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Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 51(3): 34055, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147689


Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o repertório de habilidades sociais de estudantes de Ciências Exatas antes e após uma disciplina de Relações Interpessoais. Participaram deste estudo 21 universitários, sendo 17 do curso de Engenharia Elétrica e 4 de Química Industrial, matriculados na disciplina de Relações Interpessoais para o Curso de Engenharia Elétrica. A disciplina teórico-prática foi baseada em vivências e os estudantes responderam ao Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS) e ao Questionário de Avaliação Final da Disciplina (QAFD). Os resultados apontaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto ao escore geral de habilidades sociais e a média no QAVD entre as avaliações do pré e pós-teste. Foram observadas ainda correlações positivas e fortes entre o QAVD antes e após a disciplina. Além disso, (b) o escore geral QAVD após adisciplina se relacionou positiva e moderadamente com o escore geral (IHS) dehabilidades sociais no pós-teste.

This study aimed to evaluate the repertoire of social skills of students of Exact Sciences before and after an Interpersonal Relations discipline. Twenty-one university students participated in this study, of which 17 were from Electrical Engineering and 4 from Industrial Chemistry, enrolled in the discipline of Interpersonal Relationships for the Electrical Engineering Course. The theoretical-practical discipline was based on experiences and the students answered the Social Skills Inventory (IHS) and the Discipline Final Assessment Questionnaire (QAFD). The results showed statistically significant differences in the general social skills score and the mean in the QAVD between the pre and post-test evaluations. Positive and strong correlations were also observed between the QAVD before and after the discipline. In addition, (b) the overall QAVD post-discipline score was positively and moderately related to the overall social skills score (IHS) in the post-test.

Este estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar el repertorio de habilidades sociales de estudiantes de Ciencias exactas antes y después de una disciplina de relaciones interpersonales. Participaron de este estudio 21 universitarios, siendo 17 del curso de Ingeniería Eléctrica y 4 de Química Industrial, matriculados en la disciplina de Relaciones Interpersonales para el Curso de Ingeniería Eléctrica. La disciplina teórico-práctica fue basada en vivencias y los estudiantes respondieron al inventario de Habilidades Sociales (IHS) y al Cuestionario de Evaluación Final de la Disciplina (QAFD). Los resultados apuntaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al puntaje general de habilidades sociales y la media en el QAVD entre las evaluaciones del pre y post-test. Se observaron correlaciones positivas y fuertes entre el QAVD antes y después de la disciplina. Además, (b) el puntaje general QAVD post la disciplina se relacionó positiva y moderadamente con el puntaje general (IHS) de habilidades sociales en el post-test.

Humans , Male , Female , Students/psychology , Social Skills , Interpersonal Relations , Earth Sciences
Rev. luna azul ; 49(0): 185-199, 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121053


The practice of "land grabbing", or the large-scale hoarding of fertile lands in developing countries by rich countries, transnational corporations and individuals, in order to grow food beyond their borders, is today reaching historically unparalleled figures. Although the dominant discourse vindicates this process as an opportunity for the countries that are recipients of these practices, numerous voices warn about the role played by this phenomenon in the (re-) emergence and development of global and local problems. The objective of this work is to demystify the theoretical, political and historical proposal endorsed and promoted by international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in the light of conflicts over the use and ownership of land. Together, food security, impacts on small and medium-sized local farmers and migration are generating the current model of international land grabbing.

La práctica del "acaparamiento de tierras", o el acaparamiento a gran escala de tierras fértiles en países en desarrollo por parte de países ricos, corporaciones transnacionales e individuos, con el fin de cultivar alimentos más allá de sus fronteras, está alcanzando hoy cifras históricamente incomparables. Aunque el discurso dominante reivindica este proceso como una oportunidad para los países que son receptores de estas prácticas, numerosas voces advierten sobre el papel desempeñado por este fenómeno en la (re) aparición y desarrollo de problemas globales y locales. El objetivo de este trabajo es desmitificar la propuesta teórica, política e histórica respaldada y promovida por organizaciones internacionales como el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial a la luz de los conflictos sobre el uso y la propiedad de la tierra. Juntos, la seguridad alimentaria, los impactos en los pequeños y medianos agricultores locales y la migración están generando el modelo actual de acaparamiento internacional de tierras.

Humans , Agriculture , Earth Sciences , Human Migration , Food Supply
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 1090-1100, jul.-sep. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977369


Abstract Brunei is a small tropical country -located in Southeast Asia- for which there are no previous bibliometric studies. Here we analyze papers published by Brunei scientists from 1973 to 2016 in the Science Citation Index Expanded and compare results with other tropical countries. We identified 1 547 publications and 11 document types. The most productive categories were ecology, multidisciplinary geosciences, inorganic and nuclear chemistry, and environmental sciences. Singapore Medical Journal published most of these papers, and the three most productive institutions were Universiti Brunei Darussalam, RIPAS Hospital, and Universiti Teknologi Brunei. UK and Malaysia were the most frequent collaborating countries. M.A. Ali from the Universiti Brunei Darussalam was the most prolific author and a Brunei independent article written by C.K. Morley from the Universiti Brunei Darussalam in 2002 had the highest number of citations of the whole period and the highest number in 2016. The tropical countries of Central America and Asia have a few similarities but also important differences, and both are highly heterogeneous in scientific organization and productivity. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1090-1100. Epub 2018 September 01.

Resumen Brunei es un pequeño país tropical del sudeste asiático, sobre el cual no hay estudios bibliométricos. Aquí analizamos los artículos publicados por científicos de Brunei de 1973 a 2016 y comparamos los resultados con otros países tropicales. Examinamos los documentos del Science Citation Index Expanded en la colección principal del Web of Science. Hallamos 1 547 publicaciones de Brunei con 11 tipos de documentos, donde las categorías más productivas fueron ecología, geociencias multidisciplinarias, química inorgánica y nuclear, y ciencias ambientales. Singapore Medical Journal publicó la mayoría, y las tres instituciones más productivas fueron: Universiti Brunei Darussalam, RIPAS Hospital y Universiti Teknologi Brunei. Reino Unido y Malasia fueron los países que más colaboraron con Brunei. M.A. Ali de la Universidad Brunei Darussalam fue el autor más prolífico. El mayor número total de citas, y el mayor número de citas en 2016, correspondieron a un artículo exclusivamente de Brunei, escrito por C. K. Morley de la Universiti Brunei Darussalam en 2002. Los países tropicales de América Central y Asia tienen algunas similitudes pero también diferencias importantes, siendo heterogéneos en su organización científica y productividad.

Research Personnel , Brunei , Chemistry, Inorganic/education , Bibliometrics , Ecology/education , Scientific Domains , Bibliometrics , Earth Sciences/education
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740677


While radioactive isotope analysis has proved to be a useful method in disciplines such as archaeology and forensic anthropology, more recently, radiocarbon dating has allowed for a more nuanced biological profile of human skeletal remains. Radiocarbon dating has been made possible by the above ground nuclear bomb test conducted in 1963, which raised the level of atmospheric radiocarbon concentration to almost twice the natural level. Because the annually measured tropospheric ¹⁴C concentrations are integrated into the bomb peak curve, the time of birth and death of an individual can be estimated by comparing the radiocarbon content of a skeletal sample to the bomb-curve value. In July 2017, about 1,000 skeletal remains were excavated at the construction site of Sokcho. For medico-legal purposes, we conducted anthropological and odontological examinations of all the human remains. We then conducted the radiocarbon analysis on seven femora (head and body portions), five mandibular teeth, and soil from the site through a request to the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources. The results demonstrated that the estimated year of birth or death was prior to the 1950s. Due to the diverse distribution of results, we deduced that the human remains were from the local mass grave. This study supports and suggests the use of radiocarbon dating more frequently in the analysis of human skeletal remains.

Humans , Archaeology , Bombs , Earth Sciences , Forensic Anthropology , Korea , Methods , Miners , Parturition , Radiometric Dating , Soil , Tooth
ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology. 2013; 9 (15): 63-69
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-139792


In this paper, the hydrogeology of Ardabil plain has been investigated. The hydrogeologic properties of the study area were investigated based on geophysical, geological, water level and pumping test data, Also 65 wells were sampled and analyzed for hydrochemical investigation. Physical and chemical characteristics of groundwater such as temperature, EC, pH, TDS, Na[+], K[+], Mg[2+]+, C[2+]+ HCO[-3]-, SO[4][-2], Cl[-] and CO[3][2-] were determined. Hydrochemical studies indicated that geological units have the greatest effect on the groundwater quality in this plain. According to the results obtained, the Ardabil plain has two aquifers, which one of them is located on top of the other. The upper aquifer is multi-layer with varying thickness [20 to 40 m] across the plain and is extracted for different kind of water supply. The number of penetrating wells to the lower aquifer is very low and may not be extracted because of its poor water quality. General direction of groundwater flow is from other directions to the north-west of the plain. The estimated hydraulic parameters of transmissivity and specific yield varies spatially from 50 to 2200 [nr/day] and 0/021 to 0.14, respectively

Water Supply , Geology , Earth Sciences , Health Resources
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 19(2): 369-390, abr.-jun. 2012. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-644522


Pesquisa sobre confiabilidade de notícias a respeito do 'aquecimento global', em veículos do grupo de comunicação UOL, e Folha de S. Paulo, revelou certa polaridade de posições entre a concordância plena de que as causas sejam exclusivamente antrópicas (posição predominante) e sua completa negação. A amostra compreende 676 notícias, entre mais de três mil relacionadas ao tema, entre outubro de 2007 e outubro de 2008. Avaliou-se a hipótese de ser o noticiário dos três meios de comunicação dominado pelas posições do Painel Intergovernamental de Mudança Climática. Em termos absolutos, o Painel é a fonte mais referenciada, pois apenas sete notícias constituem exceções ao 'consenso'. Tais opiniões contrárias perfazem 1,03% da amostra.

Research into the reliability of news reports on 'global warming' published by the UOL media group, and Folha de S. Paulo reveals a tendency for positions to be polarized between complete agreement with the assertion that the causes are entirely anthropogenic (the dominant position) and complete denial. The sample comprised 676 news items from more than 3,000 published on the topic between October 2007 and October 2008. The study tested the hypothesis that the news output of the three media outlets is dominated by the positions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In absolute terms, the panel is the most frequently cited source, since just seven news items comprised exceptions to the 'consensus.' These contrary opinions made up 1.03% of the sample.

Global Warming , Mass Media , Climate Change , Brazil , Earth Sciences , Data Accuracy
Rio de Janeiro; Instituto Ciência Hoje; 2011. 294 p. ilus, mapas.(Memória hoje, 2).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-745543


Nessa coletânea de 53 textos, o leitor encontrará um panorama sucinto, porém esclarecedor, de grandes feitos no campo das ciências exatas. São episódios marcantes da física, química, engenharia e comunicações, que vão desde a construção dos primeiros relógios mecânicos, no século 13, até o início da era espacial e o surgimento da internet, passando pela descoberta da eletricidade, no início da década de 1980...

Humans , Science/history , Earth Sciences
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 17(3): 607-626, 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-561327


Discute a formação dos conceitos de natureza, espaço e morfologia na obra de Alexander von Humboldt e seus impactos na formação da geografia física moderna. Influenciado pelas reflexões de Kant em Crítica do juízo e pelos trabalhos de Goethe e Schelling, Humboldt desenvolveu nova interpretação e representação para a natureza na superfície da Terra, em que o conceito de espacialidade é fundamental para a explicação dos fenômenos da natureza. A geografia física moderna estrutura-se a partir de complexo cruzamento de influências estéticas e instrumentais desenvolvidas por Humboldt, nas quais o princípio da conexão é importante para a invenção artística e científica do conceito de paisagem geográfica.

The article discusses how Alexander von Humboldt developed the concepts of nature, space, and morphology in his works and impacted the shaping of modern physical geography. Influenced by Kant's ideas in Critique of judgment and also by the writings of Goethe and Schelling, Humboldt devised a new interpretation and representation of nature on Earth's surface, wherein the concept of space is essential to explaining natural phenomena. Modern physical geography is grounded in a complex interweaving of aesthetic and instrumental influences fashioned by Humboldt, with the principle of connection playing an important role in the artistic and scientific development of the notion of a geographic landscape.

Humans , Earth Sciences , Science , Nature , Geography
Iranian Journal of Radiation Research. 2007; 5 (2): 101-104
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-102128


Ultraviolet [UV] radiation affects human organs such as skin, eyes and immune system, as well as animals and plants. The main natural source of UV radiation is the Sun. To study the effects of solar UV radiation there is a need to quantify variations of solar energy received on the earth surface at different intervals. To measure UV radiation a broadband fiber optic UV spectrometer was used. With the spectrometer, the energy received at earth surface was measured from wavelength 100 to 400 nm [the UV spectrum]. Measurement duration was from January first to the end of December 2003, and from sunrise to sunset. The received UVC at the ground level was too low to be measured. The measured UVA was between 11 to 21 times higher than UVB energy during the measurement period. The minimum UV received on the ground level was in January and it was 14.5x10[5] J/m[2] while the maximum was in July and it was 80.14x10[5] J/m[2]. Total UV radiation received on the ground level was during the year of measurement period 579 x10[5] J/m[2]. The measurement showed that UVC intensity on the earth surface was negligible. As the wavelength increased the receiving UV energy at the ground level also increased. From the results, it has become clear that the main health consequences of solar UV were related to UVA band. As the intensity of the UVR during summer is too high, a method of UV health risk reduction should be devised

Solar Energy , Radiometry , Earth Sciences
Acta cient. venez ; 55(2): 97-106, 2004. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-537221


El objetivo de este trabajo fue la cuantificación tempo-espacial de cambios en la posición de la línea de costa, en el sector de la laguna de Unare, Estado Anzoategui. Se realizaron mediciones fotogramétricas, usando la cobertura aerofotográfica de distintos años del Instituto Geográfico de Venezuela "Simón Bolívar", correspondientes a las exposiciones 2293A de la misión de enero del año 1961. a escala 1:50.000 y las fotografías 037, 111, 040 y 042 de la misión 0401161, a escala 1:10.000, del año 1980. Debido a la dificultad para localizar con precisión en el área a medir (cordón litoral de la laguna de Unare) los mismos puntos en misiones tan diferentes, se utilizó un método geométrico. Los resultados indican que existe un retroceso de la línea de costa de 150 metros aproximadamente, entre 1961 y 1980, lo cual puede considerarse como un efecto combinado de factores y elementos naturales y antrópicos de carácter regional y/o local, introduciendo serias modificaciones en el balance sedimentario. Esto genera erosión de las playas, con evidente retroceso de la línea costera y afectación de la infraestructura existente por socavación de sus bases, trayendo pérdidas económicas a los habitantes y organismos que operan en el área. Se recomienda promover investigaciones detalladas de estos problemas, con la finalidad de conocer a fondo la situación y establecer normas y medidas de ocupación y manejo del espacio, tendientes a mitigar y prevenir el impacto de la erosión costera sobre la región y sus habitantes.

Coastal Lagoon , Coasts/analysis , Earth Sciences , Photogrammetry/methods , Water Microbiology