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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 133(4): 39-49, 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444850


En junio de 2019 comenzó a aplicarse el nuevo Código Procesal Penal Federal, que adopta como sistema de enjuiciamiento el modelo acusatorio. Este modelo implementa la oralidad, la inmediatez, la contradicción y la publicidad como guías de los procesos judiciales. En este sistema el rol de los peritos juega un papel fundamental para el que deben estar preparados. (AU)

In June 2019, the new Federal Criminal Procedure Code began to be used, which adopts the adversarial model as a system of prosecution. This model implements orality, immediacy, contradiction and publicity as guides to judicial processes. In this system the role of the experts plays a fundamental role for which they must be prepared. (AU)

Peer Review, Health Care , Coroners and Medical Examiners , Criminal Law/legislation & jurisprudence , Civil Codes , Argentina , Psychiatry , Psychology , Criminal Law/methods
Rev. psicol. polit ; 12(23): 139-152, jan. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-687468


A violência sexual é um fenômeno a ser enfrentado por diversas ações públicas e exige um sistema de notificação formal que preserve a vítima do sofrimento da exposição pública. Este texto discute, na especificidade da atuação da Psicologia, no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, a importância das políticas públicas no enfrentamento da violência sexual e no atendimento às vítimas. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é proporcionar uma revisão da relação estabelecida entre o Poder Judiciário e as Políticas Públicas, com enfoque no trabalho em rede e na desnecessária judicialização de ações, as quais deveriam se desenvolver em outro âmbito. A maneira como o fato é tratado na família e na sociedade vai determinar as reações e a predisposição da vítima para falar sobre o assunto, tanto no inquérito policial, quanto no processo judicial ou, ainda, nos programas específicos de atendimento.

The violence is a phenomenon to be faced by several public actions and requires a formal notification system that preserves the victim of suffering from public exposure. This article discusses, in the specificity of Psychology action at the Court of the State of Sao Paulo, the importance of public policy in confronting sexual violence and the assistance of the victims. The main objective of this article is to provide a review of the relationship between the Judiciary and the Public Policy, focusing on networking and the unnecessary judicialization of actions that should be developed in another environment. The way the fact is treated in the family and the society will determine the victims' reactions and their readiness to talk about it, both in the police investigation, as in the judicial lawsuit, or yet, in specific assistance programs.

La violencia sexual es un fenómeno que se enfrentan por diversas acciones públicas y requiere un sistema de notificación formal que proteja a la víctima del sufrimiento de la exposición pública. En este artículo se discute la especificidad de la acción de la Psicología, en la Corte del Estado de São Paulo, la importancia de las políticas públicas en la lucha contra la violencia sexual y atención a víctimas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es proporcionar una revisión de la relación entre el Poder Judicial y Políticas Públicas, con enfoque en el trabajo de red y en la innecesaria judicialización de acciones las cuales deberían desarrollarse en otro ámbito. La manera como el hecho es tratado en la familia y en la sociedad va a determinar las reacciones y predisposición de la víctima para hablar sobre el asunto, tanto en la investigación policial, como en el proceso judicial así como en los programas específicos de atención.

Humans , Criminal Law/methods , Public Policy , Psychology , Sex Offenses , Justice Administration System
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 209-211, 2003.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982997


OBJECTIVE@#To study general rule existed in identification of limited capacity for duties in schizophrenia and put forward some recommendations to the related issues.@*METHODS@#The data of 31 cases were analyzed based on essential items in identification of limited capacity for duties in Schizophrenia in order to obtain the contribution rate of major variables.@*RESULTS@#It showed that the contribution rate of from variable 1 to variable 6 was 18.785%, 15.549%, 14.023%, 10.347%, 9.437% and 7.923% respectively, in which the variable 1 reflecting patient's recognition of dangerous act was the most important of all variables.@*CONCLUSION@#The limited capacity for duties in Schizophrenia could be divided into three grades.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Criminal Law/methods , Forensic Medicine , Insanity Defense , Neuropsychological Tests , Recognition, Psychology , Schizophrenic Psychology , Social Behavior , Social Perception
Poiésis (En línea) ; 6(Jun.): 1-3, 2003.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1015229


Dentro de la lógica penitencial, se toma en cuenta de gran manera, al delincuente agresor como el causante del delito, pero se deja, por lo general, su pasado como tal, se queda allí como algo que sucede y al cual se le hacen los de la vista gorda, en la mayoría de los casos, o mejor dicho casi todos.

Within penitential logic, one takes great care of the aggressor as the cause of the offense, but one must, generally, be pasted as such, if one falls as something that happens and someone who hacks them. from the fat view, in most cases, the best dicho married me all.

Humans , Imputability , Sex Offenses/psychology , Criminal Law/methods , Juvenile Delinquency/psychology