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Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 70(3): 108-113, set.-dic. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1042917


Actualmente se conocen más de 3 500 especies de mosquitos y cada día se registran otras de importancia en la transmisión de enfermedades al hombre y los animales. El objetivo de este trabajo es registrar por primera vez la presencia larval de Cx interrogator en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba y en Cuba. Para ello se realizaron los muestreos larvarios en sitios de cría naturales y artificiales con frecuencia semanal durante el 2013-2017, según lo establecido por el Programa de Vigilancia y Control de otros culícidos para la provincia de Santiago de Cuba y adjunto al Programa de Control de Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus en Cuba. Las larvas se enviaron al Laboratorio Provincial de Entomología de Santiago de Cuba para su clasificación utilizando claves morfológicas. Posteriormente el material biológico fue enviado al Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí donde se verificó la identificación taxonómica. Culex interrogator fue colectado en los municipios Palma Soriano y San Luis en el 2013 en Santiago de Cuba, y Songo la Maya y II Frente en 2015 y 2017, respectivamente, todos pertenecientes a la provincia Santiago de Cuba. Los sitios de cría correspondieron a fosas sépticas, sótanos inundados debajo de edificios, lagunas de oxidación, pomos plásticos, zanjas, charcos y cañadas. Se encontró asociado en sitios de cría naturales con Culex nigripalpus, Culex quinquefasciatus y Anopheles albimanus. En conclusión, Cx interrogator constituye un nuevo registro para la entomofauna cubana, de ahí la importancia de ampliar los conocimientos sobre su distribución, asociación con otras especies de culícidos y posible rol en la transmisión de enfermedades al hombre(AU)

Nowadays there are more than 3 500 known species of mosquitoes and everyday are registered some more of importance in disease transmission to men and animals every day. The aim of this study is to register for the first time larval presence of Cx. interrogator in Santiago de Cuba province and in Cuba. In this regard, larval sampling was carried out by the established Surveillance and Control Program of other mosquitoes in Santiago de Cuba province and attached to the Control Program of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Cuba; its was carried out in natural and artificial breeding sites with weekly frequency during 2013-2017. The larvae were sent to the Provincial Laboratory of Enthomology of Santiago de Cuba for classification using morphological keys. Subsequently, the biological material was sent to the National Reference Laboratory of Pedro Kourí Institute where the taxonomic identification was verified. Culex interrogator was collected in Palma Soriano and San Luis municipalities in 2013, in Santiago de Cuba, and Songo la Maya and II Frente in 2015 and 2017, respectively, all belonging to Santiago de Cuba province. The breeding sites were septic tanks, flooded basements under buildings, oxidation ponds, plastic bottles, ditches, puddles and streams. This mosquito was found in natural breeding sites associated to Culex nigripalpus, Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles albimanus. As a conclusion, it can be said that Cx. interrogator constitutes a new registry for Cuban entomofauna, hence the importance of expanding knowledge about its distribution, association with other culicid´s species and its possible role in the transmission of diseases to man(AU)

Humans , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Aedes/microbiology , Culex/immunology , Culicidae/pathogenicity , Cuba
Rev. medica electron ; 39(6): 1212-1223, nov.-dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902238


Introducción: la vigilancia entomológica es la recolección de información sobre los vectores de enfermedades y su entorno. Es un componente de la vigilancia epidemiológica, que consiste en una actividad del control de los vectores que se realiza durante todo el año, para conocer la presencia de estos en un área geográfica, la densidad de sus poblaciones, así como identificar los principales criaderos y los más productivos. Objetivo: identificación de las especies de culícidos que circularon en la provincia de Matanzas, durante el año 2015, así como la definición de la especie que predominó y tipificación de los depósitos más colonizados por estos en su fase de vida inmadura. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un análisis de las estadísticas de la vigilancia entomológica durante el año 2015. Según la metodología descrita en el Programa Nacional de Vigilancia y Lucha Antivectorial se clasificó los depósitos, se colectaron y diagnosticaron las muestras. Resultados: las muestras larvarias aportaron la mayor cantidad de datos. Los depósitos de agua situados en el exterior de las viviendas, y dentro de estos las larvitrampas fueron los más utilizados por los mosquitos. La especie predominante en fase inmadura fue Aedes albopictus, mientras que en fase adulta Culex quinquefasciatus. Conclusiones: se identificaron 5 géneros con 25 especies de culícidos, el 36,8 % de la fauna cubana. Como especie predominante se define al A. albopictus. Los depósitos más explotados por estos organismos según su ubicación, fueron los del exterior, y según su tipo, fueron las larvitrampas (grupo E) (AU).

Introduction: the entomological surveillance is the recollection of information on diseases´ vectors and their environment. It is part of the epidemiologic surveillance, and it is an activity of vectors controlling carried out around the year to determine their presence in a geographical area, the density of their populations, and to identify their main breeding places and the most productive ones. Objectives: to identify the culicids species living in the province of Matanzas during 2015, and also to define the predominating specie and to typify the deposits more colonized by them in the in-mature life stage. Materials and Methods: it was carried out an analysis of the entomological surveillance statistics during 2015. The reservoirs were classified, and the samples were collected and diagnosed according to the methodology described in the National Program of Antivectorial Surveillance and Struggle. Results: the larval samples gave the biggest quantity of data. The water reservoirs located outside the living accommodations, and among them the larval traps were the most used by mosquitoes. The predominant specie found in in-mature stage was Aedes albopictus, while Culex quinquefasciatus predominated in adult stage. Conclusions: 5 genus with 25 species of culicids were found, 36.8 of them part of the Cuban fauna. The Aedes albopictus was defined as the predominant specie. The reservoirs most used by these organisms were, according to their location, those located outside, and according to their type, the larval traps (group E) (AU).

Humans , Information Storage and Retrieval , Culicidae/pathogenicity , Pest Control, Biological , Observational Studies as Topic , Mosquito Vectors/pathogenicity , Vector Borne Diseases/pathology , Vector Borne Diseases/prevention & control , Vector Borne Diseases/epidemiology
Medisan ; 21(8)ago. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-894640


Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles representados por 155 y 310 viviendas, respectivamente, para identificar factores de riesgo relacionados con la positividad al mosquito Aedes aegypti en el radio de acción del Policlínico Municipal de Santiago de Cuba, durante el 2012. Entre esos factores de riesgo constituyeron los principales: depósitos bajos no protegidos, patios no saneados, salideros, tanque elevado y otros, acerca de los cuales se obtuvieron el odds ratio, la razón atribuible poblacional y la fracción etiológica. Se concluyó que tales factores perpetuaron la presencia de focos del vector en esos hogares de la mencionada área de salud

A case and control study represented by 155 and 310 houses, respectively, to identify risk factors related to the positivity to Aedes aegypti mosquito in the area of the Municipal Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, was carried out during 2012. Among the risk factors there were: unprotected low deposits, dirty yards, likings, high deposits and others, about which the odds ratio, the populational attributable reason and the etiologic fraction were obtained. It was concluded that such factors perpetuated the presence of the vector focuses in those homes of the aforementioned health area

Animals , Male , Female , Mosquito Control , Risk Factors , Aedes , Culicidae/pathogenicity , Case-Control Studies , Pest Control, Biological , Sanitation
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(11): 1174-1178, Nov. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-658089


Leptospirosis is considered a worldwide distributed zoonosis, caused by the bacteria Leptospira spp. Since several species of wildlife animals are reportedly reservoirs, the aim of the present study was to know the epidemiology of leptospirosis at the Sorocaba Zoo, Southern Brazil. Serum samples of wild mammals from Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Didelphimorphia, Diprotodontia, Perissodactyla, Pilosa, Primates, Proboscidea and Rodentia orders, kept in captivity as well as from zoological staff were assayed by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Whole blood, urine and tissue samples from wild mammals and synanthropic animals were assayed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). An epidemiological survey was applied to evaluate the risk factors for animal infection and staff level of knowledge on leptospirosis. A total of 13/229 (5.68%; CI95% 3.37-9.47%) serum samples from wild mammals were reagent on MAT. Serology from synanthropic animals, zoo staff and molecular analysis of animal samples were all negative. Leptospirosis knowledge of zoo park staff was considered medium. In conclusion, leptospiral infection occurs at the studied zoo but due to the low occurrence found, the lowest reported in literature, wild captive mammals do not act as source of infection of leptospirosis to other animals and human beings.

A leptospirose é considerada uma zoonose de distribuição mundial, causada por bactérias do gênero Leptospira spp. Uma vez que muitas espécies de animais selvagens são consideradas como reservatórios, o objetivo do presente estudo foi conhecer a epidemiologia da leptospirose no Zoológico de Sorocaba, sudeste do Brasil. Amostras de soro de mamíferos selvagens cativos das ordens Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Didelphimorphia, Diprotodontia, Perissodactyla, Pilosa, Primates, Proboscidea e Rodentia, assim como dos funcionários do zoo foram analisados pela soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM). Sangue total, urina e amostras de tecidos dos animais selvagens e sinantrópicos foram analisados pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR). Um questionário epidemiológico foi aplicado para se avaliar os fatores de risco de infecção por leptospira dos animais e também para avaliar o grau de conhecimento dos funcionários do parque sobre a leptospirose. Um total de 13/229 (5,68%; CI95% 3.37-9.47%) amostras de soro dos mamíferos selvagens foram reagentes na SAM. A sorologia dos animais sinantrópicos, funcionários do zoológico e a análise molecular lograram-se negativas. O conhecimento dos funcionários sobre a leptospirose foi considerado médio. Em conclusão, a infecção leptospírica ocorre no parque zoológico estudado, porém devido à baixa ocorrência encontrada, a menor descrita na literatura, os mamíferos cativos não desempenham um papel de fonte de infecção para outros animais e para o homem.

Animals , Animals, Zoo , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Culicidae/pathogenicity , Feces , Risk Factors
Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2005; 34 (3): 12-19
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-71116


Identification of host blood meal in haematophagous arthropods is an important element in their rule in transmission of vector borne diseases. The effects of post ingestion and physical conditions that killed mosquitoes are stored on the success of detecting blood meal DNA of Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasiatus was investigated by polymerase chain reaction [PCR] amplification at the human mitochondrial DNA cytochromeB [CytB] gene. Host DNA extracted from the blood meal up to 33 h post ingestion in both species acts as an efficient template for PCR amplification. However more DNA concentration needs for meals digested longer time. Successful PCR amplification among meals digested for 36 h dropping to a faint band. There were no differences between PCR success rate for sampled stored at +4°C or -20°C, but less successful products were observed in samples kept at 4°C for periods longer than 30 h digestion. The results of this study is important in malaria epidemiological studies to provide valuable information about the degree of contact between human hosts and mosquito vectors, impact of vectors controls such bed nets and repellents, and the transmission dynamics of human malaria and other vector-borne diseases

Insecta , DNA , DNA/isolation & purification , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Culicidae/pathogenicity , Malaria/transmission , Malaria/prevention & control , Sensitivity and Specificity , Epidemiology
Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association [The]. 2001; 76 (3-4): 297-308
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-57284


A reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR] was applied to detect rift valley fever virus [RVFV] in Culex pipiens mosquito pools collected from Alexandria and Behira governorates of Egypt [50 pools each]. All mosquito pools were subjected to double sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA] technique to detect RVF viral antigen. Out of all 100 mosquito pools, only 18 were positive by ELISA, 10 out of 50 pools were positive in Behira Governorate and 8 were positive in Alexandria Governorate. All positive samples [18], in addition to two negative samples [one was used as a negative control and the other was used as a positive control after the addition of 1.0 ml of 103 inactivated RVF virus] were subjected to RT-PCR. Out of these 18 positive samples by ELISA, only 7 were positive for RVF Virus by RT-PCR. These results gave the possibilities of the existence of other phleboviruses that cross react with RVF virus

Insecta , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Antigens, Viral , Culicidae/pathogenicity , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Rift Valley fever virus/isolation & purification
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 92(3): 415-9, May-Jun. 1997. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-189317


A mosquito pathogenic strain of Bacillus sphaericus carried out the conjugal transfer of plasmid pAMß1 to other strains of its own and two other serotypes. However, it was unable to conjugate with mosquito pathogens from three serotypes, with B. sphaericus of other DNA homology groups or with three other species of Bacillus. Conjugation frequency was highest with a strain having an altered surface layer (S layer). Cojugal transfer of pAMß1 was not detected in mosquito larval cadavers. B. sphaericus 2362 was unable to imobilize pUB110 for transfer to strains that had served as recipients of pAMß1. These observations suggest that it is unlikely that genetically engineered B. sphaericus carrying a recombinant plasmid could pass that plamid to other bacteria.

Animals , Bacillus/genetics , Culicidae/pathogenicity , Conjugation, Genetic/genetics
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-942063
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-773657