Objetivo: O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o Programa Nacional de Controle do Tabagismo (PNCT) em Mato Grosso do Sul, taxas de cobertura, abandono, cessação, uso de medicamentos, rede de serviços de saúde e as razões pelas quais algumas Equipes de Saúde da Família de Campo Grande ainda não aderiram ao programa. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, baseada em dados primários e secundários sobre o PNCT em Mato Grosso do Sul. Os dados primários foram obtidos por meio de questionário aplicado aos profissionais das Equipes de Saúde da Família (ESF) de Campo Grande, sem oferta do programa e avaliados quanto à frequência e presença de correlação entre as variáveis analisadas utilizando V de Cramer e teste de χ2. Os dados secundários foram obtidos do consolidado do Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva com os registros produzidos pelos serviços. Resultados: As taxas de adesão, efetividade e apoio farmacológico na capital e interior foram: 66,80 e 59,79%; 20,58 e 34,91%; 32,14 e 99,86%, respectivamente. A oferta do programa ocorreu em 49,37% municípios e 43,85% das Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) estimadas. Houve correlações entre ser capacitado e implantar o programa; treinamento de ingresso e oferta na UBS. As dificuldades relatadas pelos profissionais foram a pandemia de COVID-19, a sobrecarga e/ou equipe pequena e/ou falta de tempo e a ausência de capacitação/treinamento. Conclusões: O PNCT em Mato Grosso do Sul apresenta baixa cobertura e oferta restrita na rede de saúde, além do desempenho mediano de assistência aos tabagistas. Evidencia-se a necessidade de investimento em capacitação/treinamento, prioritariamente para as ESF de Campo Grande, dando-lhes condições de responder às necessidades de promoção da saúde, reconhecendo o programa como de maior custo-efetividade.
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the National Tobacco Control Program (PNCT) in Mato Grosso do Sul, coverage rates, dropout, cessation, use of medication, the health services network and the reasons why Family Health Teams in Campo Grande have not yet joined the program. Methods: This was a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, based on primary and secondary data on the PNCT in Mato Grosso do Sul. The primary data were obtained by means of a questionnaire administered to Family Health Teams (ESF) in Campo Grande, which did not offer the program and evaluated the frequency and presence of correlation between the variables analyzed using Cramer's V test and the χ2 test. The secondary data were obtained from the consolidated records of the José Alencar Gomes da Silva National Cancer Institute with the records produced by the services. Results: The rates of adherence, effectiveness and pharmacological support in the capital and interior were: 66.80 and 59.79%; 20.58 and 34.91%; and 32.14 and 99.86%, respectively. The program was offered in 49.37% of the municipalities and 43.85% of the Basic Health Units (UBS) estimated. There were correlations between being trained and implementing the program and entry training and provision in the UBS. The difficulties reported by professionals were the COVID-19 pandemic, overload and/or a small team and/or lack of time and the absence of training. Conclusions: The PNCT in Mato Grosso do Sul has low coverage and restricted supply in the health network, in addition to average performance in assisting smokers. There is a clear need to invest in capacitation/training, primarily for the ESF in Campo Grande, enabling them to respond to the needs of health promotion, recognizing the program as more cost-effective.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el Programa Nacional de Control del Tabaco (PNCT) en Mato Grosso do Sul, las tasas de cobertura, el abandono, la cesación, el uso de medicamentos, la red de servicios de salud y las razones por las que los Equipos de Salud de la Familia en Campo Grande aún no se han unido al programa. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo con abordaje cuantitativo, basado en datos primarios y secundarios sobre el PNCT en Mato Grosso do Sul. Los datos primarios se obtuvieron por medio de un cuestionario aplicado a los Equipos de Salud de la Familia (ESF) de Campo Grande, que no ofrecían el programa y evaluaron la frecuencia y la presencia de correlación entre las variables analizadas utilizando la V de Cramer y la prueba de la χ2. Los datos secundarios se obtuvieron de los registros consolidados del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva con los registros producidos por los servicios. Resultados: Las tasas de adherencia, eficacia y apoyo farmacológico en la capital y en el interior fueron: 66,80 y 59,79%; 20,58 y 34,91%; 32,14 y 99,86%, respectivamente. El programa fue ofrecido en el 49,37% de los municipios y en el 43,85% de las Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) estimadas. Hubo correlación entre estar capacitado e implementar el programa; capacitación de entrada y oferta en las UBS. Las dificultades relatadas por los profesionales fueron la pandemia del COVID-19, la sobrecarga y/o un equipo pequeño y/o la falta de tiempo y la ausencia de capacitación. Conclusiones: El PNCT en Mato Grosso do Sul tiene baja cobertura y oferta restringida en la red de salud, además de un desempeño medio en la asistencia a los fumadores. Hay una clara necesidad de invertir en la creación de capacidad / formación, principalmente para la ESF en Campo Grande, lo que les permite responder a las necesidades de promoción de la salud, reconociendo el programa como más rentable.
Humans , Primary Health Care , National Health Strategies , Smoking Cessation , Smoking Prevention , Tobacco ControlABSTRACT
Background: Despite decades of research on pharmacological and behavioural smoking cessation treatments, current quit aids are of limited success. The introduction of new, combustion-free nicotine and tobacco products extended the tool kit for people who smoke to switch away from their risky habit. We performed a systematic review including 120 studies resulting in several recommendations for a robust study design to determine the cessation efficacy of a new nicotine or tobacco product. Consequently, we prepared this study protocol to assess the cessation efficacy of heated tobacco products (HTPs) and nicotine pouches (NPs). Methods: 250 subjects (125 exclusive smokers and 125 exclusive smokeless tobacco (SLT) users) will be recruited and offered a choice of HTPs in case of smokers and a choice of NPs in case of SLT users in order to switch. Subjects will undergo four visits (baseline, 1, 3, and 6 months) to collect biospecimens and for physical examinations. Use behaviour and questionnaires will be monitored on a regular basis by means of a smartphone-app. We describe a sensitive and specific compliance monitoring using suitable biomarkers of exposure. The sample size of 250 subjects and duration of 6 months will allow the quit rates to be assessed with sufficient statistical power. Finally, the choice between different products shall reflect the individuals’ preferences. Conclusions: This protocol can be applied generically, providing a robust determination of a products’ cessation efficacy. Trial Registration: The trial will be registered in the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.
Introducción: el riesgo de aparición del infarto agudo de miocardio está relacionada con varias comorbilidades, muchas de las cuales son prevenibles y tratables. El infarto agudo de miocardio tiene un impacto relevante en términos de mortalidad y número de hospitalizaciones. Objetivos: determinar las características clínica-epidemiológicas del infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST en pacientes atendidos en el Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, durante el periodo 2021-2023. Metodología: el diseño del estudio fue observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal, sobre las características clínica-epidemiológicas del infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST en pacientes mayores de edad atendidos en el Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, durante el periodo 2021-2023. Resultados: se analizaron 102 expedientes de pacientes con diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST con una media de 64 ± 12 años; el 68 % (n = 69) correspondió al sexo masculino, con una edad promedio de 62 años, y en relación a las mujeres el promedio fue de 64 años. El motivo de consulta principal fue el dolor precordial y la cara miocárdica más afectada de acuerdo con el electrocardiograma inicial fue la cara anteroseptal. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue del 16 %, el 68 % correspondió a varones. La comorbilidad más frecuente fue la hipertensión arterial. Conclusión: La hipertensión arterial es la patología más prevalente. Asimismo, son habituales la obesidad, el tabaquismo y la diabetes mellitus. Las comorbilidades están en relación directa con la edad y prevalecen en mayores de 60 años. El infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST es más frecuente en el sexo masculino.
Introduction: the risk of acute myocardial infarction is related to several comorbidities, many of which are preventable and treatable. Acute myocardial infarction has a relevant impact in terms of mortality and number of hospitalizations. Objectives: the design of the study was observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, on the clinical characteristics of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, in adult patients treated at the Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, during the period 2021-2023. Methodology: the design of the study was observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, on the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation in adult patients treated at the National Medical Center-National Hospital, during the period 2021-2023. Results: 102 records of patients with a diagnosis of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with a mean age of 64 ± 12 years were analyzed; 68 % (n = 69) were male, with an average age of 62 years, and in relation to women the average was 64 years. The main reason for consultation was precordial pain and the most affected myocardial aspect according to the initial electrocardiogram was the anteroseptal aspect. In-hospital mortality was 16 %, 68 % of which were men. The most frequent comorbidity was arterial hypertension. Conclusion: high blood pressure is the most prevalent pathology. Likewise, obesity, smoking and diabetes mellitus are common. Comorbidities are directly related to age and prevail in those over 60 years of age. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction is more common in males.
Background: Metabolic dysfunction associated liver disease (MASLD) has been found to be at alarming increase in Indian population. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is also increasing which may be attributed to certain lifestyle changes. In the present study, we compared the likelihood of liver fibrosis by measurement of non-invasive scores among Type 2 diabetics and smokers, Type 2 diabetics but non-smokers and healthy controls. Our study will provide useful insights to evaluate the association between Type 2 diabetes, smoking and development of MASLD. Methods: The study was done at a tertiary care hospital. Participants were divided into 3 groups (each of 40 participants) which included those with type 2 diabetes mellitus and smokers, those with type 2 diabetes mellitus but non-smokers and healthy controls. Parameters included in the database were age, sex, body mass index, history of diabetes, history of hypertension, any medication, tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Venous blood samples were taken in the morning after a 12-h overnight fasting and investigations were done. Results were recorded. Results: FIB-4 score and AST/ALT ratio was significantly higher in diabetics and smoker patients, in comparison to diabetics but non-smokers and healthy controls. Conclusions: Smoking and underlying type 2 diabetes mellitus have a synergistic effect on the severity of fibrosis, as compared to nonsmokers with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Hence smoking cessation, in addition to glycemic control with regular medication, may be beneficial in reducing the severity of MASLD among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
ABSTRACT Purpose: Smoking is a recognized risk factor for bladder BC and lung cancer LC. We investigated the enduring risk of BC after smoking cessation using U.S. national survey data. Our analysis focused on comparing characteristics of LC and BC patients, emphasizing smoking status and the latency period from smoking cessation to cancer diagnosis in former smokers. Materials and Methods: We analyzed data from the National Health and Examination Survey (2003-2016), identifying adults with LC or BC history. Smoking status (never, active, former) and the interval between quitting smoking and cancer diagnosis for former smokers were assessed. We reported descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables and median with interquartile ranges (IQR) for continuous variables. Results: Among LC patients, 8.9% never smoked, 18.9% active smokers, and 72.2% former smokers. Former smokers had a median interval of 8 years (IQR 2-12) between quitting and LC diagnosis, with 88.3% quitting within 0-19 years before diagnosis. For BC patients, 26.8% never smoked, 22.4% were active smokers, and 50.8% former smokers. Former smokers had a median interval of 21 years (IQR 14-33) between quitting and BC diagnosis, with 49.3% quitting within 0-19 years before diagnosis. Conclusions: BC patients exhibit a prolonged latency period between smoking cessation and cancer diagnosis compared to LC patients. Despite smoking status evaluation in microhematuria, current risk stratification models for urothelial cancer do not incorporate it. Our findings emphasize the significance of long-term post-smoking cessation surveillance and advocate for integrating smoking history into future risk stratification guidelines.
Background: Gastritis is the syndrome associated with the inflammation of the stomach epithelium. Age, dietary pattern, health issues, level of stress, the existence of any other gastrointestinal symptoms, smoking, use of alcohol, and use of over-the-counter medication were considered extraneous variables. The purpose of this study was to determine the lifestyle characteristics that predispose to gastritis among the international students of Grodno State Medical University, Belarus and the results were closely and meticulously analyzed. Methods: A descriptive survey strategy was used to evaluate the variables associated with gastritis. A simple random approach was chosen for this research. Data was collected with the help of a questionnaire in the format of an online Google form and recorded. Responses from 211 respondents mostly aged 18 to 29 years old were collected. The survey focused on gastritis and its connection to lifestyle factors like smoking, stress, and eating patterns. Results: The frequency value for the consumption of processed food was the highest above all with regards to dietary habits in this study followed by consumption of fibrous food, having carbonated drinks, frequency of having coffee/tea per day, and general stress level with their daily workload as well as evidently due to consumption of spicy food. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the incidence of gastritis among the respondents was multifactorial.
Introducción. El tabaquismo es responsable de una gran cantidad de muertes en el mundo, la gran prevalencia del tabaquismo entre adolescentes, así como la baja edad de inicio del consumo, genera preocupación y la necesidad de implementar intervenciones específicas a esta población. Objetivo. Evaluar los efectos de una charla antitabaco en adolescentes de colegios públicos y privados en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Métodos. Estudio cuantitativo cuasi-experimental, se realizó una charla antitabaco en dos colegios (público y privado), se evaluó la motivación para dejar de fumar con el Test de Richmond en una muestra de 13 estudiantes pre y post charla. Resultados. hubo una mejora en los puntajes de Richmond post charla en ambos colegios, siendo mayor en el colegio público, sin embargo, la diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa (p=0,09). Discusión. La evidencia respalda la efectividad de las charlas antitabaco. Existe una relación entre nivel socioeconómico y tabaquismo, sin embargo, no hay otros estudios que comparen la efectividad en los distintos estratos sociales. Se reconocen limitaciones del estudio como el tamaño de la muestra y el muestreo no aleatorio, se recomiendan nuevos estudios que incluyan otras variables. Conclusiones. A pesar de limitaciones del estudio, se respalda la implementación de charlas antitabaco en entornos educativos, enfatizando la necesidad de adaptar estrategias a contextos socioeconómicos específicos para mejorar la salud pública.
Background. Introduction: Smoking is responsible for a significant number of deaths worldwide, and the high prevalence of smoking among adolescents, as well as early age of onset, raises concerns, and the need of targeted interventions for this group. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of an anti-smoking talk on students from public and private schools in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago. Methods. A quasi-experimental quantitative study involving an anti-smoking talk in two schools (public and private) assessed the motivation to quit smoking using the Richmond Test in a sample of 13 students pre and post the talk. Results. There was an improvement in Richmond scores post-talk in both schools, with a greater increase observed in the public school. However, the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.09). Discussion. The evidence supports the effectiveness of anti-smoking talks. A relationship between socioeconomic status and smoking exists, yet there are no studies comparing effectiveness across different socioeconomic strata. Study limitations, such as sample size and non-random sampling, are acknowledged, and further research incorporating additional variables is recommended. Conclusions. Despite study limitations, advocating for the implementation of anti-smoking talks in educational settings is supported, emphasizing the need to adapt strategies to specific socioeconomic contexts to enhance public health.
OBJETIVO: A relação entre exposição ambiental e risco à saúde é amplamente reconhecida e a avaliamos em cinco países da América Latina com condições culturais distintas, mas com Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano semelhantes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 3.016 indivíduos (18 a 75 anos) oriundos de: Argentina (n = 878), Brasil (n = 1.030), México (n = 272), Paraguai (n = 508) e Peru (n = 328). A seleção foi aleatória e todos responderam questionário padronizado (fatores sociodemográficos, fatores ambientais e hábitos de vida) derivado do Clinical Screening Tool for Air Pollution Risk. Segundo o estado atual de saúde, foram categorizados em: saúde regular/má/péssima ou excelente/boa. Tendo-a como desfecho, realizou-se análise multivariada.Os dados foram apresentados como razão de verossimilhança (RV) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC 95%), tendo-se 5% o nível de significância. RESULTADOS: Foram significantemente associados a pior percepção de situação de saúde: morar em qualquer um dos países, ter umidade na residência (OR = 1,68; IC 95%: 1,33-2,12), dirigir automóvel com janelas abertas (OR = 1,31; IC 95%: 1,03-1,65), ter baixa renda familiar (OR = 1,59; IC 95%: 1,26-2,01), nível educacional incompleto (OR = 1,54; IC 95%: 1,22-1,94), histórico pessoal/familiar de hipertensão arterial (OR = 2,25; IC 95%: 01,64-3,09), doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica/asma (OR = 1,74; IC 95%: 1,28-2,36), diabete melito (OR = 3,74; IC 95%: 2,23-6,29), obesidade (OR = 1,84; IC 95%: 1,84-3,19) ou comorbidades oftalmológicas (OR = 1,89; IC 95%: 1,55-2,30); realizar exercícios ao ar livre (OR = 1,60; IC 95%: 1,31-1,96). CONCLUSÕES: Apesar das diferentes exposições a que foram submetidos, alguns fatores permanecem muito significativos, e ter baixa renda familiar, expor-se à poluição e ter antecedentes de doenças crônicas foram associados à percepção de condição ruim de saúde.
OBJECTIVE: The relationship between environmental exposure and health outcomes is well known.We investigated this relationship in five Latin American countries with different cultural backgrounds but similar Human Development Indexes. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 3,016 individuals (18 to 75 years old) from Argentina (n=878), Brazil (n=1030), Mexico (n=272), Paraguay (n=508), and Peru (n=328). Participants were randomly selected and responded to a standardized questionnaire (including sociodemographic and environmental factors and lifestyle habits) derived from a clinical screening tool for air pollution risk. Based on their current health status, participants were categorized as having regular/bad/very bad or excellent/good health. Multivariate analysis was conducted, and data were presented as likelihood ratios and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI).The significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: Living in any of the study countries; indoor humidity (OR=1.68; 95%CI: 1.33-2.12); driving with the windows open (OR=1.31; 95%CI: 1.03-1.65); low family income (OR=1.59; 95%CI: 1.26-2.01); incomplete education (OR=1.54; 95%CI: 1.22-1.94); personal/family history of hypertension (OR=2.25; 95%CI: 01.643.09), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/asthma (OR=1.74; 95%:CI: 1.28-2.36), diabetes (OR=3.74; 95%CI:2.23-6.29), obesity (OR=1.84; 95%CI: 1.84-3.19), or ocular comorbidities (OR=1.89; 95%CI: 1.55-2.30); and exercising outdoors (OR=1.60; 95%CI: 1.31-1.96) were significantly associated with a worse perceived health status. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the different exposures to which participants were subjected, some factors remain very significant. Low family income, exposure to pollution, and a history of chronic diseases were associated with the perception of a poor health condition.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Background: Tobacco is used in various forms worldwide. The consumption of each pattern is different by the geographic area, economic status, socio-cultural and religious influence. The tobacco problem in India is more complex than that of any other country in the world, with a significant number of tobacco-related diseases and deaths. Over the years, India’s position has risen from third largest to the second largest unmanufactured tobacco consuming country in the world. This study's findings will aid in the future planning of tobacco control and prevention in Vanakbara village of Diu district. Methods: Community base cross-sectional study was conducted among adult males of Vanakbara village, Diu district. A study was conducted from September to November 2020, A sample was selected from the population by using a simple random sampling method. Data was collected using a preformed questionnaire. Data was entered in MS excel and analysis was done using statistical software like SPSS. Average, and the percentage considered and the frequency table and graphs were prepared wherever applicable. Results: According to the study, smokeless tobacco use was more prevalent among adult males (56.6%) than smoked tobacco (14.6%). The most common form of smokeless tobacco used was mawa. According to the majority of respondents (44.3%), smoking was started because they believe it aids in concentration at work, followed by their friends. The study revealed that 88.6% of respondents are aware that tobacco consumption leads to oral cancer. Conclusions: Our study indicates that there is an urgent need for taking actions aiming at increasing effectiveness of enforcing applicable tobacco control regulations in fisherman units.
Introdução: O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar e identificar a prevalência e fatores de risco associados ao tabagismo e outras formas de consumo de tabaco entre acadêmicos da saúde. Métodos: A pesquisa contou com 407 acadêmicos dos cursos de Biomedicina, Educação Física, Enfermagem, Farmácia, Fisioterapia e Nutrição de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior. A coleta de dados foi realizada no mês de maio de 2020, por um formulário eletrônico, disponibilizado em e-mail institucional, grupos de estudos e redes sociais. O procedimento ocorreu após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética, cujo parecer 3.966.951. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes (79,6%) eram do sexo feminino, solteiros (75,2%) com idade média de 25,32 anos. O consumo de tabaco foi confirmado por 10,8% participantes. Quanto ao consumo de produtos derivados de tabaco 24,1% dos entrevistados já consumiram produto de tabaco, 8,6% assumiram tabagismo ocasional, e 4,2% tabagismo ativo. Conclusões: A associação entre tabagismo e as variáveis sociodemográficas demonstrou que alunos do curso de Farmácia (OR: 5,25 [IC:1,34-20,22] p=0,017), homens (OR: 1,71 [IC: 1,01 2,91]), estudantes turno matutino (OR: 1,96 [IC:1,02-3,78] p=0,04) e que residem com tabagistas (OR:4,44 [IC: 2,24-8,80]) apresentaram maiores chances de serem tabagista. A associação em relação ao consumo de derivados do tabaco, os homens apresentaram maiores prevalências de consumo de derivados de tabaco (OR: 1,71 [IC: 1,01 2,91] p=0,045) bem como, alunos do curso de Farmácia (OR: 6,40 [IC:2,31-17,7] P<0,01), que estudam no turno Noturno (OR:1,85 [IC:1,16-8,82] p=0,009) e entre os que residem com tabagistas (OR: 4,49 [IC:2,24-8,80] p<0,001).
Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate and identify the prevalence and risk factors associated with smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption among health academics. Methods: The survey involved 407 students from Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Nutrition courses at a Higher Education Institution. Data collection was carried out in May 2020, through an electronic form, available in institutional email, study groups and social networks. The entire procedure took place after approval by the Ethics Committee. Results: Most participants (79.6%) were female, single (75.2%) with a mean age of 25.32 years. Tobacco consumption was confirmed by 10.8% of the participants. As for the consumption of tobacco products, 24.1% of the interviewees had already consumed some tobacco product, 8.6% assumed occasional smoking, and 4.2% active smoking. Conclusions: The association between smoking and sociodemographic variables showed that Pharmacy students (OR: 5.25 [CI:1.34-20.22] p=0.017), men (OR: 1.71 [CI: 1.01 2.91]), morning shift students (OR: 1.96 [CI:1.02-3.78] p=0.04) and those who live with smokers (OR:4.44 [CI : 2.24-8.80]) were more likely to be smokers. The association in relation to the consumption of tobacco derivatives, men had a higher prevalence of consumption of tobacco derivatives (OR: 1.71 [CI: 1.01 2.91] p=0.045) as well as Pharmacy students (OR: 6.40 [CI:2.31-17.7] P<0.01), those who study the night shift (OR:1.85 [CI:1.16-8.82] p=0.009 ) and among those who live with smokers (OR: 4.49 [CI:2.24-8.80] p<0.001).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Tobacco Use Disorder , Students, Health OccupationsABSTRACT
Objective@#To investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of smoking among grassroots healthcare workers in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, so as to provide insights into effective implementation of tobacco control measures in primary healthcare organizations.@*Methods@#Grassroots healthcare workers of community health service centers (health institutes) were sampled from four streets (townships) in each of 6 counties (cities, districts) in Shaoxing City using a stratified cluster sampling method from May to June 2023. Participants' demographics, current smoking and quit smoking information were collected through questionnaire surveys, and factors affecting current smoking among grassroots healthcare workers were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#Totally 2 801 questionnaires were allocated, and 2 595 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 92.65%. Participants included 719 men (27.71%) and 1 876 women (72.29%), with a mean age of (39.39±10.11) years. There were 119 current smokers and the prevalence of current smoking was 4.59%. The median number of cigarettes smoked per day was 10.00 (interquartile range, 14.25) and the median duration of smoking was 20.00 (interquartile range, 15.00) years. There were 52 people with intention to quit smoking (43.70%), and 51 people with attempts to quit smoking (42.86%). Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified men (OR=22.998, 95%CI: 10.912-48.473), alcohol consumption (OR=3.907, 95%CI: 2.528-6.037) and length of service (15 years and more, OR=3.115, 95%CI: 1.305-7.434) as factors affecting current smoking among grassroots healthcare workers.@*Conclusions@#The prevalence of current smoking among grassroots healthcare workers in Shaoxing City is 4.59%, and there is low willingness to quit smoking. Current smoking status may be affected by gender, alcohol consumption and length of service.
Objective@#To investigate the status of passive smoking among pregnant women in Jinshan District, Shanghai Municipality, so as to provide insights into developing targeted smoking control measures and promoting maternal and infant health.@*Methods@#Pregnant women who had early pregnancy registration at Jinshan District Community Health Service Center from April 2021 to December 2023 were selected as subjects. The basic information, passive smoking and awareness of passive smoking hazards among pregnant women were collected through questionnaire surveys, and passive smoking rate and awareness rate of passive smoking hazards were analyzed.@*Results@#Totally 8 273 questionnaires were allocated, and 8 216 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective rate of 99.31%. The mean age of participants was (29.52±4.60) years. There were 4 991 participants with an education of college degree or above, accounting for 60.75%; 3 565 participants with the first pregnancy, accounting for 43.39%; 3 990 primiparas, accounting for 48.56%; 3 193 participants living with smokers, accounting for 38.86%. A total of 3 710 participants passively smoked, with a passive smoking rate of 45.16%. There were 2 817 participants passively smoked in public places, accounting for 75.93%; 2 253 participants passively smoked in workplaces, accounting for 60.73%; 1 563 participants that passively smoked at home, accounting for 42.13%. The awareness rates regarding the hazards of passive smoking to health, causing lung cancer in adults, causing lung diseases in children, causing preterm birth and low birth weight infants, and causing heart diseases in adults were 92.13%, 88.85%, 87.99%, 82.05% and 62.56%, respectively.@*Conclusion@#The rate of passive smoking among pregnant women in Jinshan District is comparatively high, while their awareness regarding non-respiratory diseases emanating from passive smoking is comparatively low.
Objective@#To investigate the nicotine dependence of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who smoke and analyze its influencing factors, so as to provide insights into targeted smoking cessation interventions for smoking COPD patients.@*Methods@#The smoking COPD patients were selected from three hospitals in Lanzhou City using the convenience sampling method from October 2022 to April 2023. Demographic data, smoking status, and willingness to quit smoking were collected using questionnaire surveys. Nicotine dependence was assessed according to Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence. The influencing factors of nicotine dependence in smoking COPD patients were analyzed using a multiple linear regression model.@*Results@#A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed, and 171 valid questionnaires were collected, with a response rate of 85.50%. The median age was 48.00 (interquartile range, 10.00) years. There were 158 males, accounting for 92.40%; 53 cases with a college degree or above, accounting for 30.99%. The median smoking duration was 15.00 (interquartile range, 11.00) years. There were 73 patients (42.69%) smoking 21 to 30 cigarettes per day, and 159 patients (92.98%) with the willingness to quit smoking. The median nicotine dependence score was 3.00 (interquartile range, 1.00) points. There were statistically significant differences in nicotine dependence scores among smoking COPD patients with different ages, educational levels, occupations, interpersonal relationships, smoking duration, daily cigarette consumption, awareness of smoking hazards and willingness to quit smoking (all P<0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that nicotine dependence was related with educational level (β=-0.251), interpersonal relationship (β=-0.246), smoking duration (β=0.038), daily cigarette consumption (β=0.518) and willingness to quit smoking (β=-0.173) among smoking COPD patients (all P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#The nicotine dependence among smoking COPD patients was influenced by educational level, interpersonal relationships, smoking duration, daily cigarette consumption and willingness to quit smoking.
Objective@#To analyze prevalence and associated factors of attempting e cigarettes use among senior high school students in Beijing City between 2019 and 2023, in order to providing references for the construction of smoke free senior high schools environments.@*Methods@#In 2019, 9 137 students from 44 senior high schools in Beijing City were monitored, including 27 general senior high schools and 17 vocational senior high schools. In 2023, the study included 6 709 students from 30 senior high schools comprising 21 general senior high schools and 9 vocational senior high schools. On site investigations using anonymous questionnaires were conducted. The monitoring content included demographic information, second hand smoke exposure, tobacco product use and tobacco awareness. Chi square test was used to compare the differences of various indicators in different groups, and multivariate Logistic regression analysis was adopted to analysis the influencing factors among senior high school students attempting to use e cigarettes between 2019 and 2023.@*Results@#In 2019, the rates of vocational senior high school and general senior high school students attempting to use e-cigarettes were 22.57% and 9.78%, respectively. In 2023, it decreased to 14.39% and 6.43%, respectively. In 2019 ( OR =1.59,95% CI =1.35-1.88) and 2023 ( OR =1.71,95% CI =1.38-2.11), vocational senior high school students both hold higher risk of attempting to use e-cigarettes,compared with general senior high school students. In 2019, non-indigenous senior high school students attempting to use e cigarettes were more than indigenous senior high school students ( OR = 1.28 , 95% CI =1.05-1.56). In 2019 ( OR =1.62, 95% CI =1.34-1.95) and 2023 ( OR =1.77, 95% CI =1.35-2.31), smoking anywhere in households increased the risk of attempting to use e-cigarettes among senior high school students. In both 2019 and 2023, not attempting to smoke cigarettes ( OR =0.24,95% CI =0.21-0.29; OR =0.15,95% CI =0.11-0.19), not currently smoking cigarettes ( OR =0.29,95% CI =0.22-0.40; OR =0.30,95% CI =0.17-0.53), not being exposed to secondhand smoke in school ( OR =0.62, 95% CI = 0.53 -0.72; OR =0.51, 95% CI =0.41-0.64) or in outdoor public places ( OR =0.74, 95% CI =0.63-0.86; OR = 0.62 , 95% CI =0.50-0.78) all reduced the risk of attempting to use e-cigarettes among senior hgih school students( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The influencing factors of attempts by senior high school students in Beijing City to use e-cigarettes are generally consistent between 2023 and 2019, with a focus on vocational senior high schools to ensure the continuity of intervention measures and promote the construction of smoke free senior high schools.
Objective@#To understand the distribution of tobacco retailer within 100 meters outside middle schools in Wuhan City and its impact on smoking behavior of middle school students, so as to provide basis and feasible suggestions for the development of tobacco control policy for adolescents.@*Methods@#From February to May 2023, a multi stage stratified cluster random sampling method was used to select 20 middle schools from 4 districts in Wuhan City. To investigate the distribution of tobacco retailer within 100 metres outside the school and the sale of tobacco to minors. A total of 4 882 students were surveyed using the core questions of the 2021 Chinese Adolescent Tobacco Prevalence Questionnaire. Fisher exact probability test, Chi square test and Chi square trend test were used for statistical analysis.@*Results@#Nearly 70.00% of middle schools had tobacco retailer within 100 metres, with an average of (1.10±0.97) per middle school. The awareness rate (100.00%) and labeling rate (87.50%) of licensed tobacco retailer were higher than those of non licensed tobacco retailer (33.33%, 16.67%) ( P <0.05). The rates of tried smoking, current smoking and buying cigarettes within 30 days were 7.13%, 1.99% and 2.54%, respectively. The rates of students who tried smoking ( 8.58 %), current smoking (2.29%) and buying cigarettes within 30 days (2.85%) in schools with tobacco retailer within 100 metres were higher than those in schools without tobacco retailer (3.79%, 1.28%, 1.83%)( χ 2=35.80, 5.37, 4.37 , P <0.05). And as the grade increased, the rates of tried smoking, current smoking and buying cigarettes among middle school students all showed an upward trend ( χ 2 trend =66.20, 36.10, 16.17, P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#Middle school students in Wuhan City have high tobacco availability. The findings suggest that school ban should be extended from 50 meters to 100 meters, and the regulatory authorities must strictly prohibit selling tobacco products to minors at tobacco retailer.
Objective@#To explore the roles of self efficacy and smoking rationalization tendency in the relationship between college students physical activity and smoking cessation beliefs, in order to provide a basis for the positive effects of college students physical activity on smoking cessation beliefs.@*Methods@#From May 6 to 23 in 2023, 3 048 students from 10 colleges in Jiangxi Province were recruited and surveyed using the Physical Activity Participation Scale, the Smoking Cessation Self efficacy Scale, the Smoking Rationalization Tendency Scale and the Smoking Cessation Belief Scale. The Harman one way test was adopted for common method bias test. Bias correction was unfolded by Bootstrap method, and 95% confidence intervals of parameter estimates were analyzed using repeated sampling 5 000 times.@*Results@#The results of the sequential mediation model analysis showed that physical activity was positively associated with college students beliefs about smoking cessation ( β =0.17), and physical activity, self efficacy and smoking rationalization tendency were positively associated with each other ( β =0.41, 0.08, 0.19) ( P <0.05). Both self efficacy and smoking rationalization tendency positively predicted smoking cessation beliefs ( β =0.19, 0.17, P <0.01). Self efficacy and smoking rationalization tendency mediated the relationship between physical activity and smoking cessation beliefs, with a mediating effect value of 0.09, accounting for 62.82% of the total effect value (0.15).@*Conclusions@#Self efficacy and smoking rationalization tendency have a serial mediating effect between physical activity and smoking cessation beliefs among college students. Interventions should be actively used to enhance college students beliefs about smoking cessation, promote smoking cessation behaviors.
Resumo O presente estudo objetivou investigar a associação entre o TEA e o uso materno e paterno de medicamentos, tabaco, álcool e drogas ilícitas. Trata-se de um estudo caso-controle realizado com crianças e adolescentes diagnosticados com TEA e indivíduos neurotípicos. Os dados foram colhidos por meio de entrevista com as mães ou responsáveis. Foram analisadas as variáveis sexo e idade das crianças/adolescentes; idade dos pais; uso de medicamentos antes e durante a gestação; classes de medicamentos usados na gestação; tabagismo materno e paterno; etilismo materno e paterno; uso de drogas ilícitas pelos pais. Para a análise das informações, utilizou-se o modelo de regressão logística, além da razão de chances (OR) bruta e ajustada. Os resultados mostraram que, após os ajustes, foi encontrada associação entre o uso materno na gestação de antitérmicos/analgésicos (OR = 2,26; IC95% 1,29-3,95; p < 0,040) com o TEA. Já o uso de tabaco, álcool e drogas ilícitas materno e paterno, antes e durante a gestação, não apontou relação com o TEA. Os dados encontrados sugerem que existe influência de fatores ambientais no desenvolvimento do TEA.
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between maternal and paternal licit and illicit drug use, smoking and drinking and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We conducted a case-control study with children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD and neurotypical individuals. The data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire administered during interviews with the children's mothers or guardians. The following variables were analyzed: child sex and age; maternal and parental age; use of medicines before and during pregnancy; classes of medicines used during pregnancy; maternal and paternal smoking; maternal and paternal drinking; maternal and paternal illicit drug use. The data were analyzed using logistic regression and crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR). After adjustment, the results showed an association between maternal use of antipyretics/pain killers during pregnancy (OR = 2.26; 95%CI 1.29-3.95; p < 0.040) and ASD. No association was found between maternal and paternal smoking, drinking and illicit drug use before and during pregnancy and ASD. The findings suggest that the development of ASD is influenced by environmental factors.
Este estudo objetivou estimar a prevalência do uso do cigarro eletrônico e a associação com fatores preditores. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, analítico, com amostra probabilística de universitários matriculados em um Centro Universitário de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brasil no segundo semestre de 2022. A variável dependente referiu-se ao uso do cigarro eletrônico. As variáveis independentes referiram a fatores sociodemográficas, laborais e comportamentais. A associação entre as variáveis investigadas e a prevalência do uso do CE foi verificada pela análise bivariada e a regressão de Poisson. Foram entrevistados 730 universitários, com a média de idade de anos 22,56 (±6,25). Destes, 21,8 % faziam o uso cigarro eletrônico e após a análise multivariada manteve-se associado ao desfecho não ter companheiro (RP= 3,31; IC95% 1,04-10,48), morar com amigos/sozinho (RP=1,53; IC95% 1,07-2,18), ter histórico de usuários de cigarro eletrônico na residência (RP= 1,76; IC95%: 1,17- 1,89), consumir bebida alcoólica (RP= 3,07; IC95%: 1,72-5,49) e não praticar atividade física (RP= 3,37; IC95% 2,35-4,83). Conhecer sobre o cigarro eletrônico foi fator protetor (RP= 0,31 IC95% 0,20-0,46). Registrou-se elevada prevalência do uso do cigarro eletrônico, e manteve associados a fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentais. Esses achados chamam a atenção para a necessidade de novas medidas regulatórias, a fim de reduzir o uso desse dispositivo.
This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of e-cigarette use and the association with predictors. This is a cross-sectional, analytical study with a probabilistic sample of university students enrolled in a University Center of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil in the second half of 2022. The dependent variable referred to the use of electronic cigarettes. The independent variables referred to sociodemographic, labor and behavioral factors. The association between the variables investigated and the prevalence of EC use was verified by bivariate analysis and Poisson regression. A total of 730 university students were interviewed, with a mean age of 22.56 (±6.25). Of these, 21.8% used electronic cigarettes and after multivariate analysis, it remained associated with the outcome of not having a partner (PR= 3.31; CI95% 1.04-10.48), living with friends/alone (PR=1.53; CI95% 1.07-2.18), having a history of e-cigarette users in the residence (PR= 1.76; CI95%: 1.17- 1.89), alcohol consumption (PR= 3.07; CI95%: 1.72-5.49) and not practicing physical activity (PR= 3.37; IC95% 2.35-4.83). Knowing about electronic cigarettes was a protective factor (PR= 0.31 CI95% 0.20-0.46). There was a high prevalence of e-cigarette use, and it was associated with sociodemographic and behavioral factors. These findings draw attention to the need for new regulatory measures in order to reduce the use of this device.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar la prevalencia del uso de cigarrillos electrónicos y la asociación con predictores. Se trata de un estudio analítico transversal con una muestra probabilística de estudiantes universitarios matriculados en un Centro Universitario de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brasil, en el segundo semestre de 2022. La variable dependiente se refería al uso de cigarrillos electrónicos. Las variables independientes se refirieron a factores sociodemográficos, laborales y conductuales. La asociación entre las variables investigadas y la prevalencia de uso de CE fue verificada por análisis bivariado y regresión de Poisson. Fueron entrevistados 730 estudiantes universitarios, con una edad promedio de 22,56 (±6,25). De estos, 21,8% utilizaron cigarrillos electrónicos y después del análisis multivariado, se mantuvo asociado con el resultado de no tener pareja (RP= 3,31; IC95% 1,04-10,48), vivir con amigos/solo (RP=1,53; IC95% 1,07-2,18), con antecedentes de usuarios de cigarrillos electrónicos en la residencia (RP= 1,76; IC95%: 1,17- 1,89), consumo de alcohol (RP= 3,07; IC95%: 1,72-5,49) y no practicar actividad física (RP= 3,37; IC95% 2,35-4,83). El conocimiento de los cigarrillos electrónicos fue un factor protector (RP= 0,31 IC95% 0,20-0,46). Hubo una alta prevalencia de uso de cigarrillos electrónicos, y se asoció con factores sociodemográficos y de comportamiento. Estos hallazgos llaman la atención sobre la necesidad de nuevas medidas regulatorias para reducir el uso de este dispositivo.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Universities , Prevalence , Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems/instrumentation , Behavior/physiology , KnowledgeABSTRACT
Las enfermedades periodontales son consideradas entre las más comunes entre las patologías bucales. Su frecuencia es cada vez más elevada en la población y existen varias patologías sistémicas y hábitos que empeoran su cuadro clínico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia y características clínicas de pacientes con enfermedades periodontales que acuden a la cátedra de periodoncia en la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción en el período de 2011 al 2019. Estudio Observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, se procesaron 477 fichas clínicas de pacientes de la cátedra de Periodoncia de la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción desde el año 2011 al 2019. El tipo de muestreo utilizado fue no probabilístico por conveniencia. De las 477 fichas solo se analizaron 317 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Fueron el 56.46 % de sexo femenino y 43,53 % de sexo masculino, la mediana de edad fue de 33 (23-48) años. El 53% los pacientes presentaban periodontitis crónica y comorbilidades como diabetes e hipertensión arterial. Solo el 11,9 % fueron fumadores. En cuanto a los pacientes diabéticos la mayoría eran de sexo femenino y de edad avanzada, presentando como diagnóstico más frecuente la periodontitis crónica. El diagnóstico clínico más frecuente de la población estudiada fue la periodontitis crónica, seguido por la gingivitis.
Periodontal diseases are considered among the most common among oral pathologies. Its frequency is increasingly higher in the population and there are several systemic pathologies and habits that worsen its clinical condition. The objective of this work was to determine the frequency and clinical characteristics of patients with periodontal diseases who attend the periodontics department at the Autonomous University of Asunción in the period from 2011 to 2019. Observational, descriptive, retrospective study, 477 clinical records were processed. of patients from the Department of Periodontics at the Autonomous University of Asunción from 2011 to 2019. The type of sampling used was non-probabilistic for convenience. Of the 477 records, only 317 patients who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. They were 56.46% female and 43.53% male, the median age was 33 (23-48) years. 53% of the patients had chronic periodontitis and comorbidities such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Only 11.9% were smokers. Regarding diabetic patients, the majority were female and elderly, with chronic periodontitis as the most frequent diagnosis. The most frequent clinical diagnosis of the studied population was chronic periodontitis, followed by gingivitis.
Objective: To compare the effects of vaping and cigarette smoking and indicate their impact on periodontal health. Material and Methods: A total of 90 subjects divided into three groups. Group I: 30 Traditional cigarettes smoker who have smoked up to 10 cigarettes, Group II: 30 electronic cigarettes subjects who have been using vape at least one year and never smoke, and Group III: 30 subjects who have no smoking history. Using a mirror and a periodontal probe, periodontal parameters (plaque index, gingival index, probing depth and clinical attachment loss) were used to evaluate periodontal health. Results: The findings showed that the periodontal parameters had a highly significant differences at P ≤ 0.01 between traditional and electronic smoking groups. While clinical attachment loss demonstrated non-significant difference P ≥ 0.05 in comparison between electronic cigarettes and the group who never smoke. Conclusion: The results of this study suggested that traditional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes both had unfavorable impact on periodontal health status, never the less quit smoking showed positive impacts on periodontal parameters (AU)
Objetivo: O objetivo foi comparar os efeitos do uso do cigarro eletrônico e do cigarro convencional, indicando seus impactos na saúde bucal. Material e Método: 90 indivíduos foram divididos igualmente em três grupos: Grupo I, usuários de cigarro convencional que fumaram até 10 cigarros por dia; Grupo II: usuários de cigarro eletrônico que utilizam este por pelo menos há 1 ano e não fumavam antes disso; Grupo III: usuários sem qualquer história de hábitos tabagistas. Utilizando um espelho bucal e uma sonda periodontal, parâmetros periodontais (índice de placa, índice gengival, profundidade de sondagem e perda de inserção clínica) foram coletados para avaliar a saúde periodontal. Resultados: As evidências mostraram que os parâmetros periodontais apresentaram diferença significativa (P ≤ 0.01) entre os grupos I e II. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que tanto o uso de cigarro convencional como o de cigarro eletrônico possuem impactos desfavoráveis na saúde periodontal, e que a cessação do uso destes mostraram impactos positivos nos parâmetros periodontais(AU)