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São Paulo; s.n; 20231213. 121 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1519683


A estimativa de idade à morte de indivíduos arqueológicos é um processo muito importante para a reconstrução do perfil demográfico de populações passadas, no entanto, é alvo de debates e discussões quanto à sua acurácia. A estimativa da idade de um indivíduo pelos dentes é um dos métodos mais confiáveis e simples para remanescentes esqueléticos, já que os dentes são altamente resistentes a impactos mecânicos, químicos, físicos e ao tempo. Os objetivos desta tese foram mapear os métodos de estimativa de idade dental utilizados em contexto arqueológico e estimar a idade de indivíduos de cinco sítios arqueológicos pré-coloniais do Estado de São Paulo: Buracão, Capelinha 1, Moraes, Piaçaguera e Tenório sob curadoria do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MAE-USP). Este volume apresenta um compilado de três capítulos que investigaram 1) os métodos de estimativa de idade aplicados em dentes permanentes em indivíduos arqueológicos através de uma revisão de escopo; 2) estimativa de idade a partir da avaliação da proporção das áreas polpa/dente em caninos de indivíduos de sambaquis brasileiros; 3) estimativa de idade a partir da análise dos estágios de mineralização de terceiros molares de indivíduos de sambaquis brasileiros. O primeiro capítulo (revisão de escopo) foi conduzido e relatado de acordo com as recomendações propostas pelo Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) e com o referencial The Joanna Brigs Institute for Scoping Reviews. Para os dois últimos capítulos (realização de estimativa de idade), os dentes de interesse foram radiografados com o aparelho de raios X portátil de corrente direta Nomad e as imagens foram obtidas, exportadas e analisadas em extensão DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine). Os caninos (n=60) foram avaliados e as áreas mensuradas no software livre ImageJ por duas examinadoras calibradas e foi realizado o teste de reprodutibilidade, para toda a amostra, intra (ICC = 0,888 a 0,99) e inter examinadores (ICC = 0,842 a 0,908). Os terceiros molares (n=18) foram avaliados no software livre Stellar View a partir da análise dos estágios de Demirjian e o teste de confiabilidade intra examinador quanto à classificação dos estágios apresentou concordância quase perfeita (Kappa = 0,94). Com a revisão de escopo, foi possível notar uma predileção, na literatura, por métodos não-destrutivos para a estimativa da idade dental em indivíduos arqueológicos; dentre eles, a análise de características do desenvolvimento e maturação dental, a avaliação do depósito de dentina secundária na câmara pulpar e a análise do desgaste dental. A aplicação da proporção das áreas pulpar/dental obteve idades próximas ou que cruzaram os intervalos etários estimados anteriormente por outros métodos antropológicos pelo MAE-USP. A avaliação dos estágios de desenvolvimento apresentou bons resultados: dos 18 dentes avaliados, 15 tiveram a idade estimada dentro do intervalo etário anteriormente avaliado pelo MAE-USP e apenas três não coincidiram, sendo que dois ficaram poucos anos abaixo das idades estimadas anteriormente e o outro, oito anos. Após a realização do estudo, foi possível concluir que ambas as técnicas podem ser aplicadas em remanescentes arqueológicos.

Paleodontology , Archaeology , Age Determination by Teeth
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 169 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551429


Em 15 de fevereiro do ano de 2017, Dandara Kettlyn de Velasques, de 42 anos, foi espancada, torturada e morta a tiros por cinco homens, no bairro Bom Jardim, em Fortaleza, no Estado do Ceará. Outros três homens assistiam a cena. O assassinato chocou o mundo quando o vídeo de sua execução, gravado por um dos homens envolvidos no crime, viralizou nas redes sociais 18 dias após a sua morte; as fortes imagens mostravam Dandara ensanguentada no chão, recebendo pauladas, chutes e sendo xingada por pelo menos outros quatro homens. Três tiros fatais encerraram sua vida. Partindo desta questão central, esta tese busca contextualizar o termo transfeminicídio, numa ótica transfeminista, dentro do contexto brasileiro; perscrutar algumas particularidades do transfeminicídio no Brasil; e por fim, explorar as possíveis relações entre masculinidades e o transfeminicídio no país numa ótica interdisciplinar entre as ciências sociais, a psicologia e a psicanálise. Conclui-se que o transfeminicídio é uma questão é multidimensional, e representa uma grande confluência de entrecruzamentos de caminhos, e significativos desvios. No emaranhado da esfera social de lógica capitalista, observa-se a alienação de homens autores de violência imersos numa lógica machista, misógina, de corpos que enfileiram-se como numa "linha de montagem"; que corpos importam? Na dimensão subjetiva ­ no escopo da psicologia e da psicanálise ­ desejo e repulsa deixam de serem pensadas como categorias antagônicas, para serem apreendidas como complementares ­ um complexificador da questão da violência, e dos conceitos de abjeção, pureza e perigo. Afinal, por que tantas mulheres transexuais e travestis são brutalmente assassinadas por homens no Brasil?

On February 15, 2017, Dandara Kettlyn de Velasques, 42 years old, was beaten, tortured and shot dead by five men, in the Bom Jardim neighborhood, in Fortaleza, in the State of Ceará. Three other men watched the scene. The murder shocked the world when the video of her execution, recorded by one of the men involved in the crime, went viral on social media 18 days after her death; the strong images showed Dandara bloodied on the ground, being beaten, kicked and cursed by at least four other men. Three fatal shots ended her life. Starting from this central issue, this thesis seeks to contextualize the term trans femicide, from a transfeminist perspective, within the Brazilian context; scrutinize some particularities of trans femicide in Brazil; and finally, to explore the possible relations between masculinities and trans femicide in the country from an interdisciplinary perspective between social sciences, psychology and psychoanalysis. This thesis concludes that trans femicide is a multidimensional issue, and represents a great confluence of paths crossing, and significant deviations. In the tangle of the social sphere of capitalist logic, one can observe the alienation of men who are perpetrators of violence immersed in a macho, misogynistic logic, of bodies that line up as in an "assembly line"; what bodies matter? In the subjective dimension ­ in the scope of psychology and psychoanalysis ­ desire and repulsion are no longer thought of as antagonistic categories, to be apprehended as complementary ­ a complexifier of the issue of violence, and of the concepts of abjection, purity and danger. After all, why are so many transsexual and transvestite women brutally murdered by men in Brazil?

Humans , Archaeology , Brazil , Sexuality , Masculinity , Transgender Persons , Gender-Based Violence , Cisgender Persons , Homicide
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(3): 769-788, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405023


Resumen En 1895, Nicolás Sáenz propuso al gobierno chileno la venta de una colección de objetos "incaicos" traídos desde Lima; adquisición aprobada en 1897. Pese a las dificultades ocasionadas por la Guerra del Pacífico, el Museo Nacional (Chile) continuó adquiriendo antigüedades peruanas, siguiendo una tradición de estudios comparados de cultura material. Dentro del marco del evolucionismo social, estas antigüedades servían como medida de civilización, con la cual contrastar la cultura material de los pueblos prehispánicos de Chile. Este artículo analiza la adquisición de la colección Sáenz, como un punto cúlmine de un proceso de tránsito hacia a una arqueología enfocada en las nuevas adquisiciones territoriales post guerra del Pacífico.

Abstract In 1895, Nicolás Sáenz proposed to the Chilean government to purchase a collection of "Inca" objects brought from Lima. This acquisition was approved in 1897. Despite the difficulties caused by the War of the Pacific, the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) continued to acquire Peruvian antiquities, following a tradition of comparative studies of material culture. Within the framework of social evolutionism, these antiquities were a measure of civilization, a reference from which to evaluate the material culture of the pre-Hispanic peoples of Chile. This article analyzes the acquisition of the Sáenz collection as the culmination of a process of transition towards an archeology that focused on the new post-war territorial acquisitions in the Pacific.

Archaeology , Collection , Anthropology, Cultural , Museums , Chile , History, 19th Century
São Paulo; s.n; 20220622. 87 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1373159


A estimativa de idade à morte de indivíduos arqueológicos é um processo muito importante para a reconstrução do perfil demográfico de populações passadas, no entanto, é alvo de debates e discussões quanto à sua acurácia. A estimativa da idade de um indivíduo pelos dentes é um dos métodos mais confiáveis e simples para remanescentes esqueléticos, já que os dentes são altamente resistentes a impactos mecânicos, químicos, físicos e ao tempo. Os objetivos desta tese foram mapear os métodos de estimativa de idade dental utilizados em contexto arqueológico e estimar a idade de indivíduos de cinco sítios arqueológicos pré-coloniais do Estado de São Paulo: Buracão, Capelinha 1, Moraes, Piaçaguera e Tenório sob curadoria do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MAE-USP). Este volume apresenta um compilado de três capítulos que investigaram 1) os métodos de estimativa de idade aplicados em dentes permanentes em indivíduos arqueológicos através de uma revisão de escopo; 2) estimativa de idade a partir da avaliação da proporção das áreas polpa/dente em caninos de indivíduos de sambaquis brasileiros; 3) estimativa de idade a partir da análise dos estágios de mineralização de terceiros molares de indivíduos de sambaquis brasileiros. O primeiro capítulo (revisão de escopo) foi conduzido e relatado de acordo com as recomendações propostas pelo Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) e com o referencial The Joanna Brigs Institute for Scoping Reviews. Para os dois últimos capítulos (realização de estimativa de idade), os dentes de interesse foram radiografados com o aparelho de raios X portátil de corrente direta Nomad e as imagens foram obtidas, exportadas e analisadas em extensão DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine). Os caninos (n=60) foram avaliados e as áreas mensuradas no software livre ImageJ por duas examinadoras calibradas e foi realizado o teste de reprodutibilidade, para toda a amostra, intra (ICC = 0,888 a 0,99) e inter examinadores (ICC = 0,842 a 0,908). Os terceiros molares (n=18) foram avaliados no software livre Stellar View a partir da análise dos estágios de Demirjian e o teste de confiabilidade intra examinador quanto à classificação dos estágios apresentou concordância quase perfeita (Kappa = 0,94). Com a revisão de escopo, foi possível notar uma predileção, na literatura, por métodos não-destrutivos para a estimativa da idade dental em indivíduos arqueológicos; dentre eles, a análise de características do desenvolvimento e maturação dental, a avaliação do depósito de dentina secundária na câmara pulpar e a análise do desgaste dental. A aplicação da proporção das áreas pulpar/dental obteve idades próximas ou que cruzaram os intervalos etários estimados anteriormente por outros métodos antropológicos pelo MAE-USP. A avaliação dos estágios de desenvolvimento apresentou bons resultados: dos 18 dentes avaliados, 15 tiveram a idade estimada dentro do intervalo etário anteriormente avaliado pelo MAE-USP e apenas três não coincidiram, sendo que dois ficaram poucos anos abaixo das idades estimadas anteriormente e o outro, oito anos. Após a realização do estudo, foi possível concluir que ambas as técnicas podem ser aplicadas em remanescentes arqueológicos.

Paleodontology , Archaeology , Age Determination by Teeth
Int. j. morphol ; 40(5): 1386-1394, 2022. ilus, tab, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405299


SUMMARY: Sri Lanka, an island off the tip of the Southeast of the Indian subcontinent processes the earliest skeletal evidence of anatomically modern Homo sapiens (37,000 B.P.) and the best human skeletal record sequence in the South Asian region. Adding another to the list, the skeletal remains, which belong to Mesolithic culture were found at Pallemalala shell midden in Southern Sri Lanka during scientific archaeological exploration by Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. Sri Lanka. The aim of the study was to determine the minimum number of human individuals, age, sex, and pathological conditions related to the ancient Pallemalala commiunity. For the primary analysis, 426 bone fragments were available. Out of those, 233 bones were identified as human bones which represent 7 minimum number of individuals. The rest of the collection comprises some animal bones and shell species. The community was predominated by the female population. The identified age categories were around 20 years, between 35-45 years, and over 45 years. The encountered pathological lesions were bone thickening, alveolar resorption, dental abscesses, dental caries, antemorterm tooth loss, calculus deposits and brown colour stains on teeth. Regarding the dietary pattern, it was evident that their diet may have consisted of coarse foodstuffs with an extremely basic dietary chemistry.

RESUMEN: Sri Lanka es una isla en la punta del sureste del subcontinente indio que procesa la evidencia esquelética más antigua del Homo sapiens anatómicamente moderno (37.000 AP) y la mejor secuencia de registros esqueléticos humanos en la región del sur de Asia. Agregando otro elemento a la lista, los restos óseos, que pertenecen a la cultura mesolítica, se encontraron en el vertedero de conchas de Pallemalala en el sur de Sri Lanka durante la exploración arqueológica científica realizada por el Instituto de Postgrado de Arqueología de la Universidad de Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el número mínimo de individuos humanos, edad, sexo y condiciones patológicas relacionadas con la antigua comunidad Pallemalala. Para el análisis se dispuso de 426 fragmentos óseos. De esos, 233 huesos fueron identificados como huesos humanos que representan un número mínimo de 7 individuos. El resto de la colección se componía de algunos huesos de animales y especies de conchas. La comunidad estaba dominada por la población femenina. Las categorías de edad identificadas fueron alrededor de 20 años, entre 35-45 años y mayores de 45 años. Las lesiones patológicas encontradas fueron engrosamiento óseo, reabsorción alveolar, abscesos dentales, caries dental, pérdida de dientes antemortem, depósitos de cálculo y manchas de color marrón en los dientes. En cuanto al patrón dietético, era evidente que su dieta pudo haber consistido en alimentos toscos con una química dietética extremadamente básica.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Skeleton/anatomy & histology , Body Remains/anatomy & histology , Archaeology , Skeleton/pathology , Sri Lanka , Weirs , Body Remains/pathology , Fossils
Salud bienestar colect ; 5(3): 61-88, dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398524


A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la dimensión del lenguaje y la palabra fue tomando un lugar central en las reflexiones filosóficas y políticas en diversos ámbitos (tanto en Europa como en América del norte y del sur). Entre ellos, en el campo de la medicina, tanto en su ejercicio clínico como en sus derivaciones de orden social: el campo de la salud pública, las intervenciones epidemiológicas, comunitarias, etc. Surgió una crítica a la hegemonía del pensamiento científico. Frente a eso, diversas propuestas desde otros campos del saberse fueron incorporando al debate en el campo teórico, y en el político. Un debate entre la ciencia y sus aplicaciones frente a otras perspectivas de saber. Eso dio lugar a diversas prácticas conocidas bajo diversos nombres: medicina social, nueva salud pública, anti psiquiatría, etc. (parte del desarrollo creciente del psicoanálisis se inscribe en este conjunto), todas ellas críticas con la hegemonía indiscutible hasta ese momento del positivismo científico, que se postulaba como el único saber válido .La perspectiva iniciada por Foucault, luego seguida por muchos otros pensadores e investigadores, abrió un cuestionamiento de esa hegemonía de las ciencias y una valoración de otras perspectivas de saber, no científicas, pero con una validez que se imponía en las prácticas sociales .El campo del saber, investigado mediante lo que denominó "arqueología del saber" analiza esa dialéctica, mediante la producción de una serie de teorías y conceptos precisos: discurso, enunciado, archivo, entre otros. Ciencia y saber aparecen entonces como prácticas diferenciadas, en una relación compleja y plena de controversias fundamentales. A todo ello se agrega la "genealogía del poder", una dimensión del poder y la política profundamente imbricada con el campo del saber, que permitió que los análisis de las prácticas se conmovieran y renovaran de forma radical. La propuesta foucaultiana concluye indagando en las posibilidades de lo que llama "saberes sometidos" de no ceder ante las explicaciones universalistas -propias de la ciencia-para dar cuenta de los procesos humanos. Propugna entonces un desarrollo de los discursos críticos, que frente a los saberes eruditos -propios de la ciencia y sus instituciones-puedan sostener la emergencia de un "saber histórico de las luchas".

Since the second half of the 20th century, the dimension of language and the word has been taking a central place in philosophical and political reflections in various fields (both in Europe and in North and South America). Among them, in the field of medicine, both in its clinical practice and in its social derivations: the field of public health, epidemiological and community interventions, etc. A criticism arose against the hegemony of scientific thought. In response to this, various proposals from other fields of knowledge were incorporated into the debate in the theoretical and political fields. A debate between science and its applications versus other perspectives of knowledge. This gave rise to various practices known under different names: social medicine, new public health, anti-psychiatry, etc. (part of the growing development of psychoanalysis is inscribed in this group), all of them critical of the undisputed hegemony up to that time of scientific positivism, which was postulated as the only valid knowledge.The perspective initiated by Foucault, then followed by many other thinkers and researchers, opened a questioning of this hegemony of the sciences and a valuation of other perspectives of knowledge, non-scientific, but with a validity that was imposed on social practices.The field of knowledge, investigated through what he called "archeology of knowledge", analyzes this dialectic through the production of a series of theories and precise concepts: discourse, enunciation, archive, among others. Science and knowledge appear then as differentiated practices, in a complex relationship full of fundamental controversies.To all this is added the "genealogy of power", a dimension of power and politics deeply intertwined with the field of knowledge, which allowed the analysis of practices to be radically moved and renewed.Foucault's proposal concludes with an inquiry into the possibilities of what he calls "subjected knowledges" of not yielding to universalist explanations -proper of science-in order to account for human processes. He then advocates a development of critical discourses, which, in the face of erudite knowledge ­proper to science and its institutions-can sustain the emergence of a "historical knowledge of struggles".

Humans , Epidemiology/education , Filing , Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Archaeology , Science , Thinking , Knowledge , Address , Genealogy and Heraldry
Int. j. morphol ; 39(5): 1311-1315, oct. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385481


SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to survey oral exostoses in human populations that belonged to the same region encompassing five periods over 6000 years, to determine the prevalence and its changing trend over time. A total of 306 human jaws belonging to the modern Xi'an region and four archeological sites, Banpo (6700-5600 years BP), Shaolingyuan (3000 years BP), Shanren (2200 years BP) and Chang'an (1000-1300 years BP), were investigated. The degree of buccal exostosis (BE), torus mandibularis (TM) and torus palatinus (TP) and the TP shape were recorded. The prevalence of BE, TM, and TP in the five groups was 20.8 %-62.5 %, 17.5 %-71.5 %, and 31.7 %-74.2 %, respectively. The differences in the three types of exostoses among the five groups were all statistically significant, but only TM and TP showed a decreasing trend over time. A high and quite diverse prevalence of oral exostoses was found in the five groups of samples. Decreasing trends in relation to time for TM and TP were detected.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue sondear las exostosis orales en poblaciones humanas que pertenecían a la misma región abarcando cinco períodos durante 6000 años, para determinar la prevalencia y su tendencia cambiante a lo largo del tiempo. Un total de 306 mandíbulas humanas pertenecientes a la moderna región de Xi'an y cuatro sitios arqueológicos, Banpo (6700-5600 años AP), Shaolingyuan (3000 años AP), Shanren (2200 años AP) y Chang'an (1000-1300 años AP) BP), fueron investigados. Se registró el grado de exostosis bucal (EO), torus mandibular (TM) y torus palatino (TP) y la forma de TP. La prevalencia de EO, TM y TP en los cinco grupos fue 20,8 % -62,5 %, 17,5 % -71,5 % y 31,7 % -74,2 %, respectivamente. Las diferencias en los tres tipos de exostosis entre los cinco grupos fueron todas estadísticamente significativas, pero solo TM y TP mostraron una tendencia decreciente con el tiempo. Se encontró una prevalencia alta y bastante diversa de exostosis oral en los cinco grupos de muestras. Se detectaron tendencias decrecientes en relación al tiempo para TM y TP.

Humans , Exostoses/pathology , Exostoses/epidemiology , Mandible/pathology , Palate/pathology , Archaeology , China , Prevalence , Jaw/pathology
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507782


Introducción: El estudio interdisciplinario de los patrones de ocupación y desarrollo de la sociedad humana en tiempos prehispánicos es tenue en la zona del volcán Orosí. El contexto ambiental es usualmente descrito para ilustrar patrones de subsistencia, sin mayor propósito de establecer formas de relación con los cambios que se vislumbran en la composición sociopolítica de los pobladores. Objetivo: En este trabajo, se explora la posibilidad de ilustrar instancias de relación entre los cambios que detecta el registro arqueológico, con potenciales factores naturales y culturales, según se destacan en los aportes de otras disciplinas científicas. Métodos: Una muestra de 111 componentes culturales identificados en sitios arqueológicos fue examinada en cuanto a su localización geográfica en diversos ecosistemas y su posición cronológica, respecto de los períodos culturales definidos en la región de Guanacaste. Resultados: Los componentes arqueológicos se confrontan con diversos factores naturales y culturales que habría incidido como agentes de cambio. Se analizaron las instancias de relación y se valoraron sus efectos por períodos, cubriendo tiempos precerámicos y cerámicos. Conclusiones: Se identifica como agentes naturales de cambio a la calidad de suelos, el tipo de clima, pero, ante todo, destacan los procesos culturales como el intercambio de productos, desarrollo de la agricultura y los movimientos migratorios de la población.

Introduction: Interdisciplinary studies on ancient occupation patterns and the development of human society in the Orosí Volcano region are few. Environmental data are included in archaeological studies of specific sites, mainly to illustrate the likely availability of local subsistence resources, with little regard for biodiversity linked to altitude and an array of different geomorphic areas. Effects surging from volcanic activity and tectonics are largely dispensed. Incidence of all these natural phenomena is rarely considered as agents of sociopolitical changes. Objective: Herein a search is performed in order to detect and illustrate instances of the relationship between sociopolitical change detected by archaeology and diverse natural and cultural factors as described by other scientific disciplines. Methods: A sample of 111 cultural components in archaeological sites were examined in terms of their geographical location, ecological context and chronological position along the periods of the cultural sequence in the Guanacaste region. Results: As settlement models, the archaeological data are confronted with diverse natural and cultural factors looking for their potential incidence as agents for sociopolitical change. Instances of relationship are examined and their apparent effects are evaluated for each period, both in preceramic and ceramic times. Conclusions: Both soil quality and climate are identified as important factors for change and development. Yet, largely salient are distinct cultural factors, namely the exchange of products, agriculture and migration processes.

Archaeology , Geographical Features , Costa Rica , Population Concentration , Socioeconomic Factors , Volcanoes
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 22(4): 473-479, 2021.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1342258


Background: The Sungbo Eredo Monument is an ancient public work with a system of defensive walls and ditches located in Eredo Local Council Development Area of Epe, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria. A huge section of the monument cuts through the Augustine University campus, forming two-sided vertical walls with a deep ridge in-between. The objective of this investigative study is to determine the microbial profile of soil samples from the monument in the University campus. Methodology: Soil samples were collected from the topsoil at a depth of 7.5cm from four randomly selected points along the edge of the monument. The samples were transported to the microbiology laboratory of the Department of Biological Sciences of Augustine University for analysis. Samples were cultured on Nutrient agar (NA) and incubated aerobically for 24-48 hours for bacteria isolation and on Sabouraud's Dextrose agar (SDA) for 72 hours for fungi isolation. Bacterial colonies on NA were preliminarily identified to genus level by Gram reaction and conventional biochemical test scheme for Gram-positive (catalase, coagulase, starch hydrolysis) and Gram-negative isolates (oxidase, urease test, indole, methyl red, Voges Proskauer and sugar fermentation tests). Fungi colonies on SDA were identified using conventional macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Antibiotic susceptibility test of the bacterial isolates to selected antibiotics was done using the Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method. Results: A total of twenty-three bacterial isolates in four genera; Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Cellobiococcus and Micrococcus and nine fungal isolates in three genera; Saccharomyces, Aspergillus and Botrytis were identified from the cultures. The bacterial isolates were sensitive (>50% sensitivity) to only gentamicin and ofloxacin, with 65.2% and 78.3% sensitivity rates respectively, while they were largely resistant to all other antibiotics such as ceftriaxone, erythromycin, cefuroxime, cloxacillin, ceftazidime and augmentin, with resistance rates of 65.2%, 65.2%, 73.9%, 82.6%, 86.9%, 91.3% respectively. Conclusion: The results of this investigative study revealed the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (mainly Gram-positive) and fungi on the archaeological monument of Augustine University, adding to the existing data on microbial spectrum of archaeological monuments that could be useful for unraveling human cultural habits and microbe-related human diseases. However, further studies on molecular identification of these microbial spectrum will be required to ascertain their genetic relatedness and ancestral phylogeny, which will be useful for archaeologists in their study of the Sungbo-Eredo ancestral monument.

Humans , Archaeology , Soil , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Nigeria
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1676-1680, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134497


RESUMEN: La dehiscencia timpánica o Foramen de Huschke (FH) se considera un rasgo craneal morfológico menor, hipostósico, no estocástico, transitorio, ubicado en laplaca timpánica del hueso temporal, cuya expresión se considera fisiológica hasta los 5 años de edad, denominándose como persistente su presencia a mayor edad. La mención de este rasgo en la literatura anatómica se presenta de manera escasa, debido a una muy baja presencia en poblaciones modernas, situación que cambia al estudiar poblaciones arqueológicas. El propósito de este estudio es describir la expresión del foramen de Huschke en una población arqueológica de Chile central. Fueron analizados 27 huesos temporales obtenidos de los restos óseos de la población del Monumento Arqueológico Cementerio Tutuquén, los cuales están depositados en el Museo Regional de Rancagua, Chile. Se evaluó presencia y ubicación del foramen, sexo, temporalidad y rango etáreo para cada muestra incluida. El FH se presentó en un 77,78% de los temporales, siendo 47,62% restos masculinos, 28,57% femeninos y 23,81% de sexo indeterminado. La totalidad de los restos de niños y subadultos presentaron FH, mientras que en adultos su expresión disminuye hasta un 68,42%. La ubicación fue un 38,10% en cuadrante inferomedial, 33,33% superolateral, 23,81% superomedial, 4,71% central. No se encontraron FH de ubicación inferolateral. El único temporal observable del período 10.000 AP (antes del presente, 1950) presentó FH, mientras que, en el período 7.000 AP se presentó en 6/7 temporales y en 14/19 temporales del período 1.000 AP. Los datos aportados complementan el conocimiento anatómico del proceso de osificación del hueso timpánico y la expresión de la dehiscencia timpánica como rasgo morfológico menor desde el estudio de poblaciones arqueológicas.

SUMMARY: The tympanic dehiscence or Foramen of Huschke (FH) is considered a transient minor, hypostosic, non-stochastic cranial feature, located in the tympanic plate of the temporal bone. Its expression is considered physiological until the age of five, and its presence is constant after that. This characteristic is seldom mentioned in anatomical literature since it is infrequent in modern populations. However, there is a difference when archaeological populations are studied. The purpose of this study is to describe the expression of the Huschke foramen in an archaeological population of central Chile. For this analysis, 27 temporal bones were obtained from human skeletal remains of the Tutuquén Cemetery Archaeological Monument. Presence and location of the foramen, sex, time period and age range were evaluated for each sample. The FH occurred in 77.78% of the temporal bones, with 47.62% male, 28.57% female and 23.81% of undetermined sex. All children and subadults presented FH, while in adults it decreased to 68.42%. The location was 38.10% in the inferomedial quadrant, 33.33 % superolateral, 23.81% superomedial, 4.71% central, and no FH was found at the inferolateral position. The only temporal bone identified in the 10,000 BP (before the present 1950) presented FH, while in the 7,000 BP period, it presented in 6/7 temporal bones and in the 1000 BP period, it was found in 14/ 19 temporal bones. The data provided complements anatomical knowledge of the tympanic bone ossification process, and in archaeological population studies, tympanic dehiscence presents as a lesser morphological characteristic.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Temporal Bone/anatomy & histology , Ear Canal/anatomy & histology , Archaeology , Chile
Rev. Subj. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 115-128, jan.-abr. 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1041625


Este artigo objetiva analisar as formações discursivas e não discursivas que possibilitaram a abertura de um hospital psiquiátrico na Região do Cariri cearense, entre os anos 1970 e 2016. Propõe o uso dos conceitos foucaultianos de arqueologia e genealogia enquanto método e estratégia de análise. A hipótese de pesquisa defendida é de que a abertura desse hospital faz parte de um processo amplo de instalação de hospitais psiquiátricos no Brasil e aponta para o internamento enquanto lógica massiva de intervenção em Saúde Mental no Brasil, que, embora segregacionista e excludente, se manteve até o final da década de 1980.

This article aims to analyze the discursive and non - discursive formations that allowed the opening of a psychiatric hospital in the Cariri region of Ceará between 1970 and 2016. It proposes the use of the Foucaultian concepts of archeology and genealogy as a method and strategy of analysis. The research hypothesis defended is that the opening of this hospital is part of a wide process of installation of psychiatric hospitals in Brazil, and points to the hospitalization as a massive logic of intervention in Mental Health in Brazil, which, although segregationist and excluding, has remained until the late 1980s.

Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar las formaciones discursivas y no discursivas que permitieron la apertura de un hospital psiquiátrico en la Región del Cariri cearense, entre los años de 1970 y 2016. Propone los conceptos de Foucault de arqueología y genealogía mientras método y estrategia de análisis. La hipótesis de investigación defendida es la de que la apertura de este hospital haz parte de un proceso amplio de instalación de hospitales psiquiátricos en Brasil y apunta para el internamiento mientras lógica masiva de intervención en Salud Mental en Brasil, que, aunque segregacionista y excluyente, se mantuvo hasta el final de la década de 1980.

Cet article vise à analyser les formations discursives et non discursives qui ont permis l'ouverture d'un hôpital psychiatrique dans la région du Cariri dans l'état du Ceará entre 1970 et 2016. On utilise les concepts "archéologie" et "généalogie" de Foucault comme méthode et stratégie de l'analyse. Notre hypothèse de recherche est que l'ouverture de cet hôpital fait partie d'un vaste processus d'installation d'hôpitaux psychiatriques au Brésil. Cela suggère que l'hospitalisation a été une logique d'intervention massive en matière de santé mentale au Brésil qui, bien que ségrégationniste et excluant, a demeuré jusqu'à la fin des années 1980.

Hospitals, Psychiatric , Archaeology , Mental Health
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786640


The study of coprolites has been a theme of archaeology in the American Southwest. A feature of archaeoparasitology on the Colorado Plateau is the ubiquity of pinworm infection. As a crowd parasite, this ubiquity signals varying concentrations of populations. Our recent analysis of coprolite deposits from 2 sites revealed the highest prevalence of infection ever recorded for the region. For Salmon Ruins, the deposits date from AD 1140 to 1280. For Aztec Ruins, the samples can be dated by artifact association between AD 1182–1253. Both sites can be placed in the Ancestral Pueblo III occupation (AD 1100–1300), which included a period of cultural stress associated with warfare. Although neither of these sites show evidence of warfare, they are typical of large, defensible towns that survived this time of threat by virtue of large populations in stonewalled villages with easily accessible water. We hypothesize that the concentration of large numbers of people promoted pinworm infection and, therefore, explains the phenomenal levels of infection at these sites.

Archaeology , Artifacts , Colorado , Enterobius , Occupations , Parasites , Prevalence , Salmon , Violence , Virtues , Warfare , Water
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786641


There is often the risk of confusing pollen grains with helminth eggs from archaeological sites. Thousands to millions of pollen grains can be recovered from archaeological burial sediments that represent past ritual, medication and environment. Some pollen grain types can be similar to parasite eggs. Such a confusion is represented by the diagnosis of enterobiasis in ancient Iran. The authors of this study confused a joint-pine (Ephedra spp.) pollen grain with a pinworm egg. This paper describes the specific Ephedra pollen morphology that can be confused with pinworm eggs.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Archaeology , Burial , Diagnosis , Eggs , Enterobiasis , Enterobius , Ephedra , Helminths , Iran , Ovum , Parasites , Pollen
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786649


An archaeoparasitological analysis of the soil samples from Nadym Gorodok site of Western Siberia has been carried out in this study. The archaeological site was dated as the 13 to 18th century, being characterized as permafrost region ensuring good preservation of ancient parasite eggs. Parasite eggs as Opisthorchis felineus, Alaria alata, and Diphyllobothrium sp. were found in the archaeological soil samples, which made clear about the detailed aspects of Nadym Gorodok people's life. We found the Diphyllobothrium sp. eggs throughout the 14 to 18th century specimens, allowing us to presume that raw or undercooked fish might have been commonly used for the foods of Nadym Gorodok inhabitants and their dogs for at least the past 400 years. Our study on Nadym Gorodok specimens also demonstrate that there might have been migratory interactions and strong economic ties between the people and society in Western Siberia, based on archaeoparasitological results of Opisthorchis felineus in Western Siberia.

Animals , Dogs , Humans , Middle Aged , Archaeology , Asia, Northern , Diphyllobothrium , Eggs , Opisthorchis , Ovum , Parasites , Permafrost , Siberia , Soil
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 131(4): 4-11, Dic. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1009715


En el antiguo Perú, en la era preincaica, en la localidad de Sechín, sus habitantes dejaron grabados en piedras una serie de imágenes anatómicas, que tal vez constituyan los testimonios más antiguos de disecciones humanas realizadas en el mundo. (AU)

In Ancient Peru, in the pre-Inca era, in the town of Sechin, its habitants left engravings in stones a series of anatomical images, which may be the oldest testimonies of human dissections made in the world. (AU)

History, Ancient , Anatomy/history , Medicine in the Arts/history , Peru , Archaeology , History of Medicine
Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 21(1): 45-59, jan.-jun. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1055654


O objetivo do texto é apresentar dados que constituíram a arqueologia da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho no Brasil. Metodologia: foram realizadas 16 entrevistas individuais com Dejours e outros pesquisadores brasileiros que contribuíram para a introdução e disseminação dela no país e que adotam a abordagem em suas pesquisas. Para as entrevistas, considerou-se como critério o levantamento dos pesquisadores que estiveram no CNAM e os componentes do GT (Grupo de Trabalho em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho) da ANPEPP (Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa no Brasil). Os resultados são apresentados considerando quatro aspectos: as raízes da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho no Brasil; a expansão da Psicodinâmica no Brasil; divergências e convergências entre contexto francês e brasileiro; e críticas e limitações em relação à Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Seguem as considerações finais.

The purpose of the text is to present data that constituted the archeology of work psychodynamics in Brazil. Methodology: individual interviews were conducted with Dejours and 16 Brazilian researchers who contributed to the introduction and dissemination of it in the country and researchers that currently use this regard in their researches. For the interviews, the survey had considered as a criteria the researchers that had been in the CNAM and the components of the GT (working group) on Psychodynamics of the work of Anpepp (National Association of Postgraduate and Research in Brazil). Results are presented considering four aspects: the roots of the Psychodynamics in Brazil; the expansion of the Psychodynamic in Brazil; divergences and convergences between the French and Brazilian context; and critics and limits concerning the Psychodynamics. Afterwards conclusions are presented.

Humans , Psychopathology , Work , Archaeology , Psychology, Social
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(2): 541-552, abr.-jun. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-953878


Abstract This paper explores the methods used by Julio Tello to address the antiquity of syphilis in ancient Peru, examining his thesis La antigüedad de la sífilis en el antiguo Perú to understand the logic behind the procedures he used to test his hypothesis. The contention presented here is that despite being a medical thesis, his text can actually be considered an exploration of the origins of syphilis using a truly anthropological method, making Tello a pioneer in the subfield of medical anthropology in the Andes.

Resumen Este artículo analiza el método utilizado por Julio Tello en la investigación de la antigüedad de la sífilis en el antiguo Perú, examinando su tesis La antigüedad de la sífilis en el antiguo Perú, con la finalidad de comprender la lógica detrás de los procedimientos utilizados para evaluar su hipótesis. A pesar de ser una tesis en medicina, el trabajo de Tello puede ser considerado como un trabajo en el cual se utiliza el método antropológico en la evaluación del origen de la sífilis, convirtiéndose Tello en un pionero en el campo de la antropología médica en los Andes.

Humans , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , History, 20th Century , Syphilis/history , Anthropology, Medical/history , Peru , Archaeology/history , Ethnology/history
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740677


While radioactive isotope analysis has proved to be a useful method in disciplines such as archaeology and forensic anthropology, more recently, radiocarbon dating has allowed for a more nuanced biological profile of human skeletal remains. Radiocarbon dating has been made possible by the above ground nuclear bomb test conducted in 1963, which raised the level of atmospheric radiocarbon concentration to almost twice the natural level. Because the annually measured tropospheric ¹⁴C concentrations are integrated into the bomb peak curve, the time of birth and death of an individual can be estimated by comparing the radiocarbon content of a skeletal sample to the bomb-curve value. In July 2017, about 1,000 skeletal remains were excavated at the construction site of Sokcho. For medico-legal purposes, we conducted anthropological and odontological examinations of all the human remains. We then conducted the radiocarbon analysis on seven femora (head and body portions), five mandibular teeth, and soil from the site through a request to the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources. The results demonstrated that the estimated year of birth or death was prior to the 1950s. Due to the diverse distribution of results, we deduced that the human remains were from the local mass grave. This study supports and suggests the use of radiocarbon dating more frequently in the analysis of human skeletal remains.

Humans , Archaeology , Bombs , Earth Sciences , Forensic Anthropology , Korea , Methods , Miners , Parturition , Radiometric Dating , Soil , Tooth