Due to the difference between the system of weights and measures, and the dosage of clinical prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine in various historical periods, the dosage and conversion standard of prescriptions in past dynasties are different. Therefore, when discounting the dosage of famous classical formulas, the principles of inheriting the essence, making the past serve the present, linking the past and the present, and forming a consensus should be followed, firstly, the dosage of the prescription was converted according to the weights and measures system of the past dynasties. If the converted dosage significantly exceeds the provisions of the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, then on the premise of ensuring that the proportion of the original prescription drug dosage remains unchanged, the conversion shall be based on expert consensus and drug safety evaluation. For drugs measured in non-standard units, a conversion range is provided based on comprehensive literature analysis and physical measurements. For the conversion of service volume, the original text was used as the basis for the conversion with reference to the measurement standards of different eras. If the original dosage is not clear, the converted dosage will be determined based on the historical evolution of the formula, referring to relevant ancient books, and combining modern applications. Eventually, the converting standard for famous classical formulas was determined as follows:during the Han and Tang dynasties, one Liang(两) was equivalent to 13.8 g and one Sheng(升) was equivalent to 200 mL, in the Tang dynasty, one Fen(分) was equivalent to 3.45 g, during the Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties, one Qian(钱) was equivalent to 4.13 g and one Zhan(盏) was equivalent to 300 mL, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, one Qian(钱) was equivalent to 3.73 g, and one Bei(杯) and one Zhong(盅) were equivalent to 200 mL. For drugs recorded in non-standard units of measurement, it is necessary to conduct actual measurements to determine their conversion standards based on comprehensive analysis to determine their origin. If necessary, different records of the dosage of drugs with the same or similar efficacy and indications in medical books of similar ages can be used to assist in determining the conversion standards. The analysis of the principle of dosage conversion for Chinese medicine is helpful for the clinical application and development of famous classical formulas.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Nutritional status and growth curves can affect cognitive development, increase the risk of infection, and contribute to the development of chronic diseases. Its etiology is related to food, socioeconomic, and maternal conditions. However, to date, no data on these parameters exist in the state of Goiás, Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To compare the nutritional status and growth curves of children and adolescents in the city of Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 529 individuals were recruited from a primary health center in the municipality. METHODS: To assess nutritional status, the sample was divided into three categories: 3-4, 5-10, and 11-19 years, with z-score classification considering body mass index for age. The classification of growth curves was performed considering the median height values for age, assuming two references: (a) young Brazilian population and (b) one recommended for international use. The independent sample T-test was used to compare anthropometric variables. RESULTS: The results showed that the classification of eutrophics represents a predominant percentage between both sexes (men: 03-04 = 55.4%; 05-10 = 57.6%; 11-19 = 53.5 % and women: 03-04 = 53.5%; 05-10 = 63.9%; 11-19 = 56.9%), and growth curves showed differences in specific periods in both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that children and adolescents from the city of Goiânia present as predominance the eutrophic nutritional status, followed by the risk of overweight, underweight, obesity, and malnutrition of both sexes.
Introdução: mapear os estudos que mensuraram o potencial Hidrogeniônico (pH) da região vulvar no ciclo vital da mulher. Métodos: revisão de escopo conforme recomendações do Manual for Evidence Synthesis do Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), nas bases SCOPUS, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, PubMed, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine e Google Acadêmico em janeiro de 2022. Foram incluídos estudos publicados em português, espanhol, francês e inglês, sem limite temporal. Resultados: dos 954 documentos recuperados, 13 foram selecionados. Apurou- se que os estudos utilizaram diferentes procedimentos para as medições quanto aos equipamentos, ambiente e preparo das participantes. A média de idade apresentada pela população feminina estudada variou entre 31 e 43 anos. Os locais de medição vulvar foram os grandes e pequenos lábios, dobra interlabial e períneo. O menor valor do pH aferido foi 4,6 e o maior 6,3. Conclusões: constatou-se baixa produção de estudos acerca do pH vulvar e ênfase das pesquisas na população de mulheres adultas. A diversidade de procedimentos e locais de aferição encontrados não permite afirmações seguras sobre uma faixa de valor de pH da superfície da pele vulvar.
Introduction: to map the studies that measured the Potential of Hydrogen (pH) of the vulvar region in women's life cycle. Methods: scoping review according to recommendations from the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Manual for Evidence Synthesis in the SCOPUS, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, PubMed, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine and Google Scholar databases in January 2022. Studies published in Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English, without time limit, were included. Results: of the 954 documents retrieved, 13 were selected. Different measurement procedures in relation to equipment, environment and preparation of participants were used in the studies. The average age of the female population ranged between 31 and 43 years. The vulvar measurement sites were the labia majora and minora, interlabial sulci and perineum. The lowest pH value measured was 4.6 and the highest was 6.3. Conclusions: there was a low production of studies on vulvar pH and an emphasis of studies on the population of adult women. The diversity of procedures and measurement sites found does not allow for safe statements about a range of pH values on the surface of the vulvar skin.
IntroduccioÌn: mapear los estudios que midieron el Potencial de HidroÌgeno (pH) de la regioÌn vulvar en el ciclo vital de las mujeres. MeÌtodos: revisioÌn del alcance seguÌn las recomendaciones del Manual for Evidence Synthesis del Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), en las bases de datos SCOPUS, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, PubMed, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine y Google Scholar en enero de 2022. Se incluyeron estudios publicados. en portugueÌs, espanÌol, franceÌs e ingleÌs, sin liÌmite de tiempo. Resultados: de los 954 documentos recuperados, se seleccionaron 13. En los estudios se utilizaron diferentes procedimientos de medicioÌn en relacioÌn con el equipo, el entorno y la preparacioÌn de los participantes. La edad media de la poblacioÌn femenina osciloÌ entre 31 y 43 anÌos. Los sitios de medicioÌn vulvar fueron los labios mayores y menores, el pliegue interlabial y el perineo. El valor de pH maÌs bajo medido fue 4,6 y el maÌs alto fue 6,3. Conclusiones: hubo una baja produccioÌn de estudios sobre pH vulvar y un eÌnfasis de estudios en poblacioÌn de mujeres adultas. La diversidad de procedimientos y sitios de medicioÌn encontrados no permite realizar afirmaciones seguras sobre un rango de valores de pH en la superficie de la piel vulvar.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Vulva , Women's Health , Skin Care , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
Abstract This article aims to present growth curves for height, weight, and BMI of 95,000 Brazilian youths aged 6 to 17 years, including the five regions of the country, the Amazon region, and indigenous populations, and compare them with the World Health Organization (WHO) growth references. The final sample consisted of 52,729 boys and 42,731 girls from the "Projeto Esporte Brasil" database. Body mass and height information were used to derive the curves. The generalized additive model for location, scale, and shape was employed. In this study, we present smoothed weight-for-age, height-for-age, and BMI-for-age curves for boys and girls. Differences were observed between the results of the Brazilian curves and the WHO growth references. The developed curves will be valuable for professionals in medicine, public health, nutrition, physical education, and other related fields, regarding the assessment of physical growth in Brazilian children and adolescents and monitoring the nutritional status of this population. Additionally, these curves will facilitate the identification of individuals or subgroups at risk of diseases and delayed growth, with a greater focus on specific country-related factors.
Resumo O objetivo do artigo é apresentar curvas de crescimento de altura, peso e IMC de 95.000 jovens brasileiros com idades entre 6 e 17 anos, incluindo as cinco regiões do país, a região da Amazônia e os povos indígenas, e comparar com as referências de crescimento da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). A amostra final foi composta por 52.729 meninos e 42.731 meninas provenientes do banco de dados do "Projeto Esporte Brasil". As informações de massa corporal e estatura foram utilizadas para derivar as curvas. O modelo aditivo generalizado para localização, escala e forma foi usado. neste estudo, apresentamos as curvas suavizadas de peso-idade, altura-idade e IMC-idade para meninos e meninas. Foram observadas diferenças entre os resultados das curvas brasileiras e as referências de crescimento da OMS. As curvas desenvolvidas serão úteis para profissionais da medicina, saúde pública, nutrição, educação física, entre outros, no que diz respeito a avaliação do crescimento físico de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros e para monitorar o estado nutricional desta população. Além disso, essas curvas permitirão a detecção de indivíduos ou subgrupos em risco de doenças e crescimento retardado, com um foco maior em fatores específicos do país.
La anemia afecta a miles de niños. Para el diagnóstico se cuantifica la hemoglobina (Hb); técnica que no se encuentra al alcance de toda la población. Contar con un instrumento validado de fácil aplicación, puede ayudar al diagnóstico. El objetivo de este estudio fue validar una aplicación móvil (APP) para diagnosticar anemia en niños de 2 a 5 años, aplicable por padres o tutores. Estudio de validación de escalas. Mediante búsqueda bibliografía se recopilaron ítems y dominios relacionados con anemia en niños. Una vez reducidos, se construyó un cuestionario para pilotaje, con tres hematólogos pediatras. El resultado de este fue posteriormente validado por 22 expertos mediante aplicación de escalas tipo Likert. Los ítems validados, se contrastaron con la Hb de niños de 267 niños de 2 a 5 años de los andes ecuatorianos (2.560 msnm). Se determinó asociación de los ítems con Hb y con los resultados obtenidos y se construyó la APP. 14 ítems fueron analizados. Todos ellos puntuaron sobre la mediana de la distribución (35,5 puntos) y fueron valorados por, al menos el 50 % de los expertos. Se seleccionaron palidez palmar, astenia y sueño en horas no habituales. Todos mostraron asociación significativa con anemia (p<0,05), y fueron aplicados como preguntas a padres o tutores y contrastados con el valor de Hb. Sensibilidad y especificidad para palidez fue: 85,1 % y 85,0 %; astenia: 72,3 % y 87,7 %; sueño en horas no habituales: 68,1 % y 87,7 %; palidez más astenia o sueño: 95,7 % y 74,6 %; y debilidad más sueño: 92,5 % y 76,8 %. Se desarrolló y validó una APP para diagnóstico de anemia en niños de 2 a 5 años aplicable por padres o tutores.
SUMMARY: Anemia affects thousands of children, and to reach a diagnosis, hemoglobin (Hb) is quantified. This technique however, is not always accessible to the general population. Therefore, the availability of a validated instrument can be useful in the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to validate a mobile application (APP), to diagnose anemia in children from 2 to 5 years old, applicable by parents or guardians. Scale validation study. Through a bibliographic search, items and domains related to anemia in children were collected. Once reduced, a pilot questionnaire was constructed with three pediatric hematologists. The result was later validated by 22 experts through the application of the Likert-type scales. The validated items were contrasted with the Hb of children of 267 children from 2 to 5 years of age from the Ecuadorian Andes (2,560 meters above sea level). The association of the items with Hb and with the results obtained was determined, and the APP was constructed. 14 items were analyzed. All of them scored above the median of the distribution (35.5 points) and were valued by at least 50 % of the experts. Palmar pallor, asthenia, and sleep at unusual hours were selected. All showed a significant association with anemia (p<0.05) and were applied as questions to parents or guardians and contrasted with the Hb value. Sensitivity and specificity for pallor was: 85.1 % and 85.0 %; asthenia: 72.3 % and 87.7 %; sleep at unusual hours: 68.1 % and 87.7 %; paleness plus fatigue or sleepiness: 95.7 % and 74.6 %; and weakness plus sleep: 92.5 % and 76.8 %. An APP for the diagnosis of anemia in children from 2 to 5 years old applicable by parents or guardians was developed and validated.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adult , Mobile Applications , Anemia/diagnosis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Screening for probable and confirmed sarcopenia using sociodemographic and anthropometric indicators can be a practical, cheap, and effective strategy to identify and treat older people susceptible to this condition. OBJECTIVES: To identify cutoff points for sociodemographic and anthropometric variables in screening probable and confirmed sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional study of community-dwelling older adults in Araranguá, Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: Sociodemographic (age, education) and anthropometric (weight, height, body mass index [BMI], waist circumference [WC], and dominant calf circumference [DCC]) factors were considered as predictors. The outcomes were probable sarcopenia (reduction in muscle strength assessed by time ≥ 15 s in the five-time sit-to-stand test) and confirmed sarcopenia (reduction in strength and muscle mass). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to analyze the ability to track sociodemographic and anthropometric variables for sarcopenia. RESULTS: In 308 older adults, WC > 91 cm in women and age > 69 years in men were useful in screening for probable sarcopenia. The variables age, weight, BMI, WC, and DCC can be used to screen for sarcopenia in older women and men. CONCLUSION: Sociodemographic and anthropometric variables are simple and accessible tools for sarcopenia screening in older adults.
Objetivo: avaliar a concordância entre altura, peso e índice de massa corporal (IMC) aferidos durante o acompanhamento dos 22 anos da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, de 1993, e dados autorrelatados durante o acompanhamento online da coortesnaweb. Métodos: estudo transversal de validação; a concordância foi avaliada pelos coeficientes de correlação de Lin para medidas contínuas e de Kappa ponderado para o estado nutricional; utilizou-se a correlação de Spearman para estimar a correlação entre as medidas. Resultados: 783 participantes foram incluídos; observou-se alta correlação e alta concordância entre as medidas de altura (r = 0,966; ρ = 0,966), peso (r = 0,934; ρ = 0,928) e IMC (r = 0,903; ρ = 0,910) aferidas e as autorrelatadas via internet; não houve correlação entre as diferenças médias e o intervalo de tempo entre as medidas. Conclusão: utilizar a internet para coletar medidas antropométricas autorrelatadas é um método válido, comparado ao método tradicional.
Objective: to evaluate the agreement between measured height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) during the 22-year follow-up of the 1993 Pelotas Birth Cohort, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and self-reported data during the online follow-up of the coortesnaweb. Methods: this was a cross-sectional validation study; agreement was assessed by means of Lin's concordance correlation coefficient for continuous measures and weighted Kappa for nutritional status; Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used to estimate the correlation between measurements. Results: a total of 783 participants were included; it could be seen high correlation and high agreement between the measured height (r = 0.966; ρ = 0.966), weight (r = 0.934; ρ = 0.928), and BMI (r = 0.903; ρ = 0.910) and Web-based self-reported data; there was no correlation between mean difference and the time interval between measurements. Conclusion: using the Internet to collect self-reported anthropometric measurements is as valid as the traditional method.
Objetivo: evaluar la concordancia entre la altura, el peso y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) medidos durante el acompañamiento de 22 años de la cohorte de nacimientos de Pelotas de 1993 y autoinformado durante el seguimiento en línea de la coortesnaweb. Métodos: estudio metodológico de validación. Se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Lin para medidas continuas, y de Kappa ponderado para el estado nutricional y la correlación de Spearman para la correlación entre medidas. Resultados: se incluyeron 783 participantes, con alta correlación y concordancia entre las medidas de talla (r = 0,966; ρ = 0,966), peso (r = 0,934; ρ = 0,928) e IMC (r = 0,903; ρ = 0,910) medidos y autoinformados vía web. No hubo correlación entre las diferencias de medidas y el intervalo de tiempo entre las mediciones. Conclusión: el uso de internet para recopilar variables antropométricas autoinformadas es válido en comparación con el método tradicional.
Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Body Weights and Measures/statistics & numerical data , Body Mass Index , Correlation Measures , Brazil , Nutritional Status , Validation Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy to determine the root canal length, in vitro,of both the electronic apex locator (M2) and the autostop (AS - M3) functions of the Endus Duo Gnatus endodontic motor (Gnatus, São Paulo, SP, Brazil). Methods: Thirty extracted human single-rooted premolars had their root canal lengths (TLs) up to the apical foramen determined using the Endus Duo Gnatus in two ways: (1) In the stainless steel (SS) control group, the measurement was obtained using a stainless steel hand instrument with the electronic locator mode (M2 function) connected to a stainless-steel hand instrument (K-file #15). In the NiTi rotary instrument (NiTi RI) intervention group, the measurement was obtained during the instrumentation (M3 function) of the root canals with a nickel-titanium rotary instrument (Hyflex CM: Coltene Whaledent, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, USA), size 25/.06. The NiTi manually used instrument (NiTi MUI) Intervention group performed the measurement in locator mode using a Hyflex instrument, placed to true length manually. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by the Tukey post-hoc test with a significance level of p < 0.05. Results: The true mean length and standard deviation (SD) of the standardized root canals were 18.40 ± 2.14mm, while the mean lengths and standard deviations (SD) were 18.29 ± 1.89mm, 18.22 ± 1.85mm, and 17.24 ± 2.09mm for the SS, NiTi RI, and NiTi MUI groups, respectively. However, data from the NiTi MUI Intervention group indicated shorter root canal lengths when compared to the SS control group and the NiTi RI Intervention group values, and were significantly shorter than the true canal length (p < 0.001). Conclusions:The use of the motor in NiTi RI Intervention group showed acceptable results. However, the NiTi MUI Intervention group resulted in unacceptable short measurements.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia na determinação do comprimento do canal radicular, in vitro, das funções localizador eletrônico foraminal (M2) e auto-parada durante a instrumentação (M3) do motor endodôntico Endus Duo Gnatus ( Gnatus, São Paulo, SP, Brasil). Métodos: Trinta pré-molares humanos uniradiculares extraídos tiveram seus comprimentos de canais radiculares (CRTs) até o forame apical determinados usando o Endus Duo Gnatus de duas maneiras: (1) No grupo controle de aço inoxidável (SS), a medida foi obtida usando um instrumento manual de aço inoxidável com modo de localização eletrônica foraminal (função M2) conectado a um instrumento manual de aço inoxidável (lima tipo K #15). No grupo intervenção instrumento rotatório NiTi (NiTi RI), a medida foi obtida durante a instrumentação (função M3) dos canais radiculares com instrumento rotatório de níquel-titânio (Hyflex CM: Coltene Whaledent, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, EUA), tamanho 25/.06. O grupo de intervenção NiTi instrumento usado manualmente (NiTi MUI) realizou a medição no modo localizador foraminal usando um instrumento Hyflex, colocado manualmente no comprimento real do dente. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio de ANOVA seguida do teste post-hoc de Tukey com nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: Os comprimentos reais médios dos dentes e desvios-padrão (DP) dos canais radiculares padronizados foram 18,40 ± 2,14 mm, enquanto os comprimentos médios e desvios- padrão (DP) foram 18,29 ± 1,89 mm, 18,22 ± 1,85 mm e 17,24 ± 2,09 mm para os grupos SS, NiTi RI e NiTi MUI, respectivamente. No entanto, os dados do grupo de intervenção NiTi MUI indicaram comprimentos de canais radiculares mais curtos quando comparados aos valores do grupo controle SS e do grupo de intervenção NiTi RI, e foram significativamente mais curtos que o comprimento real do canal (p < 0,001). Conclusões: A utilização do motor no grupo Intervenção NiTi RI apresentou resultados aceitáveis. No entanto, o grupo de intervenção NiTi MUI resultou em medições curtas inaceitáveis.
Weights and Measures , Dental Equipment , Dental Pulp Cavity , EndodonticsABSTRACT
A satisfação dos usuários constitui um dos critérios da qualidade dos serviços de saúde mental. Entretanto, há uma carência de estudos avaliando a satisfação dos moradores de residências terapêuticas (RTs) e ausência de instrumento de medida específico para este fim, no Brasil. Neste estudo, foi feita a adaptação transcultural do Questionnaire sur la Satisfaction de la Clientèle en Résidence D'Accueil (QSHS-21), para avaliar a satisfação dos moradores das RTs. O procedimento incluiu: tradução da escala original, retradução, revisão por Comitê de Especialistas e Estudo Piloto com 30 moradores de RTs do município de Barbacena/MG. Os resultados incluíram correções a partir das traduções e retraduções e adaptação da escala pelo Comitê de Especialistas, assim como modificações na redação de algumas questões, no Estudo Piloto. A versão final possui equivalência semântica e conceitual com a escala original e está adaptada ao contexto brasileiro, sendo de fácil compreensão para a população-alvo.
Users' satisfaction is a measure of mental health services quality. However, few studies evaluated residents' satisfaction regarding the Therapeutic Residences (TR) and there is no specific instrument in brazilian context for this evaluation. In this study, we made the transcultural adaptation of the Questionnaire sur la Satisfaction de la Clientèle en Résidence D'Accueil (QSHS-21), to evaluate the residents' satisfaction in the TR. The procedure included: translation of the original scale, re-translation, analyses by an Expert Commitee and a Pilot Study with 30 TR residents in the city of Barbacena-MG. Results showed corrections of the translations and retranslations and adaptation of the scale by the Expert Commitee and modifications in the questions wording during the Pilot Study. The final version of the scale has semantic and conceptual equivalence with the original scale, is adapted to the brazilian context and is easy to understand by the target population.
La satisfacción de los usuarios es un criterio de calidad de los servicios de salud mental. Sin embargo, faltan estudios que evalúen la satisfacción de los residentes de residencias terapéuticas (RTs) y en Brasil hay ausencia de un instrumento de medición específico para este fin. Este estudio adaptó el Questionnaire sur la Satisfaction de la Clientèle en Résidence D'Accueil (QSHS-21), para evaluar la satisfacción de los residentes de las RTs. El procedimiento incluyó: traducción de la escala original, retraducción, revisión por el Comité de Especialistas y Estudio Piloto con 30 residentes en Barbacena-MG. Los resultados mostraron correcciones de traducciones y retraducciones, y adaptación de la escala por parte del Comité de Especialistas, y cambios en la redacción de las preguntas, en el Estudio Piloto. La versión final tiene equivalencia semántica y conceptual con la escala original y está adaptada al contexto brasileño, siendo de fácil comprensión para el público de RTs.
Humans , Consumer Behavior , Internship, Nonmedical , Mental Health Services , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: Implantable cardiac pacemakers or cardioverter defibrillators are alternatives for the treatment of arrhythmias, however, their use has caused changes in the emotional state of patients. The objective of this study was to compare the measures of anxiety and depression symptoms in individuals according to their sex, type of cardiac device, and diagnosis of Chagas disease. Methods: This is an observational and cross-sectional study conducted with adults with implantable cardiac pacemakers or cardioverter defibrillators. Data was collected using a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. We used the Student's t-test for independent samples and the Chi-squared test, with a significance level of 0.05. Results: Two hundred forty-four patients participated in the study, 168 with cardiac pacemakers and 76 with implantable cardioverter defibrillators; 104 had Chagas cardiomyopathy (85 with cardiac pacemakers and 19 with implantable cardioverter defibrillators). No statistically significant differences were found in measures of anxiety and depression symptoms according to device type (P=0.594 and P=0.071, respectively) and the presence of Chagas etiology (P=0.649 and P=0.354, respectively). Women had higher mean scores for anxiety (P=0.002) and depression symptoms (P<0.001). Conclusion: In the comparison between the groups, according to the type of implanted device and the diagnosis of Chagas disease, no significant differences were found in the measures of anxiety and depression symptoms. Women showed higher means when compared to men, indicating the need to test and implement interventions to minimize these symptoms in this population.
Resumo Fundamento O tratamento adequado e a obtenção das metas na hipertensão arterial são importantes na redução dos desfechos cardiovasculares. Objetivos Descrever os bloqueadores do receptor de angiotensina (BRA) em monoterapia ou combinação dupla e a taxa de controle da hipertensão arterial. Métodos Estudo transversal que avaliou pacientes em uso de BRA entre 2017 e 2020. Foram excluídos aqueles em uso de três ou mais anti-hipertensivos. As variáveis analisadas foram: sexo, idade, índice de massa corporal, medidas válidas da medida residencial da pressão arterial (MRPA); pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) obtidas pela MRPA e de forma casual; variabilidade pressórica; classe dos anti-hipertensivos e dos BRAs. Foram utilizados testes de t pareado, qui-quadrado e Fisher, além de sobreposição dos intervalos de confiança de 95% com nível de significância de 5% (p < 0,05). Resultados Foram selecionados 17.013 pacientes; destes, 12.813 preencheram os critérios, dos quais 62,1% eram do sexo feminino. O número médio de medidas válidas foi de 23,3 (±2,0), com médias para a PAS de 126,8±15,8 mmHg e 133,5±20,1 mmHg (p < 0,001) e para a PAD de 79,1±9,7 mmHg e 83,6±11,9 mmHg (p < 0,001) pela MRPA e medida casual, respectivamente. Losartana foi o BRA mais utilizado e o que apresentou comportamentos mais elevados da pressão arterial. As combinações de BRA com diuréticos ou com antagonistas de canal de cálcio tiveram menores valores de pressão arterial. Conclusões Losartana foi utilizada em mais da metade dos pacientes, apesar de ser a menos eficiente na redução e no controle da pressão arterial.
Abstract Background Adequate treatment of arterial hypertension and achieving arterial hypertension goals in are important in reducing cardiovascular outcomes. Objectives To describe angiotensin receptor blockers in monotherapy or double combination therapy and the rate of arterial hypertension control. Methods This cross-sectional study evaluated patients who were using angiotensin receptor blockers between 2017 and 2020. Those using three or more antihypertensive drugs were excluded. The analyzed variables included sex, age, body mass index, valid home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) measurements, casual and HBPM systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements, blood pressure variability, and antihypertensive and angiotensin receptor blocker class. Paired t, chi-square, and Fisher's exact tests were used, as well as overlapping 95% confidence intervals and a significance level of 5% (p < 0.05). Results Of 17,013 patients, 12,813 met the inclusion criteria, 62.1% of whom were female. The mean number of valid measurements was 23.3 (SD, 2.0). The mean HBPM and casual measurements for systolic blood pressure were 126.8 (SD, 15.8) mmHg and 133.5 (SD, 20.1) mmHg (p <0.001), respectively, while those for diastolic blood pressure were 79.1 (SD, 9.7 mmHg) and 83.6 (SD, 11.9) mmHg (p <0.001), respectively. Losartan was the most common angiotensin receptor blocker and resulted in the highest blood pressure values. Combinations of angiotensin receptor blockers with diuretics or calcium channel antagonists resulted in lower blood pressure values. Conclusions More than half of the patients used losartan, although it was the least efficient drug for reducing and controlling blood pressure.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become a public health problem worldwide. Neck circumference (NC) is a simple anthropometric adiposity parameter that has been correlated with cardiometabolic disorders like NAFLD. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between NC and NAFLD, considering their obesity-modifying effect, among participants from the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) baseline study. DESIGN AND SETTINGS: Cross-sectional study at the ELSA-Brasil centers of six public research institutions. METHODS: This analysis was conducted on 5,187 women and 4,270 men of mean age 51.8 (± 9.2) years. Anthropometric indexes (NC, waist circumference [WC] and body mass index [BMI]), biochemical and clinical parameters (diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia) and hepatic ultrasound were measured. The association between NC and NAFLD was estimated using multinomial logistic regression, considering potential confounding effects (age, WC, diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia). Effect modification was investigated by including the interaction term NC x BMI in the final model. RESULTS: The frequency of NAFLD and mean value of NC were 33.6% and 33.9 (± 2.5) cm in women, and 45.8% and 39.4 (± 2.8) cm in men, respectively. Even after all adjustments, larger NC was associated with a greater chance of moderate/severe NAFLD (1.16; 95% confidence interval [CI] for women; 1.05, 95% CI for men; P < 0.001). Presence of multiplicative interaction between NC and BMI (P < 0.001) was also observed. CONCLUSION: NC was positively associated with NAFLD in both sexes, regardless of traditional adiposity indexes such as BMI and WC. The magnitude of the association was more pronounced among women.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/epidemiology , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/diagnostic imaging , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Longitudinal Studies , Waist Circumference , Middle Aged , NeckABSTRACT
Objective:To investigate the relationship between tube voltage kV value for head and neck CT angiography and body weight.Methods:A total of 120 patients with suspected vascular disease of the head and neck who underwent CT angiography of the head and neck in Beihai People's Hospital from January 2020 to May 2022 were included in this study. Patients were divided into three groups according to different tube voltages: group A (tube voltage 120 kV, n = 45), group B (tube voltage 100 kV, n = 45) and group C (tube voltage 80 kV, n = 30). Patients in group A were divided into group A1 (< 70 kg, n = 15), group A2 (70-85 kg, n = 15) and group A3 (> 85 kg, n = 15) according to different body weights. Patients in group B were divided into group B1 (< 70 kg, n = 15), group B2 (70-85 kg, n = 15) and group B3 (> 85 kg, n = 15) according to different body weights. Patients in group C were divided into group C1 (< 70 kg, n = 15) and group C2 (70-85 kg, n = 15) according to different body weights. Group C3 was not used. The contrast medium used was Loversol. The CT value, image noise, signal-to-noise ratio, contrast to noise ratio, and effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in each group were measured. The images were subjectively evaluated by two physicians who had senior professional titles using a 5-point rating scale. Results:Subjective score of image quality was all ≥ 3 grade in each group. There was no significant difference in image quality rating between groups A1 and A2 and groups B1, B2, and C1. There was a remarkable difference in image quality rating between groups A3, B3, and C2 and the other groups. There was a significant difference in the CT value of blood vessels at four different levels between groups A1, B1 and C1 ( F = 76.82, 64.62, 98.79, 71.85, all P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in CT value of blood vessels at four different levels between groups A2, B2 and C2 ( F = 159.82, 112.33, 108.22, 135.18, all P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in CT value of blood vessels at four different levels between groups A3 and B3 ( t = 4.40, 4.27, 3.91, 3.59, all P < 0.05). In groups B3 and C2, the image noise was remarkably increased, signal to noise ratio and contrast to noise ratio were remarkably decreased compared with those in the other groups. The effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group B1 was 47% lower than that in group A1 and the effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group C1 was 73% lower than that in group A1 ( F = 116.18, P < 0.001). The effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group B2 was 49% lower than that in group A2, and the effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group C2 was 66% lower than that in group A2 ( H = 35.40, P < 0.001). The effective radiation dose in group B3 was 35% lower than that in group A3 ( t = 3.59, P < 0.05). Conclusion:In CT angiography of the head and neck, the selection of tube voltage kV value is related to body weight. Tube voltage 80 kV is suitable for patients with a body weight < 70 kg, tube voltage 100 kV for patients with a body weight of 70-85 kg, and tube voltage 120 kV for patients with a body weight > 85 kg. These tube voltages can decrease effective radiation dose and ensure image quality, meeting the requirement for clinical diagnosis.
RESUMO Objetivo Comparar as medidas antropométricas orofaciais, com peso, altura e sexo de recém-nascidos. Método Estudo transversal observacional realizado com 130 recém-nascidos em aleitamento materno exclusivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por fonoaudiólogas devidamente treinadas e calibradas. As medidas orofaciais dos recém-nascidos foram realizadas com uma régua maleável e transparente de 10 cm de comprimento, nos seguintes segmentos: alturas do terço superior (tr-g), do terço médio (g-sn) e do terço inferior da face (sn-gn); altura do filtro (sn-Is); distância entre o canto do olho e a comissura labial do lado direito e esquerdo (ex-ch). A medida do peso e da altura foram coletadas nos prontuários dos recém-nascidos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística, sendo aplicado o teste de Mann-Whitney, adotando nível de significância de 5%. Resultados Dos 130 recém-nascidos, 61 eram do sexo masculino e 69 do sexo feminino. A mediana do peso foi de 3,3 kg e da altura de 49 cm. Houve diferença significativa entre o peso e a medida da distância entre o canto do olho e a comissura labial do lado direito e esquerdo (ex-ch). Não foi encontrada diferença significativa das medidas orofaciais com sexo e altura. Conclusão Não houve diferença nas medidas antropométricas orofaciais de recém-nascidos a termo quando comparadas com sexo e altura; porém, quando comparadas com peso, há diferença nas medidas da distância entre o canto do olho e a comissura labial do lado direito e esquerdo.
ABSTRACT Purpose To compare orofacial anthropometric measurements, with weight, height and sex of newborns. Methods Observational cross-sectional study carried out with 130 newborns on exclusive breastfeeding. Data collection was performed by properly trained and calibrated speech therapists. The orofacial measurements of the newborns were performed with flexible and transparent ruler 10 cm long, in the following segments: heights of the upper third(tr-g), the middle third(g-sn) and the lower third on the face (sn-gn); filter height (sn-Is), distance between the corner of the eye and the labial commissure on the right and left side (ex-ch). Weight and height measurements were collected from the newborns' medical records. The data were submitted to statistical analysis, using the Mann-Whitney test, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results Of the 130 newborns, 61 were male and 69 female. The median weight was 3.3 kg and the median height was 49 cm. There was significant difference between weight and measurement distance between the corner of the eye and the left and right labial commissure (ex-ch). There was no significant difference in orofacial measurements with sex and height. Conclusion There was no difference in orofacial anthropometric measurements of full-term newborns when compared with sex and height; however, when compared to weight, there is a difference in the measurements of the distance between the corner of the eye and the labial commissure on the right and left side.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a type of metabolic disorder syndrome of abnormal lipid deposition in hepatocytes, and with the improvement of living standards, the incidence rate of NAFLD has reached a worrying level. Several anthropometric indicators, including waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, and waist-height ratio, have been used in the evaluation of obesity and the correlation study of various metabolic diseases. This article introduces the association between NAFLD and various anthropometric indicators for obesity and points out that anthropometric indicators for obesity can be used for the prevention and control of NAFLD.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a type of metabolic disorder syndrome of abnormal lipid deposition in hepatocytes, and with the improvement of living standards, the incidence rate of NAFLD has reached a worrying level. Several anthropometric indicators, including waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, and waist-height ratio, have been used in the evaluation of obesity and the correlation study of various metabolic diseases. This article introduces the association between NAFLD and various anthropometric indicators for obesity and points out that anthropometric indicators for obesity can be used for the prevention and control of NAFLD.
Qingxin Lianzi Yin (QXLZY), as an ancient classical formula for clearing the heart and nourishing the Yin, was composed of nine herbs (Scutellariae Radix, Ophiopogonis Radix, Lycii Cortex, Plantaginis Semen, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata Cum Melle, Nelumbinis Semen, Poria, Astragali Radix and Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma), coming from Prescriptions of the Bureau of Taiping People's Welfare Pharmacy. It could clear away the heart-fire, promote the interaction of the heart and kidney, replenish Qi and Yin, and stop strangury-turbidity. It was used to treat gonorrhea of urination, seminal emission, restlessness, wasting-thirst and so on. At present, the usage and dosage of QXLZY and its addition and subtraction are different in clinical practice. Most of the studies just focus on its clinical efficacy, and there is few review literature reflecting its historical evolution. Based on this, this paper systematically clarified the historical evolution, composition, preparation, interpretation, function, and modern clinical application of QXLZY. This work has been explained the historical evolution of QXLZY, and found that it was wildly used in modern clinical, especially suitable for the treatment of chronic urinary system diseases. At the same time, QXLZY also had significant therapeutic effects on neurasthenia, stomatitis, diabetic nephropathy and other aspects. Through the comprehensive analysis of ancient and modern literature, this work explores the true connotation of QXLZY from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, which can point out the direction of the clinical application and positioning of this famous classical formula after it comes into the market, and also can provide reference basis for its subsequent in-depth research and development.
ABSTRACT Objective: to develop and validate a scale to measure the quality of life of people living with HIV in Brazil. Method: methodological study conducted in a Brazilian care service specialized in sexually transmissible infections/AIDS between 2017 and 2019 addressing people living with HIV. The scale's development and validation included exploratory factor analysis to describe its factor structure and psychometric properties, Multitrait-Multimethod analysis to verify its validity and Cronbach's alpha for reliability. Floor and ceiling effects were described according to the responses' frequency distribution. Results: a total of 460 people living with HIV participated. Most were men 276 (60.0%) aged 43 on average (SD=±12.4). The Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed four factors with 39.9% of explained variance. The total scale presented satisfactory reliability with a Cronbach's alpha equal to 85.0%. Most items presented satisfactory convergent and divergent validity. The presence of floor and ceiling effects were found. The scale's final version was composed of 45 items. Conclusion: the Quali-HIV Scale is a valid and reliable tool to measure the quality of life of people living with HIV.
RESUMEN Objetivo: elaborar y validar una escala para medir la calidad de vida de personas viviendo con SIDA en Brasil. Método: investigación metodológica realizada en un servicio brasileño de atención especializada en infección sexualmente transmisible/SIDA, entre 2017 y 2019, y que contempló la participación de personas viviendo con SIDA. El proceso de elaboración y validación de la escala comprendió a descripción de la estructura factorial, por medio del análisis factorial exploratorio y propiedades psicométricas, según el análisis Multi-característica Multi-método para validez, y Alfa de Cronbach para confiabilidad. Efectos floor y ceiling fueron descritos según distribución de frecuencias de las respuestas. Resultados: participaron 460 personas que viven con SIDA. La mayoría de los participantes era del sexo masculino 276 (60,0%) y la media de edades fue 43 años (DE=±12,4). En el Análisis Factorial Exploratorio fueron extraídos cuatro factores con variancia explicada de 39,9%. La confiabilidad de la escala total fue satisfactoria con Alfa de Cronbach igual a 85,0%. La mayoría de los ítems presentó validez convergente y divergente satisfactoria. Se observó la presencia de los efectos floor y ceiling en las respuestas. La versión final de la escala estuvo compuesta por 45 ítems. Conclusión: la Escala Quali-SIDA puede ser considerada una herramienta válida y fidedigna para mensurar a calidad de vida de personas que viven con SIDA.
RESUMO Objetivo: elaborar e validar uma escala para mensurar a qualidade de vida de pessoas vivendo com HIV no Brasil. Método: pesquisa metodológica realizada em um serviço brasileiro de atenção especializada em infecção sexualmente transmissível/Aids, entre 2017 e 2019, e que contemplou a participação de pessoas vivendo com HIV. O processo de elaboração e validação da escala compreendeu a descrição da estrutura fatorial, por meio da análise fatorial exploratória e propriedades psicométricas, segundo a análise Multitraço Multimétodo para validade, e Alfa de Cronbach para fidedignidade. Efeitos floor e ceiling foram descritos segundo distribuição de frequências das respostas. Resultados: participaram 460 pessoas que vivem com HIV. A maioria dos participantes é do sexo masculino 276 (60,0%) e a média de idade foi 43 anos (DP=±12,4). Na Análise Fatorial Exploratória foram extraídos quatro fatores com variância explicada de 39,9%. A fidedignidade da escala total foi satisfatória com Alfa de Cronbach igual a 85,0%. A maioria dos itens apresentou validades convergente e divergente satisfatórias. Observou-se a presença dos efeitos floor e ceiling nas respostas. A versão final da escala foi composta por 45 itens. Conclusão: a Escala Quali-HIV pode ser considerada uma ferramenta válida e fidedigna para mensurar a qualidade de vida de pessoas que vivem com HIV.
Humans , Psychometrics , Quality of Life , Weights and Measures , Chronic Disease , Surveys and Questionnaires , HIV , Validation Study , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly ActiveSubject(s)
Humans , Child , Pediatric Obesity , Students , Brazil , Body Mass Index , Waist CircumferenceABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Epidemiological studies have shown associations between placental measurements and perinatal and later life outcomes. Objectives: To report placental measurements and evaluate their association with birth weight in a Brazilian birth cohort. Methods: Retrospective cohort study with 958 mothers, placentas, and newborns delivered at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, in 2010 and 2011. The information was collected from interviews, medical records, and pathology reports. The placental measurements were: weight, largest and smallest diameters, eccentricity, thickness, shape, area, and birth weight/placental weight and placental weight/birth weight ratios. We analyzed the associations between birth weight and placental measurements using multiple linear regression. Results: Placental weight alone accounted for 48% of birth weight variability (p < 0.001), whereas placental measurements combined (placental weight, largest and smallest diameters, and thickness) were responsible for 50% (p < 0.001). When adjusted for maternal and neonatal characteristics, placental measurements explained 74% of birth weight variability (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Placental measurements are powerful independent predictors of birth weight. Placental weight is the most predictive of them, followed by the smallest diameter.
RESUMO: Introdução: Estudos epidemiológicos demonstraram associações entre medidas placentárias, resultados perinatais e futuros. Objetivos: Descrever medidas placentárias e avaliar suas associações com peso ao nascer numa coorte de nascimentos brasileira. Metodologia: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva de 958 mães, placentas e recém-nascidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2010 e 2011. As informações foram coletadas por entrevistas, prontuários médicos e laudos de patologia. As medidas placentárias foram: peso, diâmetros maior e menor, excentricidade, espessura, forma, área, relações peso ao nascer/ peso da placenta e peso da placenta/ peso ao nascer. As associações entre peso ao nascer e medidas placentárias foram examinadas por meio de regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: O peso da placenta foi responsável por 48% da variabilidade do peso ao nascer (p < 0,001), enquanto o conjunto de medidas placentárias (peso, diâmetros maior e menor e espessura) foi responsável por 50% (p < 0,001). Quando ajustadas pelas características maternas e neonatais, as medidas placentárias explicaram 74% da variabilidade do peso ao nascer (p < 0,001). Conclusão: medidas placentárias são preditores independentes do peso ao nascer. O peso placentário é o mais forte preditor dentre elas, seguido pelo diâmetro menor.