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Rev. Estomat ; 3(2): 88-91, dic. 1993. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-569896


Se investigó la relación que existe entre la cantidad de flúor en hueso y la resistencia a la compresión simple del mismo. Se analizaron 12 muestras de la quinta costilla humana extraidos de cadáveres frescos de no más de 24 horas de fallecidos en el Instituto de Medicina Legal de Medellin. Los cadáveres seleccionados debian tener datos completos de: edad, sexo, lugar de residencia, y una historia médica referida por sus familiares, en la que no presentara antecedentes de enfermedades sistémicas; posteriormente se investigó si en los respectivos sitios de residencia se utilizaba la fluorízación del agua. Los valores de flúor se determinaron con el método descrito por Alhava en 1980, y la resistencia a la comprensión simple se determino mediante el método descrito por Franke (1976). En los resultados finales no se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el contenido de flúor de las muestras óseas y la resistencia a la compresión de las mismas.

The relationship between the amount of fluoride in bone and its resistance to simple compression was investigated. 12 samples were analized from the 5th ribofhuman beings taken from fresh corpse with no more than 24 hours after death, in the Legal Medicine Institute of Medellín. The chosen corpses should have complete data concerning: age, sex, place of residence (address) and aclinical history refered by its relatives, and it couldn't present any previous sistemic illness; subsequently a research in their diferent places of residence was done, to investigate if the water used contained fluoride. The importance of fluoride was determined with the method described by Alhavain 1980, and the resistance to simple compression was determinated throughout the method described by Franke (1976). In the final results no statisticaly significant differences were obtained between the amount of fluoride in the bone sample and its resistance to compression.

Fluorine/physiology , Bone and Bones , Fluoridation , Forensic Medicine , Ribs