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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e58882, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559341


Abstract Introduction: Sea urchin aquaculture is a rising industry, and in consequence, there is a need to establish optimal culture parameters to ensure the health of the cultured animals. Objective: To evaluate the bacterial counts in the seawater of sea urchin (Arbacia dufresnii) aquaculture recirculating systems (RAS). Methods: The bacteriological water quality of two RAS containing sea urchins was determined. For approximately two months, weekly water samples were taken. The bacteriological quality was determined by counting total aerobic heterotrophic populations, lactic acid bacteria, enterobacterias and genus Vibrio. Physicochemical parameters were also measured. Results: There was no presence of disease or mortality. Enterobacteria and lactic acid bacteria were not detected from both RAS systems. The number of animals had an important effect on the observed difference in the count of total bacteria and Vibrio spp. In RAS 1 the maximum counts of total bacteria and Vibrio spp. were 2.8 x 105 ± 1.7 x 105 and 1.45 x 105 ± 3.6 x 104 UFC ml-1, respectively. In RAS 2 total bacteria and Vibrio spp. exhibited repetitive behavior over time influenced in part by water exchange and mainly by feeding. The results indicate that periodic water changes ensure a limited growth of bacterial strains as Vibrio and other bacteria. Conclusions: Our results suggests that the bacterial count levels recorded in this study can be used as a threshold or safety limit for Arbacia dufresnii aquaculture.

Resumen Introducción: La acuicultura de erizos de mar es una industria en auge, y en consecuencia, existe la necesidad de establecer los parámetros de cultivo óptimos para garantizar la salud de los animales en cultivo. Objetivo: Evaluar los recuentos bacterianos en el agua de cultivo de los sistemas de recirculación acuícola (RAS) de erizo de mar Arbacia dufresnii. Métodos: Se determinó la calidad bacteriológica del agua de cultivo de dos RAS que contenían erizos de mar. Durante aproximadamente dos meses, se tomaron muestras de agua semanalmente. La calidad bacteriológica se determinó realizando recuento de las poblaciones heterótrofas aerobias totales, bacterias ácido lácticas, enterobacterias y bacterias del género Vibrio. También se midieron parámetros fisicoquímicos. Resultados: No se observaron patologías ni mortalidad. No se detectaron enterobacterias ni bacterias del ácido láctico en ninguno de los sistemas RAS. El número de animales cultivados tuvo un efecto importante en la diferencia observada en el recuento de bacterias totales y Vibrio spp. En el RAS 1 los recuentos máximos de bacterias totales y Vibrio spp. fueron 2.8 x 105 ± 1.7 x 105 y 1.45 x 105 ± 3.6 x 104 UFC ml-1, respectivamente. En RAS 2 los recuentos de bacterias totales y Vibrio spp. exhibieron un comportamiento repetitivo en el tiempo influenciado en parte por el recambio de agua y principalmente por la alimentación. Los resultados indican que los cambios periódicos de agua aseguran un crecimiento limitado de cepas bacterianas como Vibrio y otras bacterias. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que los niveles de recuento bacteriano registrados en este estudio pueden usarse como umbral o límite de seguridad para la acuicultura de Arbacia dufresnii.

Sea Urchins , Bacterial Load/statistics & numerical data , Water Recirculation , Bacteriological Techniques , Aquaculture/methods
Rev. luna azul ; (42): 185-199, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-791182


Existen problemas de abastecimiento de agua en verano e invierno, en la Estación Piscícola de la Universidad de Caldas (Colombia). El trabajo muestra la manera como, por medio de un sistema de recirculación de agua, se provee a la Estación del líquido, de manera persistente, conservando parámetros fisicoquímicos aptos para el cultivo de peces. Cambios en el uso del suelo, como desarrollos urbanísticos, han generado impacto sobre la microcuenca que abastece la Estación. Surge la propuesta de reutilizar el agua mediante un modelo sostenible, adaptando un mecanismo ancestral: la Noria. Éste trabajo se desarrolló en tres etapas: recopilación de información, seguimiento e implementación de la propuesta. Para el montaje se requirió adaptar parte de la infraestructura existente de la Estación para recolectar el agua. El diseño de la Noria consta de un sistema de captación de agua (Cilindro con compartimentos) que impulsa un sistema de poleas y a su vez a la Noria modificada con canjilones, la cual capta agua (1,5 l/seg) y la elevan 7 m. Los parámetros físicoquímicos (temperatura, oxígeno y pH) y biológicos (macroinvertebrados acuáticos) permanecieron en rangos normales para un cultivo de peces tropicales. El diseño realizado es modular, no requiere energía eléctrica, ni mano de obra especializada para su mantenimiento, puede ser utilizado como una herramienta alterna en el sector agropecuario particularmente en el sector acuícola, donde se presenten dificultades hídricas, es de bajo costo y ambientalmente sostenible.

There are problems of water supply in the summer and the winter, in the Fishing Station of Universidad de Caldas (Colombia). This article shows how, by means of a water recirculation system, the Station is provided with the liquid persistently, keeping physicochemical parameters fit for fish farming. Changes in land use, such as urban development, have generated impact on the watershed that supplies the Station. Then, a proposal to reuse water through a sustainable model, adapting an ancestral mechanism surges: the Waterwheel. This work was developed in three stages: data collection, monitoring and implementation of the proposal. For the assembly adaption of part of the existing infrastructure of the Station to collect water was required. The design of the waterwheel consists of a water catchment system (cylinder with compartments) that drives a pulley system and in turn to the modified waterwheel with buckets, which capture the water (1.5 l / sec) and then raise it 7 m. The physicochemical parameters (temperature, oxygen and pH) and biological (macroinvertebrate) remained within normal ranges for a crop of tropical fish. The design developed is modular, it does not require electricity or skilled workforce for maintenance, it can be used as an alternative tool in agriculture particularly in the aquaculture sector where water difficulties arise, and it is inexpensive and environmentally sustainable .

Humans , Water Supply , Basins , Water Recirculation , Fisheries
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);67(5): 1421-1428, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-764438


O objetivo foi avaliar o crescimento e a viabilidade econômica de alevinos de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), alimentados com diferentes níveis de farinha da folha de mandioca desidratada na ração (FFMD). Foram utilizados 80 alevinos distribuídos em 20 recipientes de 18L, constando de sistema de recirculação de água, durante um período de 51 dias. Cem exemplares, alimentados três vezes ao dia até a saciedade, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, constituindo-se de 4 tratamentos (0, 5, 10 e 15% de adição da FFMD na ração) e 5 repetições cada. Os peixes alimentados com 10% de FFMD apresentaram melhor homogeneidade no crescimento. Entretanto, os indivíduos alimentados com inclusão de 5% de FFMD apresentaram homogeneidade de crescimento similar aos alimentados com 10%. Além disso, os peixes alimentados com 5% de FFMD obtiveram melhor desempenho zootécnico e viabilidade econômica da ração. Dessa maneira, recomenda-se a utilização de 5% da farinha de folha de mandioca desidratada em rações para tilápia do Nilo.

The aim was to evaluate the growth and the economic viability of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with different levels of dehydrated cassava leaf flour in the diet (FFMD). 80 fingerlings were distributed into 20 18L containers, consisting of a water recirculation system over a period of 51 days. 100 copies fed three times a day to satiation were randomly assigned in a completely randomized design, constituting 4 treatments (0%, 5%, 10% and 15% addition of FFMD in diet) with 5 repetitions each. The fishes fed with 10% FFMD had better homogeneity in growth. However, individuals fed with inclusion of 5% FFMD homogeneity grew similarly to those fed with 10% FFMD. In addition, the fish from the 5% had better growth performance and economic viability of the feed. Thus, it is recommended to use 5% of dehydrated cassava leaf meal in diets for Nile tilapia.

Animals , Cichlids , Manihot , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Fishes , Animal Feed/analysis , Water Recirculation
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 19(3): 4226-4241, Sept.-Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-730958


Objective. To evaluate a water recirculation system of rainbow trout fish culture at the recirculating laboratory of the Aquaculture Engineering Production Program of the Universidad of Nariño. Materials and Methods. There were cultured 324 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mikyss) fries in 12 plastic tanks of 250 L capacity in a recirculation aquaculture system which treatment system was made up by a conventional sedimentation tank, a fixed bead up flow biofilter with recycled PVC tube pieces used as carrier, and a natural degassing system; the sedimentation unit effluent was pumped to a reservoir tank by a centrifugal 2 HP after passed by gravity through the biofilter and was distributed to the 12 culture units in which there were injected a constant amount of air from a blower. Results. The waste water treatment system removes 31% of the Total Suspended Solids; 9.5% of total ammonia nitrogen, and increased the dissolved oxygen to the final effluent in a 6.5%. It was calculated a biomass increase of 305% on the 75 days, the mortality percentage registered during the research period was of 4.9%. Conclusions. The wastewater treatment system maintained the physic chemical water quality parameters in the recommended values for the specie. The values of weight and size gain, food conversion, mortality and biomass production reported were between the normal values of rainbow trout fish culture in recirculating systems.

Objetivo. Evaluar un sistema de recirculación de agua para cultivo de trucha arcoiris en el laboratorio de recirculación del Programa Ingeniería en Producción Acuícola de la Universidad de Nariño. Materiales y métodos. Se cultivaron 324 alevinos de trucha arco íris (Oncorhynchus mikyss) en 12 tanques plásticos de 250 L de capacidad en un sistema de recirculación para acuacultura cuyo sistema de tratamiento estuvo constituido por un sedimentador convencional, un biofiltro de flujo ascendente con medio soporte fijo conformado por segmentos reciclados de tubos PVC, y un sistema de desgasificación natural; el efluente del sedimentador fue elevado a un tanque reservorio por medio de una bomba centrífuga de 2 HP para después pasar por gravedad a través del biofiltro y posteriormente ser distribuido a las 12 unidades de cultivo a las que de manera permanente se inyectó aire proveniente de un blówer. Resultados. El sistema de tratamiento del agua removió 31% de los sólidos suspendidos totales; 9.5% del nitrógeno amoniacal total, e incrementó el oxígeno disuelto al efluente final en un 6.5%. Se calculó un incremento de la biomasa del 345% en los 75 días, el porcentaje de mortalidad registrado durante todo el periodo de estudio fue del 4.9%. Conclusiones. El sistema de tratamiento mantuvo los parámetros físico-químicos de la calidad de agua dentro de los rangos requeridos por la especie. El incremento de peso y talla, la conversión alimenticia, la mortalidad y la producción de biomasa reportaron valores normales para producción de trucha en sistemas de recirculación.

Aquaculture , Therapeutics , Trout , Virus Cultivation , Water Recirculation
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 18(2): 3492-3500, May-Aug. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-689580


Objetivo. Comparar la eficiencia de remoción de sólidos, turbidez y color aparente en un decantador convencional y uno de columna en un sistema de recirculación acuícola (SRA) para cultivo de tilapia. Materiales y métodos. Se cultivaron tilapias con densidad entre 30 y 33 kg/m3 en un SRA, el cual constó de: caja de nivel constante, tubería en PVC, tres tanques de cultivo, decantador convencional de flujo horizontal (D.Con), decantador de columna de flujo ascendente (D.Col), reactor de lecho fluidizado trifásico, reactor para transferencia de oxígeno, compresor, blower, electrobomba. El D.Con operó con volumen útil (VU) de 1.4 m3 y tiempo de retención hidráulica (TRH) de 2.94 h, fue vaciado una vez por semana para lavado y colecta del lodo, representando sustitución del 55% del volumen del sistema. El D.Col operó con 0.30 m3 de VU y TRH de 0.553 h. Se realizaron 3 sangrados diarios, representando sustitución semanal de 50% del volumen. Resultados. Las eficiencias promedio de remoción fueron: para sólidos totales de 34.01 y 44.44%; sólidos suspendidos 64.45% y 71.71%; sólidos volátiles 21.10 y 45.65%; para turbidez 65.51 y 62.79%; para color aparente 56.37 y 50.91%, respectivamente en el D.Con y el D.Col. Conclusiones. Ambos decantadores son útiles en la remoción de los parámetros estudiados y presentaron comportamientos semejantes en remoción de turbidez y color aparente. Sin embargo, el D.Col es más eficiente que el convencional para remoción de los sólidos, ocupa menor espacio, menor volumen y requiere menor porcentaje de renovación, mostrando viabilidad para su utilización en SRA.

Objective. To compare the removal efficiency of solids, turbidity and apparent color between a conventional and a column settling tanks in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for tilapia farming. Materials and methods. Tilapia with a stocking density between 30 and 33 kg/m3 were cultured in a RAS consisting of a water level control box, PVC piping system, three plastic tanks for culture, conventional horizontal flow settling tank (Con.ST), column vertical flow settling tank (Col.ST), three phase fluidized bed reactor, oxygen transfer reactor, air compressor, air blower, centrifugal pump. The Con.ST operated at a volume of 1.4 m3 and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 2.94 h; and was drained weekly for washing and sludge collection, representing a 55%discharge of system water volume. The Col.ST operated with a volume of 0.30 m3 and HRT of 0.553 h. Three daily partial draining operations were executed, representing a discharge of 50% of the system volume. Results. The mean solids removal efficiencies were: 34.01 and 44.44%for total solids; 64.45 and 71.71% for suspended solids; 21.10 and 45.65% volatile solids; 65.51% and 62.79% for turbidity; and 56.37 and 50.91% for apparent color, respectively for Con.ST and Col.ST. Conclusions. The two settling devices are useful on removal of the studied parameters and presented similar performance on turbidity and apparent color removal; however, the Col.ST was more efficient than Con.ST for solids removal, requires less space, less volume and requires less discharge water volume, displaying feasibility for its use on RAS.

Animals , Aquaculture , Gravimetry , Tilapia , Water Recirculation
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);63(5): 1200-1207, out. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-605847


Crescimento e características de carcaça do jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) foram avaliados após 60 dias de alimentação com diferentes proporções de amilose:amilopectina na dieta. Foram criados 240 peixes (peso inicial de 34,3±4,3g) em sistema de recirculação de água constituído de 12 unidades experimentais de 280L. Foram testadas três dietas com as proporções amilose:amilopectina de: T417 = com 26 por cento de amilose, T416 = com 16 por cento de amilose e TMOCHI = com 0 por cento de amilose. Os peixes foram alimentados duas vezes por dia, às 8h e 30min e às 16 horas. A cada 15 dias, foram feitas biometrias para ajuste da quantidade de alimento ofertado. A proporção amilose:amilopectina no amido das dietas não influenciou o crescimento, os rendimentos de carcaça e a composição corporal dos peixes. Conclui-se que o jundiá tem potencial para utilizar fontes de amido compostas por até 26 por cento de amilose sem alterar a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e a deposição de gordura.

The growth and carcass traits of jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) after 60 days being fed with different amylose:amylopectin ratio in diet were evaluated. Two hundred and forty fish (initial weight of 34.3±4.3g) were raised in water re-use system with 12 units of 280L. Three diets were tested with amylose:amylopectin ratios: T417 = 26 percent amylose, T416 = 16 percent amylose and TMOCHI = 0 percent amylose. The fish were fed twice a day at 8:30 and 16:00h. Every 15 days the amount of food offered was ajusted. The amylose:amylopectin ratio in the starch of the diet did not affect growth, carcass and body composition of fish. This demonstrates that the jundiá has the potential to use starchy sources consisting of up to 26 percent amylose without altering the digestibility of nutrients and fat deposition.

Animals , Amylopectin/administration & dosage , Amylose/administration & dosage , Fishes/growth & development , Animal Feed , Diet/veterinary , Fisheries , Water Recirculation
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);63(5): 1208-1214, out. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-605848


Avaliou-se o efeito da densidade de estocagem na produção de "cachadia" (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum x Leiarius marmoratus) em sistema de recirculação de água. Nas duas primeiras fases, com duração de 27 e 40 dias e usando animais com média de peso inicial de 31 e 57g, respectivamente, foram testados 20, 40, 60 e 80 peixes/m³. Na terceira e quarta fase, usando peixes com média de peso de 169 e 399g durante 41 e 99 dias, respectivamente, foram testados 10, 20, 30 e 40 peixes/m³. A taxa de sobrevivência foi acima de 92 por cento, sem diferenças significativas entre tratamentos. Verificou-se redução no ganho de peso diário com redução com o incremento da densidade na segunda e na quarta fase experimental. A biomassa final apresentou relação direta com a densidade em todas as fases. Taxas de conversão alimentar entre 0,8 e 1,3:1 foram registradas. O "cachadia" atingiu 1,1kg em 207 dias de cultivo, mostrando-se promissor para a piscicultura intensiva.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different stocking densities on cachadia production (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum x Leiarius marmoratus) in recirculating aquaculture system. In the two first phases for 27 and 40 days using fish with average weight of 31 and 57g, respectively, densities 20, 40, 60, and 80 fish/m³ were tested. In the third and fourth trial, using fish with an average weight of 169 and 399g during 41 and 99 days, respectively, densities 10, 20, 30, and 40 fish/m³ were tested. Survival rate was higher than 92 percent, without stocking density differences between the treatments. Daily weight gain showed reduction with the increase of the density in the second and fourth trial. However, final biomass presented direct relationship with increase density in all trials. Feed conversion rates ranged 0.8 from 1.3:1 were registered. Cachadia hybrid reached 1.1kg in approximately seven months of rearing indicating promise for intensive production.

Animals , Fishes/growth & development , Fisheries/methods , Water Recirculation/methods , Biological Filters , Feeding Methods/veterinary , Animal Feed