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Entramado ; 20(2): e11400, jul.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582236


RESUMEN El disilicato de litio es una cerámica vitreada que contribuye para la restauración de los dientes. Para ello, existen dos técnicas por lo que son empleadas: técnica de inyección por calor y CAD/CAM. Objetivo: Evaluar la comparación in vitro de la técnica inyectada vs maquinada de la adaptación marginal en carillas de disilicato de litio en troqueles de dientes anteriores. Material y métodos: Se aplicaron las pruebas estadísticas de Shapiro-Wilk y la T-Student para la comparación de las dos técnicas. Resultados: Se evidenció que en la adaptación marginal, en la técnica maquinaria e inyectada, la adaptación cervical evidencia una diferencia significativa de p = 0.000; asimismo, la adaptación distal presentó diferencia significativa de p = 0.002. Por otra parte, en la adaptación mesial y palatina no se evidenciaron diferencias significativas (p= 0.112; 0.817) respectivamente. Conclusiones: No se registra una diferencia significativa entre la media de la adaptación marginal de las carillas de disilicato de litio, sin embargo, esta presentó una mejor adaptación en las carillas elaboradas con técnica inyectada a comparación de la técnica maquinada.

ABSTRACT Lithium disilicate is a vitreous ceramic that contributes to the restoration of teeth. For this purpose, two techniques are used: heat injection technique and CAD/CAM. Objective: To evaluate the in vitro comparison of the injected vs. machined technique of marginal adaptation in lithium disilicate veneers in anterior dies. Material and methods: Shapiro-Wilk and Student's t-tests were applied to compare the two techniques. Results: It was evidenced that in the marginal adaptation; in the machine and injected technique; the cervical adaptation showed a significant difference of p = 0.000; likewise, the distal adaptation presented a significant difference of p = 0.002. On the other hand, mesial and palatal adaptation did not show significant differences (p= 0.112; 0.817) respectively. Conclusions: There was no significant difference between the mean marginal adaptation of the lithium disilicate veneers, however, this presented a better adaptation in the veneers elaborated with the injected technique than the machined technique.

RESUMO O dissilicato de lítio é uma cerâmica vítrea que contribui para a restauração dos dentes. Para isso, são utilizadas duas técnicas: técnica de injeção de calor e CAD/CAM. Objetivo: Avaliar a comparação in vitro da técnica injetada versus usinada de adaptação marginal em facetas de dissilicato de lítio em matrizes de dentes anteriores. Material e métodos: Os testes estatísticos Shapiro-Wilk e T-Student foram aplicados para comparar as duas técnicas. Resultados: Ficou evidente que na adaptação marginal; em máquinas e técnica de injeção; a adaptação cervical apresenta diferença significativa de p = 0,000; Da mesma forma, a adaptação distal apresentou diferença significativa de p = 0,002. Por outro lado, não foram evidentes diferenças significativas na adaptação mesial e palatina (p= 0,112; 0,817), respectivamente. Conclusões: Não há diferença significativa entre as médias de adaptação marginal das facetas de dissilicato de lítio, porém esta apresentou melhor adaptação nas facetas confeccionadas com a técnica injetada em comparação à técnica usinada.

Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(3): 55-78, Sep.-Dec. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582844


Abstract The purpose of this systematic review was to compare the efficacy and efficiency of chemical-mechanical agents (CMA) versus rotary systems (RS) for the removal of dental caries (DC) in permanent molars. The search was carried out in five electronic databases (PubMed, Ebsco, Scopus, ScienceDirect, LILACS) and gray literature, complemented with a manual search in impact journals until July 2022 in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The efficacy of DC treatment was analyzed histologically, microbiologically, radiographically, or physicochemical-mechanically and efficiency was evaluated according to the shortest time for removal. Risk of bias was assessed with the RoB tool. Nine studies were included out of 914 publications that evaluated 337 molars with split design treated with low- or high-speed RS and CMA, such as Carisolv, Papacarie, Carie Care and Brix 3000. Significant differences were found among the studies (p<0.05), with Carisolv presenting a higher amount of residual caries, the presence of bacteria in dentin and less extent or volume of extracted caries, while Papacarie showed an absence of smear in dentin tubules and RS obtained higher microhardness values and required less time for removal. There was no difference between the two methods with respect to calcium- phosphorus titration or bond strength (p≥0.05). CMAs removed DC with less invasion to sound dentin tissues compared to RS, but reduced surface hardness and required a longer removal time.

Resumen Esta revisión sistemática tuvo como propósito comparar la eficacia y la eficiencia de los agentes químico-mecánicos (AQM) frente al sistema rotatorio (SR) para la remoción de caries dental (CD) en molares permanentes. La búsqueda se realizó en cinco bases de datos electrónica (PubMed, Ebsco, Scopus, ScienceDirect, LILACS) y literatura gris, complementada con búsqueda manual en revistas de impacto, hasta julio de 2022 en idioma inglés, español y portugués. La eficacia del tratamiento de CD se analizó de forma histológica, microbiológica, radiográfica o fisicoquímico-mecánicas y la eficiencia según el menor tiempo para la remoción. El riesgo de sesgo se evaluó con la herramienta RoB. De 914 publicaciones, se incluyeron 9 estudios que evaluaron 337 molares con diseño partido tratados con SR de baja o alta velocidad y AQM, como Carisolv, Papacarie, Carie Care y Brix 3000. Más estudios demostraron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) donde Carisolv tuvo mayor cantidad de caries residual, presencia de bacterias en dentina y menor extensión o volumen de caries eliminada, mientras que Papacarie mostró ausencia de barrillo dentinario en túbulos dentinarios y SR obtuvo mayores valores de microdureza y requirió menor tiempo para la remoción. No hubo diferencias entre ambos métodos respecto a valoración de calcio y fósforo o la resistencia a la unión (p≥0,05). Los AQM eliminaron la DC con menos invasión de los tejidos de dentina sanos en comparación con el RS, pero aminoraron la dureza de la superficie y requirieron un tiempo de eliminación más prolongado.

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 112(3): 1121231, septiembre-diciembre.2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580792


Objetivo: La tracción de un canino retenido es importante para evitar futuras complicaciones. Realizando una planificación con un equipo multidisciplinario para garantizar el éxito del tratamiento se pueden utilizar mecánicas sencillas y evaluación de la necesidad de anclaje o no. El objetivo de este informe es presentar el seguimiento de un paciente con canino impactado por palatino tratado mediante erupción cerrada con aparatología fija ortodóntica con la que se traccionó correctamente a su arcada. Caso clínico: Paciente de 16 años, clase II esqueletal, dolicofacial, perfil convexo, clase I molar, clase II canina derecha, izquierda no establecida por diente 23 retenido a nivel de fosa nasal, mesiodens, protrusión y proinclinación de incisivos, arcada superior e inferior ovoide con apiñamiento severo. Su tratamiento se realizó en la especialidad de Ortodoncia de las clínicas odontológicas integrales de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México, donde se logró traccionar el diente 23 a la arcada, se eliminó el apiñamiento mediante la extracción de los primeros premolares superiores e inferiores, se extrajo el mesiodens, se corrigieron proinclinaciones y protrusiones y se estableció guía anterior. En este caso se considera que la evaluación temprana, el diagnóstico y el monitoreo de la erupción dental, así como el plan de tratamiento correcto, es fundamental para el éxito del tratamiento.(AU)

Aim: Traction of an impacted canine is important to avoid future complications. Carrying out planning with a multidisciplinary team to guarantee the success of the treatment, simple mechanics can be used and evaluation of the need for anchorage or not. The aim of this report is to present a clinical case of a patient with a palatal-impacted canine treated by closed eruption with fixed orthodontic appliances, in which the arch was correctly tractioned. Clinical case: 16-year-old male patient, skeletal class II, dolichofacial, convex profile, molar class I, right canine class II, left not established by tooth 23 retained at the level of the nostril, mesiodens, protrusion and proclination of incisors, ovoid upper and lower arch with severe crowding. His treatment was carried out in the Orthodontics department of the dental clinics of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, where tooth 23 was tractioned to the arch, crowding was eliminated by extracting the upper and lower first premolars, the mesiodens was extracted, proinclinations and protrusions were corrected, and anterior guidance was established. In this case, it is considered that the early evaluation, diagnosis, and monitoring of dental eruption as well as the correct treatment plan was essential for treatment success.(AU)

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 31(5): 275-281, sep.-oct. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583543


Resumen Introducción: La insuficiencia cardíaca, enfermedad con alta prevalencia y mortalidad, presenta baja incorporación de cuidados paliativos (CP) a pesar de su necesidad. En Colombia, la falta de indicadores para monitorear la integración de CP en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca dificulta la implementación de estrategias efectivas. Se propone utilizar un modelo de clasificación para monitorear la integración de CP en el sistema de salud colombiano. Objetivo: Consensuar un conjunto de indicadores evaluados por su relevancia y factibilidad para monitorear la integración de cuidados paliativos en insuficiencia cardíaca en el sistema de salud colombiano. Método: Se realizó un proceso de consenso Delphi en dos rondas, incluyendo expertos de las distintas regiones del país. Se utilizó una encuesta en línea sobre nueve indicadores relacionados con la integración de cuidados paliativos en insuficiencia cardíaca en el sistema de salud colombiano. Se valoró en cada indicador su relevancia y factibilidad. Resultados: Participaron 17 expertos de todas las regiones de Colombia, el 76% eran médicos y el 24% profesionales de enfermería; en su gran mayoría (65%) pertenecían a sociedades científicas como la Asociación Colombiana de Cuidados Paliativos. Todos los indicadores alcanzaron un puntaje > 7.0 con respecto a su relevancia y factibilidad. El indicador Voluntad anticipada en personas con insuficiencia cardíaca fue considerado el más relevante y factible, seguido de Cuidados paliativos domiciliarios para personas con insuficiencia cardíaca. Conclusiones: Se consensuaron ocho de los nueve indicadores propuestos para evaluar la integración de los cuidados paliativos en el tratamiento de insuficiencia cardíaca en Colombia.

Abstract Introduction: Heart failure, a disease with high prevalence and mortality, presents low incorporation of palliative care (PC) despite its necessity. In Colombia, the lack of indicators to monitor the integration of PC in the treatment of heart failure hinders the implementation of effective strategies. It is proposed to use a classification model to monitor the integration of palliative care in the Colombian health system. Objective: To reach a consensus on a set of indicators evaluated for their relevance and feasibility to monitor the integration of palliative care in heart failure in the Colombian health system. Method: A Delphi consensus process was carried out in two rounds, including experts from different regions of the country. An online survey was used on nine indicators related to the integration of palliative care in heart failure in the Colombian health system. Each indicator was evaluated for its relevance and feasibility. Results: Seventeen experts from all regions of Colombia participated, 76% were physicians and 24% nursing professionals; the vast majority (65%) belonged to scientific societies such as the Colombian Association of Palliative Care. All the indicators scored > 7.0 with respect to their relevance and feasibility. The Advance directives in people with heart failure indicator was considered the most relevant and feasible followed by home palliative care for people with heart failure. Conclusions: Based on feasibility and relevance there was consensus on eight of the nine indicators proposed to evaluate the integration of palliative care in the treatment of heart failure in Colombia.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235027


Background: Airway management is the most essential skill in Anesthesiology and the inability to secure the airway is one of the most common reasons for anesthesia-related morbidity and mortality. [2,4] This study aimed to evaluate and compare the insertion characteristics ofAim: Proseal laryngeal mask airway (LMA) using the standard introducer technique, 90-degree rotation technique, and 180-degree rotation technique in adult patients undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. After institutional ethical approval and informed writtenMaterial And Method: consent of patients participating a prospective, interventional, randomized, comparative study was carried out on 90 Patients in the age group 20-60 years, of either gender, ASA I/II, scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia with controlled ventilation using the ProSeal LMA were included in the study. The patients were randomized into three groups: Group I - Standard Introducer technique (n=30); Group II - 90-degree rotation technique (n=30); Group III - 180-degree rotation technique (n=30). The incidence of failure of Proseal LMA, bloodResult: staning of Proseal LMA and Sore throat were signi?cantly more in standard introducer technique as compared to rotation technique. Conclusion: The study concluded that the 90-degree rotation technique and 180-degree rotation were both superior to the introducer technique in adult patients in terms of insertion time, ease of insertion score, manipulation requirement, blood staining of PLMA and post-op dysphagia/sore throat .

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242114


Background: Pterygium is a common eye condition marked by the abnormal growth of fibrovascular tissue from the conjunctiva onto the cornea, often resulting in visual impairment and discomfort. This condition typically presents as a triangular lesion that varies in severity and is linked to environmental factors like UV radiation. Effective management of pterygium, including surgical removal and autografting, is crucial for maintaining ocular health. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at the Shree Balaji Institute of Medical Science, involving 120 patients with pterygium who underwent surgery between January 2022 and January 2024. Three groups were formed based on surgical technique: sutures, fibrin glue, and autologous blood. Patient outcomes, including recurrence and complications, were compared across these groups using one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Chi-square test, with p-values indicating statistical significance. Results: The mean age differed significantly across procedures (p<0.001), with 61.69 years in the suture group, 50.17 years in the glue group, and 50.13 years in the blood group. Gender and eye distribution were not significantly different (p>0.05). No significant differences in complications such as graft edema (p=0.456), graft retraction (p=0.372), granuloma (p=0.344), graft loss (p=0.248), and recurrence (p=0.613) were observed among the techniques. Conclusion: The main conclusion of this study is that there are no significant differences in the rates of complications, including graft edema, graft retraction, granuloma formation, graft loss, and recurrence, among the three techniques.

Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 19(3): 78-86, sept. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572066


La radiografía de tórax sigue siendo fundamental para la evaluación de patologías torácicas en lactantes. Antes de iniciar su interpretación, muchos autores sugieren revisar la técnica radiológica, ya que a esta edad se presentan varias particularidades técnicas que deben tenerse en cuenta para evitar errores interpretativos y no confundir hallazgos técnicos con patologías. Entre estas particularidades técnicas se deben evaluar: el centraje transversal o rotación, el centraje longitudinal o posición lordótica, el grado de inspiración, la posición de la vía aérea superior, la penetración o exposición de la radiografía, tipos de proyecciones y el movimiento. El objetivo de esta revisión es comentar y ejemplificar las peculiaridades técnicas que presenta la radiografía de tórax en lactantes y que pueden llevar a interpretaciones erróneas.

The chest X-ray remains essential for evaluating thoracic pathology in infants. Before beginning its interpretation, many authors recommend assessing the radiographic technique, as several technical peculiarities must be considered at this age to avoid interpretive errors and prevent mistaking technical artifacts for pathology. The technical aspects to be evaluated include transverse centering or rotation, longitudinal centering or lordotic position, degree of inspiration, upper airway positioning, radiograph penetration or exposure, projection types, and movement. The objective of this review is to discuss and illustrate the technical peculiarities of infant chest X-rays that can lead to erroneous interpretations.

Humans , Infant , Thoracic Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Thoracic , Diagnostic Errors , Rotation , Patient Positioning
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234144


Background: Chandra Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama is a type of alternate nostril breathing which is the control-positive inhalation and exhalation process. Alternate nostril breathing technique shows the best result in health improvement especially in controlling the blood pressure. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system which dilates blood vessels, decreases the heart rate which leads to reduce blood pressure. Many studies have been done to see effects of breathing exercises on cardiovascular system however, no such studies were done to see specific and immediate effect of Chandra Nadi Shuddhi on cardiovascular system. In this article, we will look how Chandra Nadi Shuddhi improves blood pressure, heart rate, and rate pressure product. Methods: Ethical clearance and participant consent was taken. Study design was experimental study. The 80 subjects were taken by convenient sampling. Participants were asked to perform 27 rounds of the Chandra Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama and outcome measures were assessed before and immediately after performing Chandra Nadi Shuddhi. The normality of the data was assessed using parametric paired t test. Results: Immediate effect of Chandra Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama showed that there was statistically significant decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and rate pressure product (p=0.0001, 0.0045, 0.0001 respectively) Conclusions: There is immediate effects of Chandra Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama on individuals with normal blood pressure.These results suggest a possible role for this technique in helping to control hypertension, lower anxiety and depression, improve breathing and immunity.

Medisan ; 28(4)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582764


Introducción: Las lesiones osteomioarticulares entre jóvenes que prestan servicios para la defensa se relacionan con factores de riesgo. El uso de modelos preventivos basa su enfoque en la identificación del riesgo y el desarrollo de acciones para su prevención. Para su validación se utilizan métodos de consenso y la evaluación de su impacto apoya con modelos participativos, valoraciones interpretativas y constructivistas sobre sus procesos. Objetivo: Evaluar la relevancia del modelo preventivo para la identificación del riesgo de lesiones osteomioarticulares en adultos jóvenes de una institución armada. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación en enero de 2024, la cual incluyó a 16 expertos y 125 jóvenes de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba. Para la validación del modelo se utilizó el método de criterio de expertos y para la evaluación del impacto, el Modelo de Cuarta Generación de Guba y Lincoln. Resultados: Con similares valores porcentuales y diferencias en los puntos de corte, en ambas rondas, el consenso se agrupó en las categorías de bastante adecuado (25,0 %) y muy adecuado (75,0 %). El resultado fue interpretado como significativo y se concluyó la validación. La evaluación del impacto de las acciones preventivas alcanzó acuerdo fuerte (Me=8; IC 7-9) y grado de recomendación adecuada con valor superior a 70,0 % de consenso entre los evaluadores. Conclusiones: La relevancia del modelo se demuestra en el consenso que refleja la capacidad para garantizar precisión al medir los resultados esperados y el impacto que proyecta un grado de recomendación adecuado sobre las acciones propuestas.

Introduction: Osteomyoarticular lesions among young people that render services for the defense are related to risk factors. The use of preventive models bases its approach on the identification of risk and development of actions for its prevention. Consent methods are used for their validation and participative models, interpretative and constructivist valuations on their processes back the evaluation of its impact. Objective: To evaluate the relevance of the preventive model for identifying the risk of osteomyoarticular lesions in young adults of an armed institution. Methods: An investigation was carried out on January 2024, which included 16 experts and 125 young adults from Santiago de Cuba province. For the model validation the experts' criteria method was used and for the evaluation of impact, the Guba and Lincoln Fourth Generation Model. Results: With similar percentage values and differences in the cut points, in both rounds, the consent got into groups in the categories of quite appropriate (25.0 %) and very appropriate (75.0 %). The result was interpreted as significant and the validation was concluded. The evaluation of impact in the preventive actions reached strong agreement (Me=8; IC 7-9) and appropriate degree of recommendation with value higher than 70.0 % of consent among assessors. Conclusions: The relevance of the model is demonstrated in the consent that reflects the capacity to guarantee precision when measuring the prospective results and the impact that projects an appropriate degree of recommendation on the proposed actions.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234224


Background: Ventral hernia repair is the most popular procedures done worldwide. Despite of enough literature, evidence for optimal repair is lacking. We introduced a novel surgical technique for open primary ventral hernia repair, using modified smead jones technique. Methods: This prospective interventional study conducted at the department of general surgery in Midnapore Medical College and Hospital from October 2022 to February 2023 aimed to assess the efficacy of the modified smead jones technique in open primary ventral hernia repair. Results: Thirty cases were enrolled, predominantly featuring umbilical hernias in females aged 51-60 years. All cases presented with swelling, pain, and irreducibility. The Modified smead jones technique, employing Prolene no. 1, was utilized, with post-operative complications primarily comprising superficial wound infections managed by IV antibiotics and post-operative pain addressed with adequate analgesia. Recurrence was not observed during follow-ups at 15 days, 1 month, 6 months, and 12 months. Conclusions: The study concludes that this modified technique offers a straightforward approach with low rates of early and potential reduction in late complications, serving as a viable alternative in both elective and emergency settings for primary ventral hernia repair.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234213


Background: Spinal cord injury (SCI) often leads to respiratory complications due to impaired neuromuscular control. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques have shown promise in improving respiratory function in various populations, but their effectiveness in SCI patients remains underexplored. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of respiratory PNF techniques on pulmonary function in individuals with SCI. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted involving SCI patients with respiratory impairment. A total of 43 participants were included in this study. The study duration was 4 years with an intervention period of 4 weeks and the outcome measures were pulmonary functions and chest expansion using inch tape. Results: There was a significant improvement in pulmonary functions in the control group and a highly significant improvement in pulmonary functions in the experimental group after 4 weeks of interventions and chest expansion was significantly improved in the experimental group. Conclusions: The respiratory PNF techniques demonstrated a clinically meaningful enhancement in pulmonary function and chest mobility among SCI patients. Respiratory PNF techniques represent a valuable adjunct therapy for improving pulmonary function and chest mobility in individuals with SCI.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232760


Background: Episiotomy is one of the most commonly practiced obstetric procedures done to enlarge the diameter of the vulval outlet to facilitate the passage for the fetal head and prevent an uncontrolled tear of the perineal tissues in the second stage of labor. The study compared the effectiveness of the new technique with the standard technique in promoting proper tissue healing, reducing discomfort and minimizing the risk of complications.Methods: The prospective comparative study was conducted for duration of 15 years. Women who were primigravida, with singleton pregnancy, at term gestation, with vertex presentation were included in the study and women with multigravida, multiple pregnancy, preterms were excluded from the study. Episiotomies were performed either novel technique or traditional technique by random allocation and results were compared.Results: At 6 weeks and 1 year, 80% and 95% patients had no pain who had episiotomy repaired by novel technique. At one year follow up 1% patients had vaginal discharge who had episiotomy repaired by novel technique while 6% who had episiotomy repaired by traditional technique. 78% patients were psychologically satisfied with episiotomy repaired by novel technique.Conclusions: Novel technique of episiotomy suturing is recommended for less postoperative complications, cosmetic pleasing aesthetic outcome and psychological satisfaction.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2024 Jul; 122(7): 52-54
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238891


Background : Rotator Cuff Tear is likely due to trauma and age related degeneration. The incidence of rotator cuff tears increases with age. Symptomatic large full thickness tear can be progress, so needed early intervention. In management of rotator cuff pros and cons of operative and non-operative treatment should be consider along with patient age and occupation of patient. Aims and Objectives : (1) To evaluate the outcome of rotator cuff repair by mini open technique. (2) To assess post operative pain in rotator cuff repair patients. Materials and Methods : In this prospective study, 30 patient treated with mini open rotator cuff repair between March, 2021 to March, 2023 are considered. Outcome of this patient was evaluated with oxford shoulder score. Results : 30 patient with operated for rotator cuff tear with mini open rotator cuff repair between age 18 to 65 were studied. Most common cause was degenerative (43.4%), by chronic impingement (33.3%) and by Traumatic (23.3%). Optimum range of movement was achieved in these patient in mean time to 1.5 months with minimal residual pain or discomfort. 86.7% patients had 40-48 Oxford shoulder score. 56.7% patients had no difficulties postoperatively in follow-up. Conclusion : Result of this study indicate that rotator cuff tear repair with mini open technique shows good outcome in term of range of movement at shoulder joint and minimal or no postoperative pain with minimal postoperative complication.

Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 70(1): 13-20, jul. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571500


La terapéutica endodóntica se apoya básicamente en dos modelos teóricos o paradigmas: el concepto de "tubo hueco" técnico y quirúrgico esencialmente mecanicista, y el modelo terapéutico para conductos radiculares, que busca la restitución ad integrum de los tejidos apicales y el hueso alveolar que los rodea. La instrumentación debe complementarse con la limpieza por irrigación abundante y la obturación con un biomaterial bioactivo, con características reológicas que permitan su adaptación plástica a las paredes del conducto radicular y module la respuesta de los tejidos hacia la regeneración con aposición de tejido calcificado en el foramen apical (AU)

Endodontic therapy is basically based on two theoretical models or paradigms, which are the concept of the technical and surgical "hollow tube", essentially mechanistic, and the therapeutic model of root canals, which seeks the ad integrum restitution of the apical tissues and bone. alveolar that surrounds them. The instrumentation must be complemented with cleaning by abundant irrigation, and with a bioactive biomaterial, with rheological characteristics that allows its plastic adaptation to the walls of the root canal and modulates the response of the tissues towards regeneration with apposition of calcified tissue in the apical foramen (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Biocompatible Materials , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Retreatment , Periapical Diseases/complications , Root Canal Irrigants/therapeutic use , Tooth Apex , Molar
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 70(1): 35-41, jul. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571614


Este artículo es una actualización de uno publicado en la Revista del Ateneo Argentino de Odontología (RAAO) en el número 2 de 2016, titulado: "Implantes retrosinusales como alternativa al levantamiento del piso del seno maxilar" donde se presentan casos con implantes colocados con técnica mínimamente invasiva sin colgajo (flapless) en posición inclinada, que, en ese momento, tenían 10 años de evolución. Teniendo en cuenta que son pacientes de mi prácti- ca privada, con los cuales mantengo un seguimiento continuo, me pareció interesante enfocarme en un paciente que participó en el artículo arriba mencio- nado, que sufrió pérdida de un implante a los 14 años de instalado. El objetivo del presente trabajo será mostrar el resul- tado favorable del caso con técnicas mínimamente invasivas. Cabe destacar que el paciente de referencia tiene implantes desde hace más de 20 años, por lo que se evaluarán otros implantes inmediatos postextrac- ción, tratados con la misma técnica (AU)

This article is an actualization of one published in the Argentine Ateneo of Dentistry Journal, in 2016, number 2, titled: "Retro Sinusal Implants as an Alternative to lifting the Maxillary Sinus Bottom" in which several cases of implants were placed with a flapless minimum invasive technique, in an inclined position, which at that moment had a 10-year evolution. Considering that these patients are from my private practice of whom I keep a permanent follow up, it seemed interesting to me to focus on a particular patient that was mentioned in the previous article, who suffered the loss of an implant placed 14 years before. The objective of the present work will be to show the positive outcome of this case with minimum invasive techniques. It should be noted that the patient named above, has twenty years old implants placed with success, so new inmediate post extraction implants have been evaluated, placed with the same technique (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dental Care for Aged/methods , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Surgical Flaps
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241834


Background: Bioethanol has been point of attention as the world starts to shift towards the greener aspect of energy source. In present scenario production of bioethanol utilizing natural crop and agricultural waste becomes researcher's desire. Low production cost and high extraction ef?ciency are now need of the time, especially to obtain 4G bioethanol. Now the ?eld of Genetic engineering requires more devotion towards the genetic manupulation of micro-organism or metabolic engineering of sugar hydrolysing enzyme to ease way more cheaper discovery of fourth generation bioethanol. This work describes the production of bioethanol from natural sources like sugarcane, molases[1G bioethanol] or from lignocellulosic material[2G bioethanol], or microalgal biomass [3G bioethanol] and discusses the procedures of bioethanol production as well as factors hindering the production of bioethanol followed by the additional pieces of information on approaches to evaluate the obtained ethanol. Now Fourth Generation Bioethanol has been selected for the researcher's topic of interest as the commercial production of it can satisfy the huge energy demand of the world with minimal environmental exploitation. The articleConclusion: concludes with an urge to discover De Novo technique for Bioethanol production with an appreciable yield percentage to be claimed as potential green fuel of future and it is only possible by introducing more genetically modi?ed strain of algae for high biomass production, by genetical modi?cation as well as metabolic engineering of micro-organism and enzyme respectively.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239916


The marketing strategy used in tertiary care hospital medical services uses a variety of tactics to attract, keep, and engage patients. The primary objective is to provide patients with excellent medical care and positive practice. The methods are intended to increase the confidence and trustworthiness while giving them a unique and memorable experience. Digital marketing is one of the most critical marketing strategies for healthcare services. Social media, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and other powerful techniques are required to attract new patients and keep them interested in the hospital. Another strategy to encourage current patients to tell their friends about the hospital is to use patient referral programmes and word-of-mouth advertising. Implementing patient-centred services and individualized treatment is another tactical approach.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239544


Aim: The objective of current research was to evaluate the impact of patient’s age on the microleakage in Class-V composite restorations. Study Design: Research article. Methodology: 30 permanent human molars from various age groups (n=10 each) were collected. The teeth were categorized based on age, Group I (less than 30 years), Group II (30-50 years), and Group III (more than 50 years), standardized Class-V tooth preparations were prepared. Subsequently, each group has further two subgroups: selective enamel etching (Sb A) and self-etching (Sb B), using universal adhesive (3M single bond). Following this, restoration of teeth were done using Z350 composite, and microleakage was analysed by dye penetration method via stereomicroscope and corresponding scoring were recorded. Mann- Whitney Test and Kruskal- Wallis Test was done for statistical analysis. Results: The group III subgroup A and B showed highest microleakage (2.40 and 2.80) followed by group II (1.20 and 1.60) and least in group I (0.40 and 0.80) respectively (P<.005). Therefore, more microleakage was seen with self-etch group as compare to selective etch. Conclusion: Influence of age of patient had significant impact on Class-V restorations. Also, more microleakage was observed in self-etch group as compared to that of selective etch technique.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(2): 333-336, jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564788


Resumen La nutrición enteral por yeyunostomía es una prác tica frecuente en cualquier servicio de cirugía general, esta conlleva bajo riesgo de complicaciones y morbi mortalidad. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con antecedente inmediato de gastrectomía subtotal que inició nutrición por yeyunostomía y complicó con ne crosis intestinal por isquemia no oclusiva en el corto lapso. La finalidad de este trabajo es informar sobre esta complicación, su fisiopatología y factores de riesgo para tenerla en cuenta y poder tomar precozmente una conducta terapéutica adecuada.

Abstract Enteral nutrition through jejunostomy is a common practice in any general surgery service; it carries a low risk of complications and morbidity and mortality. We present the case of a patient with an immediate history of subtotal gastrectomy that began nutrition through jejunostomy and complicated with intestinal necrosis due to non-occlusive ischemia in the short period. The purpose of this work is to report on this complication, its pathophysiology and risk factors to take it into account and be able to take appropriate therapeutic action early.

Rev. ADM ; 81(3): 170-176, mayo-jun. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567149


El avance de la tecnología permite realizar cambios en la rehabilitación y estética, reduce los tiempos de trabajo y disminuye los riesgos que se presentan al momento de utilizar materiales convencionales para la toma de impresiones. Existen dos técnicas que se pueden emplear, la analógica y la digital; la primera presenta mayores riesgos que el operador no puede controlar, así como tiempos más prolongados. Este reporte describe la rehabilitación bucal en dos pacientes con desgaste dental, se optó por usar ambas técnicas, la analógica y la digital, como tratamiento; en la primera se empleó el encerado convencional y en la segunda el software Exocad para el encerado digital. Finalmente en ambos casos se aplicó (AU)

The advance of technology has allowed changes in rehabilitation and esthetics, providing shorter working times and reducing the risks that occur when using conventional materials for taking impressions. There are two techniques that can be used, analog and digital, the first one presents greater risks that the operator cannot control, as well as more time. This report describes the oral rehabilitation in patients with dental wear. The treatment was carried out using the analogical and digital techniques, the former using conventional waxing and the latter using Exocad software for the digital waxing; finally, in both cases the injection technique with high-load Flow resin was used (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth Wear/rehabilitation , Patient Care Planning , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Injections