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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 577-607, jul. 2024. ilus, graf, tab, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538069


El presente estudio es una comparación del dolor abdominal producido por trastornos gastrointestinales, aliviado por Ageratina ligustrina , entre los grupos maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqchi ́, el cual integró un enfoque etnomédico, etnobotánico y transcultural, comparando estudios previos con el presente trabajo de campo. Para evaluar la eficacia de Ageratina para aliviar el dolor abdominal, se realizó un inventario de las moléculas reportadas en esta especie, así como de su actividad farmacológica, a través de una revisión bibliográfica. Los resultados mostraron que la epidemiología del dolor producido por TGI, su etnobotánica y el modelo explicativo del dolor abdominal fueron similares entre grupos étnicos. Asimismo, se identificaron 27 moléculas con efectos antiinflamatorios y antinociceptivos, lo que podría explicar por qué esta especie es culturalmente importante para los pobladores maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqch i ́ para el alivio del dolor abdominal, mientras que, desde el punto de vista biomédico, es una especie con potencial para inhibir el dolor visceral.

The current study is a comparison of the abdominal pain conception produced by gastrointestinal disorders, relieved by Ageratina ligustrina , among inhabitants of the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups ethnomedical, ethnobotanical, and cross -cultural approaches were used to compare previous studies with the present field work. To evaluate the efficacy of A. ligustrina to relieve pain, also through a bibliographic review an inventory of the molecules present in this species was performed, as well as their pharmacological activity. The results showed that the epidemiology of pain produced by GID, its ethnobotany, and the explanatory model of abdominal pain are similar among ethnic groups. Likewise, 27 molecules with anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects were identified, which could explain why this species is culturally important for the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups for the relief of abdominal pain, while, from a biomedical point of view, it is a species with potential to inhibit visceral pain.

Humans , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Indians, Central American , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Ethnopharmacology , Ageratina/chemistry , Ethnobotany , Gastrointestinal Diseases/drug therapy , Mexico
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010178


A case of IgG4-related disease presented with a duodenal ulcer to improve the understan-ding of IgG4-related diseases was reported. A 70-year-old male presented with cutaneous pruritus and abdominal pain for four years and blackened stools for two months. Four years ago, the patient went to hospital for cutaneous pruritus and abdominal pain. Serum IgG4 was 3.09 g/L (reference value 0-1.35 g/L), alanine aminotransferase 554 U/L (reference value 9-40 U/L), aspartate aminotransferase 288 U/L (reference value 5-40 U/L), total bilirubin 54.16 μmol/L (reference value 2-21 μmol/L), and direct bilirubin 29.64 μmol/L (reference value 1.7-8.1 μmol/L) were all elevated. The abdominal CT scan and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography indicated pancreatic swelling, common bile duct stenosis, and secondary obstructive dilation of the biliary system. The patient was diagnosed with IgG4-related disease and treated with prednisone at 40 mg daily. As jaundice and abdominal pain improved, prednisone was gradually reduced to medication discontinuation. Two months ago, the patient developed melena, whose blood routine test showed severe anemia, and gastrointestinal bleeding was diagnosed. The patient came to the emergency department of Beijing Hospital with no improvement after treatment in other hospitals. Gastroscopy revealed a 1.5 cm firm duodenal bulb ulcer. After treatment with omeprazole, the fecal occult blood was still positive. The PET-CT examination was performed, and it revealed no abnormality in the metabolic activity of the duodenal wall, and no neoplastic lesions were found. IgG4-related disease was considered, and the patient was admitted to the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of Beijing Hospital for further diagnosis and treatment. The patient had a right submandibular gland mass resection history and diabetes mellitus. After the patient was admitted to the hospital, the blood test was reevaluated. The serum IgG4 was elevated at 5.44 g/L (reference value 0.03-2.01 g/L). Enhanced CT of the abdomen showed that the pancreas was mild swelling and was abnormally strengthened, with intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct dilation and soft tissue around the superior mesenteric vessels. We pathologically reevaluated and stained biopsy specimens of duodenal bulbs for IgG and IgG4. Immunohistochemical staining revealed remarkable infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells into duodenal tissue, the number of IgG4-positive cells was 20-30 cells per high-powered field, and the ratio of IgG4/IgG-positive plasma cells was more than 40%. The patient was treated with intravenous methylprednisolone at 40 mg daily dosage and cyclophosphamide, and then the duodenal ulcer was healed. IgG4 related disease is an immune-medicated rare disease characterized by chronic inflammation and fibrosis. It is a systemic disease that affects nearly every anatomic site of the body, usually involving multiple organs and diverse clinical manifestations. The digestive system manifestations of IgG4-related disease are mostly acute pancreatitis and cholangitis and rarely manifest as gastrointestinal ulcers. This case confirms that IgG4-related disease can present as a duodenal ulcer and is one of the rare causes of duodenal ulcers.

Aged , Humans , Male , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Acute Disease , Bilirubin , Duodenal Ulcer/etiology , Immunoglobulin G , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/diagnosis , Pancreatitis/drug therapy , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Pruritus/drug therapy
Rev. chil. anest ; 49(6): 813-821, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512237


INTRODUCTION: Severe oncological pain occurs in up to 60% of pelvic abdominal cáncer patients, being refractory to medical management in up to 30% of cases. In 1990, the superior hypogastric plexus neurolytic block (SHPB) was described for the control of pain in these patients. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this technique for the control of oncological pain. METHODOLY: Studies that evaluated the effectiveness of the SHPB using the classic or transdiscal approach in adult patients with oncological abdominal-pelvic pain were systematically reviewed. A search was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE and Scopus from January 1, 1990, to August 31, 2019, without a language restriction. The visual analog scale (VAS), morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, quality of life and presence of complications were recorded. The quality of the studies was evaluated using the Jadad and Ottawa-Newcastle scales. RESULTS: Eight studies met the inclusión criteria: 6 were descriptivo longitudinal studies, and 2 were controlled clinical trials, comprising 316 patients (75% female and 25% male; average age 53.2 years); the most frequent diagnoses were gynecological (65%) cancer. An average VAS reduction of 55%-60.8% was obtained as well as a MME reduction of 40%-60%. Three studies evaluated the quality of life using the (QLQ-C30), (PSS) and Zubrod scale all with positive results. Complications were reported in 18% of cases, pain related to the puncture was the most frequent. CONCLUSIONS: The SHPB may be an effective for the control of severe oncological abdominal-pelvic pain, decreasing the VAS and MME and improving the quality of life of patients.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El dolor oncológico severo se presenta hasta en el 60% de los pacientes con cáncer abdominopélvico, siendo refractario al manejo médico hasta en el 30% de los casos. En 1990, se describió el bloqueo del plexo hipogástrico superior (BPHS) para el control de dolor en estos pacientes. Nuestro objetivo en este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de esta técnica. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de estudios que evaluaron la efectividad del BPHS técnicas guiadas por fluoroscopio en pacientes adultos con dolor oncológico abdominopélvico. Se realizó una búsqueda en Pubmed, EMBASE y Scopus desde el 1de enero de 1990 hasta el 31 de agosto de 2019, sin restricción de idioma. Se evaluó la escala visual análoga, el consumo de opioides: dosis equivalente de morfina día, calidad de vida, presencia de complicaciones y se evaluó la calidad de los estudios mediante escalas Jadad y Ottawa- Newcastle. RESULTADOS: Ocho estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, 6 fueron longitudinales descriptivos y 2 ensayos clínicos controlados, con un total de 316 pacientes, 75% femenino y 25% masculino; edad promedio 53,2 años; diagnóstico más frecuente: Cáncer ginecológico (65%). Se logró una reducción de la escala visual análoga (EVA) de 55%-60,8% y reducción de la dosis equivalente de miligramos de morfina oral día (DEMO) del 40%-60%. Tres estudios evaluaron la calidad de vida con las escalas QLQ-C30, PSS y Zubrod, mostrando mejoría en todas. Se reportaron complicaciones en 18% de los casos, siendo el dolor en el sitio de punción la más frecuente.CONCLUSIONES: El BPHS puede ser efectivo en el control de dolor oncológico de origen abdominopélvico, disminuyendo escala visual análoga (EVA), dosis equivalente de miligramos de morfina oral día (DEMO) y mejorando la calidad de vida. Sin embargo, se requieren de estudios adicionales para dar una recomendación con alta calidad de evidencia.

Humans , Pelvic Neoplasms/complications , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Pelvic Pain/drug therapy , Hypogastric Plexus , Abdominal Neoplasms/complications , Nerve Block/methods , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Pelvic Pain/etiology , Pain Management , Cancer Pain
In. Machado Rodríguez, Fernando; Liñares, Norberto; Gorrasi, José; Terra Collares, Eduardo Daniel. Manejo del paciente en la emergencia: patología y cirugía de urgencia para emergencistas. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2020. p.17-30, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1342980
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 39(4): 323-328, oct.-dic 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144616


Introduction and aim: Functional abdominal pain (FAP) is one of the major gastrointestinal complaints in childhood. Studies have reported occult constipation (OC) as one of the leading causes of abdominal pain. Recent researches have proposed laxatives as potent therapeutic targets for abdominal pain in patients with OC. However, no study has compared effect of poly ethylene glycol (PEG) and lactulose on occult constipation. Materials and methods: 51 patients aged 4 to 18 years with abdominal pain who had OC (defined as fecal impaction in abdominal X ray) were studied. Demographic and clinical data including age, sex, body weight, height, abdominal pain duration, abdominal pain rate and fecal odor were registered. They were randomly assigned to receive PEG (1gr/kg) or Lactulose (1cc/kg) for at least two weeks. All patients were reevaluated by pain measurement scale after at least two weeks of treatment. Results: It is indicated that the efficacy of PEG for reducing abdominal pain in OC was 48% while it was 37% for Lactulose. This study indicated that this efficacy is not affected significantly by sex and fecal odor, however this efficacy is influenced by age, body weight, abdominal pain duration and abdominal pain rate for both PEG and Lactulose. Conclusion: It could be concluded that PEG is a more efficient drug for treating abdominal pain in occult constipation than Lactulose and its optimum effect can be achieved in elder patients with more severe abdominal pain.

Introducción y objetivo: El dolor abdominal funcional (FAP) es una de las principales molestias gastrointestinales en la infancia. Los estudios han informado que el estreñimiento oculto (OC) es una de las principales causas de dolor abdominal. Investigaciones recientes han propuesto laxantes como objetivos terapéuticos potentes para el dolor abdominal en pacientes con OC. Sin embargo, ningún estudio ha comparado el efecto del polietilenglicol (PEG) y la lactulosa sobre el estreñimiento oculto. Materiales y métodos: Se estudiaron 51 pacientes de 4 a 18 años con dolor abdominal que tenían OC (definida como impactación fecal en rayos X abdominales). Se registraron datos demográficos y clínicos que incluyen edad, sexo, peso corporal, altura, duración del dolor abdominal, tasa de dolor abdominal y olor fecal. Fueron asignados aleatoriamente para recibir PEG (1 gr/kg) o lactulosa (1 cc/kg) durante al menos dos semanas. Todos los pacientes fueron reevaluados por la escala de medición del dolor después de al menos dos semanas de tratamiento. Resultados: Se indica que la eficacia de PEG para reducir el dolor abdominal en OC fue del 48% mientras que fue del 37% para la lactulosa. Este estudio indicó que esta eficacia no se ve afectada significativamente por el sexo y el olor fecal, sin embargo, esta eficacia está influenciada por la edad, el peso corporal, la duración del dolor abdominal y la tasa de dolor abdominal tanto para PEG como para lactulosa. Conclusión: Se podría concluir que el PEG es un fármaco más eficaz para tratar el dolor abdominal en el estreñimiento oculto que la lactulosa y que su efecto óptimo se puede lograr en pacientes mayores con dolor abdominal más severo.Palabras clave: dolor abdominal, estreñimiento oculto, polietilenglicol, lactulosa.

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Polyethylene Glycols/therapeutic use , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Constipation/drug therapy , Laxatives/therapeutic use , Fecal Impaction/drug therapy , Lactulose/therapeutic use , Time Factors , Body Weight , Pain Measurement/methods , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Sex Factors , Age Factors , Constipation/complications , Fecal Impaction/complications , Fecal Impaction/diagnostic imaging
Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(9): 1198-1205, set. 2015. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-762689


Background: In Chile, gastric cancer (GC) is a major cause of cancer related deaths. The current screening strategy consists of an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGE) for people aged 40 years or more with epigastric pain. Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic coverage of the use of UGE for early detection of GC in Chile. Material and Methods: As part of the digestive module of the 2009-10 National Health Survey, 5293 adults over 15 years were asked about the presence of epigastric pain, possible upper gastrointestinal bleeding (PUGB), use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs), family history of GC and having performed an UGE. Results: Persistent epigastric pain was observed in 3.4% of the population. PUGB signs were observed in 3.3% of the population. The prevalence of PPIs and H2RAs use was 4.3% and 2.2% respectively, reaching 21.6% in people aged 70 years and older. Life span prevalence of UGE was 18.3%, with differences by region, health insurance and educational level. UGE coverage in people aged 40 years or older with and without persistent epigastric pain was 14.4% and 3.2% respectively (Odds ratio 4.8, p < 0.01). The prevalence of UGE was similar among people with or without PUGB or family history of CG. Conclusions: The estimated coverage of the current GC prevention strategy in Chile is 14.4%, evaluated at a population level. Further studies are required to determine the impact of this strategy on early GC diagnosis and mortality.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal/statistics & numerical data , Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Mass Screening/statistics & numerical data , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Abdominal Pain/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Chile/epidemiology , Educational Status , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal/methods , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/drug therapy , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/epidemiology , /therapeutic use , Mass Screening/methods , Multivariate Analysis , Prevalence , Proton Pump Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Residence Characteristics/statistics & numerical data , Sex Distribution , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology
J. bras. med ; 102(1)jan.-fev. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-712209


Pancreatite autoimune é uma entidade caracterizada por processo inflamatório autoimune, no qual há proeminente infiltrado linfocitário associado à fibrose do pâncreas, com disfunção orgânica. Nas últimas quatro décadas, várias descrições morfológicas foram propostas para caracterizar a doença. Recentemente, o termo pancreatite autoimune se tornou largamente aceito, embora, aparentemente, a pancreatite autoimune seja uma doença heterogênea.

Autoimmune pancreatitis is a entity characterized by an autoimmune inflammatory process where there is an outstanding lymphocytic infiltrated associated with fibrosis of pancreas with organic dysfunction. The last four decades, many morphological descriptions have been proposed in order to characterized the disease. Recently, autoimmune pancreatitis term became widely accepted, however, autoimmune pancreatitis is a heterogeneous disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Autoimmune Diseases/diagnosis , Pancreatitis/diagnosis , Pancreatitis/therapy , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Back Pain/drug therapy , Steroids/administration & dosage , Steroids/therapeutic use , Hypergammaglobulinemia , Jaundice, Obstructive/drug therapy , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Pancreas/pathology
J Indian Med Assoc ; 2007 Nov; 105(11): 658, 660-1
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-99213


Amoebic infection caused by the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica is a prevalent infection in the developing countries. Milder form of this infection is associated with loose stool, flatulence and borborygmi, may or may not be associated with pain in abdomen and treated symptomatically by some physicians by antacid. To find out the effects of antacid (sorbacid) therapy in patients with amoeba in stools by examining the changes in the stool report, a study was conducted among 25 patients enrolled in the study with complaints of "gas" in the abdomen with stool reports positive for amoeba. Antacid (sorbacid) in a dose of one teaspoonful (5 ml) was given three times a day for 3 days and stool examination was repeated. The report showed a significant reduction in the amoeba and mucus in stool (p<0.05) and a trend towards reduction in the presence of occult blood. Other parameters in stool reports did not change. Moreover, all the patients gave the history of passing formed stools and no complaints of "gas" in abdomen thus providing the symptomatic benefit. Antacids may have some beneficial effects in amoebiasis. More studies are required to confirm the above finding and to find out the place of antacid as an adjuvant therapy along with the standard anti-amoebic drugs.

Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Animals , Antacids/pharmacology , Developing Countries , Entamoeba histolytica/drug effects , Entamoebiasis/diagnosis , Feces/chemistry , Humans , Prospective Studies
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 102(1): 91-96, Feb. 2007. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-440643


Rheedia longifolia Planch et Triana belongs to the Clusiaceae family. This plant is widely distributed in Brazil, but its chemical and pharmacological properties have not yet been studied. We report here that leaves aqueous extract of R. longifolia (LAE) shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Oral or intraperitoneal administration of this extract dose-dependently inhibited the abdominal constrictions induced by acetic acid in mice. The analgesic effect and the duration of action were similar to those observed with sodium diclofenac, a classical non-steroidal analgesic. In addition to the effect seen in the abdominal constriction model, LAE was also able to inhibit the hyperalgesia induced by lipopolysaccharide from gram-negative bacteria (LPS) in rats. We also found that R. longifolia LAE inhibited an inflammatory reaction induced by LPS in the pleural cavity of mice. Acute toxicity was evaluated in mice treated with the extract for seven days with 50 mg/kg/day. Neither death, nor alterations in weight, blood leukocyte counts or hematocrit were noted. Our results suggest that aqueous extract from R. longifolia leaves has analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity with minimal toxicity and are therefore endowed with a potential for pharmacological control of pain and inflammation.

Animals , Mice , Rats , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Analgesics/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Clusiaceae/chemistry , Pleurisy/drug therapy , Acetic Acid , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Pain Measurement , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Rats, Wistar
Rev. chil. cir ; 58(5): 347-353, oct. 2006. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-438435


Introducción: Existe controversia acerca del uso de analgesia durante el proceso diagnóstico y la toma de decisiones en pacientes con dolor abdominal agudo (DAA). El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si el uso de analgésicos opiáceos (AO) en pacientes con DAA incrementa el riesgo de error diagnóstico. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos aleatorios (ECAs) sin restricción idiomática, que comparasen el uso de AO vs. placebo en pacientes con DAA, administrados antes de cualquier intervención. Fueron excluidos ECAs con resumen no disponible ó temática no atingente. Las variables consideradas fueron edad; género; porcentaje de: efectos adversos, apendicitis, cambios al examen físico y error diagnóstico; modificación de la intensidad del dolor medido por escala visual análoga; y, calidad metodológica de los estudios. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos COCHRANE y MEDLINE, utilizando términos MeSH. El análisis de cada artículo fue realizado aplicando un escore de calidad metodológica mediante el cual se calcularon promedios ponderados para cada variable. Se aplicaron las estadísticas x² y t-test para comparación de grupos. Resultados: Se encontraron 6 artículos que cumplían los criterios de selección cuyo escore de calidad metodológica promedio fue de 21,6 puntos. Los estudios representan una población de 363 pacientes tratados con opiáceos y 336 con placebo, sin diferencias en promedio de edad (39,4 vs. 39,6 años), distribución por género, prevalencia de apendicitis aguda (23,3 por ciento vs. 24 por ciento) ni error diagnóstico (15,6 por ciento vs 21,1 por ciento; p=0.0637). Se verificó diferencias en la variable reducción del dolor medido por escala visual análoga (27,2 vs. 7,2 mm, respectivamente; p=0,0167). Conclusiones: El uso de AO en pacientes con DAA no incrementa el riesgo de error diagnóstico y reduce el dolor durante la toma de decisiones.

There is controversy about the use of analgesia during the diagnostic work up of acute abdominal pain. We performed a systematic review of literature in databases such as COCHRANE and MEDLINE, looking for randomized clinical trials comparing the use of opiate analgesics and placebo in patients with acute abdominal pain, before surgery. The variables considered were age, gender, adverse effects, diagnosis of appendicitis, changes in physical examination and diagnostic error. Six papers were found, with a mean methodological quality score of 21.6 of a maximum of 36. A total population of 363 patients were treated with opiates and 336 with placebo. There were no differences between groups in age, gender, prevalence of appendicitis or diagnostic errors. There was a significant reduction in pain among patients that received opiates, compared with those on placebo (7.2 and 27.2 mm in the visual analog score, respectively, p=0.02). It is concluded that opiates do not increment the risk of diagnostic errors and significantly reduce pain in patients with acute abdominal pain.

Humans , Analgesics, Opioid/therapeutic use , Diagnostic Errors , Abdominal Pain/diagnosis , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy
Alexandria Journal of Pediatrics. 2006; 20 (2): 471-478
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-75714


Pain defines as unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Many factors may distort the nurses' perception of children's pain which creates an intense need for assessing nurses' perception and management of children during post operative pain. This study aims to identify nurses' perception and management practices of children's pain after abdominal surgery. The study was conducted at the Pediatric Surgery Department at Tanta University Hospitals and Surgery Department at Damanhour National Medical Institution. Convenient sample of 90 nurses working with school age children with post abdominal surgery pain. Two tools were used to collect the necessary data. The first tool was a questionnaire sheet, which included demographic data In addition questions for assessment of nurses' perception of children's postoperative, methods used for assessment and management of children's pain. The second tool was observation checklists to assess nurses' identification of behavioral clauses of pain, nurses' performances during assessment of pain intensity and during management of post operative pain in children by pharmacological and non pharmacological measures. The present study revealed that the nurses' perception of children's postoperative pain is lacking and inadequate for providing effective nursing care for children during pain experience and children were poorly managed for postoperative pain in the studied hospitals. It can be concluded that nurses did not play any role in the decision regarding pain management just they were carrying out the physician's prescriptions. The study recommended in service training and continuing education should be provided for all nursing personnel working in the pediatric surgical department

Humans , Male , Female , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Schools , Pediatric Nursing/education , School Nursing/education , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pain Measurement , Observation , Nursing Care
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 870-873, 2005.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-80410


There are many medical causes of abdominal pain; abdominal epilepsy is one of the rarer causes. It is a form of temporal lobe epilepsy presenting with abdominal aura. Temporal lobe epilepsy is often idiopathic, however it may be associated with mesial temporal lobe sclerosis, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors and other benign tumors, arterio-venous malformations, gliomas, neuronal migration defects or gliotic damage as a result of encephalitis. When associated with anatomical abnormality, abdominal epilepsy is difficult to control with medication alone. In such cases, appropriate neurosurgery can provide a cure or, at least, make this condition easier to treat with medication. Once all known intra-abdominal causes have been ruled out, many cases of abdominal pain are dubbed as functional. If clinicians are not aware of abdominal epilepsy, this diagnosis is easily missed, resulting in inappropriate treatment. We present a case report of a middle aged woman presenting with abdominal pain and episodes of unconsciousness. On evaluation she was found to have an intra-abdominal foreign body (needle). Nevertheless, the presence of this entity was insufficient to explain her episodes of unconsciousness. On detailed analysis of her medical history and after appropriate investigations, she was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy which was treated with appropriate medications, and which resulted in her pain being relieved.

Humans , Female , Adult , Radiography, Abdominal , Foreign Bodies/pathology , Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe/diagnosis , Electroencephalography , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Abdomen
Colomb. med ; 36(2,supl.1): 39-41, 2005.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-422873


El dolor abdominal recurrente (DAR) es un problema frecuente en la consulta médica y en la subespecialidad médica y quirúrgica. El DAR es frecuentemente funcional, es decir, sin una causa orgánica aparente. El diagnóstico diferencial debe incluir pérdida de peso, sangrado gastrointestinal, fiebre persistente, diarrea crónica y vómito importante. En este artículo se revisa el diagnóstico y tratamiento, pruebas diagnósticas y manejo farmacológico y ambiental

Child , Abdominal Pain/diagnosis , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Abdominal Pain/therapy , Colombia
Dolor ; 14(43): 14-19, jul. 2004. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-677292


El cáncer de vesícula es generalmente diagnosticado tardíamente, por lo cual manejar adecuadamente los síntomas y optimizar la calidad de vida es fundamental. El dolor es generalmente de origen visceral y en su manejo se privilegia la vía oral y subcutánea, según el concepto de escalera analgésica de la OMS; esto facilita el acceso de los pacientes a la analgesia opioide y a los fármacos coadyuvantes. Los métodos invasivos son: analgesia espinal y bloqueo neurolítico de plexo celíaco.Otros síntomas como náuseas y vómitos, anorexia, astenia, constipación, ictericia y prurito, edema de extremidades, ascitis, singulto y cuadros ansioso-depresivos, se tratan con diversas estrategias farmacológicas y no farmacológicas. La atención de los problemas psicosociales del paciente y su familia es también muy importante. En la experiencia del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer entre 1994 y 2001, se observa un incremento progresivo de los pacientes con cáncer de vesícula avanzado, describiéndose la incidencia, evolución y tratamiento de 120 pacientes con distintos síntomas de una patología cuya sobrevida fue entre 1 y 224 días (promedio 49.8 días) y en los cuales se aplicó un modelo de manejo integral del paciente, bajo el concepto de medicina paliativa.

Gallbladder cancer is diagnosed too late most of the time. For this reason symptomatic management and improve quality of life is essential. Pain has visceral origin and must be alleviated using the WHO analgesic ladder strategy by oral or subcutaneous route. Access of patient to different opioids and coadyuvants is mandatory. Invasive methods for analgesia includes spinal analgesia and neurolityc celiac plexus block. Other symptoms like nausea and vomits, anorexia, asthenia, constipation, jaundice and pruritus, lower limbs oedema, ascites, hiccup, and depressive states, need pharmacological and non pharmacological approach. Psychosocial intervention is advisable. Analysing "Instituto Nacional del Cáncer" experience since 1994 to 2001, a progressive increment in patients with gallbladder cancer is observed, describing the incidence, evolution and management of pain and others symptoms in 120 patients with this pathology. Mean survival of patients was between 1 and 224 days, (mean 49,8 days). An integral management of palliative medicine was applied.

Humans , Abdominal Pain/psychology , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Abdominal Pain/therapy , Gallbladder Neoplasms/diagnosis , Gallbladder Neoplasms/epidemiology , Gallbladder Neoplasms/pathology , Gallbladder Neoplasms/psychology , Gallbladder Neoplasms/drug therapy , Gallbladder Neoplasms/therapy , Pain Clinics/classification , Pain Clinics/statistics & numerical data , Pain Measurement/methods