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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016764


Background As the population ages, there has been a growing focus on the decline in fertility. Research has identified age and fertility history as the primary influencing factors. Nevertheless, there is a deficiency in fundamental data regarding the fertility status among different industries. Objective To investigate the fertility status and influencing factors among female workers aged 22-35 years in different industries. Methods From July 2020 to February 2021, a cross-sectional survey was conducted using a staged sampling approach. This survey specifically targeted 22-35-year-old married female workers with a history of pregnancy in industries such as education, healthcare, finance, and telecommunications, totaling 22903 participants. The survey encompassed industry, demographic characteristics, pregnancy history, time to pregnancy (TTP), and other influencing factors. The influencing factors of decline in fertility were identified by chi-square test and Cox proportional hazards regression. Subsequent industry-specific Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to compared fertility decline patterns across a spectrum of industries after selected influencing factors were adjusted. Results Among the 22903 respondents, 19194 valid questionnaires were collected, with a valid recovery rate of 83.8%. The cumulative pregnancy rates (CRP) of 1-6 months and 1-12 months for the 22-35-year-old female workers were 67.23% and 91.33% respectively. The multivariate analysis showed that region, age, education level, personal annual income, housework time, coping style, gravidity, parity, and spontaneous abortion were influencing factors of fertility decline (P<0.05). Female workers with ≥3 gravidities and ≥2 spontaneous abortions had a higher risk of fertility decline, with hazard ratios (HR) and associated 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of 0.633 (0.582, 0.688) and 0.785 (0.670, 0.921) respectively (P<0.01). Compared to the education industry, the healthcare and finance industries showed a higher risk of fertility decline, with HR (95%CI) values of 0.876 (0.834, 0.920) and 0.909 (0.866, 0.954), respectively (P<0.05). These two HR (95%CI) values remained statistically significant [0.899 (0.852, 0.948) and 0.882 (0.833, 0.934) respectively, P<0.05)] after further adjustment with nine influencing factors such as region and age. Conclusion Regions, age, education level, personal annual income, housework time, coping style, pregnancy and childbirth times, and natural abortion times are influencing factors of fertility decline in female workers. Compared to the education industry, the healthcare and finance industries have a higher risk of declining fertility.

Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 47(1): 41-45, Marzo 13, 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-743941


Introducción: El tiempo para quedar en embarazo (TPE) es una medida clínica de la fecundidad útil en la evaluación de efectos reproductivos relacionados con exposiciones ambientales u ocupacionales. Estudios con mujeres europeas evidencian que su uso tiene una adecuada recordación y reproducibilidad; sin embargo, estas propiedades no han sido evaluadas en Latinoamérica. Objetivos: Evaluar la reproducibilidad de la medida TPE en una población de mujeres colombianas como una aproximación clínica de la fecundidad. Metodología: Estudio de reproducibilidad prueba-reprueba de un cuestionario para determinar el tiempo al primer embarazo en una sub-muestra de 27 mujeres, anidado en una cohorte retrospectiva de evaluación de los efectos reproductivos de la exposición al mercurio metálico en la minería artesanal de oro. El cuestionario fue administrado de forma repetida por un evaluador entrenado, en el primer momento en una entrevista presencial y 12 meses después en una entrevista telefónica. La reproducibilidad del cuestionario fue evaluada usando el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI). Resultados: La mediana de tiempo al embarazo fue de 4 meses (rango intercuartil 1-12). El rango de tiempo transcurrido desde el primer embarazo estuvo entre 1 y 15 años. El CCI (2,k) fue 0.726 (IC 95% 0.39, 0.88), demostrando una buena reproducibilidad de la variable después de un año de separación entre la primera y segunda entrevista. Conclusiones: El TPE para el primer embarazo mostró ser una medida clínica de fecundidad sencilla y reproducible, con un tiempo de recordación de hasta 15 años y en evaluación presencial o telefónica en una población de mujeres colombianas.

Introduction: Time to pregnancy (TTP) is a clinical measurement of fecundity that has been used in occupational and environmental epidemiological research. Previous studies conducted in European women have shown an adequate reliability and reproducibility. However, these characteristics have not been yet evaluated in Latin American women. Objective: To assess the reproducibility of TTP for the first pregnancy as clinical measurement of couple's fecundity in a population of Colombian women. Methods: A test-retest study of TTP in 27 Colombian women was nested in a retrospective cohort study assessing the effect of mercury exposure on reproductive effects. The questionnaire was applied twice by the same trained interviewer (by person at baseline and by phone 12 months later). The TTP's reproducibility was evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC 2,k). Results: The median TTP was 4 months (Interquartile range 1-12). The range of time from the first pregnancy to the first interview was between 1 and 15 years. The ICC (2,k) was 0.726, (CI 95% 0.39 - 0.88), indicating good reproducibility between both measures. Conclusions: Our results suggest that TTP is a useful and reproducible measurement, with a remembrance time up to 15 years. Results were similar when assessed by phone and face-to face interview in a population of Colombian women.