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Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(2): e8795, jul-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399598


Climate change has caused major changes in abiotic factors, with water stress as the greatest threat to agricultural production. The measures aimed at alleviating the problems caused by this limiting production factor have occurred through the adoption of sustainable strategies, especially microbial biotechnology, which uses the interactions between the microorganism and the plant, ensuring productive quality and inducing plant resistance to stresses biotic and abiotic. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the biological nitrogen fixation and the development of bean seedlings, with co-inoculation of two types of inoculants, which were subjected to water stress by different pot capacities. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, at Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR, from April to June 2019. The experimental design was completely randomized (DIC), with 5 replications, 16 treatments and 80 experimental units. The cultivar used was SCS Riqueza. The parameters evaluated were pot capacity (25%, 50%, 75% and 90%); small, large and total nodules, shoot and root length, dry and fresh weight, total carbon and nitrogen. The evaluation of the morphological parameters of the bean seedlings indicated that the co- inoculation technique promoted beneficial effects for the dry mass parameters of shoot, nodule and root. The analysis of the percentage of carbon and nitrogen in the tissues of the seedlings provided an increase in the concentration of these elements in treatments that involved co-inoculation (Azospirillum brasilensis and Rhizobium tropici) with pot capacities of 25 and 75% (CV), demonstrating that the association of microorganisms is beneficial in the limiting water situation.(AU)

A mudança climática tem causado grandes mudanças nos fatores abióticos, sendo o estresse hídrico a maior ameaça à produção agrícola. As medidas destinadas a aliviar os problemas causados por este fator limitante de produção ocorreram através da adoção de estratégias sustentáveis, especialmente a biotecnologia microbiana, que utiliza as interações entre o microorganismo e a planta, garantindo a qualidade produtiva e induzindo a resistência da planta ao estresse biótico e abiótico. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a fixação biológica de nitrogênio e o desenvolvimento de mudas de feijão, com co-inoculação de dois tipos de inoculantes, que foram submetidos ao estresse hídrico por diferentes capacidades de vaso. A experiência foi realizada em uma estufa, na Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR, de abril a junho de 2019. O projeto experimental foi completamente randomizado (DIC), com 5 réplicas, 16 tratamentos e 80 unidades experimentais. A cultivar utilizada foi a SCS Riqueza. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a capacidade do vaso (25%, 50%, 75% e 90%); nódulos pequenos, grandes e totais, comprimento do rebento e da raiz, peso seco e fresco, carbono total e nitrogênio. A avaliação dos parâmetros morfológicos das mudas de feijão indicou que a técnica de co-inoculação promoveu efeitos benéficos para os parâmetros de massa seca do turião, nódulo e raiz. A análise da porcentagem de carbono e nitrogênio nos tecidos das mudas proporcionou um aumento na concentração destes elementos nos tratamentos que envolveram a co-inoculação (Azospirillum brasilensis e Rhizobium tropici) com capacidades de vaso de 25 e 75% (CV), demonstrando que a associação de microorganismos é benéfica na situação limite da água.(AU)

El cambio climático ha provocado importantes cambios en los factores abióticos, siendo el estrés hídrico la mayor amenaza para la producción agrícola. Las medidas encaminadas a paliar los problemas causados por este factor limitante de la producción se han producido mediante la adopción de estrategias sostenibles, especialmente la biotecnología microbiana, que utiliza las interacciones entre el microorganismo y la planta, asegurando la calidad productiva e induciendo la resistencia de la planta a los estreses bióticos y abióticos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la fijación biológica de nitrógeno y el desarrollo de plántulas de frijol, con la co-inoculación de dos tipos de inoculantes, que fueron sometidos a estrés hídrico por diferentes capacidades de maceta. El experimento se realizó en un invernadero, en la Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR, de abril a junio de 2019. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar (DIC), con 5 repeticiones, 16 tratamientos y 80 unidades experimentales. El cultivar utilizado fue SCS Riqueza. Los parámetros evaluados fueron capacidad de maceta (25%, 50%, 75% y 90%); nódulos pequeños, grandes y totales, longitud de brotes y raíces, peso seco y fresco, carbono y nitrógeno total. La evaluación de los parámetros morfológicos de las plántulas de frijol indicó que la técnica de coinoculación promovió efectos beneficiosos para los parámetros de masa seca de brotes, nódulos y raíces. El análisis del porcentaje de carbono y nitrógeno en los tejidos de las plántulas proporcionó un aumento en la concentración de estos elementos en los tratamientos que involucraron la coinoculación (Azospirillum brasilensis y Rhizobium tropici) con capacidades de maceta de 25 y 75% (CV), demostrando que la asociación de microorganismos es beneficiosa en la situación de agua limitante.(AU)

Azospirillum brasilense/physiology , Phaseolus/physiology , Rhizobium tropici/physiology , Dehydration , Nitrogen Fixation/physiology
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(2): 1027-1040, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886675


ABSTRACT We attempted to study the compatibility among plant beneficial bacteria in the culture level by growing them near in the nutrient agar plates. Among all the bacteria tested, Rhizobium was found to inhibit the growth of other bacteria. From the compatible group of PGPR, we have selected one biofertilizer (Azospirillum brasilense strain TNAU) and one biocontrol agent (Pseudomonas fluorescens strain PF1) for further studies in the pot culture. We have also developed a bioformulation which is talc powder based, for individual bacteria and mixed culture. This formulation was used as seed treatment, soil application, seedling root dip and foliar spray in groundnut crop in vitro germination conditions. A. brasilense was found to enhance the tap root growth and P. fluorescens, the lateral root growth. The other growth parameters like shoot growth, number of leaves were enhanced by the combination of both of the bacteria than their individual formulations. Among the method of application tested in our study, soil application was found to be the best in yielding better results of plant growth promotion.

Arachis/growth & development , Arachis/microbiology , Pseudomonas fluorescens/physiology , Azospirillum brasilense/physiology , Fertilizers , Rhizobium/physiology , Seeds/growth & development , Seeds/microbiology , Soil Microbiology , Azotobacter/physiology , Bacillus megaterium/physiology , Bacillus subtilis/physiology , Plant Roots/growth & development , Plant Roots/microbiology , Plant Leaves , Seedlings/growth & development , Seedlings/microbiology
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 12(2): 103-115, dic. 2010. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-590777


Con el objetivo de incrementar y acelerar el proceso de germinación de las semillas y obtener una alta producción y homogeneidad de plántulas de Carica papaya variedad Maradol en vivero, se evaluó el efecto de tres biofertilizantes aplicados solos o en combinación (Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense y Glomus intraradices), y un biorregulador del crecimiento vegetal, el ácido giberélico (AG3), en la germinación y el crecimiento vegetal. Se realizó un experimento bajo un diseño completamente al azar con ocho tratamientos y tres repeticiones. A las semillas se les aplicó un pretratamiento germinativo con alternancia de temperatura para superar la dormancia. Los tratamientos simples con A. chroococcum y A. brasilense, incrementaron el porcentaje de germinación a 90,28 y 88,89% respectivamente. Además, con la aplicación de los biofertilizantes y el AG3, la velocidad de germinación se incrementó y el tiempo medio de germinación se redujo. La doble aplicación en semillas y foliar de los biofertilizantes y el AG3 en plántulas mejoró el crecimiento vegetal. La población de A. chroococcum fue mayor cuando se inoculó en combinación con G. intraradices. La prevalencia de colonización de las plántulas inoculadas con G. intraradices varió de 18,53 a 26,67%, con el mayor valor registrado para el tratamiento combinado con A. brasilense. Finalmente, aplicando esta metodología se logró acelerar la germinación, obteniéndose una mayor homogeneidad en la emergencia de las plántulas, disminuyendo así el tiempo de permanencia en el vivero.

In order to increase and accelerate the process of seed germination and obtain a high yield and homogeneity of papaya seedlings cv. Maradol in nurseries, we evaluated the effect of three biofertilizers applied single or in combination (Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense and Glomus intraradices) and a plant growth bioregulator, the gibberellic acid 3 (AG3), on the germination and subsequent growth of papaya seedlings. An experimental design completely random with eight treatments and three replications were used. The application of a pre-germinal treatment with alternating temperature had to be applied to seeds to overcome dormancy. Single biofertilization with A. chroococcum and A. brasilense, promoted the germination percentage 90.28 y 88.89% respectively. Germination rate could be enhanced and the mean germination time was reduced with the application of biofertilizer and AG3. Both applications on seeds and leaves of biofertilizers and AG3, had a positive effect on plant growth. The population of A. chroococcum was higher in the combined inoculation with G. intraradices. The prevalence of colonization of plants inoculated with G. intraradices ranged from 18.53 to 26.67%, with the greatest values recorded for the treatment involving combined inoculation with A. brasilense. Finally, with the application of this methodology the seed germination rate was improved, as well as the uniformity of seedlings emergence...

Carica/growth & development , Carica/embryology , Carica/physiology , Carica/genetics , Carica/microbiology , Carica/chemistry , Fertilizers/analysis , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Fertilizers/microbiology , Azospirillum brasilense/isolation & purification , Azospirillum brasilense/growth & development , Azospirillum brasilense/physiology , Azospirillum brasilense/genetics , Azospirillum brasilense/immunology , Azospirillum brasilense/chemistry