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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970745


The rapid development of high-speed railway in China has proposed higher requests for the comfort level of high-speed trains. However, there is no internationally unified evaluation criterion for high-speed train comfort currently, which therefore substantially affects the comparability and standardization of research results for high-speed train comfort. This paper systematically reviews the research literature about evaluation indicators and standards related to high-speed train comfort, and finds that there is currently no unified definition, evaluation indicators, as well as evaluation criterion for high-speed train comfort. Most current evaluation criteria are based on a single indicator. Some indicators are simultaneously developed by different apartments and differ between each other, and there is no comprehensive indicator or criteria for high-speed train comfort, restricting the comparison of high-speed train comfort across regions. It is recommended that the administrative department of high-speed railroad in China should organize experts to establish a unified definition of high-speed train comfort, comprehensive evaluation indicators and relevant judgment criteria for high-speed train comfort, in face of the rapid development and globalization of high-speed trains.

China , Railroads , Reference Standards
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 30: e2023024, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448366


Resumo O artigo analisa a epidemia de gripe de 1918 em Diamantina, no interior de Minas Gerais. A partir de fontes bibliográficas e documentais, discute como o ramal ferroviário da Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas, inaugurado em 1914, contribuiu para a chegada da doença à cidade que, até então, era representada no discurso de suas elites como isolada e salubre. Aborda as imbricadas relações entre a expansão dos sistemas de transportes pelo interior do Brasil, o meio ambiente, o conhecimento científico e os processos saúde/doença.

Abstract The article analyzes the influenza epidemic in 1918 in Diamantina, a town in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Bibliographic and documental sources are used to investigate the influence of the Vitória-Minas railroad (Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas), opened in 1914, on the arrival of the disease in the town, which had until then been represented in the discourse of its elites as insalubrious and isolated. The interrelations between the spread of transportation systems across Brazil, the environment, scientific knowledge, and health-disease processes are discussed.

Railroads , Health-Disease Process , Communicable Diseases/history , Epidemics , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919 , Brazil , History, 20th Century
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 305 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517142


Introdução: Este estudo aborda o tema de investigações de acidentes do trabalho e as práticas de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho (SST) de uma empresa ferroviária metropolitana brasileira de transporte de passageiros, confrontados com os resultados encontrados pela intervenção colaborativa das sessões do método MAPA Expandido. Desde 2009, ocorreram 15 acidentes de trabalho fatais nas dependências da empresa, sendo 13 por atropelamento por trem e dois por choque elétrico. Um desses acidentes em 2011, que vitimou três trabalhadores, levou à abertura de um Inquérito Civil Público (ICP) no Ministério Público do Trabalho (MPT) para investigar as condições de SST da empresa. O MPT percebeu ao longo da investigação, que as prescrições legais de SST, que eram exigidas para a organização, que é muito complexa, não conseguiam alcançar os objetivos preventivos, visto que os acidentes fatais continuavam acontecendo. Portanto, o MPT solicitou o auxílio do grupo de pesquisa USP-UNESP para abordar uma metodologia na organização que enxergasse além das prescrições legais. Objetivo: Analisar as práticas de segurança do trabalho de uma empresa ferroviária metropolitana de transporte de passageiros, a fim de contribuir para a disseminação de uma abordagem organizacional. Métodos: Foi realizada uma análise quantitativa de uma amostra de 98 acidentes típicos de trabalho (ocorridos entre 2017 e 2020), dos quais destes, três acidentes graves, um acidente fatal e dois incidentes de alto potencial de gravidade foram selecionados para uma análise qualitativa, totalizando seis eventos indesejados, sendo que destes, cinco foram objeto de investigação em uma comissão de sindicância da empresa. Na análise qualitativa foram utilizados os métodos Modelo de Análise e Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho (MAPA), e conceitos da Gravata Borboleta, Teoria do Queijo Suíço e Teoria da Atividade Histórico-Cultural (TAHC). Além dessas análises, foram explorados os resultados da investigação que utilizou a metodologia colaborativa do MAPA Expandido com a finalidade de compreender as hipóteses de contradições históricas que auxiliaram na compreensão da ocorrência de um incidente durante a atividade de manutenção da linha férrea. Resultados: Na análise sobre os 98 acidentes, a empresa conclui que dois casos (2,04%) ocorreram exclusivamente pelos atos inseguros dos trabalhadores, 28 casos (28,57%) ocorreram exclusivamente por condições inseguras e 68 casos (69,39%) ocorreram pela combinação de atos e condições inseguras. A organização utiliza a abordagem da segurança comportamental para fazer a análise e tentar prevenir novos acidentes. Foram identificadas cinco hipóteses de contradições que ajudam a entender as ocorrências, sendo a principal delas o fato da empresa intensificar e priorizar a utilização da linha férrea para o setor de circulação dos trens, enquanto a equipe de manutenção não tem tempo suficiente e se expõe a riscos e perigos para conseguir trabalhar na via permanente, o que muitas vezes interfere na confiabilidade do sistema e na produção do serviço. Conclusões: A sindicância, responsável por analisar acidentes graves/fatais e incidentes de alto potencial de gravidade, serve como meio jurídico-defensivo em vez de preventivo, no intuito da empresa se eximir de suas responsabilidades. Nas sindicâncias e em muitos dos relatórios de acidentes feitos pelos profissionais de SST (SESMT), os trabalhadores são culpabilizados pelas ocorrências, ocultando aspectos organizacionais. A gestão da segurança da empresa é voltada para a abordagem centrada no indivíduo e não evoluiu para a abordagem organizacional. A empresa ignora a existência da segurança em ação e apenas preconiza a segurança normatizada, portanto, não há um equilíbrio pertinente entre elas, visto que a gestão leva em consideração apenas o trabalho prescrito. Evidenciou-se que suas práticas de segurança são frágeis e pouco eficientes na prevenção dos acidentes.

Introduction: This study addresses the topic of work accident investigations and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) practices in a Brazilian metropolitan railway company that provides passenger transportation, in light of the findings resulting from the collaborative intervention of Expanded MAPA method sessions. Since 2009, there have been 15 fatal work accidents within the company premises, with 13 resulting from train collisions and two from electrical shocks. One of these accidents in 2011, which claimed the lives of three workers, led to the opening of a Public Civil Inquiry (PCI) at the Ministry of Public Labor Prosecution (MPLP) to investigate the OSH conditions within the company. Throughout the investigation, the MPLP realized that the legal OSH requirements, which were imposed on the highly complex organization, were unable to achieve the preventive objectives as fatal accidents continued to occur. Therefore, the MPLP sought the assistance of the research group USP-UNESP to adopt a methodology within the organization that would go beyond the legal requirements. Objective: This study aims to analyze the occupational safety practices of a metropolitan passenger railway company, with the purpose of contributing to the dissemination of an organizational approach. Methods: A quantitative analysis was conducted on a sample of 98 typical work accidents that occurred between 2017 and 2020. From this sample, three severe accidents, one fatal accident, and two incidents with high potential severity were selected for qualitative analysis, resulting in a total of six undesirable events. Five of these events were investigated by an internal company inquiry commission. The qualitative analysis employed the Model of Analysis and Prevention of Accidents (MAPA), as well as concepts from the diagram Bow-tie, Swiss Cheese Model and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). Additionally, the findings of an investigation utilizing the collaborative methodology of Expanded MAPA were explored to understand the hypotheses of historical contradictions that contributed to an incident during railway maintenance activities. Results: In the analysis of the 98 accidents, the company concluded that two cases (2.04%) occurred solely due to unsafe acts by the workers, 28 cases (28.57%) occurred solely due to unsafe conditions, and 68 cases (69.39%) occurred as a result of a combination of unsafe acts and conditions. The organization employs a behavioral safety approach to analyze these incidents and attempt to prevent future accidents. Five hypotheses of contradictions were identified to help understand these occurrences, with the primary one being the fact that the company intensifies and prioritizes the use of the railway line for train circulation, while the maintenance team lacks sufficient time and is exposed to risks and dangers in order to carry out work on the track, which often affects the reliability of the system and the service production. Conclusions: The internal inquiry commission, responsible for analyzing severe/fatal accidents and incidents with high potential severity, serves as a legal-defensive mechanism rather than a preventive one, allow with the company seeking to absolve itself of your responsibilities. In these inquiries and in many of the accident reports produced by occupational health and safety professionals, the workers are blamed for the occurrences, thereby concealing organizational aspects. The company's safety management is focused on an individual-centered approach and has not evolved towards an organizational approach. The company disregards the existence of managed safety and only advocates for rule-based safety, resulting in a lack of pertinent balance between the two, as safety management solely considers Work-as-Imagined. It has been evidenced that their safety practices are weak and inefficient in accident prevention.

Railroads , Accidents, Occupational , Occupational Health , Accident Prevention
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(supl.1): 81-101, out.-dez. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360473


Abstract This article presents the first history of Colombian zoos and one of the few contributions to the history of these institutions in Latin America. It proposes that in this region's zoos native animals tended to predominate, signaling the increasing transformation of forests and other native ecosystems into croplands and pasturelands, as well as the growing distance between people and natural environments. Colombian zoos additionally underscore the limitations of the State in its period of most rapid expansion. They reveal how private interests overshadowed the State by providing public amenities, but also how they offered unconventional solutions to certain hurdles of State formation.

Resumo Este artigo apresenta a primeira história dos zoológicos colombianos e é uma das poucas contribuições à história dessas instituições na América Latina. Nele, propõe-se que nos zoológicos dessa região predominavam animais nativos, indício da crescente transformação de florestas e outros ecossistemas nativos em terrenos agrícolas e pastos, assim como do gradativo distanciamento entre pessoas e natureza. Os zoológicos colombianos também evidenciam as limitações do Estado no período de sua mais rápida expansão. Eles revelam como os interesses privados eclipsaram o Estado fornecendo comodidades públicas, mas também como ofereceram soluções não convencionais a algumas das dificuldades na formação do Estado.

Animals , Confined Spaces , Animals, Zoo , Railroads , Roads , Colombia
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(8): 3187-3198, ago. 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP, SESSP-ISPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1285959


Resumo Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar o ambiente alimentar no interior de estações de metrô da cidade de São Paulo e descrever a disponibilidade de alimentos e bebidas segundo vulnerabilidade social da área onde as estações se localizam. Foi realizado um estudo transversal envolvendo 19 estações de metrô. Para a auditoria dos pontos comerciais e das vending machines foram utilizados instrumentos do tipo checklist. Para caracterização do local onde as estações estavam inseridas, utilizou-se o Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social. Foram encontrados 66 pontos comerciais. A mediana de pontos comerciais por estação foi a mesma em todas as categorias de vulnerabilidade social do território (mediana=2 estabelecimentos/estação). Os tipos de alimentos comercializados mais frequentes foram os de conveniência, presentes em 100% dos pontos comerciais. A vulnerabilidade do território não resultou em diferença na disponibilidade de alimentos marcadores saudáveis e não saudáveis. O ambiente alimentar das estações de metrô é marcado pela grande disponibilidade de alimentos e bebidas ultraprocessados em todos os pontos comerciais.

Abstract This study aimed to characterize the food environment within subway stations in São Paulo and describe the availability of food and drinks according to the social vulnerability of the area where the stations are located. A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 19 subway stations, and checklist instruments were used to audit outlets and vending machines. The São Paulo Social Vulnerability Index was adopted to characterize the location of the stations. Sixty-six outlets were found. The median of outlets per station was the same in all categories of the territory's social vulnerability (median=2 establishments/station). The most frequent types of food sold were convenience foods, present in all of the outlets. The territory's vulnerability did not result in a difference in the availability of healthy and unhealthy marker foods. The food environment at subway stations is marked by the high availability of ultra-processed food and drinks at all outlets.

Humans , Railroads , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cities , Fast Foods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786244


Awake intubation is indicated in difficult airways if attempts at securing the airway after induction of general anesthesia may lead to harm due to potential difficulties or failure in those attempts. Conventional awake flexible bronchoscopic intubation is performed via the nasal, or less commonly, oral route. Awake oral flexible bronchoscopic intubation (FBI) via a supraglottic airway device (SAD) is a less common technique; we refer to this as ‘supraglottic airway guided’ FBI (SAGFBI). We describe ten cases with anticipated difficult airways in which awake SAGFBI was performed. After sedation and adequate airway topicalization, an Ambu Auragain™ SAD was inserted. A flexible bronchoscope, preloaded with a tracheal tube, was then inserted through the SAD. Finally, the tracheal tube was railroaded over the bronchoscope, through the SAD and into the trachea. The bronchoscope and the SAD were carefully removed, whilst keeping the tracheal tube in-situ. The technique was successful and well tolerated by all patients, and associated complications were rare. It also offered the advantages of performing an ‘awake test insertion’ of the SAD, an ‘awake look’ at the periglottic region, and an ‘awake test ventilation.’ In certain patients, awake SAGFBI offers advantages over conventional awake FBI or awake videolaryngoscopy. More research is required to evaluate its success and failure rates, and identify associated complications. Its place in difficult airway algorithms may then be further established.

Humans , Anesthesia, General , Bronchoscopes , Intubation , Laryngoscopy , Railroads , Trachea , Ventilation
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739044


PURPOSE: The Iri station explosion that occurred in 1977 was a major social disaster in Korea, caused by a fire in a train equipped with explosives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social disaster adaptation experiences of railroad workers. METHODS: This study was based on qualitative research using phenomenological methodology. Participants were six railroad workers who experienced the Iri station explosion. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with individual workers from March to June, 2018. The data analysis method was based on Colaizzi's approach. RESULTS: Experiences of railroad workers were categorized into 12 themes and the following 6 theme clusters: (1) Anxiety due to the extreme vibration and crash, (2) Terror regarding the horrible situation that one cannot face, (3) Anger about the cause of the explosion and a sense of relief about survival, (4) Confusion regarding different rumors, (5) Various efforts to return to daily life, and (6) Trauma that continues to exist. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study recommend that railroad organizations and managers should pay attention to enhance disaster preparedness and develop organizational disaster coping guidelines for members. The results of this study can help us to better understand the various aspects of the Iri station explosion of 1977.

Anger , Anxiety , Disasters , Explosions , Explosive Agents , Fires , Korea , Methods , Qualitative Research , Railroads , Statistics as Topic , Vibration
Licere (Online) ; 21(3): 299-318, set.2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-967675


Este artigo aborda dois pontos principais: i) as atividades de lazer dos trabalhadores da Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro em Rio Claro; ii) e a estratégia da empresa em prolongar o controle sobre seus funcionários até mesmo nos momentos de não trabalho, a partir da criação do Grêmio Recreativo da Paulista. A chegada dos trilhos e a instalação das oficinas da companhia ferroviária impulsionaram a formação da classe operária local, criando as bases para a emergência dos espaços de sociabilidade frequentados por esses trabalhadores. O desfrute do lazer pelos ferroviários, além de possibilitar o distanciamento momentâneo da extenuante rotina de trabalho, contribuía para o fortalecimento dos laços do grupo. A direção da Paulista, disposta a vigiar as ações de seus funcionários fora do universo fabril, empenhou-se em reger suas opções de lazer, fundando um clube social e recreativo destinado aos ferroviários.

This article addresses two main points: i) the leisure activities of the labourers of Companhia Paulista Railways in Rio Claro; ii) and the company's strategy to extend control over its employees even in non-work moments, since the creation of Grêmio Recreativo of Paulista. The arrival of the rails and the installation of the workshops of the railway company stimulated the formation of the local working class, creating the bases for the emergence of the spaces of sociability frequented by these labourers. The enjoyment of leisure by the railway labourers, besides allowing the temporary distance from the exhausting work routine, contributed to the strengthening of the group's ties. The management of Paulista, willing to oversee the actions of its employees outside the factory universe, committed itself to governing its leisure options, founding a social and recreational club for the railway labourers.

Humans , Railroads , Sports , Private Sector , Cultural Characteristics , Leisure Activities
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(3): 695-723, jul.-set. 2018. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-975424


Resumo O artigo analisa como a engenharia ferroviária articulou-se com a produção de fotografias no Brasil em meados do século XIX. A hipótese é a de que as exigências crescentes na execução de obras e o novo conhecimento cartográfico demandaram mais registros visuais, o que foi suprido e potencializado com o surgimento das técnicas fotográficas. Levantaram-se informações sobre registros fotográficos das estradas de ferro produzidos no Brasil após a década de 1850, a fim de analisar as características dessas imagens. A análise foi aprofundada numa série de fotografias de Marc Ferrez, por ter o maior volume de vistas ferroviárias atualmente acessível, o que possibilitou o reconhecimento de padrões nessas imagens a ponto de identificá-las como "registro fotográfico de obra".

Abstract This article analyzes how railway engineering was connected to the production of photographs in mid-nineteenth-century Brazil. The hypothesis is that growing demands related to the execution of projects and new cartographic knowledge required more visual records, which was supplied and leveraged with the emergence of photographic techniques. Data was collected on photographic records of railroads taken in Brazil after the 1850s to analyze the characteristics of these images. This analysis was further extended in a series of photographs by Marc Ferrez, since this collection contains the most views of railways currently accessible, permitting the recognition of patterns in these images to identify them as "photographic project records."

Humans , History, 19th Century , Railroads , Engineering/history , Photograph , Brazil , History, 19th Century
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762524


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to analyze environmental tobacco smoking exposure in female nonsmokers by public transportation mode using representative data of Koreans. METHODS: Data from the Second Korean National Environmental Health Survey (2012–2014) were analyzed. Urine cotinine was analyzed by public transport behavior, secondhand smoke exposure, socioeconomic factors, and health-related factors. Participants were 1322 adult females; those with the top 75% urine cotinine concentrations were assigned to the high exposure group. A logistic regression analysis was performed considering appropriate weights and stratification according to the sample design of the Second Korean National Environmental Health Survey. RESULTS: The geometric mean of urine cotinine concentrations differed according to public transportation modes: subway (1.66 μg/g creatinine) bus (1.77 μg/g creatinine), and taxi (1.94 μg/g creatinine). The odds ratio [OR] was calculated for the high exposure group. The OR of the taxi (2.39; 95% confidence interval, 1.00–5.69) was statistically significantly higher than the subway value (reference), and marginally significant after adjusted with life style, sociodemographic factors and involuntary smoking frequency (2.42, 95% confidence interval, 0.97–6.04). CONCLUSIONS: The odds ratio of passengers who mainly used taxis was marginally significantly higher than those of passengers who used subways and buses after adjusted with life style and sociodemographic factors. Implementation of supplementary measures and further studies on exposure to environmental tobacco smoking in taxis are warranted.

Adult , Female , Humans , Cotinine , Environmental Health , Life Style , Logistic Models , Motor Vehicles , Odds Ratio , Railroads , Smoking , Socioeconomic Factors , Tobacco Smoke Pollution , Nicotiana , Transportation , Weights and Measures
São Paulo; s.n; 2018. 136 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-913507


Introdução: O ritmo da vida urbana, dado pelo processo de produção, invade a vida social e acaba impondo aos cidadãos metropolitanos alguns comportamentos de consumo. No que se refere à padronização do consumo alimentar, nota-se que é cada vez mais frequente a realização de refeições fora de casa, o que contribui na persistência de ameaças para o alcance da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN), devido à alta ingestão de alimentos não saudáveis. Objetivo: Caracterizar o ambiente alimentar no interior das estações de metrô da cidade de São Paulo, sob o ponto de vista da SAN, incluindo a comercialização de alimentos e a instalação de pontos comerciais de alimentos. Métodos: Este estudo foi realizado em 19 estações distribuídas nas cinco linhas existentes do metrô administradas exclusivamente pelo Governo do Estado. Nas estações que comercializavam alimentos, foi utilizado instrumento que caracterizou: os estabelecimentos; a disponibilidade de informação para o cliente e forma de apresentação dessa informação; a disponibilidade dos itens marcadores de alimentação saudável e não saudável; os preços, promoções e propagandas de alimentos comercializados. Para a compreensão das políticas, das normas e da regulamentação da presença de estabelecimentos, foi realizada uma busca de documentos com auxílio de um roteiro e, posteriormente, foi realizada uma entrevista individual semiestruturada com o Chefe do Departamento de Negócios da Companhia. Dessa forma, foi realizada análise descritiva do comércio de alimentos em relação às variáveis coletadas e foram calculadas as frequências relativas e absolutas, médias e medianas com auxílio do programa SPSS (IBM, New York, USA). Os documentos para a instalação de pontos comerciais foram organizados em forma de textos no Word (Microsoft Word 2010) e de planilhas no Excel devidamente identificados para serem compreendidos e analisados de acordo com os itens propostos no roteiro. A entrevista transcrita serviu para complementar as informações obtidas pela análise documental, partindo do referencial teórico da SAN. Resultados: Foi observada uma baixa disponibilidade de alimentos saudáveis em relação aos alimentos não saudáveis nos pontos comerciais encontrados, sendo que, aqueles que comercializavam alimentos saudáveis os apresentavam com pouca variedade e a preços não tão competitivos em relação aos alimentos não saudáveis. Além disso, a presença de estratégias de marketing de alimentos e bebidas não saudáveis e a ocultação de informações nutricionais também foram fatores considerados como um incentivo aos alimentos não condizentes a uma alimentação adequada e saudável. Na descrição dos documentos da Companhia, o Cadastro Municipal de Vigilância em Saúde é a única \"garantia de qualidade\" dos alimentos presentes nos pontos comerciais e não são mencionados os aspectos de SAN para a comercialização de alimentos nas estações. Considerações finais: A presente investigação pode despertar o interesse do poder público na formulação de intervenções, políticas públicas e regulamentação, que considerem a realização do direito humano à alimentação adequada como um objetivo central, aplicadas a esse contexto. Uma vez que, por se tratar de um equipamento que presta serviços à população, onde circulam milhões de pessoas todos os dias, e pela existência de políticas, ações e estratégias no Brasil e na cidade de São Paulo que buscam a garantia da SAN, esse deve promover ambientes saudáveis aos seus usuários

The rhythm of urban life, given by the production process, invades the social life and ends up imposing to the metropolitan citizens some consumption behaviors. Regarding to the standardization of food consumption, it is noted that meals are increasingly frequent outside home, which contributes to the persistence of threats to the reach of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS), due to the high intake of unhealthy food. Objective: Characterize the food environment inside the subway stations of the city of Sao Paulo, in the point of view of FNS, including the food commercialization and the installation of food stores. Methods: This study was done in 19 stations distributed in the five existing subway lines administered exclusively by the State of Sao Paulo. In the stations where food was commercialized, an instrument was used to characterize: the stores; the availability of information for the customers and how this information is displayed; the availability of healthy and unhealthy food markers; the prices, sales promotions and advertisements of the commercialized food. In order to understand the policies, norms and regulation to the installation of these stores, a document search was done with the help of a script and, later, an individual semi-structured interview was made with the Business Department Chief of Metro. Thus, a descriptive analysis of the food commercialization was made in relation to the collected variables, also the relative and absolute frequencies, mean and median were calculated with the aid of the SPSS program (IBM, New York, USA). The documents for the installation of a set were arranged in text form in Word (Microsoft Word 2010) and in spreadsheets in Excel properly identified to be understood and analyzed according to the proposed items of the script. The transcribed interview was useful to complement the information obtained by the documental analysis, starting from the theoretical reference of the FNS. Results: It was noticed that there was a low availability of healthy foods in relation to unhealthy foods at the stores found, and those who sold healthy foods presented them with little variety and at prices not so competitive in relation of unhealthy foods. In addition to that, the presence of marketing strategies for unhealthy food and beverages and the concealment of nutritional information were also factors considered as an incentive for an unhealthy and not adequate food consumption. In the description of the Metro\'s documents, the Municipal Health Surveillance Register is the only \"quality assurance\" of the foods in the stores and the aspects of FNS are not mentioned for the commercialization of food in the stations. Final considerations: This investigation may arouse the interest of the public power in the formulation of interventions, public policies and regulation, which consider the human right to adequate food as a central objective, applied in this context. Since it is an equipment that provides services to the population, where millions of people circulate every day, and the existence of policies, actions and strategies in Brazil and in the city of Sao Paulo that seek for the guarantee of FNS, it should promote healthy environments for its users

Commerce , Food Security , Food Supply , Health Promotion , Railroads , Whole Foods , Nutritional Sciences
São Paulo; s.n; 2018. 91 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-906606


Introdução - O transporte ferroviário metropolitano de passageiros é um ambiente de trabalho complexo e envolve riscos para os trabalhadores, que podem acarretar em grave acidente de trabalho. Após realizar testes em novos trens, três trabalhadores caminhavam na via quando foram atingidos por trem e morreram. Objetivo - Contribuir para a disseminação da abordagem organizacional na análise de acidentes do trabalho, de modo a ultrapassar o conceito de culpa da vítima. Método - Estudo de caso realizado por meio de pesquisa em livros, artigos, jornais e documentação. Após essa etapa, foram realizadas entrevistas com trabalhadores da empresa e observações do trabalho. Foi utilizado o Modelo de Análise e Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho (MAPA), que propõe uma abordagem sistêmica do caso. Resultado - A análise do trabalho habitual mostrou falha no planejamento e organização das condições de trabalho, falha nas comunicações necessárias à coordenação de interações entre tarefas e falha na gestão da segurança do trabalho das empresas terceirizadas. A análise de mudanças mostrou que a realização da tarefa no período noturno era eventual, os trabalhadores terceirizados não conheciam o local, também mostrou que informações diferentes foram comunicadas por e-mail e por formulário interno, os trabalhadores ficaram sabendo da mudança do pátio dos trens apenas quando foram realizar a tarefa e com isso, houve atraso na tarefa, o trajeto de volta não foi planejado. A ampliação conceitual mostrou que o histórico de acidentes ocorridos na empresa não serviu de alerta, bem como, a valorização do trabalho prescrito não impede a ocorrência de acidentes, pois a tarefa ocorreu em situação de trabalho com variabilidades. Conclusão - o estudo demonstrou que quando o acidente de trabalho é tratado de maneira reducionista, como evento causado pelo comportamento inadequado sem considerar a complexidade nas formas de trabalho, a empresa deixa de identificar oportunidades de melhoria organizacional, além de não tratar de maneira preventiva os múltiplos aspectos que contribuíram para a ocorrência do evento

Introduction - Metropolitan passenger rail transport is a complex work environment and involves risks for workers, which can be availed in a serious work accident. What is done in new trios, three days of transport on the road were struck by train and died. Objective - Contribute to the dissemination of the organizational approach in the analysis of occupational accidents, in order to overcome the concept of guilt of the victim. Method - a case study carried out through research in books, articles, newspapers and documents. After this stage, interviews were conducted with company workers and observations of the work. It was used the Model of Analysis and Prevention of Accidents at Work (MAPA), which presented a case systematic. Result - The analysis of the work has been frequent in the failure of the planning and organization of the working conditions, failure in the communications for the coordination of tasks between tasks and tasks in the security of outsourced companies. The information contained in this exhibitor informed that the data were not valid, and those who were not informed about the place, were also published. What you did was not planned. A conceptual increase that made the history of occurrence indexes in the company did not serve as an alert, as well as, the valuation of the prescribed work did not prevent the occurrence of accidents, but a work situation with variabilities. Conclusion - the study showed that the work accident is treated in a reductionist way, as the event was of inappropriate behavior without considering the forms of work, a company is no longer a sign of organizational change, besides not treating preventive aspects which contributed to the occurrence of the event

Railroads , Accidents, Occupational/prevention & control , Capacity Building , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ergonomics , Case Reports , Qualitative Research
São Paulo; s.n; 2018. 78 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-969858


Introdução - No período de agosto de 2009 a setembro de 2015, doze trabalhadores morreram atropelados por trem durante exercício do labor. Pelas análises dos acidentes realizadas pela empresa de transporte ferroviário de passageiros, todas as vítimas descumpriram os normas e os procedimentos de segurança. Para solucionar o problema, a empresa propôs que os trabalhadores atendam integralmente a todos os procedimentos e normas. Objetivos - Mediar o processo de análise do trabalho feito pelos próprios trabalhadores de uma empresa pública de transporte ferroviário de passageiros, de modo a compreender e desvelar situações críticas do cotidiano de trabalho dos operadores que podem estar relacionadas às causas dos atropelamentos de trabalhadores em via férrea. Método - Análise Coletiva do Trabalho - ACT, foram realizadas duas reuniões. Resultados - A organização do trabalho está baseada em princípios da administração científica de Taylor. Pela percepção dos maquinistas e dos técnicos de manutenção de superestrutura, eles são excluídos do processo de formulação do procedimentos, o que implica no distanciamento e na fragilização da confiança entre quem planeja e executa. Conclusão - O método da ACT permitiu desvelar as dimensões da dominação burocrática presente no cotidiano dos ferroviários

Introduction - Between August 2009 and September 2015, twelve workers were killed by train during their work. From the analysis of the accidents carried out by the passenger rail company, all victims failed to comply with safety standards and procedures. To solve the problem, the company proposed that employees comply fully with all procedures and standards. Objectives - To mediate the process of analyzing the work done by the employees of a public railway transport company, in order to understand and uncover critical situations in the daily work of the operators that may be related to the causes of trampling of workers on the railroad . Method - Collective Labor Analysis, two meetings were held. Results - The organization of the work is based on principles of Taylor\'s scientific management. By the perception of the machinists and superstructure maintenance technicians, they are excluded from the process of formulating the procedures, which implies distancing and weakening trust between planners and executives. Conclusion - The ACT method allowed to reveal the dimensions of the bureaucratic domination present in the everyday life of the railway workers

Railroads , Occupational Health , Safety Management , Accidents, Occupational
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1029064


Analisar sob a ótica da Nova História Cultural os vestígios da loucura em Barbacena no conto de João Guimarães Rosa “Sorôco, sua mãe, sua fi lha”. Metodologia: O percurso metodológico contempla o universo da Nova História Cultural, pautado nas representações e apropriações apresentadas neste campo, pelo historiador Roger Chartier. Destacaram-se três categorias temáticas: As representações da loucura no “trem de doido”; Os vestígios da loucura presentes nos atos da mãe e filha de Sorôco; Convivendo com a loucura sob o olhar de Sorôco. Resultado/Discussão: O trem é descrito por Guimarães Rosa como um local inóspito, repleto de marcas da tristeza dos familiares que a cada viagem do trem embarcam seus parentes que não voltarão mais. Ele compara os vagões repletos de grades a uma prisão. O autor se propõem a caracterizar a loucura nos trejeitos, modo de vestir e atos das duas personagens, que como coadjuvantes, compuseram a representação da loucura da época. Considerações Finais: Os sentimentos apresentados pelo autor no conto estão presentes na atualidade, a sociedade ainda se indigna com tamanha cantoria e expressão dos ditos “malucos”, “loucos”, “alienados”. Os trens não tem mais celas, mas suas representações, as imagens formadas no imaginário sobre o fato histórico não podem se apagar.

History, 20th Century , History of Nursing , Mental Disorders , Railroads , History , Literature
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121289


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Although mass transit systems are convenient and efficient for urban people, little attention has been paid to the potential hearing hazard from their noise. The purpose of the current study was to measure and analyze levels of subway interior noise at peak commuter times and to provide information about commuters' daily dose of noise exposure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To measure the subway interior noise, nine subway lines inside Seoul (i.e., lines 1-9) and six lines surrounding the capital city area (i.e., Central, Bundang, Sinbundang, Incheon, Gyeongui, and Gyeongchun) were chosen. The noise was measured and recorded by a sound level meter for two-hour periods in the morning and evening. RESULTS: 1) In the LZeq analysis, the average noise level of all 15 lines was 72.78 dB; the maximum and minimum noise levels were 78.34 and 62.46 dB, respectively. The average noise level of the nine lines inside Seoul was 73.45 dB, which was 1.68-dB louder than that of the six lines surrounding the capital city area. 2) Based on the LZeq analysis of 33 measured frequencies, 12.5 Hz was the highest frequency and 20,000 Hz was the lowest. 3) There was no remarkable difference in the level of subway interior noise between morning and evening peak commuter times. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the level of subway interior noise was not loud enough for commuters to incur noise-induced hearing loss. Regardless, environmental noise control efforts in the subway system might be needed for commuters who take a subway every day.

Hearing , Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced , Noise , Railroads , Seoul
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-17924


PURPOSE: To understand the meaning of the lived experience with Person under train (PUT) for train or subway operators. METHODS: The study was built on hermeneutic phenomenological themes from individual interviews of present-day train or subway operators in South Korea. Eight participants were selected to participate in the study. All qualitative data were analyzed using the heuristic guides of Van Manen. RESULTS: Four fundamental lifeworld themes and eight sub themes emerged in the findings. The first theme of spatiality had‘the place pressed by the darkness’ and ‘the train drags me there’. The second theme, corporeality had ‘a foreboding fear’, and ‘debris of death that gets stuck in the whole body’. The temporality theme had‘distorted time in chaos’, and ‘memory trapped in time’. Finally the last existential theme of relationality had ‘intrapersonal encounter’ and ‘resentment and guilt’. CONCLUSION: The four existential lifeworld themes provided a framework for in-depth investigation of the operator's “lived experience.” This leads to clear understanding of effects of PUT experience on related individuals. The findings imply that specific active nursing intervention strategies are necessary in order to treat affected train operators, and to prevent further issues in their work and private life.

Humans , Hermeneutics , Heuristics , Korea , Nursing , Psychological Trauma , Qualitative Research , Railroads
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-68576


BACKGROUND: There were several suicide events of subway drivers in Korea. The aim of this study is to explore work-related factors associated with suicide ideation among subway drivers. METHODS: We analyzed data from 980 male subway drivers. A section of the Korean version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI 2.1) was administered by trained interviewers to judge whether a driver has suicide ideation and to diagnose psychiatric disorders. A questionnaire was also administered to collect data on sociodemographic characteristics, work environments, occupational stress, person under train (PUT) experience, and work-related problems. Occupational stress was examined by using the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS). Logistic regression was applied to evaluate the association between work-related factors and suicide ideation among subway drivers. RESULTS: Regarding work-related problems, conflict with passengers and sudden stops due to the emergency bell were significantly associated with suicide ideation. MDD, PTSD, and panic disorder were strongly associated with suicide ideation. In the analysis of occupational stress, insufficient job control (OR 2.34) and lack of reward (OR 2.52) were associated with suicide ideation even after being adjusted for psychiatric disorders and other work-related factors. CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient job control and lack of reward were associated with suicide ideation among subway drivers. Strategies for drivers to have autonomy while working and to achieve effort-reward balance should be implemented. Furthermore, drivers who have experienced negative work-related problems should be managed appropriately.

Humans , Male , Emergencies , Korea , Logistic Models , Panic Disorder , Railroads , Reward , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Suicide
Saúde Soc ; 24(3): 869-876, jul.-set. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-756573


Com base na teoria da atividade reguladora, apresentamos, discutimos e analisamos um problema de trabalho e de saúde coletiva há décadas enfrentado por condutores de trem franceses. Empregamos dados transcritos existentes em obras de Le Guillant e Clot e aproveitamos o ponto de vista desses autores, mas - ao mesmo tempo - nele introduzimos complementos e ajustes que julgamos necessários para uma compreensão mais profunda e precisa do problema em questão. Nossos resultados dizem respeito à dinâmica do desenvolvimento da afetividade, das emoções e dos sentimentos humanos no (e fora do) trabalho. Nosso objetivo é mostrar que a afetividade, as emoções e os sentimentos se ligam indissoluvelmente à dinâmica da atividade humana, em um processo de desenvolvimento subjetivo que não se desvincula do constante processo dialógico de apropriação e (re)apropriação de instrumentos de trabalho - sejam eles técnicos ou semióticos - e que, por isso mesmo, pode envolver sérias questões não só de saúde coletiva, mas também de segurança pública.

Based on the theory of regulating activity, we present, discuss and analyze a labor and health problem which French train drivers have been facing for decades. We employ existing data available in the work of Le Guillant and Clot and take into due consideration the viewpoint of these authors, but - at the same time - we introduce complements and adjustments which we consider necessary for a deeper and more precise understanding of the problem under scrutiny. Our results relate to the dynamic development of human affect, emotions and feelings in (and out of) work. Our goal is to demonstrate that affect, emotions and feelings are inextricably bound to the dynamics of human activity, in a process of subjective development that is connected with the constant dialogic process of appropriation and (re)appropriation of tools - be they technical or semiotic - and that, for this reason, this process may involve serious issues not only of health but also of public safety.

Humans , Male , Female , Affect , Working Conditions , Emotions , Burnout, Professional , Professional Practice , Public Health , Occupational Health , Safety , Communication , Railroads
Epidemiology and Health ; : e2015039-2015.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-721197


OBJECTIVES: Handwashing is the most fundamental way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Correct handwashing can prevent 50 to 70% of water-infections and foodborne-infections. We report the results of a fact-finding study on general handwashing attitude and practice in the Republic of Korea by analyzing habits and awareness among adults and students (grades 4 to 12) based on the 2006 to 2014 National Handwashing Surveys and observational surveys. METHODS: The awareness survey was performed by telephone interviews with adults and students in 16 municipalities and provinces sampled by quota for region, sex and age. The observational survey was performed in subway, railway, and other public restrooms in seven municipalities selected through systematic sampling. RESULTS: Adults and students washed their hands with soap/sanitizer an average of 6.6 and 5.2 times daily, respectively, in 2014, an increase and decrease compared to 2006 (4.8) and 2013 (6.8). Their average daily handwashing frequency in 2014, 9.8 and 8.3, was higher than in 2006 (7.6), but lower than in 2013 (10.3).The percentage of participants handwashing with soap after using the restroom (29.5%) has been increasing since 2009, but remain slower than in other countries (42% to 49%). The percentages of participants handwashing with water in 2014, 2013, and 2011 were 57.5%, 72.6%, and 71.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Handwashing with soap is an important national public health issue, and national projects promoting it should be given high priority. Research support is necessary to provide scientific evidence of the importance of handwashing with soap and to develop and implement evidence-based policies.

Adult , Humans , Communicable Diseases , Hand , Hand Disinfection , Interviews as Topic , Korea , Public Health , Railroads , Republic of Korea , Soaps , Water
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-152487


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: People usually converse in real-life background noise. They experience more difficulty understanding speech in noise than in a quiet environment. The present study investigated how speech recognition in real-life background noise is affected by the type of noise, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and age. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Eighteen young adults and fifteen middle-aged adults with normal hearing participated in the present study. Three types of noise [subway noise, vacuum noise, and multi-talker babble (MTB)] were presented via a loudspeaker at three SNRs of 5 dB, 0 dB, and -5 dB. Speech recognition was analyzed using the word recognition score. RESULTS: 1) Speech recognition in subway noise was the greatest in comparison to vacuum noise and MTB, 2) at the SNR of -5 dB, speech recognition was greater in subway noise than vacuum noise and in vacuum noise than MTB while at the SNRs of 0 and 5 dB, it was greater in subway noise than both vacuum noise and MTB and there was no difference between vacuum noise and MTB, 3) speech recognition decreased as the SNR decreased, and 4) young adults showed better speech recognition performance in all types of noises at all SNRs than middle-aged adults. CONCLUSIONS: Speech recognition in real-life background noise was affected by the type of noise, SNR, and age. The results suggest that the frequency distribution, amplitude fluctuation, informational masking, and cognition may be important underlying factors determining speech recognition performance in noise.

Adult , Humans , Young Adult , Cognition , Hearing , Masks , Noise , Railroads , Signal-To-Noise Ratio , Vacuum