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Rev. guatemalteca cir ; 27(1): 10-12, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1371866


Insuficiencia venosa es definida como la patología que causa síntomas en los miembros inferiores, incluyendo edema, hiperpigmentación, lipodermatoesclerosis y ulceración e implica una anormalidad funcional del sistema venoso. Objetivo: Se compararon los resultados en cuanto a complicaciones y satisfacción reportada por las pacientes, con la Escleroterapia con Polidocanol utilizando aire y agua como diluyente. Métodos: Se incluyeron en el estudio a 60 pacientes del sexo femenino con diagnóstico de Insuficiencia Venosa Superficial CEAP C1, divididas en dos grupos, a las cuales se les aplicó Escleroterapia con Polidocanol mezclado con agua y aire. Se realizó seguimiento durante cuatro semanas donde se recogió la información del paciente con respecto a la mejoría de los síntomas antes de iniciar el tratamiento y los efectos adversos del Polidocanol con ambas terapias. Resultados: Dentro de las complicaciones de ambos tratamientos únicamente fue reportado el Matting en rango leve durante la primera semana. El único síntoma reportado como severo fue Dolor en la escleroterapia con polidocanol mezclado con aire. Los demás signos síntomas fueron reportados dentro del rango de moderado el cual descendió hasta leve entre la segunda y tercera semana, no encontrando reportes a la cuarta semana. La única complicación reportada fue el Matting en la escleroterapia con polidocanol mezclado con aire. Conclusión: No se encontraron diferencias significativas en grado de satisfacción con la eficacia del tratamiento, los efectos adversos, la forma en que se administra el medicamento entre ambos tratamientos de escleroterapia, oscilando los rangos de satisfacción entre el 43 al 70%. (AU)

Venous insufficiency is defined as the pathology that causes symptoms in the lower limbs, including edema, hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis and ulceration and implies a functional abnormality of the venous system. Objective: The results in terms of complications and satisfaction reported by the patients were compared with Sclerotherapy with Polidocanol using air and water as diluent. Methods: 60 female patients with a diagnosis of Superficial Venous Insufficiency CEAP C1 were included in the study, divided into two groups, to which Sclerotherapy with Polidocanol mixed with water and air was applied. A follow-up was carried out for four weeks where information from the patient was collected regarding the improvement of symptoms before starting treatment and the adverse effects of Polidocanol with both therapies. Results: Within the complications of both treatments, only Matting was reported in a mild range during the first week. The only symptom reported as severe was pain in sclerotherapy with polidocanol mixed with air. The other signs and symptoms were reported within the moderate range, which decreased to mild between the second and third week, finding no reports at the fourth week. The only complication reported was Matting in sclerotherapy with polidocanol mixed with air. Conclusion: No significant differences were found in the degree of satisfaction with the efficacy of the treatment, the adverse effects, the way in which the drug is administered between both sclerotherapy treatments, the satisfaction ranges ranging from 43 to 70%. (AU)

Humans , Female , Sclerosing Solutions/therapeutic use , Venous Insufficiency/therapy , Sclerotherapy/methods , Polidocanol/therapeutic use , Sclerosing Solutions/adverse effects , Sclerotherapy/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome , Hyperpigmentation/chemically induced , Lower Extremity/blood supply , Polidocanol/adverse effects
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200178, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279398


Resumo Contexto A insuficiência venosa crônica é uma entidade com alta prevalência. Os casos avançados apresentam morbidade elevada. Objetivos Avaliar os riscos e benefícios da escleroterapia com espuma de polidocanol em pacientes que foram submetidos ao tratamento das veias safenas magnas bilateralmente em tempo único. Métodos Foram revistos retrospectivamente 55 pacientes (110 membros) portadores de incompetência bilateral das veias safenas magnas submetidas a tratamento escleroterápico com espuma bilateralmente, em tempo único, usando uma dose máxima de 20 mL de espuma de polidocanol por paciente. Resultados Das 110 safenas analisadas, obteve-se a oclusão de 81 (73,6%) com uma sessão, de 106 (96,3%) com duas sessões e de 110 (100%) com três sessões. Houve oclusão bilateral das safenas magnas em 27 pacientes (50%) em uma sessão, em 34 (62%) em duas sessões e em 55 (100%) em três sessões. De 11 pacientes portadores de úlceras, houve cicatrização total de sete (63%) e parcial de três (27%) 42 dias após a escleroterapia. Houve lipotimia autolimitada e escotomas visuais em um paciente (1,8%) e manchas em três (5,45%); 19 pacientes (34,5%) foram submetidos a punção para drenagem de coágulo retido. Conclusões A escleroterapia com espuma de polidocanol em veias safenas magnas em tempo único mostrou-se uma técnica segura e eficaz em pacientes selecionados.

Abstract Background Chronic venous insufficiency is a highly prevalent disease. Advanced cases have high morbidity. Objectives To evaluate the risks and benefits of foam sclerotherapy in patients who underwent bilateral treatment of the great saphenous veins in a single procedure, in selected cases of advanced venous insufficiency. Methods We retrospectively reviewed 55 patients (110 limbs) with bilateral incompetence of the great saphenous veins who had undergone foam sclerotherapy treatment bilaterally, using a maximum dose of 20 ml of foam per patient and inelastic compression. Results In 81 (73.6%) of the 110 saphenous veins analyzed, occlusion was obtained in the first session. After a second session this figure rose to 106 (96.3%) and all 110 (100%) veins were occluded after three sessions. Bilateral occlusion of the great saphenous veins was achieved in 27 patients (50%) in one session, in 34 (62%) patients in two sessions, and in 55 (100%) patients in three sessions. At 42 days after sclerotherapy, there was complete ulcer healing in seven (63%) of the 11 patients with ulcers and partial healing in 3 (27%) of these patients. One patient (1.8%) had self-limited lipothymia and visual scotomas, 3 patients (5.45%) had skin spots, and 19 patients (34.5%) developed retained intravascular coagulum. Conclusions Bilateral foam sclerotherapy in a synchronous procedure is an option to be considered for treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Saphenous Vein/physiopathology , Sclerotherapy/instrumentation , Polidocanol/therapeutic use , Varicose Veins/therapy , Venous Insufficiency , Sclerotherapy/methods , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions
J. vasc. bras ; 19: e20190112, 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056670


Resumo A formação de linfocele, resultante da transecção dos canais linfáticos durante procedimentos cirúrgicos ou traumas, é relativamente comum, sendo relatada em aproximadamente 30% dos pós-operatórios de ressecção de linfonodos. Ela pode evoluir assintomática ou pode apresentar complicações, como dor, infecção secundária, compressão de vasos sanguíneos, a qual evolui para estase, trombose e edema. Seu tratamento ainda é de difícil consenso. Este artigo propõe descrever três casos em que o tratamento foi realizado a partir de ecoescleroterapia com polidocanol. Sua relevância está na escassez de relatos na literatura.

Abstract Formation of lymphocele secondary to transection of lymphatic channels during surgical procedures or traumas is relatively common and is reported in the postoperative period of approximately 30% of lymph node resection procedures. The condition may be asymptomatic or can present with complications such as pain, secondary infection, and compression of blood vessels, which can cause stasis, thrombosis, and edema. There is no consensus on treatment. This article describes three cases in which treatment was provided using polidocanol echosclerotherapy. Its relevance lies in the scarcity of reports in the literature.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Lymphocele/therapy , Sclerotherapy/methods , Polidocanol/therapeutic use , Postoperative Period , Sclerotherapy/instrumentation , Lymphatic Vessels/injuries , Edema
Paraguay Oral Research ; 8(1): 47-54, julio 2019.
Article in Spanish | BDNPAR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1021725


El hemangioma, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), es una neoplasia vascular benigna, caracterizada por la proliferación anormal de vasos sanguíneos, se presenta como una lesión única, pudiéndose observar en cualquier parte del organismo, sin embargo es más incidente en el área de cabeza y cuello, con predominio en los labios, en la lengua y en la mucosa yugal. Técnicamente, su exrpación quirúrgica es dicil y desafiante, al estar cargada con complicaciones como hemorragia, escisión incompleta, desfiguración facial y recurrencia. Objevo: relatar el caso clínico de un paciente con hemangioma lingual tratado con Polidocanol al 0,5%. Se necesitaron de 4 sesiones de aplicación del agente esclerosaste para que retrocediera completamente la lesión donde en cada infiltración se ulizó 1ml y en la úlma sesión 0.7 ml, logrando en esta úlma obtener la desaparición de la lesión por lo que el pronósco fue bueno. Conclusión: De acuerdo a los resultados de este trabajo el uso del Polidocanol al 0.5% en tratamientos de hemangioma linguales resulta ser una técnica bastante efecva, ya que con su prácca nos da una disminución del volumen de dicha lesión

The hemangioma, according to theWorldHealthOrganizaon (WHO), is a benign vascular neoplasm, characterized by the abnormal proliferaon of blood vessels, it presents as a single lesion, it can be found anywhere in the body, however it is more incident in thearea of the head and neck, predominantlyonthelips, onthetongue and onthejugal mucosa. Technically, its surgical removal is difficult and challenging, incomplete disease, facial disfigurement and recurrence. Objecve: to report the clinical case of a paentwith lingual hemangioma treatedwith 0.5% Polidocanol. iook 4 sessions of applicaon of thesclerosingagent to completelyretrachelesionwhere 1 ml wasused in eachinfiltraon and 0.7 ml in thelastsession, obtainingthedisappear of thelesion in thelaer, so the prognosis wasgood. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the use of Polidocanol at 0.5% in lingual hemangioma treatmentsis a very effecve technique, and with its pracce we have a decrease in the volume of this lesion

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sclerosing Solutions/therapeutic use , Tongue Neoplasms/drug therapy , Polidocanol/therapeutic use , Hemangioma/drug therapy , Sclerosing Solutions/administration & dosage , Polidocanol/administration & dosage