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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e74486, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554452


Objetivo: analisar a relação entre apoio social e qualidade do sono de pessoas idosas que cuidam de outros idosos em ambiente de vulnerabilidade social. Método: estudo transversal realizado com 65 cuidadores entrevistados por meio de instrumento de caracterização, Índice de Katz, Escala de Lawton e Brody, Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh e Escala de Apoio Social do Medical Outcomes Study, com dados analisados com testes de comparação e de correlação. Resultados: a maioria eram mulheres, cônjuges do idoso cuidado e possuíam sono de má qualidade. Observou-se correlação fraca e inversa entre má qualidade do sono e a dimensão interação social positiva (Rho=-0,27; p=0,028). Identificou-se relação significativa entre: apoio material e disfunção diurna (p=0,034); apoio afetivo e eficiência do sono (p=0,026); interação social positiva e qualidade subjetiva do sono (p=0,001) e disfunção diurna (p=0,008). Conclusão: Quanto maior a interação social positiva, melhor é a qualidade do sono.

Objective: to analyze the relationship between social support and sleep quality of elderly individuals who care for other elderly individuals in a socially vulnerable environment. Method: a cross-sectional study conducted with 65 caregivers interviewed using a characterization instrument, Katz Index, Lawton and Brody Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale, with data analyzed using comparison and correlation tests. Results: the majority were women, spouses of the elderly being cared for, and had poor sleep quality. A weak and inverse correlation was observed between poor sleep quality and the positive social interaction dimension (Rho=-0.27; p=0.028). Significant relationships were identified between: material support and daytime dysfunction (p=0.034); emotional support and sleep efficiency (p=0.026); positive social interaction and subjective sleep quality (p=0.001), as well as daytime dysfunction (p=0.008). Conclusion: The higher the positive social interaction, the better the sleep quality.

Objetivo: analizar la relación entre el apoyo social y la calidad del sueño de personas mayores que cuidan de otras personas mayores en entornos socialmente vulnerables. Método: estudio transversal realizado con 65 cuidadores entrevistados mediante un instrumento de caracterización, Índice de Katz, Escala de Lawton y Brody, Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh y Escala de Apoyo Social del Medical Outcomes Study, los datos fueron analizados mediante pruebas de comparación y correlación. Resultados: la mayoría eran mujeres, cónyuges del adulto mayor que recibe el cuidado y tenían mala calidad del sueño. Se observó una correlación débil e inversa entre la mala calidad del sueño y la dimensión de interacción social positiva (Rho=-0,27; p=0,028). Se identificó que había relación significativa entre: apoyo material y disfunción diurna (p=0,034); apoyo afectivo y eficiencia del sueño (p=0,026); interacción social positiva y calidad subjetiva del sueño (p=0,001) y disfunción diurna (p=0,008). Conclusión: Cuanto mayor sea la interacción social positiva, mejor será la calidad del sueño.

Salud ment ; 47(1): 23-33, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560492


Abstract Introduction Although the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the mental health of vulnerable populations, such as adolescent mothers, very few studies have documented the prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD) in this population. Objective a) Determine the frequency of PPD (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale [EPDS] ≥ 9) in adolescent mothers before (AM-BP) and during (AM-DP) the pandemic, b) Examine psychosocial factors (self-esteem, maternal efficacy, social support, depression and anxiety in pregnancy, planned and wanted pregnancy) in AM-BP and AM-DP, and c) Determine whether being an AM-DP was a significant factor for experiencing PPD (EPDS ≥ 9). Method Cross sectional study. Subjects: Forty-one AM-BP recruited at Health Centers and interviewed face to face and forty-one AM-DP surveyed online. Results PPD (EPDS ≥ 9) was 42% (p = .001) more frequent in AM-DP. The groups differed significantly in all psychosocial factors, with AM-DP faring worse. Unadjusted regressions showed that being an AM-DP, having lower maternal efficacy and self-esteem, greater dissatisfaction with social support, and depression and/or anxiety in pregnancy increased PPD (EPDS ≥ 9). Adjusted multiple analysis indicated that lower self-esteem was the only factor to maintain its association with PPD (EPDS ≥ 9; p = .017). Discussion and conclusion The pandemic negatively affected PPD (EPDS ≥ 9) and psychosocial factors in AM-DP, as compared to AM-BP, with self-esteem being the main factor associated with PPD (EPDS ≥ 9). In situations of extreme stress as happened in the pandemic, the mental health of adolescent mothers should be prioritized to prevent negative effects such as PPD. PPD preventive and treatment interventions should consider strengthening self-esteem.

Resumen Introducción La pandemia por COVID-19 tuvo un impacto negativo en la salud mental de poblaciones vulnerables, como las madres adolescentes, no obstante, escasos estudios documentaron la prevalencia de depresión posparto (DPP) en esta población. Objetivo a) Conocer la frecuencia de DPP (Escala Edinburgh para la Depresión Postnatal [EPDS] ≥ 9) en madres adolescentes antes de la pandemia (MA-AP) y durante la pandemia (MA-DP), b) Examinar algunos factores psicosociales (autoestima, eficacia materna, apoyo social, depresión y ansiedad en el embarazo, embarazo planeado y deseado) en MA-AP y MA-DP, y, c) Analizar si ser MA-DP, fue un factor significativo para experimentar DPP (EPDS ≥ 9). Método Estudio transversal. Participantes: 41 MA-AP captadas en Centros de Salud y 41 MA-DP encuestadas en línea. Resultados La DPP (EPDS ≥ 9) fue 42% (p = .001) más frecuente en las MA-DP. Los grupos difirieron significativamente en todos los factores psicosociales, en detrimento de las MA-DP. Las regresiones no ajustadas mostraron que ser MA-DP, tener menor eficacia materna y autoestima, mayor insatisfacción con el apoyo social, y depresión y/o ansiedad en el embarazo incrementaron la DPP (EPDS ≥ 9). El análisis múltiple ajustado indicó que una menor autoestima fue el único factor que mantuvo su asociación con DPP (EPDS ≥ 9; p = .017). Discusión y conclusión La pandemia tuvo un efecto negativo en la DPP (EPDS ≥ 9) y en factores psicosociales en MA-DP; la autoestima fue el principal factor asociado a la misma. Ante situaciones de estrés extremo, la salud mental de madres adolescentes debería ser prioritaria para prevenir efectos negativos como la DPP. Intervenciones preventivas y de tratamiento de DPP deben fortalecer la autoestima.

rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 15(1): 1-12, 20240101.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1562267


Introduction: University students are exposed to academic demands that could impact mental health and trigger suicidal behaviors. Objective: To analyze the mental health conditions (depression, anxiety, and social support) and suicide risk in Costa Rican university students. Materials and Methods: Correlational, predictive, and cross-sectional research was conducted. A census sample of 76 university students was included. Variables encompassed sociodemographic data, social support measured by the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, depression measured by the Beck Depression Inventory-II, anxiety measured by the Beck Anxiety Inventory, and suicide risk measured by the Plutchik Suicide Risk Scale. An online survey was used. Descriptive analysis, variance analysis, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regression were performed. Significance level set at p<0.05. Results: The student body had a mean age of 19.43 years ±1.75, with gender identity evenly distributed. 38.20% reported moderate-severe symptoms of depression, and 32.90% indicated suicide risk. Differences were observed between gender identity in terms of social support and anxiety (p<0.05). Correlations were found between mental health conditions and suicide risk (p=0.001). Depression was identified as a factor contributing to an increased risk of suicide (p=0.001). Discussion: Previous literature confirms that mental health conditions such as low social support, depression, and anxiety in university students would predispose to the suicide risk. Conclusions: There is a segment of the university student population experiencing adverse mental health conditions and suicide risk, for whom care strategies focused on their needs should be developed.

Introducción: El estudiantado universitario está expuesto a demandas académicas que podrían afectar la salud mental e incitar las conductas suicidas. Objetivo: Analizar las condiciones de salud mental (depresión, ansiedad y apoyo social) y el riesgo de suicidio en estudiantes universitarios costarricenses. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación correlacional, predictiva y transversal. Muestra censal de 76 estudiantes universitarios. Las variables fueron datos sociodemográficos, apoyo social medido por la Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social Percibido, depresión medida por el Inventario de Depresión de Beck-II, ansiedad medida por el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck y riesgo de suicidio medido por la Escala de Riesgo Suicida de Plutchick. Se utilizó una encuesta en línea. Se realizó análisis descriptivo, análisis de varianza, correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal múltiple. Nivel de significancia p<0,05. Resultados: El estudiantado tuvo una edad media de 19,43 años ±1,75, la identidad de género se distribuyó igualitariamente. El 38,20% manifestó síntomas moderado-severo de depresión, 32,90% refirió riesgo de suicidio. Hubo diferencias entre identidad de género según apoyo social y ansiedad (p<0,05). Se presentaron correlaciones entre las condiciones de salud mental y el riesgo de suicidio (p=0,001). La depresión determinó un aumento del riesgo de suicidio (p=0,001). Discusión: La literatura previa confirma que condiciones de salud mental como bajo apoyo social, depresión y ansiedad en estudiantes universitarios suscitarían el riesgo de suicidio. Conclusiones: Existe un sector del estudiantado universitario que presenta condiciones de salud mental adversas y riesgo de suicidio, para el que se debe desarrollar estrategias de cuidado centradas en sus necesidades

Introdução: Estudantes universitários estão expostos a demandas acadêmicas que podem afetar a saúde mental e incitar ao comportamento suicida. Objetivo: Analisar as condições de saúde mental (depressão, ansiedade e apoio social) e o risco de suicídio em estudantes universitários da Costa Rica. Materiais e Métodos: Pesquisa correlacional, preditiva e transversal. Amostra censitária de 76 estudantes universitários. As variáveis foram dados sociodemográficos, apoio social medido pela Escala Multidimensional de Suporte Social Percebido, depressão medida pelo Inventário de Depressão de Beck-II, ansiedade medida pelo Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck e risco de suicídio medido pela Escala de Risco de Suicídio de Plutchick. Foi utilizada uma pesquisa online. Foram realizadas análise descritiva, análise de variância, correlação de Pearson e regressão linear múltipla. Nível de significância p<0,05. Resultados: O corpo discente tinha idade média de 19,43 anos ±1,75, a identidade de gênero estava distribuída igualmente. 38,20% apresentaram sintomas de depressão moderados a graves, 32,90% relataram risco de suicídio. Houve diferenças entre identidade de gênero segundo suporte social e ansiedade (p<0,05). Foram apresentadas correlações entre condições de saúde mental e risco de suicídio (p=0,001). A depressão determinou risco aumentado de suicídio (p=0,001). Discussão: A literatura anterior confirma que condições de saúde mental como baixo apoio social, depressão e ansiedade em estudantes universitários aumentariam o risco de suicídio. Conclusões: Existe um setor de estudantes universitários que apresenta condições adversas de saúde mental e risco de suicídio, para o qual devem ser desenvolvidas estratégias de cuidado focadas em suas necessidades.

Anxiety , Social Support , Students , Suicide , Depression
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023386


Objective:To understand the situation of learning burnout and social support of medical laboratory technology undergraduates during their internship, analyze the correlation between them, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for improvement.Methods:A total of 107 valid questionnaires were collected. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to present the total scores of the medical laboratory technology undergraduates' learning burnout and social support scales and the scores of various dimensions. Pearson correlation analysis was applied to test the correlation between learning burnout and social support scales. SPSS 23.0 was used for statistical analysis of the data, t test and F test were conducted to compare the scores of different demographic characteristics, and Pearson correlation analysis was used to test the correlation between college students' learning burnout and scores of all dimensions of the social support scale. Results:The detection rate of learning burnout of medical laboratory technology undergraduates was 67.29% (72/107), and the total scores of learning burnout and social support scale were (42.87±8.02) points and (57.22±16.94) points, respectively. Learning burnout was negatively correlated with the total score of the social support ( r=-0.43, P=0.001). Conclusions:During the internship, it is necessary to pay attention to the undergraduates' learning burnout, and effectively improve the level of relevant social support, especially the encouragement and support given by the teachers, which will help improve their internship initiative and internship effectiveness.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025606


Objective:To design a systematic emotion management training (EMT) targeted the characteristics of coping strategies based on rehabilitation assistant and explore the feasibility of online EMT in improving cognitive coping strategies, mental health, and social support of patients with coronary heart disease(CHD).Methods:From June 2021 to December 2022, a total of 106 CHD patients were screened from cardiovascular units of a hospital in Zhengzhou. All participants were divided into the intervention group ( n=53) and control group ( n=53) using the coin toss method. The patients in intervention group received 7 weeks emotion management training on the basis of routine health education, the patients in control group received 7 weeks routine health education. The scores of cognitive coping strategies, anxiety, depression, and social support were measured at baseline and post-intervention. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 24.0 software.The cognitive coping strategies, mental health and social support scores between two groups were compared using independent sample t-tests or paired t-test. Pearson analysis was used to examine the correlation between cognitive coping strategies, mental health and social support. Results:The scores of adaptive coping strategies, maladaptive coping strategies, depression, anxiety, insomnia and social support in patients with CHD were (69.52±7.60), (35.22±6.15), (8.82±2.66), (8.78±1.99), (10.97±2.86), and (57.48±9.79), respectively. After intervention, the scores of maladaptive coping strategies, self-blame, rumination, catastrophizing, blaming others, putting into perspective, insomnia, anxiety, and depression in the intervention group were significantly lower than those in the control group( t=-7.742, -4.395, -4.781, -6.105, -6.256, -5.327, -6.017, -7.288, -7.749, all P<0.05). The scores of adaptive coping strategies, positive reappraisal, refocusing on planning and social support were significantly higher than those of the control group( t=7.314, 6.733, 5.874, 3.562, all P<0.05). In the intervention group, there were statistically significant differences in cognitive coping strategies, anxiety, depression, insomnia and social support scores before and after the test(all P<0.05) and they were not statistically significantly different in the control group(all P>0.05). Correlation analysis showed that maladaptive coping strategies were positively correlated with depression and anxiety scores ( r=0.421, 0.408, both P<0.05). Adaptive coping strategies were negatively correlated with depression and insomnia scores ( r=-0.225, -0.240, both P<0.05), and positively correlated with social support ( r=0.219, P=0.034) among patients with CHD. Conclusion:The online EMT based on rehabilitation assistant may be a useful intervention for patients with CHD which can promote psychological health, social support as well as positively transforming maladaptive coping strategies into adaptive coping strategies.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 191-197, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027831


Objective To investigate the general well-being of breast cancer peer educators and to analyze its influencing factors.Methods Convenience sampling method was used to select 210 breast cancer peer educators from 8 tertiary hospitals in China from January to February 2023.General information questionnaires,General Well-Being Scale,Cornor-Davidson Resilience Scale,and Social Support Rating Scale were used for investigation.Multiple linear regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of the general well-being in peer educators of breast cancer.Results A total of 206 breast cancer peer educators were investigated.The general well-being score was(86.70±14.08).The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that psychological resilience,the utilization of social support and the current self-funded treatment of less than 1,000 yuan per month were the influencing factors of general well-being(P<0.001).Conclusion The general well-being of breast cancer peer educators is at a high level.Improving the social support system for breast cancer patients,selecting peer educators with strong psychological resilience,high utilization of social support and low self-funded treatment,and paying attention to the psychologic status of peer educators,providing timely and positive psychological interventions will help to raise the general well-being of breast cancer peer educators and ensure the quality and continuity of peer education.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030129


Medical social work, as a bridge between social welfare policies and healthcare services, is an important force in meeting the diverse and multi-level needs of the people in medical and health care. Due to the particularity of the pediatric population, pediatric medical social work is becoming one of the key areas in the development of medical social work. Beijing Children′s Hospital, Capital Medical University has established a service mode of " collaborative medical and social worker team". The medical social workers acted as supporters to assist healthcare professionals to meet the psychological and social service needs of patients and their families as much as possible, and empowered medical staff′s career development as supporters. At the same time, the medical social workers assisted in the construction of a " child friendly" medical environment, and built a social support network for patients and families. The appropriateness and future prospects of pediatric medical social work were explored, in order to provide reference for its development.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 679-683, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031799


Objective@#To explore the possible latent classes and transition characteristics of medical freshmen and their relationship with social support and mental resilience, so as to provide a scientific reference for preventive education.@*Methods@#A total of 1 155 medical freshmen were cluster random sampled from 3 medical universities in Fujian Province and received 2 rounds of surveys(T1, October 2022; T2, December 2022) by applying Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire, Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. And the relevant data was analyzed by using latent profile analysis, latent transition analysis and multiple Logistic regression.@*Results@#There were three different subgroups of school adjustment at two time points for T1 and T2, including high school adjustment group (34.0%, 19.8%), mild school adjustment group (60.5%, 53.8%) and low school adjustment group (5.5%, 26.4%). The low school adjustment group, relatively stable, had the greatest probability of remaining in the same group(94.0%). The high school adjustment group tended to change to mild school adjustment group(25.0%), and the mild school adjustment group tended to change to low school adjustment group (22.0%). Affected by social support, high school adjustment group was less likely to transfer to be mild school adjustment group (OR=0.40) and low school adjustment group (OR=0.26). The mild school adjustment group was prone to transfer to be high school adjustment group (OR=1.47), and less likely to be low school adjustment group (OR=0.58). Influenced by mental resilence, high school adjustment group was less likely to transfer to be mild school adjustment group (OR=0.20) and low school adjustment group (OR=0.13). The mild school adjustment group was prone to transfer to be high school adjustment group (OR=9.17), and less likely to be low school adjustment group (OR=0.42). The low school adjustment group was more likely to transfer to be high school adjustment group(OR=5.43)(P<0.05).@*Conclusions@#There are three subgroups of school adjustment in medical freshmen, and class transition in school adjustment are at higher risk and are influenced by social support and mental resilience. The social support and resilience of medical freshmen should be enhanced to promote the school adjustment.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 28-32,37, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017432


Objective To investigate the frailty status and influencing factors of the elderly stroke pa-tients in community to provide a basis for its prevention and treatment.Methods The convenience sampling was used to select 200 elderly stroke patients as the study subjects in a community hospital in Guangzhou City from October 2020 to January 2022.The general information questionnaire,Chinese version of Tilburg frailty indicator scale,Modified Rankin Index Scale,Barthel index scale,short version of Geriatric Depression Scale and Social Support Rating Scale were used to collect the data.Results The incidence rate of frailty in 200 ca-ses of community elderly stroke was 86.0%.The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the degree of disability,ability of daily living,depression and social support were the influencing factors of frailty of the elderly stroke patients in community(F=71.813,P<0.001).Conclusion The incidence rate of frailty is higher in community elderly stroke patients,the higher the degree of disability,the lower the ability of daily living,the higher the level of depression and the lower the level of social support,the higher the frailty level of community elderly stroke patients.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 94-98, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038169


Objective To explore the clinical effect of nursing intervention program based on social support and information motivation behavioral model for pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM).Methods A total of 104 pregnant women with GDM admitted to Linping District,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine from February 2020 to February 2022 were selected as study objects,and were divided into experimental group and control group by random number table method,with 52 cases in each group.The pregnant women in control group were given routine nursing intervention,and the pregnant women in experimental group were given social support and information motivation behavioral model nursing intervention based on routine nursing.The depression-anxiety-stress scale,disease cognition and health behavior,blood glucose control during pregnancy,perinatal maternal and infant complications and delivery mode were compared between two groups.Results After the intervention,the scores of depression,anxiety,stress,fasting blood glucose,2-hour postprandial blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin of pregnant women in experimental group were significantly lower than those in control group,and the scores of disease cognition,health promoting lifestyle profile and vaginal delivery rate were significantly higher than those in control group(P<0.05).The complication rate of pregnant women and perinatal infants in experimental group was significantly lower than that in control group(P<0.05).Conclusion The nursing intervention program based on social support and information motivation behavioral model has good effect on pregnant women with GDM,which can enable pregnant women to obtain more social support,reduce negative emotions,improve health behaviors,promote blood glucose control,and increase the rate of natural childbirth.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 378-382, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038933


Objective@#To explore the mediating effect of self-efficacy for exercise on social support and kinesiophobia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), so as to provide insights into alleviating fear for exercise and formulating exercise intervention programs.@*Methods@#RA patients hospitalized in a tertiary hospital in Harbin City from June to December 2023 were selected, and the levels of kinesiophobia, self-efficacy for exercise and social support were investigated using the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (Chinese version), the Self-Efficacy for Exercise and the Social Support Rating Scale, respectively. The mediating effect of self-efficacy for exercise on social support and kinesiophobia was examined using a structural equation model.@*Results@#A total of 216 people were investigated, including 45 males (20.83%) and 171 females (79.17%), with the median age of 54.00 (interquartile range, 13.75) years. There were 159 of patients living in the urban areas, accounting for 73.61%. There were 102 of patients with a disease course of 1 to 5 years, accounting for 47.22%. The median scores of kinesiophobia, self-efficacy for exercise and social support were 31.00 (interquartile range, 5.00), 5.00 (interquartile range, 2.00) and 39.50 (interquartile range, 17.00), respectively. Social support had a direct negative effect on kinesiophobia (effect value=-0.358, P<0.05) and a indirect negative effect on kinesiophobia through self-efficacy for exercise (effect value=-0.887, P<0.05), and the mediating effect contributed 93.86% to the total effect.@*Conclusion@#Social support can directly or indirectly influence kinesiophobia through self-efficacy for exercise among patients with RA.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039903


Background After working in a harsh occupational hazard environment for a long time, open-pit coal mine workers are under tremendous physical and mental pressure, which is prone to presenteeism behavior. objective To identify the relationships between presenteeism, job burnout, and social support of open-pit coal miners, and verify potential mediating effect of job burnout between social support and presenteeism. Methods In 2020—2021, a questionnaire survey was conducted among employees of 6 open-pit coal mining enterprises in Xinjiang by stratified cluster random sampling. Job Burnout Questionnaire, Job Content Questionnaire, and Presenteeism Behavior Scale were used to evaluate burnout, social support, and presenteeism behavior in the study subjects. SPSS 26.0 software was used for t test, F test, correlation analysis, and mediating effect test. Results A total of 1199 questionnaires were distributed and 1083 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 90.3%. The M (P25, P75) scores of presenteeism behavior, social support, and job burnout were 2.0 (2.0, 5.0), 24.0 (23.0, 26.0), and 45.0 (34.0, 51.0), respectively. The Spearman correlation analysis results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between social support and job burnout (\begin{document}$ r $\end{document}=−0.200, P<0.01), a significant negative correlation between presenteeism and social support (\begin{document}$ r $\end{document}=−0.260, P<0.01), and a significant positive correlation between presenteeism and job burnout (\begin{document}$ r $\end{document}=0.304, \begin{document}$ P $\end{document}<0.01). The results of mediating effect test showed that social support had a negative effect on presenteeism (\begin{document}$ \beta $\end{document}=−0.122, \begin{document}$ P $\end{document}<0.001). Social support negatively predicted job burnout (\begin{document}$ \beta $\end{document}=−0.779, \begin{document}$ P $\end{document}<0.001). Job burnout had a partial mediating effect between social support and presenteeism, with an effect value of −0.0294 (95%CI: −0.0394, −0.0201), accounting for 24.18% of the total effect. Conclusion Social support negatively affects the presenteeism behavior of open-pit coal mine workers, and job burnout plays a partial mediating role between social support and presenteeism behavior.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020588


Objective:To investigate the current situation of coping styles in Crohn's disease patients and its related influencing factors.Methods:A total of 80 patients with Crohn's disease admitted to our hospital from Apri 2021 to Dec 2022 were selected to evaluate their coping styles with a simple coping style questionnaire,and relevant data were collected.The factors affecting the coping styles of Crohn's disease were analyzed by multivariable logistic regression.Results:Among the 80 patients,29 cases were negative coping,the incidence was 36.25% .There were 51 patients with positive coping(63.75% ).Educational level,simplified Crohn's disease activity index(CDAI)score,adverse psychology,social support and type D personality were associated with negative coping(P<0.05).Gender,age,family history,working status,monthly family income,place of residence,and marital status were not associated with negative coping in patients with Crohn's disease(P>0.05).Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that education level of high school or below(OR=2.945,95% CI:1.139-7.614),higher CDAI score(OR=11.999,95% CI:4.387-32.815),poor psychology(OR=5.950,95% CI:2.180-16.239),low social support(OR=3.598,95% CI:1.370-9.448)and type D personality(OR=3.208,95% CI:1.118-8.904)were risk factors for negative coping in patients with Crohn's disease(P<0.05).Conclusions:The incidence of negative coping in patients with Crohn's disease is higher,which is related to high school education or below,high CDAI score,poor psychology,low social support,and type D personality.Therefore,clinical measures can be taken to promote patients to actively cope with the disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020607


Objective:To explore the status quo and related influencing factors of health empowerment in patients with hypertension.Methods:A total of 80 patients with hypertension admitted to our hospital from Aug 2021 to Aug 2022 were selected,their health empowerment level was evaluated by chronic disease health empowerment scale,self-made baseline data questionnaire and social support rating scale,and relevant data were collected to compare the health empowerment scores of hypertension patients with different characteristics.The influencing factors of health empowerment level of hypertension patients were analyzed by linear regression analysis.Results:The health empowerment score of 80 patients was(97.58±9.56),which was at a medium level.There were statistically significant differences in health empowerment scores of hypertension patients with different ages,hypertension grades,education levels,psychological resilience and social support(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in health empowerment scores of hypertension patients with different genders,payment methods and places of residence(P>0.05).Linear regression analysis showed that age≥60 years old,hypertension grade 3,high school or below,poor mental resilience and low social support were the risk factors for low health empowerment level in hypertension patients(P<0.05).Conclusions:The health empowerment level of patients with hypertension is medium.Age≥60 years old,hypertension grade 3,high school and below,poor mental resilience and low social support are the risk factors for low health empowerment level of these patients.In clinical practice,we should strengthen the observation and care of elderly and severe hypertensive patients,actively carry out hypertension-related health knowledge education and psychological counseling,and guide patients'family members to giving more support to patients,so as to promote the improvement of patients'health empowerment level.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 162-164, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022226


Objective To explore the influencing factors of disease uncertainty levels in patients with primary aldosteron-ism(PA),in order to guide the formulation of clinical intervention measures and reduce the level of disease uncertainty in PA patients.Methods 83 patients with PA admitted to the hospital from January 2021 to January 2022 were selected to evaluate the level of disease uncertainty of all patients[MUIS score],design a baseline data questionnaire,and make detailed statistics on the baseline data of all patients,compare the MUIS score of PA patients with different data characteristics,and focus on the analysis of the factors affecting the level of disease uncertainty of PA patients.Results After evaluation,the MUIS score of 83 PA patients was(89.73±8.60)points;The MUIS scores of PA patients with different social support,education level,anxiety and family monthly per capita income were statistically different(P<0.05),while the MUIS scores of PA patients with different ages,gen-ders,work conditions,religious beliefs,diabetes and living alone were not statistically different(P>0.05);The influencing fac-tors of disease uncertainty level in PA patients are low monthly per capita income,low social support,anxiety,and low education level(P<0.05).Conclusion The disease uncertainty of PA patients is at a medium-high level.Low education level,low social support,anxiety and low family monthly per capita income are all factors affecting the disease uncertainty level of PA patients.Clin-ical intervention measures can be designated according to the above factors to reduce the disease uncertainty of patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011351


Objective@#To understand the current situation of college students emotional regulation and its correlation with perceived social support, so as to provide a reference for improving emotional regulation ability among college students.@*Methods@#From September 15 to October 15, 2022, a total of 15 560 students from 27 colleges and universities in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanghai, Anhui, Hebei, Yunnan, Shanxi and Gansu were enrolled by stratified random sampling method. The Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS) and the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) were used to investigate, and multiple stepwise regression was used to explore the relationship between perceived social support and emotion regulation of college students.@*Results@#The scores of emotion regulation, cognitive reappraisal and expression inhibition were 44(40, 50), 24(20, 28) and 20(19, 24) respectively. There were significant differences in the scores of emotion regulation, cognitive reappraisal and expression inhibition by age, grade, household registration, only child status,cost of living, and sleep ( H/Z =77.72, 49.73, -5.10, -9.77, 7.68, 168.27 ; 204.55, 317.32, -5.96, -7.60, 131.20, 968.08; 82.18, 148.04, -2.30, -8.03, 64.82, 188.08, P <0.05). In addition, the multiple stepwise regression found that family support, friend support, and other support in perceived social support all had a positive impact on the emotional regulation state of college students ( β =0.137,0.207,0.090), and family support and friend support had a significant positive effect on expression inhibition( β =0.079,0.053) and cognitive reappraisal( β =0.153,0.296)( P <0.01).@*Conclusion@#The perceived social support can directly affect the emotional regulation of college students, and improving the emotional regulation ability has a positive significance to promote the mental health level among college students.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 77-82, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012561


BackgroundCompared with absenteeism, health-related productivity loss has a long-lasting negative effect, and poses a greater harm and loss. The health-related productivity loss is mediated by self-efficacy, and perceived social support has been shown to have an impact on health-related productivity loss, whereas the interaction mechanism among the three remains unclear. ObjectiveTo investigate the status of perceived social support, occupational coping self-efficacy and health-related productivity loss among ICU nurses, and to test the mediation role of perceived social support in the relationship between occupational coping self-efficacy and health-related productivity loss. MethodsFrom September to November, 2021, purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 468 ICU nurses in 8 tertiary hospitals in Sichuan Province. Subjects were assessed using self-made general information questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS), Occupational Coping Self Efficacy Scale for Nurses (OCSE-N) and Stanford Presenteeism Scale-6 (SPS-6). Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the correlation among variables. Amos 24.0 was utilized to test the mediation role of perceived social support in the relationship between occupational coping self-efficacy and health-related productivity loss. ResultsA total of 415 ICU nurses completed the valid questionnaire survey. ICU nurses scored (63.13±11.62) on PSSS, (22.24±6.15) on OCSE-N, and (16.83±4.24) on SPS-6. Health-related productivity loss was detected in 279 ICU nurses (67.23%). Correlation analysis denoted that PSSS total score was positively correlated with OCSE-N total score (r=0.348, P<0.05), and negatively correlated with SPS-6 total score (r=-0.274, P<0.05). OCSE-N total score was negatively correlated with SPS-6 total score (r=-0.421, P<0.05). The direct effect value of occupational coping self-efficacy on health-related productivity loss was -0.401, and perceived social support showed a mediation role in the relationship between occupational coping self-efficacy and health-related productivity loss (the indirect effect value was -0.052, accounting for 11.48% of the total effect). ConclusionThe occupational coping self-efficacy of ICU nurses may affect the health-related productivity loss through the action path of perceived social support.[Funded by Scientific Research Project of Sichuan Provincial Health Commission (number, 19PJ042)]

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 374-379, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012907


Objective sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey on outpatients in two hospitals in Guangdong province in order to evaluate patients’ satisfaction with the quality of medical service. This paper explored the factors that affect patients’ evaluation of medical service quality, and found that patients’ age was negatively correlated with the evaluation of medical service quality. It is suggested that the establishment of friendly medical institutions should be carried out according to the national policy. At the same time, the management mechanism of hospital should be improved, the number of medical service centers for "efficient" should be increased, and the medical service personnel should be regularly trained; carry out medical knowledge education in community, improve the popularization of personal medical knowledge and close the cognitive gap between doctors and patients.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010115


BACKGROUND@#Although social interaction and social support during the "new normal" due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be related to presenteeism, the effect between these factors has not been clear for Japanese workers. The aim of this study was to describe the presenteeism of Japanese workers with reference to social interaction and social support following the lifestyle changes due to COVID-19 and to assess whether social interaction and social support affected their presenteeism.@*METHODS@#The data were obtained from internet panel surveys from October 2020. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and multiple linear regression was conducted using the data from the first, fourth and fifth surveys, which were conducted during October to November 2020, July to August 2021, and September to October 2021, respectively. To measure presenteeism, questions from "absenteeism and presenteeism questions of the World Health Organization's Heath and Work Performance Questionnaire", short version in Japanese was utilized. Multiple linear regressions were conducted to investigate the effects of social interaction and social support-related factors on presenteeism.@*RESULTS@#A total of 3,407 participants were included in the analysis. The mean score of absolute presenteeism from the fifth survey was 58.07 (SD = 19.71). More time spent talking with family, a larger number of social supporters and a higher satisfaction level for social support were associated with a higher absolute presenteeism score.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Our results suggested that social support reduced the presenteeism of the Japanese workers during the "new normal" due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Social interaction with family also relieved presenteeism.

Humans , Japan/epidemiology , Social Interaction , Pandemics , Presenteeism , COVID-19/epidemiology
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; mar. 2024. 137 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1561888


Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as experiências das famílias de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), a partir da perspectiva do cuidador principal. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e exploratória com abordagem qualitativa que diz respeito à atenção à saúde da criança com TEA e à percepção relacionada ao apoio que compõem ou que se ausentam no cotidiano do cuidado vivenciado pela criança e família. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um município do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil e teve como campos para coleta de dados uma Organização não Governamental e um Núcleo de Ensino e Pesquisa do Desenvolvimento Infantil, vinculado a uma instituição pública federal de ensino superior. Os critérios de inclusão foram familiares de crianças de zero a 6 anos com diagnóstico de TEA nesses serviços; e familiar com mais de 18 anos, identificado como principal cuidador da criança. Para a obtenção dos dados, foram construídos, Genograma e Ecomapa, seguidos de entrevistas semiestruturadas, individuais e audiogravadas. A Análise Temática Indutiva e o Interacionismo Simbólico foram marcos teórico e metodológico que permitiram codificar o corpus analítico. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo e todos os preceitos éticos foram seguidos. Um total de 20 entrevistas foram conduzidas com os cuidadores principais. Verificou-se maior frequência de cuidadores com idade entre 20 e 34 anos (60%), mulher cisgênero (90%), 10% com emprego formal, 50% com ensino médio, 25% em uma união estável e apenas 15% casados. Em relação às crianças com TEA, 70% apresentaram idade entre 26 e 50 meses e destas, 95% eram do sexo masculino. Das entrevistas surgiram cinco temas: "Aproximando-se do TEA: suspeitas e busca por informações"; que destaca a primeira aproximação que os cuidadores tiveram com o transtorno, remetendo a fatores que estreitam a busca pelo diagnóstico; "Confirmando o diagnóstico: sentimentos e percursos", revelando os sentimentos e as percepções que os cuidadores tiveram frente ao diagnóstico, assim como a busca pela assistência e o amparo recebido; "Definindo e reconhecendo o apoio social", evidenciando as dificuldades pela busca de apoio e o que os cuidadores consideravam como apoio social, além de destacarem os tipos de suporte que necessitavam; "Cuidando da criança com TEA: fortalezas e fragilidades", retratando toda a trajetória do cuidador principal, a busca por assistência e o empenho despendido com a criança atrelado aos medos e forças e "Enfrentando e ressignificando o olhar acerca do TEA", abordando a percepção que os cuidadores tinham em relação ao olhar da sociedade perante o TEA e as estratégias que criaram para que pudessem ressignificar suas vivências. O estudo traz considerações relevantes para refletir sobre o quão importante é uma rede de apoio sólida, capaz de fornecer subsídios socioemocionais, físicos, estruturais e financeiros para aquele que desempenha a função de cuidador principal de uma criança com TEA, uma vez que os cuidados são complexos e extrapolam o contexto familiar.

This study aimed to analyze the experiences of families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, from the perspective of the primary caregiver. This is a descriptive and exploratory research with a qualitative approach that concerns the healthcare of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the perception related to the support that comprises or is absent in the daily care experienced by the child and family. Study developed in a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, which data collection took place at a Non-Governmental Organization and at a Child Development Teaching and Research Center, linked to a public higher education institution. The inclusion criteria were family members of children aged zero to 6 years old diagnosed with ASD for at least six months and without other health diagnoses; children who are attended to in these services; and family member over 18 years of age, identified as the child's main caregiver. In order to obtain the data, we construct Genogram and Ecomap with each family caregiver, followed by semi-structured, individual and audio-recorded interview. The Inductive Thematic Analysis and the theoretical framework of Symbolic Interactionism allowed to coding the analytical corpus. The Research Ethics Committee of the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing at University of São Paulo approved the research and all ethical precepts followed. From 20 interviews conducted, there was a higher frequency of caregivers aged between 20 and 34 years old (60%), cisgender women (90%), 10% with formal employment, 50% with secondary education, 25% in a stable union and only 15% married. Regarding to children with ASD, 70% were aged between 26 and 50 months and of these, 95% were male. We identified five themes which emerged from the interviews: "Approaching ASD: suspicions and search for information"; this highlights the first approach that caregivers had with Autism Spectrum Disorder, referring to factors that narrow the search for diagnosis. "Confirming the diagnosis: feelings and paths", revealing the feelings and perceptions that caregivers had regarding the diagnosis, as well as the search for assistance and the support received. "Defining and recognizing social support", which highlighting the difficulties in seeking support and what caregivers consider as social support, in addition to highlighting the types of support they need. "Caring for a child with ASD: strengths and weaknesses", portraying the entire trajectory of the main caregiver, the search for assistance and the commitment spent on the child linked to fears and strengths. The last theme is "Facing and giving new meaning to the view of ASD", addressing the perception that caregivers have in relation to society's view of ASD and the strategies they created so that they could give new meaning to their experiences. The study brings relevant considerations to reflect on how important a solid support network is, capable of providing socio-emotional, physical, structural and financial support for those who play the role of primary caregiver for a child with ASD, since care is complex and go beyond the family context.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Social Support , Caregivers , Autism Spectrum Disorder