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Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(3): 220-224, Mar. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251307


Abstract Acute pancreatitis is a rare condition in pregnancy, associated with a high mortality rate. Hypertriglyceridemia represents its second most common cause.We present the case of a 38-year-old woman in the 24th week of gestation with a history of hypertriglyceridemia and recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. She was admitted to our hospital with acute pancreatitis due to severe hypertriglyceridemia. She was stabilized and treated with fibrates. Despite her favorable clinical course, she developed a second episode of acute pancreatitis complicated by multi-organ dysfunction and pancreatic necrosis, requiring a necrosectomy. The pregnancy was ended by cesarean section, after which three plasmapheresis sessions were performed. She is currently asymptomatic with stable triglyceride levels. Acute pancreatitis due to hypertriglyceridemia represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in pregnant women, associated with serious maternal and fetal complications. When primary hypertriglyceridemia is suspected, such as familial chylomicronemia syndrome, the most important objective is preventing the onset of pancreatitis.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis , Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing/diagnosis , Hyperlipoproteinemia Type I/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , APACHE , Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing/complications , Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Hyperlipoproteinemia Type I/complications , Hyperlipoproteinemia Type I/diagnostic imaging
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(1): 120-133, feb. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388626


OBJETIVOS: reportar el caso de una paciente con gestación gemelar monocorial-biamniótica complicada por secuencia TRAP que dio lugar al nacimiento de un feto bomba de 1932 gramos sin malformaciones anatómicas y de un feto acardio anceps de 1800 gramos, y realizar una revisión sobre esta patología y la importancia de su diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se presenta el caso de un feto acardio en una gestante con embarazo sin control estricto en el Hospital San Pedro de Logroño en el año 2019, de interés por su diagnóstico tardío y elevado peso al nacimiento del feto acardio. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos Medline vía PubMed, OVID, Embase y SciE-LO con las palabras clave DeCS y términos MeSH. Como criterios de inclusión se consideraron artículos tipo series y reportes de casos y artículos de revisión desde enero de 1950 hasta enero de 2020. RESULTADOS: la búsqueda incluyó 39 referencias bibliográficas sobre las que se repasaron las principales cuestiones teóricas a exponer. El peso del feto acardio de nuestro caso fue muy elevado sin provocar repercusión en el feto sano, en comparación con la bibliografía, lo que aporta singularidad al caso, siendo sólo equiparable la serie de casos de Brassard et al (1999), con pesos de los fetos acardio por encima de 1700 gramos y diferenciándose en 100 gramos del feto bomba. CONCLUSIONES: el feto acardio es una complicación infrecuente de embarazos gemelares monocoriales. Se requiere la presencia de anastomosis vasculares placentarias entre ambas circulaciones. El diagnóstico precoz es importante para disminuir la morbilidad y usar, en la medida de lo posible, técnicas terapéuticas no invasivas.

OBJECTIVES: to report the case of a patient with a monochorionic-biamniotic twin gestation complicated by TRAP sequence that gave rise to the birth of a pump fetus without anatomical malformations (1932 g) and an acardiac anceps fetus (1800 g), and to review this pathology and the importance of its early diagnosis and management. MATERIAL AND METHODS: the case of an acardiac fetus is presented in a pregnant woman without strict control at the Hospital San Pedro de Logroño in 2019, worthwhile because of its late diagnosis and high birth weight. A search of the literature was carried out in the Medline databases via PubMed, OVID, Embase and SciELO with the MeSH terms. As inclusion criteria, we considered series-type articles and case reports, cohorts and review articles from January 1950 to January 2020. RESULTS: 39 bibliographic references were included with the main theoretical questions to be reviewed. Our acardiac fetus weight was very high comparing with the bibiography and without causing repercussion in the healthy fetus, which contributes to the uniqueness of the case, only the series report by Brassard et al (1999) is comparable, with weights of the acardiac fetus above 1700 grams and differing by 100 grams from the pump fetus. CONCLUSIONS: the acardiac fetus is an infrequent complication of monochorionic twin pregnancies. The presence of placental vascular anastomoses between both circulations is required. Early diagnosis is important to decrease morbidity and to use, as far as possible, non-invasive therapeutic techniques.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Diseases in Twins/diagnostic imaging , Fetofetal Transfusion/diagnostic imaging , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnostic imaging , Perfusion , Pregnancy, Multiple , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Placental Circulation , Fetal Heart/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy, Twin , Anencephaly/diagnostic imaging
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(1): 97-103, feb. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388636


RESUMEN La rotura del útero gestante se define como una solución de continuidad patológica de la pared uterina, situada con mayor frecuencia en el segmento inferior. La rotura de un útero intacto es muy rara, su incidencia está estimada entre 1/5700 y 1/20000 embarazos. Su prevalencia ha aumentado dado el incremento de parto vaginal con cesárea anterior. Actualmente oscila entre el 0.3 y el 1 %, siendo mayor en mujeres en las que tiene lugar un intento de parto vaginal tras cesárea (0,78%) que en aquellas en las que se lleva a cabo una cesárea electiva (0,22%). En cuanto a su diagnóstico, suele ser precoz, dada la clínica de gravedad con la que debutan. En este caso se presenta una evolución atípica de rotura uterina, donde la paciente se mantiene asintomática hasta que acude a urgencias cinco días después del parto con fiebre y dolor abdominal; gracias a la ecografía abdominal y trans-vaginal se pudo establecer rápidamente el diagnóstico y así proceder a su inmediata reparación quirúrgica.

ABSTRACT Rupture of the pregnant uterus is defined as a solution of pathological continuity of the uterine wall, most often located in the lower segment. The rupture of an intact uterus is very rare, its incidence is estimated between 1/5700 and 1/20000 pregnancies. Its prevalence has increased given the increase in vaginal delivery with previous caesarean section. Currently, it ranges between 0.3 and 1%, being higher in women with a vaginal delivery after caesarean section (0.78%) than in those who undergo an elective caesarean section (0.22%). Their diagnosis is usually early given by the severity of the debut. In this case, there is an atypical evolution of uterine rupture where the patient remains asymptomatic until she goes to the emergency room five days after delivery with fever and abdominal pain; Because of the abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound, the diagnosis could be quickly established and thus proceed to immediate surgical repair.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Uterine Rupture/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/surgery , Uterine Rupture/surgery , Fever/etiology
Femina ; 49(5): 309-313, 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290569


Introdução: A gravidez heterotópica é um fenômeno obstétrico muito raro em concepções espontâneas no qual gestações tópica e ectópica coexistem. O diagnóstico é difícil, mas, se realizado precocemente, o prognóstico é favorável. Descrição do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, de 35 anos de idade, admitida com quadro de dor abdominal e pequeno sangramento vaginal. Diagnosticada precocemente e tratada cirurgicamente por gravidez heterotópica naturalmente concebida. Como resultado, a gravidez tópica seguiu sem intercorrências. Conclusão: Esse caso enfatiza a necessidade de considerar esse diagnóstico diferencial e analisar clínica e ecograficamente as características globais da pelve, mesmo na ausência de fatores de risco em gestações tópicas.(AU)

Introduction: Heterotopic pregnancy (HP) is a rare obstetric phenomenon in spontaneous conceptions in which intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies coexist. The diagnosis is difficult, but, if performed early, the prognosis is favorable. Case description: A 35-year-old woman was admitted with abdominal pain and light vaginal bleeding. She was early diagnosed and surgically treated for a naturally conceived heterotopic pregnancy. As a result, the intrauterine pregnancy went on healthily. Conclusion: This case emphasizes the need to regard HP as a differential diagnosis and analyze the global pelvis characteristics both clinically and in ultrasound scans, even in the absence of risk factors when dealing with intrauterine pregnancies.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/surgery , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy, Tubal/surgery , Pregnancy, Tubal/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy, Heterotopic/surgery , Pregnancy, Heterotopic/diagnostic imaging , Uterine Hemorrhage/complications , Fertilization
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 17(3): eRC4570, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011990


ABSTRACT Vesicouterine fistula is a rare condition. Its incidence, however, has been increasing due to the higher incidence of cesarean sections. The presence of a live fetus inside the bladder who passed through a vesicouterine fistula is an extremely rare situation. We report a case of woman who underwent two previous cesarean sections, was referred to a hospital due to mild pelvic pain and genital bleeding. At the moment, physical examination was normal. Ultrasound scan revealed a gestational sac inserted into the anterior wall of the uterus, with a living fetus of approximately 13 weeks, with active body movement and normal heart rate inside it. The fetal abdomen, around the waist, was stuck at the opening of a vesicouterine fistula, so that the fetal head and trunk were entirely into the bladder cavity, while lower limbs remained at the uterine cavity. Laparotomy was performed, the fistulous tract was excised, the fetus (without heart beating) was removed on opening the bladder, and the uterine cavity was emptied. The defects in the bladder and uterus were repaired. The postoperative period was uneventful. A live fetus inside the urinary bladder is a rare condition the continuation of pregnancy is unlikely and the vesicouterine correction can be made by the time of surgical intervention.

RESUMO A fístula vesicouterina é uma condição rara. Sua incidência, no entanto, vem aumentando, devido à maior incidência de cesáreas. A presença de feto vivo dentro da bexiga por meio de uma fístula vesicouterina constutui situação extremamente rara. Relatamos o caso de uma mulher com duas cesarianas anteriores encaminhada para o hospital devido à dor pélvica leve e sangramento genital. Na hospitalização, o exame físico estava normal. A ultrassonografia revelou saco gestacional inserido na parede anterior do útero com feto vivo de aproximadamente 13 semanas, com movimento corporal ativo e frequência cardíaca normal. O abdômen fetal, ao redor da cintura, estava preso na abertura de uma fístula vesicouterina de modo que a cabeça e o tronco fetais estavam totalmente dentro da cavidade da bexiga, enquanto os membros inferiores permaneciam na cavidade uterina. A laparotomia foi realizada, o trajeto fistuloso foi excisado, o feto (que estava sem batimento cardíaco) foi removido ao abrir a bexiga, sendo a cavidade uterina esvaziada. Além disso, foram reparados os defeitos na bexiga e no útero. O pós-operatório transcorreu sem intercorrências. Feto vivo dentro da bexiga é uma condição rara, e a continuidade da gravidez é improvável, sendo que a correção vesicouterina pode ser feita no momento da intervenção cirúrgica.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/surgery , Urinary Bladder Fistula/surgery , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Uterine Diseases/surgery , Uterine Diseases/etiology , Uterine Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Ultrasonography , Urinary Bladder Fistula/etiology , Urinary Bladder Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Laparotomy
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 44(2): 1-11, abr.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1003945


La mola hidatiforme coexistente con un feto vivo es una entidad infrecuente que se caracteriza por la degeneración hidrópica de las vellosidades coriales, hiperplasia del trofoblasto y evidencia macroscópica de un feto. El objetivo del trabajo fue describir el caso clínico de una paciente con diagnóstico de mola parcial y edad gestacional de 23 semanas. Presentamos una paciente de 31 años remitida de consulta de perinatología con 22,5 semanas de gestación, tensión arterial elevada, signo de más y ecografía con 20 semanas que describe placenta con lagos venosos; con antecedentes de alfafetoproteína elevada. En el hospital empeoró su estado con una preeclampsia agravada, y con ecografía evolutiva que describe placenta de 71 mm, con múltiples lagos venosos. Se plantea posible enfermedad trofoblástica y se discute para interrupción del embarazo. Se realizó microcesárea, se obtiene feto muerto femenino de 600 gramos, con placenta de 400 gramos con múltiples vesículas que recuerdan la mola parcial, diagnóstico que se confirma posteriormente con estudio histopatológico. En la mola parcial, el embrión rara vez sobrevive hasta el segundo trimestre. Si no se realizan pruebas citogenéticas, posiblemente no se diagnostiquen porque los cambios histológicos suelen ser sutiles. La clínica, la fracción beta de la gonadotropina coriónica y el estudio de la placenta, el feto o ambos, son los que permitirán realizar el diagnóstico definitivo para determinar el seguimiento y disminuir las complicaciones(AU)

The hydatidiform mole coexisting with a living fetus is a rare entity that is characterized by hydropic degeneration of the chorionic villi, hyperplasia of the trophoblast and macroscopic evidence of a fetus. The objective of the study was to describe the clinical case of a patient with a diagnosis of partial mole and gestational age of 23 weeks. We present a 31-year-old patient referred for perinatology consultation with 22.5 weeks of gestation, high blood pressure, plus sign and ultrasound with 20 weeks describing placenta with venous lakes; and history of high alpha-fetoprotein. In the hospital, her condition worsened with aggravated preeclampsia, and with an evolving ultrasound, that describes a 71 mm placenta with multiple venous lakes. Possible trophoblastic disease arises and is discussed for termination of pregnancy. Micro-cesarean surgery was performed, a female fetus weighing 600 grams was obtained, a placenta of 400 grams with multiple vesicles that resemble partial mole. This diagnosis is later confirmed with histopathological study. In partial mole, the embryo rarely survives until the second trimester. If cytogenetic tests are not performed, they may not be diagnosed because the histological changes are usually subtle. The clinic, the beta fraction of the chorionic gonadotropin and the study of the placenta, the fetus or both, are the ones that will make the definitive diagnosis to determine the follow-up and decrease the complications(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Hydatidiform Mole/complications , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/epidemiology
Rev. chil. radiol ; 23(4): 174-179, dic. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900125


Resumen: Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en la implementación de resonancia magnética fetal en alteraciones del sistema nervioso en un centro de alto nivel en Cali - Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo observacional retrospectivo. Se analizaron los casos de resonancia magnética fetal (RMF) entre septiembre del 2011 y abril del 2017. Se registró y analizó la información demográfica, clínica e imagenológica disponible en los informes radiológicos e historia clínica. Resultados: Se analizaron 36 estudios de RMF cerebral, la edad promedio de las pacientes fue 29.7 ± 5.2 años, la edad gestacional promedio fue 31.8 ± 3.5 semanas. El hallazgo más frecuente fue ventriculomegalia en 47.2% de casos (n= 17), patologías adquiridas n=6 (16.7%), alteraciones del tubo neural n=5 (13.9%), y anormalidades del cuerpo calloso n=3 (8.3%). Cuatro pacientes tuvieron estudio postnatal. Conclusión: La frecuencia de anomalías cerebrales encontradas en esta revisión es congruente con lo reportado en la literatura.

Abstract: Objective: To describe the experience with the use of fetal magnetic resonance in alterations of the nervous system, in a high level center in Cali - Colombia. Methods: A retrospective observational descriptive study was made. We analyzed all cases of fetal MRI between September 2011 and April 2017. Demographic, clinical and imagenological information were reviewed. Including age, gestational age, type of gestation, study indication and imagenological fidings. Results: 36 fetal brain MRI were analyzed. The average age of cases was 29.7 ± 5.2 years-old with an average of 31.8 ± 3.5 weeks of gestation. All cases were single gestation. The most frequent result was ventriculomegaly n=17(47.2%), acquired pathologies n=6 (16.7%), neural tube anormalities n=5(13.9%), and corpus callosum anomalies n=3(8.3%). Conclusions: The frequencies of fetal cerebral anomalies found in this study were congruent with literature.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Cerebrum/diagnostic imaging , Nervous System/growth & development , Nervous System/diagnostic imaging
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 43(3): 136-142, jul.-set. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901320


El embarazo ectópico cornual o intersticial es una entidad rara, con alta morbilidad y mortalidad materna. El objetivo del trabajo es presentar un caso de embarazo ectópico cornual y tratado conservadoramente en el Hospital Ciro Redondo García. Artemisa. Cuba. La paciente es una mujer de 26 años que se atiende por infertilidad secundaria, quien acudió a consulta por amenorrea de 7 semanas, con prueba positiva para hormona gonadotrófica coriónica en orina. La ecografía mostró una imagen compatible con saco gestacional en región cornual derecha sin actividad cardíaca. La cavidad endometrial estaba vacía. Es tratada con dos dosis de metotrexate y conducta expectante. No presentó complicación en relación al embarazo ectópico cornual ni al uso del metotrexate y a los seis meses tuvo un nuevo embarazo que cursó sin complicaciones. El diagnóstico precoz del embarazo ectópico cornual y el uso de metotrexate representan una opción de tratamiento médico conservador y eficaz que evita la intervención quirúrgica(AU)

The cornual ectopic pregnancy is a rare entity, with high morbilidad and maternal mortality. The objective of paper is to present a case of cornual ectopic pregnancy treated conservatively at Ciro Redondo García Hospital, Artemisa, Cuba. The patient is a 26-year-old woman who was treated for secondary infertility, she attended the consultation for amenorrhea of 7 weeks, with positive test for HGC in urine. The ultrasound showed an image compatible with a gestational sac in the right cornual region without cardiac activity. The endometrial cavity was empty. She was treated with two doses of methotrexate and watchful waiting. There was no complication in relation to ectopic cornual pregnancy or the use of methotrexate and at six months. She had a new pregnancy with no complications. The early diagnosis of cornual ectopic pregnancy and the use of methotrexate represent a conservative and effective medical treatment option that avoids surgical intervention(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Methotrexate/therapeutic use , Pregnancy, Cornual/drug therapy , Pregnancy, Cornual/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies
Femina ; 45(3): 178-184, set. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050720


Introdução: O uso da ultrassonografia tem sido importante no âmbito da obstetrícia e a introdução da Dopplervelocimetria angariou vantagens no auxílio da avaliação da vitalidade fetal. O uso do Doppler da artéria umbilical tem apresentado melhores resultados perinatais, especialmente em fetos com RCF (restrição de crescimento fetal). A vigilância fetal em casos de RCF é indispensável na determinação do momento ideal para a interrupção da gestação, a fim de se minimizar o risco tanto de uma interrupção excessivamente prematura quanto o de um óbito fetal potencialmente evitável. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão da literatura, a fim de avaliar o melhor momento da interrupção da gestação em fetos com RCF com Doppler da artéria umbilical alterado. Metodologia: Foi utilizada como fonte de pesquisa a base de dados eletrônica PubMed/Medline. Foram incluídos estudos randomizados que avaliaram especificamente o Doppler da artéria umbilical como método diagnóstico na decisão quanto ao momento da interrupção da gestação em situações de RCF. Foram localizados 89 resultados com a estratégia de busca, dentre os quais 22 foram considerados potencialmente elegíveis e revisados integralmente, e apenas 2 foram definitivamente elegíveis, ambos referentes a um único estudo. Resultados: Os dois artigos selecionados são estudos clínicos multicêntricos randomizados controlados, sendo que um revela os resultados a curto prazo, com 548 gestantes entre 24 e 36 semanas de gestação, e o outro, os resultados após 2 anos de acompanhamento, com 588 crianças que desenvolveram RCF durante a gestação. Os desfechos avaliados em ambos os estudos (óbito fetal ou neonatal e comprometimento neurológico no longo prazo) não foram significativamente diferentes entre grupos em que, após o diagnóstico de diástole umbilical comprometida, se realizou a interrupção precoce após corticoterapia versus vigilância com interrupção mais tardia, mediante piora no padrão do Doppler umbilical. Conclusão: Não é possível utilizar apenas o Doppler da artéria umbilical para indicar a interrupção da gestação em fetos com RCF, devendo-se associar outros métodos para a avaliação da vitalidade fetal. Mais ensaios clínicos randomizados são necessários para elucidar esta questão.(AU)

Introduction: The use of ultrassonography has been an important development in the field of obstetrics, and the introduction of Doppler assessment has gathered many advantages in the evaluation of fetal well-being. Umbilical artery Doppler has demonstrated the best perinatal results, especially in fetal growth restriction (FGR). Fetal surveillance, in these scenarios, is invaluable in determining the ideal moment for delivery, avoiding both an excessively and unnecessarily premature interruption, and a preventable intrauterine fetal demise due to an inappropriately delayed delivery. Objective: To perform a review of the literature, with the objective to evaluate the best moment of interruption of gestation in fetuses with FGR and an abnormal umbilical artery Doppler. Methodology: Electronic database PubMed/ MEDLINE was used to search and locate the studies. Randomized trials which specifically studied umbilical artery Doppler as a decision-making diagnostic study among fetuses with growth restriction were considered for inclusion in this review. There were 89 results retrieved with the search strategy, among which 22 were selected as potentially eligible, and only 2 were definitely included (both from a single study). Results: Both included papers are multicentric randomized controlled trials, the first reporting short term outcomes of 548 pregnancies between 24 and 36 weeks, and the second one reporting long-term outcomes of 588 children who had FGR, after two years of follow-up. Both short term outcomes (fetal or neonatal death) and long-term outcomes (death or disability) were not significantly different when, after diagnosing compromised umbilical end diastolic flow, immediate delivery was compared with expectant management and delayed delivery after worsening of the umbilical Doppler pattern. Conclusion: It is not possible to use only umbilical artery Doppler to decide whether to deliver a FGR or not, and that other fetal assessment methods should be associated. More randomized trials are needed to definitely answer this question.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Umbilical Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Doppler , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Prenatal Care/methods , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Abortion, Legal , Fetal Distress
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 42(4): 493-501, sep.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-845027


El ductus arterioso es una derivación que conecta la arteria pulmonar con el arco aórtico el que permite la descarga del ventrículo derecho sin pasar por la alta resistencia de los pulmones. La permeabilidad del conducto arterioso se mantiene durante la gestación por las prostaglandinas producidas especialmente PGE2, que circulan a nivel local, especialmente PGE2, y la baja saturación de oxígeno fetal. Se trata de una paciente que desde la semana 20 de gestación es diagnosticada de cólico renal con la necesidad de varios ingresos y colocación de catéter doble J por parte de Urología y la cual recibió tratamiento con paracetamol intravenoso y oral. Los controles ecográficos obstétricos a los largo de la gestación fueron normales hasta que en semana 32, cuando ingresa de nuevo por cuadro sospechoso de cólico renal tratado con Paracetamol, se objetivan en ecografía hallazgos compatibles con restricción precoz del ductus arterioso. Se indicó suspender el paracetamol y los cambios se redujeron en las 48 horas posteriores y casi desaparecieron por completo una semana tras la retirada de la medicación. La gestación llegó a término y el recién nacido presentó un ecocardiograma postnatal normal. Recomendamos la restricción de los analgésicos no opiáceos en el tercer trimestre y el seguimiento con Doppler del conducto arterioso en los casos en que se requiriera usarlos(AU)

Ductus arteriosus is a derivation that connects the pulmonary artery with the aortic arch and allows the discharge from the right ventricle without passing the high resistance of lungs. Permeability of the ductus arteriosus is kept during gestation because of the production of prostaglandins, particularly PGE2, which circulates locally, and the low fetal oxygen saturation. Here is a pregnant woman who, since her 20th week of gestation was diagnosed as a renal colic case. She required several admissions to hospital and placement of double J stent in the urology service and she was treated with intravenous and oral paracetamol. Obstetric ultrasound scans throughout gestation were normal until week 32, when she was admitted to hospital again for suspected renal colic and treated again with paracetamol. At that moment, findings compatible with early ductus arteriosus constriction were observed in ultrasound. It was then decided to stop the paracetamol treatment, the changes declined in the following 48 hours and they almost disappeared completely after one week after the medication withdrawal. It was finally a term pregnancy and the postnatal echocardiogram of the newborn was normal. Restricting non-opioid analgesics in the third pregnancy trimester and the follow up of the ductus arteriosus with Doppler technique when required(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Ductus Arteriosus/abnormalities , Ductus Arteriosus/drug effects , Acetaminophen/adverse effects , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Renal Colic/drug therapy , Acetaminophen/therapeutic use
Femina ; 43(6): 245-249, nov.-dez. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-771222


O fígado está entre os múltiplos órgãos que podem ser afetados na pré-eclâmpsia, e a função hepática pode ser gravemente prejudicada na síndrome HELLP. A ultrassonografia com Doppler constitui um método não invasivo que pode ser usado para o estudo da circulação hepática durante a gravidez. Com o objetivo de apresentar as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre as alterações do fluxo hepático na gravidez, foi realizada pesquisa da literatura mundial por meio das bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e LILACS. Em estudos de Dopplerfluxometria e Dopplervelocimetria, isoladamente ou associados ao eletrocardiograma e cardiografia por impedância, foram observadas alterações na circulação hepática durante a gravidez complicada por pré?eclâmpsia e síndrome HELLP. Entre os desafios para a pesquisa nesse campo destacamos a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento da técnica de exame, o estabelecimento de curvas de normalidade para as gestantes brasileiras, de indicadores de agravamento da pré?eclâmpsia e a aplicação potencial do método para o estudo da hipertensão crônica na gravidez.(AU)

The liver is among multiple organs that may be affected in pre-eclampsia, and liver function can be impaired in HELLP syndrome. Doppler ultrasonography of the liver provides a noninvasive method to study liver circulation during pregnancy. This paper reviews scientific evidence available in MEDLINE/ Pubmed and LILACS databases. Doppler studies on hepatic blood flow, flow velocities and vascular resistance indices, isolated or combined with Doppler?electrocardiography and impedance cardiography, observed changes in pregnancies complicated by pre?eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Challenges to this research topic include improvements in Doppler examination techniques, establishment of normal values for Brazilian pregnant women, predictors for severe pre?eclampsia and potential use of hepatic Doppler use in chronic hypertension as well.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnostic imaging , HELLP Syndrome/prevention & control , HELLP Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Doppler/methods , Portal System/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Databases, Bibliographic , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/prevention & control , Hepatic Artery/diagnostic imaging , Liver/physiopathology , Liver Circulation/physiology
Medical Journal of Cairo University [The]. 1997; 65 (Supp. 3): 159-168
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-45867


Transvaginal [TV] scan replaced transabdominal [TA] sonography in evaluation and scanning of certain conditions. TV and TA sonography were compared in a prospective study. A total of 88 patients [66 pelvic and 22 pregnancy] examinations were performed by two techniques at time, patients ranging in age from 14 to 60 years. The improved anatomic detail on TV scans yielded new information in 60 patients and better visualization of pelvic structures in 50 patients. Sonoclinical diagnosis was altered on the basis of TV sonographic findings in 75. Statistically comparison of the two techniques indicated that TV scanning was significantly better than TA scanning in the visualization of gestational sac content, detection of fetal heart motion, detection of twin in early pregnancy and evaluation of the endometrial canal in the retroverted or retroflexed uterus. TV scanning was significantly better than TA scanning in folliculometry, detection of ovarian mass or cyst especially with patients having leiomyomas obscuring the ovaries. Also, useful in detection of uterine small fibroids and cervical tumors staging

Humans , Female , Genital Diseases, Female/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/methods , Vagina/diagnostic imaging , Abdomen/diagnostic imaging
J Indian Med Assoc ; 1995 Aug; 93(8): 301-4, 309
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-97606


Three hundred twenty-nine cases of early pregnancy and 116 pelvic pathology studied by transabdominal sonography were compared with 81 cases of early pregnancy and 88 cases of pelvic pathology subjected to transvaginal sonography. A high frequency vaginal probe, because of its close proximity with the target organ, produces remarkably sharp image. An accurate diagnosis is possible in great majority of cases within a short time. Vaginal sonography is done with an empty bladder. A close serial monitoring of ovarian follicles, endometrium and cervical mucus with transvaginal sonography offers an immense wealth of information about the structural and reproductive endocrinal status of the patient. Ovulation can be predicted in advance. Imaging of female reproductive system by transvaginal sonography is indispensable for any modern gynaecological care and for infertility assessment in particular.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods , Vagina
Al-Azhar Medical Journal. 1995; 24 (Special Supp. A): 327-335
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-95732


One hundred twenty two pregnant patients with pregnancy induced hypertion or preeclampsia were followed prospectively by a nonstress test, biophysical profile and Doppler velocimetery of the umbilical artery. Their gestational age at delivery ranged between 34 to 41 weeks. Adverse perinatal outcome was detected in 16 patients [13.7%]. Abnormal antepartum tests were detected in 32 patients [26.2%]. Nine patients had an abnormally elevated resistance index in the umbilical artery, 4 of them abnormal perinatal outcome. Seven out of 18 patients with low Biophysical profile had abnormal perinatal outcome. Five out of 14 patients with an abnormal non-stress test had abnormal perinatal outcome. In 9 patients, more than one antepartum test was abnormal. Biophysical profile demonstrated the best sensitivity [43.8%] and umbilical artery resistance index demonstrated the best positive predictive value [44.4%]. By considering any abnormal test as a positive test result for a given patient, a market improvement in the sensitivity [81.3%] was obtained. Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical artery added some help to the prediction of fetus at risk and to the follow up of patients with pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia, and when combined with additional antepartum tests, it may our ability to predict the compromised fetus in these increase diseases

Humans , Female , Ultrasonography, Doppler , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Hypertension , Fetus
Congo méd ; : 642-647, 1993.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1260629


La surveillance echographique des grossesses a haut risque constitue une des meilleures techniques obstetricales d'exploration. Dans l'HTA de grossesse; l'echographie permet de deceler a n'importe quel moment de gestation; les defauts de croissance foetale; le degre et la forme de R.C.I.U.; et les anomalies malformatives du foetus non consecutives a l'HTA. L'echographie permet egalement de visualiser les signes structuraux de senescence de placenta; le decollement placentaire et les hematomes retroplacentaires menacant dangereusement le foetus. Les anomalies funiculaires echographiques expliquent certains R.C.I.U. Dans le diabete gestationnel; l'echographie doit chercher les malformations foetales; doit reconnaitre tous les signes de l'exces de volume foetal; la survenue de l'hydramnios et enfin doit deceler les defauts de croissance foetale et les anomalies placentaires en cas de survenue d'HTA. L'echographie dans les deux pathologies oriente et facilite; au bon moment la prise de decision obstetricale qui offre aux pediatres un enfant de bon pronostic neonatal et d'un bon avenir neuro-pschychique

Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging
J Postgrad Med ; 1992 Jul-Sep; 38(3): 115-6
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-116941


Two hundred patients in the first trimester of pregnancy presenting with complications were evaluated both clinically and by ultrasonography. The ultrasonographic interpretations were classified as either confirmatory, diagnostic or misleading based on their correlation with the clinical diagnosis. It was observed that in 51% cases sonography was confirmatory, in 41% diagnostic and in 8% misleading. Used judiciously, ultrasonography provides a reliable aid in management of early pregnancy complications.

Abortion, Spontaneous/diagnostic imaging , Female , Hospitalization , Humans , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Pregnancy, Ectopic/diagnostic imaging