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MHSalud ; 19(1)jun. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386161


Abstract There is currently an increase in inertial flywheel application in strength training; thus, it must be monitored by an accurate and reliable device. The present study tested: (1) the accuracy of an inertial measurement device (IMU) to correctly measure angular velocity and (2) its inter-unit reliability for the measurement of external load. The analysis was performed using Pearson Correlation and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The IMU accuracy was tested using Bland-Altman and the reliability with the coefficient of variation (CV). Ten elite-level football players performed ten series of 5 repetitions in a one-hand standing row exercise (5 series with each arm). A nearly perfect accuracy (ICC=.999) and a very good between-device reliability (Bias=-.010; CV=.017%) was found. IMU is a reliable and valid device to assess angular velocity in inertial flywheel workout objectively.

Resumen Actualmente, hay un aumento en la utilización de la polea cónica en el entrenamiento de fuerza; por lo tanto, es necesario monitorearlo con un dispositivo preciso y confiable. El presente estudio probó: (1) la precisión de un dispositivo de medición inercial (IMU), para medir correctamente la velocidad angular y (2) su confiabilidad entre unidades para la medición de carga externa. El análisis se realizó utilizando la correlación de Pearson y el Coeficiente de Correlación Intra-clase (CCI). La precisión de la IMU se probó usando Bland-Altman y la confiabilidad con el Coeficiente de Variación (CV). Diez jugadores de fútbol de nivel élite realizaron 10 series de 5 repeticiones en un ejercicio de fila de pie con una mano (5 series con cada brazo). Se encontró una precisión casi perfecta (ICC = .999) y una muy buena confiabilidad entre dispositivos (Sesgo = -. 010; CV = .017%). IMU´s es un dispositivo confiable y válido para evaluar objetivamente la velocidad angular en el entrenamiento inercial de la polea cónica.

Resumo Atualmente, há um aumento na utilização da polia cônica no treinamento de força; portanto, é necessário monitorá-lo com um dispositivo preciso e confiável. O presente estudo testou: (1) a precisão de um dispositivo de medição inercial (IMU), para medir corretamente a velocidade angular e (2) sua confiabilidade interunidades para medição de carga externa. A análise foi realizada por meio da correlação de Pearson e do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC). A precisão do IMU foi testada usando Bland-Altman e a confiabilidade com o Coeficiente de Variação (CV). Dez jogadores de futebol de elite realizaram 10 séries de 5 repetições em um exercício de linha em pé com uma mão (5 séries com cada braço). Foi encontrado uma precisão quase perfeita (ICC = 0,999) e confiabilidade entre dispositivos muito boa (Bias = - 0,010; CV = 0,017%). IMU's é um dispositivo confiável e válido para avaliar objetivamente a velocidade angular no treinamento inercial da polia cônica.

Humans , Technology/instrumentation , Weight Lifting , Attitude
MHSalud ; 19(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386166


Resumen Esta investigación realizó una minería de datos de hombres y mujeres atletas de levantamiento de potencia (comúnmente conocido como powerlifting), para las clases: Levantamiento de potencia equipado, Levantamiento de potencia clásico, Press de banca equipado y Press de banca clásico, reconocidas por la Federación Internacional de Powerlifting (IPF). Se realizó un análisis de regresión no lineal basado en la edad versus la media de los puntajes: Wilks Points, IPF Points o IPF GoodLift Points. Se obtuvo la curva mejor ajustada y la edad con el máximo rendimiento para cada clase. En general, el rendimiento para todas las clases de hombres y mujeres en Levantamiento de potencia y Press de banca comienza con un crecimiento exponencial desde la juventud hasta cerca de la tercera década, y muestra un rendimiento máximo entre 27,67 a 31,50 años, y luego una disminución lineal durante la edad madura y edad avanzada. La comparación entre hombres y mujeres, o grupos de atletas equipados y clásicos no muestra diferencias significativas para la edad del rendimiento máximo, lo que sugiere el mismo reloj de envejecimiento biológico. El deporte de levantamiento de potencia es un modelo útil para estudiar el crecimiento, la maduración y el envejecimiento del ser humano.

Abstract This research performed data mining for men and women powerlifters for the categories of Equipped Powerlifting, Classic Powerlifting, Equipped Bench Press, and Classic Bench Press, recognized by the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF). It then conducted a nonlinear regression analysis based on age versus mean scores in terms of Wilks Points, IPF Points, and IPF GoodLift Points to obtain the fitted curve and the age of peak performance for each category. Overall, the performance for all categories of men and women in powerlifting and bench press starts with exponential growth from youth until close to the third decade, showing a peak performance between 27.67 to 31.50 years of age, and then a linear decrease during maturation and older age. Comparisons between men and women and between equipped and classic athletes do not show meaningful differences in age of peak performance, suggesting the same biological clock in terms of aging. The sport of powerlifting offers a useful model to study human beings' growth, maturation, and aging.

Resumo Esta pesquisa realizou uma garimpagem de dados de atletas masculinos e femininos do levantamento de peso (comumente conhecido como powerlifting), para as classes: levantamento de peso equipado, levantamento de peso clássico, Press de banco equipado e Press de banco clássico, reconhecidos pela Federação Internacional de Powerlifting (IPF). Uma análise de regressão não linear foi realizada com base na idade versus pontuação média: Wilks Points, IPF Points ou IPF GoodLift Points. Foi obtida a melhor curva ajustada e idade com o melhor desempenho para cada classe. Em geral, o desempenho para todas as classes de homens e mulheres em levantamento de potência e Press de banco começa com um crescimento exponencial da juventude até próximo a terceira década, mostrando um desempenho máximo entre 27,67 a 31,50 anos, e depois uma diminuição linear durante a idade madura e a idade avançada. A comparação entre homens e mulheres, ou atletas equipados e clássicos, não mostra diferenças significativas para a idade do melhor desempenho, sugerindo o mesmo relógio do envelhecimento biológico. O esporte de levantamento de peso é um modelo útil para estudar o crescimento, a maturação e o envelhecimento humano.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Weight Lifting/trends , Muscle Strength/physiology
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(2): 125-130, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391951


INTRODUCCIÓN: La mayoría de los establecimientos educacionales tienen una jornada escolar completa, generando que el estudiante transporte mayor cantidad de útiles escolares en su mochila. OBJETIVO: Analizar el peso promedio de las mochilas de espalda en estudiantes de educación básica de la comuna de Copiapó. METODOLOGÍA: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con alcance correlacional, la muestra estuvo constituida por 286 estudiantes (139 varones y 147 mujeres) de educación básica, de un establecimiento escolar de la comuna de Copiapó. Se analizó el peso corporal, la altura y el peso de las mochilas durante una semana, mediante una plataforma de fuerza y estadiómetro. RESULTADOS: Se encontró que entre los días lunes a jueves los estudiantes llevaban en su mochila un peso que sobrepasaba el 10/ de su peso corporal. Asimismo, las mochilas de espaldas son las más utilizadas en comparación con las mochilas con ruedas, con un 88,1% de la muestra. Sin embargo, las mochilas de espalda presentaron menor peso al compararlas con las mochilas con ruedas, las cuales tuvieron valores cercanos al 20% del peso corporal. CONCLUSIÓN: La mayoría de los estudiantes transportaban en sus mochilas, pesos que superan el 10% de peso recomendado, siendo las mochilas con rueda las de mayor peso. Se recomienda desarrollar normas establecidas dentro de los colegios, para evitar el traslado de dichas cargas y prevenir alteraciones posturales, biomecánicas y fisiológicas.

INTRODUCTION: Most educational establishments have a full school day, causing the student to carry a greater number of school supplies in their backpack. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the average weight of backpacks in basic education students of the Copiapó district. METHODOLOGY: a descriptive cross-sectional study with correlational scope was carried out, the sample consisted of 286 students (139 men and 147 women) of basic education, from a school in the district of Copiapó. Body weight, height and backpack weight were analyzed for one week, using a force platform and stadiometer. RESULTS: It was found that between Monday and Thursday the students carried a weight in their backpack that exceeded 10% of their body weight. Likewise, backpacks on the back are the most used compared to backpacks with wheels, with 88.1% of the sample. However, the backpacks presented less weight when compared to the backpacks with wheels, which had values close to 20% of body weight. CONCLUSION: Most of the students carried weights in their backpacks that exceed 10% of the recommended weight, with wheeled backpacks being the heaviest. It is recommended to develop established norms within the schools, to avoid the transfer of said loads and prevent postural, biomechanical and physiological alterations.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Students , Weight Lifting/physiology , Lifting , Body Weight , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(3): [1-5], jul.-set. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369393


O objetivo dessa carta resposta foi tecer algumas considerações sobre o ponto de vista do manuscrito "A densidade como uma nova métrica da quantificação de cargas no treinamento de força", publicado nessa tradicional revista brasileira. Erroneamente, os autores apontaram que o termo work to rest ratio utilizado no estudo Blood Pressure Response During Resistance Training of Different Work-to-Rest Ratio e publicado no Journal of Strength Conditioning Research estaria equivocado. Os autores também sugerem que a densidade seja calculada apenas pela fórmula: total de peso levantado/total de pausa. Isso limitaria o cálculo da densidade em métodos isométricos de treinamento de força, que podem ter a densidade calculada pela fórmula: tempo de tensão muscular/total de pausa. Essa breve comunicação amplia o contexto conceitual e de aplicação prática dessa métrica que é pouco conhecida no treinamento de força. (AU)

The aim of this reply letter was to present some considerations about the point of view of the manuscript "Density as new metric to quantify strength training loads", published in this traditional Brazilian journal. The authors erroneously pointed out that term "work to rest ratio" used in the study "Blood Pressure Response During Resistance Training of Different Work-to-Rest Ratio" and published in Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, would be wrong. The authors also suggest that density must be calculated only by the formula: total weight lifted / total rest interval. This would limit density calculation in isometric strength training methods, which can have density calculated by the formula: muscle tension time / total rest interval. This brief communication broadens the conceptual context and practical application of this metric that is little known in strength training. (AU)

Humans , Rest , Weight Lifting , Physical Exertion , High-Intensity Interval Training , Resistance Training , Muscle Tonus
Univ. salud ; 23(2): 162-167, mayo-ago. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1252320


Introducción: En la halterofilia los perfiles antropométricos permiten una mejor planificación y ejecución del entrenamiento deportivo. Objetivo: Describir y comparar según sexo, el perfil antropométrico y somatotipo de levantadores de pesas federados de la región de Valparaíso, Chile. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Participaron 40 adultos levantadores de pesas. La evaluación antropométrica fue realizada utilizando el protocolo de medición y marcaje de la Sociedad Internacional de Avances en Cineantropometría, método pentacompartimental de Ross y Kerr y somatotipo de Heath-Carter. Se aplicó la T de Student para muestras independientes y U Mann-Whitney para comparar características antropométricas entre grupos. El poder estadístico y el tamaño efecto se calculó con "d" de Cohen. Resultados: Existen diferencias significativas entre grupos, para masa muscular relativa (p=0,003; d=0,96) y absoluta (p≤;0,001; d=2,42); masa adiposa relativa (p≤0,001; d=1,46); masa ósea absoluta (p≤0,001; d=1,41); masa piel relativa (p≤0,001; d=1,96) y absoluta (p≤0,001; d=0,97); masa residual relativa (p=0,006; d=1,08) y absoluta (p≤0,001; d=2,09), mientras que la distribución del somatotipo clasifica al grupo masculino como Endo-Mesomorfo y al femenino como Mesomorfo-Endomorfo, observando diferencias significativas en el mesomorfismo (p≤;0,001; d=1,48). Conclusiones: Existe un predominio del somatotipo mesomórfico, existiendo diferencias significativas en los componentes de composición corporal.

Introduction: Anthropometric profiles allow better planning and execution of sports training in weightlifting. Objective: To describe and compare, according to gender, the anthropometric profile and somatotype of federated weightlifters from the Valparaiso region of Chile. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study that included 40 adult weightlifters. The anthropometric assessment was carried out using the measurement and marking protocol of the International Society for Advances in Kinanthropometry, Ross and Kerr pentacompartmental method, and Heath-Carter somatotype. A Student's t test was applied for independent samples and U Mann-Whitney was used to compare anthropometric characteristics between groups. The statistical power and effect size were calculated using Cohen's "d". Results: There are significant differences between groups for: relative (p=0.003; d=0.96) and absolute (p≤0.001; d=2.42) muscle mass; relative fat mass (p≤0.001; d=1.46); absolute bone mass (p≤0.001; d=1.41); relative (p≤0.001; d=1.96) and absolute (p≤0.001; d=0.97) skin mass; relative (p=0.006; d=1.08) and absolute (p≤0.001; d=2.09) residual mass. Based on the somatotype distribution, the male and female groups were classified as Endo-Mesomorph and Mesomorph-Endomorph, respectively, which showed significant differences in mesomorphism (p≤0.001; d=1.48). Conclusions: There is a predominance of the mesomorphic somatotype, with significant differences in the components of the body composition.

Weight Lifting , Athletic Performance , Somatotypes , Anthropometry
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 10(2): 156-162, Maio 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223503


O levantamento de peso tem sido associado ao hábito do apertamento dentário e, consequentemente, à predisposição de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM). Mesmo o CrossFit® sendo uma modalidade que trabalha com levantamento de peso, não foram encontrados artigos que investigaram a DTM em seus praticantes. OBJETIVO: Estimar a frequência e severidade dos sintomas de disfunções temporomandibulares em praticantes de CrossFit® e verificar se há relação com a participação em competições ou o tempo de prática da modalidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado nos três boxes de CrossFit® existentes no município de Jaú/SP. Praticantes pertencentes ao sexo masculino, com idade entre 20 e 40 anos, foram avaliados utilizando-se o Índice Anamnésico de Fonseca. As variáveis de desfecho foram o escore de sintomas e grau de severidade da DTM, além da participação em competições e o tempo de prática da modalidade. Houve aprovação da pesquisa pelo Comitê de Ética das Faculdades Integradas de Jaú (CAAE 91712418.3.0000.5427). RESULTADOS: Dos 52 participantes da pesquisa, 40,4% possuem sintomas de DTM. Desses, 38,4% de grau leve e 2,0% de grau moderado. Não foi encontrada diferença estatística comparando-se o tempo de prática ou competidores e não competidores. CONCLUSÃO: A frequência de sintomas de DTM em praticantes de CrossFit é de 40,4%. O grau de severidade predominante foi o leve. Não foi encontrada relação entre o aumento da frequência e o tempo de prática da modalidade ou o fato de ser competidor.

Weight lifting has been associated with teeth clenching and, consequently, the predisposition to temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Even though CrossFit® is a modality that works with weight lifting, no papers were found that investigated TMD in its practitioners. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the frequency and severity of temporomandibular disorders symptoms in CrossFit® practitioners and to verify whether there is a relation between participation in competitions or this sport practice time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study, approved by the Research Ethics Committee from Faculdades Integradas de Jaú (CAAE 91712418.3.0000.5427), conducted in the three CrossFit® boxes that exists in the city. Male practitioners, between 20 and 40 years old, were assessed using Fonseca Anamnesic Index. The outcome variables were: symptom score and degree of TDM severity, as well participation in competitions and sport practice time. RESULTS: Regarding the 52 research participants, 40.4% have TMD symptoms. Out of these, 38.4% show mild and 2.0% moderate TMD. No statistical difference was found comparing practice time or competitors and non-competitors. CONCLUSION: The frequency of TMD symptoms in CrossFit® practitioners is 40.4%. The predominant degree of severity was mild. No relation was found between the increased incidence and the modality practice time, or the fact of being a competitor.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome , Weight Lifting , Bruxism
Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 34(2): 138-188, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372601


La ruptura del tendón del músculo pectoral mayor es un evento raro para el cual está indicado la reparación quirúrgica en pacientes jóvenes y atléticos. La reparación puede hacerse de forma aguda o crónica, hasta o despúes de 8 semanas, respectivamente. Las reparaciones agudas han demostrado excelentes resultados, sin embargo, hasta el momento no se encuentran reportes de reparaciones quirúrgicas dentro de las primera 24 horas de la lesíon. Presentamos un caso de reparación quirúrgica inmediata de una ruptura del tendón del músculo pectoral mayor en un hombre de 45 años sin antecedentes de uso de esteroides, que ocurrió mientras levantaba pesas. El diagnóstico inmediato se confirmó con una RM de emergencia más la evaluación clínica. La intervención quirúrgica se realizó en menos de 24 horas. Se instauró un protocolo de rehabilitación gradual con ejercicios pasivos. Seis meses después de la cirugía, se encontró recuperación de la amplitud de movimiento y la fuerza del hombro, así como la restauración anatómica completa. Concluimos que la reparación quirúrgica precoz de una ruptura del tendón del músculo pectoral mayor, el primer día de la lesión, en menos de 24 horas, acompañada de una buena técnica quirúrgica y un protocolo de rehabilitación gradual, arrojó excelentes resultados seis meses después del trauma, similares a los reportados en la literatura para reparaciones agudas (<6 semanas). Nivel de evidencia: Nivel IV

The rupture of the pectoralis major muscle tendon in young and athletic patients is a rare event for which surgical repair is indicated. The repair can be acute or chronic, up to or after 8 weeks, respectively. Acute repair has shown excellent results, and so far there are no reports of surgical repairs within the first 24hours of the injury. A case is presented of the immediate surgical repair of a ruptured pectoralis major muscle tendon occurring in a 45-year-old man with no history of steroid use, while lifting weights. The immediate diagnosis was confirmed with an emergency MRI plus clinical evaluation. The surgical intervention was performed in less than 24hours. A protocol of gradual rehabilitation with passive exercises was established. Six months after surgery, there was recovery of range of motion and shoulder strength, as well as complete anatomical restoration. It is concluded that early surgical repair of a rupture of the pectoralis major muscle tendon on the first day of the injury, or in less than 24hours, accompanied by a good surgical technique and a gradual rehabilitation protocol, yielded excellent results six months after the trauma, similar to that reported in the literature for acute repairs. Evidence level: Level IV

Humans , Tendon Injuries , Pectoralis Muscles , Rupture , Weight Lifting
Motriz (Online) ; 25(1): e101931, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012681


Aim: To examine body composition of Chilean powerlifters according to body mass and sex. Methods: Fifty-six male and female powerlifters were recruited from one national competition. Aside from the official weight categories, males were classified as the lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight classes. Similarly, females were classified as lightweight and middle-heavyweight classes. Nineteen anthropometric measures were assessed, with lean mass as the main outcome. A one-way ANOVA was used to compare groups. Results: Male lightweight class lifted less (p<0.01) total load (417±30.9 kg) compared to heavier male classes (524±66.7 kg, middleweight; 581±131 kg, heavyweight), and female classes lifted less (p<0.01) total load (221±33.8 kg, lightweight; 254±48.3 kg, middleweight-heavyweight) compared to all male classes. Regarding lean-mass in trunk, arms and legs, total body protein, water, and mineral mass, all male groups had greater (p<0.01) values than the groups of females, while lightweight males had lower (p<0.01) values than the rest of male groups, and heavyweight males had greater (p<0.01) values than the total sample of males (except for legs lean mass, and total bone mineral content). In females, no significant differences were observed between classes, or in total load lifted or in body composition. Conclusion: Heavier male lifters had significantly greater lean mass than lighter athletes. Therefore, powerlifting performance was affected by anthropometric measures, as corroborated by 1-RM scores. However, there was a general lack of differences in body composition between female weight classes, and, as a result, a lack of differences in 1RM performance.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Weight Lifting/physiology , Body Composition/physiology , Athletes , Body Mass Index , Chile , Sex Factors
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1048475


La rotura bilateral y simultánea del tendón cuadricipital es una lesión rara con pocos reportes en la literatura, que suele ocurrir en mayores de 50 años con enfermedades sistémicas crónicas subyacentes. Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino sano de 32 años con rotura bilateral de tendón cuadricipital durante la práctica de musculación asociada a la administración de anabolizantes esteroideos y el tratamiento realizado

Bilateral and simultaneous rupture of the quadriceps tendon is a rare injury with a few reports in record that usually occurs in people older than 50 years with underlying chronic systemic diseases. We present the case of a healthy 32-year-old male patient with bilateral quadriceps tendon rupture during weight training practice associated to anabolic steroids administration and the treatment provided

Adult , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Substance-Related Disorders/complications , Quadriceps Muscle/injuries , Anabolic Agents/adverse effects , Knee Injuries/pathology , Rupture , Weight Lifting/injuries
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 64(7): 575-576, July 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-976835


SUMMARY Hypercalcemia associated with silicone-induced granuloma is a rare disease. Diagnosis can be tricky as it is established after ruling out other hypercalcemia-causing entities. In addition, management is customized depending on the patient's wishes and possible solutions. We present a male bodybuilder, in his thirties, with multiple silicone injections in his upper extremities, who developed hypercalcemia and urinary symptoms. Advanced laboratory tests ruled out various causes of hypercalcemia and CT imaging revealed nephrocalcinosis. A biopsy of the upper arm showed granulomatous tissue and inflammation. The patient necessitated two sessions of dialysis and corticosteroids were given to relieve symptoms and reverse laboratory abnormalities. Silicone-induced hypercalcemia should be on high alert because of the increasing trend of body contour enhancements with injections, implants and fillers. Treatment should be optimized depending on the patient's needs and condition.

RESUMO A hipercalcemia associada ao granuloma induzido por silicone é uma doença rara. O diagnóstico pode ser complicado, pois é estabelecido depois de eliminadas outras entidades que causam hipercalcemia. Além disso, o gerenciamento é personalizado, dependendo dos desejos do paciente e das possíveis soluções. Apresentamos um fisiculturista masculino, com trinta e poucos anos, múltiplas injeções de silicone nas extremidades superiores, que desenvolveu hipercalcemia e sintomas urinários. Testes laboratoriais avançados descartaram várias causas de hipercalcemia e a imagem da TC revelou nefrocalcinoses. Uma biópsia da parte superior mostrou tecido granulomatoso e inflamação. O paciente exigiu duas sessões de diálise e foram administrados corticosteroides para aliviar os sintomas e reverter as anormalidades laboratoriais. A hipercalcemia induzida por silicone deve estar em alerta elevado devido à crescente tendência de aprimoramentos do contorno corporal com injeções, implantes e enchimentos. O tratamento deve ser otimizado de acordo com as necessidades e condições do paciente.

Humans , Male , Adult , Silicones/adverse effects , Granuloma, Foreign-Body/complications , Hypercalcemia/etiology , Weight Lifting , Biopsy , Injections, Intradermal , Granuloma, Foreign-Body/pathology , Hypercalcemia/pathology
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 24(1)jan.- mar. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-967458


Este artigo analisa as experiências de gênero, a abjeção dos corpos e as agências de mulheres atletas do levantamento de peso. Para tal, aportamos as observações de treinamentos, na realização de entrevistas com oito atletas da modalidade e nos referenciais dos estudos de gênero e sexualidade pós-estruturalistas. As narrativas das atletas expõem visões de mundo referenciadas em binarismos de gênero, e seus corpos trazem marcas das experiências esportivas, refletidas em volume, força e potência muscular elevada. Tais inscrições corporais fazem emergir a instabilidade e descontinuidade do sistema normativo sexo-gênero-desejo e constroem feminilidades superlativas, "forçudas" e consequentemente estigmatizadas e abjetas. Essas transformações lançam "suspeição" sobre suas sexualidades, e a heteronormatividade assume centralidade no processo de abjeção em suas relações de sociabilidade. Na medida em que "subvertem" as expectativas corporais normalizadas, essas mulheres performatizam resistências e a pluralização das feminilidades no esporte

This article reviews gender experiences, abjection of female weight-lifting athletes' bodies and their agencies. To this end, we provide observations about practice sessions by interviewing eight athletes under the frameworks of poststructuralist gender and sexuality studies. Athletes' narratives expose world views based on gender and sexuality binarisms, and their bodies bear the marks of sports experiences reflected in the volume, strength and high muscular power. Such bodily inscriptions bring out instability and discontinuity of the normative sex-genre-desire system and build superlative, "robust" and consequently stigmatized and abject femininities. These changes raise "suspicion" about their sexualities and heteronormativity takes center stage in the process of abjection in their relationships of sociability. As these women "subvert" standardized bodily expectations, they performatize resistances and pluralization of femininities in sport

Este artículo analiza las experiencias de género, la abyección de cuerpos y las agencias de las mujeres atletas en el levantamiento de pesas. Con este fin, aportamos observaciones sobre entrenamientos, realización de entrevistas con ocho atletas de este deporte y referencias de los estudios de género y la sexualidad posestructuralistas. Las narrativas de las atletas exponen visiones de mundo que tienen referencia en el binarismo de género y sus cuerpos portan las marcas de las experiencias deportivas, que se reflejan en volumen, fuerza y potencia muscular elevada. Tales inscripciones corporales hacen emerger la inestabilidad y la discontinuidad del sistema sexo-género-deseo y construyen feminidades superlativas, "fuertes" y, por lo tanto, estigmatizadas y abyectas. Estas transformaciones lanzan "sospecha" sobre sus sexualidades, y la heteronormatividad asume centralidad en el proceso de abyección en sus relaciones de sociabilidad. En la medida en que "subvierten" las expectativas corporales normalizadas, estas mujeres performatizan resistencias y la pluralización de las feminidades en el deporte

Humans , Female , Weight Lifting , Women , Social Stigma , Gender Identity , Sports
Asian Spine Journal ; : 1106-1116, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739290


STUDY DESIGN: Prospective observational study. PURPOSE: To evaluate the disability domains relevant to Indian patients with low backache and propose a modified disability questionnaire for such patients. OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) is a self-reported measurement tool that measures both pain and functional status and is used for evaluating disability caused by lower backache. Although ODI remains a good tool for disability assessment, from the Indian perspective questions related to weight lifting and sexual activity of ODI are questioned in some of the earlier studies. Activities of daily living in Indian patients vary substantially from those in other populations and include activities like bending forwards, sitting in floor and squatting which are not represented in the ODI. METHODS: In this prospective observational study, a seven-step approach was used for the development of a questionnaire. Thirty patients were interviewed to identify the most challenging issue they faced while performing their daily activities (by free listing) and understand how important the questionnaire items were in terms of the standard ODI. Thus, a comprehensive disability questionnaire comprising 14 questions was developed and administered to 88 patients. Both qualitative (interviews) and quantitative methods (to establish the validity, reliability, and correlation with the Visual Analog Scale [VAS] and Rolland Morris disability questionnaire) were used to identify the 10 questions that best addressed the disability domains relevant to Indian patients. RESULTS: According to free listing, four new questions pertaining to bending forward, sitting on the floor, walking on uneven surfaces, and work-related disabilities were included. In the second phase, wherein the questionnaire with 14 items was used, 56.8% patients did not answer the questions related to sexual activity, whereas 23.8% did not answer those related to walking on uneven surfaces. The modified questionnaire demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.892) and correlation with the Rolland Morris questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha=0.850, p>0.05), as well as with the VAS score for disability (Cronbach's alpha=0.712, p>0.05) and pain (Cronbach's alpha=0.625, p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A modified disability questionnaire that was designed by adding two questions related to bending forward and work status and removing questions related to sexual activity and weight lifting or traveling (depending on the occupation) can help evaluate disability caused by back pain in Indian population.

Humans , Activities of Daily Living , Back Pain , Developing Countries , India , Low Back Pain , Observational Study , Prospective Studies , Sexual Behavior , Spine , Visual Analog Scale , Walking , Weight Lifting
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 23(4): 179-191, out.-dez.2015. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-849461


O objetivo do presente estudo foi entender a modalidade powerlifting associada aos aspectos morfofuncionais que envolvem a modalidade. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica com busca de artigos que tratavam da modalidade powerlifting associada às respostas morfológicas e neuromusculares. Foram selecionados artigos nacionais e internacionais, retirados das bases de dados: Medline, SciELO, PUBMED, Ebsco e Portal Periódicos Capes entre 2000 a 2013. As palavras-chave utilizadas em português e inglês foram: powerlifting, powerlifting and training, weight training, powerlifting and anthropometrics. Livros texto básicos também foram inseridos para complemento das informações. Os principais achados demonstraram que as variáveis antropométricas (massa corporal, estatura, adiposidade) e disposição corporal (arquitetura) podem influenciar no desempenho do atleta. Assim como as magnitudes de força podem auxiliar no desempenho dos atletas de powerlifting, existe um equilíbrio entre volume e intensidade com o objetivo de desenvolvimento de força com baixas alterações morfológicas. Dessa forma, o presente estudo realizou uma breve revisão da modalidade que pode auxiliar atletas e técnicos no entendimento das melhorias neuromusculares e nas respostas morfológicas relacionadas à modalidade.(AU)

The aim of this study was to understand powerlifting sport associated with morphofunctional aspects involving modality. For this, were a literature review search articles dealing with the powerlifting sport associated morphological and neuromuscular responses was performed. National and international articles drawn from the databases were selected: Medline, SciELO, PubMed, Ebsco and Portal Periodicos Capes between 2000-2013. The keywords used in Portuguese and English were: powerlifting, powerlifting and training, weight training, powerlifting and anthropometrics. Basic textbooks were also inserted to supplement the information. The main findings showed that the anthropometric variables (weight, height, body fat) and body disposal (architecture) can influence the performance of the athlete. As the magnitudes of force can assist the performance of athletes in powerlifting, there is a balance between volume and intensity with the aim of developing strength with low morphological changes. Thus, this study conducted a brief review of the modality that can help athletes and coaches in understanding the neuromuscular improvements and morphological responses related to the modality.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Resistance Training , Weight Lifting
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 13(4): 541-546, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-770507


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate tendinopathy of the pectoralis major muscle in weightlifting athletes using ultrasound and elastography. Methods This study included 20 patients, 10 with rupture of the pectoralis major muscle and 10 control patients. We evaluated pectoralis major muscle contralateral tendon with ultrasonographic and elastography examinations. The ultrasonographic examinations were performed using a high-resolution B mode ultrasound device. The elastography evaluation was classified into three patterns: (A), if stiff (more than 50% area with blue staining); (B), if intermediate (more than 50% green); and (C), if softened (more than 50% red). Results Patients’ mean age was 33±5.3 years. The presence of tendinous injury measured by ultrasound had a significant different (p=0.0055), because 80% of cases had tendinous injury versus 10% in the Control Group. No significant differences were seen between groups related with change in elastography (p=0.1409). Conclusion Long-term bodybuilders had ultrasound image with more tendinous injury than those in Control Group. There was no statistical significance regarding change in tendon elasticity compared with Control Group.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar tendinopatia do músculo peitoral maior em praticantes de levantamento de peso utilizando ultrassonografia e elastografia. Métodos Participaram do estudo 20 sujeitos, sendo 10 com ruptura do tendão do músculo peitoral maior e 10 como controles. Avaliou-se o tendão músculo peitoral maior contralateral por meio de exames ultrassonográficos e elastografia. O aparelho de ultrassonografia utilizado era de alta resolução, e a avaliação foi realizada no modo B. A avaliação por elastografia foi classificada em três padrões, a saber: (A) se endurecido (mais de 50% de área com coloração azul); (B), se intermediário (mais de 50% verde); e (C), se amolecido (mais de 50% vermelho). Resultados A média de idade da amostra foi 33±5,3 anos. Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,0055) quanto à presença de tendinopatia avaliada pela ultrassonografia, pois 80% dos casos apresentaram tendinopatia músculo peitoral maior versus 10% nos pacientes controles. Não foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre os grupos quanto à presença de alteração na elastografia (p=0,1409). Conclusão Os pacientes praticantes de musculação de longa data apresentaram imagem à ultrassonografia com maior tendinopatia em relação aos controles, e não foi obtida significância estatística quanto à elastografia em relação aos controles.

Adult , Humans , Male , Athletes , Pectoralis Muscles , Tendon Injuries , Weight Lifting/injuries , Case-Control Studies , Elasticity Imaging Techniques/classification , Pectoralis Muscles/injuries , Resistance Training , Rupture , Symptom Assessment , Ultrasonography/methods
Cad. saúde pública ; 31(6): 1131-1140, 06/2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-752142


Abordamos o discurso médico sobre o uso dos esteroides anabolizantes androgênicos (EAA), drogas sintéticas cujo abuso vem sendo caracterizado como problema de saúde pública, sendo operado na contraposição entre usos “médicos” e “não-médicos”. Com base em abordagem qualitativa, realizamos análise de enunciações presentes em 76 artigos da área biomédica entre 2002 e 2012. Nesse discurso, permanece o banimento, entre jovens, de usos de EAA não regulados pela medicina, ao passo em que as fronteiras do emprego clinicamente qualificado parecem se expandir para pessoas idosas, mesmo frente a contradições que tensionam o argumento de prevenção dos riscos à saúde. Percebem-se marcações biopolíticas moralizantes, seja via distinções de gênero, seja sob o signo da criminalização do uso de drogas.

The article addresses the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), synthetic drugs whose abuse has been characterized as a public health problem, operated in the opposition between “medical” and “non-medical” uses. A qualitative approach was used to analyze the text in 76 biomedical articles published from 2002 to 2012. The discourse shows a persistent ban on non-medically regulated use of AAS by young people, while the limits on clinically qualified use appear to expand among older people, even given the contradictions straining the argument on the prevention of health risks. Moralizing biopolitical stances appear, based on gender distinctions or under the aegis of criminalizing drug use.

Nos acercamos al discurso médico sobre el uso de esteroides anabólicos androgénicos (EAA), drogas sintéticas, cuyo abuso se ha caracterizado como un problema de salud pública, que ha operado bajo una oposición entre sus usos “médico” y “no-médico”. Desde un enfoque cualitativo, se realizó un análisis de los enunciados en 76 artículos biomédicos, entre 2002 y 2012. Por un lado, y entre los jóvenes, prevalece un discurso basado en la prohibición de usos “no médicos” de EAA; y por otro lado, dirigiéndose a las personas de edad, las fronteras de usos clínicos tienden a expandirse, independientemente de las contradicciones que desestabilizan argumentos de prevención de riesgos para la salud. Percibimos marcas moralizantes biopolíticas, ya sea a través de las distinciones de género, ya sea bajo el signo de la criminalización del consumo de drogas.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Aging , Anabolic Agents/administration & dosage , Androgens/administration & dosage , Substance-Related Disorders , Weight Lifting , Age Factors , Attitude to Health , Brazil , Nonprescription Drugs , Prescription Drugs , Risk Factors
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 104(5): 375-386, 05/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-748152


Background: Clinical in-stent restenosis (CISR) is the main limitation of coronary angioplasty with stent implantation. Objective: Describe the clinical and angiographic characteristics of CISR and the outcomes over a minimum follow-up of 12 months after its diagnosis and treatment. Methods: We analyzed in 110 consecutive patients with CISR the clinical presentation, angiographic characteristics, treatment and combined primary outcomes (cardiovascular death, nonfatal acute myocardial infarction [AMI]) and combined secondary (unstable angina with hospitalization, target vessel revascularization and target lesion revascularization) during a minimal follow-up of one year. Results: Mean age was 61 ± 11 years (68.2% males). Clinical presentations included acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in 62.7% and proliferative ISR in 34.5%. CISR was treated with implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES) in 36.4%, Bare Metal Stent (BMS) in 23.6%, myocardial revascularization surgery in 18.2%, balloon angioplasty in 15.5% and clinical treatment in 6.4%. During a median follow-up of 19.7 months, the primary outcome occurred in 18 patients, including 6 (5.5%) deaths and 13 (11.8%) AMI events. Twenty-four patients presented a secondary outcome. Predictors of the primary outcome were CISR with DES (HR = 4.36 [1.44–12.85]; p = 0.009) and clinical treatment for CISR (HR = 10.66 [2.53–44.87]; p = 0.001). Treatment of CISR with BMS (HR = 4.08 [1.75–9.48]; p = 0.001) and clinical therapy (HR = 6.29 [1.35–29.38]; p = 0.019) emerged as predictors of a secondary outcome. Conclusion: Patients with CISR present in most cases with ACS and with a high frequency of adverse events during a medium-term follow-up. .

Fundamento: A Reestenose Intrastent Clínica (RISC) é a principal limitação da angioplastia coronariana com implante de stent. Objetivo: Descrever as características clínicas e angiográficas da RISC e os desfechos em seguimento de pelo menos doze meses após seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Métodos: Em 110 pacientes consecutivos com RISC, analisaram-se a apresentação clínica, as características angiográficas, o tratamento e os desfechos primário combinado (morte cardiovascular, Infarto Agudo Miocárdio não fatal [IAM]) e secundário combinado (angina instável com internação, revascularização de vaso alvo e lesão alvo) em seguimento mínimo de um ano. Resultados: A média de idade da amostra foi de 61 ± 11 anos (68,2% do sexo masculino). A apresentação clínica foi como Síndrome Coronariana Aguda (SCA) em 62,7%, com RIS proliferativa em 34,5% dos casos. O tratamento realizado foi o implante de Stent Farmacológico (SF) em 36,4%; de Stent Não Farmacológico (SNF) em 23,6%; cirurgia de revascularização em 18,2%; angioplastia por balão em 15,5%; e tratamento clínico em 6,4%. Com seguimento mediano de 19,7 meses, o desfecho primário ocorreu em 18 pacientes, com seis (5,5%) óbitos e 13 (11,8%) IAM, e o secundário em 24 pacientes. Foram preditores de desfecho primário a RISC em SF (HR = 4,36; [1,44 - 12,85], p = 0,009) e o tratamento clínico da RISC (HR = 10,66, [2,53 - 44,87], p = 0,001). O tratamento da RISC com SNF (HR = 4,08 [1,75 - 9,48], p = 0,001) e tratamento clínico (HR = 6,29 [1,35 - 29,38], p = 0,019) foram preditores do desfecho secundário. Conclusão: A RISC se apresenta como SCA na maioria dos casos e os pacientes apresentam elevada frequência de eventos adversos durante o seguimento de médio prazo. .

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Intervertebral Disc/physiology , Lumbar Vertebrae , Weight Lifting/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology , Computer Simulation , Finite Element Analysis , Lifting , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Pressure , Range of Motion, Articular , Spine/physiology
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association ; : 342-347, 2015.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-651413


Trapezoid fracture is a rare condition and especially, isolated trapezoid fracture is most rare condition of carpal bone fracture. And principle of treatment has not yet been established. Most of trapezoid fractures can be treated using cast but displaced fracture or fracture combined with other carpal bone fractures may require operative treatment. There have been reports about case of conservative treatment in trapezoid stress fracture but no report about case of operative management. We treated a trapezoid stress fracture in a weight lifting athlete by operative treatment and report the results with literature review.

Humans , Athletes , Carpal Bones , Fractures, Stress , Trapezoid Bone , Weight Lifting
Int. j. morphol ; 32(4): 1184-1189, Dec. 2014. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-734656


This study aims to carry out a comparative study on the vertebral structure of the elite male weightlifters and the sedentary group (control group) by obtaining three-dimensional data and models by means of photogrammetry from the columna vertebralis sections taken by MDCT. The columna vertebralis of the 8 male weightlifters and 8 sedentary individuals (control group) was scanned with a high-definition diagnostic MDCT device during the study. The demographic findings suggest no difference in both the weightlifters and the sedentary individual. The 2D axial images in DICOM format were burnt on CDs and then copied on a PC on which 3D-Doctor 4.0, which is a 3D modelling program had already been installed. The reconstruction was carried out with the 3D rendering component of the program. All the data were automatically measured by the abovementioned program and the statistical analyses were determined with a ­t test by SPSS 15. Considering the statistical results of the Columna vertebralis, only in the length of Pars lumbaris some statistically considerable differences (p<0.05) were observed between the vertebras L3-L5 in the elite male weightlifters and the sedentary individuals. Therefore, concluding from the idea that these techniques and the three-dimensional reconstruction procedures should be put into practice in the field of sports medicine, the substructure works that will be carried out on weightlifters by means of MDCT are thought to be supported by these studies.

El objetivo fue realizar un estudio comparativo de la estructura vertebral de pesistas de elite y un grupo sedentario (grupo control) através de la obtención de datos y modelos tridimensionales mediante fotogrametría de secciones de la columna vertebral por TCMD. La columna vertebral de los pesistas, 8 varones y 8 sujetos sedentarios (grupo control) fue escaneada con un dispositivo para diagnóstico de alta definición TCMD. Los hallazgos demográficos sugieren que no hay diferencias entre los pesistas y los sujetos sedentarios. Las imágenes axiales 2D en formato DICOM fueron grabados en CD y luego copiadas a un PC en 3D-Doctor 4.0, un programa de modelado 3D que ya se había instalado. La reconstrucción se llevó a cabo con el componente de representación 3D del programa. Todos los datos fueron medidos por el programa de manera automática y los análisis estadísticos fueron determinados mediante una prueba t por SPSS 15.0. Considerando los resultados estadísticos de la columna vertebral, solamente en la longitud de la parte lumbar se observaron algunas diferencias consideradas significativas (p<0,05) entre las vértebras L3-L5 en los pesistas de elite y los sujetos sedentarios. Por lo tanto, estas técnicas y los procedimientos de reconstrucción en tres dimensiones deben ser puestos en práctica en la medicina deportiva, debido a que este tipo de estudio puede ser útil en los trabajos de subestructura que se realizen en los pesistas mediante TCMD.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Spine/anatomy & histology , Spine/diagnostic imaging , Weight Lifting , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Multidetector Computed Tomography/methods , Sedentary Behavior
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 18(3): 237-246, May-Jun/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-713604


BACKGROUND: Infants with Down syndrome present with organic and neurological changes that may lead to a delay in the acquisition of motor skills such as kicking, a fundamental skill that is a precursor of gait and is influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Therefore, this movement should be taken into account in early physical therapy interventions in infants. OBJECTIVE: To analyze and to compare the effect of additional weight on the frequency of kicks in infants with Down syndrome and infants with typical development at 3 and 4 months of age. METHOD: Five infants with Down syndrome and five with typical development at 3 and 4 months of age were filmed. The experiment was divided into four experimental conditions lasting 1 minute each: training, baseline, weight (addition of ankle weight with 1/3 the weight of the lower limb), and post-weight. RESULTS: There were significant differences between groups for all variables (p<0.05), with lower frequencies observed for infants with Down syndrome in all variables. There were significant differences between the experimental conditions baseline and post-weight (p<0.001) for both groups in the frequency of contact and success, with a higher frequency in the post-weight condition. CONCLUSIONS: The weight acted as an important stimulus for both groups, directing the kicks toward the target and improving the infants' performance in the task through repetition, however, the infants with Down syndrome had lower frequencies of kicks. .

Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Down Syndrome/physiopathology , Leg/physiopathology , Weight Lifting , Motor Activity