SUMMARY: In this study, we aim to share the volumes of the carpal bone and the ratio of these volumes to the total volume of wrist bones from Computed Tomography (CT) images obtained from individuals of different ages and sex using 3D Slicer. Right wrist CT images of 0.625 mm slice thickness of 42 healthy individuals (21 female, 21 male) of both sexes were included in our study. Volume calculations were made by loading the images into 3D Slicer, an open-source software package. In this study, mean capitate volume was the largest in both sexes (male 3479.9±679.2; female 2207.1±272.1 mm3), while pisiform had the smallest mean volume (male 810.0±141.2; female 566.6±97.7 mm3). This order was ordered from largest to smallest as hamate, scaphoid, trapezium, lunate, triquetrum, trapezoid, and pisiform. According to this study, carpal bone volumes were larger in males than in females (p0.05). In this study, it was seen that carpal bone volume differed according to sex. However, it was observed that the bone volumes of both sexes took up the same amount in the total bone volume. This information will be very useful in sex determination, 3D anatomical material creation, implant applications and reconstructive surgery.
Nuestro objetivo fue determinar los volúmenes de los huesos del carpo y la relación entre estos volúmenes y el volumen total de estos huesos a partir de imágenes de TC obtenidas de individuos de diferentes edades y sexos utilizando 3D Slicer. En el estudio se incluyeron imágenes de TC del carpo de la mano derecha de los participantes en el estudio, con un grosor de corte de 0,625 mm, en 42 individuos sanos (21 mujeres, 21 hombres) de ambos sexos. Los cálculos de volumen se realizaron cargando las imágenes en 3D Slicer, un paquete de software de código abierto. El volumen medio del hueso capitado fue el mayor en ambos sexos (hombre 3479,9 ± 679,2; mujer 2207,1 ± 272,1 mm3), mientras que el hueso pisiforme tuvo el volumen medio más pequeño (hombre 810,0 ± 141,2; mujer 566,6 ± 97,7 mm3). De mayor a menor el volumen de los otros huesos fue: hamato, escafoides, trapecio, lunato, piramidal, trapezoide y pisiforme. Según este estudio, los volúmenes óseos del carpo eran mayores en hombres que en mujeres (p0,05). En este estudio se observó que el volumen de los huesos del carpo difería según el sexo. Sin embargo, se observó que los volúmenes óseos de ambos sexos ocuparon la misma cantidad del volumen óseo total. Esta información será de gran utilidad en la determinación del sexo, creación de material anatómico 3D, aplicaciones de implantes y cirugía reconstructiva.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Carpal Bones/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Sex Characteristics , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Sex Factors , TitrimetryABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The average volumes of normal heart chambers in computed tomography (CT) are used not only as clinical criterions for heart disease diagnosis, but also as references in cardiology. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI), numerous CT data can be analyzed and segmented automatically. This study aimed to determine the average volumes of the four chambers in healthy adult hearts and present surface models with the average volume. Coronary CT angiographs of 508 Korean individuals (330 men and 178 women, 20 - 39 years old) were obtained. An automatic segmentation module for 3D Slicer was developed using machine learning in Anatomage KoreaTM. Using the module, the four chambers and heart valves in the CT were segmented and reconstructed into surface models. Surface models of the four chambers of identical hearts in the CT were produced using SimplewareTM. The volumes of structures were measured using Sim4life Light and statistically analyzed. After determining the average volumes of the four chambers, surface models of the average volumes were constructed. In both software measurements, the atrial volumes of females increased with age, and the ventricular volumes of males decreased significantly with age. The atrial and ventricular volumes of Simpleware were larger and smaller than those of Anatomage, respectively, because of errors in the Simpleware. Regarding the volume measurement, our module developed in this study was more accurate than the Simpleware. The average volume and three-dimensional models used in this study can be used not only for clinical purposes, but also for educational or industrial purposes.
Los volúmenes medios de las cámaras cardíacas normales en la tomografía computarizada (TC) se utilizan no sólo como criterios clínicos para el diagnóstico de enfermedades cardíacas, sino también como referencia en cardiología. Con el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial (IA), numerosos datos de TC se pueden analizar y segmentar automáticamente. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los volúmenes promedio de las cuatro cámaras en corazones adultos sanos y presentar modelos de superficie con el volumen promedio. Se obtuvieron angiografías coronarias por TC de 508 individuos coreanos (330 hombres y 178 mujeres, de 20 a 39 años). Se desarrolló un módulo de segmentación automática para 3D Slicer utilizando aprendizaje automático en Anatomage KoreaTM. Utilizando el módulo, las cuatro cámaras y valvas cardíacas de la TC se segmentaron y reconstruyeron en modelos de superficie. Se produjeron modelos de superficie de las cuatro cámaras de corazones idénticos en la TC utilizando SimplewareTM. Los volúmenes de las estructuras se midieron utilizando Sim4life Light y se analizaron estadísticamente. Después de determinar los volúmenes promedio de las cuatro cámaras, se construyeron modelos de superficie de los volúmenes promedio. En ambas mediciones de software, los volúmenes atriales de las mujeres aumentaron con la edad y los volúmenes ventriculares de los hombres disminuyeron significativamente con la edad. Los volúmenes atrial y ventricular de Simpleware eran mayores y menores que los de Anatomage, respectivamente, debido a errores en Simpleware. En cuanto a la medición de volumen, nuestro módulo desarrollado en este estudio fue más preciso que el Simpleware. Los modelos tridimensionales y de volumen medio utilizados en este estudio se pueden utilizar no solo con fines clínicos, sino también con fines educativos o industriales.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Artificial Intelligence , Cardiac Volume , Computed Tomography Angiography , Heart/diagnostic imaging , Imaging, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
La atrofia muscular espinal (AME) de presentación temprana representa la variante más severa, con una expectativa de vida generalmente no mayor a dos años sin soporte ventilatorio, debido a la insuficiencia respiratoria y la dificultad para toser. Tradicionalmente, el manejo respiratorio en muchos países ha incluido la traqueostomía para proporcionar asistencia ventilatoria invasiva de manera continua. No obstante, la introducción de medicamentos de precisión ha modificado la progresión natural de la enfermedad, evidenciando mejoras significativas en los hitos motores y beneficiando también la función respiratoria. A pesar de estas mejoras, en muchos casos sigue siendo necesaria la ventilación intermitente y/o continua, además de la facilitación de la tos. Estas necesidades pueden abordarse de forma no invasiva mediante el soporte ventilatorio no invasivo (SVN), la in-exsuflación mecánica (IEM) y el reclutamiento de volumen pulmonar (RVP), que son considerados pilares del tratamiento respiratorio en enfermedades neuromusculares. Estas estrategias promueven el desarrollo y mantenimiento de la función respiratoria, reduciendo el riesgo de exacerbaciones respiratorias que podrían llevar a intubaciones evitables. Comúnmente, los pacientes con AME experimentan intentos fallidos de extubación siguiendo protocolos tradicionales, siendo catalogados como no extubables y potenciales candidatos a traqueostomía. No obstante, existen protocolos de extubación específicos para AME que emplean SVN e IEM con un alto porcentaje de éxito, evitando traqueostomías innecesarias que pueden complicar la progresión de la enfermedad y afectar la calidad de vida. El enfoque respiratorio no invasivo es una opción de manejo segura tanto en el hospital como en el hogar, ofreciendo una mejor calidad de vida para los pacientes y sus familias.
Early-onset spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the most severe variant, with a life expectancy generally not exceeding two years without ventilatory support due to respiratory insufficiency and difficulty in coughing. Traditionally, respiratory management in many countries has included tracheostomy to provide continuous invasive ventilatory support. However, the introduction of precision medicine has altered the natural progression of the disease, showing significant improvements in motor milestones and also benefiting respiratory function. Despite these improvements, many cases still require intermittent and/or continuous ventilation, as well as cough facilitation. These needs can be addressed non-invasively through non-invasive ventilatory support (NIV), mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MIE), and lung volume recruitment (LVR), which are considered the pillars of respiratory treatment in neuromuscular diseases. These strategies promote the development and maintenance of respiratory function, reducing the risk of respiratory exacerbations that could lead to avoidable intubations. Commonly, SMA patients experience failed extubation attempts following traditional protocols, being labeled as non-extubatable and potential candidates for tracheostomy. Nevertheless, there are specific extubation protocols for SMA that employ NIV and MIE with a high success rate, avoiding unnecessary tracheostomies that can complicate disease progression and impact quality of life. The non-invasive respiratory approach is a safe management option both in the hospital and at home, offering a better quality of life for patients and their families.
Humans , Muscular Atrophy, Spinal/therapy , Insufflation , Airway Extubation , Noninvasive Ventilation , Lung Volume MeasurementsABSTRACT
Introducción. Los niños requieren especial dedicación para lograr espirometrías de calidad. Objetivo. Este trabajo evalúa la frecuencia de maniobras aceptables en escolares, la utilidad de gestos de incentivo para optimizar la obtención de pruebas de alta calidad y realiza un análisis de ajuste a varias ecuaciones de referencia. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizaron maniobras espiratorias forzadas en un grupo de escolares de Asunción- Paraguay, escogiendo variables recomendadas para la interpretación en un espirómetro portátil, para evaluar la frecuencia de pruebas de calidad. Aquellos que no consiguieron estudios aceptables, fueron sometidos a un entrenamiento con silbato en rollo (juguete) para evaluar el desempeño ulterior. Los resultados de alta calidad fueron pareados a valores esperados determinados por diversas ecuaciones buscando evaluar el grado de adecuación. Resultados. De 113 escolares, el 58,4% pudo conseguir maniobras de grado A o B. Después del estímulo con el silbato en rollo, la frecuencia de estudios aceptables ascendió a 79,6%. Los parámetros de referencia con mejor ajuste fueron aquellos determinados por la Global Lung Initiative (GLI). Conclusión. Los incentivos lúdicos son una alternativa para optimizar la obtención de pruebas de espirometría en escolares, que con el uso de parámetros de GLI adecuarían el manejo clínico de ciertas enfermedades respiratorias.
Introduction. Children require special dedication to achieve high quality spirometry. Objective. This work evaluates the frequency of acceptable maneuvers in schoolchildren, the usefulness of incentive gestures to optimize the obtaining of high-quality tests, and performs an analysis of adjustments to several reference equations. Material and Methods. Forced expiratory maneuvers were performed in a group of schoolchildren from Asunción, Paraguay, choosing variables recommended for interpretation in a portable spirometer, to evaluate the frequency of high quality tests. Those who did not achieve acceptable studies were subjected to training with a roll whistle (toy) to evaluate their subsequent performance. The high-quality results were matched to expected values determined by various equations to evaluate adequacy. Results. Of 113 schoolchildren, 58,4% were able to achieve grade A or B maneuvers. After the stimulus with the roll whistle, the frequency of acceptable studies rose to 79,6%. The reference parameters with the best fit were those determined by the Global Lung Initiative (GLI). Conclusion. Playful incentives are an alternative to obtaining acceptable spirometry tests in schoolchildren, which, with the use of GLI parameters, would adjust the clinical management of certain respiratory diseases.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Respiratory Function Tests , Spirometry , Child , Vital Capacity , Forced Expiratory VolumeABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the status and the influencing factors of thyroid volume of children aged 8-10 years in Tianjin. Methods Among the 1-2 primary schools were randomly selected from 12 districts in Tianjin. A total of 1 090 children were selected by class cluster sampling method (half male and half female, with a balanced age distribution). A questionnaire survey was conducted. Children’s height, weight and thyroid volume were measured, and their salt iodine content and urinary iodine content were detected. Results I n this study, the median urinary iodine in children was 161.35 µg/L, the mean thyroid volume was 2.56 mL, and the goiter rate was 3.58%. Univariate analysis showed that age, BSA, salt iodine content, urinary iodine content, eating habits, food taste, eating lunch at school, father's work, anxiety and depression, pressure, and different regional grouping were the influencing factors of thyroid volume (P<0.05). Multivariate linear regression showed that BSA, age, food taste, and urinary iodine content had significant independent effects on thyroid volume (P<0.05). Conclusion In Tianjin, the iodine nutrition level of children aged 8-10 years is at an appropriate level. When evaluating the thyroid volume of children, in addition to age factors, other factors such as physical development level and iodine intake should also be considered.
Objective To evaluate the predictive value of a dose-surface histogram (DSH) for radiation cystitis (RC) in patients with cervical cancer. Methods We retrospectively included 190 patients with cervical cancer who underwent image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) from the HIS system of The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University from May 2013 to May 2023. The patients were divided into test group (n = 100) and control group (n = 90). The dose distribution in the bladder was evaluated by using a DSH for the test group and using a dose-volume histogram (DVH) for the control group. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to evaluate the predictive value of DSH for RC in comparison with DVH. Results There were no significant differences in baseline data and RC incidence between the two groups (all P>0.05). All evaluation indicators were significantly different between DSH and DVH (all P<0.05). The predictive value of S45 and V45 for the incidence of grade-I, -II, and -III RC was low (all P<0.05). The predictive value of S50 and V50 for the incidence of grade-I, -II, and -III RC was moderate (all P<0.05). S55−S57 and V55−V57 showed high value for predicting the incidence of grade-I, -II, and -III RC (all P<0.05). Conclusion DSH shows basically the same predictive value for the incidence of RC caused by IGRT in cervical cancer as DVH, which is expected to become a new tool for evaluating radiotherapy plans.
Objective To investigate the accuracy and application value of the Tada formula in evalua-ting the meningioma volume based on 3D reconstruction technology.Methods The thin-slice magnetic reso-nance images of 297 patients with meningioma treated in the neurosurgery department of 940 Hospital of PLA Joint logistics Support Force from January 2014 to May 2022 were retrospectively analyzed.The meningioma volume was evaluated by the Tada formula method and three-dimensional reconstruction method respectively.The accuracy of the evaluation of meningeal tumor volume by the Tada formula was analyzed by grouping sta-tistics.Results In the whole sample and the concentrated sample,the obtained meningioma total volumes had no statistical difference between the two methods(P>0.05),the Spearman correlation coefficients were 0.995 and 0.993 respectively,and the intragroup correlation coefficients(ICC)were 0.992 and 0.989,respec-tively.In the Bland-Altman plot,most of the data points were within the limit of uniformity.Compared with different groups,the Tada formula had a slightly lower accuracy in the volume assessment of meningiomas with higher degree of irregularity,and a better accuracy in the volume assessment of supratentorial meningio-mas than subtentorial meningiomas.Conclusion The Tada formula could accurately evaluate the volume of meningioma,and it could be used as a preliminary method to evaluate meningioma volume in clinic
Objective To explore the predictive value of pulse pressure variation(PPV),stroke volume variation(SVV)and their changing values after tidal volume increase from 6 mL/kg to 8 mL/kg predicted body weight(PBW)on the volumetric responsiveness in the patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS).Methods A prospective study was conducted.Twenty-three ARDS patients with acute circulatory failure treated in the intensive care unit(ICU)of this hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 were se-lected.The indicators such as PPV,SVV and cardiac index were recorded at the tidal volume of 6 mL/kg PBW,1 min after tidal volume challenge(tidal volume instantly increased to 8 mL/kg PBW),the tidal volume re-reduced to 6 mL/kg PBW,and after fluid bolus(FB),respectively.The cardiac index increase(ΔCI)≥15%served as the volumetric responsiveness positive when the tidal volume was re-reduced to 6 mL/kg PBW and after giving FB.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to evaluate the predictive value of PPV,SVV and their changing values for the volumetric responsiveness after the tidal volume increase from 6 mL/kg to 8 mL/kg PBW.Results A total of 42 measurements were performed in 23 patients.Among them,24 set of measurements were volumetric responsiveness positive(group R),and 18 set of measurements were volumetric responsiveness negative(group NR).The absolute values(ΔPPV6-8,ΔSVV6-8)and percentage(%ΔPPV6-8,%ΔSVV6-8)of PPV and SVV in tidal volume increase from 6 mL/kg to 8 mL/kg PBW had statisti-cal differences between the two groups(P<0.05).ΔPPV6-8 and ΔSVV6-8 could predict the volumetric respon-siveness in the patients with ARDS.The area under the ROC curve(AUC)and its 95%CI were 0.92(0.84-1.00)and 0.90(0.81-0.99),and the optimal cut off values were 2.5%and 3.5%,respectively.When the tid-al volume was 6 mL/kg PBW,the PPV,SVV and central venous pressure(CVP)could not effectively predict the volumetric responsiveness in the patients with ARDS.Conclusion The efficiency of PPV or SVV changing values after tidal volume challenge for predicting the volumetric responsiveness of ARDS patients during low tidal volume ventilation is superior to PPV and SVV.
Objective To investigate the relationship between mean platelet volume/lymphocyte ratio(MPVLR)and left atrial thrombosis in elderly patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation(NVAF).Methods A total of 178 elderly patients with NVAF admitted to the hospital from January 2019 to December 2022 were enrolled in the study.The patients were divided into thrombosis group(28 cases)and non-throm-bosis group(150 cases)according to the left atrial thrombosis judged by using esophageal echocardiography(TEE).The white blood cell count(WBC),red blood cell count(RBC),lymphocyte count,lymphocyte pro-portion,platelet count(PLT)and mean platelet volume(MPV)were detected by automatic blood cell analy-zer,and MPVLR was calculated.The liver and kidney function indicators and blood lipid indicators were detec-ted by automatic biochemical analyzer.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to evaluate the predictive value of MPV,lymphocyte ratio and MPVLR for left atrial thrombosis in NVAF patients.Multiva-riate Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of left atrial thrombosis in elderly NVAF patients.Results MPV,lymphocyte proportion and MPVLR in the thrombosis group were higher than those in the non-thrombosis group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve(AUC)of MPV,lymphocyte ratio and MPVLR for predicting left atrial thrombosis in NVAF patients were 0.821(95%CI:0.764-0.882),0.771(95%CI:0.714-0.842)and 0.901(95%CI:0.861-0.949).respectively.The course of disease in the thrombosis group was longer than that in the non-thrombosis group,the proportion of patients with chronic heart failure,the proportion of patients with stroke,CH A2DS2-VASc score,LAEF,LAD,LVEDV,MPVLR,serum uric acid,MPV,lymphocyte proportion and MPVLR were higher than those in the non-thrombosis group,and LVEF was lower than that in the non-thrombosis group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Multivariate Logistic regression a-nalysis showed that disease duration ≥1.93 years(OR=3.050,95%CI:1.928-4.824),chronic heart failure(OR=3.333,95%CI:1.808-6.144),MPVLR≥3.10(OR=3.873,95%CI:1.734-8.650)were independ-ent risk factors for left atrial thrombosis in elderly NVAF patients(P<0.05).Conclusion The increase of MPVLR is associated with left atrial thrombosis in elderly patients with NVAF,and it can be used as a an in-dicator to predict left atrial thrombosis in patients with NVAF.
Objective:To evaluate the effect of venous excess ultrasound score (VExUS Score) in the acute kidney injury(AKI) in Patients with sepsis, so as to reduce the risk of disease and improve the prognosis of patients.Methods:This experiment was a single-center prospective cohort study. Include septic patients with AKI who were admitted to the Department of Emergency Intensive Care Unit of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from February 2022 to February 2023, Those with inadequate window, inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombus, age<18 years and known case of cirrhosis with portal hypertension were excluded from the study. Patients underwent ultrasound examination with serial determination till AKI resolved or patient is initiated on dialysis.Results:Totally 86 patients were enrolled for the study. The mean age was (60.43±15.48) with 50 (58.1%) males. Mean sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score was (6.23±1.87). 38 patients (44.2%) were in AKI stage 1, while 24 patients (27.9%) were in AKI stage 2 and stage 3 each. 52 patients (60.5%) had VExUS grade Ⅲ. Resolution of AKI injury showed significant correlation with improvement in VExUS grade ( p value 0.003). Similarly, there was significant association between changes in VExUS grade and fluid balance ( p value 0.005). There was no correlation between central venous pressure (CVP), left ventricular function, and right ventricular function with change in VExUS grade. Conclusions:The study shows a significant correlation between the VExUS Score and AKI staging, With improvement in kidney function, there is decline in the VExUS grade as well. Moreover VExUS Score might reliably demonstrate venous congestion and aid in the clinical decision to perform fluid removal.
Evaluating the volume state and volume responsiveness of patients can guide clinicians to manage the volume of perioperative patients reasonably.It can guide volume therapy during anesthesia,which is helpful for patients to recover quickly.At present,bedside ultrasound visualization technology has been widely used in perioperative volume evaluation.Axillary vein ultrasound has been applied to evaluate the volume status of patients for its simple operation,noninvasiveness,and being unaffected by intra-abdom-inal pressure.This article will review the progress of bedside ultrasound monitoring of axillary venous on vol-ume management in perioperative patients,in order to provide a reference for volume management and vol-ume treatment in perioperative patients.
Objective To investigate the ventilation effect and application safety of pressure-con-trolled ventilation-volume guaranteed(PCV-VG)mode in neonatal thoracoscopic esophageal atresia surgery.Methods Thirty-six newborns who underwent thoracoscopic esophageal atresia surgery under general anes-thesia,22 males and 14 females,aged 1-4 days,weighing 1.4-4.5 kg,ASA physical status Ⅲ or Ⅳ,were divided into two groups using a random number table method:the PCV-VG mode group(group P)and the volume-controlled ventilation(VCV)mode group(group V),18 newborns in each group.After anes-thesia,PCV-VG and VCV ventilation modes were employed for mechanical ventilation in groups P and V,respectively.The MAP,HR,and SpO2 were recorded prior to tracheal intubation,10 minutes before one-lung ventilation(OLV),30 minutes after OLV,and 10 minutes after completion of OLV.Additionally,the Pmean,Ppeak,Pplat,Cdyn,PETCO2,PaCO2,PaO2,and pH were monitored 10 minutes before OLV,30 minutes after OLV,and 10 minutes after completion of OLV.The time of tracheal tube removal after surgery and the duration of ICU retention were also observed.Results Compared with group V,the SpO2,Cdyn,PaO2,and pH levels showed a significant increase,while significant decrease were noted in Pmean,Ppeak,and Pplat in group P 30 minutes after OLV(P<0.05).Compared with group V,the PETCO2 and PaCO2 in group P decreased significantly 30 minutes after OLV and 10 minutes after completion of OLV.Be-sides,compared with group V,the time of tracheal tube removal after surgery and the duration of ICU reten-tion were also significantly shortened in group P(P<0.05).Conclusion The utilization of PCV-VG ven-tilation mode in neonatal thoracoscopic esophageal atresia surgery,as compared to VCV ventilation mode,can effectively reduce airway pressure,enhance lung compliance,optimize intraoperative lung gas exchange,and facilitate postoperative recovery of the neonates.
Objective:To explore the predictive value of multimodal ultrasound features combined with serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) detection for tumor recurrence of breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery.Methods:A total of 194 patients with breast cancer who underwent breast-conserving surgery in Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College from Jan. 2017 to May. 2018 were selected. Routine ultrasound, automated breast volume imaging and contrast-enhanced ultrasound were performed before surgery. Logistic regression equation was used to analyze the risk factors affecting local tumor recurrence after breast-conserving surgery, and ROC curve was drawn to analyze the predictive value of multimodal ultrasound features combined with serum MMP-9 for local tumor recurrence after breast-conserving surgery.Results:After 5 years of follow-up, 29 out of 194 breast cancer patients who underwent breast-conserving surgery had local recurrence and metastasis. There were no significant differences in tumor diameter, spiculation sign, convergence sign, Alder blood flow grade, enhancement sequence, pattern and enhancement intensity between the two groups ( P>0.05 t=1.48, P=1.451; χ2=0.55, P=0.460; χ2=0.50, P=0.478; χ2=0.60, P=0.439; χ2=0.50, P=0.780; χ2=0.04, P=0.981; χ2=0.13, P=0.716). Logistic regression analysis showed that irregular tumor shape, small calcification,Peripheral radial enhancement, perfusion defect and abnormal elevation of serum MMP-9 were independent risk factors for local recurrence of breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery ( P=0.034, 95%CI=1.177~62.266; P=0.048, 95%CI=1.022~58.397; P=0.045, 95%CI=1.100~56.756; P=0.043, 95%CI=1.079~ 60.937; P=0.044, 95%CI=1.000~1.026). ROC curve showed that the AUC of multimodal ultrasound features combined with serum MMP-9 in predicting local tumor recurrence after breast-conserving surgery was 0.970, and the sensitivity and specificity were 98.63% and 91.67%, respectively. Conclusions:Multimodal ultrasound features combined with serum MMP-9 detection have high application value in the evaluation of local tumor recurrence after breast-conserving surgery, and provide a new idea for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Objective To explore the changes in brain structure after short-term withdrawal therapy in patients with alcohol use disorder(AUD).Methods A total of 28 male patients with AUD were included,and brain MRI scans were performed at the time of enrollment and 2-3 weeks after standardized treatment.The total volume of brain tissue,gray matter,white matter and cerebrospi-nal fluid volume before and after treatment were measured by voxel-based morphometry(VBM)technology,and the gray matter volume of each brain region of the whole brain was measured and statistically analyzed according to the automated anatomical labeling(AAL)template.Results Compared with the baseline data,after 2-3 weeks of standardized treatment,the volume of gray matter in brain tissue increased significantly,and the volume of cerebrospinal fluid decreased significantly.Compared with before treatment,the brain regions with increased gray matter volume in the left hemisphere were distributed in the medial and paracingulate gyrus,central sulcus cover,anterior wedge lobe and insula,and the brain regions with increased gray matter volume in the right hemisphere were distributed in the anterior cingulate gyrus,paracingulate gyrus,central sulcus cover,amygdala,superior temporal gyrus,middle temporal gyrus,transverse temporal gyrus,anterior cuneiformus,posterior central gyrus,superior marginal gyrus,peritaloid cortex and insula.Conclusion Patients with AUD experience some increases in gray matter volume,especially in the prefrontal lobe,after short-term withdrawal therapy.
Objective To explore the application value of an improved volume rendering algorithm based on Cuda in CT vascular imaging three-dimensional reconstruction.Methods Five cases of head and neck vascular computed tomography angiography(CTA)examinations and five cases of coronary CTA examinations were selected.The traditional Bounding-Box algorithm and the Cuda-based volume rendering reconstruction method were used for vascular three-dimensional reconstruction.The reconstruction speed and quality of the two algorithms were compared.Results Running the traditional algorithm on an RTX2060 graphics card took 50-60 ms per frame,while running the algorithm described in this study took 25-35 ms per frame,resulting in approximately a 1x speed improvement.On an RTX3060,the algorithm described in this study took 18-23 ms per frame,resulting in approximately a 1x speed improvement.The reconstruction results from all ten cases demonstrated that the algorithm described in this study provided clearer visualization of small blood vessels in the head and neck region and the distal coronary arteries.Conclusion The Cuda-based development framework achieves faster rendering speed and better image quality compared to the traditional Bounding-Box algorithm.
Objective To explore the feasibility of automatic segmentation of clinical target volume(CTV)and organs at risk(OARs)for cervical cancer using AccuLearning(AL)based on geometric and dosimetric indices.Methods Seventy-five CT localization images with manual contouring data of postoperative cervical cancer were enrolled in this study.Sixty cases were randomly selected to trained to generate automatic segmentation model by AL,and the CTV and OARs of the remaining 15 cases were automatically contoured.Radiotherapy plans on the automatic segmentation contours were imported on the CT images of manual contours.The efficiency,Dice similarity coefficient(DSC),Hausdorff distance(HD)and dosimetric parameters were compared between the two methods.Results The time of automatic segmentation was significantly shorter than that of the manual contour(P<0.05).The DSC of all structures were≥0.87.The HD of bowel bag and rectum were about 10 mm,and that of the rest of OARs were less than 5 mm.CTV(D98,V90% ,V95% ,Dmean,HI),bowel bag(V50)and bladder(V50)had significant differences in dosimetric comparison(P<0.05).Conclusion The automatic segmentation model based on AL can improve the efficiency of radiotherapy.Automatic segmentation of OARs has the potential of clinical application,while that of CTV still needs to be further modified.
Objective To investigate the value of computer-assisted quantification of pulmonary embolism volume(PEV)in identifying mild-to-high-risk acute pulmonary embolism(APE).Methods We retrospectively enrolled 143 patients with suspected APE confirmed by computed tomography pulmonary angiography(CTPA)at Yan'an University Affiliated Hospital from January 2017 to December 2020.According to the 2018 Chinese Guidelines for Diagnosis,Treatment and Prevention of Pulmonary Thromboembolism,all the patients were divided into low-risk group(n=88)and mild-to-high-risk group(n=55).We collected the patients'basic demographic data,clinical manifestations,and serum levels of N-terminal-B type natriuretic peptide precursor(NT-proBNP)and D-dimer.Based on CTPA images,the degree of pulmonary thromboembolism was artificially evaluated to obtain the pulmonary artery occlusion index(PAOI).The thrombus was segmented using the pulmonary embolism detection tool based on digital lung,and PEV was calculated.We compared the differences in clinical and laboratory indicators and PAOI and PEV between the two risk groups.We analyzed the value of PAOI and PEV in identifying mild-to-high-risk APE using receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves,and used Logistic regression analysis to identify independent risk factors in predicting mild-to-high-risk APE.Different models were established.Results Compared with the low-risk group,APE patients in the mild-to-high-risk group were older(P<0.05),had lower diastolic blood pressure(P<0.05),higher levels of D-dimer and NT-proBNP(P<0.05),lower levels of platelet count,arterial oxygen partial pressure and arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure(P<0.05),and higher levels of PAOI and PEV(P<0.001).ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve for PEV in identifying mild-to-high-risk APE was 0.809(95%CI:0.734-0.884),while that for PAOI was 0.753(95%CI:0.667-0.839).Logistic regression analysis showed that PEV and NT-proBNP were independent risk factors for mild-to-high-risk APE(P<0.05).Conclusion PEV and NT-proBNP are independent risk factors for mild-to-high-risk APE.
Objective To analyze the relationship of the volume of 87 brain regions with postnatal age and neurobehavior in full-term neonates.Methods A total of 75 full-term newborns[gestational age(39.38±1.22)weeks;male/female(51/24);postnatal age(11.11±6.67)days]without abnormalities on brain MRI(three-dimensional T1-weighted imaging,3D T1WI)at our hospital between November 2010 and September 2017 were retrospectively included.Based on the template of 87 brain regions,the neonatal brains were divided into 87 brain regions and their volumes were calculated by using V-shape Bottleneck network(VB-Net)deep learning segmentation technique,Pearson partial correlation and regression analysis were used to explore the relationship of the volume of each brain region with postnatal age and neurobehavioral scores.Results After adjusting for gestational age,birth weight,head circumference,body length and sex,66.7%of the regional brain volumes(58/87 brain regions)significantly increased with the postnatal age(correlation coefficient r:0.2-0.7,P<0.05).The volumes of gray matter in bilateral lentiform nucleus,left caudate nucleus,right occipital lobe,right inferior temporal lobe,and bilateral anterior temporal lobe strongly correlated with the postnatal age(r>0.50,P<0.05).The gray matter volume of the right occipital lobe linearly increased with age(slope:100.67),and was positively correlated with behavioral scores(r=0.324,P<0.01).Conclusion Most of regional brain volumes increase with the postnatal age during the neonatal period,and the fastest growth occurs in primary sensorimotor-related brain regions,presenting the spatial heterogeneity.Partial brain region grows with the development of behavioral ability.
BACKGROUND:Studies have exhibited that symmetrical distribution and effective dose of bone cement can reduce postoperative vertebral refractures and help improve outcomes,but obtaining better distribution and dose of bone cement during percutaneous vertebroplasty remains an issue for surgeons. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the risk factors of percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture,and to analyze the correlation between these factors and recurrent fractures of the operative vertebral body and adjacent vertebral bodies after percutaneous vertebroplasty. METHODS:111 patients who underwent unilateral approach percutaneous vertebroplasty in Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from January 2018 to December 2021 were screened and divided into fracture group(n=17)and non-fracture group(n=94)according to whether refracture was observed during follow-up.The following variables were reviewed in both groups:Gender,age,body mass index,operation time,menopause age,bone cement distribution index,bone density T value,bone cement dose,location of bone cement distribution,percutaneous vertebroplasty stage,past history,adverse reactions and disc cement leakage of patients.These variables were analyzed by univariate analysis.The statistically significant factors were replaced by a binary Logistic regression model to analyze the correlation with vertebral refracture after percutaneous vertebroplasty. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Univariate analysis demonstrated that after percutaneous vertebroplasty,vertebral refracture was associated with disc cement leakage(P=0.000),cement dose(P=0.049),and cement distribution location(P=0.017).(2)Binary Logistic regression revealed that bone cement leakage(P=0.000),cement dose(P=0.031),and location of cement distribution(P=0.015)were risk factors for recurrent fracture of the operative vertebral body and adjacent vertebral body after percutaneous vertebroplasty.Compared with cement distribution types I,II,and III,the risk of recurrent fracture in the operative and adjacent vertebrae was higher in cement distribution types IV and V(OR=36.340,P=0.016;OR=27.755,P=0.017).(3)It is concluded that recurrent fractures of the surgically operated vertebral body and adjacent vertebral bodies are caused by the interaction of multiple risk factors.Bone cement distribution and bone cement leakage were independent risk factors.Recurrent fractures of the operative vertebra and adjacent vertebrae are more likely when the cement is distributed in type IV and type V.Surgeons should fully assess these risk factors before surgery and develop targeted prevention and treatment strategies to help reduce the risk of future refractures.
BACKGROUND:Modification of food consistency and volume is a commonly used method of swallowing compensation in clinical practice.Dry swallowing is a commonly used method of evaluation.The hyoid muscles are very important in swallowing.The effects of dry swallowing and swallowing tasks of different consistencies and volumes on hyoid muscle activation levels are still unclear. OBJECTIVE:To explore the effects of simple dry swallowing and swallowing tasks of different consistencies and volumes on the hyoid muscles in healthy adults. METHODS:A total of 44 healthy adults were included from April to August 2019,including 19 males and 25 females,with an average age of(21.7±2.8)years.They randomly performed dry swallowing and swallowing tasks of different consistencies(the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative(IDDSI)frame levels 0-4)and volumes(5,10,20 mL),and the surface electromyogram signals of the hyoid muscles during each swallowing task were recorded.After processing the raw surface electromyogram signals,the activation levels of the hyoid muscles were compared between dry swallowing and swallowing tasks of different consistency and volume. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The mean amplitude values of the suprahyoid muscles corresponding to swallowing tasks of 20 mL for levels 0-4,10 mL for level 3,and 5 mL for level 4 were higher than those of dry swallowing(P<0.05).The mean amplitude values of the suprahyoid muscles corresponding to the 20-mL swallowing tasks of different consistencies were higher than those of the 5-mL swallowing tasks of the corresponding consistencies,except for level 3(P<0.05).The mean amplitude values of the suprahyoid muscles corresponding to the 20-mL swallowing tasks of different consistencies were higher than those of the 10-mL swallowing tasks of the corresponding consistencies,except for levels 2 and 3(P<0.05).The mean amplitude values of the infrahyoid muscles corresponding to all swallowing tasks were higher than that of dry swallowing(P<0.05).The mean amplitude values of the infrahyoid muscles corresponding to the 20-mL swallowing tasks of different consistencies were higher than that of the 5-and 10-mL swallowing tasks of the corresponding consistencies(P<0.05).The mean amplitude values of the infrahyoid muscles corresponding to the 10-mL swallowing tasks of different consistencies were higher than those of the 5-mL swallowing tasks of the corresponding consistencies,except for level 3(P<0.05).To conclude,in healthy adults performing swallowing tasks of different volumes and consistencies,the level of activation of the hyoid muscles is less susceptible to IDDSI frame levels 0-4 consistency and more susceptible to volume.The higher volume indicates the higher activation level of the hyoid muscles.