em 2020 foi de 6,22% (40/643), e não foi observada diferença de prevalência entre os semestres (p=0,520). A taxa de soroconversão foi de 51,1%. As taxas de soropositividade foram de 48,9% para anticorpos N e 100% para anticorpos S. A resposta de anticorpos à proteína N foi maior em 2022 (p<0,001). A perda do olfato foi o sintoma positivo mais prevalente (p=0,032). A taxa de adesão às medidas de proteção foi >75%. A maioria dos estudantes relatou diminuição da renda familiar (63,7%), aumento da ansiedade (82,6%) e impacto negativo na saúde mental (85,7%), independentemente do estado de soroconversão. Os piores indicadores de qualidade em saúde mental foram observados nos alunos que frequentavam aulas até o oitavo semestre (p<0,001). Conclusão: os estudantes apresentaram resposta imunológica menor que a da população em geral, com excelente adesão às medidas preventivas e de controle. As escolas médicas desempenharam um papel importante na formação, mas não na transmissão.
Humans , COVID-19 , Students, Medical , RNA, ViralABSTRACT
@#Objective: A study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection among children and their mothers on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands two decades after routine vaccination was introduced in the 1990s. Mothers’ knowledge and attitudes towards HBV disease and vaccination were also assessed. Methods: Results of a national seroprevalence survey conducted in 2016–2017 and antenatal records were used to determine the prevalence of HBV seropositivity in children aged 6–8 years and their biological mothers. The associations between demographic, social and vaccination-related factors and seropositivity were explored using Fisher’s exact tests. Results: HBV seroprevalence was 0.3% in children and 6.8% in their mothers (during pregnancy). Coverage of timely HBV vaccination was 90.3% for the birth dose and was significantly associated with factors related to place of residence (P < 0.001), place of birth (P < 0.001) and number of antenatal visits (P < 0.001). Maternal attitudes towards infant vaccination and antenatal screening were largely positive (95.8% and 96.7%, respectively) despite low vaccination rates (20.9%) among mothers. Knowledge levels were low for disease complications, treatment and transmission. Discussion: Prevalence of HBV in children and mothers residing on Kwajalein Atoll in 2016–2017 was lower than the national average for the Marshall Islands. Timely birth dose administration appears to have been effective in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HBV in this setting and should be promoted in remote settings where antiviral therapy is not available. Provision of out-of-cold-chain HBV vaccines should be considered to improve access in remote settings.
Objective To investigate the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infections among patients with hematological diseases, so as to provide insights into improving the prognosis and quality of life among patients with hematological diseases. Methods A total of 240 patients with hematological diseases (including 170 patients with hematological tumors and 70 patients with non-tumor hematological diseases) admitted to The Affiliated Hospital of Putian University during the period from January 1, 2021 through October 10, 2023 and 500 healthy volunteers in the hospital during the same period were enrolled. Subjects’ demographics and serum samples were collected, and serum specific IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii were detected using the chemiluminescence assay, with any of a positive IgG or IgM antibody defined as a positive T. gondii infection. The seroprevalence of specific IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii was compared between patients with hematological diseases and healthy volunteers. Results The mean age (F = 2.034, P > 0.05) and gender distribution (χ2 = 0.462, P > 0.05) were comparable among patients with hematological tumors, patients with non-tumor hematological diseases and healthy volunteers, and there was no significant difference in the proportion of history of cat or dog contacts between patients with hematological diseases and healthy volunteers (χ2 = 0, P > 0.05). The seroprevalence of anti-T. gondii antibody was significantly higher among patients with hematological diseases than among healthy volunteers (15.8% vs. 0.6%; χ2 = 71.902, P < 0.01), and there was a significant difference in the seroprevalence of anti-T. gondii antibody among patients with hematological tumors (18.2%), patients with non-tumor hematological diseases (10.0%) and healthy volunteers (χ2 = 78.327, P < 0.01). The seroprevalence of anti-T. gondii antibody was significantly higher among patients with hematological tumors and non-tumor hematological diseases than among healthy volunteers (both P values < 0.05), while no significant difference was seen in the seroprevalence of anti-T. gondii antibody between patients with hematological tumors and non-tumor hematological diseases (P > 0.05). In addition, the proportion of history of cat or dog contacts was significantly higher among patients with hematological diseases that were positive for serum anti-T. gondii anti-body than among those negative for serum anti-T. gondii antibody (21.1% vs. 5.4%; χ2 = 8.653, P < 0.05). Conclusions There is a high seroprevalene rate of T. gondii infections among hematological diseases, which is significantly greater than that among healthy volunteers.
Background: In Madagascar, no study has reported the impact of COVID-19 on people living with HIV (PLHIV). The present work aimed to analyze the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Malagasy PLHIV before and during the three waves of COVID-19 pandemic. This is a retrospective study. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective serological survey in PLHIV followed up for HIV viral load (VL) monitoring at the Centre d'Infectiologie Charles Mérieux Madagascar (CICM) between June 2019 and April 2022. The presence of IgM and/or IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein was detected using a rapid diagnostic test (COVID-PRESTO®). Results: A seroprevalence of 2.5% was found in the 877 patients tested before March 2020, compared to 25.4% (512/2,011) between March 2020 and April 2022. This seroprevalence was 21.7%, 22.3% and 60.1% after the first, second and third waves of COVID-19, respectively. We observed a marginally significant difference (p = 0.043) inSARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence between patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) (27.5%) and those who were not (23.7%). No statistically significant difference was observed between PLHIV with undetectable HIV VL (27.4%) and the different detectable VL categories (p>0.05). Conclusions: Our data show the presence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 among PLHIV as early as December 2019 in Madagascar. At least 25.4% (512/2,011) of Malagasy PLHIV have been in contact with SARS-CoV-2 since March 2020. There is no significant relation between HIV-1 VL and SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence. Additional studies with more robust assays in the general population are needed for a detailed knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 impact in Madagascar.
Humans , Male , Female , HIV Infections , Surveys and Questionnaires , COVID-19ABSTRACT
Abstract Background While the sexual transmissibility of HAV in MSM has been extensively described, the potential for sexual transmission of HEV has not been definitively established. Although HEV has been detected in the ejaculate of chronically infected men, studies among MSM PrEP users in France did not observe an elevated anti-HEV seroprevalence as an indicator of increased exposure risk by sexual intercourse. Patients and methods A total of 111 unselected PrEP users and 111 age- and sex-matched blood donors were tested for anti-HEV IgG, IgM and HEV (PCR). Of the participants 79/111 (71 %) responded to a questionnaire covering topics as sexual preferences, previous sexually transmitted diseases, profession, food consumption, and pet ownership. Results The anti-HEV IgG seroprevalence in PrEP users (22 %) did not differ significantly from the rate in controls (17 %). While one PrEP user and three controls tested positive for anti-HEV IgM, all PrEP users and controls tested PCR negative. Conclusion In immunocompetent individuals with frequent changes of sexual partners, the epidemiology of Hepatitis E Virus does not significantly involve the sexual transmission route.
Abstract The serological markers for the diagnosis of COVID-19 plays an important role in the epidemiological investigation of the pandemic. This study aims to assess the prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 in hepatitis B and C patients in a pre-vaccination of COVID-19 period. Between March 2020 and January 2021, 199 serum samples from individuals with HBsAg/HBV DNA or anti-HCV/HCV RNA positivity were tested for antibodies (IgM and IgG) against SARS-CoV-2 using Electrochemiluminescent Immunoassay (ECLIA). Among these, 50.3 % (100/199) tested positive for hepatitis C virus infection and 49.7 % (99/199) for hepatitis B virus, confirmed through molecular and serological diagnosis. The anti-SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence was 24.1 % (48/199) in this population, with 23.23 % (23/99) hepatitis B and 25 % (25/100) hepatitis C patients tested positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2. The higher seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 (16.58 %, 33/199) was detected among those over-40 years of age and the month of November 2020 had the highest number of detections 9 % (18/199) with the majority living in impoverished and neglected neighborhoods in the city of Rio de Janeiro. We found a high prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 in patients with viral hepatitis before COVID-19 vaccination. This demonstrates the high exposure of this population during the period of social isolation.
Abstract Neospora caninum is a major cause of reproductive loss in cattle worldwide as it leads to abortion and animal repositioning. Although Toxoplasma gondii does not cause a reproductive problem in cattle, consuming raw or uncooked beef poses the risk of transmission. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii antibodies in dairy cattle in the West and Northwest regions of São Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 653 serum samples from dairy cows were analyzed using an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Epidemiological data from the farms were associated with the serological results of the animals by logistic regression based on the presence of antibodies. The frequencies of the antibodies against N. caninum and T. gondii were 41.6% (272/653) and 11.5% (75/653), respectively. A statistically significant association was observed between: the serum anti-N. caninum antibodies and breed, history of food supplementation for calves, introduction of outside animals that later presented reproductive problems, and history of reproductive problems by the trimester of gestation. The present study highlights the importance of neosporosis in dairy cattle in the study regions and that the inclusion of this parasite in the investigation of animals with reproductive disorders is important.
Resumo Neospora caninum é uma das principais causas de perda reprodutiva em bovinos em todo o mundo, pois leva ao aborto e ao reposicionamento animal. Embora o Toxoplasma gondii não cause problemas reprodutivos em bovinos, o consumo de carne bovina crua ou não cozida apresenta risco de transmissão. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-N. caninum e anti-T. gondii em bovinos leiteiros nas regiões Oeste e Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Um total de 653 amostras de soro de bovinos leiteiros, foi analisado utilizando-se o ensaio de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI). Os dados epidemiológicos das propriedades foram associados aos resultados sorológicos dos animais por meio de regressão logística. As frequências dos anticorpos contra N. caninum e T. gondii foram 41,6% (272/653) e 11,5% (75/653), respectivamente. Foi observada associação estatisticamente significativa entre: soropositividade para N. caninum e raça, histórico de suplementação alimentar para bezerros, introdução de animais externos que, posteriormente, apresentaram problemas reprodutivos e histórico de problemas reprodutivos no segundo trimestre de gestação. O presente estudo destaca a importância da neosporose em bovinos leiteiros, nas regiões de estudo, e a inclusão deste parasita na investigação de animais com distúrbios reprodutivos é fundamental.
Background: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an enteric RNA virus causing hepatitis E infection worldwide. The increase in transfusion-transmitted cases of HEV infections from asymptomatic blood donors causing serious illnesses among immunosuppressed recipients has been reported in the past few years. To protect the patient from transfusion-acquired HEV infection, blood components are analysed by HEV screening before they are provided to at-risk patients and all blood recipients. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of past and active HEV infections in donors based on presence of IgG and IgM HEV antibodies. The study was conducted on 250 voluntary blood donorsMaterial and methods: donating in blood bank in Guru Nanak Dev Hospital, attached to Government Medical College, Amritsar. Serum samples were tested for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies for Hepatitis E by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. Out of total 250 subjectsResults: in the study population, 75 samples were seropositive with antibodies, out of which 74 donors were sero-positive with IgG anitibodies, and 4 donors were seropositive with IgM antibodies. Thus showing HEV seroprevalence of 29.6% of IgG and 1.6% of IgM in voluntary blood donors in our study. The high rate of asymptomatic HEV infections and higher than expected HEV seroprevalence in voluntary blood donors inConclusion: our study raised the concern of presence of active viraemia which may be the source of infection in recipients.To prevent HEV transmission by blood transfusion, There is a need for further data on HEV viraemia in blood donors with HEV RNA levels and genotype testing.
El virus herpes simple (VHS) pertenece a la subfamilia alfa virus, miembro de la familia Herpes viridae. Existen dos tipos de VHS íntimamente relacionados, el VHS tipo 1 (VHS1) y el VHS tipo 2 (VHS2), que causan enfermedades de diversa gravedad. El VHS1 se transmite principalmente por contacto de boca a boca y el VHS2 se transmite por vía sexual; ambos pueden causar herpes genital. La carga de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial derivada de patógenos de transmisión sexual compromete la vida, así como la salud sexual y reproductiva, y la salud del recién nacido. Objetivos: Determinar la seroprevalencia IgG e IgM por VHS1 y VHS2 de los recién nacidos y madres en el periodo de enero 2017 a julio 2021 en un hospital de tercer nivel. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo de corte transversal de enero 2017 a julio 2021. Se midió anticuerpos IgG e IgM en recién nacidos y gestantes de ultimo trimestre, utilizando el método de ELISA. Resultados: De un total de 4712 serologías IgG e IgM de madres y RN analizados la seroprevalencia de IgG en gestantes fue cercana al 100% con valor similar en los RN (87%), la seroprevalencia de IgM en las madres fue 0,23% y de los RN 0,36% con tendencia ascendente. Conclusión: la seroprevalencia de IgG para VHS es elevada, en cambio la seroprevalencia de IgM en gestantes y recién nacidos en el periodo de estudio es significativamente baja.
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) belongs to the alpha virus subfamily, a member of the family Herpes viridae. There are two closely related types of HSV, HSV type 1 and HSV-2, which cause diseases of varying severity. HSV-1 is transmitted mainly by mouth-to-mouth contact and HSV-2 is transmitted sexually, both of which can cause genital herpes. The global burden of morbidity and mortality from sexually transmitted pathogens compromises life, as well as sexual and reproductive health, and the health of the newborn. Objective: To determine the IgG and IgM seroprevalence for HSV 1 - 2 of newborns and mothers in the period from January 2017 to July 2021 in a third level hospital. Materials and Methods: Observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study of January 2017 to July 2021. IgG and IgM antibodies were measured in newborns and pregnant women in the last trimester, using the ELISA method. Results: Of a total of 4712 IgG and IgM serologies of mothers and newborns analyzed the seroprevalence of IgG in pregnant women was close to 100% with similar value in newborns (87%), IgM seroprevalence in mothers was 0.23% and the RN 0.36% with an upward trend. Conclusion: The IgG seroprevalence for HSV is high, while the IgM seroprevalence in pregnant women and newborns during the study period is significantly low.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La seroprevalencia del SARS-CoV-2 en las enfermedades inflamatorias inmunomediadas (IMID) sigue siendo fuente de controversia. OBJETIVO: Comparar la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos (Ac) anti SARS-CoV-2 en pacientes con IMID en tratamientos con fármacos antirreumáticos modificadores de la enfermedad biológicos (FAMEb) o sintéticos dirigidos (FAMEsd) frente a un grupo de personas sin IMID. MÉTODOS: Estudio de pacientes con IMID y tratamientos con FAMEb y FAMEsd y de individuos sin IMID. Mediante la técnica de inmunoensayo por quimioluminiscencia indirecta, se determinaron las serologías IgG frente al SARS-CoV-2 entre octubre/2020 y mayo/2021. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 1.100 sujetos, 550 pacientes con IMID y 550 personas sin IMID. Se observó una seroprevalencia de 16% (88/550) en los pacientes frente a 19,3% (106/550) en el grupo de personas sin IMID, sin significación estadística (OR 0,790 [IC 95% 0,558-1,118]). Comparando los tratamientos con FAMEb o FAMEsd, se observó una tendencia a una menor seroprevalencia con rituximab, en relación con los individuos sin IMID (OR 0,296 [IC 95% 0,0871,007]). Asimismo, se encontró menor seroprevalencia en los pacientes que además de su FAMEb recibían tratamiento con metotrexato, en comparación con el grupo de personas sin IMID (OR 0,432 [IC 95% 0,223-0,835]). CONCLUSIONES: Las IMID en tratamiento con FAMEb o FAMEsd no influyen en la seroprevalencia frente al SARS-CoV-2 de los pacientes. El tratamiento concomitante con metotrexato disminuye de forma significativa la seroprevalencia en estos pacientes.
BACKGROUND: The seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in immunemediated inflammatory diseases (IMID) remains controversial. AIM: To compare the seroprevalence of antibodies (Ab) to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with IMID receiving treatment with biological diseasemodifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARD) or targeted synthetic (tsDMARD) versus a group of people without IMID. METHODS: Study of patients with IMID and treatments with bDMARD and tsDMARD and individuals without IMID. IgG serology against SARS-CoV-2 was measured using the two-step sandwich immunoassay technique by indirect chemiluminescence between October 2020 and May 2021. RESULTS: A total of 1100 subjects were studied, 550 patients with IMID and 550 persons without IMID. A seroprevalence of 16% (88/550) was observed in patients versus 19.3% (106/550) in the group of people without IMID, without statistical significance (OR 0.790 [95% CI 0.558-1.118]). Comparing the treatments with bD- MARD or tsDMARD, there was a tendency to lower seroprevalence with rituximab, in relation to individuals without IMID (OR 0.296 [95% CI 0.087-1.007]). In addition, lower seroprevalence was found in patients who received methotrexate treatment in addition to their bDMARD, compared to the group of individuals without IMID (OR 0.432 [95% CI 0.223-0.835]). CONCLUSIONS: IMIDs in treatment with bDMARDs or tsDMARDs do not influence the seroprevalence against SARS-CoV-2 in patients. Concomitant treatment with methotrexate significantly decreased seroprevalence in these patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Immune System Diseases/immunology , Immune System Diseases/drug therapy , Immune System Diseases/epidemiology , Biological Therapy , Immunoglobulin G/immunology , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Antirheumatic Agents/therapeutic use , Biosimilar Pharmaceuticals , COVID-19/immunologyABSTRACT
Background: SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped, single stranded RNA beta corona virus that belongs to the family Coronaviridae. The S and N proteins are the principal immunogens used for the detection of anti – SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies.2 The first subunit (S1) mediates the attachment of the virus to human cells via its receptor - binding domain (RBD), and the second one (S2) mediates membrane fusion for viral entry. Antibodies that bind to the S protein can neutralize corona viruses. Methods: It was a community based analytical cross-sectional study done in rural areas of Eluru district, A.P. State. From each village 30 members were selected by using systematic random sampling. A sample of 120 was included. Blood samples from the selected individuals were taken Humoral responses (Ig G) were assessed using an ICMR approved Micro well ELISA test for the semi-quantitative detection of COVID 19 (SARS-CoV-2) neutralizing antibodies in Human serum samples. Results: In the present study 46 (28.3%) had higher education, 15 (12.5 %) belong to farmers, 84 (70%) of them belong to Hindus, 94 (78.3%) of them belong to nuclear family. History of COVID 19 (p=0.02), period from recent dose of covid vaccination (p=0.04) were found to be statistically significant. Conclusions: High seroprevalence in this study suggests that COVID-19 vaccination remains the best method to control the COVID-19 pandemic. It is necessary to encourage the public to take vaccination.
Background: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV), both enteric hepatitis viruses, are transmitted through the feco-oral route. These infections can range from asymptomatic or subclinical cases to acute viral hepatitis, occasionally leading to mortality. To gain an understanding of the disease and develop effective management strategies, comprehending the disease burden is essential. This study aimed to provide insights into the prevalence of enteric transmitted hepatitis viruses among individuals with acute hepatitis in the Delhi region. Methods: A retrospective investigation was conducted at a prominent tertiary care super specialty hospital in Delhi, spanning from February 2019 to December 2022. Serum samples from patients suspected of having hepatitis and sent for HAV and HEV testing were included. The samples underwent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect HAV and HEV immunoglobulin (Ig)M antibodies. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS software version 21, employing Chi-square and Fischer exact tests where applicable. Results: Throughout the study period, a total of 1275 samples were incorporated. Viral etiology was evident in 197 patients (15.45%). Among these, IgM HAV was identified in 142 patients (11.13%), and IgM HEV was present in 55 patients (4.31%). HAV infection was notably more prevalent in the pediatric age group (20.89% or 89/426; p<0.001), while HEV was significantly more common among adolescents and adults (5.77% or 49/849; p<0.001). Conclusions: Regular surveillance of enteric transmitted viruses causing hepatitis should encompass both hospital and community levels to accurately gauge disease burden and evolving epidemiology.
Background:Blood transfusion has become a specialized modality of patient management and every year saves millions of lives. However, it is not always safe and may lead to many life threatening complications amongst which Transfusion Transmitted Infections (TTIs) like HIV, HBV and HCV are most significant and detrimental for the recipients. So, an integrated strategy for blood safety is required for elimination of TTIs and or provision of safe and adequate blood transfusion services to the people. Aim: To assess the sero-prevalence of HBV and HCV infections amongst whole blood donors at tertiary care research Institute.Material and Methods : It is a hospital based study carried over a period of 7 years from Jan 2015 to Dec 2021. All donor samples were screened for HBV and HCV by ELISA method.Results : Seroprevalence of HBV and HCV was found to be 0.26 % (202/76188) and 0.24 % (185/76188) respectively. Sero-prevalence was higher for HBV as compared to HCV. Conclusion: It is important to continue screening of donated blood with highly sensitive and specific tests and to counsel donors who are reactive to any of the above infections and conduct extensive public awareness programmes to make transfusion of blood and blood components safe.
Background: Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) caused by Treponema pallidum with significant public health importance. Based on the clinical presentation syphilis is classified into primary, secondary, tertiary and latent syphilis. Lab diagnosis of syphilis can be done by serological methods using specific treponemal and non- treponemal tests. Testing strategies like traditional, reverse and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) are currently used as principal diagnostic algorithms. Aim and Objectives: To compare the seropositivity among three diagnostic algorithms for syphilis serodiagnosis and data analysis using WHO NET software. Material and Methods: All the samples received for syphilis serology were tested by Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) and rapid immunochromatographic card methods. Three diagnostic algorithms were used. In traditional algorithm, the sample was first tested with RPR (non-treponemal test) and if reactive then interpreted as a case of syphilis. In reverse algorithm, a specific treponemal card test was done and if reactive a second non treponemal test like RPR was performed. A second rapid immunochromatographic test was also performed. In the case of the ECDC algorithm two specific card tests were performed and interpreted. WHO NET software was utilized for data entry and analysis. The coefficient of agreement (k value) was analyzed by using QuickCalcs GraphPad software. Results: A total of 1292 samples were tested, and 4 (0.3%) samples were reactive by traditional algorithm. By reverse and ECDC algorithm 14 (1.08%) of the samples were considered as reactive. Overall, four samples were identified as cases of definite/current syphilis and ten samples were considered as cases of probable early current / latent or treated syphilis. Reverse algorithm and ECDC algorithm detected more cases. The missed diagnosis percentage was 10 (71.42%) for traditional algorithm. Antenatal patients comprised of 334 (25.85%) samples with seropositivity of 0.29%. Maximum samples were received from the age group of 21 to 30 years 484 (37.46%). Strong degree of agreement was observed between reverse and ECDC algorithm (k value- 0.832). Conclusion: Reverse or ECDC algorithm can be implemented in the laboratory routinely to avoid missing cases of early syphilis. The specific treponemal card tests available in immunochromatography formats are easy to perform and interpret. The usage of WHO NET for analysis of data and along with including specific comments individualized for each patient in the lab reports could give valuable insight.