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Rev. biol. trop ; 65(1): 31-39, Jan.-Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-897523


ResumenEn México se han registrado 29 especies del género Amnestus, de las cuales, seis se encuentran en el estado de Veracruz. Se describen e ilustran las características morfológicas de los estadios inmaduros de A. rugosus, incluyendo notas sobre su biología y comportamiento. Las ninfas y adultos fueron recolectados en los remanentes de la vegetación riparia del bosque mesófilo en la cuenca del río La Antigua, Veracruz. El muestreo se realizó en la zona montañosa del centro del estado y en la parte media de la cuenca. Se seleccionaron 12 sitios ubicados en cinco municipios, y se realizaron muestreos en época de lluvias (julio) y en secas (abril); las muestras fueron procesadas en embudos de Berlese-Tullgren y Winkler. Se recolectaron y revisaron 419 ejemplares, 320 adultos y 99 ninfas de A. rugosus. El tamaño y coloración del cuerpo y los patrones de puntuación son las principales diferencias entre los estados inmaduros de A. rugosus, A. ficus y A. morelensis.A. rugosus representa un nuevo registro para Veracruz.

Abstract:In Mexico there are 29 species of Amnestus, of which six species are from Veracruz. The morphological features and illustrations of immature stages of A. rugosus are presented. Notes about the biology and behavior were included. The nymphal and adult stages of A. rugosus were found in remnants of riparian vegetation of the mesophilous forest in La Antigua river basin, Veracruz, Mexico. Twelve sites in five localities were selected and the specimens were sampled in rainy (July) and dry (April) seasons of 2012. The samples were processed in Berlese-Tullgren funnel and Winkler. A total of 419 individuals, 320 adults and 99 nymphs of A. rugosus were revised. The size and coloration of the body and punctuation patterns the immature stages of A. rugosus, A. ficus, and A. morelensis are the main differences among these species. A. rugosus is a first record from Veracruz. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 31-39. Epub 2017 March 01.

Animals , Hemiptera/anatomy & histology , Hemiptera/physiology , Nymph/anatomy & histology , Nymph/physiology , Rain , Seasons , Species Specificity , Forests , Age Factors , Biodiversity , Rivers , Mexico
Neotrop. entomol ; 40(4): 445-451, July-Aug. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-599804


Fifth-instars of the cicada species Dorisiana drewseni (Stål), Dorisiana viridis (Olivier), Fidicina mannifera (Fabricius), Fidicinoides pronoe (Walker) and Carineta fasciculata (Germar) are described and illustrated. Moreover, a key to the nymphs of these species along with Quesada gigas (Olivier) is also provided.

Animals , Female , Male , Coffea/parasitology , Hemiptera/anatomy & histology , Hemiptera/growth & development , Brazil , Nymph/anatomy & histology
Biol. Res ; 44(1): 69-74, 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-591866


Respiration and energy metabolism are key processes in animals, which are severely constrained by the design of physical structures, such as respiratory structures. Insects have very particular respiratory systems, based on gas diffusion across tracheae. Since the efficiency of the tracheal respiratory system is highly dependent on body shape, the pattern of morphological variation during ontogeny could have important metabolic consequences. We studied this problem combining through-flow respirometry and geometric morphometrics in 88 nymphs of the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. After measuring production in each individual, we took digital photographs and defined eight landmarks for geometric morphometric analysis. The analysis suggested that ontogenic deformations were mostly related to enlargement of the abdomen, compared to thorax and head. We found that (controlling for body size) metabolic variables and especially resting metabolism are positively correlated with a shape-component associated to an elongation of the abdomen. Our results are in agreement with the mechanics of tracheal ventilation in orthopterans, as gas circulation occurs by changes in abdominal pressures due to abdominal contractions and expansions along the longitudinal axis.

Animals , Female , Male , Energy Metabolism/physiology , Gryllidae/anatomy & histology , Gryllidae/metabolism , Respiratory Physiological Phenomena , Calorimetry, Indirect , Gryllidae/growth & development , Nymph/anatomy & histology , Nymph/growth & development , Nymph/metabolism
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 104(8): 1072-1082, Dec. 2009. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-538166


Eggs and nymphs of Triatoma dimidiata were described using both light and scanning electron microscopy. The egg body and operculum have an exochorion formed by irregular juxtaposed polygonal cells; these cells are without sculpture and the majority of them are hexagonal in shape. The five instars of T. dimidiatacan be distinguished from each other by characteristics of the pre, meso and metanotum. The number of setiferous tubercles increases progressively among instars. The sulcus stridulatorium of 1st instar nymphs is amorphous, showing median parallel grooves; from the 2nd instar on the sulcus is, progressively, elongate, deep and posteriorly pointed with stretched parallel grooves. All instars have a trichobothrium on the apical 1/3 of segment II of the antenna. The opening of the Brindley's gland is on the mesopleura. Fifth instar nymphs have an apical ctenidium on the ventral surface of the fore tibia. Dorsal glabrous patches are found on the lateral 1/3 of abdomen. Bright oval patches are found on the ventral median line of the abdomen, from segment IV-VI; 1st instar nymphs lack these patches. Abdominal dorsal plates are present from the 1st-5th instars; the 1st instar also contains a rectangular plate in segment IX. From the 2nd instar on, variably-shaped plates are present on segments VII to IX. Morphometric data were also obtained and proved to be useful for distinguishing T. dimidiata instars.

Animals , Triatoma/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Nymph/anatomy & histology , Nymph/ultrastructure , Ovum/ultrastructure , Triatoma/growth & development , Triatoma/ultrastructure
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 18(3): 15-21, July-Sept. 2009. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-606785


The immature stages of Neotropical ticks are poorly known and in many cases have not been described. This work presents a morphological description of Amblyomma brasiliense larvae (F1) and a redescription of nymphs (F1). A. brasiliense is reported as one of the most aggressive ticks to humans in Brazil. Immature ticks obtained from a laboratory colony initiated from adult specimens collected in the Parque Estadual Intervales (24º 18' S and 48º 24' W), São Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed under scanning electron microscope, and also under light and stereoscopic microscopes. A. brasiliense larvae present basis capituli rectangular; short palpi; rounded idiosoma; coxa I with two spurs, the external one being longer than the internal one; and coxae II and III each with one short spur. Nymphs present basis capituli rectangular with a sharp pointed cornua; oval idiosoma with scutum reaching coxa III; coxa I with two evident spurs, the external one being longer than the internal one; coxae II-III each with one short spur; and coxa IV with a very short spur and chitinous tubercles on internal surface of posterior border of idiosoma. These morphological features, in association with chaetotaxy and porotaxy, should make possible the identification of immature Amblyomma ticks.

Os estágios imaturos dos carrapatos Neotropicais são pouco conhecidos e, em muitos casos, não estão descritos. Este trabalho apresenta uma descrição morfológica das larvas (F1) e redescrição das ninfas (F1) do carrapato Amblyomma brasiliense, relatado como um dos ixodídeos mais agressivos ao homem no Brasil. Para este fim, carrapatos imaturos de uma colônia iniciada com espécimes adultos do Parque Estadual de Intervales, São Paulo, Brasil foram analisados sob microscopia eletrônica de varredura, microscopia de luz e lupa estereoscópica. Observou-se que larvas têm a base do capítulo retangular, palpos curtos e idiossoma arredondado, coxa I com dois espinhos, sendo o externo mais longo que o interno e coxas II e III com um espinho. Ninfas têm a base do capítulo retangular com córnua pontiaguda, idiossoma oval, coxa I com dois espinhos evidentes, sendo o externo mais longo que o interno, coxas II e III com um espinho curto em cada uma e coxa IV com um espinho muito pequeno, presença de tubérculos quitinosos na superfície interna da borda posterior do idiosoma. Estas características, associadas à quetotaxia e porotaxia, poderão tornar possível a identificação dos estágios imaturos de carrapatos do gênero Amblyomma.

Animals , Ixodidae/anatomy & histology , Larva/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Nymph/anatomy & histology
Parasitol. latinoam ; 61(1/2): 23-31, jun. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-432845


En este trabajo se presentan algunas evidencias que contribuyen a la verificación en condiciones de laboratorio, del estatus taxonómico de R. prolixus y R. robustus, por medio del estudio de la viabilidad de los híbridos entre ambas especies, mediante la caracterización morfológica y la determinación de parámetros reproductivos; además se aporta información que podría fundamentar un mecanismo de aislamiento reproductivo postcigótico. El estudio morfológico llevado a cabo en las diferentes ninfas (I, II, III, IV y V estadio) sobre el desarrollo de la callosidad postocular, la presencia de espinas en el primer y segundo segmento antenal y de un espolón en el primer segmento tarsal; reveló una variabilidad morfológica en los estadios ninfales de R. prolixus y R. robustus. Sólo el cruce híbrido de de R. robustus y de R. prolixus produjo huevos fértiles. Al comparar los parámetros reproductivos de los híbridos y los controles, se encontraron diferencias estadísti-camente significativas en la fertilidad, tiempo de desarrollo embrionario, tiempo preoviposición, supervivencia de los estadios ninfales del I, III y V.

Male , Animals , Female , Rhodnius/anatomy & histology , Rhodnius/physiology , Fertility , Hybridization, Genetic , Insect Vectors/anatomy & histology , Nymph/anatomy & histology , Nymph/physiology , Oviposition/physiology , Rhodnius/growth & development , Species Specificity , Survival Analysis , Time Factors
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 100(6): 549-561, Oct. 2005. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-417074


Eggs and all nymphs of these species were studied employing light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The major differences observed by LM in the eggs were related to the presence and the distribution of pores on the surface of their chorion. Morphological differences among three nymphal stages (1st, 3rd, and 5th) development of each species were observed. The differential characteristics are chromatic and in the shape of connexival spots. The ultrastructure of the ventral region of the head and the IX, X, and XI abdominal segments (anal tube) of the both species were described demonstrating morphological differences that can be used for diagnosis of the species.

Animals , Triatoma/growth & development , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Nymph/anatomy & histology , Nymph/ultrastructure , Ovum/ultrastructure , Triatoma/anatomy & histology , Triatoma/ultrastructure
Rev. bras. entomol ; 49(3): 289-293, July-Sept. 2005. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-417698


Foi feito estudo morfológico da face dorsal, ventral e lateral do tórax de ninfas de 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º e 5º estádios de Triatoma arthurneivai por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os cinco estádios ninfais podem ser reconhecidos pelos caracteres morfológicos observados no pronoto, mesonoto e metanoto. No 1º estádio nota-se ausência do colar, áreas glabras e tubérculos, que estão presentes no 2º estádio. No 3º estádio inicia-se a diferenciacão das aletas alares. No 4º estádio ocorre expansão das quatro aletas alares, que, no entanto, não alcancam o abdome. No 5º estádio as aletas alares anteriores praticamente recobrem as posteriores. Na face ventral dos cinco estádios ninfais percebe-se duas (1+1) aberturas das glândulas metasternais. As áreas de evaporacão das glândulas de Brindley localizam-se na mesopleura. Também foram observadas duas (1+1) áreas de evaporacão na propleura dos cinco estádios ninfais.

Animals , Triatominae/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Nymph/anatomy & histology
Rev. bras. entomol ; 49(3): 340-356, July-Sept. 2005. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-417700


Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor, 1997 foi introduzida no Brasil na década de 1990 em plantios de eucalipto. Devido a importância de C. spatulata como praga de eucalipto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a morfologia externa do adulto e das ninfas, com detalhamento da ninfa de 5º ínstar. Foram observadas diferencas marcantes entre os ínstares, principalmente quanto ao tamanho e os caracteres das antenas, das pernas e do ápice do abdômen. A morfologia externa dos adultos foi apresentada com detalhamento da venacão, das características das pernas e da terminália.

Animals , Eucalyptus/parasitology , Hemiptera/anatomy & histology , Nymph/anatomy & histology
Biocell ; 28(3): 259-269, dic. 2004. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-405198


The post-embryonic development of the female gonads in Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Heteroptera), insects of importance in health affairs as harbors and vectors of different tripanosomatidea flagellates, is presented in a complete follow-up since insect hatches from the egg up to the last molt in the fifth instar stage. The detailed description of the morphological changes which occur in each instar as well as careful measurements evaluating its size increase have been analyzed by stereomicroscopy, phase contrast, dark field, and oblique ilumination, in order to optimize the observations as well the photographic register of gonad morphology and structure. The analysis was performed on gonad specimens obtained from broods no less than twenty (20) nymph bugs, reared at constant temperature and fed-up regularly. According to the results of our study we can assert that gonad differentiation takes place in early phases of the insect development. Such is tge case that first instars nymph´s present absolutely and easily recognizably male and female gonads. From the third instar on beside the filament region, the three zones in each ovariole body is distinguished, a differentiation that is more noticeable during the fourth instar where a definite organization is present at the vitelarium. Such a clear cut zone development continues intensively during the fifth instar. Finally at the end of such fifth nymph stage and when the last molt toward adults is prepared, clear signs of ovariole maturation take place since oocytes in early vitelogenesis are found.

Animals , Female , Dogs , Morphogenesis , Nymph/anatomy & histology , Nymph/cytology , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/cytology , Triatoma/anatomy & histology , Triatoma/cytology , Gonads/anatomy & histology , Gonads/cytology , Gonads/growth & development , Nymph/growth & development , Ovary/growth & development , Triatoma/growth & development
In. Carcavallo, Rodolfo U; Galíndez Girón, Itamar; Jurberg, José; Lent, Herman. Atlas dos vetores da doença de Chagas nas Américas. Rio de Janeiro, FIOCRUZ, 1998. p.449-513.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-226668


Aborda os estágios ninfais da eclosäo do ovo até chegar à fase adulta

Disease Vectors , Nymph/anatomy & histology , Triatominae/growth & development
Rev. saúde pública ; 29(6): 488-95, dez. 1995. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-162230


Sobre Alberprosenia malheiroi n. sp. deu-se a conhecer uma diagnose resumida em 1980, porém sem valor bibliográfico. Em 1987, publicou-se a mesma diagnose anexando uma foto e alguns comentários, porém sem realizar uma descriçäo formal. Descreve-se para esta espécie, os adultos, os estádios imaturos, determina-se a série sintípica e apresenta-se dados bionômicos e de criaçäo em insetário. As diferenças mais evidentes com A. goyovargasi, a única espécie que se conhecia do gênero até entäo, säo a coloraçäo geral negra, o espaço interocular maior que o tamanho de um olho visto dorsalmente, os tubérculos do colar com o ápice agudo e o tamanho maior, na nova espécie, quase o dobro do da primeira espécie. Os ovos säo pequenos, fixados ao substrato em grupos de 3 ou 4, elipsóides, näo achatados lateralmente, com o opérculo proeminente, convexo, sem estruturas evidentes. As ninfas apresentam em todos os estádios caracteres típicos do gênero e da tribo, com regiäo anteocular menos longa que a post-ocular e característica pilosidade do tegumento que vai se acentuando a cada estádio. A. malheiroi n. sp. foi capturado em ecótopos silvestres em palmeiras em floresta no Estado do Pará, associados com morcegos ou aves. Nenhum dos exemplares estava infectado com Trypanosoma cruzi. Esses triatomíneos foram mantidos em insetários a ñ 25ºC e ñ 60 por cento UR, säo insetos ágeis e voam com relativa facilidade. Alimentaram-se bem em pombos e morcegos e näo aceitaram alimentaçäo em ratos, camundongos ou hamsters. O período de incubaçäo dos ovos foi em média 13 dias e o tempo de evoluçäo do período ninfal foi em média 132 dias

Animals , Ovum/physiology , Triatominae/classification , Nymph/growth & development , Triatominae/anatomy & histology , Triatominae/growth & development , Disease Vectors , Insect Vectors , Nymph/anatomy & histology