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Med. U.P.B ; 42(1): 30-36, ene.-jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1416082


Objetivo: este trabajo busca caracterizar el comportamiento relacionado con el suicidio en la población admitida al Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, con sobredosis de acetaminofén entre enero 2019 y diciembre 2020 y detectar factores asociados con la dosis tóxica. Metodología: análisis descriptivo con información obtenida de historias clínicas. Resultados: 63 individuos presentaron ingestión aguda de dosis tóxica de acetaminofén como comportamiento relacionado con suicidio. Cuarenta y tres eran mujeres, 60% tenía antecedente de enfermedad psiquiátrica, 35% reportó al menos un intento suicida previo y 22% consumieron 25g o más. La lesión hepática aguda se asoció con una dosis tóxica. Conclusiones: evidenciamos una alta prevalencia de antecedente de enfermedad psi­quiátrica y comportamiento relacionado con suicidio y casi un tercio de los pacientes ingirió dosis mayores al umbral de riesgo para falla hepática. Además, la impulsividad e ingesta en casa sugiere que políticas públicas restrictivas pueden no impactar en la reducción de estos eventos en la población.

Objective: this work seeks to characterize the behavior related to suicide in the po­pulation admitted to the Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, with an overdose of acetaminophen between January 2019 and December 2020, and to identify factors associated with the toxic dose. Methodology: descriptive analysis with information obtained from medical records. Results: 63 individuals presented acute ingestion of a toxic dose of acetaminophen as behavior related to suicide. Forty-three were women, 60% had a history of psychiatric illness, 35% reported at least one previous suicide attempt, and 22% consumed 25g or more. Acute liver injury was associated with a toxic dose. Conclusions: we evidenced a high prevalence of a history of psychiatric illness and beha­vior related to suicide; almost a third of the patients ingested doses greater than the risk threshold for liver failure. In addition, impulsiveness and eating at home suggests that res­trictive public policies may not have an impact on reducing these events in the population.

Objetivo: Este trabalho busca caracterizar o comportamento relacionado ao suicídio na população internada no Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, com overdose de acetaminofeno entre janeiro de 2019 e dezembro de 2020 e detectar fatores associados à dose tóxica. Metodologia: análise descritiva com informações obtidas dos prontuários. Resultados: 63 indivíduos apresentaram ingestão aguda de dose tóxica de paracetamol como comportamento relacionado ao suicídio. Quarenta e três eram mulheres, 60% tinham histórico de doença psiquiátrica, 35% relataram pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio anterior e 22% consumiram 25g ou mais. A lesão hepática aguda foi associada a uma dose tóxica. Conclusões: evidenciamos alta prevalência de história de doença psiquiátrica e com-portamento relacionado ao suicídio e quase um terço dos pacientes ingeriu doses superiores ao limiar de risco para insuficiência hepática. Além disso, a impulsividade e a alimentação em casa sugerem que políticas públicas restritivas podem não ter impacto na redução desses eventos na população.

Humans , Acetaminophen , Suicide , Suicide, Attempted , Liver Failure , Mental Disorders
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194582


Background: 85, adult patients aged between 17 to 65 years of both sexes were studied with to know the etiology of suicidal ideation.Methods: Applying methodical instruments like sleep habits questionnaires and Black scale for suicidal ideation to rule out etiology and types of suicidal ideation.Results: Total 13(15.2%) had active suicidal ideation, 23(27%) specific plans for suicide 20(23.5%) had passive suicidal ideation, 29(34%) patients had previous history of suicidal attempts. Majority of the patients were under treatment of hypnotics and antidepressants�, 11(12.9%) were on clonozepine 12(14.1%) were on lorazepam 9(10.5%) were on chlordiazepoxide, Antidepressants, 8(9.41%) were on sertalin, 14(16.4%) desvenlafaxine, 15(17.6%) Amitriptyline, 16(18.8%) were on duloxetine.Conclusions: This pragmatic study highlights the suicidal ideation with sleep disorders and depression, will be quite helpful to psychiatrist, psycho-social worker to treat the patients efficiently

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192884


Depression is a mental syndrome and lifetime prevalence of depression is found to be 16.2% in general population. Symptoms of depression in adolescent are different in comparison to adults. These symptoms include disrupted sleep, weigh loss or gain, stubbornness, irritating behavior while getting ready for school and loss of interest in sports. Major risk factors for depressive disorder in adolescent are low socioeconomic status, poverty and low parental education. A descriptive study was conducted in which data was collected through a validated questionnaire from more than 15 randomly selected private and government schools in Lahore. Total 478 students (F=190, M=288) from different schools with different socioeconomics background participated in the present study. Around 438 (91.6%) students responded that they have gone through the depression at some phase of their life. 23.2% and 43.9% students answered that they feel ignored and worthless by their family members often or occasionally, respectively. Domestic fights, quarrel and unfriendly environment, like shouting and use of abusive language disturb the psychological health of the children and provoke feelings of loneliness and sadness. Depression is a mental illness and one should not be shy about and feel uncomfortable for getting help. Seminars for awareness should be conducted at Government and Private level to reduce the incidence of depression among teenagers.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715986


OBJECTIVE: Although suicide is a serious public health concern for adolescents, there is a lack of studies that explore its risk factors in the Republic of Korea. The present study aims to investigate risk factors associated with suicidal behaviors in Korean adolescents. METHODS: Participants consisted of 2258 middle and high school students who completed a series of questionnaires regarding suicide ideation or attempts, non-suicidal self-injuries, depression, impulsivity, drinking behaviors, and negative life events, including peer bullying. RESULTS: Among the participants, 8.3% of students reported suicide ideation, while 3.2% reported a history of a suicide attempt in the past 12 months. Depression, peer-victimization, internet-related delinquency, and positive attitudes toward suicide were associated with suicidal ideations and attempts. Adverse life events were also associated with suicide ideation, but not attempts, while not living with both parents and poor family relationships were associated with suicide attempts, but not ideations. Non-suicidal self-injuries were associated with both suicide ideations and attempts. Students with suicidal ideations and attempts can be differentiated depending on the presence of self-injury. CONCLUSION: In addition to depression or behavioral problems, non-suicidal self-injuries and lack of support from family may also play significant roles in suicide attempts in adolescents. To facilitate the prevention of suicide in adolescents, longitudinal studies should be followed to confirm the risk factors identified in this study.

Adolescent , Humans , Bullying , Depression , Drinking Behavior , Family Relations , Impulsive Behavior , Longitudinal Studies , Parents , Problem Behavior , Public Health , Republic of Korea , Risk Factors , Suicidal Ideation , Suicide
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186757


Introduction: Acts of self-injury and self-poisoning that have not resulted in death are described by various terms such as attempted suicide, parasuicide, and deliberate self-harm. Due to the wider utility in various studies, the term attempted suicide is used in this study also. While suicide attempt is defined as intentional self-inflicted poisoning, injury or self-harm which may or may not have a fatal intent or outcome the term attempted suicide is used here for patients who have completely recovered from their attempt and referred for psychiatry opinion. Aim: Aim of the study was to evaluate the socio-demographic factors, methods of the attempt, psychiatric morbidity, and other causes of attempted suicide. Materials and methods: Victims of attempted suicide who were treated and referred from general medicine inpatient care for a regular psychiatric opinion were selected for this study. In the planned period of 3 months span 102 consecutively referred individuals were assessed. Through unstructured, comprehensive clinical interview individuals were evaluated and psychiatric diagnoses were made by using ICD-10-criteria. Datas were entered in a self-structured proforma, results were analyzed. Results: Women (63%), less than 30 years of age (74%), married persons (66%), studied up to secondary and higher secondary education (62%), rural population (80%), semi-skilled workers including housewives (60%), outnumbered others. 21% had a family history of suicide. 13% have attempted in the past. 56% have attempted through organophosphorus and natural plant poisoning. 39% had psychiatric morbidity. Depressive, alcohol, personality disorders were common. 57% of suicidal attempts have resulted from Dysfunctional family living in the form of Interpersonal conflicts and quarrels. Conclusion: Although identifying and treating the psychiatric condition is an immediate need, addressing the Healthy family functioning through school level educational and community level programmes would have long term impact on preventing suicidal attempts.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-213694


OBJECTIVES: We aimed to compare the smoking behaviors in adolescents from monocultural and multicultural families and to evaluate the associations between their smoking behavior and number of suicide attempts. METHODS: The data used in this study was collected from The Tenth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. The differences in the sociodemographic characteristics between the adolescents in the multicultural and monocultural families were analyzed through the χ2-test, and a logistic regression was conducted to evaluate the relationships between the smoking behavior and number of suicide attempts of the adolescents in multicultural families. The process involved an analysis using a complex sample design. RESULTS: There was significant difference in the weighted rates of the current smoking behavior (13.3% vs. 8.4%, p<0.001), experience of violence (6.8% vs. 2.3%, p<0.001), and number of suicide attempts (5.4% vs. 2.7%, p<0.001) between the adolescents from the multicultural and monocultural families. In both groups, the current smoking behavior was associated with the number of suicide attempts (multicultural families OR=6.5, p=0.005; monocultural families OR=1.5, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that the percentage of current smokers in the adolescents from multicultural families was higher than that in the monocultural families and that current smoking behavior is related to the number of suicide attempts in both groups, after adjustment for age, sex, socioeconomic status, academic achievement, current smoking behavior, depressive mood and experience of violence.

Adolescent , Humans , Korea , Logistic Models , Risk-Taking , Smoke , Smoking , Social Class , Suicide , Violence