Background: Moringa peregrina Forssk is a well-known plant in ethnomedicine due to its widespread uses in various diseases like cough, wound healing, rhinitis, fever, and detoxification. The plant seeds contain compounds that are cytotoxic to many cancer cells. During the therapeutic use of plants via the oral route, some compounds present in the plants may be cytotoxic to normal cell lines and red blood cells. Objective: This study was the first report of investigation of the cytotoxic profile on oral cancer, CAL 27, cell line, and hemolytic activities on human erythrocytes of Moringa peregrina seeds ethanolic extract (MPSE). Methods: MPSE was screened for its cytotoxic effect against oral cancer, CAL 27, cell line using 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5,-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The toxicity of MPSE on human erythrocytes was determined by in vitro hemolytic assay. Results: MPSE showed significant anti-proliferative activity against oral cancer, CAL 27 cell line at lower concentrations with half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of 21.03 µg/mL. At 1,000 µg/ml of MPSE, the maximum hemolysis was found to be 14.3% which is within safer limit. Conclusions: This study revealed a potential anti-oral cancer of MPSE and provided a baseline for its potential use in oral cancer treatment with minimum hemolytic effect on human RBCs.
La Moringa peregrina Forssk es una planta muy conocida en etnomedicina debido a sus usos generalizados en diversas enfermedades como la tos, la cicatrización de heridas, la rinitis, la fiebre y la desintoxicación. Las semillas de la planta contienen compuestos citotóxicos para muchas células cancerosas. Durante el uso terapéutico de las plantas por vía oral, algunos compuestos presentes en ellas pueden ser citotóxicos para las líneas celulares normales y los glóbulos rojos. Objetivo: Este estudio fue el primer informe de investigación del perfil citotóxico sobre el cáncer oral, CAL 27, línea celular, y las actividades hemolíticas en eritrocitos humanos del extracto etanólico de semillas de Moringa peregrina (MPSE). Métodos: Se examinó el efecto citotóxico del MPSE contra la línea celular de cáncer oral CAL 27 mediante el ensayo con bromuro de 3-(4, 5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2, 5,-difeniltetrazolio (MTT). La toxicidad del MPSE sobre los eritrocitos humanos se determinó mediante un ensayo hemolítico in vitro. Resultados: MPSE mostró una actividad antiproliferativa significativa contra el cáncer oral, línea celular CAL 27 a concentraciones más bajas con un valor de concentración inhibitoria media máxima (IC50) de 21,03 µg/mL. A 1.000 µg/ml de MPSE, la hemólisis máxima fue del 14,3%, lo que está dentro del límite de seguridad. Conclusiones: Este estudio reveló un potencial anticancerígeno oral de MPSE y proporcionó una base para su uso potencial en el tratamiento del cáncer oral con un efecto hemolítico mínimo en los glóbulos rojos humanos.
Humans , Moringa , Mouth Neoplasms , Cytotoxins , Erythrocytes , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
La hepatotoxicidad inducida por medicamentos es un diagnóstico de descarte. Típicamente, se presenta en pacientes que desarrollan cambios clínicos y bioquímicos compatibles con hepatitis, pero relacionados con el inicio reciente de agentes farmacológicos, y que se resuelven tras el retiro de la noxa. Su desarrollo se ha descrito con el uso de algunos antibióticos, antituberculosos, estatinas, herbolarios y antiinflamatorios no esteroideos; sin embargo, hay pocos reportes de casos con el uso de anticonceptivos orales, en los cuales el surgimiento de mecanismos idiosincráticos puede llevar a la presentación de características clínicas como ictericia y anormalidades en los exámenes de laboratorio, como la elevación de las transaminasas. Esto requiere de estudios extensos para descartar otras patologías que pueden presentarse de esta forma, lo que representa un reto clínico. En este artículo se muestra el reporte de un caso de una paciente con antecedente de uso crónico de anticonceptivos implantables y que, tras el ajuste de la terapia con el inicio de anticonceptivos orales, desarrolla un episodio de elevación marcada de transaminasas e ictericia.
Drug-induced liver injury is a rule-out diagnosis. Typically, it occurs in patients who develop clinical and biochemical changes compatible with hepatitis, but related to a history of recent onset of pharmacological agents, and resolves after withdrawal of the noxious substances. Its development has been described with the use of some antibiotics, antituberculosis agents, statins, herbal and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs; however, there are few reports of cases with the use of oral contraceptives, in which the appearance of idiosyncratic mechanisms can lead to the presentation of clinical features such as jaundice and laboratory tests abnormalities, like transaminase elevation, requiring extensive studies to rule out other pathologies that may have this clinical presentation, wich represents a clinical challenge. We present a case report of a patient who had chronic use of implantable contraceptives and who, after adjustment of therapy with the start of oral contraceptives, developed an episode of marked elevation of transaminases and jaundice.
Objetivo: verificar a toxicidade do uso medicamentoso da hidroxicloroquina em pacientes. Metodologia: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura com uma avaliação documental e abordagem descritiva nas bases de dados eletrônicos LILACS, SCIELO e MEDLINE-PUBMED, usando diferentes combinações de descritores, publicados entre os anos de 2015 a 2023, nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português. Resultados: este estudo revisou 117 artigos científicos, dos quais 67 foram nos Estados Unidos. Além disso, o ano de 2020 obteve 21,2% a mais de publicações em relação ao ano de 2015. Desse modo, notou-se que a prevalência de 44,07% das lesões pelo uso da hidroxicloroquina foi oftálmica, 35,5% foram cardíacas, 14,4%, dermatológicas e as outras demais porcentagens restantes. Conclusão: portanto, os resultados obtidos confirmam a toxicidade da hidroxicloroquina no uso de tratamentos adjacentes.
Introduction: Tto verify the toxicity of the use of hydroxychloroquine medications in patients. Methods: it is an integrative literature review with a documentary evaluation and descriptive approach conducted in the electronic databases LILACS, SCIELO, and MEDLINE-PUBMED, using different combinations of descriptors, published between 2015 and 2023 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Results: this study reviewed 117 scientific articles, with 67 of them conducted in the United States. Besides that, 2020 had a 21.2% increase in publications compared to 2015. It was observed that 44.07% of the injuries caused by hydroxychloroquine use were ophthalmic, 35.5% were cardiac, 14.4% were dermatological, and the remaining percentages accounted for other types of injuries. Conclusion: therefore, the obtained results confirm the toxicity of hydroxychloroquine in the use of adjacent treatments.
Toxicity , HydroxychloroquineABSTRACT
The chemical structure of piperidine has a unique ability to combine with other molecular fragments. This fact makes it possible to actively use it as an effective basis for the creation of new drug-like substances. Thus, the aim of the current investigation was to study the acute toxicity, local anesthetic potency, and antiarrhythmic activity of the two new synthesized piperidine derivatives under laboratory codes LAS-286 and LAS-294 (local anesthetic substances). The Bulbring & Wajda animal model and method of determining the nociception threshold during electrical stimulation was used to investigate the action of the substance during infiltration anesthesia. An antiarrhythmic activity was observed by the aconitine-induced rat arrhythmia model. Additionally, these compounds were studied in relation to molecular docking to delineate the structure-activity relationships. The tested piperidine derivatives had a low toxicity in the subcutaneous and intravenous administration routes. The experimental results showed a higher prolonged and pronounced local anesthetic activity for LAS-286 at a 0.5% concentration, compared to the reference preparations. The low dosage of 0.1 mg/kg of LAS-294 demonstrated a pronounced preventive antiarrhythmic effect in 90% of cases on the development of mixed arrhythmia, caused by aconitine. The results of molecular docking confirmed a higher binding affinity of the tested piperidines with the Nav1.4 and Nav1.5 macromolecules. The results of the present study are very promising, because these piperidines have shown a high biological activity, which can suggest a potential therapeutic application in the future.
Objetivo: Analizar la resistencia a la corrosión por picaduras de aceros inoxidables AISI 304 y AISI 420 en un medio que contiene cloruros (solu-ción de NaCl al 0,9 y 3,5%, en masa), así como su citotoxicidad, in vitro, en muestras con y sin corrosión por picaduras. Método: Estudio experimental. Se utilizaron técnicas de polarización potenciodinámica cíclica (PPC) para caracterizar el alcance y la forma del ataque corrosivo a las muestras. Se utilizó el método de difusión en agar y evaluación de la viabilidad de la línea celular NCTC clon 929 (CCIAL 020) para evaluar la citotoxicidad de las muestras de acero con y sin picaduras. Resultados: El acero AISI 304 presentó una resistencia a la corrosión superior al acero AISI 420. Los valores de potencial de picadura disminuyeron para ambos aceros cuando aumentó la concentración de cloruros en la solución agresiva. Hubo toxicidad celular moderada (grado 3 ISO 10993-5) en todas las muestras. Conclusión: Los resultados corroboraron las recomendaciones para evitar la inmersión innecesaria de instrumentos en soluciones salinas. La citotoxicidad moderada de estos aceros desaconseja su uso en dispositivos implantables, reservándolos solo para instrumentos quirúrgicos. (AU)
Objective: To analyze the pitting corrosion resistance of AISI 304 and AISI 420 stainless steels in chloride-containing medium (0.9 and 3.5% NaCl solution, by weight), as well as their cytotoxicity,in vitro, in samples with and without pitting corrosion. Method: This is an experimental study. Cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) techniques were used to characterize the extent and shape of the corrosive attack on the samples. The agar diffusion and viability evaluation method of the NCTC clone 929 cell line (CCIAL 020) was used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of samples of steels with and without pitting. Results: The AISI 304 steel showed superior corrosion resistance to the AISI 420 steel. The values of the pitting potentials decreased for both steels when the chloride concentration in the aggressive solution was increased. There was moderate cell toxicity (grade 3 ISO 10993-5) in all samples. Conclusions: The results corroborated the recommendations to avoid unnecessary immersion of the instruments in saline solutions. Moderate cytotoxicity to these steels contraindicates their use in implantable devices, only in surgical instruments. (AU)
Objetivo: Analisar a resistência à corrosão por pites dos aços inoxidáveis AISI 304 e AISI 420 em meio contendo cloretos (solução de NaCl a 0,9 e 3,5%, em massa), assim como sua citotoxicidade,in vitro, em amostras com e sem corrosão por pites. Método: Estudo experimental. Utilizaram-se téc-nicas de polarização potenciodinâmica cíclica (PPC) para caracterizar extensão e forma do ataque corrosivo nas amostras. O método de difusão em ágar e avaliação da viabilidade da linhagem celular NCTC clone 929 (CCIAL 020) foi empregado para avaliar a citotoxicidade de amostras dos aços com e sem pites. Resultados: O aço AISI 304 apresentou resistência à corrosão superior ao aço AISI 420. Os valores dos potenciais de pite caíram para ambos os aços quando se aumentou a concentração de cloretos na solução agressiva. Houve moderada toxicidade celular (grau 3 ISO 10993-5) em todas as amostras. Conclusão: Os resultados corroboraram as recomendações para evitar a imersão desnecessária dos instrumentais em soluções salinas. A citotoxicidade moderada para esses aços contraindica seu uso em dispositivos implantáveis, apenas em instrumentos cirúrgicos. (AU)
Stainless Steel , Chlorides , Toxicity , CorrosionABSTRACT
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are a class of chemical substances widely present in daily-life environment, and can enter human body through various pathways, posing a threat to reproductive development and health. Oxidative stress (OS) is one of the most important fundamental mechanisms underlying the reproductive toxicity of EDCs. Numerous studies have found that exposure to EDCs can increase the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human reproductive system and reduce the activity and quantity of multiple enzymatic antioxidants, leading to oxidative stress and inducing damage to the reproductive system at various levels such as DNA and cells. Many research results have shown that supplementing food-derived non-enzymatic antioxidants can reduce ROS levels and increase the activity of enzymatic antioxidants, thereby reduce OS levels, and further repair EDCs-induced reproductive damage. In addition, many food-derived antioxidants are important elements involved in reproductive physiological activities and have protective effects on reproductive health. This paper summarized the reproductive toxicity of EDCs, including damage to reproductive cells, interference with hormone action, and influence on reproductive-related epigenetic regulation, elaborated the relationship between OS and reproductive toxicity of EDCs, and further summarized the alleviating effects and related mechanisms of food-derived antioxidants such as vitamins, trace elements, and plant polyphenols and pigments against reproductive toxicity of EDCs, aiming to provide a theoretical and scientific basis for prevention and treatment against reproductive toxicity of EDCs.
Objective To analyze the metabolic changes of myocardial tissue in rats under acute exposure to macleaya cordata by gas chromatography mass spectrometry(GC-MS),explore forensic identifications of its characteristic metabolites,and verify its toxicological mechanism in poisoning cases.Methods The rats in the exposure group were given 382 mg/kg macleaya extract solution by gavage,and the rats in the control group were given the same dose of solvent.The myocardial samples were analyzed by GC-MS,and pattern recognition was conducted through partial least squares discriminant analysis(PLSDA).The differential metabolites with characteristic changes were identified by variable importance projection(VIP value>1)and Student's t test(P<0.01).Results Compared with the control group,21 potential characteristic metabolites were identified.Through KEGG pathway enrichment analysis,it was found that these metabolites were mainly involved in the pathways of glycine,serine and threonine metabolism;pyruvate metabolism and glycerolipid metabolism.Conclusion Through the study of myocardial metabolism in rats exposed to macleaya cordata,we found the information on metabolites closely related to poisoning,which provides new insight and reference for studies on the mechanisms of macleaya cordata poisoning in the field of forensic medicine.
Objectives:To investigate the effect of inhibition of long non-coding RNA(lnc RNA)in human metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1(MALAT1)on glycolipitoxicity-induced human umbilical vein endothelial cell dysfunction. Methods:Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were treated with glucose and palmitic acid in vitro to establish the glycolipitoxic endothelial cell models.Following groups were examined:control group,high-glucose and high-fat group,high-glucose and high-fat + non-targeting RAN control group,high-glucose and high-lipid+MALAT1 siRNA group,and high-glucose and high-lipid+MAPK1 siRNA group.RT-qPCR was used to detect the mRNA expression of MALAT1 and MAPK1.Western blot was used to detect the expression levels of autophagy,mitochondrial fusion division,apoptosis,and pathway-related proteins.Immunofluorescence confocal localization was used to detect the fluorescence colocalization of autophagy and lysosome-related proteins.The number of autophagolysosomes in endothelial cells was observed by transmission electron microscopy.Mitochondrial probe staining was used to detect mitochondrial morphology,immunofluorescence was used to detect intracellular reactive oxygen species(ROS)production,flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptosis of cells in each group,cell proliferation and scratch assays were used to detect the proliferation and migration ability of cells in different groups at different time points.The angiogenesis was quantified by counting the number of new blood vessels in each group. Results:Compared with the control group,the expression of lncRNA MALAT1 mRNA and the expression of phosphorylated mito-activated protein kinase 1(p-MAPK1)were upregulated(both P<0.05)and the expression of phosphorylated mammalian target protein(p-mTOR)was downregulated in the high-glucose and high-fat group and the high-sugar and high-fat control group(all P<0.01).Compared with the high-glucose and high-fat non-targeting RNA control group,the expressions of microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3(LC3)and p62 were downregulated(P<0.01,P<0.05),LC3 and lysosome-associated membrane protein 2(LAMP2)protein co-localized positive fluorescence particles were increased(both P<0.01),number of lysosomes were decreased,the expression of ROS was decreased(P<0.01),the expression level of mitochondrial fusion protein optic nerve atrophin 1(OPA1)was increased(P<0.05),the expressions of cleaved caspase-3 and BCL-2-related X protein(BAX)were decreased and BCL-2 was increased(all P<0.05),cell proliferation,migration,and tube-forming ability were increased(all P<0.01),and the expression of p-MAPK1 was decreased(P<0.05)and p-mTOR expression was increased(both P<0.05)in the high-glucose and high-lipid+si-MALAT1 group.Compared with the high-glucose and high-fat non-targeting RNA control group,the expression of p-MAPK1 in endothelial cells was decreased and the expression of p-mTOR was increased in the high-glucose and high-lipid+si-MAPK1 group(both P<0.01). Conclusions:Inhibition of lncRNA MALAT1 expression can reduce the level of mitophagy in glycolipidotoxic environments,reduce apoptosis of endothelial cells and improve endothelial cell function,which may be related to the regulation of MAPK1/mTOR signaling pathway.
OBJECTIVE To study the effect of fluoropezil on embryo-fetal developmental toxicity and toxicokinetics in rabbits,and provide reference for clinical medication.METHODS According to the sequence of pregnancy,pregnant rabbits were divided into five groups:vehicle control group(1%hydroxy-propyl methylcellulose+1.5%polyethylene glycol 400 aqueous solution),positive control group(cyclo-phosphamide 18 mg·kg-1),and fluoropezil(3.6,9.0 and 22.5 mg·kg-1)groups.The vehicle control group and the fluoropezil groups were ig administrated on the 6th to 18th day of gestation(GD6-18)while the positive control group was ig given cyclophosphamide on GD6-20.The pregnant rabbits were sacri-ficed on GD28,and the embryo-fetal development was detected.Sex hormone levels of pregnant rabbits on GD5,GD18 and GD28 were detected by ELISA method.Blood samples with toxokinetics were collected for concomitant toxic generation at the first and last administration,and drug concentrations in fetal,placenta and amniotic fluid were detected with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS).RESULTS Fluoropezil 3.6,9.0 and 22.5 mg·kg-1 had no significant effect on body mass,mass gain,food consumption,pregnancy outcomes,fetal appearance,viscera,skeletal and physical growth and development of pregnant rabbits.Only on GD18 or GD28,the levels of follicle stimulating hormone,estra-diol and progesterone in each dose group fluctuated to some extent.The combined toxokinetics results indicated that fluoropezil could cross the placental barrier of the rabbits,but did not accumulate in preg-nant rabbits or fetuses.Fetal mass,crown-rump length and uterus mass in the cyclophosphamide group were lower than those in the vehicle control group.The appearance and bone of the cyclophos-phamide group were positive.CONCLUSION The no observed adverse effect level(NOAEL)of fluoro-pezil toxicity on rabbit embryo-fetal development is 22.5 mg·kg-1,which is 125 times of the effective dose.At the dosage level of 22.5 mg·kg-1,Cmax is 1093 μg·L-1,and AUC(0-24 h)6650 μg·h·L-1 on GD18.
Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic pathogenic fungus transmitted through the air. It targets the the lungs of immunocompromised patients and can cause severe invasive aspergillosis. Zinc, an essential trace element for microbial growth, is required by all fungi, including Aspergillus fumigatus. Some studies have shown a direct correlation between the virulence of fungi within the host and the uptake of zinc by them. However, zinc in the human body mostly binds to zinc-binding proteins, resulting in ion concentrations in the host′s tissue microenvironment much lower than the optimal growth concentration for fungi. There are several zinc transport proteins in Aspergillus fumigatus, enabling it to efficiently absorb zinc even in the condition of zinc deficiency. These proteins also protect the cells of Aspergillus fumigatu from the damage caused by excessive zinc. This article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the roles of zinc homeostasis regulation in the growth, development and virulence of Aspergillus fumigatus as well as the related genes, summarize the current research status of genes regulating zinc levels in Aspergillus fumigatus and investigate whether interference with zinc homeostasis in Aspergillus fumigatus will be a new generation of adjunctive therapy for invasive aspergillosis or antifungal strategy.
Aims@#The objective of the study was to isolate bacteriophages and conduct a comprehensive analysis of their potential against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) strains in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.@*Methodology and results@#Twelve Xoo strains were isolated from rice fields located in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Among these strains, three strains Xoo L019, L020 and L024, showed the highest disease index of bacterial blight. Four phages specific to Xoo were isolated from soil, water and leaf samples, and their morphologies were determined. In a test against 12 Xoo strains, phage L541, MLA23 or W41 could infect 10 of the 12 Xoo strains, while phage LBH01 could infect 8 of the 12 Xoo strains. The stability of the phages to pH, organic solvents, UV-A and UV-B was also evaluated.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#The initial characterization of the phages indicates their potential as biocontrol agents against bacterial blight in rice. The study is one of the very first studies about Xoo phages in rice in Vietnam.
Objective To provide a toxicological basis for HMS-01 in future clinical trials, through genotoxicity testing of safety evaluation. Methods The genotoxicity of HMS-01 was evaluated by Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay (Ames test) with Salmonella typhimurium. Results HMS-01 was non-mutagenic against Salmonella typhimurium at six doses of 20.6, 61.7, 185.2, 555.6, 1666.7, and 5000 μg/dish with (or without) a metabolic activation system. Conclusion HMS-01 was not found to be mutagenic in the dose range of this experiment.
OBJECTIVE To study the pharmacokinetics of Esketamine hydrochloride nasal spray in rats and ciliary toxicity to maxillary mucosa of bullfrog. METHODS The plasma concentration of esketamine hydrochloride in rats was determined by LC-MS/ MS after intravenous injection of esketamine hydrochloride solution and nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride; the pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by using Phoenix WinNonlin 8.1.0 software. Using the maxillary mucosa of isolated bullfrog as a model, the morphological changes of maxillary mucosa were investigated, and the duration and recovery of ciliary oscillation were recorded after nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride. RESULTS The peak of blood concentration occurred 2 min after nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride; cmax was (814.58±418.80) ng/mL, AUC0-∞ was (203.75± 92.76) ng·h/mL, and the absolute bioavailability was 60.68%. After nasal administration of esketamine hydrochloride, it was observed that the cilia of bullfrog were arranged neatly, the edges were clear, the cilia tissue structure was complete and the cilia moved actively. The cilia movement time was (178.17±13.30) min for the first time, and after the cilia moved again, the ciliary movement time measured again was (24.50±9.19)min with a relative movement percentage of 53.56%. CONCLUSIONS Esketamine hydrochloride nasal spray has a rapid onset of action, high bioavailability, and low ciliary toxicity.
Background The compound 6:2 chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonic acids (6:2 Cl-PFESA) has been demonstrated abilities of strong bioaccumulation and placental barrier penetration, and it can also cross the blood-brain barrier. However, the mechanism of its neurodevelopmental toxicity in offspring induced by early-life exposure is still unknown. Objective To explore effects of 6:2 Cl-PFESA on the growth and the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic (AMPA) receptor gene expression in the hippocampus of offspring mice by establishing a 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure animal model. Methods Thirty Kunming pregnant mice were randomly divided into five groups: control group, and 2, 10, 50, and 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure groups. The treatment groups were exposed to designed doses of 6:2 Cl-PFESA through drinking water from the first day of gestation until the end of lactation. The pups were weaned on postnatal day (PND) 21, and continued to be exposed to 6:2 Cl-PFESA through drinking water. Birth weight and body length of the offspring were recorded. Offspring mice were anesthetized and sacrificed respectively on PND7, PND21, and PND35, then their hippocampus was peeled from harvested brain tissue. The ultrastructure of hippocampus was observed via transmission electron microscopy; and the expression of AMPA receptors GluR1, GluR2, and GluR3 in the hippocampus was evaluated by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The learning and memory ability of the PND35 mice was measured by Morris water maze test before they were sacrificed. Results The birth weights and the lengths of the pups in the 10, 50, and 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure groups were (2.23±0.36), (1.92±0.20), (1.88±0.31) g, and (33.73±0.98), (32.91±1.30), (32.52±2.07) mm, respectively, which were lower than those in the control group, (2.78±0.35) g and (36.46±2.34) mm (P<0.05), respectively. The results of Morris water maze showed that the escape latencies in the orientation navigation experiment on the 4th day in the 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure group and on the 5th day in the 10, 50, and 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure groups were longer than those in the control group (P<0.05). In the space exploration experiment, the times of crossing platform in the 50 and 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure groups were decreased when compared with the control group (P<0.05), and the time of staying in the target quadrant of the 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure groups were also decreased (P<0.05). Via transmission electron microscopy, compared with the control group, the postsynaptic density was decreased and the synaptic cleft width was widened on PND35 in the 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure group. The mRNA expression levels of GluR1, GluR2, and GluR3 in the hippocampus of pups exposed to 250 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA during different developmental stages were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). Except for the 2 μg·L−1 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure group on PND7, the 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure inhibited the mRNA expression levels of GluR1, GluR2, and GluR3 in the hippocampus of pups at different developmental stages (P<0.05). Among them, the 6:2 Cl-PFESA exposure during early development resulted in the highest decrease in the expression levels of GluR1 and GluR2 mRNA in the hippocampus of pups on PND7; GluR3 mRNA expression level in the hippocampus of the exposed pups on PND21 showed the maximum inhibitory effect; the expression levels of GluR1, GluR2, and GluR3 mRNA all showed the least decrease in the hippocampus of the exposure groups on PND35. Conclusion Early-life exposure to 6:2 Cl-PFESA may affect the growth and development of offspring mice, alter the hippocampal synaptic structure, and influence the learning and memory abilities, which may be related to their inhibitory effects on the expression levels of AMPA receptor subunits GluR1, GluR2, and GluR3 genes in the hippocampus of offspring mice at various developmental stages.
Toxic Chinese materia medica has been highly valued by its specialized and effective effects, but its safe application has become an urgent clinical problem to be solved. Compatibility for toxic attenuation is an important method for the rational clinical application of toxic Chinese materia medica as well as the promotion of its therapeutic advantages. The theory of “heterogeneous medicinals mutual restriction” elaborated in this article has been formed through long-term clinical practice and cognition, and refinement of clinical experience, which means that the nature partiality of toxic Chinese materia medica can be adjusted, and the toxicity can be suppressed through reasonable combination with herbal medicinalsof different properties, flavors, and effects. This theory covers the modes of compatibility for toxicity attenuation and the interaction relationships, like the restriction of medicinals with different properties and flavors, restriction of medicinals with different effects, and inhibiting toxins by reinforcing healthy qi. The opposite and complementary effects of various medicinals combinations are an extension of the connotations of this theory, and the principles can be explained from material basis and mechanism of action. Under the guidance of this theory, it is possible to optimize the compound prescription strategies of toxic Chinese materia medica, and provide new strategies for the clinical combinations of toxic Chinese materia medica, thereby achieving the reduction of toxicity and enhancement of effectiveness of the compound formulas.
Objective To construct methoxy polyethylene glycol (mPEG) modified gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) loaded with doxorubicin (DOX) AuNPs-mPEG@DOX in order to reduce the toxicity and side effects of DOX. Methods AuNPs-mPEG@DOX was prepared and characterized by Z-Average, Zeta potential and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The impact of thiol-linked DOX (HS-DOX) at various dosage concentrations on the drug adsorption rate and drug loading of AuNPs-mPEG@DOX was investigated. Furthermore, a HPLC method was developed to accurately determine the content of unadsorbed HS-DOX in AuNPs-mPEG@DOX. The specificity, linearity, precision, stability and average recovery of this method were thoroughly investigated. The cytotoxic effect of AuNPs-mPEG@DOX on MCF-10A and MCF-7 cells was evaluated using a CCK-8 assay. Results AuNPs-mPEG@DOX was successfully prepared with Z-Average of (46.12±0.49) nm, Zeta potential of (18.60±1.51) nm and the maximum absorption wavelength of 530 nm. An efficient HPLC method for the detection of unadsorbed HS-DOX in AuNPs-mPEG@DOX was devised. The optimal dosage concentration of HS-DOX for AuNPs-mPEG@DOX was determined to be 11.18 μg/ml, resulting in a drug adsorption rate of (9.21±2.88)% and a drug loading rate of (2.01±0.62)%. Cytotoxicity experiments demonstrated that AuNPs-mPEG@DOX significantly reduced the toxic and side effects of DOX on normal breast cells. Additionally, AuNPs-mPEG@DOX and free DOX exhibited comparable cytotoxic effects on breast tumor cells when DOX concentration was equal to or greater than 4.75 μmol/L. Conclusion AuNPs-mPEG@DOX effectively reduce the toxicity of DOX, providing a reference for future research on reducing the toxicity of AuNPs-linked drugs.
Background The benchmark dose (BMD) method calculates the dose associated with a specific change in response based on a specific dose-response relationship. Compared with the traditional no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) method, the BMD method has many advantages, and the 95% lower confidence limit of benchmark dose lower limit (BMDL) is recommended to replace NOAEL in deriving biological exposure limits. No authority has yet published any health-based guideline for rare earth elements. Objective To evaluate genotoxicity threshold induced by acute exposure to neodymium nitrate in mice using BMD modeling through micronucleus test and comet assay. Methods SPF grade mice (n=90) were randomly divided into nine groups, including seven neodymium nitrate exposure groups, one control group (distilled water), and one positive control group (200 mg·kg−1 ethyl methanesulfonate), 10 mice in each group, half male and half female. The seven dose groups were fed by gavage with different concentrations of neodymium nitrate solution (male: 14, 27, 39, 55, 77, 109, and 219 mg·kg−1; female: 24, 49, 69, 97, 138, 195, and 389 mg·kg−1) twice at an interval of 21 h. Three hours after the last exposure, the animals were neutralized by cervical dislocation. The bone marrow of mice femur was taken to calculate the micronucleus rate of bone marrow cells, and the liver and stomach were taken for comet test. Results The best fitting models for the increase of polychromatophil micronucleus rate in bone marrow of female and male mice induced by neodymium nitrate were the exponential 4 model and the hill model, respectively. The BMD and the BMDL of female mice were calculated to be 31.37 mg·kg−1 and 21.90 mg·kg−1, and those of male mice were calculated to be 58.62 mg·kg−1 and 54.31 mg·kg−1, respectively. The best fitting models for DNA damage induced by neodymium nitrate in female and male mouse hepatocytes were the exponential 5 model and the exponential 4 model, respectively, and the calculated BMD and BMDL were 27.15 mg·kg−1 and 11.99 mg·kg−1 for female mice, and 16.28 mg·kg−1 and 10.47 mg·kg−1 for male mice, respectively. The hill model was the best fitting model for DNA damage of gastric adenocytes in both female and male mice, and the calculated BMD and BMDL were 36.73 mg·kg−1 and 19.92 mg·kg−1 for female mice, and 24.74 mg·kg−1 and 14.08 mg·kg−1 for male mice, respectively. Conclusion Taken the micronucleus rate of bone marrow cells, DNA damage of liver cells and gastric gland cells as the end points of genotoxicity, the BMDL of neodymium nitrate is 10.47 mg·kg−1, which can be used as the threshold of genotoxic effects induced by acute exposure to neodymium nitrate in mice.
Objective:To evaluate the developmental toxicity of Cry1Ab protein by studying its effects on cell proliferation and differentiation ability using a developmental toxicity assessment model based on embryonic stem-cell.Methods:Cry1Ab protein was tested in seven dose groups(31.25,62.50,125.00,250.00,320.00,1 000.00,and 2 000.00 μg/L)on mouse embryonic stem cells D3(ES-D3)and 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells,with 5-fluorouracil(5-FU)used as the positive control and phos-phate buffer saline(PBS)as the solvent control.Cell viability was detected by CCK-8 assay to calculate the 50%inhibitory concentration(IC50)of the test substance for different cells.Additionally,Cry1 Ab protein was tested in five dose groups(125.00,250.00,320.00,1 000.00,and 2 000.00 μg/L)on ES-D3 cells,with PBS as the solvent control and 5-FU used for model validation.After cell treatment,cardiac differentiation was induced using the embryonic bodies(EBs)culture method.The growth of EBs was observed under a microscope,and their diameters on the third and fifth days were measured.The proportion of EBs differentiating into beating cardiomyocytes was recorded,and the 50%inhibition con-centration of differentiation(ID50)was calculated.Based on a developmental toxicity discrimination func-tion,the developmental toxicity of the test substances was classified.Furthermore,at the end of the cul-ture period,mRNA expression levels of cardiac differentiation-related markers(Oct3/4,GATAA-4,Nkx2.5,and β-MHC)were quantitatively detected using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR)in the collected EBs samples.Results:The IC50 of 5-FU was determined as 46.37 μg/L in 3T3 cells and 32.67 μg/L in ES-D3 cells,while the ID50 in ES-D3 cells was 21.28 μg/L.According to the discrimination function results,5-FU was classified as a strong embryotoxic substance.There were no sta-tistically significant differences in cell viability between different concentrations of Cry 1 Ab protein treat-ment groups and the control group in both 3T3 cells and ES-D3 cells(P>0.05).Moreover,there were no statistically significant differences in the diameter of EBs on the third and fifth days,as well as their morphology,between the Cry1Ab protein treatment groups and the control group(P>0.05).The cardi-ac differentiation rate showed no statistically significant differences between different concentrations of Cry1Ab protein treatment groups and the control group(P>0.05).5-FU significantly reduced the mRNA expression levels of β-MHC,Nkx2.5,and GATA-4(P<0.05),showing a dose-dependent trend(P<0.05),while the mRNA expression levels of the pluripotency-associated marker Oct3/4 exhibited an increasing trend(P<0.05).However,there were no statistically significant differences in the mRNA expression levels of mature cardiac marker β-MHC,early cardiac differentiation marker Nkx2.5 and GATA-4,and pluripotency-associated marker Oct3/4 between the Cry1Ab protein treatment groups and the control group(P>0.05).Conclusion:No developmental toxicity of Cry1Ab protein at concen-trations ranging from 31.25 to 2 000.00 μg/L was observed in this experimental model.
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics,treatment methods,and prognosis of a-cute leukemia patients with extramedullary infiltration.Methods The clinical characteristics and treatment methods of 47 acute leukemia patients with extramedullary infiltration admitted to the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University from April 2014 to April 2023 were retrospectively analyzed.Subgroup analysis was performed according to whether there was extramedullary infiltration before transplantation,and whether there was isolated extramedullary recurrence after transplantation.Based on this analysis,the patients were di-vided into the pre-transplantation radiotherapy group and pre-transplantation non-radiotherapy group,the post-transplantation radiotherapy group and post-transplantation non-radiotherapy group.According to the treatment methods of central nervous system leukemia(CNSL),the patients were divided into the intrathecal injection group(n=12)and combination of intrathecal injection and radiotherapy group(n=13).The local remission situation,survival duration,and toxic and side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy were com-pared.Results For acute leukemia patients with extramedullary infiltration,the overall survival time(OS)in the radiotherapy group was better than that in the non-radiotherapy group(median OS:706 d vs.151 d,P=0.015).Subgroup analysis showed that the OS of the pre-transplantation radiotherapy group was better than that of the pre-transplantation non-radiotherapy group(median OS:592 d vs.386 d,P=0.035).For CNSL,the combination of intrathecal injection and radiotherapy group had a better OS than the intrathecal injection group(median OS:547 d vs.388 d,P=0.045).The event-free survival time(EFS)of the radiotherapy group was better than that of the non-radiotherapy group(median EFS:175 d vs.50 d,P=0.005).The COX pro-portional-hazards model showed that treatment with or without radiotherapy had a significant impact on the OS of acute leukemia patients with extramedullary infiltration.The risk of death in the pre-transplantation non-radiotherapy group was 2.231 times higher than that in the pre-transplantation radiotherapy group(HR=3.231,95%CI:1.021-10.227,P=0.046).Compared with the non-radiotherapy group,the radiother-apy group had a higher local remission and a lower risk of haematological toxicity,infection,and haemorrhage.Conclusion Radiotherapy can rapidly alleviate the local symptoms of acute leukemia complicated with extr-amedullary infiltration,prolong the survival time of these patients,and reduce the risk of hematologic toxicity,infection,and haemorrhage.
Tripterygium wilfordii is widely used in the treatment of autoimmune system diseases, but its obvious reproductive toxicity limits the clinical application and promotion of the drug. At present, there is no clear solution to the reproductive injury of Tripterygium wilfordii. TCM believes that its reproductive toxicity lies in its properties of pungent, bitter, and cold. Long-term use can dry liver and blood, hurt liver and yang, consume kidney essence, damage kidney and yang, destroy the balance of qi and blood, yin and yang in the internal organs, and cause infertility. Based on the relationship between liver and kidney and human reproductive function, this article proposed to understand the reproductive toxicity of Tripterygium wilfordii from the perspective of "Yi and Gui homology", and explored the method of reducing the reproductive toxicity of Tripterygium wilfordii according to the thought of "treating liver and kidney together", in order to expand the theoretical thinking of TCM for the safe clinical application of this drug.