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Psico USF ; 27(4): 779-790, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422352


O impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 está mudando drasticamente a vida das pessoas. O distanciamento social representa evitar o contato durante o surto de uma doença para minimizar a exposição. Essa condição também pode contribuir para o agravamento de determinados transtornos mentais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar em que medida características de personalidade e ansiedade social podem contribuir para uma maior dificuldade em lidar com o distanciamento social. Foram avaliados 1.120 indivíduos por meio da Escala de Ansiedade Social de Liebowitz (LSAS), marcadores da personalidade. A análise de regressão logística mostrou que neuroticismo, ansiedade social e as horas adicionais em casa revelaram-se preditores significativos de uma maior dificuldade. Conclui-se que o transtorno de ansiedade social apresenta especificidades em sua manifestação durante a pandemia. (AU)

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed people's lives. Social distancing means avoiding close contact with others during a contagious disease outbreak to minimize exposure. Such constraints may also contribute to the worsening of certain mental health disorders. The present study aimed to evaluate the extent to which personality features and social anxiety may contribute to greater difficulties in coping with social distancing practices. A total of 1120 individuals were assessed using the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) and personality mini-markers to assess personality traits. Logistic regression analysis revealed that neuroticism, social anxiety, and the number of additional hours one spends at home represent significant predictors of greater difficulty. Thus, results showed that social anxiety disorder had specific presentations during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. (AU)

El impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 está cambiando drásticamente la vida de las personas. El distanciamiento social significa evitar el contacto cercano con otras personas durante el brote de una enfermedad contagiosa para minimizar la exposición. Esta condición también puede contribuir al empeoramiento de algunos trastornos mentales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar en qué medida las características de personalidad y la ansiedad social pueden contribuir a una mayor dificultad para soportar el distanciamiento social. Se evaluó un total de 1120 individuos mediante la Escala de Ansiedad Social de Liebowitz (LSAS) y marcadores reducidos para evaluar la personalidad. El análisis de regresión logística mostró que el neuroticismo, la ansiedad social y el número de horas adicionales en el hogar fueron predictores significativos de mayor dificultad. Se concluye que el trastorno de ansiedad social presenta manifestaciones específicas durante la pandemia. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety , Personality , Adaptation, Psychological , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/psychology , Personality Tests , Students/psychology , Universities , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Sex Distribution , Phobia, Social , Educational Personnel/psychology , Neuroticism , Sociodemographic Factors , Mental Disorders/psychology
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574525


El trabajo estudió la frecuencia de sensibilidad estacional en una muestra de población austral chilena, alta latitud sur y su relación con actividades laborales desarrolladas en diferentes turnos de trabajo y con variables de adaptación general. Un total de 465 personas participaron respondiendo instrumentos midiendo estacionalidad (SPAQ), felicidad subjetiva (Escala de Oxford), adaptación social (Bell) y ansiedad y depresión (MASQE30). Los resultados principales indican que la frecuencia de sensibilidad estacional es alta, su nivel declarado en promedio es moderado, en su límite superior, y es evaluada como de impacto negativo significativo en la vida diaria. Respecto de los patrones estacionales, el más numeroso fue el de verano, que indica que las personas perciben beneficios con el aumento de luz, lo que correlaciona negativamente con la felicidad. Los análisis según turno de trabajo mostraron perfiles diferenciales para cada uno. Se discuten estos resultados en torno a su importancia para el desarrollo de políticas públicas asociadas a la salud física y mental de poblaciones australes.

Este trabalho estudou a frequência de sensibilidade sazonal em uma amostra de população austral chilena, nas altas latitudes do sul, e sua relação com atividades laborais desenvolvidas em diferentes turnos de trabalho e com variáveis de adaptação geral. Um total de 465 pessoas participaram respondendo instrumentos que mediam a sazonalidade (SPAQ), a felicidade subjetiva (Escala de Oxford), a adaptação social (Bell) e a ansiedade e a depressão (MASQE30). Os principais resultados indicam que a frequência de sensibilidade estacional é alta, seu nível declarado em média é moderado em seu limite superior e é avaliado como de impacto negativo significativo na vida diária. Com respeito aos padrões estacionais, o mais numeroso foi o do verão, que indica que as pessoas percebem benefícios com o aumento da luz, o que se relaciona negativamente com a felicidade. As análises de acordo com o turno de trabalho mostraram perfis diferenciais para cada um deles. Discutem-se esses resultados em torno a sua importância para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas associadas a saúde física e mental das populações austrais.

This study is intended to determine the frequency of seasonal sensitivity in a sample of a Chilean high latitude (extreme southerly) population, and its correlation with labor activities involved in several types of shift work, with variables of general adaptation. A total of 465 participants took part in answering questionnaires to measure seasonality impacts through SPAQ (Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire), subjective happiness (Oxford scale), social adaptation (Bell), and anxiety and depression (MASQE30). The principal results indicate that the frequency of seasonal sensitivity in this sample was high, in a moderate level near the upper limit, and this is considered to have a significantly negative impact on daily life. Regarding seasonal patterns, the most common effect was in the summer profile, suggesting that people perceive benefits with the increase in sunlight, which correlates negatively with happiness. The analysis according to work-shift shows differential profiles for each one. These results are discussed relative to the importance for development of public policies to further the physical and mental health of extreme-southern populations.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 555-558, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987471


ObjectiveTo explore the impact of COVID-19-related stress on the social adaptation of college students, and to analyze and compare the mediating effects of patience and social support. MethodsStratified cluster sampling method was applied to enroll 3 219 college students, and they were assessed using the COVID-19-related Stress Questionnaire, Social Adaptation Inventory (SAI), Patience Questionnaire (PQ) and Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS), thereafter, the mediating effect was assessed via the SPSS Process macro. ResultsCollege students' COVID-19-related Stress Questionnaire score were positively correlated with the scores of PQ and SSRS (r=0.297, 0.229, P<0.01), and negative correlated with SAI score (r=-0.430, P<0.01). PQ and SSRS scores were positively correlated with SAI score (r=0.374, 0.283, P<0.01). PQ score was positively correlated with SSRS score (r=0.271, P<0.01). Patience partially mediated the relationship between COVID-19-related stress and social adaptation (β=0.049, 95% CI: 0.039~0.062). Meanwhile, social support also partially mediated the relationship between COVID-19-related stress and social adaptation (β=0.016, 95% CI: 0.009~0.025). ConclusionCOVID-19-related stress exerts a negative impact on college students' social adaptation ability, while the impact is mediated by patience and social support, and the mediation effect of patience is more significant.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 800-804, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-810731


Objective@#To understand the status quo of social support for and social adaptation of HIV/AIDS patients in Henan province, analyze the relationship between social support and social adaptation, and provide reference for improving the quality of life of HIV/AIDS patients.@*Methods@#A multi-stage stratified random sampling method was adopted to select HIV/AIDS patients in high HIV prevalence areas (Shangcai, Shenqiu), middle epidemic areas (Queshan, Yongcheng), low prevalence areas (Jiyuan, Sanmenxia) in Henan province. A social support scale was used to investigate the three dimensions of objective support, subjective support and support utilization. A social adaptation scale was used to investigate the three dimensions of patient cognitive willingness, social interaction and role adaptation. Finally, the characteristics of the social support, social adaptation and their relationships were analyzed.@*Results@#The overall score of 506 HIV/AIDS patients’ social support was 36.30±9.34, the score of objective support was 7.48±3.01, the score of subjective support was 22.35±5.79, and the score of support utilization was 6.28±2.38, the overall score and the scores of three dimensions of social support of HIV/AIDS patients were lower than the national levels, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The overall score of patients’ social adaptation was39.10±7.10, the score of cognitive willingness was 9.96±3.23, the score of social interaction was 18.57±3.25, and the score of role adaptation was 10.57±2.52. The average score of social adaptation of patients was less than 2/3 of the overall score, and the average cognitive willingness score was less than 1/2 of the overall score. The differences in social support score and social adaptation score among patients with different gender, age, marital status, occupation, transmission route, number of symptoms were statistically significant (P<0.05). For the HIV/AIDS patients, there was a correlation between the social support and the social adaptation (r=0.14, P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#HIV/AIDS patients had a low level of social support and social adaptation, and social support might be a contributing factor to the social adaptation of HIV/AIDS patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-694557


Objective to understand the current situation of the social adaptation ability of Kunming Medical University graduates and to explore the possible influence factors, so as to provide some references for the school to formulate effective countermeasures to improve college students'social adaptability.Methods The method of census was adopted in 1 228 graduates of Kunming Medical University with a self-administered questionnaire.Results The social adaptation ability of graduates is poor, accounting for 63.43%, while for students'financial situation, parents educational level, the number of joining college clubs, the quantity of the awards and qualification certificates, awareness of employment policy, the time to focusing on employment, and job prospects were statistically significant with social adaptation ability (P<0.05) .Conclusion The social adaptability of the graduates in our school is poor, and the reasonable countermeasures should be formulated in view of the key factors.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-511054


Objective To study the current situation of migrant children' s social adaptation and ex?plore its influencing factors. Methods The study population was 1547 children aged 10?16 years recruited from Shijiazhuang city. Social adaptation was collected through social adaptation questionnaire,whereas self?control was measured by children' s self?control investigating questionnaire. The data were statistically ana?lyzed with the ANOVA and stepwise regression analysis. Results ①There was no significant difference on social adaptation scores between migrant children and urban children (3.71±0.65,3.70±0.69, P>0.05). ②Among migrant children,girls scored significantly higher than boys(3.80±0.59,3.63±0.69, P0.05). Conclusion There is no significant difference on social adaptation between migrant children and urban children. Children' s self?control,parent?child rela?tionship and peer relationship have significant influence on social adaptation of migrant children .

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-488407


Objective To explore the relationship between responsibility and social adaptation of the left-behind middle school students and to provide evidence for mental health education of left-behind children.Methods 290 left-behind middle school students were selected by cluster-random-sampling.All of them were assessed by the middle school students' social adaptability scale (SAS-SSS),the inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA) and the scale of high school students' responsibility.Results The correlation between responsibility,attachment behavior and social adaptation of left-behind middle school students were significant(r=0.39,r=0.56,P<0.01).There were significant differences between gender on the responsibility(male(202.64±26.78) vs female(212.67±23.24)).Regression analysis showed that mother attachment,overall responsibility,general responsibility and special fault responsibility could predict the social adaptation(P<0.05).Responsibility and its factors played a mediating role between attachment and adaptation,taking 52.1%,20.1%,30.8%,9.1%,47.9%,40.7% proportion of the total effect.Conclusion Responsibility is an important factor affecting the social adaptation of left-behind middle school students.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 4674-4676, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-479683


Objective To explore the mechanism of resilience and social adaptation of the rear middle school students ,and the mediation effect of coping .Methods Totally 641 rural junior high school students were surveyed by the resilience scale for chi‐nese adolescents (HKRA) ,social Adaptation for middle school students (SAS‐SSS) and coping style scale of middle school students (CSSMSS) .Results (1)The girls of the rear middle school were higher than boys in resilience ,problem‐solving ,feeling ventilation and social adaptation(P< 0 .05) ,but lower in fantasy (P< 0 .05) .(2) There were significant correlations in problem‐solving ,help‐seeking ,withdrawal ,resilience and social adaptation .(3)The results showed that partial ,rather than full ,mediation of problem‐sol‐ving was found between resilience and social adaptation ,the mediation effect accounted for 44 .4% .Conclusion The rear middle school students′s resilience and problem‐solving were important factors for their adapting society .

Psicol. Caribe ; 31(2): 207-222, may.-ago. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-729522


El propósito de la investigación es conocer la relación del clima familiar con el proceso de adaptación social de adolescentes (hombres y mujeres), estudiantes de bachillerato con edades entre los 15 y 19 años (media = 17 y de =1). La muestra fue de 146 participantes; 82 mujeres (56%) y 64 hombres (44%), el 100% de los cuales pertenece a familias nucleares. Para recabar los datos se utilizaron el cuestionario "Como es tu familia / su familia" y la escala de adaptación social (sass). Los resultados indican que a mayor cohesión en el funcionamiento familiar, el adolescente mostrará mayor capacidad de adaptación social. De acuerdo al género del adolescente se observa que en el caso de los hombres, el factor cohesión familiar mantiene una relación más fuerte con la variable adaptación social (r = .71, r² = .51) en comparación con la correlación que presentan las mujeres (r = .56, r² = .31). Lo anterior se explica desde el rol fundamental que la familia ocupa en nuestra cultura como pilar en la formación integral de los hijos y la educación de género que se les da según el sexo.

The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between the family environment and the social adjustment process in adolescents. Participants were 146 high school students, 82 men (56%) and 64 women (44%), aged between 15 and 19 years (Mam=17 y DE=1), 100% in nuclear families. The instruments used were the questionnaire "How is your Family" (who and paho, 1996) and the "Social Adjustment Scale-SASS" (Bobes, 1999). The results indícate that the greater cohesion in family functioning, the greater social resilience in adolescents. However, this association appears more strongly in men (r = .71, r2 = .51) than in women (r = .56, r2 = .31). The results are explained on the fundamental role that the family plays in our culture as a pillar in the overall education of children, and the gender role assigned by sex.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;46(1): 59-69, ene.-abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-735139


Algunos trabajos de investigación informan que cierto número de niños superdotados muestran problemas de adaptación social y habilidades sociales e interpersonales, mientras que otros consideran que esto no ocurre. Partiendo de lo anterior, Neihart, Reis, Robinson y Moon (2002) hablan de enfoque de resiliencia versus enfoque de riesgo. En este trabajo se considera el beneficio de aplicar programas de entrenamiento en habilidades interpersonales en niños superdotados para prevenir posibles problemas. Por ello, se pretende valorar la eficacia de un programa de entrenamiento en resolución de problemas interpersonales en esta población. En esta investigación participaron 40 niños superdotados de edades comprendidas entre 7 y 13 años, divididos en un grupo tratamiento y un grupo control de lista de espera. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en las medidas de valoración directa en el grupo tratamiento tras la aplicación del programa. También se detectaron diferencias significativas entre el grupo tratamiento y el grupo control en las medidas postratamiento a favor del primero, y se confirmó la relación del potencial de aprendizaje de los niños con los beneficios obtenidos. En definitiva, el programa de entrenamiento se muestra eficaz en la mejora de las habilidades de solución de problemas interpersonales evaluadas en niños superdotados.

Certain research studies report that a number of gifted children show social adaptation issues, as well as problems with social and interpersonal skills, while others consider that this does not occur. In this regard, Neihart, Reis, Robinson and Moon (2002) speaks of a resilience approach versus a risk approach. From the risk viewpoint, this paper presents the benefits of applying training programs in interpersonal skills as to prevent potential problems in gifted children. For this reason, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program for solving interpersonal problems in this population. Participants include 40 gifted children aged 7 to 13, divided into a treatment group and a control - waitlisted - group. Program application results show significant differences in direct assessment measurements in the treatment group. An increase in effect sizes between the treatment group and the control group is also detected, in favor of the former, and a relationship between the children's learning potential and the benefits obtained is also confirmed. In short, the training program proves effective in interpersonal problem-solving skill improvement in children with high intellectual capacity.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-455557


Objective To explore the relationships among social adaptation and the resilience,social support and coping style in undergraduate nursing students.Methods 758 students from two medical colleges in Shandong province were recruited by stratified random sampling method.They were assessed with China College Student Adjustment Scale (CCSAS),Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA),Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS),Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ).The data was analyzed with the structural equation mode.Results The social adaptation of undergraduate nursing students showed significantly positive association with the resilience,social support,positive coping style(r=0.113-0.607,P<0.01),but the campus adaptation had negative association with negative coping style(r=-0.117,P<0.01).The path analysis showed that the resilience,social support and coping style were the direct predictors of social adaptation (β=0.57,P<0.05;β=0.0.26,P<0.05;β=0.1,P< 0.05),and the resilience,active coping style played the mediating role between social support and social adaptation (β=0.31,P<0.05;β=0.05,P<0.05).Conclusion The social adaptation and the resilience,social support and active coping style of nursing undergraduates are closely related.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 25-28, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-435777


Objective To investigate the effect of Roy Adaptation Model(RAM)in patients with adolescent insanity.Methods One hundred patients with adolescent insanity during October 2011 to March 2012 were randomized in equal number into two groups by random digit table:the study group and the control group.The former were intervened with RAM and the latter received routine care and health education.Seven weeks after intervention,Hamilton Depression Rating Scale(HAMD),Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA) and Observation Scale(NOSIE)were used for the assessment. Results After intervention,the scores on HAMD and HAMA in the study group were significantly lower,compared to the control group(P<0.01).The scores on social function,social interest,subjective support and use of social support were all significantly higher than those of the control group(all P<0.01). Conclusions RAM can improve their ability of the patients with adolescent insanity to adapt to the environment.It may improve their mental state and their quality of life.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-443125


Objective To explore the effects of self-differentiation,social support,social adaptation on suicidal ideation.Methods A simplified cluster sampling method,involving the random selection of 3097 college students in 23 departments,was used to estimate the scores of Chinese version of Self Differentiation Inventory for university student(SDI),Social Support Rating Scale(SSRC),College Student Adaptability Scale (CSAS) and Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire(ASIQ).The independent-samples t-test,Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise regression analyses were used as statistical analysis techniques.Results The correlation coefficients were negatively significant between suicidal ideation and self-differentiation,social support and social adaptation (r=-0.24,-0.17,-0.29,P<0.001).Social adaptation showed the strongest predictability for suicidal ideation (β=-0.19,P<0.001),followed by self-differentiation (β3=-0.13,P<0.001),social support (β3=-0.08,P<0.001).Independent samples t-test showed that college students with suicidal ideation showed a significant reduction in interpersonal adaptation,social support,self-differentiation compared to those without suicidal ideation.Conclusion Self-differentiation level,social support and social adaptability may be effective predictors for suicidal ideation among college students.Future intervention programs may focus on enhancing the interpersonal skills of college students to reduce prevalence of suicidal behavior.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-422404


Objective To investigate the correlation of father involvement with early social adaptation behaviors.Methods With social adaptation scale for infant-junior middle school' s student and a self-made questionnaire,1246 normal children,age from 16 to 72 months,were investigated.Regression analysis was performed to get the correlation of social adaptation with time and activities of father involved.Results After controlling for mother-,child- and family-related factors,the regression analysis showed that standard score of social adaptation was positively rehted with the time of father involved ( β =0.05,P=0.03 ),the time father invloved explain 12%of the variation of social adaptation.The father-child activities were related with social adaptation behavior,playing was related with work skills (β =0.09,P<0.01 ) and socialization ( β =0.06,P<0.05),story listening related with communication ( β =0.07,P < 0.05) and self-management ( β =0.06,P < 0.05 ),other activities related with self-dependence ( β =0.07,P<0.05) and work skills ( β =0.06,P<0.05).Conclusion The time and activities of father involved are related with children' s social adaptation.The effect of father involvement on early social adaptation is positive.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961908


@# Objective To develop a scale of social adaptation degrees of special service personnel (referred to as scale) applying Traditional Chinese Medicine and psychological theory and to assess its reliability and validity. Methods By literature review, job analysis, inventory survey, topics interview, this scale was determined in dimensions, items and items pool based on theoretical model. Results After specialist important analysis and combining the different results of statistical analysis, including Cronbach's α coefficient, resolution factor, correlation analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, 6 dimensions, 14 factors and 40 items were finally kept in the scale. The dimensions were psychological characteristics, physical condition, intelligence level, interpersonal relationships, environmental factors and moral character. The factors were self-control, self-esteem character bias, self-confidence, physiological function, learning intelligence, creating intelligence, leadership intelligence, gregariousness, cooperative, confidence feeling, natural environment, social environment and moral character. Conclusion This scale was made on the basis of general international principle, it had good reliability and validity meeting measurement standard of traditional Chinese medicine and psychological theory, and it is an effective and practical evaluation tool of social adaptation degrees of special service personnel.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-70438


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Social Adaptation Self-evaluation Scale (KvSASS), and to evaluate its psychometric properties. METHODS: KvSASS was administered to two groups, 269 members of the general population and 52 depressive patients, and data on socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, occupation, marital status, and level of education) and psychological assessment scales (Self-esteem Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, General Health Questionnaire/Quality of Life-12) were collected. For the patient group, data on clinical rating scales and the duration of antidepressant treatment were also obtained. RESULTS: The evaluation of item intercorrelation by the Pearson correlation matrix showed that the number of correlation coefficients over 0.40 was nine. Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), split-half reliability (Guttmans), and test-retest reliability of the KvSASS were good. Three main factors (social activity, self-value oriented activity, and work related activity) were extracted, and three clusters (highly, moderately, and poorly adaptive) emerged by factor and cluster analyses respectively. Concurrent validities with other psychological assessment scales were high. Stepwise multiple regression tests showed that KvSASS was significantly associated with Self-Esteem Scale and General Health Questionnaire/Quality of Life-12 in the general population group, and with occupation and General Health Questionnaire/Quality of Life-12 in the depressive patient group. CONCLUSION: KvSASS was a reliable and valid instrument to assess social functioning in both members of general population and depressive patients, and had psychometric properties reflecting the depressive patients' self-perception of social behavior rather than depressive symptoms themselves.

Humans , Depression , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Marital Status , Occupations , Population Groups , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Self Concept , Social Behavior , Weights and Measures
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-587295


Objective: To explore the differences between the internal social adaptation and external social behaviors of freshmen. Methods: Make a survey of 198 freshmen on the internal adaptation and external by General Well-Being Schedule and Undergraduate Social Adaptation Questionnaires. Results:Freshmen' social adaptation mainly involves three factors: interpersonal communication, the state of campus life and performance of studies. The Cronbach alpha of 3 factors were 0.82, 0.87 and 0.90,and the re-test reliability was r=0.73 (P

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-38505


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing social adaptation of chronic mental illness. The subjects of this study were 190 patients, over the age of 20 with chronic mental illness diagnosed by a physician, and living in Seoul, Korea during May, 2000 to December 2000. The instruments for this study were the social adaptation scale by Wallace (1979), the self-esteem scale by Rogenberg (1965), social support scale by ParkJiWon (1985), coping behavior scale by Shirley Zeitlin (1978), self efficacy scale by Sherer et. al (1982), and Rand mental health inventory(1979). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The level of social adaptation showed moderate (M=3.43). 2. The social adaptation showed significant positive correlation with self-esteem (r=0.39, p=0.00), self-efficacy (r=0.31, p=0.00), social support (r=0.47, p=0.00), self-productive coping (r=0.14, p=0.05), self-flexible coping (r=0.22, p=0.00), environment-active coping (r=0.21, p=0.00), and environment-flexible coping (r=0.14, p=0.04). The social adaptation showed significant negative correlation with anxiety (r=-0.16, p=0.02), and emotional problems (r=-0.18, p=-0.00). 3. The stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of social adaptation was social support (21%). A combination of social support, depression, behavioral controllability, self-efficacy, and environmental coping behavior accounted for 39% of the variance in social adaptation in chronic mental illness. From the results of this study, it is suggested to develop and apply a social adaptation training program for chronic mental illness.

Humans , Adaptation, Psychological , Anxiety , Depression , Education , Korea , Mental Health , Self Efficacy , Seoul
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-212821


The authors interviewed with 21 North Korean defectors who detected from North Korea in 1990-1995 and investigated their adjustment to South Korean society. The main categories of their problems in adjustment were a poor social network, financial difficulties, problems in social competency, problems resulting from their indoctrinated way of thinking, some psychological problems such as excessive self-consciousness and guilty feelings, and some social-structural problems such as poor education system in the government shelter. But, generally speaking, inspite of their problems, they have adjusted to South Korea society rather successfully In the view of short term adjustment, the reasons for their success were thought to be the characteristics and merits of a capitalistic economy ; their compliant personalities resulting from an educational system that emphasized obedience to authority and Kim Il Sung, and the dualism of North Korean lifts. Four points were discussed to assist a successful adjustment in the long term ; Fostering of the ability to make individual choices with internal principles, overcoming a judgemental, moralizing attitude, overcoming of overfull thought centered attitude and rebounding thought-lacking attitude, overcoming the effect of negative collectivism. Three things have been suggested to foster their healthy adjustment ; development and running of resocialization program for the each period of settlement ; building up a network of accessible support organizations who work for the adjustment of defectors ; systemic studies of North Korean people and defecters for the successful adjustment to unified Korean society. It is said that the division of Korean people has been the most tragic thing happen to Korea. But there can be a greater tragedy and that would be the unification of land but not the unification of people. failure to understand the real problems of the North Korean population can potentially produce conflicts and confusion which can only lead to funker re-division and greater tragedy. It is very important to study the adjustment to problems of North Korean defectors to help prepare far the unification of the Korean people.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea , Education , Foster Home Care , Korea , Running , Thinking
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-656404


This study was made on 274 apoplectics patients who received the rehabilitation therapy and tests on physical, psychological and social adaptations as outpatients in 23 general hospitals in the Seoul and Kyungi area. The basic data on degree of improvement of apoplectic patients studied from rehabilitation therapy. Data was collected over a period of 63 days, from February 21st till April, 23, 1996. The assigned physical therapist conducted direct interviews with patients after he answered the distributed questionnaires for each individual patient. The collected data was processed by the SPCC/C+ method. The results of the tests conducted to meascne the degree of ADL dependency, depression and social activity corresponding to the physical, psychological, and social adaptation. The details are; 1) The test to meascne the degree of ADL dependency, corresponding to the study of physical adaptation of CVA patients, indicated a mean score of 2.57 (ideal score is 1.0) with a standard deviation of +/-0.75. The worst score was 3.95 while the best score was a perfect 1.0, representing a severe range of dependency. The distribution was centered with a median of 2.65 and a mode of 2.68. 2) The test to meascne the degree of depression which corresponds to the level of psychological adaptation yielded a mean of 2.99 which is higher than the normal limit of 2.45. The standard deviation was +/-0.52 and the worst score and the best score were 4.35 and Respectively. The distribution was centered with a median of 3.00 and a mode of 3.00. 3) The test to meascne the degree of social activities for the level of social adaptation indicated a very low mean score of 26.52 (perfect score is 144), with the standard deviation of +/-16.23. Some patients scored as high as 100, but others scored as low as 3. The distribution of social activities at a very low level was shifted to the left with a median of 24.00 and a mode of 20.00. 4) Factors influencing the level of physical, psychological and social adaptation are as follows: Factors significantly influencing the level of physical adaption measured by ADL dependency are age, personal guardian, payer of medical expenses, and paralysis of the right arm, right leg and facial paralysis. Factors significantly influencing the level of psychological adaptation measured by the degree of depression are age, marital status, education, medical history of individual and family, speech impediment, and facial paralysis. Factors significantly influencing the level of social adaptation measured by the degree of social activity are age, marital status, education, employment status, and the burden of medical expense. 5) The Corelationship is significant (9.00), between ADL depending as degree of physical adaptation and depression as degree of psychological adaptation. ADL dependency is proportional to depression. But social activity is inversely portional to ADL dependency and depression. In conclusion, the increased care for physical function of the patients is not the only necessary means to better facilitate the appropriate adaptation of CVA patients. The introduction of a solid rehabilitation program for psychological and social adaptation will also play the integral part of the treatment of CVA patients.

Humans , Activities of Daily Living , Adaptation, Psychological , Arm , Depression , Education , Education, Medical , Employment , Facial Paralysis , Hospitals, General , Leg , Marital Status , Outpatients , Paralysis , Physical Therapists , Surveys and Questionnaires , Rehabilitation , Seoul