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Chin. j. integr. med ; Chin. j. integr. med;(12): 213-221, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010320


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect and possible mechanism of hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) on human immortalized keratinocyte cell proliferation and migration.@*METHODS@#HaCaT cells were treated with HSYA. Cell proliferation was detected by the cell counting kit-8 assay, and cell migration was measured using wound healing assay and Transwell migration assay. The mRNA and protein expression levels of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor (HBEGF), EGF receptor (EGFR), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B (AKT), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) were detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and Western blot, respectively. Circ_0084443-overexpressing HaCaT cells and empty plasmid HaCaT cells were constructed using the lentiviral stable transfection and treated with HSYA. The expression of circ_0084443 was detected by qRT-PCR.@*RESULTS@#HSYA (800 µmol/L) significantly promoted HaCaT cell proliferation and migration (P<0.05 or P<0.01). It also increased the mRNA and protein expression levels of HBEGF, EGFR, PI3K, AKT, mTOR and HIF-1α, and increased the phosphorylation levels of PI3K and AKT (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Furthermore, HSYA promoted HaCaT cell proliferation and migration via the HBEGF/EGFR and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathways (P<0.01). Circ_0084443 attenuated the mRNA expression levels of HBEGF, EGFR, PI3K, AKT, mTOR and HIF-1α (P<0.05). HSYA inhibited the circ_0084443 expression, further antagonized the inhibition of circ_0084443 on HBEGF, EGFR, PI3K, AKT, mTOR and HIF-1α, and promoted the proliferation of circ_0084443-overexpressing HaCaT cells (P<0.05 or P<0.01). However, HSYA could not influence the inhibitory effect of circ_0084443 on HaCaT cell migration (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#HSYA played an accelerative role in HaCaT cell proliferation and migration, which may be attributable to activating HBEGF/EGFR and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways, and had a particular inhibitory effect on the keratinocyte negative regulator circ_0084443.

Humans , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt/metabolism , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases/metabolism , ErbB Receptors/genetics , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases/metabolism , Cell Proliferation , RNA, Messenger/genetics , Cell Movement , Cell Line, Tumor , Chalcone/analogs & derivatives , Quinones
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 239-251, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008092


'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui' is a new cultivar of Prunus mume with cross-cultivar group characteristics. It has typical characteristics of cinnabar purple cultivar group and green calyx cultivar group. It has green calyx, white flower, and light purple xylem, but the mechanism remains unclear. In order to clarify the causes of its cross-cultivar group traits, the color phenotype, anthocyanin content and the expression levels of genes related to anthocyanin synthesis pathway of 'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui', 'Yuxi Zhusha' and 'Yuxi Bian Lü'e' were determined. It was found that the red degree of petals, sepals and fresh xylem in branches was positively correlated with the total anthocyanin content. MYBɑ1, MYB1, and bHLH3 were the key transcription factor genes that affected the redness of the three cultivars of flowers and xylem. The transcription factors further promoted the high expression of structural genes F3'H, DFR, ANS and UFGT, thereby promoting the production of red traits. Combined with phenotype, anthocyanin content and qRT-PCR results, it was speculated that the white color of petals of 'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui' were derived from the high expression of FLS, F3'5'H, LAR and ANR genes in other branches of cyanidin synthesis pathway, and the low expression of GST gene. The green color of sepals might be originated from the relatively low expression of F3'H, DFR and ANS genes. The red color of xylem might be derived from the high expression of ANS and UFGT genes. This study made a preliminary explanation for the characteristics of the cross-cultivar group of 'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui', and provided a reference for molecular breeding of flower color and xylem color of Prunus mume.

Animals , Anthocyanins , DNA Shuffling , Flowers/genetics , Porifera , Prunus/genetics , Glutamine/analogs & derivatives , Plant Extracts
Evid. actual. práct. ambul. (En línea) ; 27(2): e007123, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1566910


Desde fines de 2023, la denominación hígado graso no alcohólico cambió por esteatosis hepática asociada a disfunción metabólica (MASLD, por sus iniciales en inglés), ya que el nombre anterior era considerado estigmatizante para los pacientes. No está recomendado rastrear esta entidad en la población general. Sin embargo, si por algún motivo se solicitó una ecografía y esta informa esteatosis hepática, se recomienda evaluar el riesgo de progresión a fibrosis hepática mediante el puntaje FIB-4. Los pacientes con puntaje mayor a 1,3 requieren mayor evaluación y se les solicita una elastografía transicional (Fibroscan®). El tratamiento de esta entidad apunta, en general, al descenso de peso mediante la actividad física y la dieta hipocalórica. (AU)

Since the end of 2023, the name non-alcoholic fatty liver has been changed to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), as the former denomination was considered stigmatizing for patients. It is not recommended to screen for this entity in the general population. However, if for some reason an ultrasound was performed and it reports hepatic steatosis, it is recommended to evaluate the risk of progression to liver fibrosis using the FIB-4 score. Patients with a score greater than 1.3 require further evaluation, and a transient elastography (FibroScan®) is requested. Treatment in general aims at weight loss through physical activity and a low-calorie diet. (AU)

Humans , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/diagnosis , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/metabolism , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/therapy , Liver Cirrhosis/prevention & control , Primary Health Care , Pyridazines/therapeutic use , Uracil/analogs & derivatives , Uracil/therapeutic use , Biopsy , Exercise , Weight Loss , Mass Screening , Ultrasonography , Caloric Restriction , Diagnosis, Differential , Elasticity Imaging Techniques , Binge Drinking/prevention & control , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/classification , Liver Cirrhosis/diagnosis
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2024. 93 p tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563228


A quimioinformática, definida como o emprego de técnicas informáticas na solução de problemas da química, evolui em conjunto com o desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais e é de grande relevância para o planejamento racional de fármacos ao otimizar etapas do desenvolvimento de novas moléculas e economizar recursos e tempo. Dentre as técnicas disponíveis destacam-se o planejamento de fármacos baseado na estrutura e no ligante, que quando combinadas auxiliam na identificação e otimização de moléculas ativas frente a alvos farmacológicos. A Dihidrofolato Redutase (DHFR) é uma importante enzima da via dos folatos que catalisa a redução do dihidrofolato em tetrahidrofolato, utilizando NADPH como cofator, reação essencial para a replicação celular, visto que este ciclo resulta na síntese de precursores das bases nitrogenadas que compõem o DNA, consequentemente, inibidores de DHFR são utilizados no tratamento de infecções bacterianas e alguns tipos de câncer. Trypanosoma cruzi, protozoário causador da doença de chagas, é um dos organismos que expressam a DHFR, além do próprio Homo sapiens. Analisaram-se ligantes conhecidos e as estruturas da proteína expressa pelos dois organismos, visando identificar pontos de divergência que possam ser explorados no planejamento de moléculas seletivas para o tratamento da doença de Chagas. Os 6 modelos cristalográficos de T. cruzi e 2 de H. sapiens foram obtidos do banco de dados de proteínas (PDB) após aplicação de filtros de qualidade. Foram analisadas as sequências de aminoácidos dos modelos, com o uso do Cluster Ômega, sua estrutura tridimensional com os programas Pymol e Chimera X, além da análise das cavidades proteicas com o CavityPlus, que também gerou os farmacóforos de ambos alvos. A análise de estrutura primária identificou mutações em três aminoácidos nos cristais do parasita, que podem ser explicados por diferentes caminhos evolutivos de grupos segregados, embora nenhuma mutação observada esteja em regiões de sítio ativo. A análise dos modelos permitiu que fossem identificados os 25 aminoácidos que estão a menos de 5 Å de distância dos ligantes de T. cruzi, sendo 5 aminoácidos responsáveis por interações de hidrogênio com pelo menos um dos ligantes analisados. Destes, 18 se repetem na proteína humana ou são substituídos por outro aminoácido que mantém a mesma interação. Quanto às diferenças observadas, destacam-se a asparagina 44 substituída por uma prolina na proteína humana e a prolina 92, substituída por uma lisina. A análise de cavidades identificou três cavidades em cada proteína, embora somente as cavidades correspondentes ao sítio ativo sejam druggables. A cavidade da proteína humana é maior e mais alongada, além de apresentar o aspecto de um túnel, enquanto a cavidade da proteína parasita é mais aberta, tal abertura permite que ligantes com o anel benzeno meta substituídos explorem uma região existente na cavidade de T. cruzi que é fechada na humana. O farmacóforo de ambas proteínas foi identificado, apresentando diferenças no tamanho e angulação que também podem ser explorados no planejamento de fármacos seletivos

Chemoinformatic, defined as the use of informatic techniques to solve chemical problems, has evolved together with new computational tools and it is quite important for rational drug designing, by optimizing different steps on the development pipeline of new molecules, saving resources and time. From all the available tools, structure and ligand based drug design shall be highlighted, when combined, they support the identification and optimization of active molecules from pharmaceutical targets. Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is an important enzyme of the folate pathway that catalyzes the reduction of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate, by using NADPH as cofactor. This reaction is essential for cell replication, as this pathway results in the synthesis of nucleobases that build the DNA. That's the reason why DHFR inhibitors are used for treating bacterial infections and some types of cancer. Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoa that causes Chagas disease, is one of the organisms that express DHFR, besides Homo sapiens itself. This work analyzed known ligands and the structure of the protein expressed by both organisms, aiming to identify divergence points that could be explored for designing selective drugs for Chagas disease treatment. The 6 proteins crystallographic models from T. cruzi and 2 from H. sapiens were obtained from protein data bank (PDB) after the application of quality filters. The amino acid sequence of each model was analyzed by Clustal Omega, its tridimensional structure by Pymol and Chimera X and the cavity analysis by CavityPlus, that also generated the pharmacophore from both targets. The primary structure analysis identified mutations on three amino acids on the parasite christal, which may be explained by different evolutive paths from segregated groups, although none of the observed mutations are on the active site region. The model's analysis allowed the identification of 24 amino acids that are closer than 5 Å from the T. cruzi ligands, 5 of them responsible for hydrogen interactions on at least one of the ligands analyzed. 18 of them are repeated on the human protein or are replaced by another amino acid that preserves the same interaction. As by the differences observed that shall be highlighted, asparagine 44 is replaced by a proline on the human protein, and proline 92 by a lysin. The cavity analysis identified three cavities on each protein, although only the cavities of the active site are druggables. The human protein cavity is bigger and longer, besides it looks like its a tunnel, when the parasite protein is open, that opening allows ligands with benzene ring meta substituted to explore the existing regions of the T. cruzi protein that is closed on the human protein. Lastly, the pharmacophore from both proteins was identified, it shows differences on size and angulation that also could be explored in the designing of selective drugs

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Cells/classification , Cheminformatics/instrumentation , Amino Acids/agonists , Neoplasms/pathology , Asparagine/analogs & derivatives , DNA/adverse effects
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2024. 72 p tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563356


A Dengue induz uma resposta exacerbada e transitória das células secretoras de anticorpos (ASCs) no sangue de pacientes cerca de sete dias após o início dos sintomas. A frequência dessas ASCs chega a representar mais de 50% de todas as células B circulantes neste período. No entanto, ainda é desconhecido se a magnitude dessa resposta tem relação com a gravidade da Dengue. Nosso grupo de pesquisa já mostrou que a cultura de células nucleares do sangue periférico (PBMCs) de indivíduos saudáveis com partículas do vírus da Dengue (DENV), por 7 dias, levava a diferenciação de células B em ASCs em magnitude similar àquelas estimuladas por mitógenos. Essas culturas apresentavam um consumo significativamente maior de triptofano (TRP), associado à maior expressão das enzimas IDO1 e IDO2, e, consequentemente, maior síntese de quinurenina (KYN) em relação ao estímulo por mitógenos. Considerando que as concentrações de TRP e KYN detectadas nos sobrenadantes dessas culturas eram diretamente proporcionais ao aumento de ASCs, decidimos investigar o papel desse metabolismo do TRP e de seus respectivos metabólitos na diferenciação das ASCs. Para isso, análises do transcriptoma público de células únicas do sangue periférico de pacientes com Dengue (estudo E-MTAB- 9467) foram realizadas para inferir a real participação do metabolismo do TRP na geração de ASCs. Com o programa R foram executadas análises de Downstream. Identificamos um aumento massivo das ASCs nas amostras dos pacientes infectados com Dengue. No entanto, os principais genes desencadeadores da ativação do metabolismo do TRP (IDO1 e IDO2) não foram expressos nas subpopulações de células B, mas sim em células dendríticas e monócitos CD14+ respectivamente. Isso sugeriria que esta via não seria ativada nos linfócitos B. Por outro lado, genes codificadores de outros participantes da via do TRP (HSD17B10, ECHS1 e SIRT3) foram detectados em células B e podem estar relacionados com a proliferação das ASCs. Além disso, a análise de enriquecimento mostrou uma aumentada expressão de genes associados com moléculas de MHC de classe II em plasmablastos e plasmócitos de pacientes com Dengue. Porém, com a expressão aumentada de ENTPD1 nessas células durante a fase sintomatológica, nossos dados sugerem também que um eventual papel de plasmablastos e plasmócitos como apresentadoras de antígenos na Dengue poderia induzir uma resposta supressora de células T

Dengue can cause an exacerbated and transient antibody-secreting cell (ASC) response in the blood of patients nearly 7 days of symptomatology. The ASC frequency reaches more than 50% of all circulating B cells during that period. However, it is still unknown whether the magnitude of this response may be directly related to the severity of Dengue. Our research group has already shown that the culture of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy individuals with Dengue virus (DENV) particles for 7 days led to a differentiation of B cells into ASCs to a magnitude similar to those stimulated by mitogens. These cultures showed significantly higher consumption of tryptophan (TRP), associated with higher expression of enzymes IDO1 and IDO2, and consequently, higher synthesis of quinurenine (KYN) compared to mitogen stimulation. The concentrations of TRP and KYN detected in the supernatants of these cultures were directly proportional to ASC frequency increase. Thus, we have decided to investigate the role of TRP metabolism and its respective metabolites in ASC differentiation. For this, we performed an analysis of single-cell transcriptome with peripheral blood from Dengue patients (dataset from E-MTAB-9467 study). Downstream analyses were performed with R software. Corroborating with literature, we identified a massive increase in ASC frequency of Dengue infected patients. However, the main genes triggering TRP metabolism activation (IDO1 and IDO2) were not expressed in B-cell subsets, but in dendritic cells and CD14+ monocytes, respectively. This would suggest that this pathway would not be activated in B lymphocytes. Nevertheless, genes encoding other participants in the TRP pathway (HSD17B10, ECHS1, and SIRT3) were detected in B cells and may be related to ASC proliferation. Futhermore, a Gene Ontology analysis showed an increased expression of genes associated with MHC class II molecules in plasmablasts and plasma cells of Dengue patients. As these cells also presented an increased expression of ENTPD1 during the symptomatic phase, our data suggest a potential role of plasmablasts and plasma cells as antigen-presenting cells associated with a suppressive T cell response in Dengue

Patients/classification , Plasma Cells/classification , Histocompatibility Antigens Class II/pharmacology , Dengue/pathology , Single-Cell Gene Expression Analysis/instrumentation , Tryptophan/analogs & derivatives
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(6): 837-847, nov. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554245


Cinnamon ( Cinnamomum verum J. Presl) is a well - known medicinal plant considered as an effective treatment for neurological disorders based on Persian medicine . The aim of the present study was assessing the effect of cinnamon oil, cinnamic acid, and cinnamaldehyde, on the in vitro model of Parkinson's disease (PD). Cinnamon oil, prepared in sesame oil, was phytochemically analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Pheochromocytoma - 12 (PC - 12) cells were treated with 1 - methyl - 4 - phenyl - 1,2,3,6 - tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) as an in vitro model of neurodegeneration in PD. Cell viability, activity of caspase enzymes, and formation of reactive oxygen sp ecies (ROS) were evaluated. MPTP significantly decreased cell viability and increased Casp activity, as well as ROS formation. Cinnamon oil and cinnamic acid at 200 µg/m L could significantly reverse MPTP - induced abnormalities in PC - 12 cells including Casp activity and ROS formation. Our study supports the beneficial effect of cinnamon oil in neurodegeneration. Furt her investigations are needed to clarify the mechanisms and main active components.

La canela ( Cinnamomum verum J. Presl) es una planta medicinal m uy conocida, y considerada como un tratamiento efectivo para patologías neurológicas según la medicina persa. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del aceite de canela, el ácido cinámico, y el cinamaldehído, en un modelo in vitro de la enferme dad de Parkinson (PD). El aceite de canela, preparado en aceite de sésamo, fue analizado fitoquímicamente usando cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC). Se trataron células con feocromocitoma - 12 (P - 12) usando 1 - metil - 4 - fenil - 1,2,3,6 - tetrahidropiridi na (MPTP) como un modelo in vitro de neurodegeneración en PD. Se evaluó la viabilidad celular, actividad de enzimas caspasa, y formación de especies reactivas del oxígeno (ROS). El tratamiento con MPTP disminuyó significativamente la viabilidad celular y a umentó la actividad casp, así la formación de ROS. Aceite de canela y ácido cinámico a 200 µg/mL podría revertir significativamente las anormalidades inducidas por MPTP en células PC - 12, incluyendo la actividad casp y la formación de ROS. Nuestro estudio e ntrega sustento sobre los efectos benéficos del aceite de canela en la neurodegeneración. Se requiere más investigación para clarificar los mecanismos y los principales componentes activos.

Animals , Rats , Parkinson Disease/drug therapy , Oils, Volatile/administration & dosage , Cinnamomum zeylanicum/chemistry , Acrolein/analogs & derivatives , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Cinnamates , PC12 Cells , Reactive Oxygen Species , Neurodegenerative Diseases/drug therapy , Disease Models, Animal , Medicine, Traditional
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(4): 374-378, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521853


INTRODUCCIÓN: Desde el inicio de la pandemia por COVID-19 se han registrado casos de infecciones de aspergilosis pulmonar asociada a esta infección, la cual tiene características diferentes a la aspergilosis pulmonar clásica y, por lo tanto, han significado un desafío diagnóstico. OBJETIVO: Validar una reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC) en tiempo real (sigla en inglés RT-PCR) comercial, como herramienta diagnóstica alternativa a la técnica de galactomanano (GM) en el diagnóstico de aspergilosis pulmonar asociada a COVID-19 (sigla en inglés CAPA). PACIENTES Y MÉTODO: Se analizaron resultados de RT-PCR de Aspergillus spp y GM en lavado bronco-alveolar (LBA) de 72 pacientes, hospitalizados por COVID-19 de Clínica Dávila entre los años 2020 y 2021. De estos pacientes, 33 presentaron CAPA. RESULTADOS: La RT-PCR de Aspergillus y GM presentaron una correlación positiva (r = 0,6351, valor p < 0,0001). La técnica de RT-PCR presentó una sensibilidad (S), especificidad (E), valor predictor positivo (VPP) y valor predictor negativo (VPN) de 100, 44, 66 y 100%, respectivamente, mientras que en GM fueron de 64, 89, 84 y 73%, respectivamente para LBA. Al utilizar ambas técnicas en combinación se obtuvo una S, E, VPP y VPN de 100, 82, 88 y 100%, respectivamente. CONCLUSIÓN: Este estudio concluyó que usar una técnica de RT-PCR de Aspergillus y GM en conjunto en LBA mejoraron los parámetros de desempeño de ambas técnicas usadas de manera individual para diagnosticar CAPA. Se requieren más estudios para evaluar el desempeño de técnicas combinadas en otros tipos de aspergilosis.

BACKGROUND: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been cases of pulmonary aspergillosis infections associated with this infection, which has different characteristics from classical pulmonary aspergillosis and therefore, have been diagnostic challenges. AIM: To validate a commercial real-time PCR (RT-PCR) method as an alternative diagnostic tool to the galactomannan (GM) technique in the diagnosis of COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA). METHODS: Results of RT-PCR of Aspergillus spp and GM in broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) of 72 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at Clínica Dávila between 2020 and 2021 were analyzed. Of these patients, 33 presented CAPA. RESULTS: The RT-PCR for Aspergillus and GM showed a positive correlation (r = 0.6351, p-value < 0.0001). The RT-PCR for Aspergillus technique presented a sensitivity (S), specificity (S), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 100, 44, 66 and 100% respectively, while the GM technique presented 64, 89, 84 and 73%, respectively for BAL. Using both techniques in combination a S, E, PPV and NPV of 100, 82, 88 and 100% were obtained respectively. CONCLUSION: This study concluded that using RT-PCR and GM techniques in combination in BAL improved the performance parameters of both techniques from those used individually to diagnose CAPA. Further studies are required to evaluate the performance of combined techniques in other aspergillosis focus.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/diagnosis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , COVID-19/complications , Aspergillus/isolation & purification , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid/microbiology , Chile , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/complications , Galactose/analogs & derivatives , Mannans/analysis
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;86(1): 27-32, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403483


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between subfoveal choroidal thickness and plasma asymmetrical dimethylarginine level and the severity of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: A total of 68 cases, including 15 patients without diabetic retinopathy, 17 patients with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, 16 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and 20 healthy patients (control group), were enrolled in this study. Subfoveal choroidal thickness was measured manually using the enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography scanning program, and plasma asymmetrical dimethylarginine level was measured using a commercial micro enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Results: The subfoveal choroidal thickness values and plasma asymmetrical dimethylarginine levels were significantly different between the four groups (p<0.001 and p<0.001). The subfoveal choroidal thickness values were significantly lower in the proliferative diabetic retinopathy group than in the other three groups (no diabetic retinopathy, nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, and control groups; p<0.001, p=0.045, and p<0.001, respectively). The plasma asymmetrical dimethylarginine levels were significantly higher in the proliferative diabetic retinopathy group than in the other three groups (p<0.001, p<0.04, and p<0.001, respectively). In addition, a significant negative correlation was also found between plasma asymmetrical dimethylarginine level and subfoveal choroidal thickness (p<0.001, r=-0.479). Conclusion: Asymmetrical dimethylarginine is an important marker of endothelial dysfunction and endogenous endothelial nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. The severity of diabetic retinopathy was related to increased plasma asymmetrical dimethylarginine level and reduced subfoveal choroidal thickness in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a relação da espessura subfoveal da coroide e dos níveis plasmáticos de dimetil-arginina assimétrica com a gravidade da retinopatia diabética em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: Foram incluídos 68 casos, compreendendo 15 pacientes sem retinopatia diabética, 17 pacientes com retinopatia diabética não proliferativa, 16 pacientes com retinopatia diabética proliferativa, e 20 casos saudáveis (grupo de controle). A espessura subfoveal da coroide foi medida manualmente, usando o programa de varredura com tomografia computadorizada óptica com imagem profunda aprimorada, e os níveis plasmáticos de dimetil-arginina assimétrica foram medidos usando um kit microELISA comercial. Resultados: Os valores da espessura subfoveal da coroide e os níveis plasmáticos de dimetil-arginina assimétrica foram significativamente diferentes nos quatro grupos (p<0,001 para ambos os parâmetros). Os valores da espessura subfoveal da coroide foram significativamente menores no grupo com retinopatia diabética proliferativa do que nos outros três grupos (sem retinopatia diabética, retinopatia diabética não proliferativa e grupo de controle, com p<0,001, p=0,045 e p<0,001, respectivamente). Já os níveis plasmáticos de dimetil-arginina assimétrica foram significativamente maiores no grupo com retinopatia diabética proliferativa do que nos outros três grupos (p<0,001, p=0,04 e p<0,001, respectivamente). Além disso, também foi encontrada uma correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis plasmáticos de dimetil-arginina assimétrica e a espessura subfoveal da coroide (p<0,001, r=-0,479). Conclusão: A dimetil-arginina assimétrica é um importante marcador de disfunção endotelial e um inibidor endógeno da óxido nítrico sintase. Foi encontrada uma relação da gravidade da retinopatia diabética e de níveis elevados de dimetil-arginina assimétrica no plasma com a redução da espessura subfoveal da coroide em pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 com retinopatia diabética.

Humans , Arginine , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Arginine/blood , Arginine/analogs & derivatives , Case-Control Studies , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Diabetic Retinopathy/diagnosis
Frontiers of Medicine ; (4): 1068-1079, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010829


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has stimulated tremendous efforts to develop therapeutic agents that target severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 to control viral infection. So far, a few small-molecule antiviral drugs, including nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid), remdesivir, and molnupiravir have been marketed for the treatment of COVID-19. Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir has been recommended by the World Health Organization as an early treatment for outpatients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19. However, the existing treatment options have limitations, and effective treatment strategies that are cost-effective and convenient for tackling COVID-19 are still needed. To date, four domestically developed oral anti-COVID-19 drugs have been granted conditional market approval in China. These drugs include azvudine, simnotrelvir-ritonavir (Xiannuoxin), leritrelvir, and mindeudesivir (VV116). Preclinical and clinical studies have explored the efficacy and tolerability of mindeudesivir and supported its early use in mild-to-moderate COVID-19 cases at high risk for progression. In this review, we discuss the most recent findings regarding the pharmacological mechanism and therapeutic effects focusing on mindeudesivir and other small-molecule antiviral agents for COVID-19. These findings will expand our understanding and highlight the potential widespread application of China's homegrown anti-COVID-19 drugs.

Humans , Ritonavir/therapeutic use , COVID-19 , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , China , Nitriles , Lactams , Proline , Adenosine/analogs & derivatives , Leucine
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 6434-6441, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008843


This study aimed to investigate the effect and underlying mechanism of Poria cocos polysaccharides(PCP) on myocardial cell apoptosis in the rat model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury(MI/RI). Male SPF-grade SD rats were randomly divided into a sham group(saline), a model group(saline), low-and high-dose PCP groups(100 and 200 mg·kg~(-1)), and a fasudil group(10 mg·kg~(-1)), with 16 rats in each group. Except for the sham group, the other four groups underwent left anterior descending coronary artery ligation for 30 min followed by reperfusion for 2 h to establish the MI/RI model. The myocardial infarct area was assessed by TTC staining. Histological changes were observed through HE staining. Myocardial cell apoptosis was evaluated using TUNEL staining. Serum lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), creatine kinase MB(CK-MB), interleukin-1β(IL-1β) and IL-18 levels, myocardial superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity and malondialdehyde(MDA) levels were detected by ELISA. Protein expression of B-cell lymphoma 2(Bcl-2), Bcl-2 associated X protein(Bax), cleaved caspase-3, Ras homolog gene A(RhoA), myosin phosphatase target subunit 1(MYPT-1), phosphorylated MYPT-1(p-MYPT-1), and Rho-associated coiled-coil forming kinase 1(ROCK 1) were measured by Western blot. Pathological staining of myocardial tissue revealed that in the model group, there was focal necrosis of myocardial tissue, myocardial cell swelling, unclear boundaries, and neutrophil infiltration. These pathological changes were alleviated in the low-and high-dose PCP groups and the fasudil group. Compared with the model group, the low-and high-dose PCP groups and the fasudil group showed significantly reduced myocardial infarct area and myocardial cell apoptosis rate. Compared with the sham group, the model group exhibited elevated serum LDH, CK-MB, IL-1β and IL-18 levels, increased MDA levels, relative protein expression of Bax, cleaved caspase-3, RhoA, ROCK1 and p-MYPT-1, and decreased myocardial SOD levels and Bcl-2 protein expression. Compared with the model group, the PCP groups and the fasudil group showed lowered serum LDH, CK-MB, IL-1β and IL-18 levels, decreased MDA levels, relative protein expression of Bax, cleaved caspase-3, RhoA, ROCK1 and p-MYPT-1, and increased myocardial SOD levels and Bcl-2 protein expression. PCP exhibited a certain preventive effect on myocardial tissue pathological damage and myocardial cell apoptosis in MI/RI rats, possibly related to the inhibition of the Rho-ROCK signaling pathway activation, thereby reducing oxidative stress and inflammatory responses.

Rats , Male , Animals , Myocardial Reperfusion Injury/drug therapy , bcl-2-Associated X Protein/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Caspase 3/metabolism , Interleukin-18 , Wolfiporia , Signal Transduction , Myocardial Infarction/drug therapy , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2/metabolism , Creatine Kinase, MB Form , Apoptosis , Polysaccharides/pharmacology , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , 1-(5-Isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-Methylpiperazine/analogs & derivatives
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e242830, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278540


Abstract Pesticide residues that contaminate the environment circulate within the hydrological cycle can accumulate within the food chain and cause problems to both environmental and human health. Microbes, however, are well known for their metabolic versatility and the ability to degrade chemically stable substances, including recalcitrant xenobiotics. The current study focused on bio-prospecting within Amazonian rainforest soils to find novel strains fungi capable of efficiently degrading the agriculturally and environmentally ubiquitous herbicide, glyphosate. Of 50 fungal strains isolated (using culture media supplemented with glyphosate as the sole carbon-substrate), the majority were Penicillium strains (60%) and the others were Aspergillus and Trichoderma strains (26 and 8%, respectively). All 50 fungal isolates could use glyphosate as a phosphorous source. Eight of these isolates grew better on glyphosate-supplemented media than on regular Czapek Dox medium. LC-MS revealed that glyphosate degradation by Penicillium 4A21 resulted in sarcosine and aminomethylphosphonic acid.

Resumo Resíduos de agrotóxicos que contaminam o meio ambiente circulam no ciclo hidrológico, podendo se acumular na cadeia alimentar e causar problemas tanto à saúde ambiental quanto humana. Por sua vez, microrganismos são bem conhecidos por sua versatilidade metabólica e capacidade de degradar substâncias quimicamente estáveis, incluindo xenobióticos recalcitrantes. O estudo atual se concentrou na bioprospecção nos solos da floresta amazônica para encontrar novas linhagens de fungos capazes de degradar com eficiência o herbicida onipresente na agricultura e no meio ambiente, o glifosato. Entre os 50 fungos isolados (usando meio de cultura suplementado com glifosato como única fonte de carbono), a maioria eram isolados do gênero Penicillium (60%) e os outros eram isolados de Aspergillus e Trichoderma (26 e 8%, respectivamente). Todos os 50 isolados de fungos foram capazes de usar glifosato como fonte de fósforo. Oito desses isolados cresceram melhor em meio suplementado com glifosato do que em meio Czapek Dox regular. LC-MS revelou que a degradação do glifosato por Penicillium 4A21 resultou nos metabólitos sarcosina e ácido aminometilfosfônico.

Humans , Penicillium , Trichoderma , Herbicides/toxicity , Aspergillus , Soil , Soil Microbiology , Biodegradation, Environmental , Organophosphonates , Fungi , Glycine/analogs & derivatives
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246579, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278558


Abstract Water magnetization and geoprocessing are increasingly utilized tools in weed management. Our objective was to study the influence of water magnetization on herbicide efficiency and to verify whether there is a relationship between control scores and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). In the laboratory experiment, water was subjected to magnetization and evaluated with respect to four characteristics. In the field experiment, plots of Brachiaria grass were subjected to treatments in a factorial scheme (6 × 2 + 1). Six herbicidal factors (doses of glyphosate and glyphosate + 2,4-D) and the magnetization or absence of magnetization of the spray solution were evaluated and compared against the control treatment (without spraying). Weed control assessments were carried out six times. Images were obtained using an embedded multispectral camera to determine the NDVI values. Data related to water characteristics were analyzed using the t test. Weed control and NDVI data were subjected to analysis of variance and are presented in regression graphs. Dispersion analysis of NDVI data was performed according to the control scores. The magnetization process decreased the pH of the water and increased the surface tension, but it did not influence the control scores or the NDVI. As the glyphosate dose was increased, the control scores were higher and the NDVI values were lower. Magnetized water did not affect the biological efficiency of the herbicides, and there was a strong correlation between the control scores and the NDVI values.

Resumo A magnetização da água e o geoprocessamento são ferramentas cada vez mais utilizadas no manejo de ervas daninhas. Nosso objetivo foi estudar a influência da magnetização da água na eficiência do herbicida e verificar se existe uma relação entre os escores de controle e o índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI). No experimento de laboratório, a água foi submetida à magnetização e avaliada em relação a quatro características. No experimento de campo, parcelas de capim-braquiária foram submetidas a tratamentos em esquema fatorial (6 × 2 + 1). Seis fatores herbicidas (doses de glyphosate e glyphosate + 2,4-D) e a magnetização ou ausência de magnetização da calda foram avaliados e comparados com o tratamento controle (sem pulverização). Avaliações de controle de plantas daninhas foram realizadas seis vezes. As imagens foram obtidas usando uma câmera multiespectral incorporada para determinar os valores de NDVI. Os dados relacionados às características da água foram analisados ​​por meio do teste t. O controle de plantas daninhas e os dados de NDVI foram submetidos à análise de variância e são apresentados em gráficos de regressão. A análise de dispersão dos dados NDVI foi realizada de acordo com os escores de controle. O processo de magnetização diminuiu o pH da água e aumentou a tensão superficial, mas não influenciou nos escores de controle ou no NDVI. Conforme a dose de glyphosate foi aumentada, os escores de controle foram maiores e os valores de NDVI foram menores. A água magnetizada não afetou a eficiência biológica dos herbicidas, e houve uma forte correlação entre os escores de controle e os valores de NDVI.

Desiccation , Herbicides , 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid , Weed Control , Glycine/analogs & derivatives
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248746, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339351


Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers leading to comorbidities and mortalities globally. The rational of current study was to evaluate the combined epigallocatechin gallate and quercetin as a potent antitumor agent as commentary agent for therapeutic protocol. The present study investigated the effect of epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) (150mg) and quercetin (200mg) at different proportions on proliferation and induction of apoptosis in human colon cancer cells (HCT-116). Cell growth, colonogenic, Annexin V in addition cell cycle were detected in response to phytomolecules. Data obtained showed that, the colony formation was inhibited significantly in CRC starting from the lowest concentration tested of 10 µg/mL resulting in no colonies as visualized by a phase-contrast microscope. Data showed a significant elevation in the annexin V at 100 µg/mL EGCG(25.85%) and 150 µg/mL quercetin (48.35%). Moreover, cell cycle analysis showed that this combination caused cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase at concentration of 100 µg/mL (72.7%) and 150 µg/mL (75.25%). The combined effect of epigallocatechin Gallate and quercetin exert antiproliferative activity against CRC, it is promising in alternative conventional chemotherapeutic agent.

Resumo O câncer colorretal (CCR) é um dos cânceres mais comuns, levando a comorbidades e mortalidade em todo o mundo. O racional do presente estudo foi avaliar a combinação de galato de epigalocatequina e quercetina como um agente antitumoral potente como agente de comentário para protocolo terapêutico. O presente estudo investigou o efeito de galato de epigalocatequina (EGCG) (150 mg) e quercetina (200 mg) em diferentes proporções na proliferação e indução de apoptose em células de câncer de cólon humano (HCT-116). O crescimento celular, colonogênico, anexina V, além do ciclo celular foram detectados em resposta a fitomoléculas. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a formação de colônias foi inibida significativamente no CRC a partir da concentração mais baixa testada de 10 µg/mL, resultando em nenhuma colônia conforme visualizado por um microscópio de contraste de fase. Os dados mostraram uma elevação significativa na anexina V a 100 µg/mL de EGCG (25,85%) e 150 µg/mL de quercetina (48,35%). Além disso, a análise do ciclo celular mostrou que essa combinação causou parada do ciclo celular na fase G1 na concentração de 100 µg/mL (72,7%) e 150 µg/mL (75,25%). O efeito combinado da epigalocatequina galato e quercetina exerce atividade antiproliferativa contra o CCR, é promissor como agente quimioterápico alternativo convencional.

Humans , Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy , Catechin/analogs & derivatives , Catechin/pharmacology , Quercetin/pharmacology , Cell Cycle , Annexin A5 , Cell Line, Tumor , Cell Proliferation
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e23264, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520318


Abstract In Brazil, insulin analogs stand out as one of the most demanded medications by judicial means. However, the guarantee of judicial access does not guarantee rational use. In context, pharmacotherapeutic follow-up (PF) is shown to be clinical effective strategy for patients with diabetes. To evaluate direct medical costs one year after performing PF in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus using insulin analogs ordered by court in Public Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS). This is a partial economic analysis, nested within a quasi-experimental study. Patients with T1DM who receive insulin analogs by judicialization in a medium-sized Brazilian city participated. The PF was conducted following the method adapted from the Pharmacotherapy workup (PW). Data were collected considering the period of one year before the start of the intervention and one year after the start of the intervention. Direct medical costs were evaluated and the difference in costs was calculated. 28 patients participated in the intervention. After PF, direct costs were -$3,696.78. Sensitivity analysis showed that there is a 33.4 % chance for PF to present cost savings when compared to baseline. The PF has the potential to reduce direct medical costs from the perspective of the SUS.

Humans , Male , Female , Patients/classification , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/pathology , Health's Judicialization , Insulin/analogs & derivatives , Pharmaceutical Services/classification , Cost Savings/classification , Costs and Cost Analysis/statistics & numerical data , Drug Therapy , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/instrumentation , Methods
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e22459, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439495


Abstract Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death among women. The endocervical adenocarcinoma (ECA) represents an aggressive and metastatic type of cancer with no effective treatment options currently available. We evaluated the antitumoral and anti-migratory effects of hypericin (HYP) encapsulated on Pluronic F127 (F127/HYP) photodynamic therapy (PDT) against a human cell line derived from invasive cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa) compared to a human epithelial cell line (HaCaT). The phototoxicity and cytotoxicity of F127/HYP were evaluated by the following assays: colorimetric assay, MTT, cellular morphological changes by microscopy and long-term cytotoxicity by clonogenic assay. In addition, we performed fluorescence microscopy to analyze cell uptake and subcellular distribution of F127/HYP, cell death pathway and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The PDT mechanism was determined with sodium azide and D-mannitol and cell migration by wound-healing assay. The treatment with F127/HYP promoted a phototoxic result in the HeLa cells in a dose-dependent and selective form. Internalization of F127/HYP was observed mainly in the mitochondria, causing cell death by necrosis and ROS production especially by the type II PDT mechanism. Furthermore, F127/HYP reduced the long-term proliferation and migration capacity of HeLa cells. Overall, our results indicate a potentially application of F127/HYP micelles as a novel approach for PDT with HYP delivery to more specifically treat ECA.

Adenocarcinoma/pathology , Poloxamer/analogs & derivatives , Photochemotherapy/classification , HeLa Cells/classification , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathology , Sodium Azide/administration & dosage , Epithelial Cells/classification , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods , Neoplasms/pathology
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 21(5): 607-619, sept. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553743


Aloe vera is among the world's economically most important medicinal plants, but as the growth of this plant and, consequently, the accumulation of metabolites is slow, we tested the hypothesis that root endophytic bacteria isolated from A. vera plants can promote growth and increase the accumulation of aloin in the gel and latex. For this, we inoculate seedlings with four endophytic bacteria and a combination of them. We confirmed the hypothesis and identified two strains with potential for the formulation of inoculants to improve the cultivation of A. vera. The bacterium 149H Paraburkholderiasp. increases the number of leaves and the accumulation of biomass, but on the other hand, 35V Enterobacter ludwigii inoculation increased the content of aloin in the gel and in the latex. Further research should focus on the association of these two strains in a single inoculant, to both promote growth and increase the synthesis of metabolites.

Aloe vera se encuentra entre las plantas medicinales económicamente más importantes del mundo, pero como el crecimiento de esta planta y, en consecuencia, la acumulación de metabolitos es lento, probamos la hipótesis de que las bacterias endofíticas de raíces aisladas de las plantas de A. vera pueden promover el crecimiento y aumentar la acumulación de aloína en el gel y látex. Para ello, inoculamos plántulas con cuatro bacterias endofíticas y una combinación de ellas. Confirmamos la hipótesis e identificamos dos cepas con potencial para la formulación de inoculantes para mejorar el cultivo de A. vera. La bacteria 149H Paraburkholderia sp. aumenta el número de hojas y la acumulación de biomasa, pero, por otro lado, la inoculación con Enterobacter ludwigii 35V aumentó el contenido de aloína en el gel y en el látex. La investigación adicional debe centrarse en la asociación de estas dos cepas en un solo inoculante, tanto para promover el crecimiento como para aumentar la síntesis de metabolitos

Plants, Medicinal/growth & development , Plants, Medicinal/microbiology , Aloe/growth & development , Aloe/microbiology , Endophytes/metabolism , Bacteria/metabolism , Emodin/analogs & derivatives , Agricultural Inoculants
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;39(3): 248-253, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407786


INTRODUCCIÓN: La prueba Aspergillus galactomannan Ag Virclia® (GM-VClia) es una técnica de galactomanano monotest, auto-matizada, basada en inmunoensayo quimioluminiscente (CLIA). OBJETIVO: Evaluar el desempeño del test de GM-VClia en muestras de suero y lavado bronquioalveolar (LBA) procesadas previamente con el kit Platelia™ Aspergillus EIA (GM-Plat). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 56 muestras de suero y 40 de LBA, correspondientes a un total de 59 pacientes (algunos con determinación de galactomamano en ambas muestras) con enfermedades pulmonares, hematológicas, LES, Covid-19 y tumores, entre otros. Trece pacientes tuvieron aspergilosis invasora (1 probada y 12 probables). RESULTADOS: La correlación entre ambos métodos para suero y LBA fue r = 0,8861 p < 0,0001 y r = 0,6368 p < 0,001, respectivamente. Hubo una concordancia global de 67,7% (65/96), siendo de 85,7% (48/56) en sueros y 42,5,0% (14/49) en LBA. Al subir el punto de corte en LBA por GM-VClia la concordancia aumentó a 85,7%. CONCLUSIONES: Se observó una mayor correlación y concordancia en sueros que en LBA. El kit GM-VClia presentó una mayor sensibilidad y valor predictor negativo (VPN), que el kit GM-Plat. Las desventajas de GM-VClia, la constituyen la categoría "dudoso", que dificulta la interpretación y que, con los puntos de corte actuales en LBA, la correlación con GM-Plat es menor. Las ventajas son su mayor sensibilidad, facilidad de procesamiento y una mayor rapidez en los resultados.

BACKGROUND: The Aspergillus Galactomannan Ag Virclia® (GMVClia) test is a monotest and automated galactomannan technique based on chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA). AIM: To evaluate the performance of the GM-VClia test in serum and bronchioalveolar lavage (BAL) samples previously processed with the Platelia ™ Aspergillus EIA kit (GM-Plat). METHODS: 56 samples of serum 40 from BAL (some of them with galactomaman determination in both samples), from patients with pulmonary diseases, hematological diseases, SLE, Covid-19 and tumors, among others, were studied. Thirteen patients had invasive aspergillosis (1 proven and 12 probable). RESULTS: The correlation between both methods for serum and BAL was r = 0.8861 p < 0.0001 and r = 0.6368 p < 0.001, respectively. There was a global concordance of 67.7% (65/96), being 85.7% (48/56) in sera and 42.5.0% (14/49) in BAL. By raising the cut-off point in LBA by GM-VClia, the agreement increased to 85.7%. CONCLUSION: A greater correlation and concordance was observed in sera than in BAL. The GM-VClia kit had a higher sensitivity and NPV than the GM-Plat kit. The disadvantages of GM-VClia are the "doubtful" category, which makes interpretation difficult and that with the current cut-off points in LBA the correlation with GM-Plat is lower. The advantages are its greater sensitivity, ease of processing and faster results.

Humans , Aspergillosis/diagnosis , Galactose/analogs & derivatives , Aspergillus , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid , Sensitivity and Specificity , COVID-19 , Mannans